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0:00 Intro & Sponsorship
1:46 Crypto Market Analysis
4:46 Crypto Cheat Code in This Market (APY YIELD STABLECOIN)
7:00 Top Crypto Gainers & Losers (Small Cap Altcoins Worth It?)
7:45 Hedge Funds Increasing Crypto Holdings
10:43 $AMC Movement and My Thoughts
11:55 Final Thoughts & Special Offers
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#Crypto #Bitcoin

Yo, what is going on you guys welcome back to another video in this episode. We're gon na be talking about bitcoin what hedge funds plan on doing with their investments, some trending all coins and moves that you can make in this market to make money now, hopefully, y'all are having a good week. I know i am because bitcoin is still past. Forty thousand dollars it is holding these levels, which is magnificent, and i'm really excited to see what's gon na happen by the end of this week, now, like the usual, don't forget to drop a like down below on this video swol doge thanks you brian jung thanks.

You and one more thing: little special thing: we actually have a sponsor for today's video and that's going to be keeps thanks to keeps for sponsoring this video. So if you guys didn't know, i'm always recording my face on these videos like this, but i got a freaking. I got a bald spot right here. I've had this, since i was a kid, and the last thing i want is for my bald spot to spread and make me a bald man, although there's nothing wrong with a bald look, and i respect it, it is just not my style, so keeps is literally How it sounds, keep your hair on your head keeps is a subscription service that focuses on making it more easier, more affordable for men to treat their male pattern.

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It is holding these levels we're seeing a slight decrease in the market volume, because what we're noticing is that many people are trying to figure out exactly what the next move to make is. Whenever bitcoin hits some of these new resistance level it breaks through and it doesn't make much movement a lot of people end up doing the deer and headlight scenario. We all sit by and wait because this can still go in two very different directions, but i do believe right now at the fact that we're holding these levels is a really good bullish. Sign, like i mentioned the volume on the shorts, the futures, everything that we know in accordance to the ta as well, any time we're able to hold these levels we're going to get more leverage, we're going to get more momentum and we're going to be talking about The crypto fear and greed index a little later on exactly what this means, because that is some really good news as well so bitcoin today, what you have to know they're up almost 25 since the last dip that we've had, if you were investing into bitcoin.
If you were playing, these swings a little bit more aggressively you'd be making your money back now. On top of that, it looks like the overall. All coins are still playing a little flat. Ethereum is still one of my top holding cryptocurrencies and they are up 5.9 percent in the past week.

What i'm looking forward to is seeing some more momentum, some more growth back into ethereum and back into d5 products. So we start seeing that fear and greed index. Let me just show you all right here: if we start seeing this, which is going almost back to neutral, we are gon na start, seeing money getting poured into these top other all coins, and what we saw last time was ethereum rising up on a significant level. So right now, a lot of the intention is on bitcoin, because this is the oldest the top, the primary the number one cryptocurrency.

But as soon as we start getting more stability in that expect, ethereum and other top d5 products to start getting flooded with money. And that's what we would consider the next altcoin season, but going back into other cryptocurrencies, it looks like tether, is still doing fairly well in terms of the supply, the volume and how much action it's getting. So if we compare tether to even ethereum or bitcoin, more people are still pouring money into tether, so this is a stable coin. This is where the price of cryptocurrency will not fluctuate, and the reason why we're seeing stable coins getting more action during this time is because, just like me - and you not many, people are trying to make moves in a volatile market, because this can still go in Either direction north or south, and it's too early to predict exactly what may happen so in order to play the neutral or the safe bet.

It's to move your money out of these cryptocurrencies, not put it into your bank account, but to put it back on the sidelines into a stable coin that isn't going to fluctuate with the market price, so tether alongside other stable coins, are still going to be placed Here, if you guys want to have like a little crypto cheat code or a hack, what you can do is find stable coins that offer you apy incentives. So, although it seems like your money is not making you anything because it's in a stable coin, you can often find these accounts that are going to bring you additional apy and interest. So if you want to reap the benefit of still making money in this market, while reducing any type of volatility or risk at all, that is another play that you can consider doing while still being involved in the crypto market. While having your money parked aside with block by you, can get up to eight point, six percent apy, no hidden fees, no minimum balances, no reason to wait at all.
And if you check out my link down below you can get up to 25 dollars to even 250, depending on how much you deposit, if you are a new customer for them. So that's a little hack that i'm going to share with you guys about. If you don't really know what to do, if you can't stomach this volatility instead of taking that l, i would consider doing that, so you can at least have that advantage of whenever the crypto market does take that dip, or we do return back into a clear Momentum up trend: that's when you can reinvest into the market now on top of that cardano 1.56, today, dogecoin 32 cents, xrp still at 86 cents. A lot of these all coins are trading in the same range that they've been sitting at for the past week.

Polka dot, however, is up. They are up 16 in the last week at 24. The unit swap is at 23.57 very similar price action on the charts. Today, litecoin is at eight cents, 173.98, two percent today, but up twelve percent for the week.

So solana is up. Six percent for today, chain link is up at 25 or up nine percent for the week and polygon we're seeing some good action return back to polygon anytime. I see polygon entering near the dollar 30, or even a dollar 20, which would be a steal. I do plan on making these swing trades because i know polygon is going to return very, very quick, so polygon, like i said, a dollar 66 cents today for anyone who did buy that low, which was around for at least a week, you're going to be seeing A immediate return on your investment in just under a week, so another point to make is that you can still make money in this market so for the top crypto gainers and losers.

Today we have pin at 440 percent increase in the last 24 hours earth up 273 bytecoin up 225 dingo coin up 200 moon trust up for 146. Excuse me and you'll notice that these are some very, very small new project. All coins. Look at this volume of 3 million volume of 489 000.

This means, if i wanted to place a investment of say even fifty thousand dollars. This would literally move the market uh. Now i don't recommend investing into any of these top gainers, but i show these just for you guys to realize that there is still money to be made every single day in the crypto market. You just need to know exactly where to look now.

On top of that guys, i want to talk about this article here, hedge funds expected to increase crypto holdings over the next five years. So new survey found that traditional hedge funds plan to invest an average of 7.2 percent of their holdings in cryptocurrency. So, what's really interesting about today's day and age is that hedge funds are opening up a lot of their positions to new retail investors like us, we're seeing the d5 space expand, we're seeing a lot of these newer fintech companies come into the space and say: hey You don't need to be a multi-millionaire in order to invest in our hedge fund. You can invest with us right now.
We will still make you a generating income back on whatever you want to invest in, and on top of that, it looks like they are getting a better idea of what the best returning investments in the next five years are. What a lot of these traditional hedge funds and institutions are saying is look, crypto is gon na continue to evolve, crypto is gon na continue to blow up, and this is gon na, be one of the best performing assets in order to make money in this market. Now what we have to do is not invest five years, then, when things actually pick up, it's to start investing now so take away from hedge funds and institutions, although we consider them an enemy of the state and uh, a group that you know oftentimes we're not A big fan of they are on to a point here, as you guys know, when we start having that modern mainstream shift into the entire population really moving over into this asset class and realizing hey. This is really not going to slow down.

The fud is a race, the speculation is gone. That's when i would say it's going to be a little too late to invest because you're going to be missing out on all of these early adopter moves that you have the ability to get in on now. So for anyone who recently invested into crypto, please do not be short-sighted about your recent investment. I know it's easy to look at some of these smaller all coins and kick yourself and say: hey man, if i'm there, if i'm not making 200 today, then this is a failure.

This is not the move, but you got to realize a month from now. Six months from now a year from now five years or even a decade, your future children or your children now will be thanking you on the investment that you made. So please do not think that crypto is this pump and dump scheme? That's not going anywhere. Fundamentally, the use case is there we're seeing more adaptation check out yesterday's video of different countries talking about the implementation and talking about putting crypto into use and making it even more additional legal tender for it to have better widespread adoption as a currency? So what you have to realize through all of this, the biggest point to make is that crypto is more than just a short-term way of making money in this market.

I know that we all want to make those a thousand percent returns as soon as possible b. You have to wait, you have to play it long term and if you continue to average through these dips, you will come out ahead. Okay, you don't need to have the smartest brain out here in order to make a return. There are going to be people who literally become multi-millionaires because they know how to invest because they know how to be patient through the waves.
So everything being said in this video, i also want to talk about our fellow apes on the stock market side. So amc today, man, they are ripping. So in the past week they are up 17. Today they are up 7.25 and from the volume then i'm seeing the activity it looks like amc is not going to slow down at any moment and just the fact that they're holding at least past 40 dollars and even at 60 dollars.

I do believe amc is gon na have a very awesome week ahead, so i'm holding all of my positions and gon na see where this is gon na take us. I do believe amc alongside gme and other meme stocks still have a lot of potential and whenever this craze decides to die down, which i believe is gon na happen after we see that short squeeze of amc going past 100 - maybe 200, maybe even 300. That's when money is going to really start to cycle back into other altcoins into other cryptocurrencies, and that's why i got to say: keep an eye out on some of these plays because all the ones that are sleeping right now, ethereum cardano, uh, even polygon salon chain Link they're going to start waking up once we get some of that new money coming back into the market, and some of that fud continues to get erased all right guys. Thank you all so much again for watching today's video comment down below what your favorite cryptocurrency is.

This could be a crypto that you aren't holding or a crypto that you are holding for me. The one that comes to mind is chain link. I really want this to start popping off again past 30 dollars. That would be amazing, the last all-time high, since the crash of may was at over 50 dollars.

So even right now it's at pretty much 50 percent off. Let me know what that is now. On top of that, you guys we are going to be opening up some additional spots to our inner circle group, so stay tuned for that for any members who are watching this, we do have that private live stream, lined up with a cpa tax, certified accountant for Cryptocurrency, so stay tuned for that you guys will get a special invite link within the patreon, so make sure you guys set a reminder for that in your calendar. On top of that, you guys don't forget to check out weeble.

You get two free stocks where you can trade, crypto and stocks valued up to eighteen hundred fifty dollars after you deposit a hundred dollars into the app like usual. If you have not yet picked up surf shark 83 off three months free using my link down below and hopefully i'll see, y'all in the next video peace out.

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36 thoughts on “Breaking crypto news: crypto hedge funds & trending alt coins”
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  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khengfui Leaw says:

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    Iโ€™ve never seen anyone do it better

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    Iโ€™ve never seen anyone do it better.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe san says:

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    Iโ€™ve never seen anyone do it better!

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