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With what's happening over in the Middle East while demand for war Hedges Yes, War Hedges is skyrocketing dramatically, almost everyone with big money right now is preparing for a huge huge Shake Up In global financial markets as a result of what is going on. and again, it's a horrible, horrible situation over there. But we got to follow what the big money is doing here because it's very, very indicative as to what they think is going to happen and and where all the money is going to flow. I'm going to go through this step by step what's going on, where they're putting their money and how you can both protect yourself and also hopefully make some money.

And then lastly, at the end of today's video, I'm going to present our newest top idea whlr Whlr has previous Spike ability and short interest that is literally out of this world at over 112% of free float. and I want to discuss why this in my view is primed to break out. This is going to be an incredibly value packed video and I highly recommend that you watch to the very end. Okay, let's get right to work.

okay folks. So like I said, unfortunately, War Hedges are breaking out rapidly. Now the thing about the market that you got to know is that most of the movement that you see on a day-to-day basis in bigger stocks specifically and in overall indices is wealthy people. Wealthy people control most of the stocks in the stock market either through direct ownership or because they manage a lot of the investment accounts and capital of the middle class.

When you invest into a retirement fund with a big institution, well, the institutional leaders control that money and they control the decisions that guard that money. And you got to remember these top people: The Wealthy as most powerful people that control a lot of the movement in the market, the vast majority of it. Well, they're not stupid. They have all of the connection.

They're the most informed in society. They're going out to lunch and dinner with top politicians, top analysts, top geopolitical experts all around the world. and they're getting The Latest Scoop that we don't get for probably 2 weeks after something happens. And while we're not sitting at those lunch and dinner tables, well, the truth is that we could see the symptoms of what they're being told at them based on where they're moving their money around and where they're moving their funds Capital around.

And right now, the symptoms that we are seeing is that there's a lot of talking going on about this Middle East Crisis and a lot of the people people with a lot of money are thinking this is going to get unfortunately way way way more volatile. Right now, big money is hedging in Mass for a much much bigger global conflict. Where do we see the evidence for this? Well, the number one war Hedge for war in the Middle East is oil. As Zero Hedge pointed out, Ovx which tracks oil volatility is the key War hedge that people are looking at right now and it's breaking out massively.
You see, folks, Ovx goes up when people are buying Hedges against oil volatility. People buy Hedges against oil volatility When when when they think oil price uncertainty is going to increase extremely fast and people think oil price uncertainty is going to increase extremely fast in times of war and in times of increasing war and broadening War The fact of the matter is that right now Ovx has trended up so fast and is trending up so fast that it looks like any day now, it's primed to blow a gasket. The way that this has worked historically for folks who have followed these types of indices in times of uncertainty and Rising volatility. Well, the way that it works is that historically Ovx starts slowly Rising as big money runs the Hedge against the conflict, and then all of a sudden when the conflict really intensifies, you get a massive, massive Gap up squeeze and it's too late to hedge at an appropriate price.

So those that hedged can go and sell those contracts to those that need it at really, really, really ridiculous prices. So you have a lot of people that are hedging right now. They don't actually need the hedges to protect any positions, but they're just buying these knowing that if oil really really breaks out, if this overall crisis gets a lot worse, what's going to happen. Well, they're going to be able to unload those contracts and exercise and or exercise those contracts at really, really, really lucrative prices and make a killing.

So Hedge funds in Big Money right now are quietly but consistently hedging for this and expecting that pretty soon. you're going to get into a situation like you had in 2020, where you had this massive, massive volatility oil squeeze. Big Money remembers. hey, that shock on Oil in 2020.

That shock on Oil in the crisis of 2020. Well, that led to huge profitability for those who traded that successfully. But the shock on Oil in 2023 and 2024 with this new crisis has the potential to do much, much, much more than that. And that is what big Money is trying to take advantage of right now.

and more and more people are taking notice. And that's why you're starting to see that Trend go up so aggressively and you know these people are going and sitting down with experts. And what do you think? Those experts are telling them? If they're going and buying All this, What do you think? They're telling them? They're telling them. Hey, this situation is likely to get worse now personally.

I Really, really hope that tomorrow, this conflict goes away and there's a big peace deal and there's never, ever, ever again a conflict in the Middle East But for those of you who don't think that's going to happen, well, you better be at Ovx. You better be prepared hedging in the overall market and you better not have your eyes closed because you're going to get screwed. There's a lot of folks right now that are reading the news and they're falling for these berries and Roses analysts that are saying you don't need to protect yourself, you don't need to hedge, you don't need to follow what the Big Money is doing. Just do what you always do because nothing is new this time.
Well guess what folks, This is a really, really big crisis and unfortunately for those of you here in the United States if you have your eyes closed, you're probably going to get screwed quite a lot. Instead, you got to follow what the Big Money does, not what the Big Money says you. You have to follow what the big Money is doing. To position for this, you have to look at the trends and you have to trade with the trend.

and then when the trend bends, you flip into a different Trend. Now the other thing we are seeing and in my view will likely continue seeing is Defense stocks. Rally and Rally Huge, You know. I Made a video about a week ago on how the US government when the US government sends its military stockpiles of weapons to Israel or Ukraine while they replenish it using defense contractors that charge an arm and a leg and a foot.

And that's big big business folks. And likewise, those companies their stock prises are going up quite a lot quite frankly, like clockwork, and like we saw during the Ukraine early days. Well, L Martin LMT is going parabolic North rup Grumman is going Parabolic Ron Nice uptrend. I Think this one's probably a little bit undervalued.

It's probably going to catch up soon. Boeing isn't doing that great? Maybe their lobbyists are too shy I Don't know. But here's the thing. according to NBC Biden is expected to go to Congress and asked for another 60 billion for Ukraine and 100 billion for Israel and both are likely to get approved and likely won't be the last eight packages that get approved and sent over there.

And for context on how much this is, it's quite a lot. To date. the US has only provided a total of 76 billion to Ukraine. This is another 60 billion for Ukraine and another 100 billion for Israel.

So again, quite a lot compared to what we've already sent, and a lot of people say that what we've sent is quite a lot. Certainly, the defense contractors aren't complaining, but this is the overall situation that we're in right now, and this round of 60 billion and 100 billion consecutively is likely largely going to go towards direct defense like weapons and equipment and training. And that's largely going to be a windfall for defense contractors like Locked Martin, Tiger Symble LMT and the others. Now, The other interesting Trend that I'm seeing right now is what is happening in the Safe Haven area of the market.

We are seeing money allocated to gold at a rapid clip. Gold has outperformed bonds and the dollar since Hamas attacked Israel by quite a large margin. And why is that? Well, you see in times of geopolitical uncertainty, you have investors wanting to go into a Safe haven asset, and gold is obviously the most lucrative of those in most bad situations because gold has been a reliable asset since before. Biblical Times you you look at UGL which leverages the moves of gold.
It's gone from 50 to 59 bucks since the attack and I don't see that it has any signs of stopping. You open up the 180-day chart. Where are the bearish signs comment below? If you see bearish signs I see none. They are nowhere to be found.

This has broken out past previous resistance at 58 and 59. It's barreling towards the next resistance in the low 60s and at this pace, maybe you're You get one breath and you're at 6870. So overall, if you think the current Middle East conflict is not going to be better in the next month or two, Well, you've got to also be expecting gold to continue to Rally massively. And that's why you're seeing this allocation.

Right now. you're seeing this massive, massive rally because a lot of big money. They're talking To their friends, they're talking to people that have connections and knowhow, and and well. Nobody seems to be very optimistic about the situation, so they're positioning accordingly.

Now, let's talk for a second about Equity risk premium. When you are buying stocks, why do you buy them? Well, You buy them because you think that you're going to get a premium over whatever else you would buy. You think you're better off buying a stock than putting that money in the Bank in a savings account, or putting it in T- bills, or putting it in whatever else. Well, that situation is ceasing to be true.

You look at S&P 500 forward earnings yield over the 10-year treasury yield while the equity risk premium is nearing zero Zero for the first time in over two decades. Which means the incentive to get into stocks has nearly completely flipped and all the incentives are pointing to not be in stocks. And this is happening for the first time in two decades. Of course, we've mentioned this before how the risk premium was dropping, but now it's close to zero.

When the FED started raising rates and incentivizing money to drain out of everywhere, it was a slow, painful, but steady process that brought us all the way down here. And now we are finally at the situation where the FED has successfully destroyed any sort of incentive to be into the stock market, at least from an equity risk premium standpoint. Right now, if you're a big hedge fund, you're a big portfolio manager. You manage a lots of institutional money Well, you're looking at the data, you're looking at your Alos, and you're like, wait, there's no premium anymore to be paid for investing in the stock market, at least not on a broader scale.

And that's where this gets very, very, very interesting. You see, if you're a big fun player right now, you're someone with a lot of money you don't have that many areas of the market to allocate your Capital to. So if you want to achieve that prized Alpha the extra return on the rest of the market, what do you have to do? You have to find specific segments of the stock market that are that are primed to outperform and do have a high-risk premium, and those are the ones that are attached to the geopolitical situ ation. And that's why.
into the coming weeks and into the coming months, you are going to see a lot of attention being paid to oil volatility indexes to the price of oil hedging on oil. Overall, which goes into the oil volatility indexes, you're going to see a lot of attention on overall volatility Hedges Uvxy tracks that. that's an opportunity and and and you're going to see a lot of attention be paid to Gold If The Fed needs to restimulate and lower interest rates in order to bail us out of the coming crisis that's going to happen if this war becomes much bigger. Well, all of a sudden you're going to start seeing that inflation fear start spiking again and gold is going to have another reason to.

Rally Okay, anyways, moving on. we're going to talk about our next idea from a trading perspective. If you are a Trader this could be a very, very interesting opportunity. I'll break it down and then you go off and do your own research and you be the judge.

So our new top idea is Whlr. First thing to know, Whlr short interest is literally out of this world. It's Tom Mars According to Ortek, short interest has climbed so aggressively to the point that we are now add an estimated 112% of free float sold short 112% Now what's fascinating about this is this is no loser company. This is a cash flow positive company in an extremely stable sector real estate.

You see, their market cap is $3.19 million today after a pretty rough trading day. I Mean the stock got hammered today as short squeeze stocks often do on some days, but their quarterly cash flow is $3.69 million. Talk about a big Arbitrage there. And that's why it's so important that I highlight this stock right now if the stock is trading at8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or12 million like it has been previously.

Well, all of a sudden that Arbitrage closes in pretty damn fast. But let me tell you why this is beat down so much. and the reason I believe is because this is just one of those areas of the markets where short sellers can easily run a muck with real estate small caps. because a lot of people that like to squeeze speculate that like to trade small caps.

Well, they don't think anything is sexy about a real estate investment trust. They don't think anything is sexy about that. They think a biotech play is sexy. They think an AI stock is sexy, so on and so forth.

But they don't like these small cap sectors of the market when it comes down to real estate. Short sellers have had their way with the stock for a year plus and I would argue they've had a massive role in driving this all the way down to the ground. And yes, there has been a few push backs, which I like to see. There have been a few push backs, but the farther this goes down the more likely you are to get a massive massive push back once people realize how undervalue this is.
at least in my opinion in September it. Rose From 4 to 1073 in a trading day or two recent weeks it's been active as well. You've seen volume start climbing. So my thought process on the stock is we can see we can look back the last year plus of trading and we could see that Shorts have had their way with the stock and they've been overall like 99% successful.

They've had a few attempts at a push back where you got massive massive squeeze rallies, but overall they end up shorten it right back down to the ground. My thought process is similar to the other times where we had those massive massive squeeze rallies where people called BS on shorts. Well I think that now that we're trading even lower and short interest is so damn. High Well I think that the next rally that pushes against those short sellers is going to be even more crazy now.

of course. short squeeze type of stocks. What happens? They usually go up massively and then they dump massively and I expect that to be the case here too. and that's why this is a trade idea and not a long-term buy hold and get married with the stock idea.

Anyways, that is the breakdown and this is our top idea right now. now. How can you be the first to hear about the latest Catalyst and the latest hot ideas? Well, with a Zip Trader U membership. Thank you for asking! We've actually had a lot of success in our briefings the last couple of weeks.

Here are a few examples: We briefed on Tpst for Zip Trader you members last week at 94 cents a share Wednesday morning and it proceeded to run to150 that's right, 94 cents a share to $11.50 That's about a 1,122 23% increase. Briefing price to highs. Very unique setup and we didn't expect to see that big of a run. The setup was great, the market conditions were conducive, but we didn't expect it to go up 1,000 plus per.

We thought maybe a couple hundred% but again, when you got the right setup and you find it early on enough, you can be in the right place when something really goes on to run and that's what we do the best to give you. We also briefed on SEO at roughly 83 cents a share on the 16th and it ran to $181 over the coming days. that was also a more than double and we actually briefed on Whlr pretty early the first time in Zip Trader U on the 17th at roughly 101 a share and then designated it as a top idea at roughly 93 cents and overall it ran to 179 before selling off. And of course, the best short squeeze setups kind of work like that they go up and then they dump and then they go up and then they dump and they have higher and higher highs each time and then eventually the shorts just completely get Scrooged Scroogie MC Scro And that's why we presented that today because I think the best is yet to come for the stock.
But anyways, folks, these are some of our best Runners from the last couple of weeks and if you are needing some help being informed on the top Catalyst that are dropping each and every Market open morning and the top setups that we see, well all you got to do is sign up with that first link down below and I'll put a coupon code down there for Halloween Halloween 65. We'll get you a 65% off our programs one time fee and you join you. get our step-by-step lessons, our private chat, our of course daily morning briefings and so on and so forth. A lot of really good resources in there.

You can learn more about it below. Have a good one folks and I'll see you in the next video. Also by the way, if you are feeling a little sick, you're feeling a little under the weather today. Well remember that all doctors say that the best prescription is a subscription, so make sure to hit that subscribe button down below.

Dr Charlie Charito recommends Full Disclosure: Charlie is not a real doctor.

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