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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are. End of the week? Uh, what a week it's been. It's been crazy. If you added up all of my winners from the week and then all of the losers side by side, we'd be looking at two really big numbers and the net profit probably only about $7,500 maybe 8000.

I don't have a lot to show for this week. I made 11,000 on Monday which is great Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday it's been choppy and I've been I've been overtraining I've been going red trying to bounce back. There's been lots of opportunities and I felt like I should trade more than I typically would to try to make back some of the losses from earlier in the month, but it feels like mostly I'm spinning my wheels and just treading water. One win here, you know? or maybe three small wins, then one big loss, then three more small wins and one big loss.

The only note, the only person who wins from all that is the broker who I pay commissions to and the exchange who gets money on the Ecn fees. But I'm just kind of spinning my wheels doing that type of trading and even today I was up three thousand dollars and instead of walking away I felt like, well, listen, you know you're up three grand. You're having a good day. You know? let's keep going.

You really should. You're behind the ball on the month, you know you got it. You got it. Put in that extra hour and so I did that and I ended up losing.

You know $2,400 and I'm up only 600 bucks. So once again, you know over trading a little bit and it's really hard when you have that feeling of being behind the ball and need to play catch-up and a lot of beginner traders have it I have it right now just because in the context of the last three weeks, I had a read week that was really big read: six read days and then right now I'm still trying to bounce out from that I'm not all the way out yet so I have it within this sort of short timeframe. although the beginner traders often have it because their first month or two months or six months or years ret and so they're constantly in that place and I know I was when I was getting started of I've got to make back the losses and I'm in the red. I've got a have got to sit here for you know, six hours and watch the markets because what am I five only trade for an hour? What am I gonna do for the rest of the day watch? TV That feels like a total disservice.

I don't feel like I should be doing that I should be sitting here training. In fact, sometimes the absolute best thing you can do is walk away. Today's a great example because after I was up 3000, I was like, well, I'll just dip my toe in the water with the VIX on a reversal with 200 shares, it's 200 shares. no big deal I jump in with 200 and then double it to 400 end up losing 200 bucks on it so then I'm only up 2,800 I'm like alright, well I'll keep watching the VIX it sells off and then it starts to bounce a second time I increase my share size from 200 to 300.

can I press the Buy button three times So then I had 900 shares it pops up I'm up like a hundred bucks I don't sell it, it drops 50 cents I'm down $450 and I said you know what I'm just gonna add down here because I think the market is topping out I think it is about to roll over I think it's gonna do a false breakout at the open price so I added a little bit more and then you know it. the market squeeze through the highs and I lost I was down 1,800 bucks on VIX and then at that point I was like okay, I'm up only 1100 on the day I really really really should stop. but I would like to get back to up 3000 and then be Lph started to break out one more time and I jumped in it and when I was up $2 a share, $2 a share I didn't take any of it off the table I said no no I'm gonna hold this and let it ride and then it stopped me out for a loss and then I was up only 600. So it's just so.
It's just so typical that when you get into that mindset of trying to compensate for losses, make back money that you trade differently. You don't trade as well. You would take risk differently. you're more aggressive at the wrong spots.

and this week on several days I've just shut off the chat where we've been like okay, well you know I trade small caps this morning I'm down this amount I'm gonna spend the rest of the day trading the Sp500. It's not within my strategy, but it's not within the strategies I teach I'm just gonna trade on my own and see if I can make them back that money because I don't want I don't like personally being read I don't like being read right now I want to be great so I'll just I'll trade whatever moves and I'll apply my strategy to that and dust off my reversal trading strategy and see where it gets me. And I mean I've made some money on a couple of the days and today I gave back some money and I just generally feel like I'm in a place with my own trading where I'm not super grounded because of holding on to that baggage of I'm not where I want to be on the month or the week or I'm not happy because I had a couple of really bad trades that you know I'm now trying to dig myself out of and so each day when I come to the market, I'm bringing that with me and I trade my very best when my P&L is at all-time highs and I'm I don't have any of that baggage I'm just like I'm trading great, you know I'm trading really well and making good money I'm buying pullbacks. it's working I don't have to be super aggressive I'm already at all-time highs.

There's no reason to be overly aggressive. and so that's those stretches where I have really long equity curve where really, you know, putting the pedal to metal I'm at all-time highs basically the whole time I might have a red day here and there, but they're small and I bounce right back. When things get difficult for me is when I have a period of two or three red days and now I've dug myself a little bit of a hole and now I need to kind of pivot from what I usually do and be more defensive because I can't keep going red and that happened in the beginning of March where I had an unprecedented six consecutive red days which has never happened to me. It was crazy I followed that with seven green days.
but that whole time I was carrying the baggage of six red days. Now I need six green days 12 green days? You know just I mean this is how much I need to make back and until I'm back at all-time highs. it's hard for me to really fully let go of that. So what's interesting is that this market is kind of forcing me to, you know, really head-on deal with this issue that I have about.

it's not okay to have a day where I'm red, even a single day and that it's It's not okay to have a week where I'm red and it's not okay to have a bad couple of weeks or a bad month When in the bigger picture, the grand scheme of things is a trader. The markets go up and down and your P&L will go up and down generally up and that has been the case, but there'll be small periods where you have pullback before the next move up, and being able to trade through that period without getting shaken and knocked off your Center is is something that really comes probably more than anything from within. All right. So we're gonna do our midday market recap here.

Go over the trades from this morning right now the S&P 500 is kind of coming into this little resistance line here. Today was a okay day. Green is good, not a great day though. I had some nice profit on BL pH and I gave it back on VIX trying to do a couple of or early bottom bounces I try to bottom bounce right here.

Oops, let's see right down here which did bounce but not to my target. so I took a loss and then I tried again just a moment later and again here you know and I got a couple wins but then I kept getting stopped out and I lost more than I made. So that was a little frustrating because then we got that bounce there so you know that's part of trading usually. I like to say that if I can be in the right place at the right times that I'll be able to.

you know, give it a couple of tries and I should be able to get back in. but if I'm too aggressive then what ends up happening is I I lose more than I feel I can afford to lose and I can't keep taking stabs and that's what happened. You know I had a couple losses and then I was like alright. well at this point I've given back too much of my profit and I really can't take any more trades so that's discouraging.

But you know, the current market right now was very choppy and honestly I should have walked away when I was up on BL pH My only trades on this: I Got in right here for the break over $22 It squeezed up to a halt at 2279. I Sold. going into the haul up over a dollar a share holding 300 shares. On resumption, it halted going down I was still holding 300 shares.

It halted going down a second time I was still holding 300 shares and then right here as it hit the I bought twelve hundred shares and let's see where was this? It was right. I Gotta go back boys what time was this? She's a little past 10:00 a.m. so it's right down here. I got in at 16 79 which was right here for the break over 17 and it squeezed up to a high of 18 72 dollars a share.
and so with the 300 shares, I was down from my entry at 22. I was down on 300 shares. like $5 a share, right? So I was down 12 $1,300 But I and I wish that I had cut that sooner. But it didn't change the fact that the bottom bounce was a good setup.

so I took the bottom bounce with a thousand shares which I would have taken regardless of whether I had had that first, whether or not I was still holding 300 shares and that one ended up being a nice trade so it wasn't as nice as if I had not still been holding 300 shares from 22. but it was. it was still good. So that put me up.

actually 3,000 on the stock and then I got back in and where I got back in was right here. We move this right here. So I got back in and actually at 22 same price actually right back in at 22, squeezed up to 21. Yeah, squeezed up to a high of 22 89 and got halted on resumption.

It hit a high of 23 90 and I didn't sell any of it now. I thought if this thing breaks over 24, that whole dollar psychological resistance 25 26 we may see them move back to the highs. So I ended up stopping at losing 600 bucks and with that I'm up only 2300 Lph. So the way my day went today: I started with my first trade on BL pH a thousand dollars of profit.

My second trade was actually on Spxl and I lost 55 but then I had another trade on it later. then I made 200 on and then my third trade was getting back in BL pH right here and then getting first making money, selling some of it up here and then holding 300 shares down to the halt, adding a thousand or 1200 off off the low selling on the move back up. So then I was up three thousand on the day, a quick loss on works hit the high Damos scanner and didn't continue and then on VIX I gave back a little more than half of what I had made on the day and I was up first on VIX I was like, you know, I'll just take a trade with 200 shares I far I'm already up three thousand on the day. There's no reason for me to push my luck.

I'll just take three - was it two hundred three hundred? Let me go back and check. Um, my first trade on VIX was two hundred shares. Alright so my first trade was two hundred shares and I stopped out as it flushed back down here and I lost like a hundred bucks. So I was like man that that sucks Alright well that's not that bad.

Then when it came back up for a second bounce, I was like okay this time I really think it's gonna bounce about 400 shares lost again now it's down about 400 on VIX So now I was up only 2500 and I was like okay, this is that's annoying but I'm I still think it's gonna work. So then on the last attempt wherever that was, I took nine hundred shares and then I lost like a thousand bucks. I mean you can see how volatile VIX is. We're talking about a range from $63 down to 53.
The bounce here from 53 back up to 60. This is some serious momentum. I mean this thing rips and but when it goes the wrong way, it's not fun. And so then I was like I was up only 1,500 and I had one more trade on Vicks and then I was up only 1,100 and I was like okay I really should stop now and then I took the last trade on BL pH and lost.

you know, whatever I lost there. So it's so funny how initially oh, I'm just gonna take a trade with 200 shares and then I lose and I'm like, well, okay, I'm gonna go back in now 400 and then I lose again and I'm like, all right, I'm gonna go back in with 900 and then I lose a third time and all of a sudden it's like wow, I just gave I'm now I'm up only 1500 on the day I was up three grand. All right. Well, BL pH looks strong, you know? Okay, I'll jump in that and then All right, it looks good.

I'm gonna try to just hold it for a second because I've only got a couple hundred shares. Whatever, it was 400 or 600. I'm gonna just see if this opens up because if it does, I might be able to get three or four dollars a share and then stopped out. It's crazy how how that happens and I talked about this a little bit during my pre market watchlist but I'll go over it again now.

so this was my day. Let's see him go. Gross. So this is my day.

Yesterday started red down like 1800, came back up for a second and then was down nine thousand. spent the whole morning digging myself out of the hole to get to down about a hundred and fifty dollars and then BOOM back to down seven thousand. bounced up back down Bounced up back down now down eight thousand and then from about 1:30 in the afternoon until 4:00 p.m. I made my way back up.

It was a lot of trading. it was exhausting. At the end, it wasn't really worth it. My Commission's total commissions two thousand, six hundred and twelve dollars I hope I get a good Christmas gift from Lightspeed cuz this is ridiculous but it's I mean it's my own fault I took that many trades plus the ECM fees.

so I was up sixteen hundred but down a thousand after commissions. Certainly better than being down nine thousand. Nope, no question about that. but I should have stopped.

You know right here. I should just cut it right here. and then I went for that one trade to get me back to green and boom back into the red. We can look at another day this day here.

Green, red, green, red, green, red, green red and right here this is where I was ready to throw my laptop out the window. you know I was just I was I was like so frustrated cuz in one trade I went from up three grand to down and through that it was like come on man like this is ridiculous. Green red, green, red, green red you're just chopping yourself up here. but I got that last trade and finished the day group so you know that day it worked.
This was Tuesday green, Red, green, Red tried to keep trading, never got back to green and then we've got Monday Thank goodness for Monday This is just a beautiful day. 10,000 a couple little pull backs, but just a solid day and I trade it up until 2:30 in the afternoon. So you know some days it works. some days it doesn't This week I Mean we could see where I'm at on the week.

So detailed this week, I'm up. Let's see, the gross profit is fourteen thousand. Plus today would be fourteen thousand seven hundred net profit only seven thousand Lightspeed may well ecn fees our fees paid directly to Nasdaq to the exchange. That's the the price you pay for direct access routing.

So that went to the exchange and this went to Lightspeed They got to 2288 dollars for me this week. Two thousand a week. It's 100 grand a years from one trainer, you know. Think about that.

for some of these brokers that depend on Commission's like the folks that you know II trade and Ameritrade that used to have traders like me trading there every single day. That's 100,000 50,000 a year per trade or times 600,000 traders. That's a lot of money that they've lost and they're gonna make it up somewhere. Where will they make it up? Probably on the routing fees, possibly selling order flow you know, so traders can cut in front of you.

And so this money that I spent here I Firmly believe having traded at some of the brokers that have zero Commission's that if I was trading, if I took all the same trades at one of those brokers I would be I Don't even think I would have made seven thousand I'd probably be read on the week because every time I would have gotten in and gotten out losing one cent for every one of those trades. my average daily volume has been four hundred and forty thousand shares. So you know four hundred and forty thousand shares. Let's see shares times point zero One, you know, one penny better execution price Four thousand, four hundred dollars per day just from one penny better execution price on average for every trade.

Think about that. it's not a lot, so that margin can be very, very small when you're trading with. Well, when you're trading as much as I am. Now, this isn't a really good representation of how it typically trade.

If we just go back to like I don't know just a random was do a random time here 1 1 2019, 1, 7 of 2019. Let's just look at one week from what a year ago. So this was a I don't know one week period. No, it's actually only 3 days so let's add a couple more days on there.

See seven, eight nine, ten Eleven twelve. Okay, all right so there we've got I think a full week on here. So average volume only sixty six thousand shares I This period of time I was just getting in, taking one good trade, getting out one more one entry, one exit. you know it was much more dialed in, but in the market that we're in, maybe it's just a longer stretch, but in any case, average daily volume was what we were really looking at.
Um, you know, taking those base hits one trade at a time and not feeling the need to over trade? You know it's certainly nicer. But just give it, you know, just given the fact that we're in a really volatile market. I've been trading a little bit more over the last week. I've been trading in the morning my small cap trades like I'm BL pH those traits for the most part I'm trading in the chat room and then I've gone offline off the chat room.

Had been trading the SP on my own because the SP trading that doesn't really fit within the strategies that I currently teach and it's fine to trade it. It's not really a beginners financial instrument. it's gonna be very difficult for most beginners and so for the most part I've just been trading that on my own and trying to learn a little bit and see if I can get dialed in on unhappy trade the SMP so maybe I can add something to the classes about it in in total this month I Pull my reports back up here. Let's see So Three, One, Two thousand, Twenty Three 2020.

So so far this year or this month let's see instrument So VIX has been my second most profitable instrument. Spxl has also been pretty good and SP excess has also been pretty good. So I'm kind of getting a little dialed in on trading the VIX and the spy today wasn't great for me on the VIX but and T VIX was really bad for me but that was that was kind of at the beginning of this run when T VIX was back at $89 So it was like way down here and so in the last week or week and a half have gotten a little bit better at kind of getting to know how these trades so that was one it one really big loss which was disappointing and I haven't traded it again because now it's too expensive. So I switched to VIX so I guess Total Trading VIX instruments I guess right now I'm kind of break even but I'm trying to learn trying to get a little bit better and I think that this market is giving the opportunity.

As I've said, if you want to to venture a little outside your strategy, some of you guys would trade that outside your strategy and the simulator. That's a good idea. Some will trade it with real money like myself. I think one of the problems that I've had is that I've been trying to sort of trade something that's outside my wheelhouse with regular share size because I had such a bad start to the month I have felt the need to make back those losses.

so I felt like well, I can't really afford to just be trading 200, you know, $200 type of winners on the VIX I really could use a $2,000 winner and so then of course on the times where I've been wrong, the loss has been, you know, pretty big, nice sort of bottom here. look at how this right up to that resistance line there that that I had drawn so this may end up being a short off. V whap I'm not sure that I would be taking that trade see I had another line here from pre-market but yeah again, like I said, whether you're trading in the simulator or you're just kind of watching the market and try to get try to get a feel for them, there has been a lot of opportunity and if you can get good at trading through some of this stuff, it may be something that you can utilize this during future periods of volatility. This has been what we've been going through here has been the most volatility in the market that I've tried to trade through I suppose probably in my career.
although the volatility on individual days hasn't been a lot different than what we had here, and here you know, really big red days where things are going crazy. Those are days where the VIX is strong. We're where the spy is is something that you can trade and you know you can either say, well, I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna sit out those days, which is fine. You can totally do that.

But then when it's an extended period of craziness like we've had here this month, it feels like it is leaving some some money on the table to not at least try to see how your current strategy can apply to these types of stocks. So yeah, kind of a an interesting month here and we'll see where we'll see where I finish. This is where I sit today. Really, not a lot to show for it, but sometimes trading is just treading water and keeping your head above water and it's a question of survive to thrive.

So let's see. let me go back to 1:1 2020. So you know this has kind of been my year so far I went red which was unfortunate. nice into the green.

a sharp pull back now I'm kind of working my way back up. It's not the prettiest year that I've had. it's not the prettiest start to a year that I've ever by by any means. I go back to 2019.

You'll see that you know there's been some bigger dips in the last year than I might really have liked, but there's been a couple of some couple of really nice squeezes. To the upside when the momentum has been hot right through there, right through there through there. So this was a long period of needing to kind of tread water and it lasted for like two months. but I got through it got to the other side.

Momentum opened up another period of slow trading. things open up. So this is the way the way it is for pretty much any trader out there. Yeah, unfortunately, it's just not a career where it's reasonable to say that you'll just make the same amount of money every single day.

consistently. there's gonna be ups and downs, but the more you zoom out, this is what you want to see. Generally speaking, sometimes they'll be long periods where it's pretty consistent, Sometimes they'll be long periods where it's fairly choppy, and sometimes they'll be long periods where it's fairly slow. If I can avoid this again this long six-month period, I would rather have this choppiness than this because I think I learned more from this type of stuff.
This is just sort of exhausting when it's that slow. So that was back in 2017 coming up on three years ago. So I I think you know we're right now in a period where we're definitely seeing a lot of volatility. I Think that will continue to be good for us and I'll continue to try to capitalize on opportunities and continue to take this time to try to develop some new strategies.

You know that's short off the View app right there. You know if that ends up being a nice trade today, then the more times I see that the more confident I'll get it saying. All right. I'm gonna start pulling the trigger on some of these.

All right, So that's it for me. I Hope you guys all have an awesome weekend and you'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning. Yes, 3:00 p.m. Eastern today for Warrior Pro students we're hosting FOMO Friday I'll be there so will Ted Roberto Hulk Selena and a few others so it should be a good really good foam on Friday today.

All right. So I'll see you guys at 3 p.m. Learn more about trading. Check out some of the links in my description and if you have questions, ask them in the comments.

I personally respond to every question, post it on my channel and don't forget to subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Blph $2,394 vxx -$1,864 ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars so b says:

    I am so confused I have learned all the patterns and indicators and I still don’t know how to trade. Do I download all the indicators and trade the stock only if it meets the requirement of all the indicators or what ? Please help I’m completely lost

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars morel von doom says:

    Hey Ross,

    for VXX, would it have been possible to enter the trade at $62 right after the small green candle after the red one at 9:45 am? it looks like a pretty decent set up with multiple strong green candles and a small pullback. Or you didnt do it because the pullback setup only works on certain price range stocks.

    Good luck on your future trades mate 😀

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abdul adar says:

    Hi Ross just wondering what is your take on trading into stocks that have been halted going up withing the first 5 minutes of the market opening. This last week we've had multiple stocks go into multiple halts in a row(both up and down). I was wondering how you would trade into these when you miss the first initial halt?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cassandra Astolis says:

    Ross! Hypnotherapy can help you change your mindset. I help people all the time. This is my profession but I also day trade. I get it. Contact me if you want a recorded, personalized hypnotherapy session. I won’t charge you! It’s payback for all I have learned from you and your videos. It will get you out of this negative trend.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperCaptainMOo says:

    Hey Ross, stop being so hard on yourself, remember we are in a very bad situation where most of the people that are invested into stocks have lost money, at least you’re green😄

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bull, Bear IDC says:

    Have you tried playing the 4 best trades of the day yet? I been busy and fell behind on you sir. I am back to trading on Monday. We will hit some real good moves

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock King Fatz says:

    Hey Ross, I been following you since 2017….really since I started my trading career…you know I thought would never get it…I mean I put a lot of hours in looking at charts…watching you and trying to get as good as you. I took your class back in 2017 but couldn’t continue due to other reason but I knew if I watch you and follow you I might just have some luck…this would all pass over like you said risk management is the key to keep trading

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ronen160 says:

    Hi Ross – when you are trading like this, are you also listening/watching the news and/or any press conf by the president? The other day I could see that during a press conf, and depending on who was talking during that conference, the market seemed to rise or fall according to the "believability" of whoever was speaking……….. so is that just one more thing to monitor, or do you go solely on the rubber band and snap back concept?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J J says:

    Would BLPH ever reach 140? That's where I'll get my $150k back. I have 0 expectation 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shyam Arjarapu says:

    100% agreed with statement at 20min. Good 60% of loss is related to e-Trade not executing my trades at the right time and/or quotes/orders delayed by good 20 seconds. Giving them a boot soon.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:

    Good luck Monday 👌👏👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan says:

    If you could only use one indicator for day trading not counting the vwap what would it be?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Bolton says:

    Thanks for the recap! I was curious if there are any fees/ restrictions that would keep someone from holding SPXL for several months.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Have a great day says:

    meds was moving fast i jump in he freeze but not halted and them one 1 minute later after trying to sell i realize my stop loss didnt get hit and was -$143 i get instally extremely mad about lossing 80% of my week profit was 4 green day i trade meds again same lag 30 seconde i finnaly can sell and boom -$183 and i second trade i was like fuck it anyways i too close of the $500 to keep trading after fee so i end up send money back in my account and restart in 1 months if i can get i job soon and had money. ( I almost throw up feel really really bad so next time i can more focus ) this okay to blow up my account and im same here i was -$12 take my shower and decide to continue try to be green $20 up but mad about it.
    Learn the hard way ( sorry for my english )
    Emotion are strong guys!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Chandler says:

    Ross, I’m a new day trader and am a little skeptical about using Capital Markets Elite Group. Currently I’m using ThinkOrSwim but obviously the PDT rule is holding me back. Can you give some insight or assurance to people publicly about CMEG with your experience? I’ve read some concerning reviews and legal articles about them. Thank you!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Vandersommen says:

    Made about $235 profit on 2 VXX call options Friday. could have doubled the profit if I would have held on a little longer.
    Aggravating. Green is always good though.
    The good thing about trading options, is the cash settles in one day so I have money to trade the next day. As opposed to buying stocks where you have to wait 3 days. Of course for you Ross, it's probably not an issue, I was wondering if you use the RSI indicator ? Seems like you had bought a lot of stocks when they were already extended. I've been using the RSI indicator to see if the stocks are oversold or overbought and it seems to be helping.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt June says:

    Look at TVIX during the past month

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent V says:

    It doesnt seem like you use the reversal strategy on small caps any particular reason for this?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WarrenP says:

    I was Toast today. Another Friday loser.

    Had a $375 gain on Put trade early on.

    Then the Demise began. Went down big on Calls. Put on a Spread. Started losing both sides. Got back $650 with Puts.

    Lost $350 plus $15 in the hole on the one. Showed up $523! Sold instantly. Lost $365!

    Prices And Charts freezing. Not in Synch under Vol Load. Hosed me 5 times. TOS App Froze 2 dozen times again. Close relaunch to get back.

    72.7% on 22 trades. 6 hosed ones. Made no sense what it was filling at. Slow execution too. I heard they Closed the Philadelphia Options pits. Might have been affecting orders.

    Ended up big loss for me. -$3410. -$3870 on 5 Calls position.

    Had to sell. They Expired at Close. Didn’t want to Rollover to next Friday’s Expiration and risk worse weekend news tanking Monday down lower.

    Lost last 3?days of healthy gains this week.

    Reboot, Win it back next week, Again…..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xlander1000 says:

    Wow!! Up $2 a share and didn't take any of it off the table!! $3,000 in a morning is not enough!! You have come a long ways since those days in Vermont.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MotoCzar says:

    Just curious, who do you use as a broker? Aren't most sites like ETrade and TD Ameritrade offering commission free trading?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading says:

    Great content here and very honest and open to provide all your results and not just the green days but the red days also, continue the great work!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Shpak says:

    Hey Ross, Maybe increase your time horizon for making back that red so its not a lingering thought.
    I'm in the red atm on a swing trade. Don't want it to become a core trade but if it hits my stop before target it'll make my decision for me.
    If it hits target it should be a nice swing. Thanks for the videos.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FCI says:

    Ola Ross! +$10K in a week trading on the Bovespa Exchange here in Brazil. Patterns kept repeating on most stocks, several halts and circuits… very predictable moves that helped me to win. Saludos!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Issac LAdl says:

    Why don't trade uvxy

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Dolley says:

    Ross – I've noticed a common pattern that you're trading almost daily which is causing you to lose profits: you go green, know you should walk away, you trade more, lose some profits, then when try to make it back, you'll have one really good trade where you're up big, but you don't take profits! You instead try to hit a home run, hold it, and it reverses, then you get stopped out. In this market environment, take profits! In normal markets, if this was before three weeks ago, you should hold. But not now! In this volatile environment, by the very definition of the word "volatile ", it means we're going to go up and back down (that's true for individual trades, and the market as a whole). Notice how the SPX goes down, then all way up, then all the way back down? This literally didn't happen before three weeks ago. The last time we had this was December 2018. Before that, around June 2017. Then August 2015. Remember, in your own words, trade the market you're in!

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