Bitcoin Just LOST Me My Bank Account... here's what that means
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So what's the motive banks have to fight bitcoin? Well actually theres a lot more than one...
1) Loss of Revenue, of course at the end of the day Banks are busineses and they need to make money. They do this through small fees when you transfer cash, as well as loaning out your money and profiting from it, all the while paying you hardly any interest.
So banks make their revenue by controlling the flow of money, and cryptocurrency actually strips them of all this control. The whole aim of digital currencies like Bitcoin, is to put the power back in the hands of people like you and me!
2) To protect people from an investment they don't understand. This is the response I hear time and time again from the banks, and I can see where the’re coming from.
Stocks have been around for decades, where as crypto is extremely young which makes it a lot more volatile. It is true that a lot of people don't understand the true purpose behind digital currencies like Bitcoin, they just want to make some quick money and don't see it as the currency of the future or even a store of value. This means when it crashes in value, like it regularly does, they panic and sell their coins causing them to lose a lot of money.
3) To prevent illegal behaviour due to some crime concerns stemming back to cryptos shady past.
As no one single person controls cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, no one can collect taxes on it, track its movement, or adjust how much of it is available. This makes it highly attractive to criminals which unfortunately has given it a bit of a bad name, but it is so much more than that.
So lets now talk about the tactics they are using to try and stop people from buying crypto.
1) Closing your entire bank account, which is obviously what happened to me. They are able to do this by adding it into their terms and conditions. So if you are thinking you might want to invest in bitcoin or another other cypto then it would be a good idea to check the small print before committing to a bank.
2) Blocking people from wiring money to crypto exchanges like Coinbase. Which is what happened to Ryan Pineda when he tried to wire $200k from his Wells Fargo account at the start of 2021.
There are 3 main situations that we really need to keep our eyes on for the future:
1) If governments start banning cryptocurrencies, which isn't entirely unheard of as India and Nigeria have been cracking down on bitcoin.
2) If banks blocking money from being wired to the crypto exchanges, which is what we are currently seeing. The same thinking would apply to this scenario though, as all the banks would have to work together, and I can't see that happening as there will most likely always be some crypto friendly banks, as they know this policy will allow them to snatch up more customers.
3) If the governments decide they want to freeze crypto exchanges, meaning you would be unable to withdraw your money. This would make bitcoin a lot harder to buy and potentially reduce demand. I always make sure to take my coins off of the exchange and either onto my hard wallet, the ledger nano x or my blockfi account which pays me up to 8.6% interest!
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Hi guys it's mark so the other day, i got a very strange message from my bank saying hello, we're writing to you to inform you that we're no longer able to offer you banking facilities. Put simply my bank decided to dump me completely out of the blue, and i thought it was important to share this with you, as it reveals a secret battle. That's currently being thought that many people don't even know about, and it could affect you very soon. Of course, i sent them a message asking for a full explanation, and eventually they informed me that they were closing my account because i had invested in bitcoin.

What's even more surprising is that this bank calls themselves a challenger bank. I mean if someone as old as me can embrace bitcoin and a young trendy bank can't there has to be something else going on so today we're going to discuss the reasons why many banks are doing this, what actions they're taking to sabotage cryptocurrency and my opinion On what this all means for the future of bitcoin investing, you know what to make me feel better about losing my bank account. I really appreciate it if you could destroy that thumbs up button for the l-tube eugerism, so i've watched enough tv shows to know. If you find the motive, then you can solve the case.

So what's the motive banks have to fight bitcoin? Well, actually, there's more than one, let's start off with the loss of revenue. Of course, at the end of the day, banks are businesses and they need to make money. They do this through small fees when you transfer cash as well as loaning out our money and profiting from it, while paying us hardly any interest. So banks make their revenue by controlling the flow of money and cryptocurrency, actually strips them of all this control.

The aim of digital currencies like bitcoin, is to put the power back in the hands of people like you and me. But why is this important? Why not just let the banks control our money, it's less hassle and they seem to be doing a pretty good job. Don't they well, i'm certainly not against keeping a lot of my money in the bank, as it's always good to keep some cash handy. However, i do see the need for digital currencies that aren't controlled by one person, bank or company, because of what happened in 2008.

What in the world is happening on wall street? The stock market is now down 21 because we're now down 43. I remember the 2008 financial crisis like it was yesterday. There were many factors that caused it, but the main one people remember is that in the bankers agreed to make more money, they made some really risky lending decisions. The creation of bitcoin was a direct response to this mistrust in the banks, as it was the way to make a transaction without involving them, but maybe banks are just looking out for our best interests and i'm being a bit too harsh on them.

So the second possible motive could be to protect people from an investment that they don't understand. This is the response i hear time and time again from the banks, and i can see where they're coming from stocks have been around for decades, whereas crypto is extremely young, which makes it really volatile. I think it's important to spread your money across stocks as well as crypto. If they interest you, then i've left some links in the description which you can use and get some free stocks.
All you have to do is fund your account. It is true that a lot of people don't see the true purpose behind digital currencies like bitcoin. This means, when it crashes in value like it regularly, does they panic and they sell their coins, causing them to lose a lot of money. But this way of thinking is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

As we're now able to see the bitcoin goes through cycles and has historically bounced back over the long term, making people with the diamond hands very wealthy, such as the winklevoss twins, who are now reportedly worth over six billion dollars. Another motive banks have is to prevent illegal behavior due to some crime concerns stemming back to crypto's. Shady past i mean bitcoin was credited for the success of silk road, which was a highly successful online drug market. I actually first heard a bitcoin, probably on the same day i heard about the dark web, so one is historically linked to the other.

No one person controls cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. No one can collect taxes on it, track its movement or adjust. How much of it is available aka print more whenever they want? This makes it highly attractive to criminals, which unfortunately has given it a bit of a bad name, but you know what it's so much more than that. According to train analysis, 2021 report in 2019, criminal activity represented 2.1 of all cryptocurrency transaction volume and in 2020 the criminal share of all cryptocurrency actually fell to 0.34.

To put that into perspective. According to the un, it's estimated that between two and five percent of all money in the world each year is connected with money laundering and illegal activity. This means that criminal activity using cryptocurrency transaction is much smaller than with normal currencies like the dollar. So on the surface, the crime concerns look like they make sense, but when you dig a little deeper, it doesn't seem to hold up very well.

The simple answer to why some banks dislike bitcoin is that if crypto is largely adopted, then the entire banking system could become irrelevant. So let's now talk about the tactics they're using to try and stop people from buying crypto, so you can be aware of them. Obviously, the most powerful tool they have is to close your entire bank account, which is what happened to me: they're able to do this by changing their terms and conditions. So if you're thinking you might want to invest in bitcoin or any other crypto, then it'd be a great idea to check out the small print before committing to a bank.
I know it's not the end of the world having to change your banks, but it can take a while to open a new account, especially at the moment, and then you have the trouble of changing all your cards. At this point i have so many cards how's, a boomer like me supposed to remember all the pin numbers. Another thing i've noticed banks doing is entirely blocking people from wiring money to crypto exchanges like coinbase, which is what happened to ryan pinada when he tried to wire two hundred thousand dollars from his welfare goes account at the end of 2021, so what's their endgame and Should we be worried about our bitcoin investments? Well, i personally don't think so, but we'll come back to my opinion a little bit later. There are three main situations that we really need to keep our eyes on the first one is if governments start banning crypto currencies which isn't entirely unheard of as india and ia have been cracking down on bitcoin.

This may sound scary. However, bands like this have never been very successful. Just think back to when america tried to ban alcohol. The thinking is that if the us government did go ahead and ban bitcoin, then it would actually make it more scarce and increase in value.

People would also just go to other countries who would welcome them with open arms, as they would be, bringing all their crypto wealth with them. The only way i could see this working is if big countries all got together and made a unanimous decision to completely ban crypto, and let's face it, that's extremely unlikely when we can't even get them to agree on global warming, which is arguably a much more urgent Threat. The second situation is banks blocking money from being wired to crypto exchanges, which is what we're currently seeing. The same thinking would apply to this scenario, though, as all the banks would have to work together, and i really i can't see that happening as they will most likely always be some crypto friendly banks.

As they know, this policy will allow them to snatch up more customers. The last situation is: if the governments decide they want to freeze crypto exchanges, meaning you would be unable to withdraw your money. This will make bitcoin a lot harder to buy and potentially reduce demand. I always make sure to take my coins off the exchange and either onto my hard wallet or my blockfire account, which pays me up to 8.6 interest.

It's certainly better than the trash 0.5. My bank is offering me if you want to get up to 250 dollars of free bitcoin from blockfire when you fund your account and also start earning some sweet interest on your crypto. Then i'll drop a link in the description. The fact i'm having to make this video in the first place just demonstrates why bitcoin and crypto as a whole even exist.

I fully understand why the bitcoin creators didn't want to be at the mercy of the bankers. I honestly still can't believe that my bank was trying to stop me spending and invest in my own money. Exactly how and when i wanted to. I mean only my wife's allowed to do that, but seriously it just doesn't sit right with me that i wasn't able to fully control my money and invest wherever and whenever i wanted.
This whole situation has prevented me from investing in some of the best days when bitcoin's price was through the floor, and i wonder how many other people have been affected by this. I also believe that crypto could be the future, as the reality is central banks. Tinkering with the money supply has started recessions, it's increased unemployment and given rise to a global banking system based on profit and arguably corruption. However, for bitcoin and other coins to become a real threat to the banking system, i believe, like many others, they need to stabilize.

If you think about it, accepting a salary or taking a mortgage out in bitcoin would be extremely risky, as you never know, if it's going to skyrocket or plummet in value. At this point, i believe there's too much institutional money invested in the cryptocurrency space for it to completely disappear. As more people get into crypto currencies like bitcoin, then the market cap will increase and therefore we will see much less volatility. Our small amounts of money coming in and out won't affect dramatically the overall value on one hand, gone will be the days of becoming a millionaire overnight with amazing returns, but then at least people might start using it like a real currency, with something called the lightning Network, or maybe bitcoin, is what it's always going to be: a store of value, a place like gold that investors turn to when they want to preserve their money.

One thing you'll be happy to know is i have a new bank account with a traditional bank and you know what it's actually more accepting of cryptocurrency. It will always amaze me that this old bank is more open to the future than a young trendy one. I actually sold the majority of my bitcoin before the drop in 2021, when i saw lots of new people getting into the crypto space without fully understanding it, as the age old saying, goes, be scared when others are greedy and be greedy when others are scared. So i'm personally going to start buying into bitcoin and ethereum over the next couple of months, while the price is really low and the fear is high and i'm going to hold it long term.

This way i should be able to average out at the best price. So i'm going to leave the next video right up there, but don't click on it just yet remember to subscribe and pick up your free stock from public and free trade, with the link in the description. Okay, i'll see you over there.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Bitcoin just lost me my bank account.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tooba Fatima says:

    When they closed ur account what happened to the rest of the money u had in ur account? Did the bank ended up keeping it all?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nenad Mitrovic says:

    Hi Mark. sorry about that happening. did they give you the opportunity to transfer your funds to another bank or did they close the account with your funds as well. it's kind of scary that this is happening

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayurvita sreshta says:

    ‘‘‘OMG !!! No puedo agradecerle lo suficiente, usted es una definiciΓ³n de neumΓ‘tico de genio. Estoy encantado de trabajar contigo. @Forest_tools πŸ’“

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayurvita sreshta says:

    ‘‘‘OMG !!! No puedo agradecerle lo suficiente, usted es una definiciΓ³n de neumΓ‘tico de genio. Estoy encantado de trabajar contigo. @Forest_tools πŸ’“

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayurvita sreshta says:

    ‘‘‘OMG !!! No puedo agradecerle lo suficiente, usted es una definiciΓ³n de neumΓ‘tico de genio. Estoy encantado de trabajar contigo. @Forest_tools πŸ’“

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayurvita sreshta says:

    ‘‘‘OMG !!! No puedo agradecerle lo suficiente, usted es una definiciΓ³n de neumΓ‘tico de genio. Estoy encantado de trabajar contigo. @Forest_tools πŸ’“

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobb Mogg says:

    Really glad you made this video, as a crypto enthusiast myself, I think that Banks need to start adapting and embracing Blockchain technology, they are not seeing the big picture on how such technology such as Cardano could help them operate day to day, they are looking at the currency aspect of crypto seeing it as a direct threat to them, and not realizing the potential of incorporating the technology behind it.
    To give you an example look at how different companies have diversified over the last 20+ years. Sky TV, (TV provider) Virgin ( transport / multi faceted business corp), BT ( telecom and phone provider) to name but a few, have embraced the evolution of the internet and started providing WiFi and broadband services that simply didn't exist years ago.
    The sooner the banks realize this and come to terms that Blockchain technology is here to stay. And cryptocurrency is only one part of the big picture. Then they too can evolve and start making profits in new and different ways.
    The longer they bury their heads in the sand that the financial landscape worldwide is changing forever and keep using bullyboy tactics like these to force the public to comply, Then they will only have themselves to blame when they get left behind and made redundant…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars calous says:

    If you really need your account fixed then I recommend Chris_hacker11 on !G he just recover my disabled account successful!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bunky9t1 says:

    Entities that are used to controlling the flow of money are terrified when their power is at stake. Banks want to keep poor people poor and rich people rich. Retaliate to that idea.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Nukem says:

    Hi Mark
    1) Is BlockFi good for Australia?
    2) I [oops] signed up on my own too soon, is it too late to use your referral?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DAHCYBER ON INSTAGRAM says:

    Job will pay your ways, helping people will make you rich johnclecks the future is inevitable, you are just the beΕ›t

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ romiunlocks on Instagram says:

    when I lost my Bitcoins @Romiunlocks
    helps me to get my lost Bitcoins back
    so fucking happy to meet him..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ romiunlocks on Instagram says:

    when I lost my Bitcoins @Romiunlocks
    helps me to get my lost Bitcoins back
    so fucking happy to meet him..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ibrahim Umar Yahaya says:

    Just when I thought it's over for me, you came to my aid and save me from valley of debt I will never stop talking about you DAHCYBERY your kindness is out of this world πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ibrahim Umar Yahaya says:

    Just when I thought it's over for me, you came to my aid and save me from valley of debt I will never stop talking about you DAHCYBERY your kindness is out of this world πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Rojas says:

    it does not matter how much time stocks or cripto have on the market, stocks produce revenue…cripto does not you can not compare them…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars okogbe akiroso says:

    Words are short for me to express how I feel right now exceptionalcyber on iG just helped me recovered my lost bitcoin, less than half an hour, you are the best hacker so far that I have ever seeing,

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars okogbe akiroso says:

    Words are short for me to express how I feel right now exceptionalcyber on iG just helped me recovered my lost bitcoin, less than half an hour, you are the best hacker so far that I have ever seeing,

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Parrish says:

    The banks have always been shady! Fractional reserve, inflation, price manipulation, great depressions, thank the F** banks for all that!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liviu B says:

    It's good you are talking about this.
    Your wrong with something Mark. You can see any transaction in Bitcoin therefore chase the transactions in wallet's all the way back. What you don't know is the owner of the wallet.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars okogbe akiroso says:

    Words are short for me to express how I feel right now exceptionalcyber on iG just helped me recovered my lost bitcoin, less than half an hour, you are the best hacker so far that I have ever seeing.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars okogbe akiroso says:

    Words are short for me to express how I feel right now exceptionalcyber on iG just helped me recovered my lost bitcoin, less than half an hour, you are the best hacker so far that I have ever seeing.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _.EXCEPTIONALCYBER ON IG says:

    Believe you me bitcoin is for real and scammer are real too, but all thanks to exceptionalcyber who gave me full assurance and recovered my bitcoin for me, I really appreciate you bro because you are d best, when to hacking.,

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _.EXCEPTIONALCYBER ON IG says:

    Believe you me bitcoin is for real and scammer are real too, but all thanks to exceptionalcyber who gave me full assurance and recovered my bitcoin for me, I really appreciate you bro because you are d best, when to hacking.,

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