The UK Finance Regulator has just declared war on Binance.
The UK Authorities already banned Binance from operating regulated services in the UK earlier this summer.
But Binance essentially stuck two fingers up at the regulators in response.
After the Binance ban, they refused to provide information about the global Binance company structure or go through staff verification steps with the FCA.
They then pulled out of the regulatory approval process altogether.
So Binance basically told the FCA to do one.
And naturally enough the FCA didn't like it much.
So Charles Randell, the Chair of the FCA just made a speech where he declared war on Binance.
But he did it in a very British way - it was incredibly subtle and he managed to not mention Binance by name throughout the speech.
Link to speech:
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Hey guys it's time for something really big just happened. The uk finance regulator has just declared war on binance, and this is completely unprecedented. The uk authorities already banned finance from operating regulated services in the uk earlier this summer. They then made a further announcement confirming the binance does not have the required authorization to continue operating, but binance, essentially stuck two fingers up at the regulators in response.

According to the fca, binance refused to provide any details of what the overall binance structure globally looks like where the parent company is based, where their hq is, and they apparently refused to comply with a bunch of other requests as well. They didn't put forward any people to be vetted to become an fca approved person for the company and then binance pulled out of the process of registering their uk entity called finance markets limited with the fca. As the regulations say, this should have so binance essentially told the sca to go and do one. This is really incredible, but here is what happened next, the fca got pretty mad, and just now the chair of the financial conduct authority in the uk gave a speech at the cambridge international symposium on economic crime and in this speech he declared all-out war on finance.

With very direct threats and laid out how they plan to attack binance, but he did it in true classic british gentlemanly style. The threats and attacks were thinly veiled and were delivered with extreme politeness and the funniest thing is: he didn't even name binance once in his speech, but let me show you exactly what he said why it is absolutely about binance and why this is really serious. The speech is a little long, so i'm not going to read out what word if you want to see the whole speech. Unfortunately, there isn't a video, but i'm going to link the transcript of the speech in the description below, so you can go check it out.

So, first up charles randall, that's the chair of the fca started, talking about how the internet evolved to set the scene, and he said people used to think of the internet as a free space outside the law impossible to regulate. And while there's no doubt that it has enabled businesses to innovate and grow in ways that serve us well, their awesome power must be matched with responsibility. As we live more and more of our lives online. We can't allow online businesses to operate in ways.

We wouldn't tolerate with any other business. The tide of regulation is turning all over the world, and online platforms should expect a future where regulation addresses the significant risks they pose in the same way as other businesses, same risk, same regulation. So pretty big start, but nothing really binance specific. Yet he then talks a bit about online scams and how google seems to be the only company out of the big online tech once that is doing something about it.

He even specifically names facebook, microsoft, twitter and tech. Talk saying they need to do a lot more and it's not surprising. Platforms like tik, tok and twitter are full of influences, promoting the latest scam token, because those people are being paid or are part of the scan themselves. It is disgusting and i actually agree with them.
This really needs to change. Just go and watch a few recent coffee, zilla videos. If you want to see how insane this whole industry has become, charles randle actually highlighted kim kardashian directly in the speech for promoting ethereum max, clearly something that she got some kind of compensation for doing and clearly something that is a little bit edgy. That token has the all too familiar pump and dump child that you can see over here, where the masses are drawn in very quick to pump up the price, while the people who created it and the people who are promoting it, get to cash in.

According to the fca, just in the uk alone, 2.3 million people own crypto tokens and 14 of them went into debt to buy those tokens. This is a pretty frightening statistic, given that 99 of the crypto tokens currently out, there have absolutely no purpose, and most of them just seem to be out there to scam people. So the speech has laid out some positions but not really talked about binance yeah. Don't worry it is coming here is what the chair said.

Halfway through the speech, the fca currently has a limited role in registering uk-based crypto asset exchanges for anti-money laundering purposes. Exchanges can be used to launder the proceeds of crime and we must contribute to the global effort to address financial crime by demanding that businesses with the uk presence meet to the necessary standards. While some of the businesses which have applied to us have shown evidence of adequate systems and controls, many others fell well short of acceptable standards and many have withdrawn their applications as we have scrutinized them. The state of those firms, ignoring the requirement to register with us or which have moved offshore to avoid registration, could be even worse.

So binance has been publicly reprimanded by the fca for not meeting fca standards then withdrew their application and they are particularly known as the big exchange that has a very opaque offshore setup. So here we're getting a little bit. Warmer sounds like a very british way of getting started with some of real direct binance bashing right there. Let's keep on reading where digital tokens are used to constitute or represent investments that we already regulate like shares and bonds.

We will use our existing powers in the same way as for investments that are not tokenized. That means they're going to be investigating these types of assets in the same way as they do investing brokerages. In 2019, we set out guidance to clarify our approach to transferable securities of this kind and where other activities regulate to reference digital tokens, we will pursue our consumer protection objective in limiting the harm. That's why? Last year we banned the sale of crypto derivatives to retail customers and which company offered those crypto based derivatives of public traded securities.
You guessed it. It was binance. Now charles randall then said that the fda did not have a general remit from parliament to regulate the issue of promotional speculative tokens and then he said: should we a very direct, rhetorical question there? He then said it's difficult for regulators around the world to stand by and watch people, sometimes very vulnerable people putting their financial features in jeopardy, based on disinformation and fear of missing out, but here's a paragraph where it gets a lot more serious. One thing is clear because of the decentralized way in which these speculative tokens are created, any effective system of regulation would require a business seeking registration or authorization with the fca to bring itself firmly within our reach, with people and resources that we could access in order To supervise and enforce our requirements, you can see how this is a very direct dig at what binance has been doing.

Let's keep reading, we are not going to award fca registration or authorization to businesses, which won't explain basic issues such as who is responsible for key functions or how they are organized. That will be token regulation in the worst sense, and here we are getting into a very direct dig at binance after what happened just a few weeks ago, this is clearly talking about how binance flipped the bird at the fca and then the fca chairman said this Action against businesses which choose not to bring themselves within the reach of an effective national regulator, needs to be international with regulators across the world, working together to limit the harm. I o seo has recently published reports on how to educate consumers about the risks of crypto and considerations for regulating crypto exchanges, and i hope this is the start of a consistent collaborative effort. Now the ioco is the international organization of securities commissions, so the threat here is being taken up a big notch.

The chair of the fca in the uk is as good as saying that they are now actively working with regulators and governments around the world to build a global framework for smacking down crypto exchanges that choose not to comply with regulations. And, given that we've already seen, canada, uk eu japan and singapore dispense very public smackdowns to finance with the issue being discussed in the us as well, i have a feeling there will be a few countries interested in working together on this now earlier this summer. The fca said that, although binance is banned, they can't really do much about them operating because well they can't really block the international chain of websites and apps. And in the speech mr randall said this, it will take a great deal of careful thought to craft a regulatory regime which will be effective in the decentralized world of digital tokens, and it's clear that legislators need to consider three issues: how to make it harder for Digital tokens to be used for financial crime, how to support a useful innovation and the extent to which consumers should be free to buy unregulated, purely speculative tokens and to take the responsibility for their decisions to do so.
This is pretty much exactly what i've been talking about for months. I am so glad that he is saying this, although he's putting it in a much more politically correct way. In the meantime, it appears to me that there are two cases where regulators should have the powers to take action to reduce the potential harm to consumers from purely speculative tokens, not least to ensure that trust and overall technology isn't destroyed by bad actors in this space. So he's basically saying the exact same thing he's confirming the obvious problem: a lot of impressionable people, many of them young, are buying into all of these scam tokens, thinking that they are investing their money and expecting higher returns when, in actual fact, the vast overwhelming majority Of all of these tokens, they're on binance, smart chain on ethereum and other places, the vast majority of them are scams and pointless experiments, and it is the job of the regulator to protect people from bad actors.

As the chair of fca is saying, the wild west way in which crypto currently works is not a good thing, because it just encourages those bad behaviors. It's just a place for people to be parted with their money. It is actually really bad for crypto. In the long term, too, the negative reputation, the negative connotations that are being built are not going to help with public perception, with adoption or with people using these things as forms of investment or currency exchange.

So here we go. Ladies and gentlemen, the fca has come out and said that they are going to fight and they are going to bring all of their mates from other countries to the fight too rick where'd, you get a hand grenade. I don't know if you found this useful. I would really appreciate if you could smash the like button for the youtube algorithm.

Thank you so much for watching. I really really appreciate it and, as always i'll see you guys later, you.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “Binance in real trouble: uk regulator has declared war”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I just want to ask a question says:

    Has there been any progress at all? I have an account with Binance with no funds in it. I see they are accepting card deposits but charge 1.8%. I assume they are not accepting bank transfers anymore.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul M says:

    If you have a MasterCard your screwed, looks like I have got to apply for another bank account that uses a visa card so I can withdraw my money from Binance. it's no wonder that most people do not invest in crypto, it's incredibly complicated. going to leave Binance as it's so much hassle.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Sins says:

    Soon they will prosecute people who have funds in Binance. Be careful people you can not win against the big boys….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Анатолий Васильев says:

    you made my day with this video! Can u also share yar position about Ceres? This system seems to be a real pearl!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ndt control says:

    That's a amazing video, bro! But give yar opinion on Ceres. Is it worth trying?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ndt control says:

    appreciate for the fresh video! But could u share your thoughts on Numus? I'm an investor here, and I'd like to understand if I'm doing it right.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emi Here says:

    If I got all my coins (assets ) on Binance what do you recommend to do? Move them or leave them there? Or another platform I can use to transfer my fiat and my coins? I hope you will see this

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Антон Соболев says:

    Woah, ur vids rock! What about Numus tho? I want to take part them more and more… it is a awesome idea to get stocks rewards by holding a $eTSLA token, isn't it?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elio Tovar says:

    Great video, mate! By the way, what do u think about $CLCT? Will ya take part in the ICO on October 18?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silent Moosa says:

    can i still invest my money safely into crypto tho, using binance with all this going on?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amaani says:

    Can't forget about SAFEMOON Dumping by about 40% in the last week and near 60% in last 2 weeks. 🚀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kate Anderson says:

    Mrs. Mary Nicholls remains my number one broker for life,I invested $1200 with her and I was credited $6500 in a 3days interval. Mrs. Mary Nicholl's is a teacher not only a broker.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kate Anderson says:

    Mrs. Mary Nicholls remains my number one broker for life,I invested $1200 with her and I was credited $6500 in a 3days interval. Mrs. Mary Nicholl's is a teacher not only a broker.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kate Anderson says:

    Mrs. Mary Nicholls remains my number one broker for life,I invested $1200 with her and I was credited $6500 in a 3days interval. Mrs. Mary Nicholl's is a teacher not only a broker.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kate Anderson says:

    Mrs. Mary Nicholls remains my number one broker for life,I invested $1200 with her and I was credited $6500 in a 3days interval. Mrs. Mary Nicholl's is a teacher not only a broker.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kate Anderson says:

    Mrs. Mary Nicholls remains my number one broker for life,I invested $1200 with her and I was credited $6500 in a 3days interval. Mrs. Mary Nicholl's is a teacher not only a broker.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Alex says:

    BU HU , Brits are mad at something QQ , that went well for you in the US :))) This is general news not directed only @Binance why put "Binance IN REAL TROUBLE: UK Regulator Has Declared War" that's just CLICK BAIT.Fake news I guess.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bodrulm1 says:

    Let's see if they have any real teeth. It's clear the strategy is to go after exchanges as a means to control crypto. In the long run, centralised exchanges won't matter as you'll use a swap service that's automated (decentralised) to buy/sell/exchange any crypto you like. Theoretically, there's no reason for centralised exchanges like Binance, Coinbase et al to exist long term. How do you regulate code? just like you can't regulate YouTube or Facebook, it's beyond the grasp of dinosaur regulators. Welcome to the new world. Regulation itself must innovate.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bodrulm1 says:

    Bankers are bad actors, factually. The FCA (or previous incarnations) did bugger all to protect us. You know who their real stakeholders are and it ain't us

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coinbite says:

    Do we really need a 'nanny' to look over our shoulder s to make sure our fingers don't get burned? DeFi should be just that – De-centralised. It really is down to each individual to complete due diligence before investing or using a crypto service – wherever they are in the world.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Clarke says:

    Brilliant video as always Sasha. Will you be covering the new social care levy which includes a rise in tax for Shareholders?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Hawkins says:

    I have an idea that could solve their regulation problem without harming innovation or freedom of finances.

    It basically involves a cbdc and an app that's half centralised half decentralised
    Would help the space grow healthy and limit their problems, and be the framework for an idea that is potentially quite bold and excessive.

    Do you know how I would contact the relevant department of government to see if they are interested?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Cole says:

    Most crypto tokens are essentially digital Ponzi schemes.
    I think that most people realise that there is no underlying value in these, they just think they will buy in early enough to see a hefty return on their investment.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Armstrong says:

    You can't get a more British burn than that speech. Looks like Binance have irritated the wrong people…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hooky says:

    If the FCA are so concerned about money laundering, they should start with looking at the large commercial banks who are the biggest facilitators of money laundering and backing terrorist organisations. Crypto is insignificant compared to the traditional markets. This always happens in new asset classes, remember when the Internet started and retailers started selling to their customers. It took years to get to a regulated environment. All governments are always slow to change and adopt new technologies. It will happen though and regulation is a good thing as far as I'm concerned as it means wide adoption and greater protection. People who don't want a safer more regulated environment, I would question their motives.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NotEvenFunny says:

    I'm a grown man I don't need some prck in a suit to worry about MY MONEY. It's none of their business what I do with MY MONEY!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Ellis says:

    As someone who still has some crypto in a Binance wallet, does anyone have recommendations for alternatives to transfer it to?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Life Of Del says:

    The FCA Is financed by all of the big banks JP Morgan Goldman Sachs Barclays. Why should anyone listen

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR X says:

    This is why I won't put a penny in crypto. Bitcoin is way way overpriced and Dogecoin was made as a joke. There is no government backing behind them.
    Celebrities like Kardashian should be prosecuted if they advertise a fraudulent crypto.
    It's only right the FCA go after fake actors. They are just doing their job and protecting the consumer.

    Great video as per Sasha.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Burgess says:

    I remember how, a couple of years back, I kept getting a lot of adverts for something called bunny tokens I always did wonder whether I should have invested 25% of my portfolio in them…(not!🤣)

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian De Chiara says:

    Secondly, isn't it up to the investor to perform checks and balances on their end before investing money into anything? I know there are bad actors out there but people should be more vigilant with their cash.

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