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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are. It is my 13th consecutive green day. over $80,000 of profit in the last 13 days. The hot streak continues now.

I Missed a day yesterday out sick I'm not sure I'm gonna be here tomorrow not feeling on a percent but I came in today trade for half an hour. a twenty six hundred bucks. so you know I mean as long as I'm not feeling really awful I'm I'm happy to trade, but you know when you try to train he's got a fever. you're just not feeling good.

That's not. It's not gonna work. You need to come into this market peak performance. You need to be ready.

to really. you know, bring it because ultimately, you're competing against some of the best traders in the world. You're competing against algorithmic. you know, high-frequency traders.

So if you lose your edge cuz you're not feeling good cuz you're angry cuz you're frustrated to have bad morning, that's a problem. So you know as much as I want to say look, you know how hard is it to sit here when you're feeling crappy. You know it's not as simple as that because you need to be feeling a hundred percent in order to be your your best self as a trader. So you know yesterday I did miss probably a couple opportunities.

probably could have made at least a thousand bucks, you know. Today decided to come down, trade it here for the first half hour. made some money. gonna go back at some rest, you know I'm okay with that.

but really I know home runs. It's not like I missed a crazy crazy move. we didn't have a stock go up 300% yesterday. we didn't have it today so you know still kind of grinding.

Smaller wins, but I can work with that. So at this point I've got twenty thousand dollars to go to hit the hundred K mark. I've got twenty seven thousand dollars to go to cross over the 1 million dollar mark in my small account and if I was going to do that by the end of February, Well, I've only got five days left if I come into trade tomorrow. So you know, $27,000 in five days.

It's not unheard of for me, but to set that as the expectation is a little realistic, it's always better to set low expectations like 2500 a day and then just to hit the ball out of the park versus be banking on hitting a home run and then that kind of changes your whole mentality. Then when you don't hit it, you start to get frustrated and you start to try to hit them. You start to make mistakes and today there were several trades where I had an opportunity to either take what I thought at first might be a home run - just take the base hit or to keep running. So just imagine you swing, you hit the bat, you hit the ball and you were thinking who's gonna be a home run but you know it just goes out until left field.

Whatever, you're running past first, you're going a second. You see the guys got the ball on third. You got to change what you're gonna do based on the new information. I'm sure you hoped you would be a home run.

You want the home run and you can keep running a third and guess what you're gonna get you know, tagged out or you can stop at second and take the base hit. you know it's a double, whatever And and that's the thing that traders aren't always good at. Sometimes we get into a trade we're like, well, I'm either selling for a home run or I'm stopping out and that's kind of silly. It doesn't make sense to do that.
So today I got a couple base hits, 1,400 on one tray, 1,400 on another $370 lakhs. No big deal Green Day and hopefully be back at it tomorrow. Alright, so as usual, any questions, any comments, link below and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. I'm feeling up for it or if not, all right everyone.

So we're gonna do our midday market recap. Back at it today. was out yesterday, not feeling super great I Don't feel a lot better today but I just figured you know what, let's just get down in the office. When I was working from home, it was so much easier just to kind of, you know, walk from one side of the house to the other and start doing my trading.

But since I've set up this office, it's just this whole kind of extra thing you know. I Gotta get a car I Gotta get dressed I got it? You know all of it. So and of course I you know for me to have my home trading station, there's a couple things that I need to happen: bring home I got multiple computers and monitors and I just don't bring them home every day. So anyways, yesterday I just wasn't feeling it.

sounds like you guys missed or I missed a little bit of action on KN di. but other than that not a lot. and then today you know came back in I'm just trading here for the first, well, half hour really made $2,600 and I'm just gonna be done for the day. go home and get some rest.

So these are the the three stocks I trade today Bo XL was off the watchlist and I lost money. The other two were off the high, had a momentum scanner and those were good trades. So you'll notice that I don't have my Sterling platform up here or my Sterling platform was Centrepointe Let me open that here real quick for you guys. so let me get logged in.

Yeah so what happened with mice with my Centrepointe account? I accidently got myself a margin call on it. One of the pros of Stirling which is of Centrepointe which is really nice is that they have a number of different clearing firms that they offer. One of the cons is that they don't check your buying power before you send the trade and so I took a trade using my buying power only to find out after the fact that the clearing firm I was with didn't allow margin on that stock and I didn't want to meet the margin calls. So they're switching me to a different clearing firm.

that's I Guess more lenient with margin calls in general which will be good. and they're reaching out to Sterling to create the buying power restriction so that doesn't keep happening because that's you know for me, when I'm trading I just press shift one shift, one shift one. I'm really not thinking about my buying power I'm not thinking about the limitation there and so as a result, it's super easy to exceed your buying power if you're the one that's supposed to be in charge of it. So anyway, so this accounts been locked up for well, basically this whole week I can't remember if I had it open on Monday or Tuesday But anyways, so just using my IRA account for right now which is fine, I'm really content to do that anyways and it'll pretty much mean that this month I am just a wash on Centrepointe I made some money, lost some money I Think my account is basically exactly where I started this, so it's not even going to really factor into my February profits but gets switched over.
You know, get back into it and either next week or maybe it really get back into it and serious that way next month. So yeah, so trading the IRA Remember guys, I started to hear with twenty nine thousand dollars in this IRA it's up to 250 percent I'm gonna be up at 110 thousand or a hundred. and you know nine thousand dollars, one hundred, eight thousand, six hundred dollars tomorrow cruisin in this account. Which is really nice because all of the gains are tax-free You pay tax on the initial contribution and then all the growth is tax-free In contrast to a traditional IRA You don't pay any tax on the initial contribution, but then the withdrawals are taxed.

That's like a you know it saves you when you put it in but hurts you when you pull it back out. So the Roth IRA goes the other direction. There are income limits on it I've got a video on YouTube where I talk about those income limits and how you get around it by using the backdoor conversion of traditional to rock. But anyways, today, these are the three stocks they traded.

So starting with a watchlist here: Bo XL Actually, the watchlist was kind of thin this morning. There really wasn't a lot that I was super excited about. Candy I was on watch for continuation. ended up you know I hadn't order ready to go at 70.

The pre market high was 64 I put the order at 70 and you know it ends up breaking 60 which is kind of what I was watching and then squeezing up to well 895 doing a 1-minute micro pullback and then going up to 921. So a good job for those of you guys that hit this one. I was just a little conservative on it I wasn't really sure and I I missed the move. But here's the thing.

Candy Eyes got a 37 million share float. It's nearly $10 It's not really my wheelhouse for what I like to trade so I don't super regret missing it. but I did miss it so that was off the watchlist I didn't trade it Bo XL was off the watchlist I lost 370 bucks on it I jumped into that one as a let's see the 80 Bo XL jumped in at 37 and 40 for the break in the pre-market high I got in a little late on it. The pre market entry really was the breakout was 34 35.
the 200 moving average was 35 but I was thinking if that level breaks we've got room up to for it. Has Catalyst today. The float is pretty low so I jumped in. it hits a high of 47.

Tried to sell some at 45 when it couldn't break the half dollar. didn't get filled. Sold the whole thing at 32. lost 370 bucks so went into the red.

first trade of the day into the Red. Not what I like, but it is what it is. and then at that point I was watching Heidi Momentum Scanners Zzn was also on the watchlist this morning I didn't take a trade on it out of the gates. It ended up breaking out here over the pre-market high of 70 and squeezing up to 82, but then pulling right back down so it didn't hold that level very well at all.

So kind of a little bit of a bummer on that one. and that's kind of what we saw on the first trade on ad il it hits the scanner I jumped in I didn't jump in it initially. I was kind of like I don't know. this thing is light volume, not into it but it rips.

It goes from 37 the first alert on our scanner all the way up to a high of four bucks. I jumped in it at 74, 75, added at 92, sold at 99 99 and sold some more as it came back down. So we had this little one-minute scalp here, made some money on it, came back up here to 4. you know, again a little scalp opportunity.

So I took a trade right in this area, another trade right in here, and then I missed this awesome move right here. But I got in right here on this pullback I bought it at 33. This was like a picture-perfect one-minute micro pullback entry in at 33 you'll see my buy order. where is it? Let's see there it is.

So I'm in at 33 right here in 33. First woman to Kayla make a new high jump in. Boom! it pops up to 58 so a really nice break out. There does a little 1-minute pullback and then goes higher so you know I didn't do as well on it as I could've but made some money and I'm happy with that.

And then the other one that I traded was fuv this one hit the scanners right here. You can see this one was called out in the room watch first Daily Candle to make a new high I pulled it up and immediately was like yep, this is a setup that I really like and I stepped up to the plate I took 15,000 shares of this because first Daily Camel make a new high typically is a really strong set up. You know you can look back at so many examples of this: I'm trying to think of one recently, but I've got this stock and in like on the tip of my tongue, let me find my Excel sheet. I Don't know why I'm not thinking of the name of the symbol - sxtz let's look yeah, shout out a couple of the names of ones they have done.

First, One-minute Candle make a new high Recently sxtz did a small one here TMS are did a pretty good one here. This one was pretty good. This neither of these were the one I was thinking of though it's like oh I think it was works no well yeah this did do first one first day of the candle making new high but that wasn't the one now I'm a little annoyed that I can't think of which one it was but ABC yeah this is what happens. You missed one day and you lose everything.
Yeah ABC Oh this was a pretty good. this was a really good one actually. So anyways that's the setup. So fuv I saw it and I was like yep jumping in getting aggressive.

Target 540 it breaks 546 34 is the next target I saw that there was a headline here I guess this was yesterday so you know I stepped up to the plate it hit a high of 515 you know I took some profit at 510 505 I was ready to add for the first woman a camel to make a new high and then it didn't break and so I stopped out of the rest of the position. So I got in with 15,000 shares I sold 14,000 right here because I was expecting it would take off right away. I was thinking it was gonna go straight to 525 550 and the fact that it broke five but only broke like 15 cents. to me it was a red flag.

I was like this isn't good I've got a big position I need to unwind. It started selling half on the ask, half on the bed holding for the first woman to candle to make a new high at that point thinking well, I can add back six thousand shares, go back up to 9,000 or 10,000 and still have a good trade. It's not gonna be a home run anymore though and then the first woman accountant make a new high, ended up opening or dropping you know where it was supposed to go higher and ended up dropping which was right here. So kind of disappointing that that didn't end up being a homerun trade.

but I think at that time the focus was probably on K and D I A lot of traders are watching this as it was moving higher and then Adi L So sometimes we've got other stocks that are strong. It sort of dilutes the trading you know, kind of feeding frenzy that we have and and that's ultimately what the market is. It's group mentality. If traders are really buy a strong long bias on one stock, you know everyone's kind of focused on it.

and when everyone's spread across the number of different stocks, you just often see sort of lackluster action across the board. So anyways, you know 1500 on Fuv, which is only 10 cents on 15,000 shares ad Il 1,400 bucks and then lost 370 on Bo. XL So kind of stepped up to the plate on Fuv hoping for a really nice breakout. Didn't really get it, but that's okay, you know I think I trade it the right way and one of the things you know some traders take this approach of.

you know they take a big position. they they don't sell any of it. they either hit their profit target or they hit their max loss and I don't do that. I I take the approach of while the trade is happening I'm really a ting the new information that I have as information becomes available and I'll change my approach from being very very long biased and thinking this has homerun potential to you know what? this one's not looking like, it has homerun potential anymore I need to shift my focus from trying to hit a homerun to just getting a base hit.
This is before commissions. My commissions are always calculated at the end of the day because it's this is a direct access platform so the Ecn fees, the Ecn rebates it all gets done at the end of the day. So this is my gross and then my net will probably be about $200 less than that. So anyways at the end of each month all of my all my profits are net because at the end of the by the end of the month I know what my Commission's are.

So as of right now I'm gonna be sitting up about 81 thousand dollars on the month in net profit after commissions and I'm gonna be sitting with about twenty seven thousand dollars between 9 and the 1 million dollar level which is pretty exciting so you know getting closer and closer to that level. Obviously I was hoping to have 100k month here in February and being sick has not helped me but you know it's it's okay, it's at the end of the day and these goals are somewhat arbitrary. So you know if I only hit 85 thousand or 90 really isn't a big deal, it's still gonna be a great month right now to my 13th consecutive Green Day I'm on a hot streak and I want to keep it going. you know tomorrow and I'll see how I feel I'm not definitely gonna be in tomorrow I'll really just see how I feel So yeah, you know Fridays aren't usually my best day anyways so I'm not gonna have too much FOMO about missing a Friday if I'm not feeling up for it.

but you know the other day I was trading, sitting here trading like an idiot aside, felt so sick and I was over trading I was being super aggressive and that wasn't that wasn't good so I think that was on Tuesday actually. but anyways that's it for me. 10:30 gonna finish up here $2,600 Go get some rest and I'll see you guys either tomorrow morning I'll see you on Monday All right, take it easy everyone, if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.

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28 thoughts on “Big winners in 13 days of trading! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Roth says:

    hey Ross, $2600 will buy you a lot of chicken noodle soup!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Wolf says:

    Do you have live trading room ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nadine Thabit says:

    Dear Ross, hope u are feeling better now. I want to know if lightspeed accepts non US traders? And if not what are you suggesting? Also if it is possible to have a web or mobile access for the trading platform would be great for me.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dtanktdtank says:

    How much do u invest to make 1k a day?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D A Rangel says:

    Thanks Ross!👍

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Jones says:

    Get well soon Ross! hope you feel better over the weekend

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Happie says:

    wow nice!!! my 22th day of day trading >< losing overall, but have learnt alot of thing through winning and losing. lack of experience and discipline. Happy i am improving bit by bit

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Durocher says:

    You’re Tom Brady in this game 🐐 ❤️

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Shooter says:

    What is the chart you use ? (It seems not from lightspeed.)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Allison says:

    Ross!! A drop of White Thyme Oil & a drop of Oregano will get you back in action. Kill those germs.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyrell Floyd says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🗽Walking New York City says:

    Way to get in there and grind like a Boss Ross! Fell better man.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Sunrise of crypto stock and options says:

    First of all, Ross will feel good. Second, how much did you pay broker commissions today for three deals? How many deals does the parallel take?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Zimmerman says:

    Half-hour Made $2,600 Bucks? Really??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Astronomer says:

    How do I learn your strategy?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marko koers says:

    Thanks again Ross!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia Parnou says:

    yes hope you are better, was wondering where is Ross? was a rough morning quite red down 400=500$ then Zsan brought me back to green. morning was prepared with horizontal triggers, Kindi, 3 trades, first chased up wanted to get in at 8.64, got in at 8.74, Zsan first trade red, Adil saw it halted, wanted to enter at 4.38$ too fast wow waiting for 4.38$ to print did not see it moved so fast got filled at 4.6$ wow! then Zsan was nice…Had i traded it better…but i am green thank you ross for sharing your knowledge and skills i have learned a lot from you!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Swenor says:

    You upset about missing out on ZSAN? I am a bit, but I didnt buy today, I took advice from one of your videos, dont make a play for the "fear of missing out"

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KenJohn says:

    Wow! you were recording this when the monsters of ZSAN was heating up, that was your home run trade.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FehX says:

    Spoke too soon…. $ZSAN

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark P says:

    Hey Ross is SureTrader still a good platform to use ? Do a lot of ppl in your program still use it

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark P says:

    Been watching you for a while Ross. Admire your dedication to trading . Was in the chat couple years ago looking get back in soon for s comeback . Thanks for the videos man

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ted dy says:

    Ross you need to eat a Snickers it'll make you feel better, lol Just Kidding, get better soon.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Tekula says:

    ZSAN was absolutely insane

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aziz The real one says:

    Just out of curiosity how much was your principal you used to profit $2600 in one day

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ulises Bernales says:

    I made 2000 on ADIL today😁

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Amaton says:

    consistency is the key! awesome Ro$$

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Carroll says:

    What constraints are you looking for for your high of day momo scanner?

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