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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? So another awesome day of trading. Five green days in a row. $25,000 on the week? I'm up seventy-seven thousand dollars this month? I'm loving it right now. right around two hundred and eighty five thousand dollars on the year.

Six hundred and fifteen, Six hundred and sixteen thousand dollars in my account that I started about fourteen months ago with five hundred and eighty Three dollars. So the momentum is so hot right now. but you know we're just seeing opportunities day after day after day. And right now, the most important thing for me this month is that I keep my losses small I've already had two big red days this month and half my profits are going to charity.

So I Really, you know it's like I want to be aggressive I want to try and swing for the fences because I want to have as much profit as I can. so I can give away half of it. but I don't want to end up having a big mess and losing a lot of money. So right now at seventy seven thousand on the month, that's about thirty-eight thirty-nine thousand dollars that I'm gonna be donating at the end of this month.

which is crazy so you know. I'm still thinking a hunter case, we've been reached. Twenty three thousand dollars off that level with about nine days left in the month. I think it could happen? I mean I've got my fingers crossed.

but it's really a matter of staying focused. a quality set ups knowing when to put the pedal to the metal, knowing when to be aggressive, and knowing when to ease off the throttle and slow down. Alright, so anyways, we're gonna break down all of today's trades and there's a bunch of them in today's midday market recap. All right everyone.

So we're gonna go over our midday market recap the trades from this morning, finishing the morning up four thousand, nine hundred, seventy two dollars, and Twenty cents. which is awesome And that puts me up seventy seven thousand dollars on the month. So this is right now. it's just been awesome.

Month fourth best month of all time. I'm seven thousand dollars away or eight thousand away from it being my second best month of all time. Anything above eighty five thousand will be second best month of all time, and we've still got almost ten days left in the month. So I think I've got a really good chance at having at least the second best month of all time, and you know 100k is within reach.

That's the goal right now. I'm gonna mute my alerts here Oh Rpm This is one of the ones I did pretty well on today. About four thousand dollars profit just on this name. you know, really some nice clean moves.

It's been whipping around a little bit at the highs, but now it looks like it's breaking through and moving a little bit higher. So great job for those of you that have stuck around to trade this so as you guys know for in honor of: Memorial Day I'm gonna be donating half of my profits this month to various charitable organizations I Talked about this earlier in the week. My grandmother was a nurse in the army and that's where she met my grandfather who was a soldier who got wounded. That's how they met and I wouldn't be here trading and teaching all of you guys to trade if both of them hadn't I've been willing to step up and you know, fight for this country and you know do what they did.
Now they didn't Neither of them died in while serving although they both died in their 40s and the thought was that it was from some things that you know, carcinogens and stuff that they were exposed to you know in the during the war. So anyways I'm excited about this I'm gonna be donating to local charities in the Berkshires and which is where our new office it's going to be in. Great Barrington Massachusetts and I want to encourage you guys to make some donations as well. So what we've put together is a Warrior trading gives back Challenge Landing page.

Let's see I'll just pull this up on the screen so you guys can see it and we're not collecting any money. but what we wanted you guys to do is if you are interested in making a donation to a local charity, really encourage you guys to, you know stay local as much as you can. You can make a pledge and just say your name, email the organization and the amount send and then we'll tally it up. So as of today my contributions are going to be up to thirty eight thousand Five hundred dollars which is awesome.

The link I posted in the chatroom a Morial Day Challenge. You guys can see it and I think if you googled Warrior Trading Memorial Day Challenge you would also find it, but you can see it right here. Those of you on Facebook live, you guys can see it as well and you know we'd love to. You know, get back.

As a community, we're also fortunate to be able to make the amount of money we're making. I Saw Peter you had one of your best day. Seventy-five hundred dollars today. That's awesome I Saw John he made another seventeen hundred dollars today.

He's already made a pledge that he's going to be contributing. We haven't updated it on the site yet, but I know Jeff is gonna be contributing and so will Mike So I would love for you guys to step up and do something for your local community. It doesn't have to be thirty eight thousand dollars like mine. it can be fifty bucks.

It can be a hundred bucks. It's really the thought that counts. So this is something that we're gonna do for. Memorial Day When were they challenged and yeah I Just encourage you guys to check out this page and make a pledge if you're thinking about your local veterans.

Okay, so anyways, I just want to talk about that here. At the end of the week, it's been a great week. About $24,000 $25,000 in trading profits, which is awesome. Really in a nice hot streak here.

and let me show you my gains. So in my main account two thousand, seven hundred and fifty eight dollars, and in the IRA account two thousand, two hundred and fourteen dollars, more than ten percent growth in the IRA. That's awesome. This has been a good week in the IRA I'm up about thirty three hundred dollars total profit in three trades, so I needed that.
I Started the week at seventeen thousand eight hundred in the IRA and I'm gonna be at twenty one thousand here starting next week, so only, well, four thousand dollars away from the $25,000 PDT level right? once I'm above that PDT level I Can date tray as much as I want? I'm not limited to the three trades per week, so really it's you know it's just a matter of waiting for these eight quality setups, jumping in and getting a good a good sized win I took oh I PN in this account I got in at I put the orders here I put out a bunch of orders at 3 312 313. The thing is I never know how much I'm gonna get filled, especially with Interactive Brokers It's a lot of partial fills so I just kept putting out orders. bunch of em got rejected. Insufficient buying power.

but I did fill 4,000 shares. so I filled 4,000 shares. Basically right. $3 to 94 to 96 to 97.

These strange little slow fills a little at 308 and I sold it at 350. Fifty cents on four thousand shares was two thousand bucks. So you know if I can do that a couple more times. I'll get this account up to 25 grand pretty quickly.

So a nice trade there on RPN I'll just pull up the chart on this I'm going to minimize these windows here. minimize and minimize. So our Pn hits our scanners this morning. That's how we find pretty much all of these stocks.

They're hitting our scanners. This one wasn't on the watch list, but the bell rings. We're watching the scans and Boom. There's Au Rpm hitting it to 87 to 92 to 99 and I'm looking at it and I know this is a former runner.

This is a stock that has a history as you can see it popping up some days here. You know from $2 to $4 $2 to $6 so it's a familiar stock. It likes to make these big moves big dramatic squeezes. It doesn't always hold those levels though, and you got to be quick to take profits.

today. It's holding up fairly well as soon as I saw it on the scanners I knew you know the name and this is something someone asked me the other day. Ross How long did it take for you become familiar with these types of stocks? Matt and I would say probably about a year of trading to start to really recognize. Oh, these are names.

These are stocks that have squeezed up before and you start to remember them so low. Rpm is one of the ones. I Remember here: got in at $3 we get to move up to 324 I Got in in my main account at 3 I took a couple trades earlier Qnc just small little trades vlr x o our Pn. I jumped in this one at 3:11 and 3:23 and added at 3:50 So you know, being pretty aggressive trying to ride this momentum ends up hitting a high of 368 and in my main account I stopped out as it came back down I stopped out at 348 which was okay.
It was a good $1,500 winner, but not as good as it could have been. It pulled back, dropped down and then I got back in on this curl. back up the second move on the break of the V whap I didn't take that one in my IRA but I did take it in my main account. it was the last trade I took in it 40.

Let's see where was it? Forty forty partial fill 43 and 45 couple partial fills selling it fifty three, forty six and then the rest as it came back down at twenty two so you know. Made another five hundred bucks on it and I'm finishing up 1900 an RPN of my main account and in the IRA account, two thousand dollars, Two thousand and forty million dollars. So good trades on that one and it's you know, still higher than when I got in. it's at three fifty right now so that one's looking good and continuing continuing higher.

Q TNT I Got in this one out of the gates off the hide a momentum scanner at 5:27 it's at 5:30 right now. Hit a high of like 565. a little choppy I jumped in it I think it was on this kind of red to green move. as it was starting to surge up 527, it taps 544 and then drops back down.

Made 400 bucks on 7500 shares. Not a huge win like five six cents. Let's see. Li VX This one was not easy I Jumped into this at nine dollars and ninety cents.

it's at six dollars and sixteen cents right now. this one, you know I was a little bit unsure about it I saw some of you guys talking about in the chat room and a camera. One of you guys said you got in it like 750 and sold it up around 10. I Got in at nine actually I got in at 950 and 975.

So I had a nine right? an average right around 970. It pops up to a high of 1020 I sold half at 1005, sold a little bit more as it came back down at 973 and sold the rest at 950. So my trades were all in this little zone here, which is fine because that's basically a scalp type of setup, but it clearly didn't hold up. It consolidated sideways after dropping, and then it's continued to fade lower.

So a little disappointing there that that one didn't work out as well. but the pre-market chart was a little bit iffy. That was kind of tricky. Next one: VV PR This one I Tried to do a daily breakout trade on it.

You can see here how it was consolidating at 75 I Got in for the break right here. Over 75. we popped up to a high of 88, couldn't hold that level. came back down at 72 right now.

So I only made one hundred and ninety two dollars on that trade VL Rx This was a gapper that we were watching this morning. I Tried to get in for the break of two dollars in at 99, stopped out at 190. It's been going lower since then. Lost two hundred and fifty nine dollars.

I HT I Jumped into this one for a break over the half dollar of 250. it hits 276 I Stopped out at like 240 for a $298 loss. a small loss there and then Calli another one I jumped into it 310. it pops up to a high of 340, doesn't hold those levels and comes back down.
Kali's another name that is a former runner. However, what happens very often on this are these big doji candles. So we're topping tail candles so that big upper wick it squeezes up and doesn't hold those levels and it comes back down. So it's one that you have to be a little careful of.

Today, it didn't hold up super well again, so you know it's kind of getting maybe overplayed and I probably should leave it alone for a while. Similar to LEDs, you know, a stock that was fun and then just ended up getting just a lot of false breakouts and a lot more difficult. So I took a small scalp on Callie in my IRA but I only made 165 bucks. So with that I have three trades this week in the IRA so I'm not gonna be able to trade in it again until let's see sometime next week.

My first trade in the IRA this week was on. let's see what day was that it was actually on Wednesday So I took a trade Wednesday and then I took two trades here on Friday. So I'm not gonna Beall trading the account again until next Wednesday because of the five-cent because of the the five-day PDT rule. So Thursday yeah, so I got to wait till next week but but that's fine I'll you know, whatever Did a good job this week.

account grew by 10% and more than that actually. And if I can get a couple of good trades towards the end of next week or the following week, then that might help me get up closer to $25,000 by the end of the month, which would be awesome. That would be a really big milestone. All right.

So that's about it for me. How many shares in the IRA 4,000 shares on Kali and I think sorry. 4,000 shares on ORP N and Kali was I'm not sure. it's kind of hard to tell just the way it is here.

2500 3000 looks like 4,000 shares also on Kali. Maybe 5,000 shares on Kali Kali might have been a little bit of a bigger position and and I was selling I basically hit the bid and I spilled some of it at 35 for profit and then the rest down at 12. So kind of slippage on my exit there. but that's okay.

you know I would rather have a small winner than then a loss. So anyways, that's about it for me today. Another great day at trading. It's been an awesome week and I'm looking forward to hopefully having a hundred thousand dollar month.

I'm about twenty to twenty three thousand dollars off that level. So a couple of couple of good days next week and it's gonna happen. But I have to be careful because you know I had a day this month where I lost 13,000 in one morning. so I've got to be aggressive when the momentum is there, when the markets are hot, and I have to sit on my hands when things start to get a little choppy.

so that's gonna be really key for my success this month. All right. So I hope everyone has an awesome weekend. get some rest.

Those of you that are in the classes study up Monday Mornings gonna be here before you know it and I want to make sure you guys are able to capitalize on the hot streak that we're seeing right now. Okay, so I'll see you all first thing Monday Morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis. All right, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. you must have really enjoyed that video.
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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Big trade win-nebago today!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime Abustan says:

    Hi sir, i have a question. and i came frome philippines, and im trying to study how trading works before i trade. my first question is what site should i use so that i can trades? can you link me please. 2nd is the best broker that i will use

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moto 949 says:

    Look for LAKE on Nasdaq to soar 250% plus just like it did a couple years back – they make hazmat suits. The last ebola scare caused this and another outbreak just started. Ross has mentioned this stock before…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler H says:

    Can you make a video explaining your initial trade strategy when you started with $500?

    You must have been going somewhat long on something, right?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Shooter says:

    Ross, your pro students have different chatroom from regular subscribers ? what was the difference?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Walling says:

    I think if you end up red for the year you should take 50% of the losses from a charity. 🙂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harshal Chaudhari says:

    You say momentum a lot what is it ?
    Love your videos.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Ahn says:

    Goal of the year: Not being green but Beat Ross's entry points lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Really annoyed took two really stupid trades and gave back two days off profit , was watching IHT for a 2.50 entry no fill so chased it at literally high off day 2.75 and second trade was on POLA brought that high off day too . Ross POLA squeezed from 6.50 to 6.75 at what point would you have taken a trade when would you have taken and entry on a pull back over or for the break off $7

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remote Indigo Index says:

    The man, the myth, the legend…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRY to HELP you says:

    Though I do not have the Sim yet, and am not in the class yet…. I looked at one of the stocks u talked about and made a theoretical 200-then-200 dollars….. Really liking your strategy man!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Oktim says:

    good for you . . . .and me, I'm learning . . . .

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Market Open says:

    we miss the Mike recaps, wheres he at ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeyondTrading says:

    Hey! Been Following you for a while now, Thanks for all the great Help! Quick Question, when you say you stopped out, did you mean you had triggered a stop loss activation or you just simply sell all share by using hotkey to sell when its on the downhill?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Educated Shows says:

    Good for you for donating 😎

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malcolm Neme says:

    Ross how much if I just want to purchase your scanners??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R V says:

    You’re awesome. donating to charity; it says a lot about you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Dion says:

    Blow it out the water. You can so do it. Eyes wide on results. Keep up the momentum !!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor W says:

    How much did you start your IRA account at again Ross? Was it $10k?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars w says:

    Sup Ross, love the vids! I got a short question. When you are buying of a squeze through pre-market highs do you immediately sell on the ask or do you sell on the bid?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuicidelG says:

    it seems like this is impossible to get into unless you have the freedom to not have to have another day job. For instance, I would be interested in getting my feet wet to do it, but as an electrician who has to work 7-3 or 6-2 typically, how am I supposed to even trade without quitting my job on a gamble?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kalifate 23 says:

    Would appreciate some more live trading videos Ross! Thanks

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars salamjosal says:

    Ross do you guys have a free trial for your trading room before participate to check it out.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F Davis says:

    I have no doubt you will hit the 1 million dollar mark by October. You're like a money making machine Ross.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars future trading says:

    I can't afford the membership not even talking about charity!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Bergman says:

    Are brokerage/ecn fees taken off before they give you your realized profits? just curious

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