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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so finishing the first day of April up eleven thousand, one hundred four dollars and twenty nine cents, an unexpected big first day of the month. Today is the 57th trading day of the year and my average right now is about two thousand eight hundred dollars per day, which is fantastic. One hundred sixty thousand plus or minus on the year, and you know today it was. It was really pretty easy.

SLS was a stock straight off the watchlist I was watching the pre market high of six dollars I Got in at five eighty anticipating the test of the pre market. Hi, We ended up hitting a high today of ten dollars and sixty nine cents up nearly two hundred percent. I Mean it was absolutely incredible and it was really a pretty straightforward trade. Lie Traders in the room got big wins on this one, which is a great way to start the month.

Nice big cushion. Alright, so we'll break down all of today's trades in today's midday. Marco Recap All right everyone. So here we are finishing the first day of April and what a great start to the month.

I Wasn't expecting to have this type of day today, but I'm gonna get on my calendar and write it down: 11100 Four dollars and twenty-nine cents all on one stock straight off our watch list. So I Really, we kept it simple today, didn't deviate from the strategy we knew SLS was going to be in play just based on the pre market scans and jumped in. Capitalized on it and Boom! a big green day. So write that in a calendar here.

Want that? Eleven thousand, one hundred four dollars and twenty-nine cents. and let's see what is today. It is the let's see that was a 54, 55, 56, 57 The 57th day beer. So fifty seventh Day of 2018.

Boy that that feels good. It's always nice to start the month with a big win. And even though I would have really loved to have traded this one in my IRA it happened so fast that I didn't feel like I could I could position myself with a good entry so that's okay. that's you.

know that's kind of the way it is sometimes I'm not gonna be too disappointed about that. Still did really well on the trade. so let's look at just starting from the very beginning. how do we find the stock? How did we know where to buy it and what were my entries? So pull up the Gap scanner here.

s LS was our leading gap or this morning this is I'm gonna do the timeframe on this historical date. We'll do this at 9:20 a.m. All right. So at 9:20 A.m.

it was. It was priced at $5 19 cents gapping up 50% with a hundred and ninety thousand shares of volume. All right, not bad. Now this had a strong Catalyst which was news about clinical trials with breast cancer patients.

So we had a catalyst and when I pulled up the chart on this one, this was what our five minute chart looked like. and this is what our one minute chart like I could see that it was. It was definitely strong pre market I Wish it had opened right around at this price because I would have been a buyer at five thirty and doubling at five fifty. But by the time the bell rang, it had already squeezed up to a high of six dollars and I did feel like it was getting a little bit extended.
So when the bell rang I told everyone I was like look guys I'm gonna approach this as a scalp when I look at my average winners over the last well, 15 months since I started my $583 challenge my average winners are about 18 cents per share. So on this one, I'm going in for an 18 20 cent winner and if it ends up working out for more than that's great. So the bell rings and it starts squeezing up right away. I Know the pre market high is 599 I Jumped in at 580 anticipating that this level would get at the very least tested that the price would hit $6 and that right, there's 20 cents of profit and if it broke through the pre market highs and squeezed higher, that would give me 30 40 cents of total profit.

So let's look at the orders all right. So my very first order, I'm in with 7,500 shares at 580. So I'm being a little aggressive on my share size, but not incredibly so. And then I add another 2,500 shares at 587.

So now I've got 10,000 shares at 587. Literally seven seconds later, it's at 623 and I sell half. I sell half because we have just squeezed up 50 cents and I'm up over $5,000 I sell half. It squeezes to a high of 650 and I sell another quarter at 635.

I sell more at 624 and with that I was out of the trade. So right here in the first, let's see. this is the first one minute. The first one minute of trading I had over 4,000 dollars of profit I then got back in as it pulled back and started to curl back up at 629, 629, 626 and 626 was 7,500 shares.

I put the order to sell half at 673 for $0.50 profit. That right, there is $3,500 if I sold the whole thing now I didn't sell the whole thing I sold 2700 shares and I sold the rest at 60 and then at 72 trying to sell on the ask but not getting filled. selling them. he asked only filling 200 shares selling on the ask, not filling and so I hit the bid.

and then again, I hit the bid I Ended up taking a little bit of a loss down here on the very bottom of those 2,200 shares. All right. So that was all inside this action right here I Then got back in for one more stab I believe this was at 9:32 in this third candle with 7500 shares again, 936 and 950, 636 and 659 and selling basically for a small loss or a small profit. It didn't really work out very well.

Sold That one is 634, 622, and 619 sixth seven. Alright, so a couple of trades there send consolidating sideways, consolidating sideways and then suddenly pops back up. So this was the spot right here where it starts to pop back up and traders watching this closely would have been getting a good entry right here at 587 I wasn't watching it closely enough. It pops up to a high of 620 and 625 625 I ended up adding at 677 right up here.
so I add at 677 it pulls back for a second I added and squeeze it up to a high of 713 and is halted. Alright I sold some at 712 Before the halt, it resumes from the halt I add 739 and here you can see it squeezes up to a high of a 27. So I add at 739 I take some profit at 775 I add more at 87, 87, 88, and 94 I sell some at 804 and I add back at 827 As we squeeze into the second haul, we then resume, we pull back for a second I'm selling at 846, 859 and at the high for me of 898. and with that I've booked eleven thousand, one hundred, four dollars, and twenty-nine cents.

it hit a high of exactly ten dollars. So I sold it a little shy of the highs. You don't always capture the top and bottom of every move, but when you have a move this big right, this is a really big move, even if you can only capture a fraction of it. Even if you only get from you know here to here or from here to here, that right there is opportunity for you to hit your daily goal.

And if you get a couple good trades and you get this whole block right in here kind of the way I did from seven from 677 there all the way up to a high of 8 98 which is right there. That's fantastic. and that's eleven thousand dollars Now for me. I wasn't trading with as big of share size as I could have I'm sure some traders I know some of you guys in the room made more than me.

That's odd. Trader in the room make sixteen thousand, another with twenty five thousand dollars, and another trader with a hundred and sixteen thousand dollars. So the amount of money you make is relative to the share size. So you can see my average share size today across.

You know, what was it? Four or five trades? My average share size was probably somewhere around you know, six or seven thousand shares per trade? Alright, so I traded a total of seventy five thousand shares. Thirty-nine trades. Now, another trader who feels more comfortable trading with fifteen thousand shares would have twenty-one thousand dollars in profit. potentially if they took the exact same entries as me, Another trader who may be traded with only five thousand shares.

But it takes a strategy of buying and holding until the first five minute candle to go. Red might have gotten in five thousand shares of six dollars and held it all the way here until Nine Ten, So that would have been a fifteen thousand dollar winner. Even with smaller size, there's a lot of different ways that you can hit your daily goal. But really, the amount of money you make is certainly relative to your share size.

So some of you guys who are beginner traders, you might be trading with one tenth of my share size and you're up only eleven hundred dollars today. But I'm sure almost everyone here would be very happy with an $1,100 day, especially a beginner trader. Some of you guys have been trading for longer than me or have bigger accounts than I Do or have a bigger appetite for risk, and you trade with bigger size than I do. And that's how you make twenty two thousand dollars today.
or 30,000 or 40,000 or even maybe a hundred thousand. So it's really relative to your personal risk tolerance. But what's awesome is that these strategies and these stocks can accommodate this big range. And for any beginner trader, it's a great opportunity to hit your daily goal.

So I'm just so excited to start the month with a nice big win. Eleven thousand dollars is a fantastic way to start the month. I don't think I had let's do my best month in March was it was fourteen thousand dollars so that was a good month or that was a good day I was about two weeks ago so you know I had a few pretty solid days there back in March but then as you know, I had a red day a couple Fridays ago and you know last week was trying to dig myself out of the hole. and now with this trade I'm out of the hole and well back into the green.

which is just a great way to start a new month. So I'm excited about that. and remember if some of you guys missed this trade, you're watching it and you fumbled your orders. or you're a beginner trader and you're just you're still trading in the Sim and you know you're feeling like hah man I Wish it was real money.

Don't get the FOMO just sit tight. Be patient. We will see stocks like this again. I Guarantee it a hundred percent.

This is just the first one this week. We'll probably have another one like this this week, so be patient. Wait for those a quality set ups and then I try to capitalize and book those profits. Alright so and again today I didn't trade in the IRA I would have loved to have done it, but that first trade was I Just knew this entry was extended and I didn't want to risk it because I was buying here.

Definitely it was extended with that doji candle at the end of pre market and this setup usually is just a scalp. This is almost I mean it's this is like it was totally typical of what they do. They you they give you a scalp, they pop up and then they go sideways and a lot of times from here they can fade and go all the way back down. This one curled and gave us that second set up and that's because it had good quality news.

There was a good catalyst and that's we were talking about last week at the Inner Circle. This being the type of stock that can start that next round of momentum because traders who are like oh, I'm gonna short this thing at 7 or 6 it's gonna be back down at $3 tomorrow. It's a you know this is just another one of those stocks popping up that's gonna fade back down. Well if they didn't check the headline, they might do that.

but with that strong catalyst, you gotta be careful because something like that can happen. And if you're sure 10,000 shares at $6 And you hold the whole thing against you for 3-4 points, you're down 30 $40,000 and it doesn't take a lot to make that type of mistake. it's just a momentary lapse in judgment, taking a short position, putting a stop order and getting up and walking away and not realizing your stop order didn't fire and you're still holding it. I mean it could be pretty bad.
So yeah, I would have loved to have had this type of stock at inner Circle for you guys. just cuz that would have been a lot of fun and I know you guys would have been pumped to have that big winner down there, but you know it is what it is. Friday was a little or Thursday was a little bit slow and the market was closed on Friday so I guess this is giving us kind of that big wind to make up for it. So yeah, Bumbum done! I don't have a trade in the IRA but I think it was the right move not to take the first trade and then all of the trades after that really were scalp trades and they were quick entry, quick exit and if they had gone the wrong way, I would have been able to get out fast which which is fine but I just didn't want to risk having a big loss in the IRA.

So anyway it said I think that was the smart move and here we are now looking like a break at $10 as possible. This is that ABCD set up the pop, the pullback and then the break over that level. So you know, over $10 That wouldn't surprise me if it was squeezed if it was squeezed into another circuit breaker halt. but I'm gonna be done for the day, you know.

take my money and be happy with that I wish at the end of these days I could have the money actually stacked up how much I had because $11,000 is an awesome. That's an awesome day and I really does make up for the day two weeks ago where I lost eleven thousand dollars not just literally and financially, but also definitely emotionally. So watch here. you see the volume there.

You know Again, to me, this isn't really the safest entry to be a buyer. But if you're short and you're trying to short these before they really have rolled over, you'd be buying up here just to cover up the position before it goes through hi a day. So keep that hide a spot on watch. It's definitely a level where it could snap.

Here's Ninety Ninety Nine, Eighty Nine, Ninety Five on the ask A DA It just looks like it wants to break ninety Five Seventy Six hundred shares. There we go. There's a little more buying there. 95 98 Ten dollars.

Boom. You see that seller at ten? So we had a little bit of a seller up there. at Ten. Twenty five thousand shares.

That scares away traders who are jumping in just for the quick scalp over that level. But if it keeps grinding, it'll eat up that cellar and it'll break over. So see, back at ninety to ten dollars, it's fun to watch up one hundred eighty five percent. and it's especially nice to watch when you've already got your cushion on the name because you don't feel like you know.

I'm not gonna mess around I'm not gonna take another trade I'm just gonna enjoy seeing it if it does break out because this is just a good sign of strength and momentum in the market. It increases the likelihood that we will have sympathy, momentum tomorrow, and Wednesday and that this will just be a really strong week. First week of April Alright, so that's it for me. I'll let you guys keep watching this if you want and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.
pre market analysis around 9:00 a.m. All right, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I Upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading Family.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “Big first day of april – up $11,104.29!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MONEYCLUB says:

    Can u do a video detailing all the software and hardware you use in your set up ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zahir shah says:

    It's 14cents profit per share.. Is it good trading risk reward ratio

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Budny says:

    You are simply amazing. I wish I were half as good as you someday 😉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deng Nai says:

    i wish there was some1 that did this for Forex. Great job Mate

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Cuthill says:

    Great day and recap ross. I haven't taken the leap yet (still trading the sim) currently saving for a better spec laptop and building my starting funds. Working full time as a plumber at the moment and looking to gain as much knowledge as possible before diving in. Is there any other beginner traders trading from the UK? Also any advice on chatrooms etc. would be massively appreciated.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt says:

    I love these detailed recaps Ross, thank you!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FPL_Bailey says:

    Very happy for this type of movement considering how the overall market was today.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leoehm Daytrader says:

    I’m only waiting 22 April to pay to start the course

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LEW says:

    New to trading! What’s a good platform to do active chart trading? Thank You!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jam lab says:

    I like your live trades instead of recaps/summary…Do you think you will be able to do them instead of the recaps?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Braden Traub says:

    Left a$20,000 on the table with Sls today……. /wrists

    Had 4500 shares at a $5.78 entry point, which almost immediately fell to $5.45. I exited my position at about $5.85. Went to the bathroom, and when I came back the stock had jumped to almost $7.00 D: I've only been day trading for about 2 weeks ($30k bankroll – up $4800 with 5 trading days) so didn't feel comfortable re-entering.

    Still ended up with a $1250 profit for the day after a nice 14 cent profit on ~7300 shares of GERN. Hindsights a bitch, but I'll take my win 🙂 Congrats on the big green day, Ross!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    SLS, Good job Ross.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Callahan says:

    Ross, I've noticed on your exits "taking profit" you will only wait to be filled for about a second or 2 on the ask, do you ever wait any longer to get filled on the ask or do you always hit the bid after a second or 2 ?
    On another note, today was exceptional and the SLS trade went as good as I have ever seen them go.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrErikwade says:

    $600 for me , my very first day trade…seems I’ve been able to retain the teachings from the last few weeks…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ruddy luna says:

    warrior what stocks do you recommend for tomorrow?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E O E says:

    Congrats buddy! Nice start to the month

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scurtrader says:

    This is freakin' awesome! Keep it Up! 👍

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars angie o says:

    INCREDIBLE Ross!!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Powell Jr says:

    Great trading !!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoBSCryptoTrader says:

    Rose does IRA account refer to your sure trader account? I notice you have not traded on your suretrader account anymore?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Martin says:

    Ross! Get a safe and put about 50k in it then stack up what you made that day for the videos!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Mckee says:

    $2050.00 for me while working my regular job!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cannon Beker says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Ziereis says:

    thank you for providing all this for free it helps me a lot. i dont get why there are already people disliking a video, thats only been up for 2 minutes. they cant have watched it already

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