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#StockMarket #RiskManagement #TradingMistakes
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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All right, welcome back everyone! I am lead training with stock today Tim Barna Today, we're going to be talking about the number one guaranteed lead pipe lock losing strategy. Hear me out. Okay I know you want to hear about winning instructions. Okay, that's what you're here for.

Learn how to make money trading. But listen, there is something that so many Traders do. experienced Penny stocks, real stocks, crypto, Nfts. It's a huge mistake.

and something that I've said for about a decade now is: listen: never underestimate the value of staying out of trouble. Okay, now listen. I get it. you're not trading observing.

You know, avoiding things. Okay, those are all defensive measures. How do I grow my account not doing something? Okay I gotta do something. But my point is, if you don't make terrible decisions which lead to terrible, huge losses, listen, I'd rather be flat than red any day.

Write that down and that's something you need to when you're thinking about trying some of these moronic strategies that you hear on Twitter or whatever. worse. Reddit You know, think about the fact of like not losing 500 today, not losing a thousand dollars today, not losing ten thousand dollars because I mean think about it just to get back I mean I Know it's obvious math, but let's say you lose a thousand bucks today and your average win is 250 bucks. Okay, you got to have four green trades that hit your absolute top end of your goal to get back to break even.

I mean that could take weeks or a month just to get back to break even. just to make up for that bad mistake. Okay, so enough, but the point is I think it's just as just as valuable as knowing a winning strategy I Think it's almost not quite almost as valuable as knowing what to avoid and what that is is adding two losers in penny stocks. Okay, I Recently wrote a daily accelerator note on this one on Trka.

Okay, so Trka was quite possibly one of the greatest penny stocks of 2023. I mean this thing started moving basically in the middle of December and in the single digits: eight Nine cents. And sure, it had a few red days. but look at that.

Trend it just gradually rose up all the way to a dollar. Um, basically what was that about three days ago back on the seventh? Yeah, three days ago and then had the big gap down and I'm like hey, it's over I mean look at that candle I mean look at that candle, You see it All right? Hopefully you understand basic Candlestick charting I mean it goes from a dollar the highest point to getting destroyed now I Want to fast forward to basically the next day. Okay, even after this huge gap down because people see that huge gap down and they think it's oh, it's gonna bounce and I'm like I was on a webinar that would have been the morning the eighth. So what? Wednesday morning and I'm like, no, I'm like it's over.

Okay, you have to understand the penny stock life cycle. When it's over, it's over. Okay and I think what people mix up is like listen, if look look at Apple or look at Amazon last year or even look at Tesla I mean Tesla up a hundred percent on the year. Okay, don't take like dip buying Apple Okay, one of the most, one of maybe the most profitable company of at least the 21st century, maybe the 20th century? I'm sure.
Well, probably Standard, Oil and U.S Steel probably made more money back in the early 20th centuries, back when there's less regulation anyway. Uh uh. Mr good old days. Anyway, Um, in 2020 in the 21st century, probably the most profitable company.

Listen, dip buy an Apple if it goes from 150 to 110 is different than dip buying Trka Okay or or adding to a loser I should there's different. Okay, when I when I say average adding to a loser, you're averaging down okay. and I mean if you average down. So let's say you bought Trka at like right here: 60 70 cents runs up to a buck gets destroyed.

You don't sell because you're a losing Trader not you. But we're talking hypothetically: you don't sell because you don't recognize the price action you get this week per cup the next day. Now you're adding that 49 cents because you're like oh, I'm gonna average down lower my cost basis when it goes back to a dollar, when it goes back to a dollar, um then I'll be profitable and then look falls apart gaps down. Another weak Gap probably adding to that falls apart, then just straight death and now it's breaking the levels of that.

Basically had 27 support from back here and here. Once that breaks, it's just completely over. I mean it's all I mean and again on a webinar When It Reversed 70 80 cents I'm like it's over for Trk. It's look at that candle.

a four month run in a true penny stock. It's over. Just accept the fact that it's over vice versa. Every day this week people have asked me, is this the bounces should I add I'm like no, no, no.

Another example: M-u-o-n Many of you know, uh, my hatred of Muln. Uh, you know I go back to last year. You know, last year, right about now? Actually, right now last year, this was the number one stock for a few days when it squeezed from a dollar to four. Okay, two things were different.

back then. a year ago, they hadn't done like 500 dilutions. So a year ago, Muln was a low float stock. Right now, it's like 1.5 billion in the float because they've diluted, diluted, diluted.

That's why the chart looks like it does Okay, so there's a difference between a terrible EV maker and again back a year ago. I'm like, listen, they'll never ship a car. You can go back. There's probably YouTube videos.

There's probably I probably wrote a blog post I'm like we love this thing as a low float squeezer. They'll never ship a card. As far as I know, a year later, there ain't no car. There's nothing.

it's just another crappy stock. Okay now interesting thing. I have somewhat personal experience with this one. I've got a buddy that oh for some reason General Motors Loves General Motors oh government Motors okay and um yeah, he actually bought one of those Hummer EVS I'm like oh yeah anyway uh anyway so he he's he takes muln is gonna rival Tesla because they say that ebbuln is hiring government Motors Executives so he buys this thing like right here back last fall in like the 30s and the 40s.
uh or no I think he bought it like 30 cents. Yep and it goes up to 60 cents and he's sending me screenshots I'm up a hundred percent and I'm like okay, where are you gonna sell oh I'm not selling, they're gonna rival Tesla I'm like so anyway Gap yo Fades back to 18 cents. Don't hear anything from him Okay, perks up again. You know about a month ago, up to 45 cents all of a sudden I'm getting screenshots again because he's back green at that point I'm like okay, are you gonna sell this time No way no way.

I'm probably gonna add and I'm like okay, then you fast forward to today. it's at 16 cents. He's down about 50. Okay, several times he was up a hundred percent, didn't sell.

Um, now he's down 50 and they're about to do reverse split so they're just going to continue to dilute. Actually, what's the let me know in the comments? What's the float at the time you're watching this video I Believe Right now, it's 1.5 billion, 1.66 billion, 1.66 billion in the float right now. If you're watching this this, uh, a month or so from now, when they most likely do a reverse split well before the reverse split because I'll reverse the reduce the shares. But like the day before the reverse split, they'll probably be like 2 billion 2.5 billion in the float because they'll just keep diluting to looting.

So I message him today and I'm like, did you sell? of course not. He says that he is um I right there I I you you won't be able to read it I I he says uh I'm like haha looks like they ordered they hired some more General Government Motors exact I better double down he's adding right now down 50 and he's Addy how do you think that's gonna end up now also S.I Okay, s-i this is that sketchy cryptocurrency. Bank A week or so ago in the sevens and the eighths, same thing. Okay, we we've known the right.

The writing's been on the wall on S I for literally months. Like everyone's like, this thing's gonna fail. It's gonna fail. It's gonna fail.

So going to zero. Okay, there's this day back here. It goes from 13 down to nine. Okay, basically down 50 percent.

Fast forward to the uh uh March 2nd, this was the day. Look, it's gapping up in Pre Oh, it's gapping up in free after that destruction. candle gaps up to like eight bucks. People are like, should we be adding right here I'm I'm stuck in Si should I add I'm like, no, it's over.

We've known the news for two months. two weeks later I'm sure some of them added, they averaged down and all they did was magnify their losses. The new one, Sivb. Okay, Sivb is whole as hauled right now by the time you watch this.
probably at zero or maybe on the Otcs. So there were people. The news hit yesterday. This is uh uh uh Silicon Valley Bank Okay again, the writing's on the wall.

like look at this 268 to 176. and then it perks up in pre-market to 198 and people again are all over Twitter that they're adding, averaging down from 260 to 198. we knew the news they were. They were saying they're going to seize this Bank and look it in in 24 hours down to 39 bucks and halted Come Monday they're gonna unhaul.

Well maybe this thing may just stay halted forever if it ever does unhaul, it's probably gonna be in the single digits. Okay, so add to losers if you want to be a loser. Okay, that's one of my favorite trading quotes that I think I coined this now I may have stole it, but winners add to Winners Losers add to losers. Done.

That's it. Okay So I want to know how to add to Winners want to learn how to not break discipline and find the best patterns. Okay, I know today was all about the worst pattern. You want to find the best pattern.

Check out the daily income. Trader System Info Sessions link below: 100 free hour to hour and a half long multiple times a day all through the day, even at night 9 00 PM Eastern We're doing these things even on weekends. It's the way to get ahead of the game. 100 free.

Click that link and we'll see on the next info. Session:.

By Stock Chat

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6 thoughts on “Beware! one of the riskiest trading strategies for newbies”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShikhaRouf says:

    Learned a lot from you Tim! 🤩

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Songbird says:

    TRKA… So many traders fell in love with this stock…and won't accept and realize that it's over…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Majercik says:

    floatchecker says 1.5 or 2B

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars infamyny18 says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Douglas says:

    1.55B 3182023!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StocksToTrade says:

    Leave a comment. What’s the float on MULN when you’re watching this?

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