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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well I don't know what to say. This is crazy I'm sitting up right now. 132 thousand dollars on the morning? This right now today is the best day of my trading career now. Gosh, that sounds familiar I said the same thing yesterday yesterday.

I made $115,000 It was the first day I had ever made more than a hundred grand day trading in one day. and so now today to break that record, only a day late over the 132,000 it. Honestly, it feels like a flashback because the first time that I had a really big green day, it was like three years ago. I made thirty three thousand in one morning and you know it was like best day of my career the next day I made 40 grand.

So I've kind of come to learn as a day trader that usually the big green days are clustered together as are the red days in March February into March I had six consecutive red days in a row, which was really brutal. It wasn't a lot of fun, so that was sort of the very bottom of a cold streak. and at the very top of a hot streak, often will have really big green days clustered together. So why is that? It's an absolute reflection of the market and of human nature, of the sort of peaks and valleys of volatility and the emotions of fear and greed when the market is really hot both you know I mean we can even just look at the Sp500.

it dropped 35 percent in March and is now bounced almost all the way back up just I mean it's really close honestly to the all-time highs. Insane! So during the drop incredible amounts of fear people were panicking, they were selling, they were getting out and then all of a sudden that reversed into greed and now this huge bounce off the love that many people probably have FOMO that they didn't fully capitalize on and are now chasing stocks as they go higher. As an active day trader, our job ultimately is try to capitalize on these this volatility on these bounces and on the emotions that are in the market without falling victim to those emotions like FOMO and panic and fear. and that's a really hard line to sort of be walking each day and sometimes I fall on the wrong side of it and those are days where I do end up giving back profit I Do end up buying a stock that's too high thinking it's gonna go higher and it just flushes down and all of a sudden like that it's a big loss when the market is really high the way it's been really now for the last like six weeks or even longer.

What we start to notice is that I mean it's kind of tough because in this market a lot of beginner traders honestly will have beginner's luck just because the market is so hot it feels like every other stock that you could potentially be buying. It goes up the overall markets been going up, the small cap markets been really strong and so when you see all these stocks left and right yesterday a twelve hundred percent mover, today, eight hundred percent mover, it sort of traders I think collectively at least me I start to look for the next one and I'm like, okay, the next one that starts to pop up I'm going to jump in faster and with more size and I'm gonna kind of keep doing that getting in sooner and the bigger size until I see any indicator to ease off the throttle and slow down which we certainly haven't seen yet. And so you multiply that you know sort of mentality of trying to capitalize on these big momentum stocks across all the traders out there. and what I think you end up seeing and what we're seeing now is more stocks trading with really high pre market volume, more stocks trading with really high volume in general Dpw which is the stock I'm up twenty six thousand on it's probably gonna have over one hundred million shares of volumes.
it's It's an incredible amount of volume. If you think back, you know, maybe a seven or eight months ago or even a year ago during a cold streak that we had had sort of before of that big drop in the market, so the high levels of volume certainly make it easier to get in and out. with. large share size is a reflection that of the fact that a lot traders are not willing to wait to jump in there.

Jumping in sooner and sooner. and eventually this hot period will correct and we will have a pullback. Things will be slow and we will have that potential cold streak where I have a couple of red days in a row or work. It feels like every other trade is popping up a little bit and then not resolving and not going higher.

And that will happen because traders start to get more and more cautious. You know traders are gonna be aggressive aggressive aggressive until the first couple stocks it burn right and then you get burned. You're like okay, I got to ease off the throttle I Don't like taking big losses and then you know collectively, people use off the throttle. you see less follow-through you see more false breakouts, more choppiness, and that's the beginning of a cold streak and that will last usually until you have that first stock but rips up and goes crazy and what happens.

We all miss it. Almost everyone misses it because how would you know that that was gonna go crazy when the last couple weeks everything's been slow and so then the next one we get really aggressive on because we've got that FOMO and again trying to capitalize on it without falling victim to it but expecting okay. we just had stock go up three hundred percent. You know? Now let's look for something that's similar.

Sometimes it'll be in a similar sector, it'll be A or something like shipping stocks we've had. Obviously a bit of a bowl of virus stocks would have the Kovat stocks. we've had police body camera stocks, we've had shipping stocks. They're saying that we had Chinese stocks.

We've had all of these three different little sub sectors that get hot and so you know the next one that you see. If it's in that same sub sector or is similar in some of its technical characteristics, you know you look out because traders are going to jump on it and that's that's what exactly what happens. So in some ways it was a little predictable that today could be a really big ring day and I wanted in the morning to come in and be a little careful just because I knew that I after having such a big green day, sometimes can get a little sloppy because I feel like I've got a really big cushion and actually did have I Made my way into the green today up one hundred and thirty thousand and then I lost 15,000 trying to do a dip trade I was early and it flushed about five dollars a share and I took a loss on it I then got back in. so rather than hold to the bottom of the dip, I sold it dipped more I got back in and when it popped back up I made back what I lost and got myself back up to 132 What do I do for you guys today is give you a chance to sort of watch over my shoulder from the trades from this morning.
So I wasn't doing a live broadcast on YouTube I did the watchlist and then I shut off the feed and was just streaming to our tour students. So I have the live trading recordings from today starting at about 9:30 right with the bell ringing. What I want to do for you guys is I'm replay it and give you my commentary rather than to just a 3-hour long video. I'm going to speed it up and the sections where I wasn't trading I'll just speed through those.

so I'll give you the live trading commentary when I start to make money when I start to build my cushion when I started to have some losses and really show you very specifically you know on my order entry everything else how I was getting in where I was getting in what I saw on the level - or on the chart that made me pull the trigger where I pulled it and or sold half or to profit where I got out. you'll see some some pretty big winners. You also see a couple of pretty big losers. The biggest little loss that I've had now probably in the last eight or nine weeks was was today on that dip trade, so it definitely burned me and I'm looking forward to kind of going back and rewatching it to see if I can figure out where I might have gone wrong there.

So you guys are welcome to come along with me while we do this live trading commentary. I'm gonna put a link right down below that you can click on and then you can watch the live trades from today. Now for every 5,000 thumbs up that this video gets. So hit that thumbs up button! Hit Subscribe if you haven't already.

I will schedule out a day where I do a live stream right on youtube of me actually trading usually. of course I just do my watchlist and then I trade to our room. but I will schedule out a few over the next few weeks and even months down in the future. So make sure you hit that thumbs up button and I will announce during the watchlist pre-market weather when those free streams are gonna be I'm not I'm gonna bait.

do it based on you know when we have a day that it seems like the market is going to be high, there's something that's interesting for you guys I won't just do it if there's nothing anyway. so hit that thumbs up and hit subscribe and check out that link right down below to watch the live trading commentary from today. And what we're gonna do now is get into a quick recap where I'll just sort of recap. In summary, the stocks like trades today and on each one and then I'll see you guys back to your first thing tomorrow morning.
Alright, thanks for tuning in. I'll see you guys in the morning. Enjoy the recap! All right everyone. Well here we are.

We're gonna do a quick recap of today's trades, live trade, and commentary. They'll be a link down below in the description for you guys to check that out. I will also upload it to live trading archives for Warrior Pro students. These are the five stocks that I trade today: Jfi N 100 and 1000 dollars Dpw 26,000 ABCT 3200 IM RN The stock I traded yesterday 870 and CR is three hundred and forty-one dollars.

and to be honest, GFI n is is tempting because it is still holding above the volume weighted average price. as it curled up here, you can see volume picked back up a little bit more. So this technically right through here is a micro pullback with a high of 27 and the spot that I've got in the back of my mind is you know, thirty dollars. Is it gonna break that thirty dollar spot? I mean I I Don't know if it will or not, but it feels it feels so tempting just the possibility that that maybe it will.

So this was obviously the biggest winner today and similar to yesterday, the move started pre market. it was gapping up. As you can see, two hundred and fifty seven percent. Dpw is now over 100 million shares of volume.

It was gapping up two hundred and thirty two percent. So these were the two that I was the most aggressive on which was definitely the right move and actually made the majority of my profit on DPW and GFI yen. I made my profit right through here as it broke over fourteen. This break of the view app right here is where I made the the majority of my profit on the stock.

Look at this thing. it went from $14 to 30 bucks. That's crazy. That's a that's one hundred percent move and a big range.

It's not like from $1 to $2 it's you know from 14 to 32 I mean that's or 30. It's really insane. this consolidation right here again the spot that you know kind of would be watching. if I was gonna be aggressive here.

I would probably be saying the lawn would be over 27. but honestly at this point dip trades have been a lot easier than breakout trades because back up here we can see that it actually had a high of 29 61 then dropped all the way down to 1988 right there I Bought that dip at 1988 or right right around 20 and it popped right back up to a high of $30 It then flushed down here and this is where I took my first dip trade. Oops on this dip and I actually lost about 15,000 right in here I was buying thinking it was gonna actually bounce off the nine moving average right here. It then flushed down here I stopped out I lost like three or four dollars a share and then I added back right at 20 dollars and 40 cents and I was actually holding 4,000 shares into a halt.
going down, it resumed high I added and it popped from 20 right here up to $26.50 So that was a little bit of a stressful trade there. That was when I went from 129 thousand or whatever it was to up a hundred and fourteen thousand and then and then made it back. So and look at that. that's the type of drop right there from 26 to 23.

You know that's a three point drop. that's the stuff that you know can really I mean it can shake you out and so if you're buying for breakouts and then you get caught in a flush like that, it can be really bad. The safest entry is ultimately is gonna be close to the volume weighted average price which is a 2130 and that was where I actually had two of my best entries. But when I tried to do a dip trade up here, I was too early, lost on it and in this area here I would say you know it's about 10 of 10 of 1 right now and it's still holding up really well.

It's up 687 percent, It's got 22 million shares of volume and it's above the V web so there's a part of me that feels like I really don't want to this if it breaks 27, rips to 30 and squeezes up to 35 or $40 because yesterday I missed the breakout on IMR n I missed that afternoon breakout right here as it broke 20 and squeezed up to 28. So you know as I look at this: I get I get fear missing out I get foam I get afraid then I'm gonna miss that and then you know that the fact is, my biggest green days are always clustered together the biggest Green Day My career was a $33,000 day. it was a Wednesday and it was I think it was in 2017. The very next day I made 40 grand in two days.

$70,000 was the best two day little hot streak I'd ever had. then I in 2018 or 19 I had a $26,000 day. the very next day, another 26,000 back-to-back 56,000 dollars or whatever it was then you know right here: 114 yesterday 15 yesterday 132 today. So when the markets hot I really don't want to ease off the throttle I want to try to capitalize on it as much as possible knowing that when this window closes I'm gonna have to be content with days where I might only make you know $1,000 a day and that's a kind of funny thing that you know doing the same exact thing.

essentially you get different results and that's based on the ups and downs of the market. In a really hot market trading breakouts, you can get 15, 20, 30 % breakouts from your entry in a cold market. That same exact trade might only pop up five cents and then false breakout and flush so you know it's it's I Suppose it's not different from, you know from fishing or something like that. You have days where you go out, use the same bait, you cast the same line, and you catch fish, and other days you go out and it's it's dead and some of that is a little seasonal.
Some of it is a little cyclical, some spots are our hot spots and they kind of dry up and things sort of shift in the market. So right now I have been capitalizing on the opportunity that's been in front of me better than I ever have in my career. and that has been the direct result of some of the changes in my trading strategy that I that I implemented after the thirty five percent drop in. March So that big drop in the market, you know? well, it certainly cost me money in my long term account, my 401k, and everything else.

I Walked away from that with a new skill and that new skill of number One being able to trade a little bit without looking at my profit. So when I'm actually trading, the only thing I'm looking at is right here: I'm looking at the average price that I got in that and how many shares I'm holding. so I'm not looking at that number I'm not fixating on it I'm really trading the stock and I'm trying to be as aggressive as I can make as much as I can and so it's kind of almost. It's almost like gamified trading a little bit because I'm becoming more detached from the direct profit and losses that happen and I'm able to just focus on really good quality setups and be so in the zone of the level too that I'm not.

You know I'm not getting distracted because when I am staring at this number, that becomes a distraction. I'm chasing a number and so really I'm focusing totally on the level too and on the chart. And for those who have been watching the last couple days, I I've been really like hyper focused in the zone and and so part of that came out of when I learned through some struggles during the 35% market drop being more willing to buy into weakness when usually I was very hesitant to do that to buy weakness I was too concerned that it would just go lower the sort of confidence that I can buy dips and that many of them actually work out really well has been a big eye-opener now today. You know again, I did have the biggest loss that I've had in probably six or eight weeks when I bought this dip right right here.

So in the live trading, I will go over that trade that was around 11:30 and so let's see, let me just look out here for a second. So on that trade I I first bought it at $26 a then added it 27 now sorry, that was at 11, then I go back to 11:30 so there's a little closer to 11 28 or 11:30 So yeah, so my first dip was it like 28 74 down in this area. probably off to this level right here. tried to take a bounce up higher that was around nineteen.

then it flushed right here and this breeze at 25. So at 11:25 it dropped and I added I got long at 25 19 and 25 70. So buying what I thought he's gonna be the bounce off of sorry off the nine moving average on the five minute I sold some at twenty Five eighty five and then sold the rest. It actually dropped lower and I added at 2367.
so almost a dollar a share lower. I added more and then I added more at 2286 and then I finally cut the loss of twenty dollars and 80 cents. So with that I was in five thousand shares with an average price of about 20 350 and so I lost almost three dollars a share on that. That's fifteen thousand bucks which is not nothing.

Now it was then looking like it was gonna haul going down. I I was in five thousand shares with the average of 23 up here. So I cut the loss at twenty dollars and eighty cents. It then drops to 2024 and I added four thousand shares right here and then I was holding into a halt.

going down. it resumed and I added at Twenty Four forty on resumption and it bounced from sorry 20 dollars and 40 cents in to bounce from 20 40 all the way in this candle up to 20. The high was 24. So just like that on Five Six thousand shares, let's see, I was in for 6,500 shares I was up three dollars a share.

that's 18 thousand and just like that I was back it I was back near at the top. so you know I took profit out as it was coming back up. but in hindsight I could have held. but if I had held the full 5000 shares I don't think I would have been comfortable adding more down there.

I just don't think I would have been comfortable with that because you know the fact is, I then would have been potentially along ten thousand shares down already like seventeen thousand dollars. and so I cut it at fifteen. so down here at the hall going down I would have been down probably seven, sixteen, 17, almost 18. and then what if I mean God forbid I added ten thousand I got myself to ten thousand shares down seventeen thousand and what if it did open lower at seventeen? I mean I could have given back like forty fifty thousand so it sucks I gave back fifteen and it was more than I planned on.

but I cut the loss and then got back in. Alright, so cut the loss. got back in and then we had that bounce there. Now it's consolidating in this area.

It does still look interesting if it can break over the highs, but as you can see, it's got a little bit of resistance in this area. So back Over Twenty-seven is the spot I Want to see DPW this one I mean really some impressive action here. the red to green move. This is where I made my money.

red to green right here and I jumped into this 15,000 shares long over five. it rips up all the way to six. Does a micro pullback here I add it pops up to a high of 640. Fantastic move.

Really clean. a VCT This one was a little trickier for me I Found that it was kind of choppy, but I did have a couple of couple of nice trades on it. You can see how it popped up right here. It popped up pulled back and then came back up, dropped back down and I am RN it pops right out of the gates and I did not get in it on that pop but I did a dip trained on it.
So from 13 to 16 I mean this is some insane volatility. It's really crazy and CR is was a little bit of smaller one. So let's see. we also had some big moves on Junior JC which I didn't trade 100% right now so you can see here this went from 550 to ten wins another one like yesterday that made a crazy move insane from eight all the way up to 64 but I'm extremely light volume.

Yesterday we had LT r PB I didn't trade either of these Y traded this one in the simulator but I went short into that first Hawk going down and that was a nice win. Duo yesterday was also halted I also went sure in the simulator about a hundred and fifteen dollars and it dropped and I covered it after hours at fifty bucks. but I don't know that people would have had shares to trade it with real money I was more doing it. Let's sort of as a just a little demo for students in the class.

So right now GFI Yen has 22 million shares of volume, DPW has a hundred million shares of volume, ABC Tea has 25 I am Iran has 3.6 and CR is has 132. She's crazy. So good job For those you guys have walked away with some profit today. tomorrow, you know I'll be back at it.

and I don't even know what to expect. A third day of crazy momentum. This these might be the three biggest - you know what? we'll right now, the two biggest days of my entire career. That's a fact right now, but this might be my high-water mark.

I might never get back to this. This might be like the you know 1992 Chicago Bulls and you know this is the this is the height and it's all downhill from here I don't know. Maybe I should throw in the towel I don't know I don't know but you know I'll just take it one day at a time. I Mean it literally took me from the day I made 33,000 and then 40,000 that was I think that was 2017 and I didn't break that $40,000 Green Day until just last month in May So it took almost three years before we had a market that was so hot that I was able to break that number again and I had a 40 $44,000 day and then I had day I was up 48 but then closed up only 41.

I gave back a little profit and today initially I was up on DPW and GFI n like 10 11 thousand then started just increasing my risk a little bit. Then I was up 20, 25, 30, 40 and I was like alright let's try to break 50 you know I check when I'm when I'm trading I do take a peek but I don't stare at the number while I'm in a trade. So after I finished the trade I'll be like okay alright nice - good job, good job okay now it's back to focus back to focus. So I check in just to see you know to get back a lot of profit, how bad was it, etc etc.

but this right now is I mean obviously the best month of my career I was already up a hundred thousand dollars in the month of June has a Monday so as of Monday I was up a hundred and let's see if that goes actually $125,000 Let me just pull. Let's see. so I haven't imported my traits from yesterday. Yeah, I will do it later.
So this was as of Monday a hundred and twenty five gross profit. So after yesterday the one from 125 to 225 230 240. So now after today it's at three forty three hundred and seventy thousand dollars on the month. That's a record on the year I had the 252 this that's 250 so 600, 700 Almost eight hundred thousand dollars on the year.

So I know it's it's kind of hard for me to set any goals right now of like what I want to set is my annual goal I'm just if we had two more months like this I mean I'd be over a million dollars without question. but I I don't expect that. I'm going to keep hitting a hundred thousand dollars a month. What I'm expecting is that this hot streak will slow down and I just I feel like one of these Chipmunks that's outside, you know, foraging for you know, acorns and things like that trying to prepare for winter and you know they don't know.

it's June guys, he's like six months and I might still have three or four weeks or for three or four months of this hot streak or it might end and they don't know. So I'm just gonna continue to be as aggressive as I can. and I'm gonna try to capitalize on this opportunity as much as I can. And if I do have a day where I get flushed and you know get a big loss and go red, then I'm gonna have to ease off the throttle at that point.

But right now there's no sign that that's gonna happen. The market is hot and traders I think collectively, we're seeing so much volume in the market in small caps. I mean even you know Jim Cramer was talking about Robin Hood traders and you know so many traders out there that are Millennials or are new traders, new people in the market and you know I think that there's this high level of volume that we're seeing right now is is probably a direct response to the higher unemployment rate and more people that are participating in the market. and so essentially I mean that.

That does mean if you've got a lot more people trading, that's more people pressing the Buy button. That's more volume. that's potentially a stock going up even more. But then they can also come down just as much.

you know, so that those have been flows and those ups and downs, they can be pretty volatile, so just manage your risk. And I had one today where I let it get away from me. it's going to screw up my profit loss ratio, but but it's okay. I'll be alright.

So anyways, that's it for me. I'm gonna put a link right down below in the description for you guys to check out the live trading commentary. I'm gonna upload it to live trading archives after I finish it I'm gonna do that after class, but right now we're gonna switch over for Warrior Pro students and we're gonna start Summer school. We keep starting a little late, but that's okay.
we've got the whole summer to teach summer school so we're gonna jump into the classroom right now and start Summer School classes which will be resuming where we left off yesterday. So we're gonna pick back up with chapter three of the Warrior Pro class. so let's see where is this? This is chapter four, which we will also probably get to. Will probably do chapter 3 and chapter 4 today.

Alright so this is the Warrior a small cap D training course which is part of the Warrior Pro curriculum. Sitting at about a thousand slides right now and this is our this is the this is the this is the class. This is the curriculum. So 15 chapters Alright guys, so let's get back into it and I will see you guys in the classroom in just a minute.

Everyone else I'll see you guys in the morning and yes, today in the retirement account. So yesterday you know I make us make some money save some money Yesterday I made some money that I can spend I have to pay tax on it. but I've made some money I can spend today I made some money that I can save so save some spend some. You know you could do 5050.

That's actually pretty amazing. If you can actually save 50% you're doing really well if you can do that. So actually today I'm saving more than I made yesterday which is good. Okay you guys so let's jump into the Waring Pro classroom and everyone on Facebook you to make sure you hit that thumbs up button and subscribe you haven't already and I will see you first thing at tomorrow morning for the watchlist.

Oh hey I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750,000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on. YouTube.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Best trading day yet $132k! ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Cercel says:

    Show us your losses too

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Mad Hatter says:

    This guy just thought me about market and human nature in the first 3 minutes of this video

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Valenti says:

    Why is he not trading crypto, he’ll have $100k days every day, lol.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Hello says:

    Im getting close to your beginnings where Im down 20k over the course of a year. Ive had good trades between but Im not there yet. I just hope the turn is coming, I dont give up though Id love if I could quit being an aircraft mechanic.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Lawson, Jr. says:

    All thanks to everyone that introduce me to hack Iyonna on IG I also got thousand from her she can do more than a man

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lindsey Bair says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mip Nguyen thij says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Bowling says:

    tom petty

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naseem Eisa says:

    you should also mention how much you lost before

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aventura says:

    Dude!!! go and buy a Ferrari..!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kage0g says:

    This year is your Year. I been following you for 4 years now and never seen your make this much so many times in the row.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Prodigalidad says:

    Huge congrats on yet another record breaking day Ross! Just got a few questions if u don't mind. If you were to start a $5,000 account where would u set your max loss per trade and where would you set your max loss per day?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil McMahon says:

    What do you do with the money? Perhaps just fueling trading power ?
    Sorry if you've answered this before.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YeahAl says:

    Why do you target beginner traders by showing pnls. Why not just show win percentages or the r:r's you make, or win rates on your setups or so, literally anything else besides PNLs. Everyone knows what type of mindset someone who is starting out would get into after seeing huge pnls without knowing much about what the industry actually is or how things actually work.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Williams says:

    What's your strategy?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan G says:

    lmao I made 15k that day (and 15k the day before). But the following day I lost 15k and the next day I lost 10k… I feel pretty pissed that I didn't pull out. I bet he lost quite a bit.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Bingham says:

    Great show Ross. Can any of your listeners tell me a good brokerage for a day trading acoount start of $2000. I'll need to do some practice trading on a simulator and it would be nice if I could use the same platform the simulator uses. Thanks everyone

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Lehder says:

    LOL… I chased and lost. End of last week…. BRUTAL!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Crane says:

    It would be funny if girls on cam sites did day trading.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gnome Chomsky says:

    Omg, you're becoming the goat.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arlin Sansome says:

    Can you prove this is not a paper account?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars beardedblade says:

    I've seen the webinars, watched you trade and it never ceases to amaze me! nice work!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Bolton says:

    Ross, when looking at the tape on your level 2 window you talk about looking for the green. I see exactly what you mean and I was curious, what are your settings that makes some orders have green numbers with a black background, while others have a green background and white numbers, creating those big blocks of green on the tape.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IslandKing says:

    You're absolutely insane! Keep rolling the markets

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Klassen says:

    I gotta ask. Up $132k. How much money do you play with. It’s insane to think 132k in one day let alone having massive back to back days

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars david madle says:

    Inspirational many thanks

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RANDOM BLOCKS says:

    can u recommend some best platform to use in australia for day trader and also please let me know which platform u use

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bible Truth And Lies says:

    I heard you say one time you made 350,000 in one day and that was how you got ahead..so what is the truth here?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck 555 says:

    what a great job I love success stories

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