In May this year I started a public challenge of trying to beat the stock market.
This is a fun challenge because almost every active investor who tries to beat the market loses.
But I started it anyway and in this update I will tell you how it's going.
So far everything is working pretty well.
I have made some good ground early on and am tracking significantly ahead of the market with a return of 21.5% so far while the market gained 4.8%.
Remember that this is still very early on and this portfolio is going to get hit very hard the moment external forces arrive.
Inflation, market crashes and sell offs can have a very big impact on how these long-term growth stocks perform.
I've made a few tactical moves this month and adjusted my portfolio.
I will explain why I've made them in the video and show you exactly what I bought and sold.
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Adobe Valuation -
Fiverr Valuation -
AMD Valuation -
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Hey guys it's sasha in may this year i started a public challenge of trying to beat the stock market. I created a new investing account i put in some money and set out with the goal of trying to get a better return than the stock market. This is a fun challenge, because almost every active investor who tries to beat the market loses 90 to 95, actively managed funds lose versus the market, and i think it's probably much higher for retail investors. So the odds are firmly stacked against me, but i started it anyway, and it is now three months since that point.

So it is time for yet another monthly update to see how we're doing now this month. There is quite a lot to talk about because some things have happened. I've made some sharp moves with my investments and i'm going to share those with you and explain why i made them. The portfolio also jumped a lot in value and i'm gon na explain why.

Just before we jump right in, if you appreciate watching an idiot on youtube, putting in three thousand dollars trying to do the impossible task of beating the market, i'd really really be super grateful if you could just go and smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. Thank you so much for doing it. Now, let's talk about what happened over the last month, the market has been jittery, there's been a lot of talk about inflation and its long-term impact, and it's been affecting growth stocks, especially long-term growth stocks, which just happens to be the exact thing that i invest in And if that inflation does sustain, if it does materialize into a long-term issue, my portfolio is going to get hit hard because it is a literally a bunch of long-term growth stocks. So naturally, in that situation many people will go and make some defensive moves.

Some people will maybe move into recovery stocks. Some other people will begin pulling money out and sitting on the cash pile waiting for a crash. Other people will try to diversify their portfolios to move away from these types of stocks. Now i've done none of those things.

In fact, i have done the opposite, so i started out with positions in 12 different companies, but in the last two weeks that number has dropped down to seven. I have sold out in this portfolio out of five stocks. Now remember, this is exactly why i chose steak as the platform for doing this experiment for smaller investing amounts. Stake is the best platform.

In my opinion, for active investing in the uk. I can sell out of stocks and reinvest that money without paying any fees at all. If i had this portfolio on any other platform, including things like trading 212, which people think is the cheapest, it would cost me 0.15 to sell and another 0.15 to buy back into the same stock. So i would lose 0.3 every single time.

I change my money from one company to another: stake, only charges when i deposit or withdraw money from the account and while the money is in the account it is free all the trades are free. I don't have to pay anything. So if you do want to go and check stakeout, you can use my link in description below and get yourself a free share worth up to 150 dollars. Now some of the free shares are much less, and some of them are going to be only a few bucks in some cases, but they're still free so feel free to use the link and check it out if you're interested, so the first stock i sold was Adobe i sold it on the 2nd of august.
I made a whole video about adobe on that day, i'm going to link it up here in the description below, go and check it out if you're interested. The stock has gone up a lot over the last few months and my valuation did not show more of an upside, so i decided to sell out of the stock because i felt that the value was fair and that there wasn't any more that i felt that It was worth now. I didn't only sell out of adobe in steak. I actually sold out of adobe across my portfolio.

Then, on the 5th of august i also sold out of four other companies. I sold micron twilio apple and etsy in this portfolio. Now there are reasons for this uh and there are multiple different reasons why i particularly chose those companies - i'm not going to go into the depths, because this video will be too long. And but i am going to be making specific videos about each of those stocks.

Over the coming days and weeks, so if you do want to watch them, they will be coming, but these sales were not really because of what those stocks were doing. Those sales were actually because of what happened with another stock in my portfolio and that's fiverr. Fiverr released their q2 results just a few days ago, and their share price fell by 25. And that's because a couple of headline numbers did not look great.

Their official outlook for the year dropped on numbers that i think are actually relatively immaterial to the long-term optics of the business. But when i looked at the underlying numbers, the performance in the quota was actually great. I made a video in july saying that i see a huge upside for fiverr and these results have not really changed that perspective at all, except the upside. Now, because the share price has collapsed.

That much is significantly bigger. It is pretty rare to see such a huge undervaluation in my personal opinion, so i felt that i had to significantly increase my position in order to take advantage now. Remember this whole experiment here is trying to beat the market through active investing. You have to make aggressive moves and act fast if you want to win and that's exactly what i did so as i'm recording this video fiverr has gone up to become my third biggest holding in this portfolio after tesla and amd.

It is now 12 of the total. Now the price for fiverr is actually down from when i bought it, but i am here for the long term, because i see that upside and i don't really mind what's happening with the price in a short term, we'll see what the numbers look like over the Next few quarters, and maybe years so, let's talk about amd because amd has skyrocketed over the last few weeks they announced their quarterly results and suddenly the share price has gone up by 40. It's really interesting because their quarterly results were not too far off the model that i had before. So i was kind of expecting roughly those numbers, it turns out most other people weren't and in fact i revised my target price for amd and made a whole other video about it, check it again up here in the description below if you're interested um my target Price for amd has shifted up and i think, there's still another, roughly 50 60 uh potential in there, so i'm still holding on to that stock and that big jump in the amd's price has really pushed my overall performance, and that number is now looking ridiculous.
Let's see how we're doing against the market since the start of this epic investing battle, the vti index, which is the total stock market index that i'm trying to beat, has gone up by 4.75. This is assuming that i invested the same amount of money they invested in my portfolio on the same date into that index. That's actually a really good market return. My weighted average time in the market at the moment in this portfolio is only 2.56 months.

That is nothing in investing terms, and the market is up by almost 5 already. That is a lot now, if that rate continues, which probably won't, but if it did, that would be an annual rate of 24.3 percent, which is huge not as huge as 2020 granted but huge by any normal investing standards. So i invested 3076 dollars into this portfolio and the current value of that portfolio is 3737. That is a pretty good start.

That's a 21.5 percent return so far, which is just ridiculous because the annualized version of it is 149. Clearly, it is way too early to make any kind of judgment or to make any kind of determinations as to whether the strategy was good or not. Three months is absolutely nothing in investing and i struck some lucky streaks, but the dark months are going to come. We're going to have market crashes, we're going to have stocks, selling off and all kinds of wild things happening, and i'm sure some of these are going to hit this portfolio really hard.

So watch out for those, because those videos are going to be not quite as rosy as this one and then the market will be laughing as the market is doing much better than i am, but so far so good i mean a little graph, comparing the performance. So far, each point on the graph is my monthly video update, so in the last month that portfolio has actually gone up from 13.6 to 21.5 percent return, which is just ridiculous. I have made some aggressive moves this month, so let's see how those play out over the next few months and quarters, if you found this video useful, don't forget to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. I'd be very, very grateful.
Thank you so much for watching. I really really appreciate it and, as always i'll see you guys later, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

23 thoughts on “Beating the stock market with growth stocks – man vs the market month 3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hifzul amin says:

    LOL should have just 'hodled' bitcoin xDDD

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J H says:

    Can you compare Stake to etoro? I assume both offer free trades but make money off of the spread? Also, Stake mention no xrate fees, but is there a spread? EToro charges 0.5% to convert your GBP deposit to USD, so you are always trading in USD. Also, etoro charges £5 to withdraw so then the fee is relative, depending on the amount you withdraw.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Hughes says:

    Good stuff thanks

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vitali Zaidman says:

    Love your videos mate

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bagmeister21 says:

    Nice vid again buddy. Just started investing 6 months ago, up 11% which I'm quite happy with, would have been so much better if TTCF hadn't tumbled! Opened small position with FVRR, nice dip hopefully!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CreatingBalance - Personal Finance says:

    Pretty impressive for a 'Youtube Idiot' 🙂 Great work Sasha!

    I need to get back on Stake, I just have to spend a bit of time figuring it out as I found the app quite clunky initially. Probably just me being a wally!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian De Chiara says:

    Sasha, maybe consider signing up with Brave the browser? I'll donate tokens to you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew says:

    What is the difference between this fun portfolio and the way you normally invest?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Barrass says:

    Literally my favourite channel right now! Thank you!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrPmj00 says:

    Yep, I bought a ton on the dip. It's getting cheaper relative to its current earnings (half compared to last year).

    Amazon invested $14 billion in the last quarter alone, the same as it spent in 6 months before that. It is a do not sell stock.

    …With the Delta virus coming at full speed ahead, pandemic sales will make a comeback.

    Amazon is investing so much money, that no competitor will ever be able to catch up.

    Amazon's not going anywhere so I know that eventually it will come back.
    Fidelity considers Amazon as a large growth company (probably because as big as it is, it still only has 7% of the retail market)

    Get on board or be runover, it's up to you.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexandru Jalea says:

    I love this "YouTube idiot" 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 keep them coming, this is better than live television 🤤🤤🤤

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black Circle says:

    I always hit the like button 🙂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Fox says:

    My version of this is a risk parity leveraged etf portfolio with a similar amount of play money. Its 41% upro, 28% tmf, 15% tqqq, 10% udow, 3% fas, 2% soxl (last 2 not really doing much).
    Portfolio at current allocation would be up 40% since late March , 103% annualised. Rebalancing this one key. So far I've rebalanced by top ups. Portfolio visualise suggests quarterly rebalancing,longterm would be somewhere between 30-50% annualised (test periods for the minor additions dont go back very far), at barely any more risk/volatility than a straight stock portfolio (I.e. spy).

    I'm in etoro, but would prefer a t212 pie…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Concannon says:

    Glad you’re pointing out to people that dark times will come and thats when it becomes a harder challenge

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Electric Man says:

    this is hard for the short term but long term it is possible

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alastair Munro says:

    You are not an idiot; you are pretty smart. Your content is really refreshing as you actually know what you are talking about! I am interested in the fact that you are obviously British but mainly invest in the US; we Brits are somewhat conditioned by being encouraged to use ISAs and thus mainly invest in the UK. Am interested in why you don't do that? Is it worth doing a video on that?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    I have just lost over 3% in the first few minutes of the market opening today as the tech stocks are getting smashed! 😂

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisha Raghani says:

    How do you have 0.26 units of SQ? Are they units of 100 (0.26×100=26 shares of SQ)?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Bornes says:

    Really nice to see this but if my memory is not falling myself I believe the study about those 95% not beating the market refers to periods of 10-20 years right?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 5 Minute Investing - Ed Krawiecki says:

    And you said it couldn't be done haha! Congrats mate thats an awesome start 👏 really excited to follow this one!

    Only point I'd disagree with is the idea that you have to be fast and active to beat the market, I've done the exact opposite to get my out performance so far. Again super early days so time will tell!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Helder says:

    Tesla crashing?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fitness and Freedom says:

    The crash is coming

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl B says:

    Sasha, please tell PLTR to move up to $30 and stay there.

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