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Oh welcome back to another. I don't know what this even is anymore. I do have. I do have a message uh.

I was supposed to be playing it when the video started, but but then i saw that circle back saki has circled back to covet. She is covered again, that's probably insensitive to say, but i'm sure she'll be fine, uh, so uh. In the meantime. I think this is a good opportunity for uh lots of money.

Oh that's, okay! I am with you with you my interview with charles payne, charles. Where are you that's all right? Okay, listen up! You got ta watch the oil video. I posted the oil. Video is really really important because it shows you how the free market freaking functions even in the land of sanctions and banned russian oil watch that video and you see why the free market is so beautiful and and frequently uh ever optimistic.

It's hard to stay pessimistic along this market because it usually does well unless there's there's too much government interference, uh so very, very interesting, obviously, uh also very interesting, but obviously well, it's pretty clear. A lot of stocks are ripping, including tesla today, on the amazing uh giga berlin opening. We saw the first few uh tesla model threes rolling out of the factory signed by elon musk right under the uh. What's it called the mirror, thingy the little mirror flap.

That comes down so that was kind of cool, so uh yeah. What i'm gon na i want to do right now is just get an update on the 10-2, because i wouldn't be surprised if it's steepening - and there are a lot of folks especially last week, complaining that oh kevin's cheering too early. Oh no kevin's cheering so early you're right, in fact, hopefully that wasn't too loud, i'm very happy because now it's like we're so insulated. If you bought the dip on february 24th or march uh, uh 15th, or whatever that uh uh actually both of those and in between that, even if stocks felt like a tesla, fell back to 890 dollars, it would just be a little treat to go shopping for Tesla again so uh.

Thank you a bit loud i'll fix that. Thank you for that. So thank you. Uh to all the haters for the encouragement to go buy the dip.

It was great uh. I have over 10 000 shares of tesla, which i always told myself. I wanted to allocate down in my portfolio, but i'm still like 50 tesla, which is crazy, even though, when i rebought it like yeah uh, it's great uh, but anyway, so uh, okay, the ten two right now we got ta talk about that because it is steepening, A little bit, oh, i like that. Take a look at the ten two right now uh.

Now i mean you got ta keep this. You know relative here. Like you know, a month ago we were at 40. a month before that we were at 60.

a month before that we were at 80., so we are still very very flat on the yield curve here. A little bit of steepening is good for the market and shows a little bit more continued optimism that uh from that oil video again, you got to watch that the energy insights piece there. I can't believe bloomberg ignored it. I mean it should be a crime that bloomberg totally ignored that so watch that that's a such a huge piece that uh they didn't pick up on that from the fed.
Uh you've got oil, take trickling down a little bit. You know i i really. I was kind of hoping oil would take up a little bit more so that way i could short it. I've been waiting to short it, but i've been waiting for it to get to about that 68 retrace like if i go to uso over here and then on the day chart i've really been waiting for this moment for it to hit uh the the sorry, not The 60, the 61 8 or the 80 level couldn't get it couldn't get it up a little bit of a bummer but uh.

That's it could still happen. Remember we it's important to know like you, don't want to get fomo and like rush into this market. In my opinion, at these levels i mean what do i know, i'm i'm no financial advisor, i'm the hello kitty, guy uh, you know so so you got ta. You got ta figure it all out yourself, but uh.

I don't know i don't like chasing stuff up. I mean i enjoy it because it gives you insulation from all the dip buying that was done before then uh yeah, back back when we were uh, you remember in the uh the house of pain right, that's when you want to buy. You know that's when we go all aboard. Oh well, i got ta steal some more of these from jim cramer.

Some of them are pretty fun. What's this one, oh yeah see i could like mix them together too uh like how about how about all the youtubers last week who were like who are like this don't fight, don't all i heard was: oh man, oh, but kevin's, celebrating too early, sorry, okay, so Uh, where were we um yeah? Let's go see what the uh the suits are up to all right. So uh, okay, what's this more doomberg crap, we don't know if we're in a bear market. Yet really, really, you don't think the last four months have been a clue.

After more than years, some high profile growth stocks are clearly in a bear market. That's true, and while the broader market isn't well, it was nasdaq was last week we as soon as the nasdaq hit bear market territory, which was negative 20 that freaking thing rebounded off the bottom. It's great, we don't know yet whatever falls. Okay, that's that's! No news! Uh, let's see here talk about the inversion.

It's actually not that crazy! Much right now i mean we'll go look together, but should i literally just just talked about this scroll back like 20 seconds? Okay, oh treasuries right, so uh yields. Oh, my gosh we're almost at 2.4 on this 10-year. We are going to three percent. I don't know how many times i got ta say it, but we are going to three percent honestly like i was thinking about it earlier, i'm like dude.

What if the fed fund fed fud? It's fine fed, fud funds rate? Oh that's, a good one was uh was four percent and you know, and and the the ten year was like five percent - probably be a problem. It would be pretty aggressive, but i i don't know uh, you know if i it's almost like uh cooking, a frog in boiling water or what is it a lobster? I don't know what whatever doesn't jump out when you cook them slowly. It's gon na be really interesting. You want to be careful because it's gon na beg for a lot of volatility, but um.
You know they're going to be big dips. Again, i think that's a big thing to remember is there. There will always be big fear days again, and you know what you got to tell yourself when, when you're in a pittance of a market like when you're in the poop hole of the market uh, oh it's almost a thousand uh tesla's up. Eight point two percent right now: uh, when you're in the poop hole of the mark, you always got ta tell yourself.

There is always going to be a rally again like it's not like in your lifetime. There will never be a rally again just like we know. We don't even have to go to lifetime. We know within the next three months we're gon na have another crap week and you're gon na have plenty of opportunities to buy.

So i don't know i don't i don't like getting too uh. I hate fomo, because what happens is you remove your margin of safety right, like my average uh buying back into tesla, just over the last four weeks now minus a few days uh it's actually about four weeks because it was feb. 24 was the bottom uh. The first bottom right, the big bottom, but anyway uh my at my new average into tesla's, probably like 750..

Obviously, my tesla before that average was a lot lower, but i don't go by average, i'm just basing it on this there's a reason right here. That gives me a lot of cushion right and that level of cushion is a style of a margin of safety like we could go from a thousand to nine hundred and my principal's not touched. We could go from a thousand down twenty percent to eight hundred and my principal doesn't get touched right. We got ta drop 25 before i start losing principle.

I, like that kind of cushion it's got, that meat on the bone and that's a good thing problem is chasing it. Now, it's like yeah, i mean it could keep going, but look. Are we gon na go to all-time highs? We better. Not we honestly better, not like we better, not go to all-time highs, because then you have a stupid market.

Then then, it just doesn't make sense at all, like a 50 retrace easy peasy we've seen this crap before i mean look at this okay, we've watched this movie before. Okay, let me show you uh yeah, look over here, see, look at this. You got the nasdaq going from 404 down to the 23 fib it retraces. All the way back up to 61.8 gets rejected.

Tests again gets rejected by the 200 day, and then we really triple touch the bottom. That triple bottom touch by the way was very, very bullish in my opinion, which was also one of the reasons i bought big right here by the fed meeting, but but we expected peak fear to be here. You know this. This was no surprise, especially those of you in in the um uh course, member live streams or the just the course in general who grabbed the lor alerts.
You know we've been talking about this for a while, so uh i don't know we'll see i mean i know a lot of folks are wondering. Oh kevin, you know end phase 190 and stuff. Should i buy now again? It's tough. You know because it's like where's the margin of safety, i'll tell you.

I much prefer something like adobe adobe uh, you know, adobe was doing a little bit more wild things earlier. It is walking into earnings, so you've got some uh, so you you've got some pretty big volatility here, you're going to get a little bit of a volatility crush uh later after the earnings and uh. Oh, what crazy day there on uh adobe but uh. You know we'll see what happens uh uh see.

I have a call option. That's up! Seven thousand dollars on adobe looks pretty good. You're gon na get a vol crush on this um and if it, if it falls all of this 20 grand is gon na, go away pretty yolo-ish to stay in it, especially with the vol crush ooh. What's that you can roll positions now on here? Oh, that's! Really cool: oh, there are a lot of cool things together.

That's robin hood, robin hood's, trying to step it up. Everyone dang, i'm impressed! Ah, whatever okay, so um yeah, oh i'll, take it all righty hold on a sec here: let's listen to cnbc for a second 3d virtual worlds through the omniverse of virtualizing physical worlds, whether it's designing, skyscrapers or designing buildings and doing that in the virtual world, enabled By nvidia software, this is again a completely new market that um nvidia is is leading so it's it's. It's not really relevant to look at the competitive landscape. It's really more relevant to look at where the revenue growth is now and can it grow into these massive tans um that are that are available to the company, a lot of people watching tsmc as well, long-time supplier for intel raji.

Thank you for joining us. Raji gil on nvidia shares of alibaba surging today, up 11 after the chinese e-commerce giant said it would increase the size of its share buyback program from 15 billion to 25 billion largest to ever buyback for baba. Overall, it's been a volatile year, though, for the stock and all the chinese internet stocks, which uh yeah no kidding okay. Reply for my insta dm on ukraine will you, i don't know, send it again, maybe i'll look afterwards? How does that sound uh one one says: kevin's gon na take the live streams away when he cries again like yeah you're, probably right uh.

In fact, i might take the live streams away tomorrow, who knows thoughts on truth, social since it'll be fully released tomorrow? Oh, that's, cool um. I don't know you know. Oh i mean, maybe you try it. I don't know i don't i didn't get.
I didn't get a name. Somebody's got ta squat, my name for me. So i can so i can, you know, have it uh amc today, yeah 88k on gme calls dude, take freaking tendees right now, man, oh my gosh, 32. On the day, oh my gosh, oh well, do not let that evaporate tomorrow.

That thing goes down five percent and then you get a vault crush and - and you know you lose your you lose half of that in in in an hour at open uh. But then again you know you take profits today and then it goes up. Fifty percent tomorrow, you're gon na, be really mad at me. Uh look, profits, profit and i, the worst feeling in the world is not oh, i could have had more, it's holy crap.

How did i not take that profit when i had it whatever? Whatever uh? Okay, volatility is down big deal all right. We need some news. Let me add some news uh, i don't know what other people did with their tesla shares. What do i care? I just know.

Sarah is wearing green today and not too excited personally about neo right now, i'm i'm worried about the chinese consumer. I definitely worried about the chinese consumer now we're not putting sound on cnbc tab away. Now we'll look at the shorts here: uh management team via oh every company, goes through management team, crap congrats on your 30k tesla calls. I want you all to make money.

Okay, i had a great day today too uh we are on the same freaking team. I know there was a little short period where you know i went to go play ball with the other people just to get to know them. Look they're a bunch of losers. Okay, uh, it's nice! It's nice to be with the bulls uh.

The shorts are very jaded crowd, uh they're, they're they're fun for for not long uh, but anyway. What is this garbage? This is so stupid, whatever all right. So i need some news. There's there's i don't know.

Dalio is not too worried about china. Well, yeah cause he's got big bets on them. Oh, oh ollie ollie wants to come in here and spam clown dude. I don't care if you call me a clown, ollie little pans, but when you start spamming and i have the free chat on, i didn't even have the member chat on you.

Oh thank you next already beat me to him. Thank you. Thank you. Next, i'm gon na put that guy in the permanent timeout, though bye ollie you'll, have to make a new account to comment again.

You dumbass all right so anyway disney. Oh, i like disney. I do like disney uh yeah disney. The problem is the consumer discretionary sector.

It is very true, listen earlier uh and you need to really watch this video, it's so important uh. Where is it? I will find the word for you, okay, destruction, response to destroy all production facilities. Where is the world i'm looking for? Ah, there again, you got to watch this video earlier, but this demand destruction from high oil and natural gas prices will increase the recessionary effects uh on our economy. Thanks to the velocity of money - and this includes uh - you know global global spend when when people in germany spend less money on a cruise, then the cruise line has less money to pay dividends to the people in america.
And then the americans have less money, less passive income, bull, crap and uh, and then they spend less money and then what happens? There's your five dollars per dollar of spend that goes away. It's really really bad for for gdp uh! It's not good! It's not good. Can the market go down a little, so i can buy it in it will eventually it will uh. Eventually it will go, listen, it will go down again, don't go into margin, you know, don't go ridiculous and and don't be bashful about taking profits on options.

My goodness do not diamond hand. Options will also be like uh, 2 30. I think so an hour and a half from now uh, but yeah that um, when my wife and i are ready to buy our first rental property. If i buy a course, would you answer specific ish questions about the process during remember life yeah? So actually, when people buy uh, if you join the real estate investing course and you buy, which remember, there's a coupon code expiring in three days, it just means the price is going to go up um but you're guaranteed to have the lowest price ever when people Uh buy the real estate investing course.

They can submit a real estate deal that they're buying so like. If you wrote an offer or you're an escrow on a deal, you can send me the link on the deal. Your inspections, your your, like, 3d mana report. Scan of it or whatever and i'll look at it, you send me your 3d matterport scan i'll go around and i'll even say like.

I would do this. I would do this and we do that. We try to do one of those every single day uh. You know we usually try to spend somewhere between five to ten minutes on real estate every single day, but it really just depends on the questions.

You know. If more people ask real estate questions when we do more, any courses get your moves. Uh. If you mean this like exactly what i do in stocks, that would be uh stocks and psych of money yeah, you said the fed is not our friend yeah, so j-power changed a little bit because of the war uh that that changed j-pal a little bit.

It made him more bearish than than he was in december in january uh and a little bit more dovish. I should say: that's that's the better way to put it new chip, etf, semi, oh i'm jealous, they got a good name. I mean i i'm not bearish. On the chips, i prefer, you know probably handpicking them, but uh.

You know i don't think that's a bad way to get exposure to the chips. A basket like that just depends on what their fees are, and that i mean i think thematic etfs are a good thing. I think they're a good, a good way uh to invest now that everyone is green and have it remember, uh next question the fed is meet kevin's, best friend yeah, if you're making 30k in options a week, that's good. Take profits, yeah, uh, six cents on apecoin kevin.
Can this dosh coin wait? Did it did it? How is apecoin dude? You know i will say i was a little pissed about something i was looking at: apecoin, that's not to like bag on it. Uh. It's just uh there. It's actually doing very, very well um, but there was uh.

It's been a little volatile, of course, but uh the top toddlers of apecoin a lot of them seem like new accounts, and it's really weird. Maybe somebody in the comments can uh fill me in a little bit on that. But you know i don't like seeing that i like seeing the mature ones, but but remember crypto in general, is doing well right now, like even uh, cardano and and uh btc, and such a cardano's up seven and a half percent. Today i like that, it's actually cardano today is the best performing top 20 crypto.

Oh listen to this pentagon says it cannot confirm that the kiev's okay, so in in kiev there was this suburb that uh uh ukrainians pushed russians out of and is great at least that's what we heard from reports about an hour ago. Pentagon is saying they can't confirm about this, but it has seen indications of ukrainians going on the offense, particularly in the south, so in other words not just defending, but actually now attacking russian positions. That's pretty awesome, so a little bit of a slow down here into the close, probably some etf profit taking uh some rebalancing very, very normal, especially on a hot day like this. Look at this this.

How uh i've had this 124 444 line here for gme for a while? That's almost a double bounce off this, and since i have not touched this line in about a year, i'd say: that's pretty impressive - to see a bounce like that, a near bounce off off that twice. Essentially, here's tesla well above your fifty percent, almost back to a thousand uh. Next, stop really uh other than the psychological limit of a thousands, probably ten thirty one. You know, like the tax deferred exchange all right how about yeah cloudflare nice 10.

Up today i mean it's: it's pretty exciting, uh we're, certainly not at the levels of euphoria uh. This is uh you're, getting a lot of momentum. Stocks pumping like crazy right now, not at the levels at all. In my opinion of euphoria, i think we're still disconnected from that uh.

That will happen, though, at some point in the future. It's just a matter of how soon you know if too soon we start breaking out on qqq. Oh, look we're actually we're covering a little bit if we can get a two percent day on qqq that'd be great, but it's. It won't be long before we're at like 61 to 80 retrace on the qq, not all-time highs yeah.

I would call this more of a um, a hope rally like i don't think it's a you know what what today i don't know today is always hard to tell, but at least from last wednesday this has been uh, been probably i mean this has been the Best rally that we've had really since, quite frankly, like november of 2020, it's insane ross is coming in an hour and a half okay. Let's get that closing bell, listen to uh fomo rally, yeah! Maybe that's that is possible. Okay, there's! Definitely some fomo well about two percent here: the small caps also adding a percent or so so that makes five gains of the last six sessions for the major averages, building on last week's strongest rally since 2020, still down for the year, but a pretty strong day. Considering yields jumped that does it for me on closing bell, send it over to scott wapner in overtime yep.
Well, they took our numbers away all right, dow up 0.74 nasdaq up 1.96, the s p 500 comes up with make it hard for us today. Uh 0.91. Nice, i mean that's incredible: it's a good day congrats, if uh, if you're in the market uh again always remember, there's gon na be some fear left so uh yeah, congrats tesla holders, i mean jeez, gee, whiz, okay, jim cramer, said this morning. He's bullish on tesla is that a sell signal or no? Oh um.

You look. I i think at this point in the market. You could probably be bullish on almost everything i hate to say that, but you could probably be bullish on almost everything just be careful. Following in as prices go up because then your margin of safety goes away, uh, but yeah i mean even companies that suck like tattoos.

I mean uh, just some companies that that suck they'll do well. I would imagine in this sort of market as well, because uh everything you know should should move nicely uh as money, just flows back broadly into the uh stock market. So we'll see tesla p ratio to the moon, yeah yeah yeah be careful with um the uh. The pes because oftentimes we're comparing the pes of companies that are growing nominally to companies that are growing phenomenally nominal versus phenomenal.

Ah, in fact, i'll give you an example here i have one handy i think i do hold on. Where was it? I had a whole list of these uh labor market stocks. Where is it this one? Oh from yesterday? Maybe this one? Oh, it might be this one npr hunter biden's laptop. No, not that one uh stocks got it yeah here.

This is just a little fun fact for you. You p e ratio lovers you anyway, general mills has a p e ratio of 16.5. It's growing at three percent. Hershey has a p e ratio of 25.9.

It's growing at four percent. Kellogg has a p e of 14.9, it's growing at one and a half to two percent; okay! Listen! If you're in this live stream. Your farts are larger than three to four percent hostess growing at five percent 22 pe starbucks 25 pe 10 growth that one's actually a little outstanding. I think i like that one uh john deere 17.5 pe growth now but then expecting a negative uh growth rate in a few years.

I don't know why they're estimating that i i didn't, do the research on it: uh five percent growth at adco, albertson's, two percent growth, three percent growth at kroger, uh and then obviously uh. You know some of these others like tyson, dude tyson's been killing it. It only has a p e of 11.. It's got three percent growth, it's crazy! You know so so you have to you, got ta, be careful with uh, with solely being single metric bound, oh adobe, earnings, yeah.
Sure, fine, we'll go look at adobe earnings, adobe! The volatility, if you have options on adobe, still you're going to want to probably dump those at market open tomorrow, the vault crush is going to suck so their implied movement is 7.64, so you're probably going to get burned on volatility. Uh dude. What is this crap? Uh you're getting it burned on volatility if it doesn't move more than seven point six, four percent, depending on which way you bet so we'll see what happens. I think when's adobe expected, i don't know, usually 105, which would be in a couple minutes.

Actually. No, that would be in like 20 seconds couple minutes. Yeah there we go. Oh yeah, okay, no, that's coming out right! Now, that's the big one! I'm actually excited about adobe i wanted to buy some adobe shares.

Probably shouldn't do it. I prefer buying the shares. I do prefer buying the shares, but i'll just wait for earnings. Okay, here they come, it beats revenue beat 4.26 4.24 was the estimate, digital media revenue up nine percent digital experiences, revenues up 13 percent uh.

It says here it says, meets estimates, but it's a it's. A small little beat, i mean a small beat. I don't know if that's gon na be enough to move at seven percent, though so that option you know if it doesn't move more than seven percent. Oh, it's actually going down perfect honestly, best case scenario, so i dumped my call option on it.

This sucker goes down. I'ma buy this thing. Look at the damn chart come on man you mean to tell me: adobe deserves this garbage. It can't even get past the threatened 23.6.

Please fall to the toilet, so i can buy some shares. I would love to get a discount on this. Eps comes in at a b 3.37 versus 3.34 uh you've got second quarter. Revenue forecast misses there, you go.

That explains a little bit of the dip uh 4.34 billion versus 4.4 expected, and that is 4.4 divided by 4.34. For now, 4.34 is a new number divided by the old number. It's within 1.4 percent come on man and then eps forecast 3.3 versus 3.35 1.5. It's within 1.5 percent, so it's a forecast, miss of one and a half percent dude.

I would i will buy this company uh. I will read. The earnings call make my determination, but i kid you not. I got a list right here.

This is a list. It is a it's like a sani clause list: okay, one two, three, four: five: six, seven act: 19 elsewhere 24 stocks on my little wish list here and adobe is number 21., but it's on the list anyway. We'll see what happens, oh, probably because of uh russia. That would make sense, we'll see what happens uh.
What's the downside to holding triple q so long term uh you get screwed with the opposite, directionality and then you know the market goes down twenty percent. You somehow have to regain sixty percent - i don't know it's it like. If you can get through the wipeouts you'll be fine like let's say you bought triple q, a nasdaq jan won last week that sucker would have been down 60 freaking percent. Look if you diamond handed it fine, but if you, if you weenie babied and you folded and and then you mistimed dude f off, stop calling me uh, then uh, then that sucks text uh okay, anyway, have you ever looked into amps nope never heard about it.

Uh thanks for the ten dollars, though i don't know i mean i don't even know what it is. Let me look at it really quick amps atlas power inc. I don't even know what this is: renewable energy company, the company, solar energy, for enterprises; okay, if they do solar panels, i don't like them, but i have no idea what they do: atlas atlus atlas power inc. What is this? What is it? Okay? And just so you know, commercial buyers of solar are much more fussy than home buyers because they're, not emotional they're, not like.

I might fill their panels on my house and i'll have them one way or the other. It's like it's got, ta make sense so uh and it looks like they work with governments and utilities and stuff. That's probably the better way to do it. Communities and stuff, like that.

Out of my niche, like how dude i hate government i hate permits, i know i mean maybe they'll perform well, but it's just it would be a company. I guarantee you, i would poke paper hand, i almost said poker hand um, see, that's what you have in the bathroom, instead of poo pourri of that poker hand. Anyway, yeah i hold six hundred thousand cardanos uh. You see zom hitting above.

If, oh exxon, no, i mean i don't know, let me see zom i'll, tell you, i don't even know what it's at right now dude, what is to less sights and why is it down 15 and whatever exxonmobil? Okay, let's see what we have here, so i'm going to drag this down to the summer of 21.. I know that's a little crazy, it's wide, but i'm going to go peak to summer of 21.. I just want to see what that looks like how interesting look at how beautifully that lines up right. There, that's scary, but anyway, even the bounce right here, that's also scary or the bounce right here.

That's also scary, but whatever as the losers, who hate ta say in the comments draw enough lines and some of them will work um, i don't know. This is very interesting because of the way this is behaved see the invasion was here and zom took off right. I don't imagine we're going to have this level of peak fear for a while, but i don't know enough about exxon to tell you uh. If this was the chart of oil prices, i'd say no, i don't think we're gon na hit that peak fear again, but i don't know.
That's that's really interesting. Uh talk about emotional, hey, stop it uh the list of stocks, there's a secret list. This is a secret fana opinion of fart coin, never heard of it. Oh yeah uh, you helped my family build wealth through your real estate course that we bought.

We are forever grateful to your hard work and wish dude. Thank you man, thanks for saying that. That's awesome man, good good, for you guys. Ah thanks man kevin on coke mullen, don't bet on war.

Ah tinkerbell theory works really well on the market. Then i guess so mull and i don't think had a good day today. Oh whoa, look at that end of the day rally it just came out of nowhere holy smokes. What did it close for yesterday, uh close at 3-1 wow? Look at that it ran it.

It closed above what an insane little rally here. Let me see how much money somebody had to put in to pump this. Okay - let's just add up these two candles right here, so this is a total of 7.5 million 7.5 times 3.3. Some institution just had to buy 24 million dollars of mullen to set it off, and then i bet you they start dumping it over here i i guarantee you that sort of rigging happens in this market is this.

This is not retail. This is stupid. This is insane: that's uh! That's somebody coming in to manipulate uh. What happened to a dope need protection for your tesla.

I don't know what expel is uh never heard of that either. What was i gon na? Look at oh adobe and i'm tempted - i i don't buy after hours, but i'm going to read the earnings, call and check this out tomorrow. Yeah brokerages are going to have a rough time. Sorry hood, but uh everything will probably bounce somewhat together.

So the brokerage industry has turned from something i was excited about to trash automotive protective property. Oh i remember this. The like the wraps and stuff like that dude. I don't know anything about this.

Nothing! Uh, okay! I got ta go. I heard lauren just leave. That means i got ta catch up with her and give her a hug goodbye, bye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Bahahahahahahahah $tsla and stonks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Lucille Hjort says:

    CVX on Seaward had gas for $6.00 per gallon last night. Thanks Biden!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiscreetBtm xxx says:

    Hello Kitty, is there a hawkish member speaking tomorrow?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mourek says:

    $10 million worth of Tesla Stock – ????

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dom wlokosky says:

    That was classic Kev even companies that suck tattch…..tattoo….. classic gonna be a YouTuber war

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dimpleseve says:

    I get my news from you because you are analytical and bring us great info. Thanks Kevin!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2scoots says:

    Been holding Tesla since $415 per share been 💎🙌 ever since

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Not Your Average Lady says:

    I love that buyin the dip remix!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hagi2013 says:

    Thumbs up just for the rap song., you should make it your intro.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Gun says:

    Stock market open and close live streamings are BACKKKKKK!!!!
    Thanks Kevo!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aj Cates says:

    Saki cant get coof she is vaxxed

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Turner says:

    Ha! Miss that video with Charles! Buying the dip. I play it every once in a while in between watching the market in down times to bring up my spirits. Makes me laugh and makes me happy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandon Roberts says:

    Jeremy hated on him when he sold, Jeremy hated on him when he bought the dip. Kevin is playing chess, Jeremy is playing checkers

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars danny disla says:

    " Even companies dat SUCK Like tattochuu" come on now Kevin 🤣🤣 Jeremy is gonna feel that one

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustafa Coskun says:

    Kevin do you have bundle deal for all programs?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Go Inspire says:

    I really hope Kevin has not lost the plot , you need to ''handle the hate'' – Plus people around the world are struggling to keep their families warm with raising energy prices so wishing that oil keep rising so you can ''short'' and make lots of money is poor taste.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meatspin Legacy says:

    Man that song coming on at 2X speed is hilariously bad 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shivam chadha says:

    Nancy Pelosi best trader in the world bought TSLA call options. TSLA to the MARS. Let’s go.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars r z says:

    Ignore the haters Kevin…your insights are amazingly accurate and helpful. Thank you for your perseverance!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cdogg says:

    Bought $tsla calls March 8..sitting good to say the least.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drbassface says:

    Do you really think that The Free Market has a “Neutral Price Person (s) that HONESTLY Calculate the possible and appropriate Price of anything?
    Greed is always a factor without Oversight!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calcs says:

    Oh no, he has Cramer buttons.. lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Gonzales says:

    Make an appearance on millennial money today!!!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K B says:

    The manipulated market where retail trades mean not one thing. Pathetic algos and corrupt MMs, if they even trade anymore.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Virakouch99 says:

    Hey Kevin, how’s your relationship with Jeremy????????????????

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach DeVisser says:

    The shade Jeremy and Kevin subtly throw at each other is NOTHING SHORT OF EXTRAORDINARY!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Bergeron says:

    Ya boy Kevin paper handed the panic

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PeaceLove&Dogs says:

    Meme stocks gamma squeezing this week 🚀

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pokey Johnson says:

    The great white fathers have spoken. The message, “stop that selling right now. All risk is price in, from this day forward.” Up, Up, Up and away! Pokey the Black Market God never fades the great white fathers. They say America is fine, so risk is back on. Pokey will be holding on to his longs purchased back on March 22th. From this point forward I will be buying everything, breaks rallies, hitting every offer. I cannot lose if I buy it at any price because buyer will not be punished. If it breaks it’s going to come back as it does all the time. Here comes the big money! The great white father will be the wind in my sails. Thank you Great White Fathers!

    Remember Pokey the Black Market God is never wrong! Don’t think about fading me because my kill ratio is high when people try to fade the Black Market God! You know this stuff is like taking candy from a baby!!!!!!!!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mother Wound Coaching says:

    That intro is amazing 🙌🏻🤣 thank you!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J S says:

    That song is not relative anymore, it should say “Your boy Kevin saved lots of money” 👍🏼

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