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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well uh, Red Day Recap: Down: 16, 000, 22, 000 in the red on Netflix and green on the small caps. Not a great day. I'm frustrated myself. I got caught in the short squeeze on Netflix.

I took a short position early and it just started ripping against me and I kind of did everything you're not supposed to do which is I was adding as it was going higher and then finally threw in the towel as it spiked through the highs and just a bad trade. So I'll break it down during the recap. it's Red Day recap. which um, hopefully you guys enjoy.

Just from the perspective that sometimes the red days are more helpful to learn from than the green days because on the green days it's like everything works, you know? So I mean those are helpful and cool to watch. but it's the red days that kind of show. All right. Well, these were where mistakes were made.

This is where going back I would have maybe wish I had done things differently and so that's what I'm going to be sharing with you today. so we'll talk quite a bit about the Netflix trade. We'll also talk about some of the open swing trades I have on Amazon and Apple. Netflix wasn't a swing trade that.

I mean I did have a swing trade that I lost on, but then that kind of triggered me to take a day trade on it, which is actually really similar to what I did on Amazon or on Tesla. Um, and I just I don't know if that's um, a good idea to be kind of day trading stocks. I'm also swing trading because it's like I'm coming in knowing I'm red on a swing trade. so I'm trying to kind of make up for it with a green day trade and it's like, I don't know.

It's maybe not a good idea so I have to be more mindful of that. But anyways, um, we'll break it down during the recap. I hope you guys enjoy it. Uh, about six thousand dollars trading, small caps, 22 000 in the red on large cap Netflix and then some profits across the board on my swing trades with Amazon actually being the best as it's moving up.

uh, today? So um, that's uh, what we're gonna do today. I hope you guys enjoy it and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning Thursday for hopefully a strong Gap scan and pre-market watchlist. All right you guys. So uh, we're going to do our midday market recap And the kind of topic today is going to be on this Netflix trade that I took.

um, there's some day trades that I took which were fine. Uh, nothing super exciting to sort of call out there. They were just sort of average trades. I'm down 16 000 on the day, 22 000 loss on Netflix.

This is going to be one of the, you know, probably top 20 biggest losses I've ever had. I mean, it's not that often that I have a loss that exceeds 20 000. Um, it's I mean, if I can, I can look into my reports view um, in trader view and sort from winner to loser so you know. Actually, Oh no, that's okay.

So let's see. I have one this month that is bigger than that. Um, so these are my biggest losses. Uh, and this is actually my whole career.
Well, this is not my whole career, but this is since um, January 1st, 2017. Um, so in the last like three years. So this is the fifth loss I've had of more than 20 000. Um, and the other ones were all they've all been this year.

Now, they've all been this year, in part because this year I've really stepped up to the plate. I've obviously been trading really well this year, and because I've been trading well, I've been increasing my risk and going a little outside my comfort zone. And you know, the the result is three million dollars in profit. So to lose 20 grand on a trade is not really a big deal on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is a bit discouraging and it's certainly not what I was what I was going for.

So hang on one second. I just want to, um, do one thing real quick. All right. So yeah, there we go.

Okay, so on um, on Netflix, you know I had a pretty good morning. I was up 6 500? Um, but I was. I've been holding Netflix as a swing trade so you know this is where you know kind of gets into this issue and these are my swing trades right now. I've got some Open P L I've got some closed P L.

Today has not been the best day. So on Netflix. uh if I drop down this one, um I have the 465 puts which are now um at 21 cents so I'm in really good shape on those. But I had my 5 20 by 5 35 calls today that I got stopped out on.

I had set a stop on them and so that stopped me out. Uh, for a credit or a debit of a dollar and I had taken the position for a credit of like a dollar fifty. So it actually stopped me out for a five hundred dollar winner. Although it was red on the day because Netflix you know at the Open ripped up.

So that trade stopped me out in this area and as I was looking at it I was looking at this daily resistance level at 110 510 and I thought you know this, I think it might fade off this level. So I went ahead and sold the 550 by 555 uh call spread against Um as it squeezed into this level and as it broke 510 and squeezed up to 520 524 I stopped out of that with an Uh. 800 loss And that was the point that I was kind of really focusing on the trade. I had initiated a swing trade essentially early in the day which I knew was risky but I thought it was going to roll over and it ended up not rolling over and so I was holding that swing trade.

you know, getting squeezed out and as it was going up here I was like man, I don't want to, I don't want to bail on the swing trade Down I was down like a hundred bucks and then 150 and then 200 and I was like i don't want to bail on it in a green candle as this is squeezing up I need to wait for a reversal and as it was getting higher and higher I started thinking you know this actually looks like it's gonna reverse it to me. Looked like it was due for a pullback for reversal and so right here right right here at the like very top. I got short over 518, I got short 2 000 shares and then added as it dropped down so I had a 4 000 share position as it dropped down here and it actually dropped from 5 18 all the way down to 5 16 72. I was up over four thousand dollars and I was like nice nice you timed the reversal to the penny.
Did you take a big position on it? Yes, but You know it takes money to make money and I I liked this setup. I thought after two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine green candles in a row this was in good shape so it dipped down and then popped right back up over 517 and I was like hmm this isn't great because here's the problem. There's kind of a big spread right now and I don't think I'm if I try to hit the bid on the 4 000 shares or hit the ask to cover I'm going to get slippage. So I was like I'm going to give it a second to kind of drop back down and this is where things started to become a problem because I was like I was just up.

Four grand. I don't want to, you know, I don't I I want to have that in my pocket and then here it goes up to 18. I'm like uh oh so right in here. I go back to break even.

I was actually red. uh when it broke over 518. So now I'm red and I'm like okay, well you know what. Okay sometimes uh, what we'll see is, uh, a quick break through the high like this and then you know it rejects because it's so extended.

It's just kind of like a final squeeze and then it rolls over. So we got that kind of final squeeze right there, rolled over. But in this case, um up here it pulls back and then it goes here up to 518 to 519 And so just like that, I'm down four grand and I was like, well, so this is where I started. Just kind of staring at it.

And what's really interesting is, I don't do this when I'm red on a long position. When I'm right on a long position, I just cut the loss. I just let it go. I don't.

um, I don't know, I I just don't. Um, I don't just sit and stare at, but here. Um, it ends up breaking and going up to 5 18, 519, 520 and right through here. I went with 4 000 shares down four thousand, eight thousand, twelve thousand and I was just sort of like this is crazy So I ended up adding uh, another thousand shares at 520 thinking all right, well that's a top up here.

let's see. And it brought my average to like 5 18, something, 5, 18, 70 or something like that. So it taps, um right here 20 and I'm like, okay, all right, this is starting to pull back. Okay, okay, okay and then I was like God dang it through 5, 20, 40.

and again, I'm just sitting here kind of staring at it now. initially. I I think if I had gotten in and it just kept ripping right away, I would have covered the loss really fast. I think the problem on this was that I was up four grand and then you know went back to then went to break even and then went to Red.

Four grand and all of a sudden was like I just had profit. it's gone, I want to get it back and was stubborn and didn't want to just give in to this squeeze. I was just right. Then I was wrong and I didn't want to, you know, accept that defeat.
So it keeps going. um a little bit higher here and I stopped out like well so it hit a high there of 22 and I was like okay finally a red candle. This looks like now we're getting like a good a good little pullback. Okay now I think I'm I'm gonna be okay.

So at this moment I was down 17 000 but it dropped down so I was down from 22 to 21 up down only 12 000. I was like okay I think you're okay and then right here I was like nope I gotta cut it so I cut it on. I think it was this candle right here or maybe it was this one and you know all of a sudden it just became a really big loss and it this is one of those things that's you have to be so careful about when you're trading um, stocks like this that are kind of just like grinding higher and this can happen in small caps as much as it can happen in large caps that it just kind of keeps grinding higher. It's not like I mean it's moving, but it just kind of keeps going a little higher.

a little higher, a little higher pulls back for a second, then it goes a little higher. It's so easy to stare at it and not want to cut that loss because you're looking at it and you're thinking you know this thing. um this is it's due for a pullback. It should roll over here, it should pull back here and then it just keeps not pulling back.

It keeps you know it just sort of continues to to go higher And so I cut it there and ended up. um, you know it's up here at 20 25. So you know I'm read sixteen thousand and I mean I could try to make back some of those losses, but I'm I'm kind of just not gonna. I'm not interested in doing that right now.

I'm feeling a little frustrated. I feel like, um, this is kind of a little bit of a you know it's a it's a big loss. I mean it's it's a big loss, It's it's a little setback, it's a red day and it's a little discouraging. And to make back 16 000 the market would have to be really.

I mean we would have to see some really good momentum in small caps and we're not seeing that and I don't want to flip-flop I mean I could have gotten you know, covered, short, and gone long. but that's flip-flopping It's usually not a good idea so I didn't do that. Um, I don't know. I I think that this is just an example of for me.

Certainly one of the challenges and one of the risks risks with short selling that. A lot of times when I short something that's that's strong. I don't want to cut it because I'm like it. It's due to pull back.

This has two, four, six, eight, nine green candles in a row and that's after this big push here. I mean this is like, is it extended? Yeah, it's gone from Five 495 to 528. um, it's up seven percent on the day, but realistically the next resistance is until 5 35 And so you know it is. It is what it is.
I I at least have my Uh 465 put which should expire worthless. But even from the swing trade perspective, I stopped out on the call spread and I can't really do a put spread on it right now because the put spread is too cheap. If I tried to switch into another call spread at like 550 or 560, I'm just doing the same thing I just got stopped out on. and it's so strong.

You know? I mean after a big green day like this tomorrow, we could see a gap up and then a pullback or gap up in continuation. You know I mean You look back at Tesla for reference and once we started to get into this, you know, back towards the highs. It just really opened up fast. So I don't know I I just feel I feel a little frustrated myself.

and this morning I was giving you guys kind of a pep talk on you know, the the frustration of being in the red and having had a big loss and how how much I can relate to that. And even though I'm in a really good place obviously on the year and on the month um, I I'm upset in my Td Ameritrade account that I had a good size um, loss on Friday on Tesla and now today you know I'm I've got open P L but I've closed. You know, I've got my P L on the day which is red and I'm I'm just. I'm feeling a little frustrated that kind of across the board.

Today I'm I'm struggling and uh, it's It's definitely a good moment to kind of step back and say all right Well you know where did you go wrong today And you know the swing trades on the large caps are great, but sometimes the problem is they encourage me to start day trading them because I see, I mean I see an opportunity. So like you know, up here on Tesla. I was kind of watching this for the trade through 115, 21, 21, 15. and I didn't take it.

You know, ended up going up five six points and that's that's a real challenge when for me at least, uh, maybe others and maybe I'll get better at it. But right now it's challenge because I'm only looking at some of these because I'm wanting to, uh, to swing trade them. But then I'm like, hey, that's actually a really nice intraday chart pattern. You know, I had a nice trade, uh, on Netflix.

I don't remember what day it was. Um, let's see, where was it? Um, I don't remember it was. it was like a week ago or something. but um, it was right here.

I took a trade through 394 and we got, you know, a nice one dollar share breakout. That was a nice trade. I mean, you could have, you know you could have day traded that. and here there were definitely day trade opportunities on on Netflix.

I just I took the short side too soon and maybe I should have been saying, well, we actually, you know you're short at 118 even though it kind of looked like a reversal right here it did. It had broken through this daily resistance of 510 and above that, no resistance till 535. so maybe I should have focused on that a little bit more. But um, you know it's um, um, you know it's it's, it's It's a frustrating thing, certainly to have a red, a big loss or whatever the case is.
Um, and so for me, you know to lose 20, 22, 23, 000. You know it's one thing to lose that on a trade that had the potential to make me 30 or 40 000. But you know this isn't a stock. I mean I will.

I was short at 118. I was going to cover. I was trying to cover for 4 000 in profit, so I ended up taking a much bigger loss versus the profit potential and I really did just sit and kind of stare as it was going higher just feeling like I I don't want to. I don't want to get out while it's still squeezing up.

I don't because that's you. know that's what we kind of call capitulation. It's when you just you throw in the towel and we see stocks. and usually I try to be long a stock experiencing that when you get that final squeeze and you know it always pulls back after that final squeeze.

So whenever you're in it and you you know are on the losing side of that type of trade, I mean at least in my experience I feel like an idiot. I just feel so frustrated with myself. I'm just like man, you got to be kidding me. You stopped out right at the top and then it rolled over and honestly this is very extended so I was kind of looking for a rollover.

Back down to the volume weight, average price. but it's going higher. And the chart. The chart rules.

You know you can think it's extended, you can think it's crazy, it's due for pullback, but this type of areas it just squeezes and then just keeps going higher and higher and higher. Pauses for a moment, then keeps going. And of course on this price range, I think part of the deer in the headlights is that the spreads all of a sudden. In a moment it jumps up to you're down 30 cents.

Uh, 40 cents A dollar A dollar. Fifty dollar, Eighty two, Twenty two, Sixty two, eighty a share. I mean it's you're not talking about pennies, it's it's really jumping fast against you. So I guess, um, I mean again, I think that this is one of the real real challenges of of trading.

To the short side for me is that when it starts going against me, I don't want to cover because the higher it goes you know the higher they go, the more they they drop when they finally reverse and I don't want to give up at the top. Only you know if I'd given up like right here only two seconds later to watch it go and pull back. So I tried to give it. give it a chance.

but even right here topping tail red candle I was like okay so I had a little bit of suffering here. From 5 18 up to 2 5 20 to. but now I'm back in the driver's seat. Boom right back up in into the highs and again right here.

So it's just the way it is. and it's it's not. I mean in terms of technical analysis, you'll see patterns similar, both in large caps and small caps. and it is one of the reasons that short selling is is so risky because as it keeps going higher, you keep thinking this is I, I should.
I mean, yeah, I'm already holding it short and I'm red, but you know this is even a better time to go short because it's up even higher. So that's when you start adding Now I only added a thousand shares. Um, at 20, I didn't I didn't go crazy deep in it to add as it went higher, but I kind of gave it that one last attempt. and then as it ripped up here, I was just like oh my god, this is not good.

Not good. So you know a good a good good lesson there. Um, a disappointing. a disappointing trade.

Disappointing day, I suppose. Overall, I could have walked away up six thousand bucks today. and yeah, maybe taking a little loss on a Netflix swing trade, but I I could have. This could have been a really nice day and I screwed it up.

I overstayed my welcome. I got too aggressive trying to do a trade that honestly you know it's a reversal trade. I mean these ones never are big big winners. And when you get them when you're going the wrong way and you short something too soon, they can be big losers.

So the profit loss ratio is that's not usually as is great. Um, so I'm a little discouraged, but it's Wednesday so you know I Today yesterday I made 10 000. So today I'm giving back everything I made yesterday. I was at 46 000 on Monday, so now I'm up only 40 000 on the week.

So another red day here. I think last week let me look at the calendar. Um, so last week, right? Last week I was read on Monday and then Tuesday. Wednesday.

Thursday Friday. were you know, kind of choppy? So yeah, I mean then Monday was good. Tuesday wasn't great. Today wasn't great and you know I mean hey, 6500 would have been fine, but I decided to go and jump into the large cap.

You know, shorting a a strong you know, tech stock. So that was that was not a good decision. and that's the loss that I get for it. So down 16 000 on the day that's gonna take, um, it's gonna take a little while to recover from that.

You know? I mean if tomorrow is slow, I might only make five thousand. You know, Thursday Friday if they're both slow, I I might not make back this loss. Uh, the 22 000 that I just lost. I might not make it back this week.

You know, I might have to carry that into next week. But but on the other hand, that's not really the right attitude. You don't want to. You don't want to try to carry that burden of I need to make it back.

Whatever, you know, just you got to set it aside. You got to let it be. Whether it's 16 000, whether it's 160 000, Whatever it is, you just you. You do just have to let it be and say, all right, you know this is, um, yeah, it's it's a loss.

Um, and the only way to start digging back is, you know, one trade at a time. All things considered. Um, you know, and keeping things keeping things relative. I feel really, really grateful.
Number one, that I'm still green on the week, in green on the month. and number two, that, you know, I kind of get this upset over a loss. Uh, on the day as small as sixteen thousand because you know, I know for a fact there's traders out there that on red days are losing fifty. seventy, Five hundred thousand, Two hundred thousand.

I mean, they're having some really brutal red days. and even without having green days bigger than mine, you know it's just. um, you know. But I I set a kind of standard for myself, and I do get upset when I fall short on it.

So yeah, uh, this is my fourth red day of the month and I usually allocate four red days a month. one red day a week kind of thing. So I had two back-to-back red days two weeks ago. Last week I had a big red day on Monday and now I've got a 16 000 red day today.

which again, if I really wanted to try to, you know, dig out of the hole. Yeah, Fl Dm You know, if I really wanted to try to dig out of the hole I could you know breaking over V app I could jump in this or something else and but I'm not the odds of me making um, you know, back 16 000 at this time of day it's 11 30. we're coming into the lunch hour. This is not really a good time of day to be trying to swing for a big winter like that, so I think that's unlikely.

Um, my Amazon trade that one so you can see this is where I'm at right now. up three thousand and open P L down twelve hundred in, um, P L on the day. So Netflix is kind of a bummer because I had a good trade, but then I kind of got a little aggressive trying to, uh, take a trade like at the spot where I took it. Amazon is okay, Apple is is fine, so you know whatever, right? I'll I'll keep keep with these, but those are swing trades and it's just one of those things that when you start kind of getting in like with Netflix trying to take a swing trade early in the day, you do have to watch it more closely because early in the day you've still got a lot of risk that it could you know go the other way.

So swing trades are based on daily patterns, but a daily candle doesn't close till 4 pm. So if you initiate a swing trade at 9 45, you have to be watching it during the day to make sure the chart continues to go your direction. Which can be good because then going into the close you can already be green on the day. But on the other hand, like today on Netflix, sometimes you're gonna end up sort of going red as it you end up being like wow, I have to close this as it's a swing trade and I've got to close as a day trade because it's already going against me and when that happens, that is discouraging.

So um, that's what happened today and it happened, uh, another day. I can't remember when. But on the other hand, the trades that I took going into the close yesterday on Amazon and Apple those are both going in the right direction. So um, Amazon's actually really going in the right direction 4 400..
So again, it's kind of like feels like aside from the fact because it's a swing trade account and it doesn't really. You know I'm up if I'm If I'm read just in my swing trade account, I'm upset. If I'm readjusting my day trade account, I'm upset even about Green and the other one. It's like these accounts stand on their own.

They have to stand on their own. You know, if I'm if I'm always red in my swing account, then you know it doesn't stand on its own. You know I've got to be generally green in both on both sides to feel like good. So again, I I hope that this is helpful for some of you guys.

A lot of feedback that I've continued to get over the years is that red day recaps are are some of the more helpful recaps. so I hope this is helpful. I I'm not happy about today. This is, you know, a bit discouraging for me, but it's part of the deal.

Obviously with trading that we all know red days are going to happen from time to time. I mean that that's that's unavoidable. so it's just. um, at times it can feel it can feel like a little punch in the stomach.

like oh man, that that one hurt that one I got a little sloppy on. I wish I could rewind, press the rewind button and go back to just before I took 5 000 shares of Netflix and it had a 2.5 million dollar day trade in it relative to 2.5 million dollars in the trade. Losing 22 grand is not bad I guess, but it is, uh, not what I was hoping for today. So live to trade another day and you know coming back at it tomorrow tomorrow is a new day And that's kind of one of the things is even though tomorrow there'll be a part of me that will know that I had a red day yesterday previous day, there'll be another part of me that is really excited to sit down, excited to look for new opportunities, excited for the possibility of some really nice momentum.

And you know that's kind of. The fun thing about trading is just this, I guess internal, um, um, uh, eternal sort of optimism that you know it's like we're We're already facing an uphill battle. We know that day trading is hard, most people lose money, but there's a chance there's hope and I have that Banksy canvas over my desk at work. There's always hope with the girl with the balloon and I've had that since around 2010 or 2012.

So I've actually had that for quite a long time and it is that kind of ever reminder to me, um, of trying to be hopeful and we we do uh often say don't trade on hope uh in it Which is just in the sense that, um, it's good to be optimistic, but not delusional. You know you, you don't want to You don't want to, Just I. I could be still holding Netflix hoping it reverses. Um, you have to follow the rules of your strategy.

But I think the the kind of optimism and hope is, um, you know, hopeful for strong markets, Things that are really out of our control. Hopeful for me being able to be more disciplined in the future, Me being able to become a you know, better and better trader. I think those are the areas where being hopeful is uh is good. I think that that in those areas, it's totally appropriate.
So I'm I'm hopeful that this is a good lesson for me and for you, and that I'll be able to be a little more careful the next time I'm looking at a large cap stock ripping up and thinking about shorting it. You know, I don't short small caps for the same reason, but it's just that. Also, I don't have shares available to borrow. If I had shares available to borrow of every small cap, you know? Yeah, you'd probably see me shorting it more because what the heck, I have shares available, but I don't have shares available of small caps.

So every now and then I'll see a large cap and I'm like, hey, you know what? I think I'm going to go for it And those ones can I mean those ones can sometimes get me in trouble as as you see here, so I don't know. um we'll see. I mean that's the nice thing I guess would when I do trade in my retirement account. uh over here.

I can't shorten this account, but I've been trading in the margin account which gives me more leverage and has allowed me to be a little bit more aggressive and as a result, more profitable this year. So two steps, four, two steps back. Sometimes that is the way it goes, but um, you know, keep your head up for those, you guys are maybe in a similar position that I happen to be in today, which is you're red or you're frustrated and you gotta just try to leave that at the door when you come in tomorrow and trade the market that we have right in front of us. And so looking at the other trades works you know this one.

This one I did fine on I mean you know again, not a home run but I did fine on works. we had some nice opportunities. I did okay on it, uh, gap and go set up. Jan squeezed up, got halted a little resumption.

Trade Fldm a couple little trades in that nothing crazy. Bfra had kind of sloppy trades long uh and then it gapped, halter going down to dip off the low lost on that one. I kind of. I did something kind of weird where I was in it and I actually put an order to buy at 13 25 and then I was realized that I was because initially I thought it was going to out of this hall gap higher.

So I was like oh I'm going to try to buy the dip, you know around whatever it was 13 something and then when it looked like it was not going to open as a big gap I cancelled the order. But then I it looked to me like the order didn't cancel and I was. It was like right at the second we were about to resume and I was pressing Control Q, Control Q And then I was. I pressed Control Z, not trying to sell, just trying to like cancel my orders.

I was. I don't know what happened, but I ended up selling on resumption which ended up being a good move because it halted going down and then doing a dip trade on the resumption which I lost on so it wasn't Uh, it wasn't perfect by any means, but I it's kind of a bummer on this one too because we had earnings on it and these other days it made huge moves, but I wasn't able to really capitalize on them. So I tried today and I still couldn't do it. But that's the sore thumb here for today.
Um, that's that big. Uh, that's the one that's gonna linger with me. so that's okay. I'll be.

I'll be all right. Um, Netflix continues to go stronger. I mean again, at least at least I have my my puts. Although you know, what's interesting on the puts that I sold is that, um, they've actually gone up in price.

So I sold them at 1.68 They hit a low today of 20 cents and they're 22 cents now. So implied volatility increasing a little bit. the value of those puts are actually going up two cents. But so you know I sold them at 1.68 they're at 22 cents.

Now I'm in. I'm in pretty good shape on those. but um, but yeah, that's that's a a little tricky so I don't know. Um, I.

It's tough because you know from the swing trade perspective. Regardless of I'm not going to make back 22 000 on a swing trade. So that's and I'm not going to try to short it again. 535 Is that a daily resistance level? Yes, that would be a W pattern here, and a w a double top.

So you know potentially there could be another opportunity to sell a credit spread on it. The only problem is that this could depending on how it closes, it could gap higher and then you know it could. It could retest 550 560. So it's yeah.

Sometimes after a big loss, the best thing to do is just to walk away. Yeah, just because the the impulse, oh I'm gonna it just starts getting sloppy. Now now you're trading from a place of desperation. Maybe even without realizing it I mean, you're now.

It's trying to compensate. I'm upset. I'm red here. So I'm going to do this.

I'm going to. okay. I'm going to go ahead and just pull the trigger. It's not hard.

that's a good point. So I find that once I'm red, I can, uh, trade like I can. I can just super over trade because I'm already red. What the heck, right? Who cares? I'm already red.

It's um, when you've kind of broken the ice with a big loser, then I'm already finishing the day feeling bad about myself. So what's the difference between being down 16 and being down 20? I'm already red. You know, who cares. And that's where it can get dangerous.

Because then that's when you. You are no longer. Um, you know you're You're taking a 2 000 loss here. A 3 000 loss there.

And next thing you know, you are down 18, 20, 24, 30 grand potentially on the day. I mean, you know, Just in theory, it could start to snowball because you no longer have the same pain with each additional loss. But what you have to gain from each additional risk is the possibility of no longer feeling bad about yourself if you're able to make back all of the losses. And so, it's kind of an interesting thing with risk aversion that I feel like I can be really risk adverse until I've incurred some loss.
and then I can start taking a lot of risk because, well, what the heck, I'm already in this situation. And so if you're in that situation and maybe you're feeling that way, not on an intraday time frame, but on a, you know, one month time frame, I'm already running the month. So what the heck? I think that's the spot where you have to be really, really mindful of um, of being being more careful, of respecting the place that you're at and and really trying not to, um to to force things just to each day, focus on good quality setups and and maybe perhaps staying more within your wheelhouse. Which is what I ended up um, doing um, or what I ended up having a problem with today is I went a little outside my wheelhouse on a day that I, I didn't really have the cushion to do it.

So anyways, um, I'm gonna leave it at that. whether or not I take any more trades today, I'll come back probably around three to four o'clock to look for swing trades and I'll see what some of these stocks look like. You know, Netflix is currently up what percent? Eight percent. So that's ripping.

Amazon is moving higher, but the way I did my swing trade and that's that's working well, so I'm fine with that. And yeah, I'm just gonna hope that we see some maybe better opportunities. I don't know. Tomorrow Thursday, Friday.

You never know when you're going to get a 2 300 Momentum stock. It can come out of nowhere, but we didn't really have one today, so today was sort of just trying to make the best of what we had and making a little bit of a mistake. All right, So that's it for me. I hope you guys have a good rest of the day and I will see you back here first thing tomorrow morning And that right, there was an entire video with no ads.

I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. but do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Bad trade on netflix -$16k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRUTHBUSTERS says:

    What about one of my trades. I went long OSTK on a swing trade 6 months ago at around $4, just before it had that huge explosive move up. I got stopped out on it around $3.80 and that stock is now $96. I had the right idea in mind, but early on my entry. And because I took that loss i couldn't go long on it again and missed out on all that upside.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ayman abdalla says:

    so i have been going from 4700 to 8k but then move back to like 5k and then to 8k then back 4-5. like my green trades be big but i always get one red trade that gives back all my WINS** im too emotional i need to control it idk man

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars punit singh says:

    Ross I know you are long biased, I am surprised you thought about shorting 🤔

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reddy 2 Travel says:

    If you waited a single day and were short Netflix you would have killed it, its came down over $20, kaboom. Great video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Moody says:

    I think what's great is you had a plan and you committed. Had the stock done what you expected, and you were up 20k, then this would be a different recap.

    Sometimes we're right and the market rewards us. Sometimes we're wrong and the market penalizes us.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jwaynes71 says:

    thanks for sharing this common type of losses makes me hopeful that it can happen to successful traders

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ Colford says:

    im looking to start trading with 10k next year! i wanted to ask can i trade on a leverage account with 10k? im new but my goal is $500-$1,000 a day, even if i can only trade 3 days a week till i get a 25k account

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marc peroc says:

    translation in french , please :

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    Yes same mistake i do because i take a position with prefect entry some time it goes my favor and take profit but same way to goes against i believe the HOPE so hope will not help. After u give so much amount and u can see and read the 1 min chart for prefect entry and u know it will rip up but u cant do any thing because u take against trade and think it will come down and finally give all amount and make big loss if u average the position some times we win but 90% fail and make mega loss great lesson ross thanks fro the recap.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelo Z says:

    Hey man, this is not discouraging. This is letting us people that want to trade like you understand that things will not be perfect every day. You are a great trader and i appreciate your videos . keep it tight

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hil Shean says:

    Ross, you need to stick to your knitting. You are adding confusion to your students (me), with your swing trading.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Guerrero says:

    I really appreciate these red day recaps. I think they click to the masses a bit better. And it's comforting as well for us knowing even 10+ year Pros struggle sometimes on stocks that you say "how the heck did you lose money on that". Thanks Ross I have faith in you to be able dig your way out anyway lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Gardner says:

    Thanks for the honest commentary, the impulse to chase the disbelief of an extended stock and average into a losing position has burned us all (CVAC burned me good…)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BullsDeep says:

    Damn man I was in NFLX. Had 520 calls I bought Monday for .70 and sold today for 15.00!!! Sold early cuz they hit 32.00 freaking bux!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles baxter says:

    Here Comes Laura CAT 🌀🌀🌀🌀📢🚩

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Science Guy says:

    go with what the market does, not what you think will or should do

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin C. says:

    i sold tesla today and missed out on an additional 6k but made 3k. i bought into facebook and i have a feeling i’m going to lose some cause i bought near the high today. 😅 overall, best week yet for myself.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radu Niculescu says:

    Hey Ross I'm interestead in learning how to long term trade 3-5 years time period…does your program includes any long term trades strategies like how to valuate companies for long term trading?….i know that your one of the top day traders this why I'm asking


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Collin Buckley says:

    can ur mustache grow longer thats the real question

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcos Hernandez says:

    Today was just weak for listed stocks no big gappers or follow through really. I am green today because I trade 2 OTC’s but started red on the day after trading FLDM

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paolo A Alvarez says:

    Ross, I really needed some words of encouragement today. Red day for me as well and it really affects your psychic or attitude but learning from these mistakes will eventually make you a better trader. Thank you again for showing us facts and true results. I will stay positive and confident.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abid Zaid says:

    Sorry for your loss. What I do not get how did you decide to go long when the Stock already gaping up like $4 from the previous day. In addition the stop had a pivot high of $500 couple days ago. Last the volume shows crazy buying power.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    Nice video Ross. I have been following you since March and you are very humble about your trading which I believe has really helped you remain in this career for so many years. I have learned a lot from you, but indeed these type of days like today are sometimes the days where run has to walk away from the market. You were up 6,000 dollars on day but over trading can cause much bigger losses then what you had today. Keeping your losses small over time has also really helped you. Always cool to watch your videos up to now!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lily Mou says:

    Ross, I don’t know why, When I see you lost money that I am more happier than gaining money myself. Sorry about it.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savalis Adkins says:

    Red for me. Talk us through it.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Lee says:

    Tough day Ross. Great video though! Thanks!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🧡💚 yourfriendsommi (personal) says:

    🧡💛💚💙 Just a scratch on your PnL sir!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey S says:

    Hi Ross, why did you short sell a $2.5 mil position in NFLX? I’m curious what made you take such a large position

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TBase says:

    You said yourself that large caps are harder to trade because of float, algorithmic trading etc. Why are you trading outside of your own strategy?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aykut Aksoy says:

    We love you no matter what Ross!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Davila says:

    What's a swing trade?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sev 7 says:

    Thank you for sharing your experience. The recap of your red days is even more educating and inspiring than green ones because this is a typical situation that we beginners face in most cases or days.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pauly P says:

    yes but you also need to mention that we got a punch in the gut from the previous Hault that turned South in Seconds….it was interesting that you gave the pep talk that you did before the open…hmmmm

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colonial Heating says:

    Are you in your pajamas?

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