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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right here we are: 77th day of the year Second day of May finishing in the green up 4,800 bucks. That's what I needed just a green day to break the red streak so you know made back all of yesterday's gang, all of yesterday's losses, all of Monday's losses. So now back in the green on the week and you know what? We saw some really good opportunities today so I'm getting excited. Maybe this is gonna be the beginning of the next hot streak.

I will love that. So today 4,800 bucks let's hope we have a good day again. Thursday A good day Friday Start to get May turned around and pointed in the right direction. We'll break down all of today's trades in today's midday market recap.

All right everyone, So why don't we do our midday market recap here? Finishing the second day of May up 4834 dollars and a 57 cents. That is a pretty good day. It's actually one of the best days I've had now and like you know, almost two weeks. so it's the best day.

Well no. I had a day last Monday where I made 4800. so I'm pretty much tied with my best day in the last two weeks. But you know, $4,800 $5,000 That's an awesome day.

So what helped get me there today was NV Ivy. You can see it on the scans right now around the charts right now. squeezed out of the gates from 8 up to 1035. a pullback and then a squeeze.

Right now it's hitting a high of 1312. so really nice action on this one. I under anything I under traded it I could have been more aggressive on it but I just you know I just held back a little bit at first and then I didn't get back in for this second wave up so I loved seeing it. You know, opening up as much as it is, this is a great sign for momentum.

However, you've got two, four, six, eight green candles in a row. This is parabolic. When they get this extended, you have to be really careful because you know and you buy up here. You just position yourself with so much risk so you know for right now I'm gonna be done with it and be happy with my gains.

And one of the things I said yesterday is that when you slow down a little bit and you start being more conservative and taking the quick gains, you will miss the first stocks that start to take off because you know you're being conservative. which is the right thing to do when you know you've been in a market where you keep seeing stocks like LEDs that pop up and come all the way back down or SSK em. This is one that I lost 300 bucks on I got into the dollar 50 it popped up to 54 and dropped all the way back down to 37 FL KS I got in this one also got in after the circuit breaker halt and look at how ugly this was. This was the one minute setup right here.

a little one minute pullback. I got him for the first candle to make a new high and then it tanked I mean it was ugly. So when you have trades like that it you have to start to be cautious. When you have a teeny bit of profit, you have to start taking it.

You can't just hold and hope for really big moves and so you know today I'm n V IV When we talked about it pre market we said you know it's interesting it's got very light volume but it does have a recent reverse split and it's the type of stock that if it gets some volume it could work so it's worth keeping an eye on. Me was up 12% The bell rings starts squeezing up and Matt in the room called it out and said hey, check out and the IV it's starting to move I wouldn't have seen it most likely if it weren't for Matt so he gets the credit on this one I saw it when he called it out tried to jump in. Now remember I use a 10 cent offset so when I was pressing the Bible and I was pressing it at 47 and 48 and it was executing at 57 and 58 because it was already moving that fast I tried to take 10,000 shares knowing reverse split setup is one of the strongest ones right now I only filled 2046 and then this is kind of crazy. Four seconds later I added another 2,500 shares a dollar higher.
that's how fast it moved I added more at a dollar 96 sorry, 9 dollars and 96 cents and sold at 10:24 10:23 and 10 dollars. The rest I sold at 950. So that was through this pullback holding and then up into this move to 1040 was had the highs so you know. All in all that was a really solid trade and guess what, they can ended up coming all the way almost all the way back down to 840.

and so I thought look another stock. typical, not holding its levels, just showing weakness and so I just sort of stopped watching it. it then kind of did this little curl. you know it's it kind of started to move up and it hit 950 and I was still like wow I don't know I'm not that interested.

not sure because at this time I had just taken trades on these three and you know, basically given back some of my profit. GNP X was a small winner but nothing too impressive. So I just didn't think we were gonna see a lot of momentum. It then pops up here to ten and I'm like alright it's interesting but then look it goes from 1007 all the way down to low of 935.

That's a big drop right there. It doesn't look very nice and then boom it takes off I don't know if someone jumps in, it pops up to 1030, pulls back, and then it really started to open up. It's squeezed into a circuit breaker halt. Now we've got a high of 14 dollars, so you know this is one of those stocks where hindsight's 2020.

Yeah, I should have gotten back into it I I could have been more aggressive I could have tried to scalp it I could have made more money on it. but remember today's a day where the caution flag was up right? that that orange flag saying slow down, be really careful. The market has not been friendly to you in the last two weeks. We've gotten you know hit in the face eight out of the last ten days.

So if you have profit, take it and then run. just don't give whatever you do, don't give it back because the market wants to take it back from you. So I followed the rules there and yeah, I did take bigger size on the first entry and V IV if I had gotten filled a full ten thousand shares, well it would have been ten thousand maybe even a fifteen thousand dollar winner and I would have been really in the driver's seat but you know it did it. I didn't and that's fine.
So I got a partial fill $4,800 of profit and this move here. I Just I didn't really expect it I didn't think it would open up as much as it did. We do often watch this set up for a break over hi of day, but the time. The problem is that it was occurring at 10:30 and it was after I had just had one loss on NFL KS one loss on SS KN and a third loss on GNP X I Took two trades on GNP X the first trade I was long at 14 for the squeeze here sorry I was long at 15 for the squeeze here I just jumped in at the whole dollar and rode the momentum so as a higher risk entry made a thousand bucks I Then got back in for the first five minute candle to make a new high which was over fourteen ninety six.

So we had this green candle here I was waiting for the first camel to make a new high. it broke new high here, hit 15 22 and then dropped to fourteen twenty four and I lost 300 bucks right? So I was like look, I've had three losses in a row I'm not feeling the momentum I got to slow down. Maybe today was just you know, a day where I just get one good trade and you know that's it. So I followed my rules and I stepped back before I gave back more gains I was up I guess maybe at one point like $5,500 So you know hindsight's 2020.

but I Love seeing this type of momentum. This has room on the daily chart to 1675 right now I can't buy it though, even if I want to I can't be a buyer After two, four, six, eight, nine green candles in a row, it's just too extended. So I I would say you know, watch for the first pullback. You know, maybe some traders are looking to short this for a move back down towards the nine moving average.

That might work if you have shares available to borrow. I Don't you know it might be a short-term reversal here, but be mindful that recent reverse split stocks can create big technical breakouts and this thing could go higher. I Mean there's no reason that it couldn't so just be careful if you are thinking about going to the short side. However, right now I can't be a buyer I got to wait for a pullback and by the time it does pull back and gives us two or three red candles, well, it's gonna be noontime and I'm not gonna take a lunchtime trade.

so I think for me I'm just gonna say hey, 4,800 bucks is a great day of trading. Did I capture every opportunity out there? Maybe not. but I'm walking away green and I want to do it again tomorrow. So I just want to, kind of, you know, break that red streak and today's you know, the first day of a hopefully a green streak? that's you know, that's what.

I Just want to think of it as so. I'm thinking that this might be an indicator of momentum that we'll see again later in the week. We saw some decent opportunities yesterday I just wasn't good about my entries. Htb X was really difficult for me I didn't I didn't trade it very well.
so you know good opportunities yesterday, good opportunities today, and let's see what Thursday and Friday have in store for us. Maybe we'll get some, you know, real surprise, momentum, and a couple opportunities to really give ourselves a little bit of a profit cushion. So as of right now, I'm back into the green on the month of May which is awesome. Don't like starting in the red, but I'm only green by like 1,200 bucks.

So I know that relatively speaking, $1,200 in two days is fantastic, but you know I want to get a little closer to $10,000 on the week? That's my goal and I've got you know, two more days to kind of move towards it so we'll see what we can do. and I think right now it's just a time to get excited. Make sure you're ready because if we do see that this is the beginning of a new hot streak I Want to make sure every single one of you guys are able to capitalize on the opportunities. You know, when a stock goes from $8 to $14 There's a lot of windows in here.

so even if I chose not to trade this right here, you guys haven't gone through the Warrior Pro class and many of you have. You should know that this is a pull back setup. A pull back under high a day as a possible short squeeze and that's exactly what happened. Pull back under high a day again.

You know, in a hot market on day five of a hot streak I would have slammed this with some big size five 10,000 shares after a two-week cold streak. I'm just a little bit, you know, gun-shy and I think that's the right way to be right now. but you know this is a setup that you guys should know. So even if I choose not to trade it, you can trade it on your own.

That's I Mean that's why we built. that's why I built Warrior Trading I Want to make this education accessible to beginner traders so you guys could learn how to trade so you could take the same trades that I take every single day regardless of whether or not I'm there. You know that you don't have to just be a follower that you can learn to carve your own path. So I hope you guys did pretty well in Envy Ivy I Know I Saw a bunch of you post two thousand dollar winners.

Three thousand dollar winners. Four thousand dollar winners. Five thousand dollar winners. So really love seeing that John I Saw him post a twenty five hundred dollar winner on it.

So good opportunities, some good profits, and why don't we see if we can do it again tomorrow and put down two back-to-back green days? That would be really nice here at the beginning of the month. Alright, so that's the game plan I Hope you guys have a great afternoon and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis and we'll see if we can find a couple more strong stocks to trade. Alright, so that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.
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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Back in the green!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ladi da says:

    I have two questions, hopefully you can answer them.

    The gappers, how do you scan for those, what filters do you use? Do you watch for news during the same morning or do you have a set scanner that just does it for you? I'm in Sweden and want to start trading Swedish stocks in the same manner as you do but I can't really do it with Canadian and US stocks because you don't get the Stop Loss and level 2 function with foreign stocks here, also there's a currency Exchange fee.

    Your screen setup looks great but what are all those programs called? I only see Lightspeed but I don't really need that one since I use my own broker but, the chart programs and the rest, what are those called?

    Thanks to anyone who knows.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABCash918 says:

    Does your training for beginners only apply to stock, or can it be implemented into forex?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordi Pàmies says:

    Buying NVIV at 9.96 is one of the worst trades i’ve ever seen, i dont care how much money he made. If you guys learn this stuff you are gonna have a hard time trading.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Missed both big afternoon winners , Ross I was told you did well on it , did JohnL10 trade it too ? Usually he make his money in the first 30 – 60 mins

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slick Danger says:

    Great content, yet I cringe at every single thumbnail

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Welch says:

    Do you ever hold Stock longer than a day? How much capital did you put in for your nviv trade?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars enrothable says:

    Nice work Ross!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JP Kruger says:

    The $BOXL was the best trade Ross! I was following the IMTE explosion to Space from my 9-5 desk…beginner day trader, taking the course, so I watched and tried to learn and pick my jaw off of the table. lol What a day. My educated time will come!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nesquik G says:

    $IMTE, I could’ve jumped in the u shape breakout, but that stock didn’t meet my criteria.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Mckrackin says:

    Awesome man! Do it again Thursday!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Willis says:

    Ross. I feel like I rarely see this scenario but it makes a lot of sense to me to do. When you scalp up and you see the long is getting extended. Why not short at the top as well and get in twice on a trade both ways? Is it because you're strictly going off of the pre market? Or the risk/ratio isn't there? Why not do this more often?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KJ says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A. L says:

    Ross, are you going to recap on your last trade BOXL, overall profit trade 24k?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Jon says:

    Any idea why IMTE didn't go into a T12 halt?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soccer Life says:

    Good to see you in profits.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andy patch says:

    Knew you'd get your trading mojo back Ross, great to see! BTW: saw one of your old videos last night on dealing with bad days (the one with the ice-cream and the crate of liquor) and it made me laugh my socks off. I always see comedy as the best cure for a bad day. Hope tomo goes well too.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T & D Smash Up says:

    Btw my name is tommy leonzi. i'm just on a different account

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Neil Lund says:

    Way to be, Ross!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T & D Smash Up says:

    hey, i shorted the crap out of HTBX today…i knew it would crash today.i made over $6000 today.i made $12000 in two days. IM 15 years old to. I want to start teaching like you one day. thx for the inspiration man.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SexAddict says:

    Ross is the 21st century Jesse Livermore.👍🔥

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NStarks007 says:

    ?? I was in the chat room… You made 29k, stop being modest

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Price says:

    beat my pants off !! good job!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wei says:

    Made$300 shorting HCHC with 700 shares

    Not a crazy position but good profits

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominique Berton says:

    Excellent Video Ross. Regarding the hot keys, may I ask you if you include profit and stop loss with your first order, or do you trigger the sale manually?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Wood says:

    Low float were crazy today all day. IMTE, BOXL, SEII, NVIV. IMTE 2$ to 42$, 21x in a day putting crypto into shame. I ignored IMTE after its first move thinking that its done but then later when i noticed i was too scared to touch it. Even med caps like ESPR etc. made 25% move up and then 25% move down intraday, damn. Been seeing some small caps popping big after-morning in last 2/3 weeks, be on the lookout traders.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Hughes says:

    Love the caution flag idea. So smart when the market has not been friendly. Another great video!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hheythered says:

    Tons of momentum today, what an awesome day in small cap nation

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yabachaaa says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bim Taylor says:

    Awesome man!!! I'm glad to hear it. I was actually thinking about you this morning during Trading, wondering how it was going for you. Keep up the awesome work!! You are an inspiration.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ajatlanta atlanta says:

    What is this I was expecting IMTE

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor W says:

    I stop trading after the first hour so didn't see IMTE or BOXL….can't catch em all right? Maybe this will set the market into hyper drive for tomorrow

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hagen Gonder says:

    7 of my last 8 days are green due to the strategy I've learned and developed from the Warrior Pro Trading course! If I can stay profitable on the week I will start to increase my share size as consistency continues. Cheers for the win, mentor Ross!

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