Ronald Wayne co-founded Apple and owned a 10% stake in the company. He made the unfortunate decision to sell his stake for $800. Today that stake would be worth over a hundred billion dollars. In this video we go over the sad tale of Ronald Wayne, the would-be billionaire co-founder of Apple.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we talk about many cases of people who became rich most of the time billionaire rich and then somehow lost everything. For example, there was sean quinn, the irish billionaire, who was ireland's richest man in 2008., he was famous for quinn cement, which you might recognize if you've ever walked past a construction site even to this day. Unfortunately, the 2008 financial crisis was too much for his over leveraged business investments and he lost his entire six billion dollar fortune, and then there is the german generic drug magnate, adolf merkel, who is worth a jaw-dropping 12.8 billion dollars at its peak in 2007., like quinn, His business empire was destroyed by the great recession, but it wasn't until a speculative investment in the stock market in 2008 that he lost his last 100 million dollars. These former billionaires led the lives of financial roller coasters, having experienced decades of stardom before being brought down to earth, but there's another class of people entirely who were just inches away from experiencing those riches.

But never did that's exactly the case with ron wayne. The little known third founder of the world's most valuable company apple ron wayne was born in cleveland ohio on may 17. 1934. In his own words, he identifies as an engineer an author and a poet from a young age.

He was an avid stamp collector. He grew up in the world war ii and post-war period, part of the generation before the baby boomers, who remember a time when it seemed that life as we knew it, was not a guarantee. In the 50s he attended college in new york at the school of industrial arts. He studied engineering and, after graduating, moved to california to work at one of the major engineering firms there.

He pursued a career in electromechanical engineering and product development. He was especially interested in the inner workings of casino equipment and slot machines and designed many original parts of gaming devices. This interest in slot machines went hand in hand with his interest in coin collecting, which would later be a major part of his life in the early 1970s wayne, decided to start a business selling slot machines. He wanted to combine his expertise in engineering and his love of slots to make a little money in business.

He hired employees rounded up investors and incorporated his company. However, the business failed when he was unable to pay back his investors and debtors. He could have used. The bankruptcy laws to walk away from his debts - that is what most founders do, even if they personally have resources to pay the debts of their failed companies, but wayne was different.

He voluntarily paid back all the debts that he had taken out and repaid all of his investors. The full amounts that they had paid for their original stakes in his slot machine business. He says that he felt the responsibility for the business going bust. He couldn't stand the thought of having caused other people to take on financial hardships because of his own failure, so he spent the next year paying back all the debts from the business venture.
After his failed slot machine business wayne decided that he was much better off. Just staying in engineering rather than entrepreneurship, he found a job at atari, a company that made arcade games, video games and computers, while at atari he met two other young engineers named steve jobs and steve wozniak. At the time both steves were in their early 20s 20 years younger than wayne. The three became friends with jobs in wozniak describing wayne as very gracious and talented person.

They were particularly impressed by one of wayne's accomplishments at atari, a sophisticated documentation system. However, although the three became good friends, their ambitions were different due to their differing ages and life. Experiences, jobs in wozniak were born and grew up in the post-war boom period. For america, when it seemed like america's economy, was unstoppable, they were smart and hard-working and had not yet experienced any significant setbacks in their careers wayne.

On the other hand, experienced growing up during the great depression and world war ii and had experienced first-hand the pain of owning a failed business. Despite this, the three of them got along well due to their shared interest in engineering. In the late 70s, steve jobs and steve wozniak proposed the founding of apple computer. Jobs proposed that he and wozniak would each hold 45 percent of the company's shares and wayne would hold 10 percent.

The 10 percent was lower than the 45 percent for jobs in wozniak because of wayne's lesser role in the company, as primarily the mechanical engineering and documentation lead. But jobs looked up to wayne's expertise and experience and also knew the importance of having good documentation within a company wayne agreed and wrote up a partnership agreement confirming the arrangement in the first weeks of business at apple computer wayne illustrated apple's first logo and wrote up The documentation with the first apple computer, the apple one, the logo depicted isaac newton sitting under an apple tree with a sentence around the border. Reading quote a mind forever wandering through strange seas of thought, but his contributions to apple would end. There wayne felt out of place at apple.

He saw both jobs and wozniak as younger, more energetic people than himself describing working with him as grabbing a tiger by the tail. Furthermore, he was scarred by his previous venture and business with the slot machines. He had finally repaid his debts for that venture returned to a stable life in engineering and built up a nest egg of his own. He himself said that he was more suited to engineering than to business, and wozniak would be doing most of the engineering work at apple.
So 11 days after apple was started. Wayne sold his 10 stake in the company back to jobs in wozniak for just 800. He additionally sold his right to any claims against the company for another 1500 and with that, his entire stake in the success of the company was gone just weeks after he helped found it. Jobs in wozniak were both surprised and sad to see him go and tried to convince him to stay at multiple points after he left.

But his mind was made up and he went back to his career in engineering at a small firm called ldf semiconductors. In the decades after wayne, left apple apple grew to become the most valuable company in the world. Both jobs and wozniak became fabulously wealthy and invented some of the most iconic pieces of consumer technology. To this day, such as the ipod and the all touch screen.

Interface of the iphone jobs and wozniak stayed in contact with wayne who never sued to get back his stake in the company as many other people would jobs in wozniak even invited wayne out to a release of the new mac computers in 2000 when they flew him. First class and offered jobs, personal chauffeur at the airport, there was no bad blood between wayne and the other. Two wayne has said that he doesn't blame anyone else for his missing out on apple's rise, not even himself. He says he made the best decision for himself using all available information at the time.

If he had stayed with apple, he would have become a billionaire, but he says that he may have died of stress in the process, but he does regret one thing. For many years he kept the original contract they signed with jobs in wozniak in a file. Drawer years later, he decided to get rid of it and sold it to a collector for 500 in 2011 that same contract sold at auction for 1.6 million dollars. That's hardly the same as selling his 10 stake in apple for 800 years earlier, but still he missed out on almost 10 000 times the value that he got for the contract with the contract.

He should have been able to tell that apple would become big at the time he sold it and not parted ways for it so easily for many years after wayne parted ways with jobs in wozniak wayne worked in engineering eventually moving to florida, but in 2004, when He was 70 years old. He was robbed of everything he owned his interest in coin collecting and the history of economics and currencies had spurred him to keep the majority of his wealth in the form of gold and silver, two precious metals seen as immune to inflation. He kept hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gold and silver coins in a safe in his home, which was broken into and his life savings stolen. With nothing left.

He was forced to sell his home and severely downsized his lifestyle. He moved to a mobile home park in nevada to reduce his living expenses and officially retired, to support himself and supplement social security. He started up a coin collector trading operation, although he hardly lives the lavish lifestyle that one might expect. One of the three founders of apple to afford he has found peace with his retirement.
He says quote in this world of dealing and collectibles. My life has truly settled in most comfortably. It may not be a world of wealth as that which had been held by steve jobs, but it is certainly one of joyful satisfaction and personal fulfillment unquote. So that's the story of apple's little known third founder these days.

He spent some of his free time playing slot machines at nearby las vegas at peace, with the fact that if life had just gone slightly differently for him, he would have made more money now than what anyone could ever win in a casino. His original 10 stake would be worth tens of billions of dollars today, making him one of the richest people on earth after having had to endure seeing his own business fail experiencing one of the most unfortunate personal finance decisions in history and being robbed of his life Savings at the age of 70. This man has endured more than his fair share of emotional trauma. Maybe in another parallel universe, things would have worked out differently for him.

Alright, guys that wraps it up for this video. If you enjoyed the content, make sure to like subscribe and share also check out our second channel the economic outlook, where we discuss interesting topics in economics in the meantime. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video wall street millennial, signing out.

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25 thoughts on “Apple inc.’s mysterious third founder”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDonmaster0 says:

    It’s hard for me to understand why he didn’t just buy back his stake at the IPO. 800 dollars would have been 8000 shares adjusting for splits. 1.2 million today. No stress just being a shareholder with a tiny stake rather than a partner. Sounds like his main failing was his belief in physical gold stored in his own property as the safest investment.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janaka Goonasekera says:

    Seems like somebody with a deep-rooted aversion to personal success. Makes no sense to keep all that money at home. He should have at least spread it between bank self-deposit boxes and home.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vitor Esteves says:

    Apple isn't the World most valuable company, that's ARAMCO, don't understand why people keep repeating the same b0ll0cks over and over.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mckgarth says:

    I guess you get bona fides if you trash our ex president, even in a video that has nothing to do with him.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nixon Phakati says:

    Damn, if bad luck was a person. It would be Wayne. Wow what a life of opportunity he had.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Editor John says:

    No one in this world lives without a huge loss. Life's about appreciating the wins

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Haube says:

    I had 300 BTC back when it was worthless. I kick myself every day for selling. I still multiplied my investment many times, but if I had held until the peak this year id have close to 20,000,000

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boss Player says:

    Well, two roads diverged in an Apple orchard, and he took the one more travelled by, and that made all the difference. Apologies to R. Frost.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wen Huang says:

    Sad sad story. It’s just to show you that being an honest person. Don’t make you rich.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Famous Flores says:

    What an idiot. I get selling his 10% stake mayyybe, but the contract for 500$?! 🤦🏻‍♂️ What was he thinking?!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lol Bro says:

    I never got why people sell stakes for so cheap
    If the company succeeds then great you're golden, else, oh well you only lost about 800 bucks, seems like an incredibly asymmetric deal but that's alright

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Subzero says:

    This is a man on his way to heaven. I love that people like him still exist.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cars and Coffee TV says:

    It’s like being Laszlo Hanyecz, the guy who purchased 2large pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins on 2010. 😱😱

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BBlack6868 LiveTrading says:

    Some are destined not be be rich……not only he gave up his 10 percent stake….but yrs later he sold the original contract for pennies and let another guy get the windfall.
    It’s like money is allergic to him……lol
    But he’s at peace so it’s all good.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gray Mars says:

    I’m not meaning to pound the guy, but, with that story, he doesn’t have any other options than saying “I’m at peace”.
    He walked away from something that there was no actual real reason to walk away from! Think about it. A new company with 2 energetic and optimistic ying-yangs that only want your expertise as an engineer. He had bad experience with running a business. OK. But times have changed and you’re not alone this time. Other partners are seeing something in you that want you in. Why walk away?
    Maybe there was some other reason, maybe something personal, that we don’t know.
    Anyways, god bless him and I hope he is happy.
    Thanks for the upload.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yougosquishnow says:

    So he bailed on the largest company in the world, kept his savings in cash and live poor outside of vegas? Talk about a guy with no foresight. Good grief

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pji1979 says:

    The slots are symbolic of what he enjoys. He's content just winning a bucket of coins. He doesn't feel the need to go for the jackpot.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias says:

    Got handed a holder opportunity and threw it away. Multiple times. What a loser.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pat Google says:

    Wayne seems to be a good man and that's worth more than 100% stake in Apple.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luyanda Jacobs says:

    i pray god gives me the foresight to not make what looks like regrettable business decisions in life smh

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moofymoo says:

    Can you become rich without being a scumbag or very rich without being very big scumbag?
    devs, please patch this meta.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romie Tha homie says:

    you know the fucked up thing is that people feel like money makes them happy it doesn’t being humble makes you happy and I look up to this guys vision hell Steve Jobs Woz or Tim Cook didn’t even throw this man a dollar what the fuck shame

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Brewster says:

    Just a small correction at one point in the video approximately 3 minutes and 36 seconds in you have a picture of Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and who you claim is Ronald Wayne with him circled in red. That is actually John Scully former CEO of Apple. Small mistake.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars electro chemical says:

    man if i were jobs i would have bought this man land and a home paid in full…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Taylor says:

    if i had the money that Jobs and the other guy had i would have made Wayne take at least a few million like what's a few mill to them i definitely wouldnt let him live in no damn trailer park but that's life

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