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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody boys and girls, so this morning i am using a new streaming software. So hopefully it's working right. I've never used this before. So it looks like one person's watching, but it's not populating to youtube yet.

So i'm not really too sure. So, let's see it is so it's showing up there, but it's not on here. Hmm, that's odd good morning guys, let me check one more thing before we get going yeah well anyways. This is a new software hi guys good morning uh.

I might be talking a little less and a little slower uh. You might see i'm a little swollen. I have my wisdom. Teeth taken out on monday, so might be a little slower.

But again i am trying um a new streaming software, so anyways. I might be a little uh out of my element here this morning, so i'm actually kind of gon na i'm gon na try a couple things here. I got ta get used to this, so give me one second. So, let's see share so that would be screen.

One, i think, yep, so that's that view, so we could do it like this. Do it like that, i could do it like. Well, that's not that so really screen shirts like this or we go to full screen share like that. I could do this right.

Am i cool sorry guys, i'm just playing around so something else, cool that we can also do with. This is something like this. I can take this guy. Let's take one of your comments, so i still have my wisdom teeth at age 61.

So if i click that cool okay, so you can see these comments kind of coming on the page like that um, let's see brand upload a logo perfect very nice. I like that cool all right, sorry, guys, i'm just having fun with this trying to uh figure. This all out this morning, so, let's see back to comments all right, awesome all right so good morning, guys sorry about all that um! I was just you know, kind of playing around with this trying to get this software familiar with the software, so vr vxrt is ripping so yes good morning, everybody good morning, wisdom, teeth, removed, monday, new streaming software. What's cool about this, is it makes it pretty easy for me to bring in other people to the stream so can bring in other people onto the stream here in the future, so kind of just making some changes all right so i'll take a look at vxrt.

Just because somebody said it was ripping so, let's see that was from mr knights. Look at that. Mr nice is on the page there. Mr nice vxrt is ripping on news, so the news i have here for the first time clinical trials - i'm not even going to say the news, so i don't have to talk as much but there's some stuff about an oral vaccine.

Vxrt stock is jumping. So give me one second, i'm doing i'm organizing things in a way that i'll have to speak a little less. I won't have to speak as much. Okay, all right so vxrt just got to resistance.

Okay! Okay! So if you look at let's zoom in on the chart, vxrt, let's delete all the old drawings all right, so you can see vxrt this morning. Pre-Market is at about 9 16.. Look at the screen on the left. You can see we have this yellow line.
It comes into play at 8.97. That's on the daily chart. Let's shift it to the four-hour chart. You will see that we're just now running in almost to the four hour resistance, which is at 926.

So my current resistance zone for the market on vxrt is pretty much where we're at so that the resistance zone is this whole red box on vxrt, from like 897 to like 920s, all right, so your new breakout level, your new breakout level, is going to be Over uh 926, so if you look at the screen on the left again, you can see you have that yellow trend line coming into play right at 9.25. So again, the only way we see vxrt continuing higher would be a breakout through 926. And if you look at the screen on the right, you will see with vxrt right now, um, it's trading above four deviations, so on so so, if you're measuring the move in the immediate, the move in the immediate is extended all right. This could be a situation where you need to actually pull back and allow for the intraday trend to catch up before it can move higher.

So you'll see that now vxrt is starting to pull back all right a lot of times in this situation. We'd pull right back down to the purple line. You can see, we just dropped down to the purple line, all right, um, so yeah i mean right now i mean that's pretty much. It vxrt is in resistance.

If you've been long this long since this morning, this would be a good selling location. I do think we could see this higher just because the pattern looks pretty solid. So overall, this looks pretty good. I'm going to keep watching vxrt today on the long side in the immediate we are in the resistance zone, but again it all kind of looks pretty good so far, all right, so the new breakout would be through 926.

I don't even know if i'd try to trade that myself right now now in the event that vxrt actually breaks one deviation and goes for a two deviation move. You will see a price target on the day for vxrt up to 11 to sorry, um, 10.70. So and then you have a halfway mark there. So pretty much.

Nonetheless, i'll just say it like this. If, in the event, we do get a successful break out of 9 26 um, then you could potentially see a move all the way up to 11, which seems kind of far-fetched for right now. But it's really not so i guess max target for me today on a breakout of 9 26 would be all the way up to 11, but i'm currently watching for the market on vxrt to pull back in this location for the time being. But again it's once you break nine twenties, that's where you look for the next move, all right, so hopefully that help, hopefully not too confusing.

Yo yo yo all right, we'll talk about the cues here really quickly. Unless something else is changing, nope all right, so we're gon na run over the nasdaq here um. It is kind of awkward, but let's see so that high is from there there's no divergence there. So for me right now, support of the market.
You know we have support at 357.13, i'm just going i'm going a little further than i probably need to, but all right here you go zoom in zoom in zoom in you have a half deviation price right here, so pretty much the current support of the market. Today, on the nasdaq is going to be 365 22., so support for the market is 365 22.. As long as the market's holding above 365 20s - that's good. If the market's shifting below 365 20, then it's going to be a little bearish.

But again, if you zoom in on the four hour chart you'll see that we're just currently consolidating on this half deviation. So i don't really see this is like a great trading zone um, but it's more or less just watching for price action to either sustain or break below the half deviation. Price support of the market is down at 355, so the same price level we use to balance the market here is here so again, if somehow the market rolled over really harsh, your bounce level is going to be down at 355.. So, for the time being, on the market just kind of neutral - that's just really about it.

Uh we haven't really been anything crazy. The market since this bottom, like that's when we said, be long since then, that's just kind of neutral, letting the market do what it wants to do so, nothing too crazy, going on with the market. For the time being, i don't see okay, um baba boomin, uh yeah. Today you will there, you do have the hood ipo that will be coming out today.

Um. If you want to trade, it feel free, i'm not not really crazy about it. Yeah. We could take a look at acer here um.

It doesn't look amazing with the way that it's been trading pre-market. It just kind of keeps fading down a little bit. Um we're currently just above support, so support right now in the market for acer is at uh. 287, if the market goes below 287, obviously people are going to stop out.

That's the stop loss price for a lot of traders, pretty much the stop loss price is just below the pre-market low for most people. So again, that's the stop loss or the long buys traders pre-market uh the stop loss level for the intraday short traders is going to be through uh 312., so a break up through 312 is going to cause anybody who's short within this consolidation to cover the cover. Uh, let me let me rephrase that whoever's been trading long bias or bearish within this consolidation for acer this morning, um, if you can break up above 313 them sorry, anybody who's been short. If we break above 313, the market makers will then use those short sellers positions to squeeze the market up to a price of 338, most likely.

So again, if you break 310, you'll have probably a move up to 338, okay um. In the event, you actually come down and break 287. You might see it fade all the way back down to 260, which is kind of odd, but maybe yeah i mean it's kind of gross. You know i would.
I would watch this one slightly long bias for the time being only because i don't really care for the short play um but yeah. I mean it's pretty straightforward, this little zone down here from 282 286. That's your support! This is your intraday resistance, so break it. This you're going to go up to about 340.

right now the market's trying to swing down to 280s. So i assume the market's gon na try to swing down here and if you can hold support, then you look for a bounce. So this is your bounce level. That's your breakout level and that's your target resistance on this breakout uh.

That's probably all we'll we'll touch on with acer, um, flgc yeah. We could pop on this one really quickly um. So flgc was a mover from yesterday. It's overbought today doesn't mean that it can't continue to go higher um my chart like.

Why does it do that? Sometimes it's so annoying anyways. This is overbought um. I would probably still watch this long bias today. The momentum looks good.

The candles are full they're strong. I don't really see a need to short this for right now, um, so i would continue watching flgc on the long side. There isn't yeah there isn't really any targets. I can give you on the upsides or anything this today um.

When you look at this chart, you see how we came from. You know three bucks and now we're at 10, and you see how we're, above all the trend lines since we're, above all the trend line, there's really no sort of trending function. We can go off of right now because the market has gone above all of them, so the market's in a euphoric momentum based environment, so much so that the price of the stock is now outside of its normal trading range. So now it's really just based off of intraday price action in determining who's, either going to win the battle on consolidation.

So all that confusing that i just told you pretty much means you're just looking at the price action of the stock you're looking for wedge patterns, five minute chart setups anything of that nature, where someone's going to stop out and that's how you make money on this Because there isn't really any trending targets or supports, we can go off of so again. I would swatch intraday price action. I really don't have a great game plan for it, because it's so overbought now, if you are going to swing trade, this just know that your risk is all the way back down to six to 670 to six bucks. So if you hold for a swing trade, the trending downside target would be back to six bucks for right now, okay, check sava all right.

I know that's i've seen that mentioned a couple times, so i'll go back and peek at it, and then i will make sure that i actually go over to amc here in just a second, so 115 um we're at 148. That is one that wouldn't be it all right. So salva is pretty much getting close to pulling back here. Um, so saba has pretty much reached resistance.
I would not expect sava to get over prices of 154.47 a day. I would imagine at 154.47 pretty much in this area. You're gon na start, seeing baba seldom or not baba. Sorry sava.

So this is the resistance of the market on sava, should probably pull back here. I'd! Imagine but again at most for this long move. I would look for is about 150 430.. Hmm yeah yeah, the teeth.

The teeth are out. The teeth are gone. I wish we could make that bigger though like. Why is it? I guess you could do it like that? That's not bad cool, so yeah um.

You know looking at salva, like i said, pretty much right into resistance. Now, let's go take a look over at amc here, all right, so amc, as mentioned by the title, the apes need to be strong here. Okay, so we do have what appears to be sort of like a bull flag. It kind of looks like one right, it's trying to start, but it's more or less like that.

Okay. So what we're looking at for amc, which, when i say what we're looking at i'm not even trying to trade this, i don't really care for the way it's set up, i'm just waiting to see if it does what i think it can do so for now, With amc, the trending resistance is up at 41.70. So if we successfully break over the previous high of yesterday's trading session, the market might be trying to trend back to its mean, which is at 41.69, okay, and that's pretty much just it. That's where the resistance is at and the support in the market is down here.

So that's where the trending supports at that's. Why we bounce down here the last time, okay, uh so again, support is at 3343 for amc and the upside long target. For now, i would say, is 41.68 okay, so 4168 target on the upside support is really 3350s, so other than that. There's really nothing! That's going to happen with amc.

That's crazy! The only and let me rephrase this for those of you that are waiting for a big move on amc or looking for a big move. Hopefully in the near-term future, you are not going to get a big move on amc until you actually get through 41.80. So that's why i'm saying you know 4180 is a good target because you have to first get to 4180 before you can even suggest a big move is going to happen from amc and the reason i say that is because the big moves in the market generally Happen when they go through the mean, so, if you're looking for a big move, big moves happen when the market successfully crosses the mean 4180 on amc is the mean you'd have to get the 4180 before you'd suggest such a big move? Okay um? It could just theo it could, because i'm zoomed out a little bit more um, but again, i'm also yeah. I am using a different service today, so it might not be as clear as some things that i used to use um or software that i have used previously.

So you know it might not look as good and i do apologize, but it's because i'm trying out um sort of a different different software for streaming uh take a look at cocp all right, so it looks like cocp already ran to resistance. Sorry i didn't look at this earlier, but 154 is the current resistance on the market to yeah i mean okay, so this is a great example. Remember how i just said the big moves in the market happen when the stock breaks the mean the mean. Is the white line so on cocp? The mean is right here at 133, on the daily chart and on the four hour chart the mean is down at 122.
Okay, the resistance on the market for cocp was at plus one deviation, which was 154, which we didn't quite get to so again, let's go back to the one-minute chart and, as i mentioned before, the big moves in the market happen when the stock crosses and goes Through the mean this red line, which i'm about to change to a white line, that's the mean right there, okay and then look what happens. You cross big boom? Okay, so yeah, that's that's pretty much. It um, there's really not much more. To say, like i was saying, when stocks really break out when they truly break out, they go for a deviation, move and so in the market.

Here with cocp, the deviation move was from 120 up to about 150.. So, right now on cocp, you should not expect that the stock is going to break out unless it gets up and through the pre-market high. So today really is a situation where the pre-market high level is the actual breakout for the move. So actually that's kind of incorrect because i mean i wish i could i feel, like i explained it's good enough, but anyways you see that little dotted line in there, that's the halfway mark, so so the best way i can explain this is the stock went from This green arrow up to this green arrow and the halfway mark between those two arrows is that dotted line right.

So then, when we go back and we look at the one minute chart, stock breaks out goes to plus one pulls back. Fifty percent of the way right so right now the market on cocp is sitting at the half deviation mark, which is a fifty percent retracement of a one deviation, move which pretty much means you're on resistance, and if you can break the resistance, the market should push Back to the pre-market high and that's pretty much it with cocp whoo, sorry uh paulie, it's connor and you said you can't find our watchlist scanner. That's because it's not on this channel anymore. It's currently on a different channel.

So if you go to youtube and you search up the channel trading clips, then the scanner will be located on that channel. Okay, so go to trading clips youtube channel and that's where the uh sorry, the next the scanners are at is tkat a good long um. I might as well say this too. I haven't actually seen any stock today that i really care to trade.

Yet tkat, all the way down has a divergence yeah. You should watch tkt long. There is a bullish. Divergence on this is actually probably a pretty decent swing.
Long, i could see i mean it looks like i mean. Obviously it's trending down strong, so you're trying to catch a bottom, but there is a reversal signal. You have a bullish divergence. If this bullish divergence ends up working and the stock pops, you should be targeting back up to a price of probably six dollars or sorry, no uh, ten dollars.

Six dollars is the price um. I think you would target back up to about 10. yeah. So if the bullish divergence - and this does bottom, you could look for a move, maybe back towards the 10 price on tkt - that's actually kind of not bad at market open.

I might take some swing along on that. I kind of like that. Thanks for the recommendation, g-o-e-d long for mr waystoid, all right, let's take a look at it. Uh slower mover, so it's a swing.

Trade kind of stock typically is the way. I would see this uh down trending at the mean um yeah. So this is something that i'm probably just going to avoid. I probably won't trade it myself.

Oh this is that stock that made that jump. So yeah i mean goed, it's just downtrending right. It's been down trending right now, the stock is on the mean. So it's not really oversold.

It's not really overbought. It's just kind of following its normal trend down right now, so you're not getting it on sale, you're, not getting it. Overbought you'd be buying the stock at fair value, while it's currently in a downtrend. So i don't really think that's a great candidate for the time being myself personally ctrm reversal again: uh downtrending stock, not really on support, does have a bullish divergence target back to 252.

yeah. I don't really care for this. One either looks pretty weak um, but there is signs of a reversal based on relative strength index currently, so i would probably start watching it slightly more long bias just because you do kind of have a divergence taking place, but again that's a very solid downtrending stock. For the time being, um really, that's there isn't a whole lot today.

I didn't really see anything too crazy unless something else is changing hold on one second yeah see that's kind of annoying. I wonder if it uh yeah, i mean sava p-a-l-i i mean p-a-l. I had that move earlier, um. It kind of looks like okay over back and looking at vxrt um.

So you can see vxrt just kind of broke up a little bit so look at. Where is the breakout happening on vxrt? Now look at see how we went to the remember how he said this is the resistance zone. You can see how we traded up to it resisted resisted resisted, and then this just broke up and it's still resisting resisting so again right now, vxrt it tried to break out but, like i said before, this is something you have to pay attention to. You can have formations and you can have things that look like they're gon na break out, but when they're trading up near plus three and plus four deviations, usually they don't work really well and they're going to be a false breakout.
So again, it's still kind of sketchy to be long bias vxrt at these prices, because the intraday trend doesn't really allow for it to go higher. We have much further. The stock can go on long term charts, but the intraday chart doesn't allow for the move. Yet so again still watching vxrt today, but i think it needs to pull back before it really moves much higher it's on yeah.

So it would be fun to watch the hood ipo but uh, oh yeah. No, i don't know how it's gon na trade, but i probably won't be trading it myself. I generally don't involve myself into ipos. All that often game stop all right.

Let's do a quick game. Stop analysis. So again, generally gamestop follows pretty close to amc. So, unless amc has a good day, gamestop is most likely going to continue having a bad day um or continuing to go down.

The current support in the market right now is 162.37, so, on a bearish day with gamestop you'd, probably see the price move towards 162 40s. 163. yeah. That's pretty much! It you're pretty much looking for gamestop to go down to about 160 230 and again that will most likely happen if amc continues to be bare, so anything gamestop related you're pretty much following with amc.

So when amc has a bullish, move gamestop generally moves bullish. They move uh in unison. So really that's there's nothing too crazy to do with gamestop um another, and - and this is i'll, give you sort of the bearish analysis for gamestop and when i say bearish, it's more or less the realistic analysis. Okay, um! Actually, it's not even realistic, no yeah, not what i mean kind of you know, but realistically i mean like price is down at 40 50..

I mean like that's, you know, realist, that's probably where stocks gon na be going unless somehow the ape nation can force. Another short squeeze i mean that's where it's going to go right. There there's no question where gamestop and where amc will end up being at when this whole thing's done that's of zero discussion. It's just more or less whether or not the apes are strong enough to continue forcing short squeezes so for gamestop, i'm just bearish until amc starts to move bullishly again um the pre-market email uh we yeah so pretty much.

The gentleman who runs the pre-market email he's been out of the office for a couple days, so that's probably why it hasn't been going on been traveling and things like that. So that's probably why it hasn't been out the past couple days: um but yeah. It's not ending. No, oh a little wish yeah.

We can take a look at wish really quickly. Oh that's annoying figures, all right so looking at wish here, i probably wish i don't really care to be extremely long. This, i don't think yeah. I think i would still be on the bear side of wish kinda um yeah.
My resistance for wish is that um 10 10.50 to about 11. so 10.50 to 1060 is where i'd imagine we could see wish go to and it might see some selling pressure. But overall, i'm still kind of bearish wish, i think, yeah no, no big play for which right now um all right, guys, i'm gon na end the stream there um i'll catch everybody back tomorrow and then on monday is when we're going to be starting. Our new sort of schedule so we'll be streaming for longer to youtube, at least for now.

I believe i'll be starting at 8 in the morning on the youtube and probably working until about 11. Those times could change, but for now probably expect next monday. Um 8 a.m to 11's in that area and then, as we continue moving forward, we're probably going to be sorry bringing in some guest speakers to the stream uh throughout the day and starting to organize schedule around different traders being on um and so on and so Forth so a lot of cool changes, hopefully coming soon appreciate you guys and your support. That being said, i will catch you guys on the next stream, which will be tomorrow morning.

Alright guys take care.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “Apes need to be strong”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mental Capital says:

    Tired of hearing about "Apes" and "AMC". Too many Furu's/Guru's milking the subjects. Playing on the ignorant ones.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick M says:

    Could you please update Stream Deck, Thanks you do great work….just subscribed.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janx NoLoveTV says:

    Loving the new content!💫

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karl Showen says:

    Good morning connor

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skuba Steve says:

    Yo Brother can you do dip buy locations for PINS this morning looking good for a dip buy!! you think it will go as low as the 51$ deviation

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dillon Hawthorn says:

    Thanks for the video!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asg says:

    With $ FLGC. Have u tried the 30 min chart with your system. Just wondering if it shows over bought on the daily and 4hr, what would the 30 min chart show u on the deviation system. Thanks

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asg says:

    Video looks great bro

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lev Carter Inc. says:

    Good morning

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Srdjan Vukovic says:

    Hope you are doing good. Maybe you can play with the settings and increase the bitrate for the video sharing part, since it looks all fuzzy even with 1080p.Thank you

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earthling Ben says:

    Goodmorning! Can you look at TAL and GOTU? Thank you.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Black says:

    Hopefully you'll have speedy and painless recovery!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael M says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Elliott says:

    Good Morning!

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