Answering YOUR Top Questions: Leadership, Growth and Advice For New Agents
Whether you’re a new agent or a team lead: you’ve gotta have a vision. And when you share that vision—with your team, your clients, friends and family—great things happen.
This week I’m answering your questions covering everything from how to inspire your team to storytelling strategies.
Get my 3 hacks for new agents and find out how leading from a place of service can motivate your team to achieve their goals.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 - Intro
00:40 - How to bring the best out of your agents
01:30 - Management vs. leadership
03:34 - How to get your team excited about growth
06:29 - Should I bring my marketing manager to Summit?
07:13 - New agents: are you interested or committed?
08:12 - New agents: be the expert
10:19 - New agents: get a story
12:43 - New agents: go ham on circle dialing
14:03 - Close out
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Hey welcome back to the podcast doing a little solo time here been spending the last uh couple weeks, getting prepped and ready for our summit. Super fired up for it uh. If you're joining me, you know next week live in dallas, uh or you know joining me online like i just i can't wait just the the connection, the energy, the fun uh, the camaraderie, the idea exchange, there's just something about you know like looking up up here On my wall, in the studio like and seeing some of my musical icons there's something about being live versus listening to the record, the record is good, no doubt, but there's something about being live excited about it anyway, totally random. I got a couple questions here on instagram, i'm gon na throw them at you really fast, and then i got ta jump into my next meeting.

So uh kevin kevin de silva asked this question. He said: uh, hey tom, the key to bringing the best out of your agents and your staff so kevin. That's a great question um for me, it's similar to what i you and i had this conversation. I think it was like last.

I don't even know what day it is, but whenever we did this, i was like hey man in you're. Italian was last time you're in italy. Remember that conversation and i was like look man. My job as a ceo is to help you get what you want.

So what are your goals in with like four kids like a young baby - and you know, travel is probably uh right, even the thought of it, but i'm like but see now. I've got this in the back of my mind, like my job kevin, as the ceo of the company is to help ian get what get what he wants right. So we have this tendency, sometimes that you know leaders we we miss. We miss the mark, like there's.

Managing and then there's leadership managing is like how much of what and by when are we getting it all done and, and that's very important, but leadership is i want to make the people around me through opportunity through training through uh. You know aspirational goals through whatever opportunities to help them get more of what they want right, like that's the job of a leader, so i would say to you the key is to then maybe sit down with every one of your teammates and find out what's truly Important to them and then make that your mission right make that your mission, i think, of a a client and a friend of mine who passed uh recently and i'm not going to say his name because it'll make me cry just thinking about it. Uh died way too young when he and i were working together. He once said to me: you know how come my sales people don't perform at the level.

What do i have to do and this guy was a hard charger like he was super aggressive right. All the time always very fixated on how much money he was going to make and what the company was going to do is me me me me focused, and i was like you know, you have a lot of money and you have a lot of amazing people That look up to you and they, i think, they're on your team, mainly because they want your mentorship but you're selfish, like you just make it all about you, man, i'm like what. If we flip the goal, we actually did it around this time of year. So what if we flipped the goal and instead of like how much are you going to make and what's the team going to generate for you and what's the company going to do for you? What if it was our jobs, help every single person on the team right on the sales side was commission based? Let's have them hit their goal and if they hit their goal, we can reverse engineer.
We know you're going to do really well and guess what he had. Not only did he have the best year of his. Like you know, up until the six years we were working together, the best year he'd ever had, but he also felt better every day right because he walked around the office, not in this state of like me me me me me me right and said it was Like hey man, ian one step closer to italy, brother, what do we got to do? How are we going to make that happen? You know hey phil, let's make sure hey. You know hey lucy, let's get on it like i'm here, for you so think about that, and the same thing applies to everybody on your team: not just sales people all right, uh, let's see move me to texas katie day.

I love you. She says the podcast with pipes, pantana and jeff is fire. Yes, it was super fun when it's been blowing up. Okay, so uh penbay realtor, says tips for telling my staff about our growth trajectory and having them feel secure.

So so i get that question often and i think about myself like even this morning, i was on the phone with all my consultants and i was like okay look we're going from x to y, and this is what it means and when you say that, whether It's to your administrative team or to your sales team right, just keeping it real your administrative team, when you say we're going to work even more we're going to sell even more houses. All they hear is more work same pay. That's all they hear right um. So we have to manage for that.

On the flip side, your sales team, when you say we're going to grow, we're going to add all these new people they're like less leads for me all these new people, i'm going to earn less. I don't feel as important. So understanding, that's just human nature. What do you need to do? You need to go to your team and say we believe we can serve more clients.

What do you think right, your admin team? This is what we believe. What do you think like how much more optimized could we get like get them involved in the growth? That's really the point like i just spent 36 hours with my executive team and i'm only there almost as a spiritual leader right like saying, hey, i'm here to support you guys and gals in dictating. What's gon na happen in 2022? What do you guys want to do and letting them basically set the tone for well, we think we can grow here. We think we can develop these new products.

We think we can optimize. You know performance over here. We can improve retention over here. We can do that and then my job is to say: okay now, how do we prioritize that? My point to you is it's not the benevolent dictator if i'm saying that correctly right, benevolent dictator, hashtag benevolent dictator me demanding this is how it's going to be.
No a leader says: what do you guys want to accomplish? Let's look at the five-year look back. Let's look at the addressable market and you do the same thing with your admin team, with your transaction coordinator with your marketing director courtney right, big shout out to courtney. She's, like you guys tom, so courtney runs, are you've, probably seen courtney on the podcast. She you know she basically helps me oversee all of our social she's, like we're at 750 pieces original pieces of content every month.

I want to go to 1500.. I was like probably how your transaction coordinator feels when you were like hey. We can do it, she's like no. No, this is what it means.

We're gon na do abc. Let me get you involved. She she did. The same thing to me makes sense on the sales side.

It's the same. Exact thing go back to what i was mentioning about. My client like it's it's making it about them, making the growth about them, making them feel the joy and the ecstasy of solving more problems and helping more clients. So that's my answer.

All right, uh jill smith, big, shout out to jill smith, unbelievably powerful agent, houston, texas, long time, team plus client crushing this year. Should i bring my marketing manager to summit. The answer is one thousand percent. Yes, why? Because the whole time you're, like you're, taking all these notes and you're like okay, i got ta tell her she's got ta.

Do this and i got ta tell her it's so much better to just nudge her and go hey he's talking to you right now. What do you think so? I i mean for as long as i've been going to conferences, i always bring like all the key people. We would go to like the saster conference in silicon valley and, like it'd, be me and david shanks and john, like i'd, bring the team, because i don't want to be the one that says hey. I think we should build the software.

I want the software guys to say: hey, we should build the software or we should partner with this company. It's the same exact thing: jill: bring your marketing manager bring your assistant, bring your ops manager, one thousand percent, and i think the last question was from parm parmd 14. I'm totally screwing that up parmahinja14 any advice on being a brand new agent how to get started. Well, we covered a little bit of that on the podcast last week, but what i would say to you is simply this: you have to make a decision as a brand new agent right.

Are you interested or are you committed? Are you interested? Are you committed? Are you interested in being successful because, if you're interested in being successful, you will do what it takes when it's convenient? That's what interested people do and people dabble they're dabblers like. Oh i'm, going to look at this and i'm going to try that and they don't finish a lot of things. They don't really get into stuff. They don't get into the weeds and say, like i interviewed david goggins right.
You know, david goggins is like this like navy seal guy he's just total badass right. I remember interviewing him one day and i'm like hey david, some people say they're made afraid uh afraid to make phone calls. What should they do? He's like? They should make 300 calls a day for 30 straight days right because his whole thing is like don't be a dabbler. You got to go all in so as a new agent.

Are you interested in success, or are you committed a success? I'm assuming you're asking because you're committed to success and you're looking for some like hacks some strategies. So three things i want you to do number one. You got to study the mls every single day right, so the flight to quality is very real. People want to work with people that have more information than they can find online.

Let me say that to you again: people want to work with people that have more information than they could readily find online on a portal on a website, etc. So you need to be that person and what do they want to know about home prices trends what's hot? What's not? How do i get my offer accepted is now the right time how are interest rates affecting my buying power? The only way you're going to understand this is every day you look inside the mls and you look for the pricing trends and you pay attention to what's selling and what's not and how long days on the market and what properties are getting multiple offers. And what aren't you've got to become a knowledge broker of your marketplace? That's the first thing under that. That also means anytime.

You can go out and preview property. You need to be doing that. You need to constantly be asking good agents inside your office in your marketplace. What pricing trends? Do you see what you know? What do you see it's hot? What do you see? It's, not you want to be that annoying passionate young agent who's.

Like just tell me everything, what do you see? What do you see? What do you see so then? The next time you're, you know at a soccer game and your buddy says: hey man how's the real estate market you're, like you know, i studied home, surprises every day in and the last 60 days i've been looking at the mls differently. I'm asking myself like specifically in prosper: what are condos selling for and how fast and then i'm asking myself. How does that relate to garland? As an example is two great communities? You know here in like kind of northeast dallas and then inside of prosper. The difference between a two bedroom - three bedroom and a four bedroom is very real.
Clearly, people want four bedroom houses in prosper because when those homes hit the market even in relatively good shape, they're gone in two seconds where the two bedrooms seem to sit for a little bit longer right and then the three bedrooms are kind of those in-betweeners. So it's really interesting, but you're asking about the market. What what part of the market are you interested in right now also they're like holy crow. My buddy, who has to drink beers with suddenly, is like a genius when it comes to real estate right.

So you want to be that you study the market, you study top agents, you ask them questions, that's the first thing. Second thing is you got to get a story as to why you went into the real estate business? So if you call your friends and family you're, not just like hi, i'm new to real estate, do you know everybody wants to buy and sell, because you're going to come across stupid right? Instead, if you do all the research like, i just mentioned right, what you could do is you could think about the story. Why did you get into the real estate business and and if the story is just i got into real estate, because i watched a million dollar listing and everyone's making a fortune, and i want to be the next brian sirhand? No one cares right. Maybe your friends will be like.

Oh that's kind of funny right, but they probably don't see you as that right, so not an effective story. An effective story has a hook. It has a plot, it has some danger, it has how you overcame it and the story at the end right. So so maybe your story, and i'm just making this up is something happened.

That was tragic right. I think about a guy. I worked with a million years ago in l.a named freud candelario, and i asked for it one day: why did you get in the real estate business and he said um as someone that migrated to this country? You know with my family when i was very young. The american dream is to buy a house and he said - and i worked like in the fields and did odd jobs, and i collected bottles and cans, and i literally scrapped up.

You know like eight thousand dollars in cash in a bag to buy a house and he met with a real estate agent. The agent showed him a house and he's like okay, we're going to write the contract, give me the bag, he hands him the bag and there was never a deal done and the guy stole 8 000 in cash from, and that is why he got into real Estate because he said i don't want that to happen to anybody else in my neighborhood in my community now, if you have a story like that, and people are like well like, why did you get into real estate and you're like because this tragedy happened? And i want to solve it or hey. I surveyed, like a hundred of my friends and they're all people like you and i asked you the same question: what's your biggest beef with housing and everybody said the same thing, prices are going up, not sure. What's going to happen, is the world going to fall apart and it really made me think you know what you know me as a person that loves to solve problems? You know me as a person, that's passionate about things, and i just get passionate about making it easy for my friends to make good decisions about their homes right with no pressure.
No need to use me or use somebody else just to be a resource. Something like that, a story so when you call them you're having this like great conversation that really plants a seed in their head. So that's the number two thing number three: is you got ta go ham talking to you like a young person, a young, you got ta, go cam on some kind of marketing and lead generation, and what i would recommend you do honest to goodness is circle. Dialing circle dialing, like you're jeff mays, talked about last week, picking up the phone calling around relation listings and sales big shout out to zack gallons again, who made it to my uh instagram.

You know reels uh from that podcast zach, gallon's, 22 years old, la jolla. California, in a super luxury marketplace working with his grandmother and his and his aunt right, my clients, maxine and marty gallons he's calling around listings and sales like hey ian. Did you hear about your neighbor right like that little script you're messing around with, but here's this young guy, that is, is drumming up opportunity after opportunity after opportunity and having a banner year really for his first full year in real estate and he's doing something that Most people would never do now. Maybe it's because he's a competitive golfer and he played golf in college.

Maybe it's because he's looking at his grandma and his aunt and he's like. Oh, my god, i got ta perform because if i don't, i can't suck and have their same last name, there's probably a bunch of dynamics, but at the end of the day the kid's willing to do the work. So that's how you become successful in real estate. You got to do the work, so you got to know the market.

You got to get a story for when you're reaching out to the people. That already know you like you and trust you and then you got to go after new people and do something that average person would never do and that's how you win. Thank you so much for listening. Give me some comments.

Give me some feedback. Remember: competition, ambition, branding and marketing and discipline. That's how you win see you guys soon. You.

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5 thoughts on “Answering your top questions: leadership, growth and advice for new agents”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashley Davis says:

    Yes! My story is that I became a Realtor after an awful home buying experience. We didn't get a final walkthrough and after we closed, we walked into the house and it had been broken into and all the copper wire was stolen. 3 months and $10k later, we were actually able to move into our home.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Kheder says:

    Hi Tom… I cant believe that you just told a tragic story of your friend who was hard charger, supper aggressive , very fixated on how much he was going to earn …but died early ….now this is a real story for a good storyteller like you Tom…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ᴀʟꜰʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀꜱ says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Muñoz Hernandez says:

    Awesome as always Tom! Time to rock!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 📱 Demetri Panici - Productivity Apps / Minimalism says:

    Watching this one bright and early!

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