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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right everyone. So we really do midday market recap here. Go over the trades from this morning another tough day we've been in. I mean I've been a bit of a rut here the last the last week and two days.

This being the seventh day of pretty difficult trading, just have not been seeing the continuation of the follow-through that we had at the beginning of the month. and what worked at the beginning of the month has not worked in the last couple weeks. And today's trade is another perfect example of it. In a hot market, this would have easily been a 3040 thousand dollar winning trade and the market that we're in right now.

it's trade where I went from up 10,000 on it I was up 10 grand. Unrealized to break even and then instead of you know, just walk away flat. I tried to recoup the 10 that I'd given up and went down 14. Actually, this is so similar to what I did two weeks ago and I can't think of the name of the stock off the top of my head, but it was a stock that squeezed up and I made about 10,000 on the ramp on the move up and then at the top I added back it gave back the 8 and then took another trade and dropped down about 11 or grand or so on the day.

Super super similar. It's you know, a little disappointing to see yourself make some of the same mistakes again and again. You know, I would say the hardest part about being a trader is no doubt the sort of emotional and behavioral components. the actual act of training, buying, pressing buy button, sell buttons.

That's all easy stuff. when the markets strong, anything you buy works when the markets not strong would. just you know. for us, for small cap traders the last two weeks, it's not been strong.

If you were trading at the long side, it can be really difficult to keep that presence of mind and slow down and and and not continue to be as aggressive as you were or would be in a strong market. So let's see. So basically this morning I had nothing on the watchlist I had no expectations of any of the Gabor's working out at all xB IO wasn't even on my watch list I wasn't even looking at it. but the bell rings and right here at about 9:30 for it spikes up to 10 72 It hit one of my scanners and I was like whoa, okay that's that's crazy I Noticed at the moment after the spike spreads were huge it died down back to about $8 and this is what I was watching the first 5-minute candle making new high I just sort of had that spot of 1072 in my mind that you know if it came back up it might break that level and so I was watching it and right here you can see.

volume came in and it got halted I Jumped in at about 928 for the first 5-minute candle to make a new high while the entry would have been at 9:00 and I chased the entry and then I added at 981 going into the halt. So at this point I have were just like 955 or something like that going into the hall it resumes. it squeezes up to a high of 11 77 and I doubled my position as it squeezed up. So I'm adding.
So now my new cost basis is like 10 Ten fifty or something. We went from 950 to 1050 and of course at that time I could have just sold and taken my profit in that spike. I mean this was already a win, but I was looking at this on the daily chart and I saw this gap from 1188 right here all the way up to 13 80. And so I thought that if this thing broke 1188, we would have no resistance until 13 80 and this might be the one that goes parabolic.

and so instead of taking the base hit when I had it I started to, you know set my sights on a potential grand slam. You know it's like the bases are loaded and it's that moment where you could just you know get a base head and and try to you know get a runner to come in and instead you try to be a hero. You try to go for the big trade and no doubt you know if this has gotten up to 13 it would have been a thirty forty thousand dollar winner. Absolutely it hit a high Of the high was 12:30 and I actually added I added more at 12:20 and 12:30 at the almost at the high of day I did that because I thought it was gonna go into a third Hall we had first Hall second Hall and I thought this was gonna be a stock that would give us a third Hall It's a recent reverse split.

the floats about a million shares. It's a former honor with a history of making big moves and with this daily chart there's beaten up char as it starts to curl. Yesterday was Green to that Friday was Green today big green. It just to me looked like the type that could make a big move and honestly I think in a hot market this probably would have squeezed up to thirteen eighty.

We probably would have gotten that move, but in the market that we're in right now, traders have been a little more cautious, short sellers have been a little more aggressive and what happened was this resumed from the halt. it squeezed up for a second. it then hesitated and started to roll over and I hit this and control X Control X I was like get out and I was able to get partial fills right up here. locked up some profit, it drops down, gets halted going down I'm still holding a partial position through the halt going down.

it resumes and is now trading right in this area. It drops too low of 937. I don't like to panic out while stocks are selling so I was like I'll give this a second to bounce back up and it bounces back up here to 1036 and then right here. It actually looks like it's to me potentially gonna make a move back up towards 11.

So this is where I decided. You know this is that moment of truth where I could have either just bailed on my position or add back to it and for whatever reason at that moment and this is sort of the blessing and the curse of I Think the way: I trade I can have such tunnel vision that I can usually be really good on my hotkeys. Really pretty good reading level to time & Sales trading on the 1 minute 5 minute chart I'll be in the zone, but when I'm so in the zone sometimes I sort of lose focus of the fact that hey Ross you know you've been read five out of the last. you know, seven days or whatever the case was, this might not be the time to be really aggressive.
You should have taken your base hit and you should not be adding back to this. but as its consolidating here, this to me was kind of similar to what it did right here. and so I thought okay, if it holds up right here and it was, we might grind back up towards eleven. and if we break eleven and move up to eleven fifty twelve, this might go back to high a day just the way it did in this pattern.

So you know this is where I got a little aggressive too aggressive and I decided I was like all right I'm gonna add back to this thing. got a high here of eleven of 10:57 it drops, it goes sideways, that didn't break and so then I'm kind of holding and I'm a little bit not sure about it and right here drops to nine Seven five as soon as it drops in 1975. I was like alright I gotta bail this doesn't look good so I tried to sell I filled maybe 200 shares of my order, didn't fill my order, did not fill, it dropped to fast and then here flushes down to nine twelve I'm like I try to sell again I'm getting partial fills on my sell order. the spreads are big, it's I'm just not having an easy time getting out and then here it drops down to 850 to my lowest exit was 870.

So you know this was the high a day volume on that candle and it just was really disappointing. So you know I went from being up 10 grand down 14 on the stock. so $24,000 swing in the PNL it's you know it's disappointing and I think the hardest part about it is the fact that this setup would have worked really well had we been in a hot market. and sometimes it's hard to predict when the market will change what will be the first stock.

Had this gone to 13 and then maybe to 14 or 15, this would have been the first stock to sort of maybe start a new round of momentum, but being able to time your trades so that you're hitting the first stock as a new round of momentum starts with big size, it's very difficult, bordering on just not possible. And if you keep doing it you know as as I have been for the last week or so you're gonna keep incurring big losses. You know it's like you just keep swinging and missing and swinging and missing and you know I've just been basically giving back profits I had an amazing start to the month of June making 50 grand and the first week and a half you know terrific start and then I've proceeded to you know have a red day. Big red day last Monday read on Tuesday and Wednesday small green days on Thursday and Friday small green day no small red day yesterday and then a big red day today.

So I've given back about I would say right around 32,000 dollars of of that profit which you know is totally disappointing. So you know I went from being up 50 on the month to being up I don't know somewhere between 15 and 20. I'll have to log in and see where I'm at tomorrow or sometime later in the month. Maybe not a good idea to log in tomorrow and then see it and feel FOMO But I think the challenge for me and you know I There's definitely people that have said hey, Ross clearly you don't know how to manage risk and you know to that I would say I'm trading the same exact strategy that I use to turn $583 into 1.1 million dollars over the course of about two years.
the strategy works. A feature of the strategy is that there will be some big swings in the P&L from time to time and that's because I'm taking a fair amount of risk. This trade, had it worked well, would have been a thirty forty thousand dollar winner. So to risk 14,000 to make thirty thousand, here's a two to one profit loss ratio.

If we look at the detailed and then I'll go down to a win/loss expectation you'll see here. Whoops, You'll see here this: This is my equity curve now on a day like you know today. I'm kind of. you know down in this area here.

a a little bit of pull back. This right here was a $50,000 drawdown. $47,000 You can see it right here. Doesn't look like much on the equity curve, but that was forty six.

Forty seven thousand dollars in losses from right there - right there. That little that little pullback. So you know in the grand scheme of things, these draw downs are not statistically significant and in fact, this was a 5% drawdown. At the time, the account was near million dollars of profit.

the biggest drawdown being five percent. during a time when the account grew by about a hundred and eighty three thousand percent. You know I mean it's it's really not that bad. but I'm saying that to try to make myself feel better because on those days like there and you know, like what I'm having right up here, it can feel devastating.

You know, can just feel like ma'am Everything I'm doing is going wrong. Everything I buy the second I buy. it is just you know, tanking or the trade that I think is gonna be a homerun and I'm being aggressive on total fail and that you know when we're in such a hyper, hyper focused sort of mindset of daily profits and weekly profits, you know, monthly profits. An individual day that sets you back two weeks is feels really kind of emotionally devastating.

It took me about six weeks to recover from that drawdown right there. and of course I recovered. Well, the low of that pullback was somewhere around 1:00 Well, this is gross. I'll go switch this to net.

So the low from 992 down to 944. Oh yeah, so after commissions 47,000 right? So that makes sense. So you know from 944, I've grown the account up to you know, one point, Zero, seven, six right there. And that was before the fifty thousand dollars of profit this month.

So you know about a solid hundred and sixty thousand dollars or so from the last red streak. So the last hop basically this hot streak was about one hundred and seventy thousand dollars of profit. And now I've been on a red streak here where I'm down about 30 grand. So it's kind of like, you know if each step is thirty thousand dollars.
that's you know, like whatever. Five steps up, one step back. Okay, it's part of the deal. time to get ready for five more steps up.

But the problem of course is that you just don't know when the markets going to turn. and I've had periods where you know I went through four or five months of fairly slow trade and during periods like that you can't swing for the fences because you're not gonna hit home runs, you're just gonna get strikeouts. But really, since 2017, since November 2017, I've been on a pretty long and extended and sustained hot streak. Generally, you know, with an exception of you know, a couple pull backs here and there.

So I think for me: I wish I was better at adapting to cold markets and slowing down faster. And you know, taking my foot off the gas I have a bit of a hard time doing that I keep being aggressive even when the market conditions are saying. You know, go slow and sit on the sidelines and you know if I was better at sitting sitting on the sidelines, then during these periods of slow trading instead of losing 15, 20, or 30,000 or more, I would hopefully just kind of be breakeven for a period and then I would you know things would pick back up? So in terms of how to, you know for me, how to learn from these losses. it's really good.

Tough one. I'm not sure what what I need to do in my trading to prevent myself from getting tunnel vision when I see what I think is an equality opportunity? How to remind myself that Ross that's not equality. When the market for the last week and a half has been terrible, it means anything that you think is a quality is automatically A B It's just because part of the rating system ranking for an equality stock is the overall market. You can't forget about that so you know and yet I do And that's the the one spot where you know sometimes say okay today my Mac share size is you know, six thousand shares or whatever and then I'll see something like this which I'm like whoa, this has huge potential I which of course it did in with six thousand shares, you know maybe I would have done better if I hadn't been more aggressive down here or whatever.

But then in the moment I'll say oh, I'm gonna go ahead and increase my share size this this is a great opportunity. So maybe for me, like even as I am about to say it, I'm like making an exception to the rule but I was about to say is that maybe what I should do is at the beginning of each day say today my max share size is six thousand shares and that's because of the performance in the market that we've seen over the last couple weeks for instance. So tomorrow my max share size is six thousand shares. and then what happens tomorrow if we end up seeing a stock like this go from eight to nine, to ten, to thirteen, to fourteen to fifteen dollars and and what if it does its first pullback and then it goes up to 17 to 18 to 20, you know what point is it like whoa, Okay, today is the day that we're having that stock that's going parabolic and if I don't increase my share sighs I'm not gonna fully capitalize on it, you know and that I think that's really speaks to the struggle of of FOMO the fear of missing out that if I restrict myself that they'll miss opportunities.
Therefore, you know I I should be at a level where I don't apply any restrictions I'm able to simply, you know, be so present in the moment that I can quickly go from 3,000 share position to 25,000 share position if the market justifies it and then just as quickly come back down. But in practice, I'm not good at making that adjustment. So you know, for the duration of my trip here, in terms of trading, you know feels like I've kind of ruined the vacation. put a little bit of a shadow over it.

It's gonna be impossible not to be thinking about this for the rest of the time that I'm here, you know. And so that's what I've got to deal with just the fact that this is where I'm at right now. This isn't what I wanted for the end of June I want to finish the month strong, go into July feeling great and I screwed it up and it is 100% my own fault. Other people were green on this trade, other people who were calling it out in the chat room who got in down here and sold up here or sold right here, made money and I was swinging for the fences and you know, took a big loss.

So I guess that's you know, and the biggest struggles a trader is that mental hurdle. Even after doing this for years and years, it still gets me that I'll find myself being aggressive at the wrong times. You know, conservative at the wrong times and not not across the board. You know I mean obviously I'm giving myself a little bit a hard time here, but you know I'm green obviously green on the on the month.

despite this green on the year by wall right now probably about $250,000 But if I could tighten this up I could do so much better and I know I can do better. And I think that that's the part that nags you that you know last year I made about $700,000 and then I had $200,000 in red days. So I finished up only 500 grand. Wouldn't it be nice if I could have cut those red days in half? reduce some of those losses by not doing emotionally impulsive, super aggressive.

You know stupid stuff like this and that's you know. And that's what I want to work on is as a trader being able to be so present in the market that when the market is hot I can be aggressive and when it's cold I know to slow down and take take profit sooner. Something that is very confusing in the market is that sometimes you get rewarded for breaking your rules adding into this after the second haul here, adding right up here. You know that's a pretty aggressive thing to do, but you know, let's look back at RBZ for one second and you know an example where on this stock I followed this stock I followed my rules and didn't chase it for some reasons.
Charts loading really slowly here and ended up halting like five times in a row going up. It was good. This must have been right up in here or something you know, so followed my rules, wasn't aggressive on it, missed. You know what was probably one of the biggest opportunities that we've seen this year? It wasn't there, was it? Well, whatever.

I'm not gonna be able to find it off the top my head. These charts are loading too slowly. but in any case, there was a day where it halted, going up like five times the room and just went totally straight up. and if you had broken your rules and chased it, you would have made money.

and then there days like you know, a day in that case where I followed my rules and I kind of felt like I got punished for it because the stock goes up so much and I didn't chase it, didn't make any money. So these mixed messages from the market getting rewarded for breaking rules, getting punished for following rules, and then the fact that doing the exact same trade will have completely different outcomes depending on what's going on in the overall market. So you know that just adds this whole extra layer which if you're trading by yourself, is just gonna be overwhelming. The biggest benefit of trading with the community is that you get a sense of what's happening in the market.

what other people are doing, what they're looking at, If they're green, if they're red, what's working, what's not working and you know that that kind of helps you combat that. that struggle between you know when to be aggressive and when not to and but then at the end of the day, you've got to be the one that says all right you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna fall I'm gonna stick with my guns and follow my rules here. this isn't the time to be aggressive, you know, or do like what I do and kind of just like swing for the fences on like every trade regardless of market conditions and either sometimes hit huge homeruns or sometimes have huge losses. and since I'm right 75 percent of the time I make money doing it.

But the emotional extremes of you know the big ups, the 40, 30, $40,000 Green Day's and then the big downs is just like they're really nice to level that out a little bit. Well actually would be really nice to keep the Big Green Day's and minimize just the red days, but that may be asking for something that's just not possible in this career. So anyways, that's it for me. Long recap, but hopefully helpful for those of you guys who are in similar positions.

The biggest struggle now is that tomorrow and you know the rest of the week and whatever I'm just gonna have this instinct that I'll have to fight to be aggressive. being down 30 grand and in a week is you know it's not a good feeling and the best way to alleviate that discomfort is to make thirty thousand dollars right. And that may have been a contributing factor to why I was as aggressive on this as I was because I was already coming in to the day down like 18,000 over the last week and so instead of just taking my profit, it was like well, I've got a hole I really want to get out of it. just would love to just start this vacation off with a huge win.
big confidence boost. you know be on the top and this wasn't the day to do it. You know that doesn't matter. The market doesn't care that I'm on vacation.

The market doesn't care that my Internet's not that great right now. Market doesn't care, You know, And you got trade to market that's in front of you. You go out there to go, you know, surfing or something like that. It doesn't matter if you want to hit big waves.

if they're not there, they're not there. It's you know, easy when you're looking to the waves in that sense to say alright, well there's nothing gonna' things gonna happen today, but we're trading because things are always moving and because you may see a setup it's easy to pull the trigger. But what we lack is the resolution in the follow-through and that's where it can get really frustrating. So anyways, that's it for me.

I'm gonna wrap it up and I will see you guys first thing tomorrow morning 9:15 I'm having a trouble live streaming on YouTube this week because of my internet so I may or may not be live-streaming than YouTube But I will certainly do the recap and those you on YouTube Encourage you guys to join Chatroom. Alright, see you guys later. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime I upload new content.

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24 thoughts on “Another tough day ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EscapeTheMatrix says:

    Please keep posting your losses, as I learn so much more from them, than I do from your wins.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henrry says:

    Hey man, it's okay, take a breather. Rethink the strategy and come back fresh. Focus on small gains, not for the profits but to re-build your confidence. You'll come back from the losses with discipline. Good luck brother.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ellsworth Corum III says:

    damn. you're on point. it will come back.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Seb says:

    Trade india shares. Ur in Europe bro, this is your chance to trade the foreign market

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Anderson says:

    Ross, if you were a stock I'd be buying for a long term investment! $ROSS+++

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Bac says:

    Ross, you're in Italy. Fuck the market for a week or so and enjoy yourself!!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars litespeed2010 says:

    I respect your transparency.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lor dem says:

    thanks for sharing your truth, thing are going better, thanks for helping us to go better thought your experience. I'm from Italy, where are you now? bye

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Sims says:

    You can tell in his voice the last two weeks have really beaten him up, keep your head up Ross everything bounces back!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X2UL says:

    Your style is high risk high reward. Good job taking your losses. Part of your style.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Ewing says:

    Hey Ross,
    I left you some suggestions in a comment during your last big losing streak, the $50k drawdown. You implemented some of those suggestions, and whether or not you took them from me or came up with them independently, they worked for you. I offer you some perspective again, so that you may benefit from it and bounce back as you did before. As I said to you before, remember that the good you do for others will always be returned to you. If what I say works for you, Pay it forward. Help those around you, without expectation of return. Not every trade has to be for money.

    My suggestions to you, limited to 3 points so you have time to quickly digest it before today, and hopefully catch a green day.
    Point 1: Avoid entering AFTER a stock has been halted.
    Data to support point:
    You are trading halts, entering halts, like most of them are going to be RBZ. You mentioned RBZ. I too remember quite vividly the day RBZ halted multiple times on the way up. It was April 12, 2019, and it was actually a grand total of 9 halts – yes, NINE – in a row. That day RBZ opened at $7.39, got halted at $8.74, and the 9 halts up moved the share price to a peak of $27.00. Huge move, no doubt. But it is not a common move for a halted stock to make – at least not in this market environment. In THIS environment, the one we find ourselves in today, the tendency is for a stock to gain quickly; get halted; and then drop back down as soon as the halt is lifted, usually leading to a halt in the downward direction. Look at XYN on 6/11/19, or VISL on 6/17/19. They drop down after 1 or 2 halts up. It's not worth the risk. Remember too market conditions. Prior to it's 9 halt day, RBZ had recent big moves on 3/27/19 and 2/14/19. Thus, it had HUGE amounts of positive sentiment and few bag holders. But this is the exception, not the rule. Most halts upward don't have this kind of positive sentiment, at least in this market.

    You do a great job of entering early in the move, BEFORE the halt begins. Your filters and early entry execution are on point. You just have to work on liquidating your position COMPLETELY as soon as the halt is lifted, so as to maximize gains. Then, be sure not to enter AFTER the first 1 or 2 halts up. I would say those "after halt" entries are what cost you, not your share size. Entering AFTER an upward halt is a 50/50 coin toss, and with those kinds of odds…I wouldn't take a trade. Not just with size, but any size, period. Don't risk it, just stay away from them. Stick to your early entries off your scanners, and you'll be ok.

    Point 2: Your losses show weaknesses in your execution, in your strategy, or both. Humble yourself to that fact, so that you can be more profitable.
    Argument to support point:
    It's easy to become discouraged after a big loss, and to think that your strategy doesn't work. Doubt creeps in. It's also easy for others to point out flaws in your strategy, which then makes you (or anyone) a bit defensive, naturally. The fact of the matter is, you turned a $583 account into over $1,000,000. No one can dispute that. However, each loss teaches us something about ourselves or our system. If you immediately run to your past victories, as you have time and time again when experiencing a string of losses, whether out of defensiveness or as a source of comfort, you are not allowing yourself to fully experience the lessons of the loss. It is only through sitting through that pain, and sifting through the wreckage, do we improve our trading systems. It is difficult to sit through the discomfort, and even pain, of a big loss, no doubt. But only in doing so do you truly learn the lessons of those losses to the core of your psyche. I'm not sure if you do so to protect yourself, or protect your teaching business, but your tendency after a big loss is to pull up your P&L and defend your strategy. A working strategy doesn't need defending. Again, you increased your account size by over 1700x in about 2 yrs. Don't let self-doubt or the naysayers tell you otherwise. BUT, don't run to that fact after every big loss. Every strategy has a flaw. Each big loss is showing you that. I bet if you were to analyze all your big losses, you would find patterns – either weaknesses in your execution, your strategy, or both. I encourage you to be humble enough to admit that your strategy may need some fine tuning. Even champion athletes continue to train and refine, despite winning trophies and title belts. Do the same. Perhaps this humility and self-reflection is what you need to turn 1M into 10M, and perhaps it is what will allow you to reduce those $200,000 in losses last year into $150,000 or $100,000. You may be repeating the same mistakes without realizing it, but you won't realize it until you take time to humble yourself and reflect. The "recent stock" you took a very similar loss to this on was PRVB on June 10, 2019. The fact that you couldn't remember the ticker on a $10,000 loss says that you didn't ingrain the lesson well enough. If you go back to your red day recap on it, and then compare that to THIS red day recap…..I bet you'll find a lot of things to be quite similar.

    Moreover, you mentioned repeatedly that we're not in a hot market. While that is true to some extent, I would argue that these kinds of statements about the market are akin to the ones about your past P&L. They make us feel good, because they reassign responsibility. It's like saying "it's not our fault; it's just the environment we're in." By continually attributing your losses to the perceived weakness of the market, you are reassigning responsibility for your losses rather than leaving them squarely on your shoulders. Like the run to your past P&L, this tendency does not allow you refine and strengthen your strategy. You can't fix a problem if you won't admit it. Try to humble yourself and admit your winning strategy may have some flaws and need fine tuning.

    Point 3: There is market momentum, you just need to work on your entries and stock selection.
    There is market momentum. Maybe not like RBZ in April, maybe not like BPTH in March, but there are some waves moving. Look at VVPR on 6/24/19, OXBR on 6/25/19, or XSPA on 6/26/19. All were this week during your string of losses. There ARE pockets of momentum. Rather than dismiss your losses to the perceived lack of momentum, work on 2 things: stock selection, and entry timing. Stock selection is just as much a part of a winning strategy in any system. Look to enter slow and steady gainers EARLY as they break one price level and move in anticipation of a half or whole dollar price point. Then sell as soon as they reach that anticipation point. If you choose to reenter, do so with very small share size, because the risk of the stock fading – like CPAH or GROW on 6/26/19 – is high.

    And, work on your entry timing. You do a great job of spotting them early in the move off your scanners. I actually admire you in that regard. You just need to work on 2 things: 1. not hesitating (which you normally don't, but with these losses, not you're gunshy, as evidenced by your recent loss on CPAH) 2. not entering big AFTER the big move to the half or whole dollar. I personally wouldn't reenter at all, but I know that'll not your strategy, and I understand that. So I would say for you, sure, reenter- but do so with very, very small share size.

    So, for example, your first entry can be your usual 6,000-9,000 shares, maybe less given these losses, but your 2nd re-entry AFTER gaining profits should only be about 1,000-2,000 shares. no more than that. Do that until we get those big moves like BPTH or RBZ or AKTX again.

    Hope this helps. Thanks for making these videos.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Butthead says:

    Thank you we all learn from your trading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Butthead says:

    Very important part of trading your loss your gain. thank you for educating all of us. This is the business of trading.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Cole says:

    You'll bounce back for sure Ross! CPAH and XSPA were pretty good today, but shorts seem to be all over the morning gappers lately. I didn't actually notice XBIO pop up, but for sure the HOD momentum stocks are working out better, and 5 min flags seem much more effective in this chop, but still getting in and out and not hanging around seems to be the key, for me anyways…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kent Lam says:

    Appreciate you are being so transparent, and not just show your winnings, really like your videos to show the reality of day trading.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willam Sharpe says:

    C'mon Ross, so unlike you. I smell a green day for you tomorrow. Why? Base hit will be the word(s) of the day. Maybe a double.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Vivanco says:

    I was down today as well. Your still everyones Big Daddy!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melanie mills says:

    Ross, tomorrow is a new day, CARPE DIEM , you got this,. Your candor is admirable.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Huarte says:

    Greeting warriors. Was anyone here affected by today's lightspeed system issue with one of their order routes, 10:05AM on?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RENZO4321 says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simone Landi says:

    I admire you for finding the strength to recap this day for us all. I mean clearly it’s not easy especially after the long streak and the vacation.

    Just don’t think about the Italy challenge man the reason you when big was because you wanted to make it happen.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Self says:

    Ross….You need to enjoy your vacation Man! Here's the bottom bottom bottom line…. Your still on track to make 450K this year. I just yesterday watched a recap you did from 2 years ago. That year you only made 240K from what I could gather. 450K. Enjoy the fruits of your skill and trade another day

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! dukerstop says:

    I closed a trade yesterday in the green. Would have had 2x profits if I held till today (was a swing I held for a week and a half). I spent the whole day today reminding myself of the times I held and things didn't go well to keep myself from revenge trading.
    You don't need to change anything Ross, it simply comes down to luck sometimes…orders not getting filled, listening or not listening to the voice in your head (lol), market conditions, etc.
    If I repeat yesterdays trade 10x idk if I would have closed it or carried it overnight more times than not. The gray area is the challenge of trading.
    I'd say you're doing ok 🙂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Swenor says:

    I got in XSPA for the break of 4.24, it failed and dropped to 3.85 and I was down 30 bucks instantly. It failed 3 times to break 4.24 and then eventually pushed but I had walked away

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