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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well here we are Thursday morning and I'm finishing the morning up 59 000 on my day trades and I've got a little profit on my swing trades. Although I have a trade on Amazon and also trade on Apple that are not working out super well right now. but we'll see how they do and trades on Disney, Etsy, Netflix, and Roku that are all in the green. So uh, kind of a crazy day today, both trying to take day trades, working with swing trades and keeping an eye on the overall market.

But uh, green is good. Another strong day. So I hope you guys enjoy the recap. uh and remember tomorrow morning right around 8 45 9 A.m I will be live streaming right here on Youtube my pre-market watch list.

so make sure you hit that subscribe button, hit the thumbs up button and tomorrow if we get 3 000 thumbs up while I'm live streaming the pre-market watch list, well maybe I'll go ahead and live stream and give you guys a free Friday. Uh, live streaming Action trading? Uh, right on Youtube. All right. So uh, I hope you guys are doing well.

Enjoy the rest of the day and as always questions comments on today's recap. Leave them down below and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow. What's up everyone? All right? So we're going to do our midday market recap here. Go over the trades from this morning.

I'm finishing the morning up fifty nine thousand, two hundred, seventy four dollars, and seventy two cents. So I'll put that uh right there for you. Not a bad day. Uh, we are seeing some.

uh, definitely some more momentum today than we saw yesterday. you know? Yeah. and yesterday was kind of interesting because it just felt like across the board things were slow except for Bfra, which you know, when I was kind of logging off at 11 30 or whatever it was at that time halted right here. Um, and on the day in total it had less than 20 000 shares of volume.

So it had Six thousand shares in this candle. Uh, well, so go back to the beginning. It opened the day with 1100 shares a red candle. So halt, halt halt halt halt halt.

And so you know then it halted, coming down, then gapped up and halted. going up. I mean it went from 10 bucks to 55. We have seen this happen on several other occasions we've seen it happen with we saw it with Ltr, Ltr Pb.

Yeah, I think that was it. Um, Duo wins. Uh, there's a few others, but in any case it's It's not the first time we've seen this happen. but the problem is always that it's so hard to manage risk when you have the volume, that light and the spreads are as big as they are.

Um, you know that's where. Um, that's where we kind of, um, have a situation. So you know at this point, Um, you know I just left that one alone. I was like no, I don't want to.

Um, I don't want to push my luck on it, I'm just going to leave it alone. So no trades on that yesterday. Good job. For those you guys that did trade it, it totaled with about 1.2329 million shares of volume.
So it did get some more volume by the end of the day. But you know overall it was probably pretty high risk and big spreads. So anyways, yesterday, aside from that, there really wasn't too much going on. Uh, this morning when we sat down a V T X uh sorry Abtc was already making a pretty big move.

Uh, pre-market had squeezed up to 13. and so when I was sitting down um I guess it was. I sat down around 8 30 or so so it was like around here so I was like okay, wow this stock has made a really big move. You can see that I made 21 000 on it, it pulled back and when it came back up right here I bought for the break of the the pre-market high of 1278 for the break of 13.

and that did end up working out relatively well. As you can see, it ended up squeezing here up to 1420. but then when the bell rang this halted going down. I did get a bounce trade off the low and back up through the V-wap here.

but the majority of my profit was on This trade pre-market and then this bounce right down here. back up to the V web. Probably about half profit on, uh, maybe about 15 000 pre-market in the rest here. Um, I was up a little bit more on it and then gave back about eight thousand dollars or six thousand dollars trying to do a dip trade at 10 and stopping out at like 980 or something like that.

So again, this is kind of discouraging on the one hand to have such an awesome pre-market move. and on the other hand, uh, then it didn't hold that level and then it pulled back as much as it did. You know when the uh, when the market opened two weeks ago, we were seeing these stocks not only open not only be really strong pre-market but continue that momentum into the open. And so at the open, we're seeing the stock squeeze through.

You know, the pre-market highs and going to new high a day. And that's what we've been kind of missing. Or I've been certainly missing for the last few uh, trading sessions. so you know I don't want to get up at seven in the morning.

I know that sometimes there's opportunities even earlier than when I sit down, but the fact is, and one of the problems is that at that time, you're kind of back into that situation of Bfra where you're trading stocks that have very light volume. and with that light volume the spreads are bigger. and then all of a sudden next thing you know it, 7, 7, 15 you could end up taking a dollar a share loss on a trade that you know you thought was gonna be the next big one and just failed. And then you're starting the day deep in the hole because when you trade stocks with big spreads and light volume, your risk is almost always.

I mean, it's it's much harder to just jump back out of it for a small loss. If it goes the wrong way, you're looking at potentially a much bigger loss. So this is where I sit on the month right now. Before today, 114 on Monday 69, 000 on Tuesday 3 000 yesterday and now today is going to be 59 000 once I import that.
So you know I'm in good shape on the month. No doubt about that, I'm over 200 000 in profit and we're only four days in. But it is a little disappointing that we're not seeing sort of bigger and better follow-through from some of these setups, which you know I was hoping. Um, I don't know.

I was hoping we would see a little bit more action. So the next one down is Adtx 80 Tx. I'm up 37 000 on and that's because this one did make a real attempt at re-testing Those pre-market highs didn't get all the way there, but it made a really nice attempt. it squeezed up from seven up to 850 here.

That was a trade I took, then it pulled back and it came up for a second attempt. So both of these trades were break a Vwap setup, break a Vwep setup, and then buying the pullback on the one minute. buying the pullback and riding that momentum, this one halted a couple of times, both going up and going down, but gave some really nice opportunities. Kodak.

This was a little choppy, but I tried to. I did trade for the first daily candle to make a new high, which was over 16. so that was my entry. Oops, Right down here.

Uh, which on the intraday chart was along right here at 16 and we actually got to move up to 17.50 I only made a thousand bucks on it, but it's still nice and Dnli is the last one I traded and unfortunately that one, um, just it made a big move here and I did the Uh. The first trade was a along right here and then the next trade was right through here and I stopped out. winner on the first, loser on the second. So it just wasn't super easy to trade.

So a little discouraging on Kodak and and then again on on Dnli. not to have better follow through, but at the end of the day. Um, you know green green is good and I'm green across. You know, net green on the day, So 59 000.

on my swing trades, those are a little bit of a different story. I am kind of not in great shape on my Amazon trade, which is a little discouraging as well that one's actually coming down a bit more here. So Amazon. I'm kind of frustrated, and that's probably an indicator right there that it's not going to be a good trade.

So I'm frustrated because yesterday I took a trade on Amazon where I sold the 3 100 puts and that was pretty early in the day and then I set a stop on it. walked away for a while, came back and saw that I was stopped out for like 20 loss and that you know then the stock had ripped all the way up to here and I was like what the heck my stop was I said a thousand dollar, maybe it was a 500 stop loss on it. Why did I get stopped out for 20 loss and so um, this happened. This is now the third time it's happened with Td Ameritrade on options trades where I've set a stop.

I've walked away and I've come back and seen that I got stopped out even though it didn't Actually, I was never at that 500 max loss. So I know other people have complained about Td Ameritrade and having issues with it in varying degrees, and it seems like perhaps I'm having an issue there as well with the stop orders. And so right now I don't have stops on these trades because I don't want to. Um, I don't want to get stopped out again for a 10 20 loss, only for it to continue to go in in the right direction.
Now one of the reasons I don't use Light Speed for Options is because the Light Speed Options chain is the whole Light Speed Options chain is a little bit difficult to use. So if I go over here to let's see now, where is it? Um, actually I might not have it on this. Um, let's see. let's go down.

actually might not have it. Let me tr let me switch over to my other account here. I'm not sure if this login has options enabled, but in any case, um, it's it's really. it's kind of a it's a difficult, it's just not an intuitive setup that they have for trading options and they don't allow you to use any stops.

Well, maybe that's because of the issue I'm having here, but you'd think they'd be able to figure it out. So in any case, I am a little annoyed with that. So I got stopped out on Amazon and I was like well, I can't sell the puts now because now they're much much less than what I got them for and I was like you know what this looks like, It's strong so I think it might actually have a chance of breaking or at least testing this 3250 level tomorrow or Friday. So I'm going to take a debit spread instead doing a credit spread.

I'm going to switch gears and do a debit spread. Well, you know, the market pulled back a little bit this morning. It sold off. It's come back up, but you know it hasn't broken yesterday's high.

so I'm down 500 bucks on that trade. Uh, you know my max loss on it is about 1100. That's the max loss, so it's not that bad. but I'm halfway to the max loss, which isn't great.

But on the other hand, the max loss is pretty close, so I'm not super concerned about that and the max profit potential. If it does go to 32, 50 would be about 4 000. so it's a good profit loss ratio, but it's not looking great right now. I might end up seeing that max loss Apple.

I sold the 470 call spread and Apple is continuing to go a little higher. but 470 is way up here. so although I'm down 198 on it, this is the call spread. It's um, you know it's not killing me yet and I could.

The only thing there is that I'm kind of at the max profit on this was like 200 bucks. the difference between 99 cents and a dollar 21.. So I'm kind of at the one-to-one stop loss, but you know it is next week so it doesn't expire tomorrow. so it might be one that I should just take off the table and take the 200 loss rather than let it get bigger because the max loss on that could go much higher.

So that's Apple. I did take one day trade on Avct in this account, but the order execution wasn't very good so I didn't take any more. Disney. I'm holding the uh, August 14th 120 puts so those are up a little bit.
Uh, that's about at the 200 moving average, so I'm using that as the spot where I would buy that dip. So Disney 200 or 120 puts Etsy. I sold the 115 put and then did a 115 put spread here for next week. so those are both.

Well, this spread is sort of not in good shape, but the other one for weekly is in good shape and I also did a 150 call spread. This, We had earnings yesterday and it's kind of coming down a little bit so I don't think it's going to come down to 115 by tomorrow. I'm not even sure if it will come all the way down there, but that's also support on the daily chart right here that would be bouncing off previous support. so I'm okay with doing a put spread there.

and I'm doing the call spread. Uh, just a little bit out of the money. so it's I feel pretty confident that'll expire worthless and I'll keep that premium Netflix I'm in good shape on with a 465 put and a 440 by 450 put spread. That one is based on this kind of consolidation here and setting those basically a strike or a little bit below the low.

The last real pullback which was 467 and Roku also had earnings and is coming back down. So I sold the 170 call spread which is, uh, the high back here, the high of this move. So basically that's the call spread and that expires tomorrow. so I'll probably be able to keep that profit in my pocket as well.

So I'm good, in good shape on those. Um, but Amazon is the one that's not so great and I I don't know I'm I'm kind of just annoyed with the whole thing to be honest, because this is how sometimes this happens where you know you have whatever. Maybe it's a tech error like what I had. Maybe it's a, you know, maybe it's just you missed a trade and then you sort of can't chase that.

So then you overcompensate and flip gears. you're like, oh well, I can't I can't go long now. So now I'll just short it because I'm frustrated and well, now I'm down 500 bucks on that. So now I'm right on both of them.

I'm read on the one that stopped me out, which it shouldn't have stopped me out on. And now I'm red on the one that I flipped gears on or switch gears on. So yeah, I don't know. Um, on the one hand, I do think it looks good for a retest of 3250, but the expiration is tomorrow, so you know the overall market right now feels really top-heavy But of course, if we get news, um, you know the economic stimulus for Americans getting approved, then we might see a squeeze and a gap up.

so I don't know. I mean I'm already halfway to my max loss on it. I might as well just kind of see it through. You know, on the one hand, it's like if I stare at the chart I could talk myself just to bail out of it because it doesn't look great.

But then on the other hand, if I'm down 500, what's an extra 500? And the fact is, I am, I am up 59 000 on the day on my day trades. But you know the swing trades kind of have to stand on their own and I the goal is that I generate some passive income on the side with these day trades and so I need, um, you know, to kind of feel like these are working for me and right now the Apple and Amazon ones are not. Apple has been a little frustrating because I kept thinking it was going to reverse and it just keeps kind of going higher. But you know with selling premium I have the advantage on my side which is time decay.
But this you know you don't want to risk 500 on something that only has the potential to make you 250 and that's kind of what this is going to get close to to being. If I keep holding it too much longer now I could set a stop on it. But given I've had three times now where I set a stop with a limit. So right now here, for instance, I could set a stop with a limit at 50.

but then I might come back and see that it stopped me out at 40 and you know it's like something triggered it and I'm not sure what. I don't know if using bid or mark changes things Um, with this with the stop orders. Um, but that's that's kind of a frustrating issue when you cannot depend on your platform. And that's the criticism that a lot of people have had with Td Ameritrade.

and that's one of the reasons I hesitate to day trade with it because it doesn't always in my experience, perform really well. So anyways, I did try to take a trade in it, um, on Abct. this is, you know, my retirement account. I actually felt pretty good about that about the stock in general.

but yeah, I don't know we'll see. So that's where I sit on my swing trades. I feel good about Etsy, Disney, Netflix, and Roku. um, but Amazon and Apple.

I'm not feeling as confident with. Although the overall market's probably going to be a big factor in the success or failure of both of those trades. so I'll I'll keep an eye on them. I might go ahead.

I mean, the Apple see the double top here is 446.55 so that kind of makes sense as a possible stop on the chart, but that would probably probably be like a 250 loss on this. Although one of the ideas I did have with the Apple trade because my potential to profit was only 200 was that I was going to be looking to scale in. if, um, you know, we started, uh, to see Apple roll over, but since it hasn't rolled over now, I'm just wondering if I'll have to cut the loss. All right.

So yeah, so that's that, and Amazon. I mean, all things considered, Amazon is above the volume, weight, average price, so it is still bullish. needs to break back over 3200. And you know it could be that today look like if today closed exactly as it is and then tomorrow first Candle will make a new high.

Then we're talking about a daily abcd pattern. so this still definitely has potential. It's just a question of whether I would prefer to just take a 500 loss right now or let it you know, hold for an extra 500 bucks and really see it through. So I think at this point I'll just hold for the extra 500 bucks and see it through.
1100 is my max loss on it. roughly. Apple. on the other hand, um, because the thing with Amazon is because the debit spread.

If it works, I could make four thousand dollars. So it's a good profit loss ratio with Apple. If it works, I make only 200 unless I add to it, so it's not a very good profit loss ratio. So that one I have to keep a tighter stop on in general.

So back to a couple of stocks from today: Adtx at the volume weight, average price, a little consolidation and you know the thing with these is that they can. You know once they kind of fail to make new highs, they can lose a little bit of interest. You know, people kind of start to give up on them. All right? This one's not going to give us that crazy crazy move and they can start to fade.

But as we did see with Adtx, um, it started to fade here and then all of a sudden ripped back up. And so you know if that happened again because it is still above the V-wap and it rips up to 9, 9, 50, 10. Then you know that's when you're starting starting to talk about a a short squeeze and short covering. So I do think that we've probably seen more.

Um, you know, a little bit more struggle with some of these moves. This week we haven't seen as many like 300 400 percent. Kind of straight up crazy crazy moves except for that Bfra stock. So short sellers might be a little bit more aggressive.

but that can also be a good thing Because then during periods of consolidation, if we do see a breakout, we can see a big short squeeze. So and that usually is what fuels the next big short squeezes. short sellers starting to get overconfident. Just you know, the same as the first, big fail is the result of long traders being overconfident.

And then you know, bailing out as the stock just totally crashes. Short sellers are looking for that. So as a long trader we're looking for, you know, a bunch of false breakouts we're looking for. you know, a period of choppiness.

and then that first stock that where you think it's going to do, the false breakout actually rips. and now short sellers are like whoa, Okay, got to cover. This fuels the next leg up. And then that starts a really powerful cycle of short selling.

uh, short covering and long traders jumping in. and a 200 300, 400 type of move. So I don't know if we're gonna see that tomorrow, or maybe not till next week. but that's the next thing that I'd be kind of looking for in order to have probably another, like, really, really big green day.

So again, it's you know, capitalizing on the volatility of the market more volatility today. But uh, I I could always. um, go for a little bit more volatility equals opportunity for active traders. All right, So that's it for me.
I hope you guys have a great rest of the day and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning Friday to finish off the week with hopefully a couple more green trades and maybe we'll have a wild card Friday. Who knows. All right. So take care you guys.

I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

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29 thoughts on “Another strong day in the market $59k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Close Proximity - Jordan K. Barnes says:

    Up 250k and disappointed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I have to say it. “ must be nice “ your killing it man.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Charles says:

    What do you do with all this money you are making lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B L says:

    I have big issue of selling when i click on my hotkey and sometime its sit there and cannot sell by the time i cancelled and re-submitted then the price went down and im stuck there. I dont know why everytime you can sell so smooth. What setting on your hotkey sell on ask? -0.03?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Day that Fallows says:

    TD Ameritrade also, does not sells shares correctly at LIFO..

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrRozebud says:

    Nice Who top! Funnily enough, I often hear 'Pinball Wizard' playing in my head as I watch you trade 😀 ("…How do you think he does it? I don't know. What makes him so good?…")

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Megan Abby says:

    The whole pandemic events have been the reason for unstable working conditions for a car dealer agent like myself. I am so graced and thankful for my side hustle on wall streets assets, with over $40,000 coming in monthly from invested stocks into my savings i hope to aggressively set out business at the slight seizure of the whole craze!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! G Mac says:

    Thanks Ross, great info👍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Wilson says:

    I hope there's a good deal. But I'm also going to buy your course soon. I wanna be financially free and free to be with my family.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan chatton says:

    59k unbelievable

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Last name First says:

    With respect to the 1-2% risk per trade rule…

    If I have a $500 account and I can trade stocks up to $5…Is it ever worth it to trade a more expensive stock but only risk $5? Can I trade a $15 stock and set a stop at $10? If this is accepted practice among pros, what’s the general % capped at? 10%? I guess personal risk tolerance comes in here…

    My thought was there might be more volatility in stocks worth $10-20 per share comparatively to the $1-5 group.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph T says:

    where do i get some info and get on board to make some $$ ? i got a few questions too

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SamMm Leo says:

    You made enough money in this video to pay my rent for 100 years. lemme know if you ever want to make a donation. :/

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter says:

    Curious about your trades… yes would like to know what kind of positions and capital you are using to make the kinds of profits you claim.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Flohr says:

    How big is your account? What percent did you gain (on the one you made $59k with)?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z T says:

    Stop blame TD, just call them bro

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    I do believe that the last time I saw them it was at the c.n.e. bandstand in Oct. It was suppose 2 b their last concert , I dont think that it was.. I can remember being very cold by time this concert was over…( even with bringing a jacket )

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SCAM FATHER says:

    placed some spxl calls today 😀

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed Hussein says:

    Where are you

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E. Olson says:

    When I think about the journey that brought you from gas station clerk to this, it boggles the mind. Very inspiring. Congratulations, Ross.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iTradeAIMS says:

    I think you've made 10 times this year of what you normally make in a year, Correct?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patryck Lebelt says:

    is there any real trader who wants to share trading skills and information honestly?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gav Dugdale says:

    Great videos! What is best broker to use in the Uk to trade the smaller stocks you use, can’t find most on current broker. Any recommendations people?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aitoraso Junior says:

    Hello all! Congratulations on your success.
    May I ask, wich program do you use for checking the graphics and the hot stocks of the day?? Thank you very much!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott wilt says:

    3000? Thought it was 5000. Im.ready already lol. I work nights so im always up at 4am. But usin RH i cant do anything till 9am. But ive got $2000 to trade with!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Kuleshov says:

    Looks like market is preparing to big shorts

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aqilah Amin says:

    Hi ross,

    May i know which software do you use to have the relative volume? i went to your website and there is multiple resources i'm nt sure which one.


  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars majic0101 says:

    You arw seriously trading manually or programming your trades? I hardly hear any keyboard sounds especially with hot key you got to hit hard and fast so i expect to hear some noises .

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pinned by Moon says:

    What happened to the predictions that said, July end is going to bring a massive correction / fall in the Market because various moratoriums were ending?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will says:

    Thanks as always good sir!

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