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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are Thursday morning finishing the day red. Two back-to-back red days, but today things were a little bit more moderate. I didn't have any big big swings I Had a couple of nice trades like four or five green trades and then three losses. So I went from being up about 2600 on the day to being down $730 so not not too.

not too much to stress about. you know, obviously I was really hoping to be green today. finishing up 2500 would have been great, but you know today we were just seeing a lot choppiness, lost stocks pop up in the drop down HEA are here gapping up 60% I think that was the one everyone was watching but priced at $13 and it just it's a little outside my price range I made $650 on it, but I just it's not one that I can really get big positions on and get five ten, fifteen thousand dollar winners on. It's just not so here for me.

I think it took a lot of the focus from other traders got them all really tunnel vision on that stock and unfortunately it's not one that I'm good at trading so and really do well on it. I do well when the stock that's in focus. The hot stock today is one between three dollars and five or eight dollars. That's usually when I really can be aggressive and do well I really understand how those trades but as they get to the higher price ranges I don't do as well.

So anyways, made a little money on that. made some money on a couple others, and then had a good-sized loss because what we kept seeing were these false breakouts. You know, jumping in stocks instead of opening up they would drop. and so what causes that? Well when stocks open up Someone asked me yesterday on in one of the comments and I love when you guys throw comments down below these videos.

You know, if you like these videos, subscribe to the channel. like the videos, throw down the comments I'll come back through and answer every one of them. So one of our one of the members are of the warrior trading community or maybe just a follower on our channel asked this question of Ross what happened to waiting for the first pullback and took a question because a lot of these stocks I've lost on you look and it's like I bought in the middle of the big green candle and then I get stopped out. So why didn't I just wait for a pullback? Well the problem is when you're in a really strong market and traders are getting into really high levels of emotion, you have a lot of FOMO and what that means is that when you see a stock, it's the fear of Miss So when you see a stock start to squeeze up traders for fear of missing out, don't wait for pull backs and they just jump in.

And now for me, I'm predicting and expecting that that's going to happen in a strong market. so I jump in as well I don't want to buy it the high I want to get into calculated spots but I am getting in aggressively. excuse me usually a half dollar or a whole dollar. so I jump in and then I ride that momentum yesterday on NCT Why that worked great I got in ered knows not NCC why it was a I can't remember what it was it, but there was one two days ago.
Then I jumped into the dollar 80. Next thing you know, it's at three dollars and by just jumping in I was able to make some really good profit on that if I had waited for the first pullback. first. pullback never came and that's what happens during these kind of feeding frenzies in the market.

Stocks go from two dollars to six dollars without pulling back because traders are so exuberant, they're so excited FOMO is running so strong. But then you have markets we're seeing the last couple days where traders are being more cautious and so for a trader like myself is trying to capitalize on. FOMO if it's not there, if it's not in the market, well, there's not gonna be follow through. And that's the thing that there's no real indicator to gauge.

FOMO How strong are emotions running today? and it? You know we don't have a technical indicator for it, just kind of is. You know it's the it's just the look, test, the taste test. You know it's just yeah. I'm not quite sure.

Maybe it's a little higher Today it's a little lower. Today today was a little lower Yesterday I was a little lower. We'll see what it'll be for. Friday I Think ultimately what's gonna get us going on the next round of really high emotion trading and then these big exaggerated moves will be the next stock that gives us a surprise move of 200 or 300 percent Because that's when traders are gonna be like oh man I missed that one.

So the next stock that starts to pop up I'm gonna jump on it and then you see that one and then the next and the next on the next and eventually then it starts to slow down. Self-correct We go into a slow period and that's the next stock that starts to take off. So you know that's the ebb and the flow of the market. right now we're in a little bit of a pullback phase.

second red day in a row, but you know nothing to sweat about. Still up fifty-seven thousand dollars on the month. So great month of trading. We'll break it all down in today's midday.

Marco Recap All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap today over the trades from this morning. Overall today another pretty choppy day. We just didn't see really good follow-through on pretty much anything today So there's lots of stocks that popped up and then came back down and I was able to make some money on some of those pops and then I gave back some money on some of the others and so total I'm finishing the day down 730 bucks which you know it's a little bit of a bummer because I was up 2500 before my last three trades, but you know 2500 is a great day and I would have liked to have kept that in my pocket, but I guess I pushed it a little bit too much and gave back some of those gains.

So finishing the morning here down $700 and you can see we'll look at the some of the stocks I'd traded this morning HEA are this was a trade right out of the gates anticipating a break of pre market highs. So as soon as the bell rang I was watching this to get in at 11:50 and you can see in that first one-minute candle it popped up from 11:50 all the way up to 12:11 and I had put out an order for 7,500 shares. I'd be a $3,500 winner I filled 2,000 shares and sold it for 665 dollars at 80 and 93. sold a little bit 1204 and the rest of 11:49 so a small little scalp.
Their next trade was VT VT also straight off the Gap scanner watching this for a break of pre market highs: 248 I jumped in at 250 with 5,000 shares, sold it at 255 and 260 and the rest at 254 For approximately that first trade was actually two hundred and fifty dollars I took a second trade on VT VT anticipating a break of the V whap right in here and I stopped out of that with a 5 cent loss so only one hundred thirty three dollars of profit on VT VT So those two were right off the watch list here and VT VT And then we were starting to watch Oh Aw X this was that was right off the watchlist. This one we were watching for a break of the pre market highs I jumped in it at 275. it squeezed all the way up to 364 which is a crazy move. I had ten thousand shares of Awx at 375, but it did not hold it came all the way back down and I ended up stopping out with only thirteen hundred dollars of profit you know I went from being up nine thousand five hundred dollars, but only for a second.

I mean there really wasn't any opportunity to take that profit. It squeezed up, was halted on circuit breaker I Thought it was gonna go higher I Thought this is the one that's gonna be the big big mover today and it just rolled over. It came all the way back down in the next candle. so I was a little disappointing.

Didn't give me the win I was hoping for. So at that point we had seen Choppiness on BTB th ei R and a WX next trade PT ie. this one hits our hide a momentum scanner so we've got our scanners running right here in the background PT ie hits it I jump in this at what it was at 9:00 Let's see we hit a high of 9 87 I got in PT ie at eight ninety and nine oh two and tried to add at 9 V 49 didn't get filled and then I tried to sell switch to selling actually I added it 975 978 I was really going for I guess a bigger move on this one and then I stopped out as it came back down came all the way back down to 873. So with this one I had like seven thousand five hundred shares and instead of it you know being a nice big winner, it ended up being basically a break-even trade.

140 bucks covers commissions. Alright, so that was a little bit disappointing. Next trade was costs ko SS this one another one of those ones. it popped up hit a high of 271 and then came right back down.

stopped out of that one made I lost three hundred forty seven dollars on it and then the last trade FA mi this was the one that was the war. First this popped up in when I first saw it I was like oh it's a recent IPO set up a breakout so I like the look of it a lot and I jumped in this one at a high of 883, high of day was 883 I bought it at high of day and it came all the way back down to 765. I mean it was just pathetic. It didn't hold up at all so took a $2,600 loss on that one.
and that's the one that really kind of ended the day for me because it put me from being green on the data read on the day. So you know that's a little disappointing. but this is kind of what we saw today. Lots of stocks that did this pop up and then drop back down.

We saw it on F Ami we saw it on Kos S we saw it on VT VT we saw I mean we saw it on every stock that I traded and we saw it on a bunch of stocks that I didn't trade. So you know today's one of those days where I'm not making any progress. but I'm also not falling really too deep in the whole $700 is that's you know that's one trade that's half a trade. that's a it's not a big deal.

So all things considered, today is just another day of sideways price action waiting for things to open back up. So yesterday was a bad day, but today's is not that bad. So down $731 and it's the 83rd day of the year. Second red day of the month of May I hope I can finish the week tomorrow Friday with the Green Day and just kind of, you know, reset over the weekend and then come back next week with some good momentum.

Good good, You know, focus trading. but I Think the issue here is that last week Wednesday and Thursday I made $60,000 in those 2 days. Friday I made another 85 hundreds of 68 thousand dollars at 3 days. That's when we were seeing that feeding frenzy, right? That's what we talked about when the market just gets really strong and traders get really excited.

We see that feeding frenzy traders just jumping on the next stock that starts to squeeze up and stocks left and right squeeze up halted on circuit breakers going higher and it's just a great day. And it's a great opportunity to make a lot of money. And that's the greed in the market and we're able to capitalize on that FOMO that other traders are experiencing they feel FOMO the fear of hangout and so that gives us those those opportunities. But then you get to a point where more and more of those stocks that pop up don't hold their levels.

they come back down. The market was irrationally strong and now kind of common sense is coming back and things aren't holding up. and so that's when you're gonna start to see more false breakouts. And that's where you can see long, biased traders starting to get more scared and short sellers starting to get a little bit more greedy on their side.

And that's when we see that shift. And so right now, in the last 2-3 days, we've started to see that shift and what we really need to create the next round of really just frenzied momentum. What we ultimately need is the next stock to go from $2 to $12 or you know, whatever. $10 to 30 $40 Because that's what's gonna trigger that next round of FOMO And you know, just wanting to really capitalize.
So I think that's ultimately the thing to wait for. We will make the most money on parabolic stocks and these ones right now are just kind of. It's a grind this a Gmh we are watching. It's a recent IPO breakout, but it just doesn't have a lot of volume.

Huge spreads 55 by 1204. It's like you want it to work. you want to squeeze up, break over 1283 and go back to 15. but I just don't know if today's the day.

You know it just feels like traders are being a little bit more cautious and you know har, maybe it opens up over 1375, you know? I kept this one on watch. The problem is, we kept seeing it surge up and then drop down. This thing just hit thirteen seventy and is now back at 1350 So it pops up 20 cents and that drops back down and it pops up another 20 cents and then it drops back down and so the problem with trading these is that you just keep getting chopped up and I hey I would love to finish the day green. you know, probably more than anyone I would love because I was green on the day.

There's nothing worse than going from green to red. So I'd love to go back to green and the easiest way to do that is to grab 5,000 shares of this and sell it for a 30-cent winner. But then this is what happens. You get in those 5000 shares at 60 and next thing you know, you're down two thousand dollars.

See, now you're at 1325 and that's what's really difficult to trade are these whips where it pops up and then drops down because it's not predictable and so the thing to do right now is to exercise patience, exercise self-control Yesterday for me, it was a big red day and I you know I need to work my way out of the hole and today was an opportunity where I could have made back twenty five hundred dollars if I had just finished the day sooner. I pushed my luck and gave back the gains that I had. And so today's a scratch day and we'll be back at it tomorrow and hopefully we'll be able to finish up the week with a couple of good trades. All right.

So that's about it for me right now. I Hope you guys who are trading in the afternoon, you do see some opportunities, but I'm just concerned that there's not going to be a lot out there. So those of you guys watching on YouTube Facebook You know if you like these videos, we'd love to have you subscribe to our channels. Give us a thumbs up, throw comments down there and we'll come back and answer them later this afternoon.

Alright everyone, so I'll see you all back here first thing tomorrow morning. 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis. Alright, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content.
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31 thoughts on “Another frustrating day on the market!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hheythered says:

    I have been noticing the PM small caps just haven't looked the best, I have been scalping large caps with larger positions. Its alot slower action which is nice, but less money. But green is green I suppose.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1st Class Seat says:

    Great clip Ross!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anonymous says:

    hi Ross! do you also trade options? if not, why? thank you! traded ANFI today 2x awesome

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dain Lewis says:

    haha I had a sloppy day too. Bad entry on VTVT. Had to scalp HEAR all day just to break even.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vic says:

    LOL..you're thumbnail picture made me laughed…you are comedian..hahaha

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasun chinthanamal says:

    those days even forex market sucks too bro lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRY to HELP you says:

    I appreciate you doing these vids. I imagine you taking the time to say out loud about whats on your mind is a valuable tool that many traders do not do. We often think in our heads and leave it at that…. but when we express our thoughts out loud, we end up thinking differently about our thoughts sometimes…. I wonder if its worth incorporating a "talk out loud into a camera about what happened today" into trading practice…so you can express whats in your mind.. .maybe we will discover something about our wins or losses that we didnt really consider until it was "out"…. yeah….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahiem says:

    I wanted to ask you. When you are down how do you know when to wait for the stock to pop back vs cutting your loss and get out right away when you are down at your SL. I hate it when I cut losses and then realized I could make profit but other times I dont cut losses hoping for bounce back but it keeps dropping and my losses are even larger

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micah Chaney says:

    OMG!!! So funny. That's exactly what happened to me. Went from Green to Red, grabbed 5,000 shares of HEAR and ended up down $2,000 on the day.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sealows86 says:

    Just a quick question how does one get some good scanners for the stocks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Odom says:

    Made $3500 on HEAR

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Hall says:

    I really enjoy your videos! You have a unique perspective on trader psychology that most other channels don’t talk about. Thanks! Keep ‘em coming!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar C says:

    What is the best strategy to use from all of your strategies? I'm trying to learn to many at once and I'm just confusing myself.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Turner says:

    When you jumped in this morning, did you place a limit order at the half dollar right at the opening bell or did you hit the ask when you saw it at the half dollar. Just trying to figure out how to jump in quickly in this situation. Thanks Ross!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R W says:

    Like how real you are keep it up bro

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Krush says:

    How do I get the ATR/line study you have. I really like that.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Huene says:

    Hey Ross,
    Question, when you know the market is choppy, and having all these breakouts that drop immediately, why don’t you short them? Clearly this is a pattern today, and I’m curious as to whether or not you would suggest this.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Scalpert says:

    Hi Ross, do you know what the statistics are on direction of the stock after circuit breaker halts? ( ie they continue in the same direction 75% of the time.. or whatever the % may be)

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J R says:

    I think traders are focusing on the higher quality stocks since the overall market is doing very well. Maybe they are not watching the single digit midgets so much right now 🙂 Who knows. I do think BLNK has another run higher coming. What do you think?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    Trading HEAR, I got caught on that mid-morning (Pacific) failed breakout, then sniped a quick 10c, but was down for the day. I waited and watched that 11$ support area; watched the choppy pull-back and then got in at $10.93 for the bounce with a very tight stop; cleared out my losses for the day, up 41 cents 🙂
    Ross, thanks for today's market recap, it really helps to put things into perspective.

    "The market rewards the patient at the expense of the impatient" — Warren Buffett

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Thiele says:

    When I try to trade stocks in the 3-8 Dollar Range, the spread is insane. So I am forced to stay out. How do you deal with wide spreads on these "hot stocks"?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Hi Ross is their anyway to know what the approx opening price off a stock will be after a halt and how are the opening prices determined after a halt ?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Fogel says:

    Hey ross, how did you originally start trading? Like did you start with a small account and work your way up? and what brokers or programs did you use when you didn't have enough money to deal with the PDT rule?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bacon says:

    Your thumbnails never fail to make me laugh

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! anythinggoodproducts says:

    Up 57000 dammm

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XYED Zeus says:

    just have a relaxing time away….maybe 1or 2 days……i lost a good 300 $ playing poker at atlantic city which i gained back while trading at the hotel….but it was fun it was like a break

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars godlyrich says:

    Yea choppy today a lot of gaper fade

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zZazz says:

    My First day with all green trades!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhereEaglesDare says:

    Tease the market…the market gets complacent..and then you go vroom…

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Troxell says:

    I just wonder if you are not looking for a catalyst. Have not heard you mention one. in probably the last month. Maybe it is time to look for them. What do I know, just trying to figure it all out. I hear you saying make more money on parabolioc moves , yes but without catalyst there is an issue, right? Thanks for videos.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Castillo says:

    I do not want to be rude, but seeing your losses gives encouragement to continue, is frustrating when people only put the profits and it seems that those who lose would be better to leave the dream

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