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Here’s a warning, your money will collapse due to slowing economic growth, Supply chain issues, and rising global superpowers challenging the US dollar’s throne.
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We’re all trapped in what feels like a never ending cycle. We need to buy items to survive, and in order to buy those items you need to work and gain money. In a perfect economy, all of these things are in balance, however, when a crisis occurs it can really shock the system and cause things to quickly escalate out of control. I mean, right now Inflation is sitting at a hefty 7.9%, the largest 12 month gain since 1982.
My businesses are facing some challenges at the moment because of this, The main problem being, supply of raw materials. It feels like shipping costs have tripled and the wait time has doubled. As you can imagine, this impacts my business, my customers, and the overall economy.
Now it’s bad enough that your money has lost value, however when that is also combined with having less actual dollars in your bank account, due to a recession, the storm gets a whole lot worse. Many experts are saying that a recession is inevitable, and I am airing on the side of this ringing true. Back in the day, I remember noticing the small signs of the 2008 recession.
When people are spending less money, and trying to conserve the cash they do have, the economy begins to slow down, which can lead to.. you guessed it, a recession.
What I’m talking about is the threat to the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world, due to rising competition from China. This was first popularised by Ray Dalio’s book ‘The Changing World Order’ which studies how reserve currencies have changed throughout history.
Due to such high debts, countries can either choose to not pay their debts, or print more money, and as you can imagine, they always print more money, which devalues the currency even further. Allowing room for rising powers to sweep in, and overtake.
PART 4: SHELTER (How To Get Ahead)
In this part of the video let’s discuss Debt, Bitcoin, The Stock Market & Alternative investments like gold, to help you get ahead in challenging times!
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark @marktilbury.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies in which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Oh, do you actually think this is valuable? Well, let me tell you something: the real value of the us dollar has decreased 86 percent in the last 50 years, meaning this hundred dollars is about as valuable as 14 back then. So here's a warning things could be about to get a whole lot worse due to slowing economic growth supply chain issues and rising global superpowers challenging the us dollars thrown. This, of course, is fake money. You know me, i'm not the type to waste a single penny.

However, the facts are very real. Currency collapses, aren't some kind of conspiracy theory, for example. This is one million venezuelan dollars and it's only worth around 25 cents. I've seen this devaluation of the dollar happen over my lifetime, and the situation we're currently facing is more worrying than anything i've ever seen before.

As an older youtuber businessman and investor, i feel i'm uniquely positioned to discuss the factors that could lead to the collapse of the us dollar and deliver this urgent message to you, which could have global ramifications. I'm currently noticing three different things happening which are contributing to the perfect financial storm that is stealing the value of your dollars from right, under your noses, i'm gon na call them the wind, the rain and finally, the lightning the sparkler could set things on fire. So, let's discuss these things and how you can best shelter your money from the incoming storm part one. The wind, the wind is a first sign of a storm.

It might start off as a slow breeze, but can easily escalate into a hurricane entrepreneurs like myself are usually the first to feel the breeze against our cheeks, this being in the form of supply, chain issues and worker shortages, but mark i don't care about that. I'm only interested in what's going to affect me and my money. Well, the reality is we're all trapped in a never-ending cycle. We need to buy items to survive and in order to buy those items, we need to work to gain the money to buy those items.

In a perfect economy, all of these things are in balance. However, when a crisis occurs, it can really shock the system and cause things to quickly escalate out of control. I mean right now: inflation is sitting at a hefty 7.9 percent, the largest 12-month gain since 1982, which unfortunately was followed by a huge recession. I mean your money is literally losing value by the second.

This means that when supply chains get squeezed and worker shortages rise, it just drives up the living costs for the everyday person. Because of this, my businesses are facing some challenges at the moment. The main problem being supply of raw materials, it feels like shipping costs have tripled and the wait time has doubled. As you can imagine, this impacts my business, my customers and the overall economy.

To be honest, i prefer to absorb the cost as much as possible to remain competitive in the market. However, it does get to the stage when running a business just doesn't make sense anymore if you're not turning a healthy profit. After all, i do need to pay my staff when businesses increase their prices. People often think it's down to the greed of the owners.
However, as i can see both sides of the situation, it's a pretty inevitable decision that companies will have to raise their prices just to maintain the same profit, which is sometimes minimal. In addition to this, during the pandemic, people needed money and therefore governments provided lots of stimulus. However, this had the knock-on effect of increasing demand of goods and services. In a time where production was severely under stress, it contributed to a huge bottleneck in production that companies are still dealing with to this day.

All this contributes to inflation. The gradual decrease in our money's value part two, the rain. Now it's bad enough that your money has lost value. However, when that is also combined with having less actual dollars in your bank due to the recession, the storm gets a whole lot worse.

Many experts are saying that recession is inevitable and i'm airing on the side of this ringing. True back in the day, i remember noticing the small signs of the 2008 recession. No one had any money in their pockets at all, and if they did, it wasn't spare cash to be spending on hobbies and, as i was in the hobby industry, it was a bit of an issue for me far less people wanted to buy my helicopters and Planes during times like these, you really have to think out of the box. My tactic during this period was to do a lot more in-store demonstrations.

This brought people in the door and got them hands-on with my radio control gear, when people are spending less money and trying to conserve the cash they do have, the economy begins to slow down which can lead to you guessed it a recession. As you can imagine, it's not just small to medium-sized businesses that are being impacted. It's also large companies. Let's take tesla, for example, the demand they have at the moment for their electric cars is absolutely staggering, but due to supply chain issues, customers are facing huge wait times for their cars to be delivered.

As we know, all public companies have to release their earnings after every quarter and during times of recession, this will probably be less than impressive, which could therefore impact stock prices and our invest in portfolios as a whole. I mean my robinhood stock. Just keeps dipping part three, the lightning when you have both of these conditions then add a bit of lightning. It could well strike a tree and cause a forest fire.

I'm hoping these analogies are making sense and i'm not sounding like some kind of weatherman. What i'm talking about is the threat to the us dollar as the reserve currency of the world due to rising competition from china. This was first popularized by ray dalio's book. The changing world order, which studies how reserve currencies have changed throughout history, but mark.
What exactly is a reserve currency? The world reserve currency is purely the most popular currency used throughout the world in global trade. In my business we do lots of trade abroad like buying stock from overseas. This means that when i'm ordering products from china, i'm hit with lots of exchange rates due to holding most of my cash in great british pounds, as you can imagine, it first gets converted into dollars and then into chinese yen. This results in me often having to pay an extra two to four percent due to exchange rates, which, on a hundred thousand pound orders, is quite a lot.

The us dollar, of course, benefits from all of this use, but a currency's time at the top is limited. Ray dalio actually broke this down into three different stages. First comes the rise with lots of new innovation and technology, leading to lots of borrowing and speculation. Then we come to the top.

This is usually a few generations after the rise, because times are easier and everything seems to be booming, people start spending more on luxuries and contributing less to society, basically they're taking their foot off the gas. I like to think of this a bit like blockbuster. They were so large that they didn't look like they could fail. However, they took their eye off the ball and allowed a gap in the market for companies like netflix, with their online alternatives to movie rentals to sweep in and steal all of their business.

In this case, netflix is china. They're able to produce goods at a cheaper price as their workforce doesn't demand such high wages, which allows their economy to grow all while the leading reserve currency enters the decline without the leading power, even realizing that due to such high debts, countries can either choose to Not pay their debts or print more money and, as you can imagine, they always print more money which devalues the currency even further. Allowing room for rising powers to sweep in and overtake oil is one of the most valuable commodities on the planet and could play a huge role in the passing of the torch between the us dollar and the chinese yen. As the reserve currency, saudi arabia, which is one of the biggest exporters of oil, sells a quarter of all its exports to china and is considering pricing.

Its oil in chinese yen and more than 30 percent of central banks have revealed their plans to increase their reserves. Of yen in the coming years, all these elements contribute to the weakening of the us dollar as the world reserve currency. Now this all sounds pretty scary, but what can you do to protect your money effectively from the incoming storm? Part four sheltering from the storm, so let me take you back to this burnt 100. No, it's clear that the dollar will eventually lose its status as the world's reserve currency.
However, what's not so clear is the currency that will take its place. Sure i've mentioned the chinese yen, but it's not the only competitor. Bitcoin is also the perfect candidate for centuries. This fight to become the world's reserve currency has been linked to global power, but now our world is more interconnected than ever before.

Maybe it's time for politics and our financial system to separate and bitcoin could make this happen. This is because bitcoin is borderless open to everyone and censorship resistant, as well as being scarce, with a set supply of just 21 million coins and guess what guys i've got. One of them i've been embracing, crypto more and more recently, and there's no better place to buy it than the ftx app, which has 85 percent lower fees than the other platforms available. They also give you free crypto on every trade over ten dollars.

When you use the code mark tilbury i'll leave the link below, if you want to check that out, as for the stock market, you're, probably expecting me to say, buy the dip and keep holding as things will always get better. However, although that's historically true with the u.s stock market, the reality is that it doesn't work for everyone. If you can't afford to invest for 20-plus years, it might be worth re-evaluating your positions and allocating more of your money to assets such as gold. As we've discussed, national debt is an all-time high and the fed can't keep just printing money.

Otherwise, it risks inflation getting out of hand. This means, essentially, the safety net has been taken away. If you're on the younger side - and you can afford to wait through a lost decade, then it's more important than ever to dollar cost average into the market by investing consistently into an index fund, so that you can benefit from the great deals coming your way. If you're more of an individual stock picker, then it might be a good idea to start investing into some stocks that have paid a dividend.

Despite the market conditions, these are often quite recession-proof companies. That's why there's no time like the present to pick up your free stock slice worth between three and a thousand dollars from the public app when you sign up and fund your account i'll drop the link in the description, i've personally also taken on more good debt Than usual and put that money to work because as our money loses more and more value, it means that it actually benefits me by eating into my interest payments. So i'm going to leave the next video right up there, but don't click on it just yet make sure to subscribe. If you want to grow your wealth, okay, i'll see you over there.

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