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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, so we are gonna do a very quick pre-market watchlist here. I'm not. I'm not feeling really good today so I'm not sure that I'm gonna trade, but I'll just give you guys my breakdown to what I'm looking at. So yeah, I'll turn up my volume a little bit I'll pop up my screen share ft ft is obviously the lead-in gap or the one that looks the best 24 million share float on it gapping up 200% So you know this for me is is definitely an interesting one.

I think let's see my screen share being slow. Well, I'll show you the chart right here, so well hang on Screen Share interrupted reconnecting I Think it's gonna pop up here now. Yeah, there you go. Okay, so let me just.

I've only got my laptop screen so I'm just gonna kind of work with what I've got here. so let's put this over here in the corner. so f TFT you can see this big move here up to a high of 256. so you know F TFT pre-market highest 256 you've got 1.7 million shares of volume.

it's you know it's definitely moving quickly. I'm impressed with how much it's moving considering the floats a little on the higher side. Typically these you know 24 million share float stocks aren't what I would go for, but you know the reality is it. It's definitely moving quickly.

So I think you know at this point I would watch it for a quick little pullback underneath the pre-market highs. I'll move this up here to the top are kind of typical spot for it. Alright so let me just move this up a smidge. Oh there, yeah that works.

Okay so ft ft leading gapper that's the ones the most interesting GLG gapping up 50% 2.6 million shares of volume. This is a Chinese company pre market high here is three looks like 3 17 so GLG 3 17 be a spot to watch. Note that neither of these stocks are marginal at light speed right Here it says a hundred percent whereas like Apple is 25 percent. so I can't use any margin Actually I mean that doesn't matter for me and my IRA account because in the IRA you don't have margin anyways.

but you know for what it's worth for those in cash account or in the traditional margin account which I have on this side I wouldn't be able to use my margin on it. I think with GLG you've got this move that started after hours, pulled back and then started to open up here. so this does look good. I would say for a scalp over 317 back over $3 is the spot that I would watch and then you know further down the scan frsh that one is a you can see right here to buy out.

its trading exactly sideways and then this one doesn't have any volume. This is too cheap. TBL Tea I'm not really the biggest fan of so the leading Gabor's this morning. They all have quite a bit of volume which is kind of what we've been seeing the last few days with Ata I and whichever the other one was I can't remember now, but you know given the fact that we've been seeing higher volume in this price range I am thinking the FT ft is the obvious one.

it's above the 200 all those resistance levels so you know to me it looks good for for a scalp. the pre-market high is 56 so at this point I'd probably put an order down around the half dollar and see if we get a quick scalp out of the gates. All right. So that's kind of my plan here.
We've got 30 seconds to the Bell let me pop this back up screen share and let me just say yeah, it looks like it's working so I'll just say watching ft ft and GLG Alright so those are the two I'm gonna watch out of the gates here ft ft I'm watching first 45 46 is where I would press the Buy button to sell through the half dollar so take a little starter there and I'm in at 40. I Was expecting an immediate break there of of the the half dollar. so I guys see what this does. This is like the first little dip so I'm in actually a 44 which is high but I can give a chance to come up through the half dollar.

There we go. So that was a little nerve-racking but yeah, you know, whatever. 600 bucks I'll take it any time. I You know, anytime I take a trade and I'm instantly in the red.

I'd sort of changed the bias. Remember, change the bias from profit to damage control. so that was the right move. Take the profit because this could have easily hit 52 and then dropped all the way back down to, you know, whatever, 220 or something like that.

So the high a day here 69. so now over 69 will be my next scalp. So I put an order at 72. I'll go maybe to 2000 shares.

just drove a smaller-sized 3 million shares of volume. I Don't like how how much it dropped there though all the way down to 22 is is not great. Hjl I on the scans I can pull it up. it wasn't on the pre market scans though.

so below this going below 20 would be no good. So there's 20 on the bid. People that chased it up here in the 60s. they're the ones that are gonna get hurt GLG Again, you know, looks like some people are jumping into it.

This one also dipped down here a little bit out of the gates down to 76 317 is the pre-market high. Looks to me like it's having too much of an issue here at 3 for me to even really want to go into it. So I'd watch a little pullback FTF t get them down closer to two bucks so that one's not holding up super well GLG just watching I Can only watch one chart here so you know, kind of limited. its Jli and I guess it was on the gap scan there.

Maybe no, it must have gapped up to 280 and then by the time I was looking at the scans, it wasn't really a gap or anymore. So pre-market high is 280. It's kind of a former runner, but a couple of bigger red days here. Not super super crazy about seeing that only a hundred thousand shares of volume.

Anyways, ft ft high a day 69 the low is 206. So now kind of moment of waiting yesterday we you know on a TA I we had that nice continuation ft ft now below 2 is not great. I don't know why my charts are slow to load TB LT we already kind of looked at that one. not super super into it.
Now my charts aren't loading so the hi, what's going on my charts? It's ridiculous. So my charts are our lag. The high is 35 on. GLG watch a pullback so it popped here up to a high of 312, pulled back, drop down to 285 and then ripped back up here.

So the high is 43 clearly breaking through the 200. Nice strength. So I'd put an order here. Maybe let's see the high is 43.

can watch around the half-dollar you've got 5 million shares of volume? it's not, you know, not getting. It's a bit more thickly traded so we can watch this micro pullback here. Yeah, typically I'd probably press the Buy button there. I'm just gonna hold for a second on it cuz it's not quite a well-formed one-minute pullback.

and with the 5 million shares of volume, it's not going to be unlikely to see some hidden sellers pop-up seller there at 44 45. So this to me is kind of like a false breakout right now. it's not. It only broke the highs by like one or two cents.

Big seller 45 so we'll see how much it pulls back. Hi is 45. Nothing else on the scans right now. So high of that current candles for tea.

So now back over for tea is a possible scalp to anticipate the break of 45. So I'll take a starter there to try scalp the break of 45. and then there's a quick little scalp putting out sell orders. What's going on with this thing? I Don't know why my sellers aren't selling on the ask.

You know this is a tough thing with your not trading on your regular trading station. How many how many shares as I buy? That's kind of pathetic. That should have been a bigger winner. Yeah, cuz I sold some in 37 on the bid.

Oh well. so the high is 60 so warrior pro students who watch the live trading recordings. You know this is what you guys don't usually end up seeing. so watch over 60.

So back into 55 to scalp the break of 60. So now I'm thinking this breaks over 60. We're gonna get a move up towards 70. Let's see what it does.

Put another order here at 62 watching Looking for the break back over 55? No stopped out. What is going on with my hockey's That is very annoying? Hmm. well whatever should have been a small loss. Hi a day is 60.

Seven million shares of volume on this one. Six million on F TFT high the last one minute Candles 42 I Don't really love a 1-minute micro pullback. When you have a drop from 60 all the way back down to 22, it's a pretty sharp drop. This one's up 66% on the day.

So with this type of setup, Oats look prefer for like an ABCD pattern where we get this pop-up here 247 a pullback and move back up and then that might reestablish a lower-risk entry point ft ft. Starting to move up a little bit but not enough for me to be interested yet. So the high that candle is 47 30,000 shares seller at 50. The half dollar we know are high a day is 60 so I can watch that seller at 50 what pull back come back up to that level.
Love the pull back here was 22. so now this is kind of the range That we're working with right here. Hi this five minute candle is 50 s s LJ we traded that one the other day I don't think I'm gonna go back for it though. Ended up not holding up super well at all and it's pretty light volume.

Anyways, in for the scalp. the break over the half-dollar Man, this one's tricky cuz it broke that half-dollar by what like a penny? So that's that's you know I needs to get back above 350 I Want to see the break of 350? then 355 360. Sometimes when we get into these higher volume stocks, they start to chop up a little bit. Where it rips up, drops down, rips up, drops down the place where you would expect the apex doesn't end up happening.

the high: This current candle is 53. so 53 is the breakout. I'll put an order at 60 if we get a break of 53. I'd look for the break of 60 immediately.

So I try to scalp the break over 60. So I've got a buy order ready at 60. So right now this current five minute candle has 30 seconds left on it. so there's 60.

There's a seller up there. looks like I still have 32 shares. so I'm back to break-even for right now. I'm gonna leave the order at 60 because now we have a double top 9 million shares of volume.

See that seller there so that's 60 70 I could have gotten back in, but it's tough because this is the first five-minute camel to make a new high to break over 60. but it's not as clean of a setup as I Was really hoping we would have Hi is now 72 9 point 4 million shares of volume I Have you know one? I Guess two winners, one loser on this one So we'll watch 72 but you there's a 12,000 share seller so you know sellers are coming out a little bit more. Where's the obvious spot to be a buyer s racks on the scanners Lighter volume on that one as well, probably for me I'll leave it alone just for the next few minutes see if more volume comes into it. GLG The high is 72 and then dipped back down here to 40.

So this is a premature five minute break as you can see double top and then the double top breaks. but of course you know it's you could have gotten in for that break of sixty. You had to be quick. Get in sixty, get out 65 same as what I did really at the half dollar, But you know when you get in a half dollar, get back out.

Getting back in ten cents higher can feel a little risky. this one, you know. As we look at the daily chart on it, it feels like you know four dollars is is not unreasonable. It's got a little resistance there at 375 and then four would be the next spot.

So let's see how it behaves in this area. Back over 360 could be an entry. However, with ten million shares of volume, you're gonna have some people with big sell orders that could easily pop up on the ask and then you've got a thirty thousand share seller to deal with. I'm still down 39 dollars on the stock, although I would attribute that mostly to a hot key error.
But so back over So first one minute. Kayla Make a new high here would be over 55. It's not a great five minutes setup right now because it's a bit extended below. The pullback was 40.

Wouldn't want to see a break below 40 hi of the last candles 55. So you see there the first candle to make a new high of 55. it pops up to 65 on the ask butts back to 55 on the bid. If it goes below 50, it will be a false breakout 65 64.

So that could have been a small 5 cent scalp, but you know, nothing huge. So again, kind of like we did in this area. Watch what it does here. the high is 65.

see if it consolidates in this range. don't really want to see it below the half-dollar though. so that ends up being a you know shooting well kind of a topping tail candle. so that makes it even more difficult to buy at 65 because it shows.

It hit that level and pulled it right back. hit it and pulled it right back so it didn't hold that level. You know with any level of conviction. SSL J A little more volume coming in to 80 up to 330 on the daily chart when we traded it on front or what day was this? Tuesday I guess it had a headline that came out had a reverse split and it gave back the whole move.

It almost closed read on the day. So I don't trust that one. so maybe GLG will give us a more well-defined five minutes setup. Now we'll see.

let's see what it does when you have this much volume. No doubt you've got a lot of people that are watching the stock, which is great, and it means that if you have a very obvious setup, a very obvious bull flag five-minute pattern, there's a lot of people watching it that are likely to be buying anticipating the breakout through the breakout and then chasing it through the highs. So you know high-volume is not necessarily a bad thing. It just becomes a bad thing when the stock starts to get very choppy and every time it pops up, it just fades back down and then people just sort of start giving up on it.

And you know I'm I'm not giving up on it yet, but I'm just saying that that's the risk that this one probably has. This was a yes, it was a premature five in a breakout, but it only broke it by 12 cents, you know? So it's like that's not a lot of opportunity there. In fact, the most opportunity on this was in this very first move right here, which was on light or volume. So I would definitely not be a buyer over 65 right now because what five-minute setup am I'm working with? You know it, there isn't one.

And I think on this one. At this point we need 5-minute setups to give us higher levels of conviction. so it probably would have had maybe two three hundred dollars a profit if I didn't have that one hot key error because I was trying to sell on the break. Where was this this one I was trying to sell.
That was a $600 loss. It should have only been a $300 loss I should have stopped outright at the break of the half dollar at 45 47. But that's okay. that's not the end of the world.

So and let's look back at Ft Ft, a reference curling back up a little bit. but I suppose if it broke over to 19, that would be that would be bullish to 20. It's also got about 10 million shares of volume. so 10 a.m.

almost as we're getting further away from the open be looking more at the Hide a Mo Mo scanners. The Break of the View app can be a powerful setup I'm not sure on F TFT if it, if it's gonna do it that first candle to make a new high, there is it 14 so it actually just double topped at 14 and the high was 18. The high or the high is 18 of that little move. The last time it tried to break the view app, it closed back below it.

So let's see with this candle if it's gonna close above the view app above 14, you know I'm kind of hesitating cuz I'm just not sure. Yeah so I had the right idea there for sure I hesitated a little bit on it I wasn't a hundred percent and so I hesitated. but there it goes. Okay so this is good to see.

All right? So our high a day is 69. it's curling back up high. This candle is 38 right now so now I'm not gonna be able take as much size if I get in a little bit higher but I can still try to scalp it up through. Maybe you move up to the half dollar I'm gonna watch it here.

twenty-four by 25 look at GLG real quick. so red candle needs to pull back longer ft ft watching so starter of ft ft there I'm anticipating this is gonna break over 38 being maybe a little aggressive on it but the high here is 38 so I'm looking for that break over 38 when I often like to do is take an early entry rather than wait for confirmation. just by wait for confirmation I pay a price for that. So the high of this current one-minute candle is 35 so break of 35 is what I'm gonna need to see here.

Mmm I don't like seeing that dip. Yeah so I'm probably gonna have to stop out see if it pops back up here. No stopped out so you know going from up 600 to down 600 on that one. I was anticipating right here that it would break over the high of 35 and back to 38, but you can see it's just rejected that level.

So from up 800 to down 600 on the day last, so that was a red tray. The trade before that on GLG was a green trade. so you know as we come up to 10 a.m. that might be it I don't know well what I really wanted to see obviously was this retest the highs I remember the one yesterday tiii yesterday a TA I did this kind of well it's not the best example.

I was I'm thinking of a different one GLG dipping down a little bit FTF t-that's that's disappointing but you know good reminder to keep tight stops on these. don't want to just hold and hold. So I think today the best opportunities GLG You know, Right out of the gates. Ft ft Right out of the gates GLG On that break of 17 right here this area that was a nice one.
A couple little opportunities up in here but nothing super exciting. Ultimately down 39 bucks on that one and Ft Ft. You know was looking for that move back up but didn't get it so gave back the morning profits on it. So you know at this point it's like whenever you go from being green on the data red especially at this time of day like 10 o'clock It's tricky because usually the best trades are in the first 30 minutes, so you know the odds of having something really, really strong that starts at 10 a.m.

You know the odds aren't super good. It doesn't mean it doesn't sometimes happen, but you often start to be working with smaller breakouts. Which means if you're red, it's harder to get back to green and you know the risk of going further into the red is pretty high. SSL J You can see how the Hiya Dick handle was on red red volume there I was 340.

only 170 thousand shares of volume on the day. Anyways, yesterday we did well with a TA I and the InP ex. yeah but you know today the two with a really high volume ft ft and GLG didn't make us as big a moves really like yesterday on InP X this opened up and and squeezed up a bit a TA I obviously broke over that that level down here to sixty Made a nice move up to three dollars and ten cents. Ended up in the afternoon going all the way up to, you know, nearly five dollars.

So some really nice momentum on that one. But then back down here this morning. So today might just be like a little bit of a day arrest and that's okay. Guy was up.

Let's see three grand yesterday. I Don't remember what the day before was. Two grand on three grand on Monday Two grand on Tuesday So up about six or maybe seven thousand on the week before today, but in keeping with a pattern of the last two weeks green Monday Tuesday Wednesday and then Thursday small red day Friday it was a small red day last week. GLG I Don't think this is going to be a bull flag because it's retraced more than 50% of the move.

So it's not that some people wouldn't buy the first camel to make a new high, but it's not bullish to me, so give it a couple more minutes see if anything else pops out. So it's been almost 15 minutes since we had something hit the high damo scanner that's not good. really? only like three stocks. I've kind of looked at today s racks and look at that very closely and I ended up being red.

Yeah, so you know this is the stuff. You gotta be really careful. Pop 580 for a second. maybe looks really good and then a little disappointed on that one, but it's okay.

Such a nice pre market move from a dollar up to 250. I Wouldn't write this one off yet probably. but at the same time the highest volume of the day has been on red candles. so in order for it to really squeeze out and open up, it's gonna need to break over to 38 and then pretty much immediately from there go up to the pre market high of 260 69 Loveday is 77.
So yeah, momentum seems like it's really died down. You can look at the SP why SP 500 dipping down just a little bit, but nothing really much going on. They're not sure if there's action in large caps today, but GLG hasn't even made first candle to make a new high on the 5 at, but you know it's just coming lower Cela. In the chapter six of Momo trading, we have a whole section that's focused on five minute versus one minute charts.

Jon's been on vacation, he's been traveling, so he'll be back. I'm not sure actually what day he gets back, but yeah yeah, Pee-yew HN is an interesting one. Obviously it has a lot of room on the daily above 644. that's the level that you know is where I would think it could break out.

So I just watch it. The high right now is 618. I'll take a starter I'll try to scalp this into a halt because it's the first daily candle to make a new high. You can see the halt level.

there's 43. This level. this has room basically back up to eight dollars. Like literally it's got a lot of room.

So I would set a target of at least at least seven dollars and I'll add for sure. So I'll put my order at 7 to double and then try to scalp up through. We'll see where it resumes. But actually what I'll do here? let me place an order.

So the high is 43. Well we sometimes get on. these is on the resumption as they'll dip down for a second. so it'll sometimes do is I'll put an order to buy like 1,500 shares it like 75 or something like that.

that way. I've got the order ready because often these will open high or dip down for a second and then surge up. right? That's that set up. We look for the surge.

so I want to try to buy that dip. So the highs? 43 Yeah! I look for a move 7 and potentially benign moving averages at 932 so that's a really good looking one. FTF t I don't care about what's the headline on sorry I'm not gonna hit private messages right now. Get to you guys later! Um CI My focus was just trading momentum when I see something starting to move I jump on it.

So I'm gonna try to add on it and then ride the momentum up towards seven. That's interesting. This is panic in here and I guess those orders aren't going through. It's weird sometimes it'll let you place the order about time and sales window.

So whole time was 1009 so cancelled that the the order at 20:00 I'm surprised it should be showing up here. my open orders. its oh, you know what the issue is. Mmm there it is.

that's yeah cuz my windows are all funny here. Okay there we go. That might have been throwing me off too. So yeah and we'll just do.

Will do today on YouTube just pre-market Watchlist live trading and to recap and then I won't do a I won't do a separate midday recap video. just make it easy easier on me. So let's see what was the whole time. So 1009 and 28 seconds.
So I'll put an order at $7 here to add. coming out of the halt resumption should be 1014 in 28 seconds. Obviously you know it's nice that you already have a little bit of a gap pre-market jumping in, a little high riding momentum and so I always ask myself what's the daily chart potential on this You know, So this one has more daily chart potential given that you know it's got this route all this room here once it finally starts to turn around so let's see lows the whole time. 28 Alright, so got my order at 7 to try to scalp the break of 7.

So watching an ad here over 7 hasn't resumed yet. Oh, it's gonna be resumed at 36. so let's watch the resumption here. No hasn't resumed yet.

so still watching here. I Keep watching it just to see if sometimes they resume. You know, within 5 seconds or so so that means this will be a 10-minute long halt. The thing with 10-minute long halt is that the longer they're halted, the higher they usually open up.

the higher the longer they're halted going down the lower they usually open going down. So this is good for those you guys that were able to jump on it fast. It creates a challenge for where the next low-risk ad spot will be because now I've got to open up the chart a little bit more and think, alright, well you know if this ends up opening at 7, could it go to 750 and get halted twice in a row? It could give them the daily chart room that we have, you know? So that's kind of like establishing where's the safest entry on it so we'll see where it resumes I'll keep my order at 7 and 675 to try to buy the dip and then sell through the breakout. There's this.

So I just placed a live order using I guess I used edge X but usually bats is fine I think if I placed one on bats, it would probably work also. So resumption will be right around 1009 and 36 seconds so we'll just hang tight on this for a second. All right FTF t Yeah, that's a bummer. So this is such a funny stock because you can see how these drops in the past.

it sells off and then I mean look at this like that's from 26 dollars, went all the way back up to 72, dropped down to 27, ripped it back up to 50. Dropped down here. this one popped up only about $2 a share, you know, and now this one's another attempt. So this one I like certainly more than that one because we've had a longer period of basing out.

So let's say the halt time was 1009 and 36 seconds. So watching resumption here: I'm gonna leave my order. so I'll put an order at $7 so I'll put a 701 and I'm gonna try to buy the dip coming out of the hall and then scalp up over 7. Then maybe I'll go with thousand shares.

umm but looking for that break over 7? So watching here for the resumption. just tried to add I don't think I got filled on my ad but whatever I'm taking some profit on the right on what? I'm still holding having trouble getting filled on my orders same as earlier so let's see the highest 720. So 720 is the next spot where I would consider scalping I don't want to see a break below 7 650. So I'm gonna put an order at 720 man I am struggling today.
Yeah, don't do 20,000 shares slow down on that one. mm so the high right here is 22. so over 22 would be my next spot. do 1,000 shares again.

So what? Alright, so just add it back there at 99. I'm looking to scalp this up through 720. high is 15 so not getting the Brit huh? Well not getting exactly what I was looking for there I thought it was gonna break 20 immediately. so new order goes at 21,000 shares again 25.

I'm kind of I'm slow here, not moving as fast as I'd like. New high a day is 44 I guess I'm still holding some shares so sold some of those. high is 44. Yeah.

so remember though daily chart potential is like this still has this, still looks good I'm not sure if my order filled at 75 but so let's watch this. The low was 670 so never went lower than 670. If it breaks below 670 then we have gap-fill potentially back to 643 which we wouldn't want. So let's watch how it behaves right in this level.

On the 5-minute chart, this right now is showing a topping tail, candle and I asked so you know that's what you don't like to see. So sold the rest of that now. But yeah, so that ended up being a nice little opportunity there that surprised me I wasn't expecting that today so that made it worth sticking around here till 10:30 Now this one I'd been watching this was not like pulling up a stock and I was like oh what's I don't know the stock I know the stock well I've been watching it for a while because I knew what it did here. it was watching it these days here wondering if it would reverse and so you know as soon as I saw it was actually finally putting in that green candle on the daily I was like yep, this is the this is the type that if you wait for the pullback, you'll miss it and that's that's a big challenge with trading because you know you want to set rules of when to just jump in, when to wait on pull backs and stuff like that.

But a big part of being a successful trader is getting to know stocks in the market and that's something that does take you know some time of training every day and hearing people talk about them and watching what people are thinking about and looking at and everything else. So anyways, you know $1300 green day is decent. could have been better if you know my hotkeys were working a little better and nona but I don't usually trade on this computer so it's probably part of the issue all right. So I think that's gonna do it for me.

You know $1300 on a sick day is not bad. So I hope you guys did okay today and and made a little bit of money. Those you guys that made some 1f TFTP h un g LG Not the easiest day we've ever seen but you know Green is good. $3,200 a nice job Eric Good work, nice job guys.
Alright so that's it for me. I'm gonna turn off the feed. this will be watchlist, live trading and the recap all in one. so don't really need to recap it since it was all alive on YouTube Green Day 2175 Nice Angel Good job Nice! Chris Happy Birthday Chris By the way, so I was your birthday yesterday nice Chris Yeah, you know I could trade in both directions no doubt if you.

well I don't have shares available to borrow at Lightspeed but yeah, so that's the thing you know sometimes if you miss the move up, just wait. don't chase it, just wait and then trade the other side. Coming back down. you can do that on pretty much all these stocks if you can find shares to borrow.

I don't know if shares of ft ft I don't know if shares a pH UN I don't have shares of GLG so for me, no shares but anyways that's it for me guys. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow and be back in the office, but if not, maybe I'll be here at home again. it's Friday it'll be Friday Anyway, so alright I'll see you guys later. bye if you're still watching.

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28 thoughts on “An epic recap! the watch list live trading $1,300! ross trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bang Hotang says:

    How to save our recap in software?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Sharpe says:

    Hey Ross, thanks for all the videos! You make it really easy for newbies to watch and learn. Any chance you could look into the video quality? It's really hard to see anything. Thanks much!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrik Abramian says:

    is there anyway to reupload this again very low quality

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shaka cat says:

    Good job hope u feel better soon 🔜

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ♡çhļĕý Bì§hop♡ says:

    Ross you’re a brilliant man. I hope you feel better

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glaxay_op00 says:

    You're such an inspiration Sir. We being the new trader learn a lot from your videos. keep them coming forever……RESPECT

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leconte says:

    I am finally getting it.
    I made money this morning on GLG. $750
    After, I made the trade it I said to myself, "If I made money I know Ross made killed it today….cant wait for his video".

    And here am I…LOL

    Thank you for giving back like this with your daily videos

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel O says:

    360 quality 9 hours later. Wish we could watch it clearer

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rmg says:

    Become a Pescatarian and you won't get sick. 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Roettger says:

    Hey Ross, thank you for the amazing videos full of great info! I have a question regarding direct offerings. Where in the SEC filings can I find that there may be an upcoming offering?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars breonknott says:

    Hey Ross I’m just starting your program and it’s been a struggle with three lil kids to focus and really get into it like I want to but nevertheless at what chapter do you recommend me just into the simulator or as I go further do you tell us in the program when to jump in?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huneycuttt Huneycutt says:

    Thank you so much for the watch list videos before the market opens. Please don’t ever stop making them!! Thanks so much

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic4 says:

    Hope you feel better. Played PHUN, really liked Patent catalyst. Got in at 6.60, out at 7.47 average. Nice .87 a share.

    And played PHUN a second time. In at 8.43, out at 8.21. Glad I sold off, as it dipped down to 7.34.

    Played PHUN a 3rd time, in at 7.90, out an average of 8.17. Wish I stayed patient, as it ended up ramping up to HOD 7.81. Will take .27 cents a day all day long.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matias Molina says:

    i was waiting for a pre market…. 🥺

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IchBinProfit says:

    Hi Ross! Pay u commission per trade or per share?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rogue Fox says:

    paper traded $GLG made $68 from my $1000 sim account, could have made more but i lost my nerve and missed the 3.72 high.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tako 002 says:

    Digging myself out of the hole from 2 bad days in the last 2 weeks. (Both caused by bad trade management & emotions). Small $30 win w/ 150 shares today.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patiphan Arsanam says:

    I lose – 5001.33 first trade, I made +5025.78 second trade… Green day is good! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bull Force Trading says:

    Hey Ross, you're a trooper for trading today. But seriously, take care of yourself. Remember, trading sick is just as bad as trading while not getting enough sleep.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informed Tradez says:

    Hope you get better soon!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thorad krupinski says:

    Thanks for the live trading vid, I had a pretty good day today, took one bigger loss but still hit my daily goal (actually over it).

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherdou says:

    Hey man…… to hell trading….. just recover well!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BRM3KBTR82ATIGER says:

    made 1500 on GLG 🙂
    ty for your teachings ross!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    Thanks for the video Ross! Appreciate your time

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tree Climber says:

    Thank you ross, I know it's harder when your under the weather. I can tell you really care about this community. I have so much respect for you and your commitment to helping others. Please don't ever change.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RogerM79 says:

    Ross, I know you’re not a tax professional. But do most traders make the mark-to-market election or stick with normal capital gains/losses for their tax return? Just trying to figure out the pros/cons of each,

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Whiddon says:

    ATAI made good moves this morning, almost right out of open. Ive been watching a few of your videos and I have to say your strategy is very successful even for newbies to the market. Thank you for making these, and your streams, out for the public.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fm14 says:

    Ross, thanks for recap! Get well soon! I have a question about the trading on the margin account. My current broker offers to increase 4 times my buying power with my initial deposit. How that works in case of positive/negative result? Do I need to pay for using their money in case of profit and they will take my money in case of negative to cover the loss? Thanks

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