In this business, the agent of choice is the agent people know and your ad strategy is key. Making cold calls and working with leads is uncomfortable because you feel like a stranger to those people. So, what is best way to get past being a stranger to everyone you’ve never met? Make them see you EVERYWHERE so it feels like they already know you!
I’m talking about ad retargeting. The Wolfe of Real Estate, Erica Wolfe, has used this powerful strategy to skyrocket her business, save a ton of time, and build a wolf-like level of confidence. I sat down with Erica and Jason Pantana to talk about what ad retargeting is and how you can start using it today.
If extra time, money, and confidence sound like something you might be interested in, make sure you watch or listen, right now.
In this episode, we discuss…
0:42 – When video marketing started working for Erica
1:36 – Erica’s retargeting strategy
6:05 – Defining retargeting
7:57 – Seeing engagement from retargeting
10:48 – Erica’s ad layering
11:43 – Next step: picking up the phone
13:50 – FAQ videos to save your clients time
15:35 – How Erica went from pain to solution
18:06 – Platforms for sending video
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Hey welcome back to confidence conversion. I've got the woof of real estate erica well, that was the worst introduction ever, but let's keep it erica. Wolfe! Listen to these numbers: everybody jupiter florida, 13 years in the business 78 transactions last year, 46 million dollars in volume in 2021 and this year already at 38 million dollars in volume and it's april. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to talk about how to create no like and trust and stock people on the internet, so they fall in love with you and buy houses from you and time.

Savers for transactions and we've got super joke super jokesters, let's not even edit. Any of this super coach, jason pantana here as well erica very quickly give us like a little moment in time. When did this whole video thing and internet marketing thing start to work for you um? Well, i think, because i got my license at 21. I started using video just snapchat to stand out like put on the filters, got comfortable and realized holy crap.

People are like actually buying a house for me because of this and then i'd post them to facebook, and i really wasn't on instagram until i don't know five years ago, but it was snapchat and facebook um joined some facebook groups back then, with real estate agents. Doing videos uh to 2012-ish, i would guess i learned how to run a funnel so and you get better retargeting with videos right. So that's kind of the quick of it. Okay, so today we're talking about confidence in conversion and you lose confidence.

The whole wolf vibe is super rad and, like i've asked you to speak a couple times at a couple of our different conferences and everybody raves about the retargeting strategy and the time saving strategy. We want to un undo both today, so so walk us through. Like my note, is people work with people that they know like and trust, even when they've never met them? Yes, so so walk us through the playbook and jason interrupt as often as you cannot in a rude way, but just to make sure we, you know unpack. All the details, how do we do what you've done? So i think, because i started making videos as a joke.

It was hard to get away from that, like i was just being fun or i was saying i was talking crap about other agents. Oh that's! Bad! Okay, no, this was bad but like people were like, oh my gosh, you're being so real and unfiltered, and so i started realizing what videos got more attention and then i realized i was not making friends with a lot of agents funny how that happens. Um consumers liked it agents not so much so i really started shifting it and begun the education journey of it right, like not only was i born and raised in jupiter florida. If you ever want to send me your referrals uh little plug there shameless self-promotion um.

Not only was i born and raised there, and i could tell you every neighborhood every street. I knew what family grew up in that house um. I could actually educate you. No matter if i was 21 22, 23, 24 20, like whatever right right, i would sell them on that um, but it became so easy when i could put some money behind it, and people really thought i was just everywhere, i'm like no! No, no i'm just paying to be everywhere right, so so unpack for us.
You would create one piece of content called moving to jupiter florida, i'm just making this up and then how would i see it depending upon what platform? What retargeting strategy did you use like unpack it, for i don't know anything that you're talking about speak to me, like i'm, a six-year-old jupiter, and all of that was probably a little later on, but definitely was education. What to look for in a house what new communities are coming around in the house, and i was really targeting buyers to start out, and so i would run an ad hey. This new development is coming up. Here's our price points, here's this! Here's that you need me, because if you pick out the wrong flooring, you're going to lose money, you'd run an ad facebook right, they'd see that next, video um would tell them about contract negotiations or maybe about the school systems or whatever kind of educational video.

I was putting out there whatever got best attention organically. I was then putting money behind it and i would just always try to choose four to five videos. There wasn't necessarily a rhyme or reason in the beginning, and i think that's where a lot of people get caught up is they think that it has to be this powerful message or what was the script? Exactly word for word that you said that got that deal done right. It was never that it was just the consistency of seeing it right, so basically so we're on facebook, so you're making organic videos they're just talking about tips for buying or new construction or whatever it is.

Did you boost those on facebook just the first round? Well, i don't boost okay, so everything was done in the ads manager: correct, okay, okay, yeah yeah, okay, i was taught because i did pay um a sales funnel guy to teach me yes and he wasn't real estate right. It was just the general sales funnel um. I never boosted always yeah so straight into the ads manager. I always created audiences who watch my video three seconds who watch my video 10 seconds, who watch 25, who watch 50 and the gold mine who watched 75 of my video right.

That's my gold, mine right and i'll section them off by town houses, locations literally any video you can put any video. How often were you doing this so like round one is i'm going to target everybody the widest possible audience with my basic content round? Two? Is i'm going to retarget yeah, so i wasn't that busy. So i spent a lot of time on the computer, yeah and pretending i was busy on video right and that's the great thing when you're not busy is you can make a lot of content? Yes, um. So i mean weekly weekly, i'm changing up what i was doing now, i'm at a point where it's uh, five videos and it's every 90 days, i'm switching out okay and for the person that doesn't understand retargeting.
What does that mean? So retarget is a pixel or a tag that can be the person who doesn't understand what a pixel means. Yes, i'm just trying to keep it as simple as possible, for you know code by a really smart person. Yes, that put it on videos or websites and if you plug it in or have your website manager plug it in for you, it can track everything you're doing on the internet, just like when you say hey, i really need a new vacuum and all of a Sudden you get vacuum ads, it's the same concept and it's actually one of the cheapest ways to advertise. Yeah.

So, and i heard a couple of things so basically the pixel is. I can retarget people with ads for people who are already on my website or a specific web page that the pixel gives facebook optics on who was on that website. But then also facebook gives you a lot of ability to retarget people who watched a certain portion of your videos right which those are called engagement. Audiences - and i did this one seller's funnel and i felt like super happy before facebook changed all of its targeting and it was like hey so i know you just saw this video and i mentioned whatever - and it's like i'm glad you're here, because today we're going To talk about this and then the next one was saying that you watched that one and i would go through that cycle and i would change those up literally probably every two to three weeks and they're like how did you know? I watched that much video and you could get as complex as that, but i i don't think the everyday real estate agent would ever go far deep.

I think, at the end of the day, i think at the end of the day, you're still playing for the same thing. I see you everywhere right, that's that's the thing i was thinking about like and i won't say the agent's name, who sent me a photo once and she's like. I literally see you everywhere and she was on. Tinder took a screenshot and there was a tom fariat.

I just i just section you're on tinder: that's awesome right, but but it's implied like if we know people work with people that they know like and trust whether they met you or not. I fall in love with you because i, like your smiling eyes. I, like your personality. I, like your energy, you understand the marketplace.

I want to work with you, how many retargeting ads do you find before somebody finally reaches out and engages some? It could be like the second one. Some it's they've been in my funnel for like a year yeah i mean it really just depends um, it's all over the place i have found from when we were running the cma home value ads from when somebody enters their address and shout out to my coach David caldwell, because he's made me track every single lead that comes in and how it's about eight months before they pull the trigger on listing a home from the cma home values. Yes, that we're seeing, but when they come in we're sending weekly mailers to those people. We are making sure they're retargeted with a whole bunch of our listing videos, yes um, and we do a lot of like seller tips.
Videos really all of my videos at this point are location and seller based, yes, um. I don't have videos out for buyers currently because well we don't have inventory. I don't need more exactly exactly. You can shift how you know what your target audience is too we're trying to take over a higher price point right now.

So i'm really looking at a specific neighborhood and we're going to make like a whole video series on that and it's all going to be a series of retargeting. So i have five videos planned out and it's about the neighborhood about the type of houses. You can get what schools you're going to go to and they're just going to be retargeting more at like a 50 percent watch rate, because those are going to be more high intention. It's high.

It's searching for homes for sale in community x and boom you're, showing instead of just jupiter, i'm choosing a specific neighborhood, and are you doing that on uh youtube first or is it facebook first? Is it tick tock first? Is it instagram first? Is it dll talk and youtube? Sorry, i want to try just those i've only been running tick tock ads for the past week, but they seem to be doing really well right. It's good, okay! So anything else on this before we shift gears, because i want to get to another topic. I got one question and then we'll go to the next time um. So i think for a lot of people watching they're, like oh, my goodness, okay, so first layer is they see my video.

They watch a certain portion of it or they go to a specific website and then there's i enter into this retargeting domain and in marketing. There's this thing called an ad sequence which is kind of like they have to see this one, and then it's this one, and then it's this one and that sequence could be like 50 layers, deep correct. How many layers of retargeting are we going, i'm assuming just the one layer? Well, i used to go super super deep on it, but now just because of time i found i wasn't running ads or updating them or refreshing them, because i knew it would take me a day to like change up the sequence. So now i've made it super simple.

Like this one page, i want people to go to or on my mailers, where we say this neighborhood just sold with the qr code. That goes to the video everyone that watched that video is going to get our next video. In that community, i've really tried to simplify it instead of over complicating it, because i'd really like for, like my operations, manager to start running these right yeah at the end of the day. It's about.

How do i get attention and how do i get people to take action based upon that attention and position myself as oh, i see you everywhere and the money's in the retargeting, but also you can't just start it and in six months, think, like it's gon na Work out perfectly, it's like a year-long retarget audience super committed and it may even take longer than that first year, but it takes a while to build these audiences and again we're talking sellers, not buyers, so the seller cycles is way longer than the buyer cycle. Thinking about it, we've been thinking about it, we've been thinking about, we've been thinking about it. Let's go look online, there's nothing for sale, but i keep seeing your ads correct. You build that trust.
You create that trust and we're talking about confidence and conversion. Here you want to talk about conversion. The best listing point was you walk in? They already know you exactly and you've never met them before. So this may segue a little bit differently, because that is how i completely relied on my business previously.

Was they called hey? We see you everywhere, we see your listings come sell this house. Yes, those were the only listings i was getting now. I have to call these people. Yes, yes, how's, that working out it's working out really really really well.

Are you calling the same people that you're retargeting? Are you calling a different list yeah if they come in with a cma, i'm now calling i'm not relying just on the video or just on the mailer smarts picking up the phone and not even just a text message, because i would avoid a phone call like You wouldn't believe it and i think a lot of agents do and i think, because only you really no we're gon na find out just how far she'll go in the last section yeah exactly exactly so so how's it working out really well pick up the phone. Like i was leaving it to the low hanging fruit and now following up with all of them, it's just it's really. You actually have to harvest the crop. Yes right, yes right and it's easier to have a conversation with them, be like.

Oh i'm out of town that week, but i'm gon na send carrie over and she's amazing you're gon na love her like that phone call conversation rather than them, seeing the video and then somebody else showing up for sure for sure making that natural handoff that natural Segway yeah, i think the lesson there is like there are. I know some agents where they have no retargeting, no videos, no brand online they're working leads, but it's kind of cold. But then, when you have the combination of well, she does have videos she's building a brand. She has kind of weight to throw around in terms of building thought leadership so when she makes those calls she's so much better primed for a conversion at that point, because she's done both the branding marketing video side and then the call well they're like hi, erica Yeah yeah, i watch all your videos right, they're, your biggest fans.

I went to a listing appointment on sunday for somebody that would like to sell in january of 2023.. Yeah said great, perfect come right over okay. So so, let's talk about one of the great conversations you had and it was the january elite. I think you did a little bit on the summit or maybe it's just january elite, which was you created what i would call simply faq videos for buyers and sellers under contract.
That answer the question and save you enormous amount of time correct. Everybody wants to save time in this marketplace, so give us the concept and what should they do if they want to implement the same? Well, i think it's like two points. When you have a transaction coordinator and your people start hearing from somebody else, they want to feel like the agent they hired is still involved. So having a video with my face explaining every step of the transaction, it was that, but then also saving me from the phone calls.

Our emails are pretty black and white like meat and potatoes. Rather, this is where you're at this is this. If you want more information, click the video for a more detailed explanation of what's going on, because if you send a whole long email with all of this written out, it's going to get lost and not everyone watches these videos. But the people that want to know everything they're the same people that are going to pick up the phone and say what, if this happens and then what if that happens, and it's like hey, we'll cross that bridge when it comes.

You know you're constantly having those conversations, you're able to say you're at this point in the transaction. At the inspection, please make sure you don't show up for the last 30 minutes. We'll give you a call ahead of time, because you want to make sure we're not interrupting our inspectors at this point. We want to make sure they get the job done um and then, once you arrive, they'll go over everything that needs to be done.

Once you've reviewed the inspection report, we're going to submit a request like we go over, you just went into erica wolfe real estate, video voice. By the way, did everybody else hear that she's like and once we go through it we'll go through it together and everything will be fine. They call it my phone voice. Yes, yes, so you obviously, you obviously experienced a lot of pain that typically would drive to a change like this.

You didn't go god, here's a great idea! No, you probably were like. I am so tired of getting the same phone calls over and over again or what was it? Well, i mean i was a control freak. One was i mean still. I am but like i'm a lot better, because delegation has made my life a lot better.

Yes, um, i was just always in survival mode, um and realizing. I hit the breaking point and i'm sure i shared this with you before my husband's, like i'm going to leave you if you don't stop working so much right and it's like how do you hand over the pieces? How do you know this person understands? How do you know they're having the proper conversations with your clients that i've worked so hard to get right to know like and trust me um, so they get to see my face again nice. That was my solution, so you just went you basically, i'm assuming you outlined here's all the moments of the transaction where there's breakage or concern. So i literally put up a green screen um at the time i was at my house and it was installed in the guest bedroom.
We just wind it down yeah. It came down like a curtain of course and um. So i just sat there and i had a conversation. I went through every timeline and i just kept the camera rolling.

Yes, yes and that's it. I just had a conversation. It wasn't scripted, it was everything i would say to somebody who was asking beautiful every question. Yes - and i think with this and with any video actually what you need to do is really listen to what your consumer keeps asking.

You like online on videos, comments everything, yes, but also during a transaction like what questions do you get more than three times? If you have it more than three times, you probably need a video on it, you're right, you're, right 100. You know, that's how i create all my content. Yes, i agree. I agree all right so like even with agent to agent referrals right totally different segue.

Yes, but i have the moving to jupiter video. I have a jupiter relocation guide. I have here's our email, here's, our blog post on it and it's preset in my phone and it's jupiter referral right and when somebody tags me in a post, i shoot the message to whoever it was and they're like. Oh, my gosh, you have a video on it.

You have a relocation guide. You have this, you have that like. Why would we use anyone else exactly exactly? Why would you so um? That's really! The big takeaway i've seen is listen to what your consumer says. If they've asked more than three times, you need a video on it, i'm thinking of like jalen and jacoby, give the people what they want right, exactly totally nice, so jason kind of closing thoughts on this as we wrap up confidence and conversion here yeah.

I love it. I love the idea of a green screen. I think it's super simple, basically take a blank contract every time, there's a deadline or a timeline or fill in the blank start talking about that have an editor chop it up when you're sending the emails. What are you all sending through? So this is like the number one question i got after it.

Everyone wants to know, you can use any platform, i mean you could use google drive, you could even use google photos, you could use dropbox, you could use. You have an admin, who's actually firing off the emails. Well, ours are already templated, okay and it pre-fills like i have a built out. I use realvolve as yeah, but but it doesn't matter, follow up boss, boomtown, chime and name it there.
Whatever everybody's got, yeah everybody's got something yeah whatever you use and it's just a link right. It's just a link to, and it says instead of like what the video is. It says click here to and you hyperlink the text yeah exactly yeah, that's all and i'm assuming this is not uh like on your main page of youtube that everybody can watch. These are private videos right, but when they get there didn't you say that they would literally see every faq video, so if they wanted they could go into the future, and do you find that people do that mine used to be google drive? So thank you.

I still thought they were i'm like. Oh, i forgot. I did that that was smart, um, youtube, private list, uh buyer, one and seller one yeah and they can go down and watch all of them. It's perfect and do people actually do you? Do you hear people watching yes, five or six videos in a row and go now? I get it well.

My favorite is when somebody texts me a question. I didn't get back to them, quick enough. They go never mind. I watched your video, that's the best.

I mean we're talking confidence and conversion, but you - and i both know today, if you're a really successful agent, it's about how do i get more time back correct, so so, if you're listening right now, this was a time saver, totally right, which also gives you more Confidence, so all right as we wrap it up uh, where do they follow you on instagram or tick tock or wherever you want to connect with them? It is wolf of real estate, wolf with an e with an e yeah on all platforms, wolf of real estate, or they can just go to a web page, get pixeled exactly exactly all right. Well, thank you! So much for being on the show and i'll see you tomorrow in the mastermind, all right, jason appreciate it all right. Thank you, like subscribe, share connect with the wolver real estate, connect with jason pantana. Give us more comments.

Let us know what else you want to know and we'll promise to deliver. Alright, we'll see you guys soon, you.

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