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All right, don't panic, don't freak out. Everybody stop freaking out just because bitcoin's down doesn't mean the world's going to end okay, just because amc's down doesn't mean the world is going to end, but if dogecoin doesn't go up, then the world just might end. So we might still have to panic at some point, but not quite yet. So with that being said, we have amc.

Of course. Of course we have amc. Why? Wouldn't we the whole entire planet's watching it all right, gamestop bitcoin, specifically because bitcoin is rolling over. So it's starting to give that bearish feel so probably a couple people out there wondering what's going on so thank you guys for tuning.

In what's going on hugh there's also more stocks, we will take a look at other than gamestop and amc, but i figured we got ta watch the two moon gang moon, rip stocks, of course, so we'll first start things off um, not looking at amc and not Looking at gamestop and actually not looking at bitcoin only because there isn't that many people on the stream yet so we might as well wait until they get on. So we don't have to repeat ourselves. So often it's probably a smart decision so good morning, austin good morning, milky fade. I honestly love that username.

I think it. I think it's probably one of the best usernames i've ever seen come across the stream legitimately. I think it might be mohamed good morning. Mikey's life good morning um, so the first thing we probably will just do, because why not is take a look at the overall market um? Yesterday we recommended the market was going to start with the bounce.

They would try to sell it down, but we were also on support, so we were slightly more long bias the market overall for the day, so the market ended up, bouncing pre-market, tried to sell off, held support and turned into a long for the day. So we're going to go over uh the spy and then we'll take a look at the nasdaq, but realistically it's probably more. We should probably take a look at the nasdaq more than we should this. It doesn't even matter so anyways.

You guys know as well as i do that i've been bullish the market since this bottom, the market has gone up, we've pulled back all right and now we are starting to kind of hold a dip and probably try to move back up. So my analysis works better for me on the nasdaq than it does the spy, but pretty much put it still. The price target in the market is is kind of back to the all-time high area. We haven't been able to break it.

The last time we approached it this time we probably have a better chance of doing so, but for now still long biases spy looking for the market to get back up to hopefully 425 now. In order to do that, we have to get the spy back over and holding prices of 420 91 that might update by the end of the day and be like 4 21, but for now pretty much just put it. We have to get the market back over 421 or 2421 in supporting okay 421. You can see.

Look at this right. Look at this, so yesterday you see the market went through a dip on the spy. This is just a daily chart. Let me delete the old drawings here, but this is a very perfect example of what i mean when i say the market needs to get back over 420 in sustaining it's, this trend line.
You see there i'll zoom in again, it's this little trend line. That's what we need to get over, so i'm going to put a price level here so that when we switch to a one minute time frame, we know exactly where that trend line would be. So now that we've placed our red line over that trend line - and we go look at the one minute - you will see that oh wait, where'd it go that doesn't make any sense. Did it not adjust right? Maybe it's a little off so this run.

This line up here, the 420 90 price - this is what i was talking about. We have to get over this price and sustain that price all right now, if you look at what happened like yesterday, pre-market, that's exactly like where the market opened up that right. That's where the start of the day was was right about that daily chart trend so right now the target on the market for the spy is probably back to about 421, but have to get over 421 and hold over 421. In order to suggest that the market has the strength to move back up to the all-time high area, okay, now we'll take a look at the nasdaq, because the nasdaq gives me a little bit more data to go off of it's a little bit easier to run.

Sort of an analysis for you guys so yesterday you heard me talk about the daily chart level, which was down here all right. Remember yesterday, i said we need to hold this level, or else we could see lower prices. Yesterday we broke the level down. We came back up over and held that level.

So if we go and look at what happened on a one-minute chart, the one-minute chart pre-market, we were online pre-marketing, we mentioned the market, would probably start you know, kind of going up with the bounce and then it would sell off and the market needs to hold This red line right to be bullish on the day we snapped got too oversold the market bought back to the line back over sold market bought back up over the line and then for the remainder of the day. The market pretty much stayed above that red line. This morning we kind of dipped below it and now we're back up and above so right now the markets are currently supporting the level that they need to support and right now, that's good. That's what we want to see.

So i don't think we'll see the nasdaq rolling back down below 329.73 today. I think we're going to stay above that point and continue trying to trend higher. Now, when we look at the four-hour chart, all right, the target on the four-hour chart is the market back up to 332-21. So if this is legitimately like a pullback, that's bottom and we're gon na start picking back up, we'll most likely see the nasdaq getting back to prices of 332.17 today and then the overall target for the nasdaq would be back up to 342.
But it's been struggling. It really has the spy has made it back to all-time high, but the nasdaq has been uh struggling so far, all right! So, that's really that's really the analysis on the nasdaq in on the spy for right now so thumbs up, i'm more bullish on the market for right now. Okay, all right! Let me take a second kind of run through some of these questions, see what you guys have been asking good morning. I saw leds yesterday, lads made a run.

Let me also write here: okay, nice first person, you learned trading from three years ago. Very awesome. That's exciting to hear yes by the way i am on early this morning, it's only eight o'clock, um there's a reason for that. One of my partner and my partner at boiler - room trading will not be with us today, so we're slightly short-handed, which means our order of operations doesn't work as it normally does.

So i figured i might as well come on here early and then i'll be working. Um out of our private room later so we'll be here until nine a.m. Just want to tell you the first person good morning, let's yeah, let's hopefully have a green friday that would be nice, um nice to he, nice haircut, yeah, it's been a while, since i got a haircut, i was looking a little scrubby there um. I usually like get a haircut and let it grow long then get a haircut like i go along, i'm usually not too efficient at keeping my hair cut.

I know very early on this day early early, all right, um, so yeah. All the parallel lines you see on my chart, mikey is what's called, it's called standard deviation. So if you, if you're on, think or swim if you're on the same platform and you go to uh your studies section where you enter different indicators and things like that and you type in standard, deviation or wait. No, i think it comes up as standard dev channel, but doesn't matter just type.

The word standard and you'll find it all right. So we do have quite a few people on here. I appreciate that um. If you could for me, go ahead and tickle the like button, it always loves to get tickled if you're into snuggling or cuddling.

It also likes that too. So whether you want to be the big spoon or the little spoon on the like button, it, it really isn't too picky. It really just likes to get rubbed. Okay, so just go and give a little magic touch.

Uh on to the next thing, we'll talk about is bitcoin and then we'll also look at ethereum, because they kind of go hand in hand a little bit so bitcoins currently going down now. You know as well as i do that the last video that we made recommending bitcoin as a buy was when bitcoin was crashing here. That's when we recommended it to buy. We have not yet since recommended it as a buy, so our first time recommending bitcoins to buy like within the past couple weeks or months or whatever was when bitcoin dropped down to this price.
On this day, we recommended pretty much from this drop down. You should buy that and then trade the reversal up, which we hope to have hit 45 000. We only got up as high as 42 385 so we're a little shy on the price target, but this was the last thing we recommended to buy on. Bitcoin was to trade this reversal back up since then it's been trying to base and hold, and now it looks like the bears have finally started to win this battle a little bit.

So what we're watching for now on bitcoin? Is it to hold the price of uh right here, so if bitcoin is going to uh stop anytime soon, it's probably going to do it right here, um at the price of one second, 35. 146. So today your price target for bitcoin should be on the downside. Probably 35 194 and then expect, as the price gets to here to this blue line.

That's probably where you'll start to see some people try to buy it and hold it um, but for right now i'm not extremely long buy this bitcoin in any way. On the day, your price target on the downside is probably about 35, 100 or so give or take a little bit um, but, like i said, the four-hour chart it's starting to appear more bearish now. The last thing that we talked about with bitcoin is: if it's going to take out this low of 30 000, then the market would most likely be going for a gap fill which you might not be able to see here. But there is a gap to fill in this market on bitcoin and it's back at the price of twenty three thousand seven hundred okay.

So, there's also a very good possibility that in the future we see bitcoin down to prices at twenty five thousand twenty three thousand to fill the gap in the market and then did you notice what happened when i put the gap on the chart? Did you notice, where these red lines come into play, look at what's right at those red lines right now. Excuse me look at this green line. Isn't it kind of ironic that the gap fill that we talk about on the market on bitcoin perfectly lines up with the negative two standard deviation support trend? Do you think it's coincidence? It's not coincidence. So without even telling you there was a gap there, all right.

If i didn't tell you, there was a gap there i would have just would have just it's, because i'm trying to be as detailed as possible, but otherwise i would just say this: is your next really low risk dip by area that price of 26 319? That would be your next low low risk dip buying zone for the market and then, if you look left you'll just come to find that there's also a gap fill in the market right about that green trend line, not perfect, but very close, so not coincidental. But your next low risk buying zone for bitcoin is probably going to be in the 26 to 25 or 22 350 area. Okay. So that's what we're watching right now for bitcoin um is a potential decrease even lower down into these support areas, and then also this is the daily chart.
Time frame, it moves a little slower than the 180 day time frame. But if you look, you'll also notice that the green trend line on the daily chart, it does not come into play around these trend lines or these red lines yet, but each day that happens and goes forward, this trend line can progress and get higher and higher And higher, so that maybe you know by the end of the month, this trend line is at this gap-fill price. So right now it appears that the four-hour trend line is the one that you'd be trading off of, but that is only the case if bitcoin were to drop down to do the gap fill today. But if it does it in say two or three weeks from now, the four hour trend line will probably be higher than the gap fill zone.

And then it will now be the daily chart trend line that you're trading off of in that zone, and the only reason i'm saying that is because it's just that's just the way. It appears right now. The daily chart trend lines below the four hour trend lines. Above and then as time progresses, this one will probably catch up and then end up being into the gap, fill it's hard to say because it's so soon, but i could imagine that happening right now, but either way that's what we're kind of we're thinking on bitcoin, Where we would probably like to be long bitcoin next we're not really crazy about being it long anymore, because we bought the bottom of this sold the bounce up and then since then, it's really kind of failed to provide enough bullish activity to break up.

For the time being, okay, all righty appreciate you guys so we'll take a quick peek at ethereum. Just briefly, and the reason being is because i mean it's ties in pretty closely to bitcoin, but at the end of the day um they still are both looking kind of sluggish. So the daily chart on um on ethereum, here kind of, has like a bear flag right. This is trading more like a bear flag is the way it seems now um, it's really the same outlook as bitcoin, except we're.

Not talking about big gap fills here there, but at the end of the day we still have trend lines all the way down at 18, 000 to um pretty much 18 or not. 18 000.. I always say that 1800 on ethereum, so same thing. If bitcoin ends up going down, does that gap fill breaks down, then, ideally you're going to be looking for ethereum to do something similar, probably going all the way down to that plus two d: negative two deviation, which is gon na, be um like eighteen hundred dollars.

Okay, whoa all right, so those are that's bitcoin that is um yeah, that's bitcoin! That's ethereum! That's there's a lot of talking there, so i'm gon na give myself a break here for a sec. You're trading, lower price stocks, as your account is kind of small. At the moment i mean at the end of the day, a gain is a gain, sometimes they'll be smaller or bigger, depending on you know what sort of stock you're trading or what price stock, you're trading or buying um. But just because you have a small account, you know don't be, you know, don't be shy to you know, buy facebook or something like that um.
You know those stocks can still provide great gains, even though your account's, smaller so um yeah. Don't don't limit yourself too much? When was the last time i had a red month, uh, currently i'm on a red month this month is currently red. Um have not well, then again, it's only the start of the month. So that's probably why but um yeah just have not well this past uh past week has really just not been uh the greatest trading and then before that it would be um the beginning of this year, beginning of this year i had a red month.

I just did not trade well, the beginning of this month that was like coming out of. I think we were just coming out of the game stop frenzy, but this is kind of normal for me because i generally start to get a little sluggish on trading when we go into the summer um and every year, i'm always like oh you're gon na do Better this one you're gon na recognize it sooner, but then the summer happens and shits, and you know it still ends up being like summer, so um summer summer months are generally where things get a little a little iffy. For me, let's go professor sauce. Let's go all right, so, let's talk about, how do you feel about apple? Is the market cap too high um, i mean here's the deal there is we we currently live in a market where a ton of people are going to tell you.

Market caps are justifiable. Then other people are telling you market caps are not justifiable and that um, you know price to earnings is justifiable, not justifiable, and this is because, with this whole technology boom and the process of automation, company earnings have been able to just rip put it. That way. I mean what you used to be able to earn.

Just is you just can't earn the same amount as you're? Sorry, you can just earn significantly more now, as you opposed to the past because of automation, less employees, you have computers that are doing a lot of the work for you now i mean once you write a program once then it just runs itself and you never Have to train it again unless you're doing updates sure, but once you have a lot of this automation in place, it's just rinse and repeat right and the profit is just flowing. So that's the argument side of why price to earnings is so skewed in the market. Um, i guess, depending on where you look, but that's the big argument there so for a lot of the technology companies or like shopify. I totally respect that some of the price to earnings on those stocks and the market caps should be high, but that's also because their earning potential is significantly higher right.

They're using an online platform. Their customer base is a whole entire world. It's not just a thousand people that might walk past their kiosks in the mall right, so you know so shopify and you know facebook, for example. Their customer base is not limited to the city of columbus, ohio right or to los angeles.
It's the whole entire world. That's first, so their customer pool is just gigantic right and then, alongside of that, it's just a lot of its online base, so the automation side of it. So when you're looking at big tech companies - yes, arguably earnings can be higher. Market caps can be higher as opposed to something that is completely a material based company that is limited to how much lumber they can chop down how long it takes them to process it.

You know - and things like that so more on the tech side of that i could see justifiable for the market caps being as high as they are all right, uh. So we're going to get jumping onto amc here and then we'll take a look at gamestop as well. So are you freaking ready? So before we get started, it didn't happen. It did not happen, but it got.

It came very close to happening yesterday. We had mentioned something that was pretty much any time is so if you were buying amc yesterday or the day before or the day before, um we had mentioned that whenever you're buying a stock and it's currently valued over the blue line on my chart, it might Not be on your chart, but on my chart, whenever the price is valued or above the blue line in the chart, then you always run a super high risk of losing money, because the stock will naturally like to come back down below the blue. At some point, there's more to it than that, but in simple any time the stock is well above that blue line and you're buying it. You are very, very susceptible to running yourself into a big pullback that goes all the way back to and or below that blue line and can create a significant loss.

It did not happen yesterday, but look at what happened. Okay. So when we go to the daily chart, let's let's go to the daily chart, so the blue line is right here on the daily chart: okay, that's where the blue line's at and then on the four hour. It's right here, okay, so there's there's two charting time frames i run, but if you look at the four hour chart look at where the market went right.

Look at it! That's the blue line. So yesterday, pre-market before amc crashed for the day said, if you own this, above that blue line, you run the risk of acquiring a loss all the way to it and below it. Yesterday, amc crashed all the way down to that blue line and ended up bouncing which mind you was our recommended, buy point for the day yesterday if it crashed all the way down that those were going to be the beginning of the buy points for us yesterday. So we traded one long on amc yesterday that was the first drop and then the second one i wasn't sticking around to trade so nonetheless has pulled back.

Uh did its first bounce off support. This is where the market would generally try to continue being bearish. A lot of times in this scenario when we go overbought and then we crash we'll crash down to the blue line, then we will bounce. That's the first attempt to keep the market going.
So you saw yesterday when we go and look at uh when we go and look at amc we'll do like a five-day chart. Okay, so amc breaks up crashes down to the support bounces and then it gets sold into. So this was the bounce to try to keep the market going. These are the sellers coming in and saying.

No, no, no and now the market would most likely try to continue going in the bearish direction. So for now, or today i got ta be a little skeptical on the long just for now um and basically until i see them, hold this consolidation and really start breaking it up um. I have to be slightly more bearish for the time being, all right. So with that being said, um if this market continues to get bearish, this is the way it's going to work is through this price point.

You see this trend line right there so through that guy. So that is the price level that we would like to see. Amc through for the bearish move to continue. If that did happen, you would probably just target back down to yesterday's low of day for the bearish move, okay, um and then on the flip side or the upside.

Let me just double check. Yeah i mean that's still. There so no yeah, then on the upside. There isn't really like a trend line or anything like that to go off of so you're, really just following intraday price action to see whether or not it's based and it's ready for a move higher.

So currently, in this situation, you probably just use like the pre-market high as your break point and then the pre-market low that is currently the long-term trending support. So that's why the market has to hold 45 today for it to continue higher. So if the market's too going through 45 we're going to look for bearish moves as long as amc can stay above 45, then you can be optimistic that it can still turn into a long today. Okay, but for me, got ta got ta, probably stick slightly on the bearer side for the time being, and that's only because again, we got extremely overbought.

Yesterday, crashed we bounced yesterday and then we sold into it yesterday so still got ta follow for some more bearish activity, and i'm thinking that you know if this is really a true bearish drop, we could still see prices as low as i think 30.. Let me just double check. Yeah about 31. 31 would be kind of like my final target, on the downside for like an overall drop in the immediate okay.

All right so now we'll go over. Take like a quick look at game. Stop not the game! Stop! You know i mean it's basically the same as is amc except just just not as not as hype. That's it so uh gamestop right gamestop has been following suit, with um with amc.

Now, if any of you guys, you know, remember, follow the channel. We did recommend that the price target on gamestop was 297. That was when it was down at like uh 206. we mentioned when we crossed and broke out at 206.
You could see gamestop all the way up to 197. It ended up, hitting, i think, 198 or no two night. Excuse me it ended up hitting 293 or 294 and then it kind of topped here it's the same thing as long as amc continues up, gamestop will perform well. Gamestop has been uh lagging the move of amc.

So if you were just to look at the intraday chart of uh gamestop and then you look at the intraday chart of amc, you'll notice that there is clearly not as much significant significant buying volume and what have you you can see that we dropped. Yesterday. We bounce we pull back, we bounce right, so gamestop is doing what's very similar to amc, but amc still has more strength in it for right now. Okay, so really just the same, like uh, mr superman said here same different, flavor, okay, different flavor, all right! So that's really all we have going on with gamestop and amc for the time being.

We could talk more about it uh, but at the end of the day, there's already 16 other million people talking about it um and at the end of the day you know we just got to figure out where those price levels are at and - and we have A pretty good idea of where those are going to be all right. Um, let's see what do we got here? What do i think about baba and baidu baba yeah? Let's take a look, can't hurt to take a little gander now, shall it uh baba well. Well. Well, baba kind of looks like uh, so i haven't actually traded baba in like a decade.

Um i mean the way i see it is baba is a stock. I mean you can see it here. Baba generally has a a lot of gaps in the chart. It tends to be kind of a very gappy stock, but anyways it's been down trending.

It appears to still be down. Trending. Excuse me um. If you look at the chart over the past year, the past year, the stock is currently in a downtrend.

If you look at the stock over, you know the half year stock is currently in the downtrend um right. Now, though, the stock is currently in a downtrend while being close to the mean. So it's not oversold in the downtrend, it's not overbought in the downtrend. It's really just at like the most average part of the downtrend.

So what i mean by that is you know this would be a low point in the downtrend. Why isn't it working stupid there? It goes so this would be a low point low extreme in the downtrend. This would be a high extreme in the downtrend. This wouldn't even really be an extreme in the downtrend, but that's kind of low in the downtrend.

This is slightly high in the downtrend. This is low in the downtrend and this was kind of high in the downtrend and then everything in the middle, which is again just here, everything in the middle that is normal, okay, so right now, i'm bob but you're, basically just at the statistical mean, in other Words you're at a shift point, so it's it's always harder to trade and be accurate around the mean, because the momentum can shift whatever way it wants. Generally, it's always going to shift in the direction that it came from. So since we came from the top since we're coming from, you know like this: for example, we came from a low we got bought up to the trend we broke above.
We came from above we're selling down to the trend a lot of times we go to and then try to go through and that's because the market constantly likes to swing on a pendulum back and forth. Again, if you remember that the market likes to go back and forth on a pendulum swinging from back and forth back and forth, back and forth in whatever the primary trend is, it helps you a lot so currently the primary trend excuse me of baba over the Last year is down, we are down trending over the last year with high low swings back and forth above and below your statistical mean. So you know this is the mean here we broke above we came back down, we pushed away. Then we came back down.

We bounced, then we came back we broke through. Then we bounced back to one above then we came back two went through. Then we bounced back, two went down and we dropped now. So you see what i'm talking about so right now with baba um, i'm not really crazy to trade it because it doesn't have a setup that really makes sense for me to trade.

I just still see this in a downtrending formation um for the time being, that's really just it. I don't see that trend stopping. I think it's going to continue going down um, you know maybe even as low as you know, 187 or something for papa now i'll quickly run through vidu huh yeah b-i-d-u doesn't look all that amazing right now either so b-i-d-u dropped um, actually believe it or not. You see this red line on the chart here.

This red line was our recommended, buy price for bidu when it crashed. So when it crashed, we recommended that you'd be starting to buy bid you long at 180 - probably 100, it's 187, but that was our recommended. Buy price when bidu crashed last time, so we went from 187, ended up bouncing up and hitting a high here of 227, so it was a 30-point bounce and then we ended up rolling over um yeah. I'm not a big fan of bi du either.

It still looks bearish. I think it needs a lot more work before it's going to reverse out of that base. So for the time being, i'm not not really big bull on on bi du either. I still think that has a lot of work to do before.

It's going to be coming back into an uptrend, am i invested in sndl? No, i am not. Sndl is a stock that i don't have uh skin of the game on um, but didn't we say that yesterday was going to be. I think we said yesterday would be a bearish day, so we started up. Then we smack down smack down it.
Just pretty much traded back and forth wasn't particularly too bearish, but the day did end up being red, hmm yeah, so for right now, with sndl to go higher, you have to go through resistance on sndl at 145.. Right now, your target resistance is 145 and that's now your new breakout level, your current dip by support has been 124.. You still have a gap fill down here and then you have moved it there yeah so today going forward you what? What is that? Where did that come from? I see i know what that yup gotcha, so your intraday breakout level is at 1 30.. Your intraday support is at 123.

Probably the resistance for the day is gon na be 145 and then into the next day. Your resistance or your 145 would be the breakout level um and then this yeah yeah for sure so right now, this would be reversal support on the day so down at 103. That would be probably like your reversal. Bottom support on the day.

145 will most likely be a resistance on the day. Your intraday breakout level is 130 and then your intraday support that would have to hold for the bulls to win this battle. Pre-Market is at 124., so above 130 probably could see a jump to the 140s below 123 on a day. Then you could see it as low as 104 and then you would have a reversal long in the 104s 103 area for sndl, but not currently buying sndl myself uh, i my partner.

His name is brandon uh he's a really good trader, holly's, probably better than me at many times um but yeah. So i work with brandon. I've been trading with him and working with him, for i don't know three four years now or something like that. So um he's an extremely important part of the company, even though he works behind the scenes.

You don't see him uh, very important part of the company, so um i am blessed to be able to work with them really. What is the blue line? The blue line is just a blue line because i decided to make it a blue line, so the blue, the color, has zero significance. It's just because i like i made it blue, what's significant about it. Is it's called a plus three deviation? Well, it could be plus or negative, so it's just three deviations just go to google and type in three deviations and then just start reading, and then things will probably start to click.

How comfy is my gaming chair? It's not really comfy. It was like the first like chair that i bought from my office other than just using some. You know piece of crap chair and really it's not even it's really. I would not recommend this as a as a chair to buy it's pretty trash, actually cheers from portugal, nice max payne for the options expiring today at 37 on amc um.

Let's go take a peek at that again. Yeah amc still just kind of sitting sideways um yeah. I know i actually saw i saw matt. I think his name is matt cores on uh fox too fox business.

They had matt kors on fox business and then trade trades. I didn't know i've seen his his uh channel. Excuse me, but i didn't know that he was on a cnbc, but i did see them to have some interviews with well, one was from fox all right, so let's take a look at i. I do like the thought of looking at uh workhorse wkhs.
I know that was a ow. I know that one jumped yesterday, um yeah yesterday, was kind of annoying because i wanted to be long it we did go long, but we wanted to see a price target at 19. Then i added into this dip and then it didn't go to 19. So then, i'm taking a loss and then i reverse went short covered.

The loss made a win. It was just annoying, it's just one of those times you're. Just like what a piece of you know. Why can't you just go up in the next 70 cents and be like cool, but no so anyways uh workhorse yeah that uh that pretty much hit resistance? Yesterday resistance was 19.

We were trying to get it to 19. We were buying it up to try to go to 19, it only hit 1833, so that was the annoying part um, but nonetheless workhorse pretty much hit its resistance yesterday. So the likelihood you have a big breakout day today, probably not going to happen um. So yesterday, you'll see that look at what happened.

You see how it jumped went to jump and it went right to that trend at uh 1872., so that was uh. The market on workhorse remember how we just talked about how the market works like a pendulum, and it swings back and forth to the mean. Well, that's it right: workhorse dropped. It broke swung to the mean here, pushed away, got way oversold to an extreme bounced back, went right to the mean, and then we sold back down so realistically the move that happened so the move for workhorse for the time being, it's kind of done.

The only way you get in the only way you get a new breakout move is, if you go through 19, everything else will just be a dip. Buy, move back to 19.. So right now, if you want to be long bias, your long bias buying a dip anticipating a move back to 19 hoping for a break over 19. all right, but in reality that's way harder to do than to get a dip up to the trend so either Way, to put it simply, the market has pulled back on workhorse.

You hit resistance, the likelihood you get a big dripping day from it's, probably not going to happen because it's just not set up like that um. Let me just do this real, quick, all right. Your current dip support, which we kind we didn't hit that yet well, we did pre-market. So let's go look at it like this.

So right now i would say slight resistance, like intraday resistance is going to be at 14.98, so 15 and then intraday dip support is 12.65, so very strong possibility. We see the market swing down to 12.65 and also possible to see this market pop up to start. The day hit resistance at 15, then swing lower, so looking for continuation, maybe to the bear side with workhorse down to 1270 um and or a move into 15 and then a bearish drop off the 15 kind of 1480 price. Okay, um, there isn't anything on trading view that can do do this.
People have tried to write scripts, there's been people that have written scripts, but i have yet to find i mean some people said they did successfully. I mean every time i've ever used any of the scripts that someone said they wrote for trading view to mimic what i have. It never works or it gets close, but it's never right, so i don't know still can't get it to work on tradingview, because tradingview runs in pinescript. So there is a different language there, whether that that's the barrier that needs to be fixed, i'm not sure but um treating view just never seems to work right for this cheers from nova scotia cheers from michigan bud cheers from michigan.

We got four seasons. What to do, does anybody actually still buy ipads? I mean i mean i guess i guess i go to businesses and i use them from time to time, but it's like to do the work that i do. I could never use an ipad. It's just.

I got way too much to do and way too many things to click in this. I couldn't it's so yeah cool, cool apple, cool ipad bod come out with something new, maybe like an apple car, funny good joke pie ever going to happen. Hashtag pie. I don't know isn't is pie that uh.

Isn't that thing you could like uh, you could mine on your phone, i'm pretty sure. That's what that was. I don't think. That's ever gon na become too too crazy.

Can you please make a video for dip support um? I mean i've made videos about a bajillion times. Um i mean i could make another one, but it would just be the same as all the other videos i've ever made kind of ish. I mean if you literally, just tune in to the pre-market watches every day. You'll literally find out exactly how to how to call the price targets and find the price target.

So really, i would just say just tune into this every day for a little bit and then you should really get the hang of it. Yes, regression channel works like standard deviation channel, except you have to constantly update your regression channels, so so here's the problem is that the stocks constantly move up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down. So every every transaction, every penny everything that goes through the market needs to be added into the regression channel. Well, when you draw a regression channel and then a one minute candle concludes its trading.

If your channel doesn't update, then your channel is already wrong. It might be off by a smidge, but it's already wrong, whereas on thinkorswim the channel consistently updates for you for you for you for you for you, so the channel is always 100 up to date and 100, accurate um. Always so that's the issue with running your own regression. Channel too is that you have to constantly update it, constantly updated, constantly, update concept it and that just gets annoying.
It gets old and it it's just not efficient um. Yes, you missed the bitcoin analysis, but really to put it simply right now, bitcoin kind of slight well right. Now it's actually bouncing up which it didn't go down to our support. It got very close, i'm kind of mad about that kind of mad about that.

We're off our support by like 500 bucks, pretty lame um, but yeah. So right now, bitcoin really doesn't look that great um. All we have to mention with bitcoin is if, in the event you see bitcoin down at like 25 to 23 000, it's probably a buy. So there's a gap in the market to fill it on there there's a portion of the market.

That's trying to run bitcoin's pricing all the way down to 25 000. um. I think even robert kiyosaki tweeted something and was like if bitcoin goes to 25 000. I might just have to buy some more: it's like no bud no shippa, of course, you're gon na have to buy some more because that's where the gap feels at that's, where the deviation marks at, of course, there's probably gon na be a bounce there.

Uh amc. Okay, yeah, we can take a peek back at amc. I don't know if something's changed, there goes workhorse kind of rolling down a little bit into that bearish move ooh. Would you look at am sizzle still holding up very good.

Dude just know just know that if you wanted to be long, biased the market on amc, you should have been buying it here yesterday. That was your buy point. So that's another thing to be mindful of. If you wanted to be long this stock, then you should have been buying it here in here yesterday.

Okay, let's just just make that clear, um print, i don't. I don't think i have something specific that says how to buy dip support. I actually no, i i do actually, if you go and you look if you go and look like, maybe three or four weeks ago, look for a video that says: stock market just crashed, here's where to buy, and it will literally tell you exactly where you're supposed To buy the stock market before you're supposed to buy the stock market before it even got there and it got very minimal views. So you'll be a part of the very minimal group on youtube.

That knows exactly how to buy the stock market when it crashes, but seriously go back three weeks ago, there's a video says: stock market just crashed. Here's where to buy and it'll show you exactly how you go about picking price targets before the market gets there and then, where you should be buying and uh, then you can go and look at what happened in the market and market went up. But that would be a great video for you to watch that would probably probably help you figure out how to do. The dip buys the previous short squeeze in january bitcoin started to run as a meme stocks were dying off.

I sold my amc yesterday at highest point and bought it when it was nine dollars a share. Should you buy more of it today? I probably would not be buying more amc. If my average was just nine and then i just sold it um, i probably wouldn't be buying more. It sounds like you kind of have sellers remorse right now, like you're kind of sad, you sold it, and now you have nothing to hold on to you.
Have nothing you don't have an attachment to something. So now you want to be back in something, whereas you could just sit on your hands. I think i think you'd be better off, probably just sitting on your hands at this point, because because amc did reach the very overbought level, this is where people would look to take advantage of selling, which you did, which is great. This is where short sellers are going to start to take advantage of coming in um and taking on new positions and so on and so forth, um.

So really, this is just a battle to see how far you can. You can so so again do remember that right. This whole amc thing has nothing to do with fundamentals: okay, there. There is no light at the end of the tunnel right now there isn't.

This is like you know. This is like staring at a bunch of crack heads down the end of a dark alley. Actually, it's anything but looking into heaven it's about looking forward into hell, okay, um you're, really just playing a battle of how far you can squeeze short sellers at this point. All right or anybody, who's short buys a stock once that's done, then the party's over.

So it's all about determining that. Nobody knows how high this can go. Nobody knows how far can go. Nobody knows how long it will last because you're not playing on the idea of a successful company or a thriving company or looking at how much money they could generate over the next couple years, based on doing no, what you're doing is you're looking at this at A sense of how long can we squeeze people or short the stock? That is a an unknown variable, so what we do know currently is that where the value of the stock is is currently way outside of normal trading ranges and way outside of typical standard deviation, that's what the channel is called.

It's called standard deviation. The stock is currently way outside of its normal. Normal standard deviation right. It would be more normal for the stock to be back trading below, say, 30 bucks.

Hence why you saw the thing crash, almost all the way down to 30 yesterday, so i don't think it's good to have ownership of the stock here. I think the best price to have ownership of amc would be down at the regression trend. Ownership of amc at 12 would be great because you currently own stock at its normal average statistical trend. Okay, if you own it here, your chance of going red is like none.

If you own it here, your chance of going red is pretty much guaranteed, which it happened. Yesterday, scalp treating everything low flow, high volume, tiggers yeah, i mean generally a lot of people like low float, high volume, tickers wow bitcoin, really coming back sharp there bud. I like it, so you know this is. This is a great example right.
So remember how we just said: bitcoin, you know it's coming down into trend and it's probably going to bounce somewhere like right here i mean that's an example of where you know you pick your price target and the market just never quite gets there, but still at The end of the day, you know, if you look at bitcoin as a whole, you know coming down yeah, that's we should bounce right about there. So, even though we didn't get there this time, it does tell us that the analysis - it's correct, you know we're, saying hey we should retrace to about here. We should start to bounce. This just happened a little sooner than we expected, so there will be times where you could run the same system as me, and prices never fully get there, or sometimes they go a little bit below you know when it happens, but i still have yet till this Day to find anything else that can provide more accurate means of analysis, amc and gamestop ain't done yet at all um.

I would agree with you. I don't think this uh whole thing is done yet and the reason i say that is because when we look at gamestop gamestop still has a lot of room to go. It actually has all the way up to 400 and basically has all the way back to 500 before it would be considered. You know, out of trend.

Okay, right now, gamestop is is just slightly over the regression trend. So gamestop is currently just slightly over its typical average trend for the last year, so gamestop still has up to 500 bucks before it theoretically becomes overbought dock. You crushed earnings. Let's see, let's go so docu has room to go on the intraday chart.

Does it have room to go anywhere else? This yeah, so docu got ta, say probably staying on the long side. Potential targets up to 213.53 today to 216. just delete this guy yeah. I think docu still looks pretty solid here this morning.

I kind of like the way that it's set up. I would not be surprised to see dacu higher yeah, maybe to 213., so yeah. I could see diaz docq on the long side to maybe the 213 price. Today, wow nakd, let's see what's going on there bud um.

So this is a recent stock that ran. It was cheap. It was like a penny stock or something i don't remember. If we touched on this one i feel like we would have.

I think we did. I think it was, i mean i think it was just the other day, i'm like yeah. This should pull back um yeah so with nakd. Ideally, you are looking for the market to get back up and over 93 cents for this to cause another big jump.

I got ta stay slightly on the bear side uh for now. Only because i mean you just hit resistance, you really did right. You just came up and tagged resistance here. Almost you almost hit it.

Resistance was 104. You hit a high of 102. 50., so you pretty much hit resistance there. Let me double check that okay, so this is the way i would go about looking at this, it's um nakd.
It needs to get up and through so your intraday breakout level is uh. 80.86, that would be your intraday breakout level. That would probably take you up to 90 and then you'll have resistance here. If it's a show today, then support is all the way down at like oh where'd it go.

I must have deleted it. Oh there's that no, that ain't it oh, doesn't even exist. Gotcha yeah, i don't think you're gon na i mean i guess you could. It would have to be a really bad day, but you could see it all the way down to 73 cents.

Potentially, i don't think that happens, though, so you could potentially see this all the way down to 73 cents. I don't think that's gon na quite happen, but, like i said, the first thing is this: is your intraday breakout at like 86 cents, so you'd have to go through that and if you do, you'll probably go to 93 hit resistance, but i'm not a big fan Of nakd for right now i mean kind of it doesn't look terrible or you had to break out here. Consolidation yeah, so the so. The move to look to be long on is through 86 cents um.

The only thing! No, i don't really follow stocks that are extremely low price. It's just not my go to um, but the one stock that i do like right now is bngo um, it's been holding okay, it's just been a kind of pretty steady trend here personally think we're seeing bngo bottom. Oh excuse me! Oh yesterday was my first day back in the gym, but a long time, i'm feeling like a little wet noodle, so uh bngo i, to put it simply, i think we're gon na see bngo hit the screen box so that green box i have in my chart. That's pretty much the target i have for bngo right now, um.

It might take some time for that to happen, but i do think that we have bottomed on bngo for the time being, the market is currently buying it up we're picking up a momentum and that we're going to see prices on bngo higher here in the near-term Future the next price target i would have on the upside would be 750 750 would line up with this previous top here. The ultimate goal would be to get through this high and push the market into 870 to 958. If we did that, that would be the bngo market, reverting back to the statistical mean on the four hour and the daily chart. So again, if we were to reverse back up to that green box, that would just be the bngo market coming from an oversold extreme.

Bouncing back up to the yearly and the half year, statistical average trend bbig been a while, since i've seen this or wait, no i'm thinking of something else, um yeah. So the setup here with bbig yeah, the setup here with bbig, isn't all that bad um. So if you look at bbig from a long term, chart right long term way, overbought to nine pulls back balances, he gets overbought again pulls down, gets sold into an extreme bounces back to the mean, gets sold into an extreme bounce back to the mean bounced back To the mean bounced over pulled back through so we've just crossed through the four hour mean on this and we're over the daily chart so yeah this could have a long move and if you are gon na be long this you should really only be targeting up To five dollars right now on uh on bvig all right, ladies and gentlemen, i'm gon na get ready to rock and roll uh. I got ta run now.
I do appreciate you guys tuning in uh. If you could, for me, do make sure to hit the thumbs up button before you head out the door, it dramatically helps the stream and the growth of my channel so really appreciate that i'll see you guys back monday morning for another stream um other than that. Take care have a great rest of your day and i'll see you guys in the next one.

By Stock Chat

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10 thoughts on “Amc, gme, bitcoin”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArtPalet says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArtPalet says:

    Cheers from Denmark

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Astralis Lux says:

    $BBIG hit $5, where you said it would, and then flushed. Everyone on StockTwits was loading at five as it climbed but I remembered what you said about the third deviation price point and I stayed out. Glad I did! Thanks!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Ie says:

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    Mr Donna is just the best brokei have come across with ,,

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Son says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goddson frank says:

    Most wise investors with crypto uses the opportunity of when there is a drop in the market to buy and day trade with a working strategy and a plan to navigate the market system using the low price in the market to trade daily speculating the increase in price. Get a working plan today for that profit-making. fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now is if this is the right time to invest ? Before jumping into a conclusion I think you should take a look at things first,for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you can't tell if is going bearish or bullish. while others still continues to trade without fear of losing, others are being patient. For me trading has been going well because I use a day trading system that helps me with signals which have made me to accumulate over some huge amount of btc in two weeks.get a working strategy with the help of an expert Mr Donna ,, he thought me all I know about trading , right now I can tread and read signals myself , I will drop his Gmail below for any newbies or investors to contact him via email below

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Stogner says:

    Like the fresh cut…flat top wearer myself…great info as always

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debra moore says:

    2020 was a rough year for markets but Bitcoin has outperformed JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and the majority of top U.S. financial sector stocks. Historically, traditional market analysts and old school investors tend to look at Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with a wary eye, and when crypto pundits attempt to make comparisons between the two these investors say it's an apples to oranges argument. ~` ~Take, for example, Warren Buffett, who many a time has said Bitcoin is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme as it does not produce anything and therefore has no value, According to these traditionalists, comparing Bitcoin to Apple, Tesla, or a bank stock like JPMorgan is irrational as the latter employ workers, produce products, and generate revenues and dividends which are distributed to shareholders.. Despite these arguments, a simple fact remains.*Bitcoin has had a strong year and the digital asset is outperforming financial stocks in 2021 due to a considerable increase in institutional demand, investors' belief in BTC's exponential growth potential, and its asymmetrical price action in the face of global economic uncertainty.. to be on safer side to avoid crash, holders can still make much better profits by tradn. For me, i advise you multiply the little you have with arnold rosenstein strategy, I was able to make 9btc with 1.5btc in 5 weeks using the same strategy, you can reach him on te l e gr am @ (arnoldtrades) ,for more insight. i am still looking forward to 2021, due to volatility its so hard to know exactly when the real crash will happen.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jacob ali says:

    good morning

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenn Ge says:

    Thanks Connor! Always great to hear your price targets and the reasonings behind them, it really helps

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