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Good morning, good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody welcome back to another pre-market watch list where we're pretty much just going to talk about stocks. Give you guys the levels that you need to know about before you get your day started off here, going forward uh. So, as mentioned stocks covering today, amc gamestop, we'll talk about bctx, there's also a couple other good things that have been happening in the market. Moving around that, i decided not to put in the title, because eventually the title just becomes too big and it just looks disgusting, so amc, gamestop bctx.

Those are three that we'll definitely cover, but there was also sklz that ended up jumping on some news. You also have the stock uh bb, that's moving. You have um mvis, that's been moving, so there's a couple things that aren't on the title that have also been moving this morning. Bonjour welcome happy good morning.

Doge. Are you talking about a dodge ram, or are you talking about a dog or are you talking about a cryptocurrency? It's just quite confusing. I really am not too sure good morning. Nndm.

Well, maybe we'll put that one on the list here. Look at this ready how fancy all right nmdm all right - let's get rockin and rollin, so we're gon na kick this bad boy into full screen. Maybe all right here we go all right! So we'll first start here with gamestop uh. Just to give you guys a quick peek um, you know more or less.

Why? Why i'm showing gamestop right now is just because the whole hype and frenzy thing is going but um you can see right. If you look at how amc traded yesterday or sorry gamestop, gamestop traded up, not, i won't say quicker or faster than amc, but gamestop held more of a positive trend from start of day till end of day and so on. Whereas amc really traded sideways and then short squeezed, nonetheless, game stop still going up. What we really are going to look at here is more or less the long-term chart, and this is what i really want to point out is that gamestop hasn't been moving as aggressive as amc, but in reality, gamestop still has a lot further, that it could go On the upside before being considered extremely out of trend or extremely overbought, whereas amc is already extremely out of trend and overbought, so anyways just an interesting dynamic that i've been watching for the past couple days.

So, to put it simply right now for gamestop all right target or a target for the upside right now would be 290. Basically, let's just call it 300, it's 296., but pretty much 300. um yeah. I mean 300 to 300 to 330 feet where 333 would be.

The next big resistance marks back up on gamestop for right now. Okay, now, the only way you could ever achieve those prices is first by getting through your plus one deviation mark, which is at 252 and obviously that's going to be where the market resisted yesterday and pulled back and so we're back below the 252 mark. So we need to get back over 252 and be sustaining over 252 on gamestop to have some bullish. You know trending support, sort of movement, okay, so for right now, bull side of game stop would be back up and holding over the price of 252 or 253.
Okay, now we're gon na go over to amc again. There isn't like a ton of really great things to talk about with amc and gamestop, just because the way they're positioned for the second now with amc. I think i don't remember how i said my analysis yesterday, but i'm pretty positive. I mentioned that the breakout price for amc yesterday was going to be over like 33 30..

Maybe maybe i was wrong. I don't know it's. It was it's so hard to remember everything. You say, but nonetheless, the way i see it is let's say that amc were to crash today or let's say that amc were to give back its gains for the day.

I would imagine you would see prices potentially down to 33 dollars and you can see that we had this breakout yesterday on amc over 33 bucks here right about 33 33. After hours we ripped right, you can see pre-market. We came up got close to that red line pulled back later. In the day we went straight up to the red line, then we pulled back and later the day pre-market you can see.

We broke out with relative by volume. Spikes blah blah blah stock goes up. This to me is like the euphoric squeeze: that's why we've had such an easy sell-off this morning and we don't really have what i believe to be too much of some significant support down until about 33., so for right now, still watching amc more on the bearish Side today to start the day and then i would be watching bullish later on or after we see how well the market sustains all the bearish selling that we've so far seen this morning, that's a lot of scenes. That's a lot of possibilities, but really we've just been seeing a lot of selling pressure this morning and until the buyers are strong enough to support the selling we're not going to be too long, biased, okay, um.

So really that's that's kind of it for for amc! Right now i could talk more on it, but there's really not a whole lot to talk about it's going to a hundred thousand dollars. Doesn't everybody know by now? Oh wow, i didn't see this never mind. Wait. Um was that 30? Oh, never mind that side doesn't matter yeah, never mind, so we're good all right.

Moving forward, bctx really quickly so bc. Tx was a penny stock that jumped this morning, big move from 312 all the way to seven bucks. If we look at the long term chart it's pretty much just it looks like a big: u overbought so um kind of interesting. It was a really good move, got way, overbought way over previous price action, resistances way through trending resistance.

So it's just kind of a big jump um. I don't think that it continues running long bias out of the gates. I think it needs to pull back to trending support and hold support short sellers again or more before it would allow for another long move. So that would mean we would pro if i'm right or if the analysis that i'm thinking is correct, then we should see the market on this bctx move back down to 5.70 or right around there um and then, if it breaks 570, that's where more selling pressure Would come in so right now, really what we're watching for is for bctx to break this trend.
You see this trend that we've been holding right now. You can see we're sitting on it. It's a matter of whether or not we hold the intraday trend. If we can hold the intraday trend, then of course markets probably move higher.

If we fail and start to break this little trend intraday, then we probably swing down closer to 572 and then that's where it's going to become much much harder for the market to support itself. So for now i'm kind of thinking um, it's possible to see this move on bctx correct back down towards 570 before turning into a long but like i said it's all about whether or not we sustain the intraday trend, the intraday trend is the mean. So above we can continue running if we crack below that's where we probably swing down to the 570s. Now for a price target on the upside, i don't have long-term resistances that i could give.

But what i would say is the current at most target that you could have would be 1088, but the first long target i would have in this instance would probably be 786. So if this move on bctx were to break out off this trend breaks up, we would look for a move back to 789, which of course, look where that lines up with uh extended left. You can see that that lines up with the previous high right. Let me redo that so, where a lot of people might be looking to break this up and go back to the previous high, which is right here.

We would be looking to break this up and going up to the previous or next trend, which clearly is right. Next to the previous high, but still about 10, 15 cents off or so all right um. So that's all for bctx i'll. Take a look at some of the ones you guys are mentioning uh now and then also, i think, i'll make sure to touch on the stock bb, because it's been moving well.

So in case somebody doesn't already ask about it in the chat i'll make sure we cover that one too, all right. First, one i'm going to talk about is nndm or first one i'll look at nmdm, because that was um something from earlier. So let me look at okay wow, so, oh, mr coffee or kofi, we just went over bctx you're, good, all right, uh nndm, it's a lower volatility stock kind of anyways probably has a higher float, i'm not even sure what the float is, but i can just Feel that it's probably bigger um i'll check right now, one second, all right we got a float of yeah floats 246 on nndm. Outstanding shares is 258 million, pretty much what that means is she's a big all right.

She she's a big which means you're going to need a wheelbarrow to get her moving, i'm just kidding, but seriously it's it's a little bit bigger float of a stock. More outstanding shares, more liquidity. It's going to be harder to get that to move uh, but i will say that i believe nndm is at a dip by price. It already was at a dip, buy price back here.
This was a good long, obviously hindsight 2020, but for now i would probably just be more on the long side of nndm. The best way i could explain it is. You know the market swings back and forth on a pendulum like if you go and read any stock market book or if you've been in the market. Long enough, you know things don't go straight up, they don't go straight down.

If they go up, they're going to go up, go down, go up, go down, go up, go down, go up. The gown go from point a to point b. Vice versa, when things go down, they go down, they go up, they go down, they go up, they go down to go up to go from point a to go down to point b and if you just think of that as a pendulum, that constantly swings back And forth from the market, then you'll start to get yourself more in line with trend and tops and bottoms. So again, if you just think that the market constantly goes back and forth on a pendulum, then the pendulum right now is at the low um.

Soon, to be swinging towards a high, so the best way, i can also explain this is we'll do another little drawing here. So it's like this bam all right, and this is a little like that little chain and ball that people have on their desk. That swings back and forth on a pendulum and it hits the other balls, so it just kind of goes from. You know it goes up from that direction.

It goes down that direction, so just swings back and forth. Mark market swing in a pendulum. So in that relationship uh, the nndm market is in the low of its pendulum swing, which is generally, where you'll try to see people buying to swing it back up and the midway point is 10 right now, so people that are currently buying this bottom are trying To get the market to swing back to about 10.68 uh to 11 bucks, so it's pretty much 10 to 11 is the swing target of the current market on nndm. The ultimate goal of the nndm market would be to get through the 10 price and then go for a plus one deviation, which would be 14.85, but that probably won't happen the first time around so right now, your target would just be 10 to 11 on this Bottom so thumbs up on the long side of nndm for right now: okay uh, where i'm, where is that at okay? Okay, take a breather bud! Take a breather! Amc! 700K! Lego baby.

I really hope that happens honestly, all right, so we did nndm i'll. Take a look at uh nue here, haven't heard of that one n-u-e uh all-time high market looks good you're, just long biased that uh ttm is on the baby blue and the four hour ttm's on the blue. With that guy. So yeah you have ttm.

That's currently favoring the direction uh you just came off a really really strong buying day. Nothing really seems bearish here other than a potential bearish divergence with the rsi. So the one thing you're probably going to want to watch here soon is to make sure i mean that's going to be tough yeah you're, most likely going to be running into some sort of divergence. I would imagine, maybe on the rsi, but you also have increasing volume in the same direction.
Yeah i mean for right now, you're just really long, biased that you know maybe looking to get up to the next target of like 117.. So i think maybe you got another five six points up: six dollars up from nue for the time being, that was a smaller analysis and it's only because the stock really looks pretty solid. So i don't really see you know going too crazy on the analysis. All right, let's make sure we go over bb here um you can see.

I got a bunch of crazy going on with bb i i'll just re-go through the same process. I was going through earlier with some traders, okay, so bb um. To put it simply, this is the resistance. The red box is the resistance, slash the breakout zone.

The green box is obviously the support zone and now we'll go back and show you how we come up with support. So when we go and kind of backtrack, the analysis here we'll show you how you get the resistance top and then we'll show you how you get the resistance bottom um. 100. All right! So, let's delete everything off of bb all right right, so bb um, all right! So wait.

We got ta go the four hour first one second, so on the four hour chart, the resistance top hence target target on the upside to resistance top would be 1452 all right. Why just? Why? Is it that? Because there's just that little trend line there, so we're gon na put a line there. We're gon na go to uh we're gon na go down here to this dotted line. Why are we going to that? Just because just listen! It's it's a support level! It's a pullback level, so we're going to put a line there, all right we're going to switch to the daily chart and then we're going to put a line right here, which is because there's a trend line right there.

Okay, that's why we're doing that and we're gon na come down here and we're gon na put a trend line down here? Why? Because there's a trend line there! That's why we're gon na? Do it all right and then we're gon na make uh we're gon na draw our own little box, so one second we're going to draw a little box here. This is going to be our support zone because that's where the pullback trending support is located. We're going to change that box green, all right, it's kind of green whatever! And then we're going to go up here and we're going to make a new box and this one's going to be red. Because that's the resistance zone as we identified all right and then we're going to go back and we're going to look at the one minute chart and then we're going to see how these levels look and whether or not the market respected them.
Then we go back and look at the levels and you will see that exactly where we place those red lines and the green boxes were the exact, stopping and or starting point for the bearish trend and the bullish trend here. So you will see the market went up um after hours and then into pre-market trading. We hit the first red line, which we just showed you how to get and we resist we come down and then the red line here right on the bottom. If we zoom in you will see that if i delete the green box too, it'll become a little easier to see.

You'll see that the bottom wicks of this move were almost perfectly to that red line. So right now the support in the market for bb intraday or on this current day right now is going to be this zone of 12.95 to 1245, and then the current resistance zone, and also the zone to be broken out for the next bigger move up would Be 14 to uh 1450 right now. So how would i go about treating this? It's kind of a show right now, because we've already rejected we've already bounced so now. We're kind of like in this like just moment of really is what it is.

So i think it's going to be bearish myself, because i think amc. Let me just double check, i feel, like amc, is going to try to do a bearish move today. So the way i would go about, bb is still just watching amc very closely. The more bullish amc appears to be and trades the higher chance you'd have that bb trades positively as well.

Okay, okay, all right, very good, very good! Thank you! Thank you all for tuning in the 253 of you guys appreciate you make sure that you open your mouth. Take your tongue out, lick your computer screen and it hits the like button and then the thumbs up go up. So just one second, give it a little tickle little smooch, all righty um. Next talk we're going to talk about.

I have no idea, let's see, vtnr, that's not a bad one. Vtnr has been a penny stock and or a stock. Recently, that's been moving to the upside, so of course it's gained some popularity um. I haven't tried to trade this once at all myself, i believe yesterday we did mention that it was probably going to be a bearish day for you.

That is what we did yesterday. We mentioned it would be a bearish day for vtnr because it had reached the 1150 resistance, which was just a very, very long, all-time high price. So if you went to a 20-year chart or went back 20 years, you would have come to see a price of 1125 on vtnr, and that was the long-term resistance. So and this was the first attempt at breaking out the long-term resistance.

So if you ever come across a situation like this, where you've seen a stock and it's running - and you find some resistance sort of like this and you're like oh well, if it breaks the 1150, it's going to run so big. Well, if it did, then yes, it would but most cases it doesn't. So therefore, you should usually just bet bearish or just think it's going to be bearish and then, in the event that you're wrong you've caught yourself like a anomaly right and then you can take advantage of it, but generally speaking, sort of situations like this. It's just always gon na pull back come down first, so anyways vtnr yesterday bearish today, i think you might.
I think we might see v10r retrace back down towards like 670s for right now, um, but again, like i said, i'm not crazy about this one. It still has price targets of 17 bucks, but for now for myself, i think i'm gon na stay slightly on the bear sign expect this to still come down a little bit lower um, but not going to go too crazy on it, because i don't, i don't Feel my analysis on that doesn't feel perfect. It doesn't feel so spot-on riot, not a bad one. Let's see um so for those of you that tune into the stream more frequently.

You will know that we mentioned riot as a long back when it was like right here. We're saying you should be more long bias riot targeting back to the first deviation, which is this yellow trend line which we have yet to actually make it to or actually yet to reach. And alongside of that was as long as bitcoin does not give out. The current bottom that it's trying to put in and it continues making higher lows and trying to go up, we would most likely see mara continue to do the same, so that is happening so, yes, i would probably just stay more on the long side of mara.

For right now, still looking to target back to the price of 31.62, now also be mindful in the event bitcoin, for whatever reason rolls over drops out, then you will most likely see negative selling pressure in on mara. And if you have been long this you could easily wipe out some of the gains you've made in this uptrend by a simple pullback in bitcoin. I do have a discord uh and i do have a premium chat, room service but uh believe it or not. I might actually be making um dramatic changes.

I don't know might just be going full time just working on youtube uh in the near future, and really the reason and part of the reason is because i enjoy, i really do enjoy being on youtube more than i enjoy right. I know it's gon na sound, crazy. I enjoy being on youtube more than i enjoy running a private um stream that people pay for believe it or not um. So i've even debated uh in the future, just dude, oh my gosh, my nose is aging so bad.

My allergies are going nuts um, but i do enjoy streaming on youtube more than i actually like running a private room, and i've been doing it for so many years that to me it's almost like it feels weird to not do it, but i don't know, there's Something about youtube, i really enjoy doing youtube and being on here more so than running a private room, and maybe it's just maybe it's just times are changing. I don't know, i don't know what it is. Maybe it's just me getting older and maturing more. I don't know i couldn't tell you so um, i don't know.
I've said that for some time now, but you know we'll just leave it at that. I don't want to make any promises that i can't keep so. But there are some things in my mind that are changing a little bit so might be doing things differently in the future. Could you zoom out zoom out your screen to be able to see the metrics in the top uh? I don't yeah, i don't.

I don't really know what you mean exactly by that. I don't know what i'll be showing you. Oh sorry was that riot. Oh that's riot, but it's the same thing for mar a2.

So it's all good. So look it's same thing for mari. Basically, the same you'd be going for the one deviation move, but riot looks slightly better than mara um uh scyx scy x. Let's take a look and then probably gon na have to run after that uh, so scyx uh yeah.

This is uh. This is low volume. This is probably not gon na, be anything you're, probably going to want to trade. With i mean you'd have to get you'd have to get lucky.

I mean this is just there's low volume. It's just it it's more of like a swing trader. It's it's grindy! It's not a day trading sort of stock, but yeah. I don't.

I really wouldn't i'm just looking at this and i just want nothing to do with it. But that's me and a lot of times i'm like that, so i i can be pessimistic at times. You know, even though i'd like to say i'm all cheerful and optimistic a lot of times. I can be very pessimistic on things more so than i should um.

So do do remember that about me. I can be slightly more pessimistic, but that's also because i'm just kind of stuck in my ways with some things, but with scyx it's more of a swing stock than it would be a day trading stock. But for now i almost feel like it's going to be bearish trading on there um, okay, sorry, real quick before i go. We have to run through the spy and we have to run through the god.

You know. Sometimes i just i just hate myself but anyways. Yesterday, yesterday i mentioned to be bullish: the market. Well, the market was bearish, we had a bearish day, but the the concept, i'm saying is not, i didn't really well.

I don't really know i mean i really. What i've been saying is to be long, biased to market overall to just generally be long bias. Overall. Yesterday we pulled back.

I didn't really account for a pullback that big, so i didn't give the dip by support level yesterday, i'm just like yeah just be long, biased the market. I was really quick on the analysis. I just said stay long. The market, don't don't really worry too much and it had a pretty shitty pullback um, so the pullback support wasn't really identified on the spy, but it came from the nasdaq where you can see here this.

You see this dotted trend line coming into play. That came into play yesterday down around like 330 170 and that's where the market ended up dip buying. So yesterday we ended up buying some nasdaq long here and then ended up buying more down here and holding for a bounce. I ended up selling it pre-market today for a gain, but essentially the dip by support on the day was down at 330 176.
We bought some here bought some here and held for this bounce closed out this morning. Pre-Market um, but i just didn't account for this. Gigantic sell-off that was going to meet the support so nonetheless, still long bias. The market didn't expect.

We were gon na get that um. The only way i would start being concerned about the market, or maybe shifting my ideas to bearish would be if we start to come down below the prices of 329 right now. So if we start to get below um sorry, one second yeah. If we start to get below this zone - or maybe let me zoom out - i'm gon na do like a 10-day yeah.

If we start to come down below that zone here of like 329 328, that's more or less where i would start being concerned, okay, so with that being said, everybody thank you once again for tuning in. If you could do me a big favor before you head out the door, give the stream a thumbs up, it really does dramatically help youtube eats that stuff up like you know, crack so just lick it give it a little tickle and i'll see you guys tomorrow Morning for.

By Stock Chat

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9 thoughts on “Amc, gme, bctx | stonks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goddson frank says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert 1 says:

    bctx will explode upward trend

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturo says:

    What time do you usually start treating in the morning bro?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Avina says:

    Thx for your thinking and especially on 5/27 when I went AMC long at $18.72
    I am signing up (with the discount) today for your day trading course…. seeing as
    of today's price… you do know what you are doing…. and I want to learn more.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdelaziz Touil says:

    Thank for your transparency

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Dennis says:

    Good video Big up

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harris Mohammad says:

    Thanks for your analysis.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Henley says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Lie says:


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