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What's going on, ladies and gentlemen, everybody welcome back to another midday market review and breakdown. Whatever you want to call it, don't really know what to call it, but thanks again for tuning in obviously we're gon na be going back over amc, gamestop, all the plays for the day, all the things that moved all the wonders in the world and uh answer. Your questions along the way, what's going on caleb nice to have you on welcome back um, so really today was not all that impressive of a trading day. Uh amc and gamestop sold off today perfectly on our recommended resistance for the day.

So if you tuned in this morning, pre-market around 8 30-ish, we gave you the exact resistance levels for the market on amc and gamestop, and both of those stocks ended up having or selling off they weren't able to get through resistance to a breakout, which is what The bulls need so so far bears still kind of in control of amc and gamestop. For the time being, so we will definitely take a look at that here in just a second you've done well with ncty. I know we traded ncty the other day but um. I didn't think yeah, so we traded ncty two days ago, then i think oh no! It was yesterday that was just yesterday.

We traded that one well good. I'm happy you're doing well with that um. You only did i see that move uh, not that i know of. Let me just double check, oh okay! So no that's! Actually! This is the first time i've looked at u-o-n-e today, gotcha so yeah another.

So this is actually a really good learning example. Okay, so, and then we're actually going to talk about this stock here, uh swinglong that one uh uone. This is a great example all right, so something i always talk about is looking at the long term charts and determining when stocks are overbought, oversold, etc, and so on. So, what's interesting about this uon e move is that it is overbought and it was overbought, but it still continued higher right.

Most of the time you guys will see me talk whenever the stock is over, the blue line. It's going to crash it's going to come down so on and so forth. Well, in this instance, we went over the blue line and we continued going higher. So let me explain and clarify what i mean so the number one thing i always tell you about is like when you're looking at the daily chart or you're, looking at the 180 day four hour chart when you get to the blue line, you're going to want To bet bearish be bearish or look for pullback, so you can see in this instance.

We hit this blue line and we pull back, but it still ends up going higher right. So we look at the four hour chart as well and you'll notice, of course, that the stock was over the blue line. Of course we went up. We went over the blue line, but you know it kept going higher, but what you notice is before the market moved higher on uon e right here.

Before we did this move, we did do a pullback okay and if you look at where the market brought the pullback down to it's no surprise so the market goes over. The four hour chart you can see when it first got here pulls back. Then it breaks over then. Theoretically, since you're over the blue line, you should be bearish and the market should sell down more time more often times than not.
Occasionally it will keep going above, the blue, but not as often so. You have to be able to determine when it's going to be that time that it actually does continue up, and when it's going to be that time, where the correction continues and it keeps selling off well, what you should always be looking for is that whenever the Market goes over the blue line, and it gets overbought generally speaking when it starts to sell off, starts to roll over and starts to pull back, it's normally going to target back down to the earliest, or next closest three deviation mark like in this instance. It pulled all the way back down pretty much to it and then held that's what happens if the market's going to continue squeezing it will generally pull back to the 180 day, plus three deviation and or the daily chart one but more commonly the four hour. And it's going to hold on that blue line and if it can't break, then it squeezes if it does break that's where you get this candle all right and so, for example, here's another way of looking at it all right for the average retail market investor average Investor doing some sort of technical analysis in the market, they're generally going to say that within this sort of top area, let me do this differently.

They would normally say within this. Let me zoom in way they would probably be looking at the market is something like this. They would suggest that the market has put in a bottom here or just in general. This is support right.

They would look at the bottom of this candle and say this is support. So if the market can hold bottom here, then yeah, maybe we can go higher so on so forth, all right and then the retail market would also say, since we held a little bounce here or if we hold a little bounce here when we break down below This support, then the market will sell off, which is also true, but it's really this blue line that needs to break for the market to sell off. So the way the retail market would look at. This is say this little previous drop in this red candle that equal support below that support will break when in reality, it's really this blue line that would have to break.

So, even if you took out this candles wick, you still haven't broken support. You've only broken previous price action levels and support is still really down here at 1480., all right so again, whenever the stock's over the blue line is generally overbought, but if it does pull back and it does not break below the blue line on the way down. On that retracement pullback, that's when it becomes susceptible to another short squeeze off the top okay um. No, i don't really see orph going up.
I mean unless something like lucky happens, sure um, but we didn't. I didn't even try to trade orph today it did have a good move. You know start the day. Had a nice long move up, but uh i pretty much left orph alone.

Today there were no shares of short on it. The only thing that we tried to do with orph was a long move from yesterday when the stock was trading up. Here we predicted the crash should be down here and we decided to buy long into this bounce looking for a retracement up, which never happened. So pretty much the only thing i've done with this is predicted to crash down to here bought long on that green candle closed out on this red candle um and that's it and then today i decided to leave it alone, because i didn't think that obviously it Was gon na amount to anything too crazy other than a quick pop, quick drop and then just kind of consolidation, so uh orph is probably not gon na give you much more long bias movement most likely done uh for now, unless something really really lucky happens.

Okay, so you made money on the clove move up very, very nice. What's your thought on gamestop releasing crypto dividend uh i didn't even know that was a thing um. I am not honestly sure where that news is, but i don't really yeah. I don't don't.

Even have no idea hold on i'm looking at something here. Did that just come out? Okay, look at all right amc! So now we're starting to see bullish trading back on amc um! Yesterday i had recommended gamestop as a long biased trade area, starting at pretty much prices of like 229. We dipped below that yesterday and then obviously today as well, but we're starting to come back so there's probably a divergence that took place as well all right. So if we look at this time frame, maybe not that one, it would probably have to be like a five day.

One day, five minute, kinda yeah, i mean, of course, figures um yeah. So this morning what we had recommended was gamestop has to get up and above these red lines and staying above to be bullish. The market moved back to its level and the market rejected it, because it's still resistance. So we currently know that the bearish traders or the bearish market have a control point right here at 35 to 2 30..

So pretty much. We right now know that the bearish control point of the market on gamestop is 230 to 235 and if you wish to see big bouncing long bias, movement from the stock gamestop you're gon na have to get back up and through the 230 to 235 price zone. If you don't you're, not going to really see big ripping moves, you'll probably just see what you're seeing right now, which are counter bounce longs back towards resistance, but unless you get through you're, never going to get your rip move like that. So right now the objective for the apes, the objectives for you guys, the objectives for the 45 000 people on matcor's youtube channel and the other 20 30 000 people on tradetrades youtube channel is your objective.
Right now is to get the price over 230 to 235.. If you can't do that on gamestop, you're gon na see the bears continue to have the price uh control, so you guys are really in the defense mode, the buying mode, and when i say that it's not that you're in the buying mode. It's that you have to be in the buying mode to get the price back up over 230 to 235. So unless somehow so again, there needs to be buyers here.

If there's enough buyers to get over 230 235. That's a thumbs up all right! That's where you're going to take back control of that market and the reason i say that is because everything that we've done on gamestop over the past couple days realistically is completely normal trading and there's nothing there's nothing odd about it. So pretty much our recommendation was to start being long, biased game stop again at this red line, all the way down to that white line. So, ideally, our long bias zone for game stop was from here to here, meaning as the price reverted from high, so high buying prices back down to low average dip buying prices.

This is where you want to start being long biased. So i myself am long, biased game stop now or more bullish to stock, because i do believe it makes more sense to be long, biased as we've dipped into these prices. Then it makes sense to be short, biased if you're to start taking on sort of a short position in this low you'd be more likely to lose on your short position over the next couple days as the stock tries to bounce back up. That's most likely what's happening as there's a market here, trying to buy this up and shift back through to 3235 to cause sort of a pop in that direction.

So again the risk is sort of skewed to be short bias here, because it's a dip into support. This white line and these lines here were support, so this should be a buying zone right now on am or on gamestop. Excuse me sorry, john donnelly, absolutely my man yeah, that's because i've generally been doing this every single day for a lot of years, um. So yeah i mean that's just it right.

So we don't. You know that's the thing is there are a lot of other people in the market that can do things that i can't, but you know, if we're looking at the markets from a day-to-day weekly basis. Generally, you know we're we're always going to have the level in the markets that they should follow, or that have to break to do something that you wanted to do um. You know i used to have you know.

You know back in the day when i first started this and that you know i was good, but you know you were still left with like well. Why did it do that and like? Why didn't it go this far, and why did it go this far and then over the years you kind of develop it, and now it's like you really get an understanding for how far things could go where things should stop and so on so forth. So you kind of throw the guessing game a little bit out the doors you're still guessing on things, but it's it's far far out the door as it used to be no problem, no problem all right. So let's talk about amc now, so the recommendation for amc, which the price level probably has changed about now, was the market had to get back up and over 45 61 to start seeing really long bias movement.
Look at what's happened now that the market has crossed 45.50, so that was the recommendation is that when the market gets back up and over and sustains over this price point, the bulls have started to take back control of the move dipped by um. Secondly, this was our recommended dip by location the other day we said when the market sells down to here. That's where you want to be long and your target would be back up pretty much to this level and then to take back control. You need to get up and through this level and holding above all right so you'll see that this morning on amc, we pretty much start by spiking up into the desired price target level that the bulls need to get over for to take back control.

You will then see that the market rejects and slams down we bounce back up almost to it. We roll away from it. We grind back up to it. We break look at where the volume spike comes in you'll, see all the volume is coming in there as we shift over that line.

What is the significance regarding the 45 60 cent level, all right when we look at the daily chart, uh wrong, never mind when we look at uh, oh by the way, let me just say that the move on amc is probably about done, as it was most Likely targeting up to 47.46, it might still go up to 47.46. We haven't quite gotten there um. Let me just double check something else: okay, um all right, so things have changed since since the morning. So this morning the mark was 45 53.

So, at the time this morning the significant level was 45 53. So we have taken back that level, so that's good, but the level that was there this morning has changed because of the trading function on amc today. So now, realistically, the level that you need to be over and taking control of on amc is actually 46 17, so i didn't know that until just now, so the level you need to take back control on amc is now currently 46 19.. So unless you can get up and over that level and holding and sustaining above theoretically, the bears will continue to try to knock this move down.

If, in the event you come back up and squeeze a little bit more, you probably shouldn't be targeting anything more than this level for right now, as you would most likely jump up to here and sell back down so for now, you should only really be optimistically Bullish on amc intraday over the next 20 minutes, or so maybe back up to 47.25, but just note that, theoretically, this is the resistance point on the day right now. That's why you're seeing the selling pressure and i'll show you what sort of selling pressure you're, seeing if we zoom in here on the volume of the chart here, you will notice that as soon as we got to this kind of red level zone, look at what Happened, we saw selling pressure. Not only did we see selling pressure at that level, but look at what happened to the volume as we got closer to the red level. You will see that, obviously, when we are down here and the stock is kind of breaking up, we have strong buying volume, but then, as the stock actually goes higher higher higher higher towards that red line, you will see that the volume on the selling side starts To stair step up and then eventually goes into a full selling candle right here so again, uh there are sellers located here and the main objective is currently to get the price up and over this line or right here, 46.69 in sustaining over that price, and if That works, i think you can see the price of 47.55, but wouldn't really be trying to get much further than 47.55 for right now.
Good morning, son nate native gamer good morning, my friend gamestop, coming out with a token so i'll have to read into it but um. Realistically, if you think about it all right, like sure i mean yeah, i'm sure there could be something cool regarding that. But gamestop is a company who sells a product and a service to generate revenue, earnings and profit. Okay, so theoretically, gamestop creating a currency doesn't actually make them any money so until they could somehow find a way to monetize that idea, it's actually an expense rather than revenue or profit.

Now, i'm assuming that the people behind this movement of creating a token for gamestop are smart enough to come up with or smart enough to know that they need to make money off it for it to even be of any point really if it's meant to help. Save their company again, if gamestop is making a cryptocurrency to help save the company, then it needs to generate money, and so, however, they find a way to do that. I don't know, but they're gon na have to otherwise it's just an expense that will then currently eat away at their existing profit and earnings, which would obviously be bad for the stock. But again they probably know that they'll probably figure that one out.

So, let's look at amc here. All right i am going to i will bet i will bet five dollars. I will bet five dollars to the you to anybody on here. Right now.

I'm gon na bet you five dollars that this has a resistance right there at that red line, pretty much guaranteeing a red candle right about that zone. I wonder if this is still hard to borrow um so uh, since we first started looking at amc, the recommendation was a pullback would be a route here, and then you have the opportunity to bounce the market in this pullback up to about this red line and Then you really shouldn't try for anything too much more than that for now. Also, the stock mdla is all over the scanner, not sure why i haven't looked at it, but it is all over the scanner guys just an fyi um generally you'd be bearish neo, so uh delta promaster. Our recommendation was to be long neo a couple weeks ago with the price target of 45.
I don't know where it's at right now, if it's at 45 below 45, but we were about 50 cents off that target um and that's because we were targeting back to what you just asked in your comment, which was the statistical average. So you were targeting neo back to 45, the statistical average, and it just got there pretty close. So generally, you would be more bearish here, slightly more um like neutral, not optimistically, bullish, um and that's kind of how you would look at that, and so here we have amc going red again. You know whether this leads to another, oh also.

Secondly, the there's a high degree that this pullback in amc goes down to this price, because again, we kind of have a little price zone here of like this being the current resistance area and this being the previous resistance that just broke. So now, this little area should try to act as a small support, while this up here is still the resistance, um buddy bull, the volume that shows the difference between buying and selling with the relative volume spikes as well to show you when there's been significant, buying And the red ones to show you when there's been significant selling is going to be in the link is linked in the description of this video and it's available only from our website. So you can check that out. If you want to get it all right.

So again, amc popping up. There should probably see a pullback here unless it's just super duper strong which can happen uh. What was that? Looking for mdl a there's, the red candle, starting on amc perfectly on that red line? Again, it's not a coincidence. It's not by mistake, buyers are buying it up so far, so that's good yeah.

This mdla stock um yeah mdla, is just like going straight upwards, which is good all right. So market is good here on amc, that's strong enough to get through those halfway mark. So that's very promising all right, so uh, that's what you mentioned today is that you needed to get up and through this price area, to see kind of a long move um so so far amc is pretty much doing what we needed it to do. So this is good now this is where you could suggest that the market on amc is trying to i mean i don't i didn't think it was going to do it that much, but you never know so.

This is where you'd pretty much make the suggestion that if this is a true bounce move and the market here on, amc is actually strong, then we're probably going to see amc, reverting back to prices of 52 to yeah, basically 51.30, so 52 to 5130 would now Currently be the upside price target um, you know for this move. Really anybody buying amc here kind of for the break of the half deviation should it should be looking for a move up to about 51.53. Wait 52 to 51. 30, i think, is what i said earlier now, i'm not because i do expect that amc is probably going to start pulling back here a little bit so so yeah, i'm assuming we have a pullback coming here pretty soon on amc i mean it does seem likely That it could happen here unless, like i said, markets really strong, then they should try to force.
You know that move higher. Of course, let's go peek at gamestop, too yeah market right now on amc is still uh, still very, very strong there. So yeah i'm expecting you're probably going to see that jump up to maybe the 4937s price for now. So nonetheless, you should you're getting into kind of slightly overbought areas now uh with that amc move well so far, yeah it's kind of getting that pullback.

So i imagine this sort of bearish move that you're seeing on amc would probably downswing to about 47.36. At this point so yeah there's your bearish move down on amc back to 47 ish area, um yeah. There's, like i said, there's here's your pullback um again! It's this is just kind of a funky setup because yeah it doesn't matter but anyways. These are just kind of half deviation levels, so very interesting.

Move there pretty good, but again that's what the bulls need to do. They got to get up and through these prices and the reason i'm saying that is because, right now the market on amc is at the halfway point. So it's at a shift point. So what i mean by that is the market.

Amc gamestop, sp s, p: 500. The dow jones, the nasdaq russell 2000 gold silver volatility index, penny stocks, etfs everything that you could imagine buying and selling in the market likes to follow standard deviation and whenever they make a big move. A breakout move something like this. Something like that they like to go for.

What's called a one, deviation move and the shift point usually exists. You know a lot of times at the halfway point. So all i'm saying is that we're currently at the halfway mark right now on uh amc. So from this purple line to this blue line, we're at the halfway point.

So if you were a short seller that started selling short in this move, right, you'd start getting nervous if the market was getting back over the halfway point and if you're a bullish, trader, um yeah excuse me uh. If you're a bullish, trader right and say them say the move bounces up to like here and you start buying long, then you're going to get nervous as it starts to come back down below this price. So right now we're at the midway point in order for the market to continue going higher on amc, you have to sustain over 47.37. Otherwise the bears will keep pushing this down and moving the trend.

Uh lower uh on you, essentially okay, uh yeah. So for the 300 of you guys tune in, if you could do me, a favor just all hit the like button really quickly. It does dramatically help the youtube stream and my channel, like literally you just give it a little click. It's like crack cocaine for the youtube algorithm.
So if you could do that that helps me, it helps youtube. Pretty much promote the video, so people that would never otherwise know that our channel exists will help get notified of the video. Ideally, the way youtube works is enough of your current subscribers have to like the video, and then the algorithm will see that that is deserving enough to put it to the attention of new people um, so otherwise a lot of times. You know newer traders will never see you know my stream or these videos or what have you and they'll just they'll just never know where these price points are going to be at so it dramatically helps.

I appreciate you guys: um orph orph is going to dot out. There's nothing to do there, probably going to be flat. Do nothing unless you're really really lucky. That's that's! Really.

All there is with orph right now, uh mdla short, so uh. I thought about it. I thought about doing or being bearish on mdla, but it doesn't to me appear to be a stock. That's going to give its give in really easily um.

I don't really think you want to be all that short bias. This move, oh you hit the regression trend. There so yeah, you could be more bearish at this price, but i feel like it's just not going to be easy. So maybe i'm wrong, and maybe it does kind of flush out a little bit and come down, but based on this gap up and then the pullback to hold uh support and then the push higher into what's now resistance harsh, barely any selling very low volatility.

Now i just don't really see that as um as a fantastic shorting candidate right now, amc for the old polly magoo um theo bear you have not been promoted after buying elites. Did you follow the instructions within the email we sent you where we send you a access code that you're then supposed to copy and paste into the chat room so that you're upgraded? If you haven't done that, that would probably be the reason why and then, if you try to do that and it didn't work, then you would have to send that error message or that code to our support team and you're saying you have not received an email And i wonder if well that we did have sort of a bug issue, just a couple weeks back, which you might have been caught into um, so either way go to discord and then send your email directly to our support team on discord. Their username is brt support, so again lt gaming. It's obvious, you can short at a deviation level when it goes through.

So it's about watching seeing weakness around them, but, generally speaking, the weakness is going to start to occur around those levels. Um, like you can see here, you see how the red line is resistance. Look where this candle went right back to look at where the high of this red candle is it's right off of our resistance, which was mapped out. You know hours ago, granted we did break through here, so we broke through, which is just you know.
The market probably being optimistic and then the market's like wait, hold a second and now you can see we're back down below. So still some work to be done here. Uh for the bulls. You know they got to get back up and through this price point, if they do that, then we can see further movement to the upside.

Okay, then also you've done they haven't answered, but then again same thing. They also have a lot of requests, got a lot of emails. It's really just one person right, so we're just a small business. It's not like we're, google or facebook, or anything like that, so he will get to it.

Um. You know as soon as he can. Obviously, he works like five hours a day um and he his time zone's a little different. So that's also maybe part of the reason but anyways, so he will get to it 100 and also just maybe send him another message just to remind him as well yeah.

So i am on so yes, i am on volume. Six of our standard deviation system, which we still have some bugs with that we're fixing right now uh, but i'm currently on the sixth volume of our customer of our deviation system. So yeah sure we can definitely talk about aht here. So for me, today wasn't really a great day currently down 500 bucks on a day, just just trades.

Basically, back and forth couple trades worked a couple trades in a couple. Trades work a couple trades in a couple trades work, a couple trades didn't so it's just like just one of those days is like man. It really gives a um so aht that sold off big time yesterday, then it bounced, it's probably meant to continue being bearish right now, um yeah. So this was the stock.

Just yesterday that i think i said still looked decently strong, but you are into selling locations. Um, so for me right now, i think aht should probably go lower myself uh this all i think you're just i don't think you should be extremely long, biased at this price. Again, a good long entry was down here. Remember look at where the flag pattern was in the market, okay, so the cup and handle bullish, pennant inverse head and shoulders whatever you want to call it right.

Some people will say: they'll tell you to look for a cup and handle pattern. Others will tell you to look for a pennant pattern right then others will tell you uh, you know like look for head and shoulders patterns or just saying keep an eye out for all of them. Generally speaking, every bullish move that you see a lot of times is a pennant with a cup and handle and an inverse head and shoulder it's all the same right. A bullish move is a bullish move.

They might look slightly different, but many times you'll find a cup and handle an inverse head and shoulders pattern and a bullish pendant all in one i'll show you all right, so we'll zoom this up a little bit um one second, so watch this ready, move up Trends, you know higher lows: whatever you want to call up right, it's a pennant, it's a bull flag. Is it not okay, ready cup and handle ready, inverse head and shoulders breakout all the same many times not always, but but many times you will literally see a cup and handle inverse head and shoulders all within a pennant formation right, and so the good pennant and The good bull flag in the good inverse head and shoulders and the good cup and handle is the one that occurs below the 180 day or the daily chart regression trend. It's the break through the regression trend that leads to the big move. It's not the pennant.
It's not the cup and handle it's not the inverse head and shoulders that gives you a breakout. It's the successful cross through the 180 day four hour, regression level and or the daily chart regression level that leads to the breakout below that level. It's very common for a bullish, pennant, bull, flag, head and shoulder inverse head and shoulders or a bullish cup and handle to occur. It's because the market understands that when the price is valued below those regression levels, it's a value buy and if you're able to get it through the regression level, there's a good breakout.

Hence, why you see the good setup and the good formation and good pattern below that level, and that's normally why the patterns and those bull flags and things fail when the stock is really overbought sort of like um. You know i mean in this situation right when the market did this big move right and then it went like this and then pull back and then try to go. These were kind of overbought levels right. It was trying to u-shape.

This here is not an overbought level boom, all right, so uh, that's aht, i'm just basically. I would be neutral to bearish on that right now, damien padilla. Thank you very much. It doesn't look like any question had come with your three dollars so uh.

Thank you looks like amc is still currently consolidating below resistance has yet to be able been able to break up and over it. Hmm interesting well to keep that on. Watch all righty. Let's um we'll take a peek now at uh which, where to go where'd, it go.

Oh bb, yes, because bb was asked a little bit ago. Remember how i was just saying that mdl does not give the appearance of a stock. We want a short. If you go look at it now, it is currently broken above the previous high, and if you would have been short on that, you would have gotten squeezed all right, so bb bb is doing the exact same thing as amc.

The only difference is that bb is nowhere near as overbought as amc. Amc is overbought. Bb bb is overbought yes, but not as overbought as amc. So currently amc is big time.

Overbought well, not as much as it was a couple days ago, but anyways. So right now hold on i'm peeking at amc really quickly, yeah right now, uh bb is trying to hold. The half deviation, support here um. So it's really just a matter of whether or not amc goes up.
You only need to follow amc if amc goes up. You're gon na see bb go up. If, if, if amc drops, you will most likely see bb drop um yeah, this is a bb, is a matter of amc going up or not which right now amc is back over that 47.48 price. So now the bulls have slight control on this amc move and if they're lucky they'll be able to force um they'll be able to force another new high if we're lucky live from istanbul.

Well welcome. My friend welcome, so rcon was actually a stock we traded. Today. I took a loss of 456 on rcon because we tried to buy a bottom and then it just gave out, and then we never tried to do anything with it again, so not really sure why the price of rco went down so much at the time.

There wasn't really anything news related that suggested it's in sell-off, so much that i was able to understand. So we went to buy a bounce like right into here. We try to bounce here, which was one of our longer term levels. We thought could stop the market, so we bought, we were the first to buy it and the first to exit.

So we bought right into this red, didn't hold closed out the trade and then let it sink. We never tried to buy it. Long didn't even try to short it just left it alone and figured it would probably bleed out and never really give you an easy bounce to work with um. So rc01 is just one.

I don't know why it sold down, but realistically it sold off into a low risk long zone. So now rcon is actually like a decent swing long because it's all the way down here, you might sit on the trade for a while, but nowadays the risk is more favorable being long than it is to be bearish. But again i have no idea why this? Why this crapped out today, i was kind of scratching my head myself, mr delta promaster. Thank you very much.

I don't see a question with that. So um. Thanks for all the analysis. Well, there you go there there you have it.

Thank you, my man. I appreciate that um. Is that a bull flag on bngo? Could it be a bow flag on bngo? Let's take a gander um, i don't know if you're talking about, i don't know what time frame you're talking about the bull flag being on, but as of right now, uh, no, not not really like, maybe over the one minute chart, yes uh, but other than that There isn't really yeah. The one minute chart is a bull flag hundred percent.

That is a flat er. Let me repeat that that's a flag formation, yes, and you will notice. Where is the top of the flag formation, stopping it's stopping on the intraday regression trend? So it's not about the bull flag breaking over like this. You know how people would draw a bull flag and they'll say well hey once the price gets through this trend line, it's a breakout, that's true, but not entirely, because realistically, the breakout is over.
This trend line - let me zoom in so in this instance. The true breakout on bngo of this one-minute bull flag, would be this trend line. It would not be the trend line that you draw across on your own. That's a false! That's why you've probably drawn trend lines at times and said like once, the price breaks, the trend line, i'm gon na buy it and then you buy it.

It breaks up goes up a little bit and then it stops and rolls down that's because you're probably buying the bull flag as it breaks your trend line and just pushes back up into resistance which, otherwise, you don't even know exists because you don't run the same. Charting system, so yes, this is a flag formation, but it's coming off of a resistance. This would be a high risk flag to buy into, as opposed to this flag pattern you will see, was coming off of support and moving up to resistance. Does that make sense right if we zoom out a little bit this bull flag here right, so we sold off on the day sold off in the day the market double bottoms, good long move up consolidates over what support look at how the market came down.

Bounced bounced dipped below oversold bought resistance back over pull back support, pull back support, bull, flag, break trend, no resistance above until here right, whereas this one, you would be bull flag, break right on resi right into resistance, doesn't have a lot of room to run. Unless you get the break through the regression trend, which is a little harder to do, when you're trying to buy a pattern, bull, flag, break and there's no trending resistance above then you're more likely to break out, because the market will then use that trend line as Its expected target move right, so in this instance, your expected target move out of this bull flag when it was trading up at 768, was only a move to 769. you're trading, a bull flag for a one penny, profit that doesn't even make sense, whereas down here On this bull flag set up uh, oh yeah, and this uh, this bull flag set up - you were going from. You know an area of 762 to 769, so at least there was five cents.

You know change there. Okay, christian anthony one, four zero: five, seven, seven for your crypto trading investment shut, the up shut, your mouth shut, your mouth, okay, go to the store lovers lane and find yourself a nice long rubber, something and stick it in that mouth, kiddo, all righty um! So uh that covers that amc, mr c lafoy grant bye, bye, bye, ape ape ape moon gang moon gang my cousin's, an alien he's from outer space he's letting me know what's going down well, when we pop back to amc, amc has reached its desired price targets. Um, probably for the day so for right now i would imagine um that we're not going to see a whole lot more bullish trading from amc. I could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure this was kind of the expected long target for the day on amc and now we're going to see this trade back into this range and maybe just a little choppy.
Something like that. That's kind of what i'm thinking is going to happen here with good old am sizzle, so let's watch it for a sec, see what happens and then, of course i'll make sure i take a look at apple for you too, oh wow, would you look at that And then there is a strong possibility that this downswing move on amc would come back down to the price of like right here like this. Downswing could very easily come back down to about this price point because that's you know, theoretically a support level right now so uh anyways yeah. Let me let me just double check this time frame over here yeah.

So you can see if we zoom in amc is kind of holding below this dotted line in there. So if amc were to move back down to just above 46, it would just be retracing back down to um. You know the half deviation that it just broke. So that might be somewhat confusing for everyone, but you know in this downswing move.

You might predict that this swing can take you as low as uh 4620 for right now, it's at 47, so 46 20 yeah, it's definitely doable. So this is a situation where someone might draw like a trend line like this and they're like hey. If it follows this trend down and then it gets below like this support, then we're gon na see it snap down right. Realistically, it's it's more or less.

You know um for a down move to happen, it's more or less the market staying below 47.46 and respecting this intraday trend line here this red one right there, that's really what it's about? It's, not it's, really not about the market. On amc holding this trend line. This price action trend line: that's really not at all what it's about it's more or less about it. Staying below this red long term level, while also staying below this intraday trend and then moving back down towards the longer term, support which, if it moves to the longer term, support, then no it's going to break that trend line that you drew right.

So if, if you drew this trend line from like here to here or whatever, no it's going to break if it's actually going for the longer term resistance. So while you think it's the market kind of doing this and going below your trend line, that leads to the move down, it's more or less that the market was already trying to go to this price target. And if you visualized a trend line here, while the market was meant to go to here, then again, no, it would break and it might cause you to think it's your pattern or formation or drawing that leads to the move when, in reality, that's not even close To the case, so the first level down in this move of course, would probably be down to like this dotted white line intraday. So if this is a true bearish move, you know, i think, there's a portion of the market.

That's just first trying to get it down to like this dotted line, and since the market put a dip in at, like 46.70 there'd, be a good chance that the market tries to hold here around 4638 to start on amc as well. There were some decent dip fires on that candle there with amc. You have contracts expiring next friday at a hundred dollar strike. Should i sell if i see a rise, pretty sure if i don't lose money uh, one second um, so a hundred dollar strike on amc.
I mean that's pretty pretty far and they're expiring next week. I would not expect that's gon na happen myself, i mean, of course it can there. No one can. No one can break like i mean like, of course, the stock could go to a hundred bucks by next week, but also you only have a week for it to go to a hundred dollars.

And if you look at what it's done over the past week, it maybe only moved like 25, so it's like over the past week, we've only seen a move say like 25 bucks. Now you need to move over 50 dollars by next week. That might be kind of challenging to do not yeah, i mean like there's, no doubt in my mind, amc. Why did my camera shut off? That's so odd? There we go so looks like amc doing its best to get back over that 47.50 area.

Remember how i was just saying, though, it's more or less about it. Following that red trend line on the chart you can see where the top of the current wick on this candle with amc has gone to it's gone right to that trend. Okay, so it's! It's really this red intraday trend line that the market is trying to follow right now, so the bulls want to be up and through the bears want to keep down below. You see how we got this red candle after the market had gone up to that red trend line.

Um. That's that's kind of what i was just talking about. Yeah the bulls got ta get got ta get back up over here. The bears are gon na knock.

This move down and then you might yeah, i mean it's still a little soon to say, but again bears just held down the 47 45 pretty darn. Well so we'll see, if that's enough to again shift sort of the momentum in this consolidation down and start. You know, essentially the way it works is the market knows that all the people dip buying here and here are going to stop loss somewhere around here. It's just it's just a fact.

We already know where people's long by a stop loss is at it's below this level. So once you take out, you know pretty much right around here. You should see a panic candle, probably take you to about that red the red lines on my chart. So again through these lows, you should see the market panic to right about there.

It's! No! It's no ques! It's no secret! Where people stop losses are right. Now, uh my day again, like i said my day, was about 500 red got. I took a 320 loss on vxrt 163 on novn lost 456 on rcon lost 162 on scns lost 30 or 130 89 on g-e-n-e um 173 on gamestop won 570 on amc. Currently, in a swing short with gld, that's up 77 bucks and then took a loss of 300 on amc, so traded one.
Two, three, four, five, six seven wait one two three four hold on one: two: three: four: five: six: seven: eight nine tickers traded. Today i was right on four green on five, so realistically i picked more winning trades than red, but my red ones a day were bigger than my wins. Hence the loss all right, so this is where the bulls have uh started to get the market back up. You know kind of to put the um short sellers make them nervous.

So this is where you might see the market squeeze off a little more, but you see how the the candle went. Where went right back to kind of this red trend line, so we broke from here over the red line back to this red line. So right now the bulls are back in control on the amc market, currently so good job. So, look at that squeeze the squeeze on amc could very well go all the way up to uh 49.68 to as high as uh 51.37.

You might not be able to do it without having a pullback to start here at, like you know, 48.75, but again so far, the market there on amc is doing pretty well. The buying volume is insane right. Now we just got a relative volume spike to the upside, which suggests strong, buying volume right now, um. Theoretically, the market intraday on amc will not be extremely overbought uh until it hits 49.72 and then longer term targets also exist all the way up at 51.35.

For amc, so this is also a desired target for the long market. Right now come on baby. Keep it pumping, yes get it, oh yeah! So let me zoom in and show you exactly what has to happen right now on this market. Oh, you see how we got up to this dotted line here and the bottom of the candle stayed over that dotted line so that kind of suggests upwards in the immediate.

So right now the pullback support like on the one minute time frame, the pullback support is 48.69, so you can see how this candle is pulling back to that dotted line. You see that see how this candles up and it's pulling down to about that dotted line. That is the very minuscule price that has to hold for the bullish move to continue in the immediate, so you can see, we've come down to it, we're still holding above it still holding above it still holding above now, we're below you see how the selling pressure Kicked in below that level a little bit really. The objective is by the end of this candle that we're above that mark.

So we have 15 seconds of trading on this one minute session left 10 seconds of trading on this session left five seconds left and the market looks like it's going to close above and the market closed. Above now, that's good because we're opening green here all right so again still we have to stay above that level when the market starts to shift below here, that's where the selling pressure will come in all right looks like we might pull back a little more. Maybe did we get a divergence on that there was like a slight slight little itty bitty divergence. Wasn't there so anyways, that's kind of how that works all right.
So now you know that when the market can get back up so like in this pullback, if the markets can get back over that dotted line, that's where the momentum can shift back up. That's the shift point right there, all right, green candle, see where the top of that green candle went right back to that mark all right, we're still rejecting the half deviation price point. People are still selling yeah much, so this is very good. This is exactly everything that you want to see on the long bias movement.

If you are, you know an ape for the apes for the retail world. This is exactly everything that you want to see. You want to see the markets um. Let me redo it, so we can redo all of this all right with amc and then i'm going to get to reading a couple questions so ideally for amc to keep moving up.

You know by tomorrow for us to continue on the bull side tomorrow, going forward into tomorrow for amc to continue higher mark my words. The market will need to sustain the prices of hold on. This is a guarantee in order for amc to continue upwards tomorrow. The markets must sustain this zone.

Okay. The market needs to stay above that green box that i just put on the chart for the market to continue up tomorrow. All right or a better way of putting it is the bulls need to successfully say: hey bears we're not going back below that and then they'll force the hands up. Okay, send it to matt coors, send it to trade trades.

Oh wait! Yeah! Not tomorrow. Sorry, monday morning, monday morning, as you can see, it's really tomorrow, because the stock market's going to close anyway, so just next trading session, i should start saying that next training session, because then i don't even have to worry about what day. It is that's a better way of putting it um. You should be able to find lots of stock trading videos in the elites program under brandon's section um, but there also should be a lot of stuff on options as well saturday trading.

Let's get it please. Yes, i mean monday, not not tomorrow. I almost didn't click on your video because of your thumbnail. I know i really need to have someone like professionally me.

Make me youtube thumbnails because i'm trash at it and if i actually made like somewhat decent ones or just like more professional looking ones, i guarantee i get more viewership um 100 percent 100, but uh yeah. No, i don't so rcon. Can you please check rsun? I'm not going to go to rc1, because i've already traded rc1 today and i've already looked at rsu one today and already asked questions about rs2008 and all you need to know about rcon. Is it's probably not going to give you much of a bounce? At this point, um - and that's pretty much it - i mean it just tanked today - no reason not sure why it tanked it went below levels.
I thought it would go below we traded. It once took a loss, decided to leave it alone, but you're, probably not going to have a super significant bounce going forward for the rest of the day, given how much volatility it had to the downside. There is a reason that the stock sold down so much today. I don't know why it is, but there's a reason that it did, and that is why it will probably remain pretty low on the day.

Can i look at wish? Surely yeah, i know see when you title a video like how to make a thousand dollars per day everyone's, like oh, my god, click click, click, click and then you can show them a cat so again yeah. If i, if i, if i click baited every single title and every single thumbnail yeah, maybe i get more views. I should probably i really realistically like if i logged off today, right now and then i went and made a video how to make 100 a day in the stock market it would, it probably would get a million views. I should just do it as like a test to see if that's what it really takes, but then i would be lying because it's really hard to make a hundred dollars a day as a beginner in the stock market, so to make 100 a day for anyone.

Because sometimes shit's just going to go down, so it's just like how to make a hundred dollars a day as beginner have a ton of money make the right call. That's it that's uh that would literally be my video how to make a hundred dollars per day. In the stock market, as a beginner, one minute hey, what's going on guys welcome back to the channel. So this is you just getting started into the stock market? Well, i got ta say it's a long journey, but in order to make a hundred dollars a day, make sure you have a 25 000 trading account and that you buy a stock and it goes up and you will make money, buy low, sell high phil nicholson.

Thumb, peace out smash the like button and then i would get a bunch of thumbs down because that's how it would happen yeah, but yeah. I could make a video like that and like well. Here's where support is and here's, but realistically then that would be how to buy stock based on finding support and resistance. You know what i mean: it's like: how do you so better? How do you even make money in the stock market buy something and have it go up? How do you make money trading options buy options when some buy a call make sure your stock goes up.

You make money, so every question revolving around how you actually make money or how you do anything in the market really all comes down to one simple thing: figure out: when a stock is going to go up when it's going to go down. How far can go up and how far can go down? If you know that, then you'd make money on your option right? It's not! Oh, should i do a straddle this or yeah like? Maybe you want to do a straddle?.

By Stock Chat

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7 thoughts on “Amc & gme | where da bulls?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mathew Larm says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wt 319 says:

    thanks conner.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryson Newhouse says:

    @boilerroom are you holding AMC over the weekend?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roman Machacek says:

    Hi Connor, do you know which broker has st. Diviation channel at Europe, if you can ask people, you have a lot people watching videos maybe someone know somethink, thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cranku Tilt says:

    How high will ANVS go?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moe says:

    1 Standard Deviation and even 1/2 Standard Deviation on the Daily and 4 hour Chart is so far away from a Range Day like today on SPY and QQQ. What kind of Standard Deviation Setting could be used for possible Support and Resistance Areas for Day Trading and Scalping? Do you use 0.25 Standard Deviation?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Montalvo says:

    Ross Cameron lost 15k today so sad

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