Brokers like TD Ameritrade are trying to bribe AMC & GME Holders to sell?! or at least not transfer, because they've given out IOU's and were planning on purchasing AMC & GME shares at $1 to make tons of profit... but they're also close to also going bankrupt now.
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Clearly these brokers never bought the shares, otherwise they wouldn't be having such trouble completing DRS requests and wouldn't have to BRIBE GME & AMC Holders!
Evergrande's attempted sale of their $1.7bn headquarters has also just flopped, clearly no one wants anything to do with them.
The PBoC has also set new liquidity and leverage requirements for 18 different banks, I wonder how many will fail to meet the new requirements.
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Welcome back to the channel everyone today, i want to talk about brokers, bribing amc and gamestop apes into not dressing their shares and even offering up to 1 500. Not to do so so stay tuned and let's make some money, and now i want to dive straight in with the key information so holy crap. Someone on our slash super stunk posted about how td ameritrade offered them 1 500 to keep their gamestop shares in their account, instead of transferring or drsing them into fidelity or to computer share. So here you can see somebody recently purchasing some gamestop shares back on the 28th of september and also recently receiving a rebate of 1 500 on the 7th of october.

Now i don't know about you, but 1 500 for a rebate sounds like an awful lot just for referring a friend or opening a free share, for example. Typically, if you refer someone, you might get say a few hundred dollars in free shares or you might get a fixed amount of say fifty to a hundred dollars per referral now you could also argue this could potentially be a rebate for lending out their gamestop shares. Although considering the interest rate to borrow gamestop shares is somewhere between zero and two percent, you'd have to have an awful lot of shares being lent out to earn a thousand five hundred dollars in rebate fees. For example, if gamestop has a one percent borrow fee, and this is a one month rebate, then they'd have to be lending out 1.8 million dollars worth of gamestop shares to earn a thousand five hundred dollars in a singular month.

There's also what looks like an email chain or an exchange of conversation here as well important information about your cash offer. I appreciate the time you took to speak to me about your account per our conversation. I've included the details of the td ameritrade cash offer that you have agreed to participate in again. I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me and i look forward to working with you in the future.

I would be more than happy to help you with any questions. Now it looks like this gamestop ape took his 1500 rebate and used it to buy nine more shares of gamestop. Now i also wanted to talk about this excellent speech. The sec is taking a hard look at dark markets, except for the darkest of them all dark pools on tuesday sec, commissioner allison heron lee delivered an exceptionally well researched speech on the rising dangers to the broader u.s economy, from the burgeoning dark private markets for non-publicly Traded stocks, she makes many important points.

However, there is a far larger and far more dangerous dark market. The dark pools owned by the serially charged mega banks on wall street that are trading on a daily basis in darkness, the publicly traded stocks that reside in public pension funds and the mutual funds that make up the bulk of retirement funds of tens of millions of Americans, according to an april 2021 report from mckinsey and company global private equity, aum reached 4.5 trillion dollars in the first half of 2020. That's the dark market, the sec. Commissioner.
Lee is worried about the non-publicly traded dark market. The publicly traded market in the u.s stood at 54.768 trillion dollars as of june 30th. According to data from the federal reserve, that's 12 times the size of the global private equity market, which one do you think represents a greater threat to financial stability in the us. The sec has admitted to being understaffed and underfunded shouldn't it focus its limited resources on the biggest or bigger threats.

It's not that the sec hasn't been put on notice for a long time. Now that what's going on in wall street's dark pools is nefarious and highly likely illegal. It then goes on to talk about high frequency trading firms, and it says that all of that turnover was having a real world impact on stocks. At the end of world war ii, the average holding period for a stock for institutions was four years by 2000.

It was only eight months by 2008, two months and by 2011 it was 22 seconds. One founder of a prominent high frequency trading firm once claimed his firm's average holding period was a mere 11 seconds. Dark pools are even darker today than they were in 2012, but one thing we know for certain from the stale aggregated data that's released by finra is that mega wall street banks, like goldman sachs citigroup bank of america, merrill lynch and jp morgan chase, are trading their Own publicly traded bank stocks in their own dark pools in thousands of transactions each and every week. Are these banks using depositors money to buy back their stocks in their own dark pools? Nobody knows: are they manipulating their share prices by trading in a cartel in these dark pools? Nobody knows why aren't these banks allowing these trades to be exposed to the disinfecting sunlight of a regular stock exchange? Nobody knows now.

Currently, most people don't have a lot of confidence in the stock market. It seems like all of these big institutions and market makers get all of these exemptions. There's a lack of reporting and it basically seems like all of the normal laws and regulations that apply to us don't apply to them. But when investing in cryptocurrency like bitcoin ethereum and many others, it's much more of an even playing field.

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If you wanted to buy a new car or pay some regular bills, for example, so be sure to sign up to block file using my link down below in the description to get up to 250 dollars of free bitcoin. Just for signing up and making your first deposit - and i also wanted to touch on some ortex data for the amc - shorts amc just passed 41, bringing short sellers losses of 375 million dollars since the beginning of the week. This is good news that the shorts are once again increasing their losses and digging an even deeper hole, as it seems, amc has had its inflection point and is now back in that bullish uptrend, and i also wanted to touch on another tweet from the sec today. We announced the wards of approximately 40 million dollars to two whistleblowers, whose information and assistance contributed to the success of an sec enforcement action.

Over the last few months, it seems like the sec has been giving away, tons and tons of whistleblower awards. Clearly, they are taking something seriously in terms of market regulation. However, going forward i'd like to see some massive massive awards to people exposing proper market manipulation in stocks like amc and gamestop. Also evergrande is billion dollars.

Yes, 1.7 billion us dollar hong kong headquarters, sale flops as the buyer withdraws. Evergrande has been trying to sell their offices out in hong kong to raise some money because they obviously don't have any cash to meet their bond repayments. They were trying to sell their office, but their sale just flopped another chinese property company, just pulled out of a proposed 1.7 billion dollar deal to buy evergrande's headquarters. Building over worries about the developers dire financial situation.

The collapse of the talks for the landmark building sale is another setback for cash-strapped evergrande, which has been scrambling to divest some assets to repay creditors, knocking on its doors with more than 300 billion dollars in liabilities. It's already missed three rounds of interest payments on its international bonds, although that chinese property company, just faltered after the board, opposed the move over worries that evergrande's unresolved indebtedness would create potential complications in completing the transaction smoothly. Although funny enough, evergrande financed the purchase of those offices with more bonds that are issued to get enough cash to buy the offices, the price paid was around 1.6 billion us dollars in 2015 or 12.5 billion hong kong dollars, and they used around 10 billion hong kong Dollars in bonds to finance that transaction, it seems like evergrande, is struggling to sell pretty much anything that it still owns. I guess customers are just a bit weary of buying anything from evergrande in case in the future.

They lose it or have to give it back. On top of this, it now seems like chinese financial institutions are also in trouble. China's central bank pboc issues, rules on systematically important banks and lists 19 systematically important banks, including six state-owned, commercial banks, nine joint stock, commercial banks and four city commercial banks as well. Pvoc, says that systematically important banks should meet additional capital requirements and additional leverage ratio requirements.
As well, this sounds very, very similar to the requirements that the chinese government implemented against chinese property firms. We now know that those property firms can't meet basically any of these requirements and that's why they can't borrow any more cash and that's why they're going to default on their existing loans. Now the worrying thing is that i think many of these banks also won't meet these leverage ratio requirements and will eventually default on their debts as well. And finally, the bank of england warns loan defaults are expected to rise.

The bank of england has warned on rising defaults on household and business loans, with expectations of an increase by the end of november. Therefore, clearly, the bank of england expect the market to crash by the end of november, and that crash is going to impact consumers and businesses as well and they're going to struggle to repay their loans in its latest credit condition. Survey for the third quarter of this year, it said that net percentage balance for changes in default rates decreased over the period. The poll of lenders also found that more households are forecast to have defaulted on mortgages and other loans, including credit cards in the next few months.

The prospect of higher interest rates, the end of the furlough scheme, which is like unemployment benefits, a cut to universal credit and rising inflation, could contribute to a potential increase in default rates. Among consumers. There is a potential red flag in the fact that demand for unsecured lending in the form of credit cards and loans increased in the third quarter, and that lenders expect it to increase further in the next quarter as well. On the one hand, it could be a sign of confidence and, on the other hand, it could be a sign of finances being stretched and people increasingly relying on loans and plastic to stay afloat.

Guys be sure to. Let me know down in the comments below what you think about brokers like td ameritrade, basically bribing their customers not to transfer or drs their shares, and as always guys, if you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out some of my others. Alternatively, subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted when i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

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34 thoughts on “Amc & gme apes bribed to sell?! πŸ”₯ – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tewthpaste says:

    they pay me to sell so i sell and take their money plus the money i get from the stock then i back in and buy it again with their money and my money for more shares. its a win win for me.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David DeFea says:

    C'Mon Man, What difference does it make? We all know its rigged…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars toledojeeper says:

    Lol…pure bs …the apes are grasping at straws .

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    I have about 5% of my portfolio in uranium stock any advice on any other stock that I can grow my $300k capital to a million dollars?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    SEC under funded….Yet GG is worth hundreds of millions of dollars on personal wealth alone! We know the game is rigged in favor of the hedge funds; they avoid the real dark pool problem as you can see!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roc E says:

    You killed me with that block fi ad. Man you hit me with a curveball right in the middle of the video. I normally don't comment but, damn that was a good one. 🀣

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carpenter Stanley says:

    Despite the Economic crisis, I’m so happy ☺️ my life has changed totally, I’ve been earning $18,000 returns from my $6,000 Investment every 13 days….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CroccoMike says:

    I just transferred from TD to fidelity two weeks ago. Only 200+ shares but they didn’t bribe or question me. Took about 3 days to complete and cost nothing as it was a partial transfer of my account. Just AMC and BBIG.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaga Quevo says:

    I wonder what they are up to…..people should be more cautious with their shares. if this is true and they paying that just to keep your shares there—what in god's name will be the MOASS prices.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boo Marlee says:

    I think fidelity is trying to bribe me , my balance history has doubled in my account, whats in my actual account and the most I've seen it go to is 20k for some reason my balance history is double that, even when I'm below 20k my balance history is saying I'm way above it??? Thought that was weird

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GMAG84 says:

    lol I just realized the SEC hands out millions of dollars to whistleblowers but fines these billion dollar banks and hedge funds only in the hundred-of-thousands of dollars. Unbelievable.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJohnnyLondon says:

    It's time to do a share count. Now is the time.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoulSeeker 311 says:

    You know what's funny. The banks and most all investors will tell you buy Realestate. Because it is an asset that appreciates in value.

    What they don't tell you is it only gains value if the bank keeps making money. If the bank goes under then the value of your house crashes as well

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoulSeeker 311 says:

    Really think the sec cares? They don't. Again reference the big short and the chick they talk to about all the banks being in trouble. And the over valuation of the AAA rating?

    They basically don't care until it really effects the majority of the masses. Then it is just a pay me and pay a fine and we will forget about it.

    The sec only insures a fair trade exchange for the wealthy and government. And only fine them. If your not an institution you will be put in prison

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoulSeeker 311 says:

    Your math is alittle wrong all he would need is 150k 1% of 150k is 1500 10% would be 15k and 1% of a million is 10k

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoulSeeker 311 says:

    I belive if your actually waiting on just the short squeeze you shouldn't DRS your shares. No I'm not going to pay you to not do it I don't care it is just a risk that you ha e to consider when it comes time to sell and the ease of being able to sell during the time of the short squeeze.

    You may try and sell during the peak but because you DRS you have to now go through a longer process that ultimately could cause you to miss the peak and catch it only in the dip or crash.

    Question is are you willing to loose all your profit waiting in the phone with your broker. ( Not financial advice just understand that risk involved with DRS)

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Griffon says:

    That's clear sign that DRS is the way to go. Brokers are desperate that they can't find real shares anymore.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 지완 μ„œ says:

    Gary Gensler must be Citadel's loyal servant. This is reality and this shows the reality of the United States. Stopping Dark Grass for just two days does not change illegal stock price manipulation and creating unlimited synthetic stocks. If he was the right human being and if he decided to crack down on their illegality as the head of an organization that enforced illegality, the two-day suspension would only be a prank on a child. I think it's a decision to give you time to use the weekend. Even though it is already a serious situation, they do not admit it and hope to make the situation worse and be excused. This is an unacceptable behavior around the world wide. A nation that forgets its past has no future. They seem to have forgotten history. He has already forgotten the history of illegal activities in the past and has many criminals arrested, and is acting shamelessly as if they were natural even after committing illegal activities as if they were their own world.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhillaFresh says:

    They are soo scared right now! Continue doing what you're doing, DRS BUY HODL

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tulley TaargΓΌs says:

    The person that got the rebate… What a LEGEND

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars biancacp says:

    Hey, I only have two shares I got through wealth simple – should I be registering them?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QuestVanture says:

    I have 1000 share on Webull should I transfer to Charles Schwab

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric says:

    out of the goodness of my heart, they can have all of my AMC and GME shares for the total investment amount that i have in each, paid on a monthly basis…for life.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Tsai says:

    I am going to get TD Ameritrade to bribe me too πŸ™‚

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brice Hawley says:

    If this bribery is true, it's quite the tell. Is fidelity doing the same thing?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Brooks says:

    Damn man that’s why people don’t trust YouTubers

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petit le français says:

    they have bribed the whole America when are they gonna bribe us 100k each?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars al Stasiak says:

    If I buy shares on the dark pools , can I get a 50% discount ?
    Dark pools should come with a discount.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thaddeus Wallenberg says:

    Oh that money was just for the nudes i sent, justin at fidelity knows what he likes

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lessgo Brandon says:

    I’m calling BS in this. 1500 bucks Come on. This has to be FUD. No screenshots of tweets or some supposed β€œTD letter” is proof

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheArgosReed says:

    Apes, BUY AMC while you still can. HOLD HOLD HOLD.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cats rule says:

    If they are willing to pay that for a few gme shares,then I think they could be worth 10 times what the going rate is,they should have let it go,people would have been happy at 1,000 dollars,now they will want it all.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brenden & Ella's Fun Adventures says:

    If amc and gme amd shitadel is in the sec scope amd the news than you know we gonna eat

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tony montana says:

    I'm bribeable for 100k a share , stay strong and hold my AMC brothers.

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