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What's going on, ladies and gentlemen, how's everybody doing, this is probably the first time i've done a face-to-face live stream in quite a while, so happy to do that happy to be on live with the guys this morning, um so you're gon na be trying to do This a little bit more often, i think, i'm kind of changing the way we do things around here once again, so anyways welcome back to the channel thanks again for tuning in, for those of you guys that are tuning in live. That are wondering where the scanners are. They are on our other channel from now on, so i will uh post a link to that here in just a second but yeah we're now streaming all those scanners on a different channel. That's to help keep this current channel.

We have a little bit cleaner, um and so on. So i'm gon na post the link to the other channel right now, that'll, take you to the scanner so for those of you, which are a couple hundred that like to use them they're on a different channel. Now so thanks again um, so this will actually allow me to even do one of these streams, because you know you can't do two streams simultaneously and just anyways the way i was running it. This might actually end up working out much better.

So, what's going on lost one uh, what we'll do here is run over amc, gamestop and maybe the market, and if you guys have any questions want me to take a look at some things and we'll definitely give you guys a breakdown. So you're going to put this into a full screen mode. That way, we're not all hurting our eyes here, okay, so over to gamestop all right, so i've been primarily short bias on this stock um. Pretty much since we got to these prices, i mean i was even bearish to stock when it was up in the 500s, but regardless of that um more recently, we have been trading it on the bearish side and it's been working well, but this last jump actually Kind of threw me for some confusion, so anyways we've been primarily bearish on gamestop.

For the past couple weeks, we've had targets as low as 100 bucks, which i still think we're gon na get to um. One of my targets for gamestop was gon na, be all the way down. You know at this 78 dollar price um, which i think is still very doable. I think coming back down to these recent or this previous drop in the 50s to 60s, is definitely doable for the stock um.

You know how long it takes is always the the main question, but overall, i think we're gon na see the price of gamestop lower. This last jump again did kind of throw me for a curveball, but before we run into gamestop we should actually take a look at amc, because amc is really the reason gamestop had made its jump. So if you looked at the trading action from amc on friday - well, i guess thursday and friday, you see it had a big day now, the big day that it had pretty much just made it jump back up towards two deviations on the daily chart and to Uh, the one deviation on the four hour chart, so amc effectively has ran up into the resistance zone and that's why we're starting to sell down on these 14 prices. So this is the reason gamestop had a good day, so there was a nice squeeze on amc.
This could be related to that news about the rapper. That's going to do like a concert with them. Is it chance? I think it might be chance chance. A rapper wrapper so either way.

What we're looking at here with amc is. We have a resistance mark at about 1390s to 1380s. Now, if we can get through that price point, we could see amc moving higher. Okay in the price point that i just put on when we look at like a five-day chart, you'll see where we're stopping okay.

Let me extend this to the left and the properties extend to the left. Oh no wrong! One! It's done left there we go! So you can see where i added that resistance mark, that's exactly where the market's stopping here today. So in order to see amc continuing higher, we got to get the price of amc up to 1380 and fourteen dollars to break that four hour resistance zone. Once we do that, we could see the amc market probably jump up closer to fifteen um, but right now i'm not really expecting amc to be going through the 15 price uh by too much.

I think we're going to see amc, maybe up to the 15s and then we're going to sell back down. If, in the event, we don't and we get really really lucky, then the next resistance zone is going to be all the way up at 17 and 88 cents for now into those prices. Okay, so we are going to be keeping an eye on again amc right now, we're actually going to be watching amc to the bear side, because we are in sort of a head and shoulders pattern pre-market and if we can get out of the head and shoulders Pattern pre-market and swing to the downside: that's what we're going to do is look for a bearish move down to start the day on amc and then also, let me show you gamestop. So we look at gamestop on its four-hour chart.

Um yeah we'll definitely do an analysis on on on bitcoin, so yeah. If you look at gamestop, i mean gamestop doesn't really have um. I guess you could say a big price target that i think's gon na hit on the upside. The closest price targets we have on gamestop to the upside are like 228, not really, but it's really here at 189., like 189, is actually possible, but i'm still going to play the downside move.

The trend has been bearish, it's still in a bearish trend. So i'm not going to be betting for gamestop to go up, i feel like gamestop should still go down um, but if, in the event i'm wrong - and it does actually flip and it rips to the upside, your first target should be 189. So again, if you're thinking gamestop's really going to reverse, which i don't think it is, i think it's just a short-term counter trend bounce and then the overall trend continues down. But if it really did rip, your first price target would be back up to about 189.

Okay, real quickly paste that there okay so do, i think the bitcoin bold run is over yeah. For the time being, i do um. This is something that oh, that's, not bitcoin, uh, something that i've been mentioning for quite some time, uh we're actually ju. We just broke down to support, so right now is probably a good idea to look at being a long bias bitcoin for a counter trend, bounce um to potential dip long.
You know for now. Let me explain why so there's a couple things that have been leading me to more of a bearish analysis on bitcoin for some time now. If we look at the daily chart, you know one year day chart you can see, we've been having a divergence for a very long time. Okay, so back when the bitcoin market hit a high of 41 000 for the first time, okay and then it put a new high in at 57 000.

For the first time, we had created a negative divergence. That's a bearish signal in that market and then we put in a new high from 57 000 to 61 000 for the first time and there was still a negative uh divergence. And then we put in a high from you know, 61 to 65 and so on. And the market was still downtrending, so we had put in one two three new highs into the bitcoin market, from the high of 41 000 and each time we did that the momentum had been getting worse and worse or the momentum had been declining.

Each time we had pressed into a new all-time high for bitcoin - and this is over like the past five months or so um, so each one of those times it does that it. It adds negative pressure to the market or, i guess you could say psychology to the market. Therefore i figured we were going to roll over in bitcoin pretty soon, so we've done that so for now your bitcoin bull market, theoretically is done and that's the other thing too there's primary trends and then there's secondary trends. Right now is more of a secondary trend.

Probably in a bigger long longer trend, so primary trend, bitcoins, probably still on the long side, um but counter secondary trend - is currently down. Okay, so right now, if you look at uh, so pretty much i'll! Just do it like this. My current long zone for bitcoin is from 37 000 to uh right now. That's the long zone, it's pretty big one, so 37, 000 to 44 835 is the current long zone.

I know that's a pretty big long zone, but more specifically in that long zone. These are my my lower risk, buy points. This trend line in that red line, so i more or less, would be long biased when the price reaches these levels for the first time and if they decrease below, then you might wait for the next one so either way, i'm actually starting to get a little Bit more bullish on bitcoin so as to when everybody was bullish, bitcoin here and i'm like i'm a little more bearish, i'm starting to get more bullish on bitcoin, because we've decreased and we're starting to come into those those longer term trend marks that are usually low Risk buy zones. I would really love to see bitcoin at 37 500, because to me that seems like.
I think it seems like a pretty solid buy point. You know we just had a bitcoin at 62 000. So for it to be down at 37 000. I mean it's, you almost have a bitcoin 50 off from what it just was right, so you'd be buying bitcoin at you know, 50 off from the all-time highs.

You know so i kind of like bitcoin at the price of 37, 500 myself. Personally, okay, uh david dennis! Thank you. Thank you very much for tuning in. I appreciate you yeah, so if you guys want really quickly, we should take a look at the spy or the nasdaq.

Okay, we'll take a look at these markets, so the spy is currently coming off of a long-term resistance. Okay, so you can see this well first, we'll start with the daily chart. So this is what the market looks like on the one year, one day market's going up, look at where the market had bounced back to so you know, just previously, the market was going through a dip, and you can see we had bounced back. We had just bounced back to where the nine day moving average and and the daily chart regression trend, but we broke that.

So let me just you know it's it's usually just easier. I see it's probably just easier for me to mark the levels and then go back and explain them. So look at the white trend line here we're going to put a horizontal price point. Then we're going to go to the four hour chart and we're going to put a horizontal price point at this trend line.

You can see we stopped that at friday, so this was friday up. Look at that white trend line. We stopped right there, friday pulled back now that trend line's here at 4, 17., so for the market to go higher on on the spy it has to get through this 417 price. Obviously, right now the market is pretty close to daily chart support and i think we're just in a pullback.

So to me i think you should probably be slightly on the long side going into this dip. Okay on the spy. Let's look at the nasdaq um. If we look at the nasdaq here, you'll see the market has, i think it went up to daily chart resistance yeah.

So if you look at the market here, look at this dotted trend line coming up, you'll see it comes into a price at 327. Look at this so dotted trend line, sideways, dotted, trendline. I know there's a lot of things on the chart, but i'm just trying to say point this dotted diagonal, one that comes into a price point at 327.76. That was the same price point friday.

For on friday, the price point was 327.76 okay, when we go look at the one minute chart, look at exactly where the market stops look at pre-market or after hours. Look at that. So our price point was 327.84. The market stopped at 327.95 and it reversed its trend.

So a better way of looking at this is: let's look at like a five-day. Five-Day 15-minute chart. Okay, so on a five-day 15-minute chart, this red horizontal line is the resistance we figured. The markets would probably reverse at or stop at so we go through the sell-off we start to bounce and we go okay, we're on the bounce up.
Where is that resistance at we go it's at 327.84, so the market bounces up it hits 327.95. But where do we get that that came from the daily chart? Half deviation, which is this dotted trend line going up so the market's reversed there, all right, um the market, held support at the four hour trend line. So if you guys remember the pre-market videos, i was posting just a couple days back, we're saying: watch the markets long here watch the markets long here. This is where the markets go along, so the same analysis i gave on bitcoin.

So you remember a second ago when i'm like the long zone on bitcoins from like 43 000 or whatever to 37 000. You remember that so this is the same thing right on the nasdaq. Just last week i said that our long zone was going to be from 307 444 to like the three something what hold on so i said the long zone was going to be from 317 to uh 307, more specifically being long off the trend line here or Long off the trend line down here and you can see, we respected the first trend line and bounced away a little bit. So that's how i'd like to catch the bottoms on moves.

Okay, so anyways, i'm slightly more long bias the market overall, because we've come into the dip, but i do believe we have to pull back on the spy and the nasdaq we have to set in a higher low off this bullish move before we continue up so Yeah, i'm going to actually yeah i'm going to try to make this more of a daily thing now um and that's primarily because i switch the scanners to another. So so i have two computers, one that i run the scanners off of and then one that i can do these streams off of so the way that i was just kind of managing things before i wasn't utilizing all my tools as efficiently, but that was also Because i didn't have a second youtube channel that we now have to run the stream on, or the scanners on, so for those of you they're in which are 153 of you thanks guys, i appreciate you make sure to hit the thumbs up, and here is another Link in the description that i posted to the other youtube channel that has all the scanners running all the time: okay um, so the most recent trade which i'm actually i'm in the process of editing that video, my dog, believe it or not. Chewed my fiber cable beneath my desk the other day so that my internet shutout friday, so i couldn't really work much, but i'm currently editing a video for amc pretty much. The last trade that i did was a trade on amc, and this was really quickly i'll.

Show you and then i'll get along with everything else, so i got ta do a five day, one minute chart, so the last trade that i did on am or the last trade that i really did was an amc trade which was along from like here up To here and then along from here to here, but ideally we pretty much picked the price targets on the upside to be here on the day and then hopped off and it went through that run later in the day. And then our next resistance point was going to be up to here. You see these trend lines so when we were longing it here we said you know what later in the day, you might get a price target of 13 to 14 and we can get the 13 14 and reject it down i'll show you how we got the Resistance on amc really quickly because it's nice, if you look at the look at this chart four hour chart you can see where the trend lines at that yellow trend line. So that's that's pretty much the target move that amc picked for friday and then that's why it pulled back but anyways, okay, all right! Dbgi! Let me take a look at this really quickly.
I don't have a lot of time only can be on here for about another seven minutes generally, i only have 30 minutes down time in the morning um to do this, that might increase in the future. I'm actually considering changing over uh, making a big change on my business structure, so i might be on here more often so we'll that's a discussion for another time, so dbgi. So this is a recent ipo. It looks like - and i don't trade recent i i usually don't trade ipos as soon as they come out or well.

I don't trade the first time the debut on the market, but either way this had a big spike early in the morning and then it just basically pulled back, that's it and then you can see where it's holding support. If you look at my chart right now, the market on dbgi is holding support at negative one deviations on the intraday, so you can see trend bounce hold, hold, hold hold, so we're just kind of riding this one deviation trend up. So i don't see a ton of downside for the stock because we're right on trend so to me i kind of think it might might try to go long to start the day, i'm probably not going to trade it because i usually don't mess with ipos. They can get a little confusing for me, but the way that i would go about doing this is, if i was long it i would be pretty much stop loss below you know somewhere in the 439s.

You know i mean somewhere like down here right and then your long target could be as high as 580, which would just be the market today. Getting back to the mean. So this is overbought kind of oversold back to normal trading prices would be 5.79. I i don't think i'll do much with the db gi uh hold on one.

Second, all right, so i'll try to run through the next one as quick as quickly as possible. Only about another five minutes here appreciate you guys um, so we'll do ocgn or coin. So coin sort of a recent ipo i mean it's been on the it's been on the block for a minute now but uh i mean ideally markets just down trending here we're trading down. I don't really have much um.

You know if you want to look at like on a channel perspective, right, you're, just kind of in a downtrending channel. So the only thing from a pattern, recognition standpoint you could go from is trading the downward channel, which would be buying low in the downward channel. Trying to sell it as it increases on the highs. That's really the only thing you can do with it.
From my perspective, the way i look at the market um is that it is traded. It's currently most often times doing a negative one. Positive one uh deviation swing in the downtrend, so that means we're typically going from positive one hit resistance swing down cross the mean go to negative one bounce back to the mean swing through it closer to net positive one back down to negative one back to positive One so on so right now, you're swinging down more towards negative one negative one's gon na be at about 238. So you should probably be starting to consider the trend in this channel to start swinging back up around the negative one deviation of 238, 62 or so and then swinging back up to a price of closer to 261.

So maybe a 10 point swing there. But it's more of a downtrend move, so you'd be swinging back uh you're, doing a counter trend. Long was what you'd be doing: okay, uh d-i-s-c-a and then we'll do ocg so d-i-s-c-a. This was one um uh actually nah, never mind.

Doesn't matter so anyways, i'm gon na flip this ready watch this we're gon na zoom into this price. Point ready! Look at this price point right here! Look at the top of this candle: 4281! Okay! Look at the top of that candle all right, um, i'm pretty sure. I hope i didn't hop in and screw this up make myself look like an idiot, but i'm pretty sure i'm right about. So, if you look at the top of that candle right, there's nothing.

There i mean yeah, you could say, here's a 50-day moving average 100-day moving average here, but from just a candlestick right you're, just looking at the chart, you would think all right, so we just stopped at 42.29. That's the resistance okay, but when i flip it to this daily chart watch what happens so when we flip to the daily chart and zoom in zoom in oh pull it back up zoom in hold on we're. Almost there zoom in zoom in you know you have what's right here. Is this 4183 price hold on almost there? Okay, so this might have jumped a little more than i thought it did earlier, but hold on all right, so 42 81, so it actually jumped a little higher and i'll explain.

So for me on disca, this was the short term kind of resistance mark 42 or 4180, and you can see what happened as we jumped through it right. We had this kind of pop all right, so we jumped up popped through the resistance and it ran up to an intraday resistance at 42.81. Almost so this was a long term resistance mark market pushed up to it, ready watch this so come back. We have first move up, look where it stops close to that price point.

So disca opens up squeezes, a candle gets really close to 4280 pulls down, consolidates, runs back up, gets back to the 4280 and what look? What happens it creates like a cup handle and then it breaks out over 42.80, so the long term resistance line? I showed you that's where we pop jumps up to 4281 intraday and then kind of sells off so again a lot of times. You got ta flip-flop between, like the daily chart and four hour to find some of the levels now we'll take a look at ocgn because i had recently been watching ocg and i'm no longer really watching it as much so ocgn really quickly. I want me to go to the daily chart really quickly, this one's going to be kind of tricky one. Second, all right! So the way we look at this blah blah ocgn, while back blows up, then it pulled back recently.
Oc gn went through a run right. So ocg and dip went through a run. You can see it squeezed up to this yellow line eventually broke. It hit the green line to a t.

Then it pulled back to the white line so the way we would with the way we think about this is the market is always working like a pendulum. If you've ever read a trading book, you've traded long enough, you've seen the psychology of the market, the markets work like a pendulum where they just kind of they go back and forth right. So you've ever seen one of those uh like things that people have on their office desk, that look like this and then they have a chain and then the chains connected to a ball and the ball hangs. And then it just kind of swings back and forth.

Right from one side to the other, it's a pendulum right and that so that that thing that people have on their desk and it's like a ball, you drop it and it hits the other balls and it goes back and forth like this. It's a pendulum swinging back and forth. That's the same way. The market works generally from a psychological standpoint and perspective.

Whatever you want to call it. You know we go from a low people, sell people buy. Then it goes up to a high and then people sell and then it goes back and forth back and forth from fear, greed and so on so forth. So you can see the ocgn market was very low at one point: it exploded.

It got very high. It sold off it got kind of low again and exploded got very high and it sold off got kind of low again well, the yellow or sorry the white line in the middle of the chart. Here, that's the that's the mean, so that's kind of the statistical average um, so the markets are most common to kind of swinging back and forth. Through the mean, it's a very common thing from overbought to oversold back through the mean and a shift through the mean, can lead to an explosive move which we just had um but anyway.

So the market right now in ocgn, is holding support over the mean, which is at um right now, 852 or something like that. Eight no, 833, so 833 is a current short term. Support for uh oc gen. The short term resistance is 10 34 to um yeah, 10.

34.. So, right now i mean yeah your short-term resistance. Like 1034, your supports at about 833. um.
I don't see an explosive move happening for this uh for the time being, all right, guys, um yeah. I got ta run. I appreciate you guys. Tuning in do expect we're gon na do more of these longer streams and so on and so forth, but i got ta run, but things are gon na be changing a little bit again before i go.

The last thing is the link to the scanners, which are on a new youtube channel, feel free to subscribe or don't subscribe. That's really all up to you, but it would help me a lot appreciate that hit the thumbs up i'll, see you guys on the next stream, which again they're gon na, be more frequent, so appreciate that.

By Stock Chat

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13 thoughts on “Amc & gme analysis market break down”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live BITCOIN Trading says:

    Invested late last year and now i have enough Money to pay my bills

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erick E. Wilson says:

    question in 1 minute time frame how many days u config the chart??
    for day trading?? thank u for u videos u are amazing trader

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Stogner says:

    missed the live stream due to commute but great info as always!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJ Vegas says:

    what's the scanner channel?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Markham says:

    Can't find your live scanner channel.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Mailloux says:

    What is the link to the Scanners? @The Boiler Room? Thanks

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Cheung says:

    30 mins is a good length to watch pre market imo

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rania choueiri says:

    thank you connor!! i learn alot from your videos and its fantastic that you will make more live streams 🙂 good for us!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Queb Echo says:

    What is the other channel called? I can't find it anywhere on mobile

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pauley Wnoroski says:

    Great game Cory, always learn soo much from your channels

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex jackson says:

    How did I miss this?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ulises sanchez says:

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  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reloading time says:

    Thanks for being here bro. I catch everything you post.

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