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00:00 Fed Warning.
02:41 Payroll Warning!
05:45 Inflation vs Jobs Warning.
08:03 JOLTS Release.
10:30 Housing Warning.
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

Oh, Fed might give us a good old rugging tomorrow. Let's see how they shape the minutes and let's talk preview in terms of not only what we're expecting with data tomorrow, Big deal. T Actually, today's Tuesday January 2nd, January 3rd which is a Wednesday is the day we get our Fomc minutes and we get our jolts data. Let's get through what we're paying attention to.

uh first I Think what's going to be very important in the minutes? Just straight to the bottom line. Here is some versus several okay quotes around some versus several members discussing the potential for overtightening or rate Cuts In my opinion, that's going to be the biggest thing that I'm looking for in the minutes I Already know all the old crap de it. Depending if inflation goes back up, we'll do this. If things get worse, we'll do this.

I Want to know why? uh, or really first? how many people Ideally, we figured that out. talked about rate Cuts because if they say one person brought up rate Cuts that's lame. If they don't even mention rate Cuts possible. Also kind of lame.

it depends. See, the minutes can be shaped by the FED After the fact notice minutes do not equal transcript. They're actually another messaging tool. So what we're getting is really a catered and edited version of the minuts.

They're what they want us to feel and react with so we don't don't get everything they're talking about. So if they don't include anything about rate Cuts or even the mention of cuts, then they're really trying to walk back. The fact that Jome Pow told us some of the members in their commentary suggested there could be raid Cuts in 2024. Okay, we don't want to see them walk that back.

We want to see them. Reiterate that ideally they say something like several members discuss the potential of overtightening or Cuts uh. but I'll take I'll settle for some. Okay, that's number one, number two.

I'd like to know why, why what are they seeing? Are they seeing a recession? Brewing Well, much like we do with course members every single day, I am looking for evidence of a recession. One of the things that we decided to do this morning just to give you a quick little sample of our course member live streams. Uh, mostly just because we're still processing Gold Course emails. This is nuts.

Okay, it is nuts how many emails we're getting at staff ATM asking for coupons into the gold course with the brand new content we made uh here in Q4 Uh, well. I guess Q4 was actually last year already. How weird is that? but a few weeks ago? Anyway, look at this. Okay, we found this this morning.

Oh, I Clicked the wrong button we found this this morning. Check this out. This is from Paychecks. The Paychecks earnings call Our Small Business Employment Watch continues to show moderation in both jobs growth and wage inflation, which is indicative of a stable macro environment and that the actions of the FED are having their desired impact.

Jerome Powell reads this stuff. okay, him and his office. They interview companies like this: payroll companies and this is what they're saying. They're like, hey, it's it's working Okay, okay, okay, you you done enough Then they say, Well, we haven't seen any normal signs of our of recession in our data.
no recession in the data. But then again, we know Jobs data can lag, so we're trying to get sentiments right they say. We started to see some softening in seasonal hiring in the quarter, particularly in the large client segments, including our HR Outsourcing many of which typically add seasonal employees this time of year. Uhoh, Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing bing bing alarm Bells Going off over here.

This is how Jobs weakness begins. I Suspect the Federal Reserve's minutes are going to start warning that we are heading towards Jobs weakness. The problem with Jobs and and I I have been saying this for, uh, quite frankly, what feels like roughly 2 years now I've been saying look, Jobs data lags but there are leading signs. The leading signs are just not that easy and clear to see.

This is one of them weakness in seasonal hiring To the point where paychecks, a payroll processor is saying yeah, we're seeing HR companies not do their usual usual seasonal hiring because there's just much less of a need for those workers. That is a red flag. Not only that, but they also mention over here they suggest we're not seeing anything on our data that would say mass downsizings or reduction. That's not what we're seeing.

You are seeing right? sizing? Yes, that's normal in an economically tightening environment. It is normal to see quote right sizing. When would you actually see Mass layoffs? Well, you would see Mass layoffs when you're in the recession. So, but we already know we're not in the recession.

we're worried about going into the recession. and so that cut in seasonal hiring is going to be an example of something that the Federal Reserve is going to look at and go. Yeah, yeah, we we. We need to be careful about this.

so that's what I'm looking for in the minutes now. we also have to talk Jolts. That's pretty important as well. Okay and and and yes, I'm going to go to the podcast after this video posts.

You might be watching this and we might be live in the podcast or the podcast may have just posted. You're welcome to come join us over there. The Meet Kevin podcast. it's link down below.

Uh, still haven't had a chance to change the pricing on the gold course. I Did go fly today, uh to visit some of our projects that we've got going on and make sure that I'm leading and educating the team in every way I can for house. Haack But let's focus on Jolts right here. And of course we want the FED to focus on this.

We want the FED to be aware which I think they are, that they kind of won on inflation. They're not going to say that because if they say that they could actually reintroduce that sort of inflationary problem, right? But look at that multivariant core. Remember how I was talking about a couple weeks to go? Hey, we're going to have a little bit of a delay because of the holidays and getting that multivariant core inflation out this morning in the market. Open live stream.
What do we do? We went through the Decm uh, the Decm of that multivariant core and what did we see? Well, take a look at it. Take out everything except Services X housing. Come on man, we're We're so low we're at. 17% Consider that from for moment.

17% * 12 to annualize it, we're literally at 2.04% inflation annualized. So that's literally taking that number right here and multiplying by 12. the November 20 that's not even December. You know the December CPI numbers, for example, are coming out next week and multivariant Core is based on Pce, so you're going to get this data late.

Uh, but anyway, that number right there. annualized time 12 is 2.04% So let's be real. the inflation part is basically done. Where we sit now is did we screw up the jobs Market to get here? And we don't know that until hindsight.

The only way we don't go into a recession is if we prevent massive damage to the jobs. Market Remember how this earnings call right here says we are not seeing mass downsizings or reductions. That's because that doesn't happen going into a recession. That happens when you're like Leman Brothers hits the fan goes BK Bunch of companies go BK and all of a sudden everybody's like oh, God everything's hit in the fan.

Fire everyone. You do not want to go there. Really bad. Really bad.

Fortunately, in my companies we're hiring uh, we're We've by the way, check your email. We've already been responding to some emails uh of folks who have hit us up for a software engineering job I Posted about that on Twitter You could see some details over there, including the $250,000 pay offer as well as some of the other details. Uh, but just email us your resume at Jobs It is an in-person position for full stack Dev Uh, and more for uh, Fintech. but anyway.

Uh, so this is really interesting. This is massively interesting, but not only is this massively interesting, Jolts, Numbers Jolts numbers come out at uh, 7: A.m. tomorrow morning. So I will be live on the market.

open Live channel to cover that. The Jolts numbers are expected to come in at 8.82 One million. That's actually slightly warmer than the 8.73 3 I Think that number could come in soft again I Just pray we don't get a number under like eight because if we get a number under eight, people are going to be like oh my. God We might actually be walking into a recession way sooner than we thought because that's going to quickly get to like 6 and then we're one to one and then it's going to go down to four.

and and then all of a sudden we have more people looking for work than we have job openings. I I I Don't know I Hope not. I Pray not. That would be bad.
If you're short, you want that number to come in way low. Now you don't really want the number to come in really hot either though. Like you don't want this to go back to 9.5 million because that could lead the FED to wonder. Okay, does this mean we have to keep rates higher for longer? it goes back to higher for longer.

So we'll get jolts at 7: a.m. Then we're going to get the Fomc's minutes at 11 a.m. So 700 a.m. for jolts.

Uh, 11:00 A.m. For Fomc minutes? these are all California times. and we'll also get ISM Institute For supply side management prices paid. We'll get those at 7:00 a.m.

as well. Looking for a 49.5 on those which is slightly in contraction. When we're under 50, we're slightly in contraction. Manuf ring is expecting to come in for the 14th month in a row.

Low under 50: 47.1 We'll see if that ends up coming in a low as well. Uh, so we'll pay attention to this. ADP is the next day looking for 121 on that? uh and then of course we'll get non-farm payrolls on Friday I'll be covering all of this live uh of 170,000 is the expectation I'm worried that these numbers are going to come in soft and as much as I worry about those numbers coming in soft. I am also heavily focused on those minutes because I want to see a Fed not the usual crap I want to see a Fed that is aware about the damage they could cause in employment because that will make what is been a resilient economy very fragile.

That's what kills the economy is people losing their jobs. You ever wonder why and we've touched on this before. but I really want you to think about this, you know I Teach real estate. Okay, we got the zero to millionaire Real Estate course is phenomenal.

You ever wonder why housing is so expensive in certain areas, huh? Well, it has to do with jobs. Where are theob jobs and people's willingness to live in an area because they're getting paid and compensated to live in that area? But not only that, I want you to consider this Okay when it comes to single family home Investments look at this Bank of America ran a piece right here and we posted this on ehck so you could see all this research for free on But look at this What did we post? Bank of America say that Millennials are past Peak apartment renting age and the demographic bulge is shifting towards single family renting in suburban and spacious lifestyle environments that single family dwellings offer and that most of the limited Supply is not in apartment buildings, but rather in single family homes which I obviously wrote over here H This is frankly, uh, bullish for house hack see our latest house hack videos here. But anyway, look at this research. study this on Eack.

There's some really good stuff on Eack by the way. I Talked about oil today. Uh, talked a little bit about uh, how weird it was that oil dropped. Also talked Bank term funding program.
This is a big deal as well, so you can get a preview of some of the items here. Uh, but look, let's just be very clear. the jobs, Jobs Jobs is what this is all about. and with inflation basically at 2% Services X Housing I Don't know how you can possibly argue that the FED should not be prioritizing jobs which means rate Cuts baby.

Let's get a bullish fed tomorrow or should I call it a doish Fed Anyway, thanks so much for watching. Got a coffee to drink and a podcast to get to. We'll see you the next one bye. Why not advertise these things that you told us here I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We we'll try a little advertising and see how it.

Go Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you people. look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker, and becoming a stock broker. This video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you.

It is not tax, legal or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you. This is video provides generalized perspective, information and commentary. Any thirdparty content I show should not be deemed endorsed by me. This video is not and shall never be deemed reasonably sufficient information for the purpose of evaluating a security or investment decision.

Any links or promoted products are either paid affiliations or products or Services which we may benefit from I personally operate and actively managed ETF and hold long positions in various Securities potentially including those mentioned in this video. However, I have no relationship to any issuers other than House Act nor am I presently acting as a market maker. Okay.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Ah crap… this could be why the market tanked”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mrwondering2594 says:

    lol it collapsed because it’s all fake and manipulated
    Not 1 in 1000 Americans have any money in the stock market and even the ones that do are in some sort of 401k and don’t touch it till retirement

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kurdi98k says:

    2024 will be the recession year. Unemployment rate will tick higher from here.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wedontlikeyoumuch6969 says:

    need another few rate hike.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @billywilly1035 says:

    Yep recession confirmed. Buckle up boys.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dalebruno5201 says:

    If home prices stay this high which I don’t see them going down that much means maybe the ghettos area homes will start to be bought up more and then maybe turn the value of those homes to shoot up more I don’t know that makes it harder for single women moving into not great areas but for men it’s a good opportunity to do so

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TiagoRamosVideos says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @glassdomedesign says:

    I’m not getting the bull sentiment, job losses are really accelerating and people’s indebtedness too – we haven’t got out of the woods yet, then there is the valley before we can climb again. Recession signs are here. Recession is coming sadly.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @blipblop92 says:

    Stocks dont tank just some companies that do poorly

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ilovetacos210 says:

    Eh, I did take profit today for the simple fact I'm up 100% since October and it's a new tax year.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @justSTUMBLEDupon says:

    I think I like technical analysis more and more. The market was overbought for a while. It was a correction.

    The question is how far will it go down? We are at all time highs. I suspect it will go upwards for a few months, then down, then back up during the summer to form the biggest head and shoulder since the bond market collapse.

    I could be wrong. But if you chart the market all the way back to the 1900’s the trend line is pretty blaring on the monthly.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Pavillionairez says:

    Market is correcting bcuz the DXY is correcting. Still in a bull market

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @operationatdsnexpedited2682 says:

    Buy the dip time !!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alfieshanks6555 says:

    It’s cuz we’re going down due to deflation and economy effects which haven’t yet been felt. Oh and the double top on the spx. lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MickB817 says:

    Soft landing..we just had covid shock ..time for positivity

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelmourek3879 says:

    Facebook needs to pay Video creators online –

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jonathan-rm6kt says:

    Uh, hey kevo I'm not the one with a series 7, but I don't think you annualized monthly inflation correctly. You don't multiply by 12, you do (1+R)^12 – 1 = 2.06% annualized. Just happens to be close. Right?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaelmourek3879 says:

    I saw my first 2 Rivian's in PCB, Florida that forced the Rivian Stock down 10% today.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GCInvesting says:

    All FOMO! We will be ok, there’s always places to make money!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wreck-itralph3189 says:

    “We know we aren’t in a recession”. So what exactly do you define as a recession? 2/10 dis inversion needs to happen, then you will all feel the recession

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @randyosborne3971 says:

    I sure hope no one is gullible enough to think this is how a real economy works.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jeffwolfe191 says:

    Sell jet buy homestead chill.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wreck-itralph3189 says:

    Recession will happen, maybe not today, but it’s inevitable. History matters

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @israelgonzalez7335 says:

    The market is reacting on what occurred in the Red Sea since it will cause supply chain issues.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MVPTC says:

    I kept trying to tell you. More and more people gonna get laid off because companies aren’t making as much money, just like min wage going up in California resulting in layoffs because companies won’t be making as much, and AI taking peoples jobs just like how McDonald’s doesn’t even work the counter anymore they just use a kiosk to order… earnings recession will make it even worse. My company had layoffs just a few months ago because of AI.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gerardoulloa8320 says:

    I’ve said this many times.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tysmith2366 says:

    A minor pull back after a monster run is hardly the market “tanking”

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jaziel688 says:

    Kevin I need a job! 😂😔

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jessjess567 says:

    What is up my brother from another mother!?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @scottdownard143 says:

    Time to finish before the live drops, 1.75x.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HavingCoffieWithMrSatan says:

    Mr Satan said reee ok

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ramblr5900 says:


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