$1 Billion Dollars is hard to imagine... So this is what it actually feels like if you were to ever have $1 Billion dollars. Hope you enjoy!
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to $1 Billion Dollars
1:16 Visual Breakdown of $1 Billion Dollars
5:29 Let's Play a Game
6:59 $1 Million in Comparison
8:02 $1 Million Dollar Example
10:26 Don't Forget to Invest!
11:27 Where to Find More Information
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video shawn's, the name and cash money. Moolah is the game today. Now the other day, my buddy called me, and he was like sean. All of my problems would be solved if i could just get one million dollars and real quick.

My buddy actually makes pretty good money and works his absolute butt off. So when he told me this, i was like a little bit confused by it more on kind of why my friend said that at the end of this video, but in this video, i want to be showing you how much 1 billion with a b, how much 1 billion dollars actually is visually because most of us can't even comprehend how much 1 billion is the word million or millionaire or 1 million dollars is losing a little bit of its value, and i want to show you why, in this video i guarantee you it's Going to blow your mind, so, let's go so. As i said, i want to start out by showing you how much one billion dollars is, and then i want to break down why one million dollars isn't necessarily what it used to be and sorry i don't have epic drawing skills like my buddy casually explained, but I'm gon na show you in a way that's most comfortable to me and that's with just numbers all right, so here's one billion dollars: okay, we've seen that number written out before. Whenever we see you know the warren buffett's, the jeff bezos, the elon musk the bill gates.

Whenever we see those names followed by the word billion or this number um, we we know what it is, we've seen it before. We go. Okay, there's three commas: it's a billion, that's what a billion dollars is, and we see it, but we don't feel it today. I want to make you actually feel a billion dollars now to feel it.

I need to break it down all right. So here is 100. 000 right here, okay, this is what most people dream of making in a year. If you were ever at a job where you get paid a hundred thousand dollars a year, you're feeling great you're, like i make six figures a year and a hundred thousand dollars is phenomenal.

In fact, the average mean income, at least in arizona, is 59 246 dollars, and that number is going to actually come into play in a little bit later in this video. So remember that okay, sean we get it a hundred thousand dollars is great. So now let me show you kind of what one million dollars looks like all right, so we're just going to copy and paste this out. Um and let's see that's one, two, three, four: five, six, seven, eight, nine one more that right.

There is one million dollars. Okay, it's ten hundred thousand dollar bills. If you will all right so there we go! That's one million dollars and that's still a lot of money, not absolutely insane, because you can kind of see well, if you make a hundred thousand dollars a year in ten years, you'll have a million dollars at least may not necessarily save, but you'll have at least Made a million dollars, so it's still a lot, but it's not what we're about to see. So, let's get to ten million dollars right now.
Okay, so there's one million, that's two million three, four: five: six, seven, eight nine ten - that is 10 million out on the word document right now, and this amount is what i consider to be amazing, and this is kind of how, when i was growing up and You'd see a millionaire now that i'm kind of 24 years old, the 10 million dollar number, is kind of how i think of the millionaire life um kind of when i was younger. So 10 million is an absolute ton of money and if i could make that in my lifetime, let alone have it in a set of assets. I would be incredibly like oh my gosh pat on the back sean. You did a great job in life, not saying that money is everything, but just in terms of income generation, 10 million is unreal.

Oh yeah, and actually i'm gon na, have a video out on this channel real soon about how much money you need to retire kind of luxuriously or just a good retirement. So definitely a good idea to hit subscribe. So you don't miss that video okay. So now, let's actually get to 100 million alright, so that's 10 million, which is a lot of money, we're going to skip a line, that's 20 million okay! I don't have to catch myself a little bit.

There's. 30. 40. 50.

60. 70. 80. 90.

100.. Okay. This is 100 million dollars out on a word document. This is no joke.

If you've ever built up an asset sheet or a net worth of over 800 million dollars, you are in the big leagues and you're you're playing with some major players. Okay, let me put things into perspective. All of the people you are seeing on screen right now have a net worth of less than a hundred million dollars we're talking charles barkley odell, beckham jr, all right, randy, johnson, barbara corcoran, britney spears drew barrymore, kris jenner. I mean there's so many people out there that you think are very wealthy and they are incredibly wealthy, but they don't even have a net worth of a hundred million dollars, which is a lot okay, so we need to get to a billion already.

So this is our hundred million okay. So now, let's actually do our uh 1 billion. So let's see that's 200, oh, my goodness! That's 300. 400.

500. 600. 700. 800.

900. 1 billion dollars. Okay. This is one billion dollars.

Look at how long this word document just got one billion dollars visualized for you, okay, each one of those again is what most people in the world dream of making in a single year. Okay, so for some reason, everyone's vision of success is actually driving. One of these all right, a lamborghini huracan like for whatever reason anytime, someone reaches any type of financial success. They're, like i'm gon na, go, buy one of these cars so they're about 200 grand for kind of the super basic stuff on it.

So now i'm gon na take out 200 grand from this word document and i'm gon na have a challenge for you to try to find it as i scroll through it so cropping in. So you can't see which part of the word document. I am deleting this from i'm gon na delete that and i'm gon na actually space it back out and see if you can actually find it as we scroll back through the word document. So if you spot it as i scroll through here, i want you to comment down below the timestamp of this video of when i reached that point in the word document.
Alright, so we're going to scroll through it at about this speed, okay, a little faster because it's a really long, word document. So we're going to scroll through at this speed tell me when in time stamp it down below, when you see the missing 200 000 for a single car that you are going to be driving. If you are a billionaire okay, so we're still scrolling through, we still got a decent amount of areas. If you saw it comment it down below, if you didn't see it yet it might be coming up we're almost to the bottom and we are basically there.

But what i'm getting at is one billion dollars is on a whole nother level. So you got to be kind of careful when you throw that out and go that guy's, probably a billionaire a billion is an absolute ton, stuff's wild, but coming back to one million dollars, remember my buddy wanted one million dollars. Let's say bill gates is watching this video and he goes oh, let me give your buddy a ring and give him one million dollars. So he calls on my buddy he's like hey, i'm gon na give you one million dollars.

Now i'm going to delete one million from the word document again cropping in again, i'm gon na leave an extra space for it. Now we're gon na scroll through and see if we can even find it, i'm gon na go way quicker because it's basically impossible to tell okay just checking. I was getting a little nervous thinking. We're gon na go, broke right there and have to live on the streets from giving away a million dollars, but no it looks like we're gon na be okay, so clearly one million dollars to bill gates is absolutely nothing doesn't even feel it.

It's fine, but i want to explain why one million dollars to average people like me and you i want to explain why it's not as powerful and why it's not as valuable as it once was now. Obviously, there's rates of inflation and people say well. Of course, you know in the last 30 40 50 years, one million dollars has gotten worth less and less because of inflation, but i want to actually show it to you visually, so you can see why, when someone says, i need a million dollars in today's world That one million dollars doesn't really take you as far so if you won one million dollars back in the 90s, and you were like hey, i'm going to put this into a portfolio, that's fairly conservative and that can kind of pay me a yearly income on it And most people who win a million dollars, they do not do that, they go blow it and then they're poor again. But let's just say you were smart and you got a million dollars and you know what to do with it.
Here's what the math looks like all right - let's say you put that one million dollars into a conservative portfolio that got you about six percent returns every year and well, if you weren't, going to work at all you're gon na need that money to survive. So, let's just say, you took three percent each year to live on and then put the other three percent earned back into the portfolio, so it continues to grow. That means you'll be living off of a 30 000 a year, salary for just breathing and that's relatively close to the average mean income that it was back in 1990, which was 45 997 dollars again. This is all going to be based on arizona numbers, because that's where i live, but that's about two-thirds of the average mean income for doing literally, nothing but breathing.

So if you had an average job on top of that you're going to be making significantly more than the average person, because you've got this free cash flow coming in from your investments. So in 30 years aka, the year 2020 you'd have 2.4 million dollars to spend or to continue living off, of which would now be a yearly income of 72 000. Remember when i said the average mean income was 59 246 well now you're, crushing the average and you're still building your portfolio, because you're only living off of half the money that it's making you. So if you started with the same million dollars today, you'd be making a half of the average mean income instead of two thirds.

It's still really good, but it's not what it used to be. Which brings me back to the initial convo i had with my friend and why i wanted to make this video is because the value of money? Yes, we all know it's getting less valuable as time moves on, but we're not really taking a look at the big picture and going holy crap. A million dollars isn't really as much as it used to be. Don't get me wrong.

It's still a ton of money and i'm not even at that level of a millionaire yet. But what i'm just trying to say is you see all these people talk about being millionaires and there's all these millionaires out there and millionaire millionaire millionaire, but if you've seen some of my previous videos, it's definitely attainable and not as hard as it once was. Now, a billion, on the other hand, is absolutely freaking insane still and will almost always be freaking insane, but anyway just thought. This video would be really cool to kind of break down a billion versus a million and kind of put things into perspective, and this is kind of your daily reminder that investing your money versus spending it all is super important, which is why i had that convo With my friend, because he called me reaching out for help like i said he makes really good money, but can't really seem to get out of the rat race because his expenses are very high, which is like most americans out there.

So a lot of people always talk about. Oh yeah, you know, i make great money, but if you have a lot of expenses, you're not making as great of money and you're gon na have to always be working or else you're, not gon na be able to afford your bills. That's why it's important to invest at least 10 percent of your yearly take-home into investments. That way.
One day, you can eventually make some money without having to work, but if you're like my buddy, who makes pretty good money and you're not able to invest part of your yearly take home. Well, that's what we call golden handcuffs and you'll always be tied down to working for the rest of your life. So again, just another reminder to make sure you are constantly investing your money and spending it wisely but anywho. I hope you enjoyed the video and actually got to see visually how much money a billion is kind of versus a million as well, which is kind of cool to add into it.

But anyway, i hope you enjoyed the video. If you did. Please hit that, like button drop me a comment down below and make sure you subscribe for more content like this, i'm always trying to release really entertaining and educational content. So again, if you found it helpful or you enjoyed, it, then share with a friend when you watch my videos, it means more than you can even imagine and we're getting really close to 100 000 subscribers, so that would be an awesome goal to hit this year.

I appreciate you watching my video all the way to the end and until next time i will see you later. You.

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7 thoughts on “A visual breakdown of what $1 billion dollars looks like”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Wise says:

    I’d say the annual income number to live financially happy is $70,000.
    That’s assuming you live within a good budget and invest.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F8te Kid says:

    Shawn when will u be posting on ur gaming channel

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lilman1910 says:

    Come on where is Imaflynmidget…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BANANA says:

    So little views

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Waller says:

    Didn't catch the other one lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1310awesomeboy says:

    Hi love ur vids

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mushtiar Engineer says:

    YouTube channel make money

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