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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are Monday Morning Mondays are our favorite day of the week is day traders. Usually Monday's are really hot but today it was a dud. There was just nothing happening in the market. I made a total of minus thirty two dollars.

so last thirty two bucks today you know I came in, was looking for some good opportunities, just didn't see much moving. I think I had six trades, five or six trades and really none of them were big winners. The Biggest Loser was only nine hundred and forty five dollars. so I didn't have any blowout losses which is awesome, but the biggest winner was only 1,300 bucks and I just had a lot of small wins and small losses and you know that doesn't give you a lot of profit.

So a little bit of a slow start to the week here Thursday was slow Friday was slow Monday slow. So now we're three days into a little bit of a slow period and I've got to reduce my share size for all the foreseeable future until things start to open up. Because right now, even if I see an A quality set up something that looks awesome, the reality is it's not an inequality set up when the market is choppy because I just can't count on it having a big follow-through and really opening up. So I just can't take 1520 thousand shares for, you know, maybe a couple days until we see that next stock that squeezes up and goes, you know, a hundred percent or two hundred percent.

Once we see it, I'll jump on the momentum. but until then I'm gonna trade smart, reduce the size, and just try to kind of grind until things start to open up again. So we'll break down all of today's trades and today it's mid day market recap. And as usual, if you have any questions, any comments, leave them below and we'll answer them later.

All right, Enjoy! All right, what's up everyone? So we're gonna go over the trades from today. A little bit of a slow day, you know? I Was hoping that we would come in here Monday morning and have lots of volatility and some really great opportunities and that just didn't end up being the case. you know Thursday was a very slow day, didn't make a lot Friday another very slow day and now here. Monday I'm down $32 on the day, so you know it's kind of like whatever.

No big deal, it's it's a red day, but not by much. But it's just kind of a bummer because that you can see I Took seven trades, green on four out of the seven. but you know, just wasn't enough green to really make a profit. So basically what I'd say about all these six trades? All of these were losers.

Yes, these three on the top are winners, but to me these were not winning trades. They didn't work out well. so these just you know they were small winners, but they could have just as easily been losers. So these were six trades that didn't work out well.

And then I had one trade that was so-so 1,300 bucks is so-so So basically one out of six trades today or one out of seven was a so-so trade and that was the best week again. So that's the kind of market that we've been in the last three days now. The good news is I'm keeping the loss is small down. 32 bucks is not a big deal.
It doesn't matter, you know. I'm still sitting up 40,000 on the month. So I'm in really good shape and I'm playing it smart. you know? I I'm not being super aggressive on share size.

It's isn't the right time to be aggressive. I'm taking it slow and you know, a couple winners, a couple losers, but nothing that I'm gonna. you know, get bent out of shape about. This is the wrong time of year right now or the wrong time of the week the month to start to be really aggressive.

This is not the time to risk with. you know, 20,000 share positions. Yeah, I could get a home run, but the weight training has been the last three days. It is much more likely that I'll strike out and have a big loser and I can't afford I mean I could afford it but I don't want it so played smart today and trait of small share size.

One things I said earlier is that you know today is tough because if I saw a stock like FA mi I saw this one spiking up, you see a lost 500 bucks on it I jumped into it as it was spiking up at 3:00 sorry 438 so it spikes up here. Hits the scammers I jump right in. It opens and squeezes up to a high of 469 and it didn't hold that level. it came back down in a strong market I would have jumped on this with 15,000 shares I mean I would have jumped on it because I would have known in a strong market there's a good chance this thing would have gone to $5 but because this was a good-quality setup just based on the fact that it was hitting the scanners.

no squeezing up, but a good-quality setup in the context of a day where the markets choppy or slow is not worth taking 15,000 shares. And that's what's really hard for a lot of traders including myself to really craft because I feel like geez it's you know it looks good it looks like I can go I should take big sighs I have to remind myself that today is not a day that I'm allowed to be aggressive I'm not allowed to be aggressive because the market just for me, isn't that strong. It's indicated by the fact that I only made 500 bucks on Friday I only made 800 on Thursday So the last three days have been slow and that means the smart thing to do is to trade with lighter volume until we see a stock start to really open up. Now if this is popped up to 470, pulled back and then squeezed back through the highs and gone up to 490 and $5 then it's proving strength and it might be worth starting to be aggressive on.

But until we see a stock do more than just pop up, we need to see something pop up and continue until we see that. can't trade a big-sized have to just be a little bit conservative. So I've got my share. Sighs: Let's see trading warnings: 7,500 shares right here.

That's my max position. Sighs: I'm gonna keep it here for tomorrow because there's really no reason to go heavier than that right now. And even with 7,500 shares on my very first trade on Vrn, I immediately lost almost a thousand bucks. So today's a day that started just like any other with the highe day moment or with the with a gap scan or pre market.
So our Prima market gap errs. Today there were two that we were watching Dde and B RN B RN I didn't like a lot because it had sold off pre market but I said if it can you know squeeze up I'd be willing to jump in so the bell rings, it squeezes up and it was squeezed up just enough for me to get excited and jump in and then look what happened I Gotten up here to 40 and it immediately dropped down to 215 a total rejection. so you know right away I'm down a thousand bucks to start the morning. Took a second trade that was on CHF s I jumped into this off the scanner I think 7500 shares as well.

it pops up and drops right back down. So now I'm down fifteen hundred bucks on two trades and I'm like alright if I have a third loser in a row I'm done for the day. and then I started getting a couple small winners, a small winner on Dde, a small winner on Lb IX a small winner on CT RV Not a lot, but enough to recover some of the losses. and then I got this nice winner on CET X so you know I kind of I was able to get myself pretty much out of the hole not a hundred percent, but you know, in pretty good shape.

The biggest regret today was on DDD I Was watching this right here during this flat top breakout so the flat top breakouts forming right here I have my order ready at 25 and I'm watching it I Move my mouse I had my hand right on what's going on here, had my hand right on the Buy button right here I move my mouse away and then I bring it back and by the time I brought it back it had already popped up and it broke from 325 all the way up to 345 and then 350 25 cents almost instantly. So with 7,500 shares, that could have been a $1,500 winner and that would have been awesome. But you know the luck of the draw I just I was I was too slow and so I missed that trade and that was probably the cleanest trade of the entire day. Reta And you know this one, this is a higher price stock, some nice range on it.

It's not something I'm typically trade from 50 dollars all the way up to 75. That's a nice I mean that's an some range for a stock of this price range but you know by the time I saw it it was already. you know 10:30 11 o'clock and I felt like being down 32 bucks this is you know? Hey I recovered most of the loss. so I'll be back at it tomorrow and I'm not gonna push my luck trading something out of my price range that's just asking for trouble.

so followed the rules, traded pretty safe trade with smaller size and you know I'm gonna finish the day down 32 bucks. But you know, live to trade another day and sometimes it's like that. You know, sometimes it's just this is not the market to be aggressive in and it's just a market to keep your head above water. And you know, try to trade smart So that's what I did today I Feel pretty good about it I'll do the same thing tomorrow.
So this is now the third day of I mean I guess I'd say I don't even know if I'd really say it's a cold streak because I over the last three days I have made money I just haven't made a lot. But if we call it a cold streak, this is the third day of the cold streak and you know these were the first three days of the month that I didn't make or lose more than a thousand bucks. every other day of the month I was making thousands of dollars or losing thousands of dollars. I Mean it was just big opportunities.

So these are the first three days that were, you know, sub 1000 and it just feels like you know a little bit of a cold streak. Maybe not me, it's just the markets choppy, the markets a little bit cold so if it lasts through the rest of the week, god forbid I Hope it doesn't but if it does, it's an opportunity for me to exercise discipline, strengthen that muscle. You know, got to keep sharp because we do have cold streaks that come around from time to time. So if you're a beginner trader and you're in the classes right now or you're you know, just starting to trade, just keep in mind.

Okay if Ross is having a hard time, it's an indicator that the market is a little bit tricky right now. so I should probably take it easy. Go back. Study the former runners of some of the big winners from earlier in the month.

re-watch those mid day recaps. re-watch the live trading examples. you know. think about how am I going to trade when the market does pick back up, this is the time to study.

We'll get to the other side of it before it's and then you know you're gonna see me stepping up to the plate with ten, fifteen, twenty thousand shares and having days where I make eight and ten thousand dollars and you know it's gonna be like oh my god that looks so easy the way he's doing it. and it's just because I've got a lot of experience I've been doing this for a long time. Right now it's time to just take it slow, not be aggressive. I Don't want to take big losses during the choppy market I Want to keep those losses small and then you know that allows me to come out of this slow period? You know, really? you know, with some force and feeling confident.

So that's the game plan right now. This is a kind of a short mid day market recap. Not really a whole lot to cover a bunch of trades, but really nothing of any excitement there. So you know, finishing the day? whatever in the red.

but be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we see some good opportunities on the scanners. All right, So that's the game plan. I'll see you guys all back here around 9:00 9:15 tomorrow morning for our pre market analysis. All right, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching.
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28 thoughts on “A dud of a trading day -$32 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock King Fatz says:

    Ross I put myself in the Simulator for the last pass 4months working on my strategy …watching this video show me what a flat top breakout is….so for the last pass 2 day I been working on this strategy…now I know how to work this one…thank you so much

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lol k says:

    omg i wasn't the only one i was up by 700 and then it feel out and i blow my acount on the simulator…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Cole says:

    Aargh, snap! That flat top break out on DDE! It's like tapping 3.25 for what feels like an eternity and then the second I buy the breakout on my hotkey, I'm filled at 3.39! I really must start manually triggering buy orders as you do Ross! Such high hopes for today, but finished up green 80 bucks. Only 8 executed orders tho, which says it all really…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars t100base says:

    it was a slow day. dde had a little movement but It was too slow also. everything was so tight today

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paradise says:

    What constitutes a "choppy day" or "slow market" versus a "strong market"?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Garcia says:

    it's summer time, the big whales are on vacation probably at bora bora, monaco or any other exotic place, im telling you because is slow in futures market too, i trade there.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ktotheJ says:

    How do you all set up your charts? Do you use vwap or some other perimeters??? Help…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bitcoin Bohr says:

    Bitcoin goes up, market going down hmm..

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    So, after today (-15.5c @ 1000shares), i was thinking, what's wrong with me? Was i trading tired? Preoccupied? Or am i just a terrible trader? What? But i played the $DDE move you highlighted. This tells me i was at the same place you were at the same time, which tells me i am on the right track. Couple that with your commentary on the state of this market, and now that creeping self-doubt is gone. On a chart, i like to see structure to base my trades off. You are like that structure on a more macro level, i can base my progress from the structure you create. I just want you to know Ross that you are helping me a great deal, and i really value what you do. Thank you.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt L says:

    what moving avg are you using?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    Why was FAMI a good set up? There were resistances on the daily chart from the MAs no?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars COSMO CULTUR says:

    hey ross, i gave you a thumbs up,, nice video… this is not a trading question but what software you use to get your cursor to draw lines like that???

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BruceLtd says:

    you missed the CETX breakdown 🙁 what was your entry point and exit point? did you find it on your momentum scanner?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Higgins says:

    @Ross, Thanks so much for putting these videos together all the time man. I've been doing paper trading for about 5 months, I was doing really well, moved to real money, slow start, but was doing pretty well last month. The past 2 weeks however, I seem to have hit a wall. I've lost all of my gains via a ton of small losses. i'm reviewing my records etc etc. Do you have any advice when you hit a wall of Red? I'd like to just lower position size to start, and spend more time in the simulator after market hours, but any other suggestion is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you so much for the time!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars onefixitman says:

    YECO. The price is low and super slow volume, it also lost a lot in the last few days in price and volume. Today's volume was 43% of the last ten day volume levels. Hard to pick up a lot of shares at the current low volume. Have to accumulate across the day to get fills. Watch it for Tuesday or Wednesday premarket pop.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ImWickedRey says:

    I only made 2% today but consider it a huge win for a slow day! -32 for your size was great risk management! Back at it tomorrow

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheCornbeefsoup says:

    Got in DDE at the break of 3.26 sold at 3.47 before half dollar. Only paper trading but I'm getting the hang of it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott K says:

    Ha! I only lost $3.94, Although I should have been green. 5 trades total. 2 green trades, CGC and THC. Would have easily made money if I held on longer. Something to remember in the future. Putting in stop orders and knowing exactly how much I'm risking has made trading a lot more enjoyable for me. Still trading sideways a little bit, but getting closer to making it. Happy trading!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! anythinggoodproducts says:

    I lost 100 $. on dde

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chicken Chipotle Sandwich says:

    damn we lost the same i must be on the right track haha

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timotius says:

    when the market is slow. No matter what method you trade, its gonna go against you.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sniper says:

    Ross question, how much do u keep in ur trading account to trade with?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Took 6 trades all loses between 8-12c am In a red streak red 7 out off the last 10 days not sure what has happened 😭

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 13Anomalous says:

    I almost made $120 but I screwed up on a third buy by accidentally using a limit order which I have no clue how to use, didn't know how to close it so I ended up loosing $96

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThermalX says:

    Today was a bit of a revelation for me. I learned that I'm actually only being charged 1.95$ per trade on Suretrader, not 4.95$. Apparently trades under 390 shares only pay that much, so for beginners it's maybe a smarter idea to use a share size within that limit – though you may need to contact them to get these commissions. It makes a huge difference on your equity curve if you're trading a lot.

    Slow day. Green on two trades and break even on the 3rd. I was there for the DDE breakout above 2.25$, I was looking at it thinking: if this thing breaks 2.25$ the odds are really high there is going be a big short squeeze. What do I do, wait it out…My reasoning was that after the serious pop and drop action, I didn't want it to reject the level and drop 10 or 20 cents on me in an instant so I waited for confirmed strength – got in on the first pullback above that level and stopped out break-even.

    All in all, I'm happy with my trading, even though I'm not up much. I was very disciplined and had a well executed strategy in a stock that was erratic and still walked away green. Not only did I profit on the first 1 min pullback @ 9h40 with a clear 5 cent stop, when it reversed I got in short, again 5 cent stop from the high and profited on the move down.

    I think I'm finally becoming a better trader. Thanks for all the information you've provided over the past 2 years Ross. It's helped a lot! 😉

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Davis says:

    Thanks Ross. I made 1 trade today for +225 on DDE. With slower market conditions I'm trying to trade less and stay disciplined (and more selective) about the setups I trade. Appreciate all your great insights.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    Hey Ross!!! I would love to have only lost $32 today!!! TD Ameritrade sell issue!!! I bought into CTRV this morning and was going to turn around a make some quick profit out of the shoot when all the sudden I couldn't sell!!! Contacted their Live Chat and it took them 45 minutes to respond!! Their answer "We are currently having issues with sell orders" NO #%@$!!!! They had to close out my order for me!!! What a disaster!!! Money is coming out as soon as available!!! Suretrader here I come!!!!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rippertrader says:

    I was in the Green….I was up 240 and took one last trade for a loss…ended the day 186 $…..

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