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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Oh hey, didn't see you there. Well another red day down almost $12,000 today. They say you got to take the ups and the downs hand in hand. But I'll tell you, the red days are not as easy as the big green days.

So today is one of those days where get back some profit Was a little too aggressive, saying pretty much the same thing as yesterday. But being aggressive is how you make a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars in a good month. Which for me was the month of January. So here we are in: April Finishing right now up 55 thousand dollars on the month.

Most people would be really, really excited about that. I Am too is a great month. It's been a great month. It's not as good as 75,000 and I didn't hit my hundred K goal.

But fifty five thousand is good. Five years ago, six years ago, ten years ago I would have been over the moon with fifty five thousand. So I feel good Green is good and you know what? I'm gonna be back in the saddle first thing Monday morning. great trying to finish up April on a good note and get May off to a strong start.

Let's break down all of today's trades in today's midday market. recap. All right everyone. Well daddy fell off the horse today.

fell off the wagon I got dragged behind the wagon after I fell off it. Today is a big red day. It's not the biggest red day of the year, but it's It's not a good one. You know this has been.

it's been. an interesting month because you know I had such an awesome start to the month. $32,000 in the first week, $32,000 in the second week. Another was it $10,000 last week.

So you know I was sitting I was actually sitting up $75,000 on the month and you know I I had this mental goal of 85,000 and I just I don't know I've just kind of let it fall away I had in the last 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8 days I've had 2 4 6 out of the last 8 days have been have been read which is it's not good. You know this is kind of what happened to me in February as well I just kind of got stuck into a rut and had a bunch of back to back of red days. ended up coming out of it in in March making $45,000 which is a great month all things considered. being up $55,000 right now in April is is a great month I mean I can't you know I I have no right to complain at all and I'm not going to complain.

but you know this is one of the challenges with trading is that five years ago? you know? So if someone said hey, Ross you can make fifty five thousand dollars in April I would have been like hell yeah I'd love to but if they said well, you know you're gonna have to. You're actually gonna make seventy-five thousand dollars in the first three weeks and then you're gonna lose 25k or 20k in the last week. how would you feel and you know at that point I would have been like who cares fifty five thousand dollars I'll take it, you know, but now you know years later I look at it and it's like it feels like like I've said before you know I'm I'm finishing a race I've just run like a you know, a ten mile marathon or something and and I came in first place but the last mile I had to crawl. so I just feel like you know I'm not finishing with confidence I'm not finishing with strength I'm not finishing with my my held my head held high I'm finishing kind of getting knocked down at the end and and that's that's the hard part about it.
But this is what it's like to be a traitor. You're gonna have days where you make a ton of money. Fifteen twenty thirty, forty thousand dollars and then you're gonna have days where you give back some of those gains so you know you don't want to count. you're your chickens or your hens whatever before they hatch and that's kind of the thing.

like right now I might say well I'm up 200 and whatever thousand dollars on the year, but it's not said and done until the years finished right. You just know that you're gonna give back some of those gains and it's impossible not to. It's it's like we've talked about with all these examples. You know you're the UPS driver, FedEx driver and man hat and you're gonna have you're gonna have parking tickets.

It's life. You can't avoid them, You know it's This is the cost of doing business in a lot of ways. That's what you sort of have to think of it as so. The beginning of the month is when I was taking in all that revenue and here at the end of the month.

this is just when I have to pay the bills for. You know, the inventory and and you know that's kind of. You just have to compartmentalize it in that way so you don't get stressed out about it because yeah, you know, right now being down, you know, almost 12 grand on the day that could I could definitely spend if I want to I could go into a you know, a whole thinking about. you know how disappointing that is I could spend the weekend you know, sitting and crying in the basement thinking about how I could have spent this twelve thousand dollars on a you know, I used Volvo or something like that.

but but realistically, that's all tunnel vision. When you step back and you look at the bigger picture, the bigger picture is that you don't get to make a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars in one month, which was my month of January without taking risk. And this is what it looks like when you take risk and you're wrong. For me, my accuracy is generally about 70 percent.

So you know I take a hundred trades. 70 of them are winners, thirty of them are losers. The problem is that the losers are usually clustered together. The winners are usually like clustered together as well.

So I'll have four weeks or three weeks of a really great hot streak where I'm right 85% of the time, 90% of time. and then I'll have a streak where I'm right, only forty percent of time or something like that, you know. So it ends up leveling out to 70 percent. which is great, you know? I'm sitting right now up over 200 grand on the year and it's April.
So life is good. You know it's it's just that it's funny how the wins and the losses are clustered together. and right now I'm kind of in that rut where I'm having a hard time getting you know good follow-through So looking at the trades from today, all right. So very first trade was on GNP X this one was strong yesterday I missed it.

it ended up making its move in the afternoon and I was you know I didn't trade it. so today I was watching it I had my order ready to buy 7,500 shares at $14 I wanted this to open under 14 I was gonna get in at 14. My target was to sell at 15 a break over the pre-market high of 1450, a squeeze to 15. Well, that's exactly what happened.

It squeezed up to a high 1575. The problem is that it opened at 14 and immediately surged up to 1450. So I got it I wasn't able to get in at 14 I got in at 14 48 and I added at 15 and it hit 1575. but I was kind of hoping and holding for maybe like a bigger move.

I was thinking a retest of yesterday's highs and then I stopped out coming back down. So only a 223 dollar loss on that. But you know it's one of those things where it just opened up a little bit pre-market and kind of screwed up because it popped up to 1425 pre-market and then dropped down and then popped back up. So you know it, it just didn't work out super well for me.

Dropped back down, consolidation and then you can see here made a little bit of a squeeze off of this pattern at 1450 again. but this point I was already at my max loss and I couldn't afford to take the risk, you know. I take this trade I lose again I'm down 14,000 on the day, you know I Just I can't do that so gotta draw the line in the sand someplace. So anyways, that was GNP X Next trade F CRE Tried to get in a couple times earlier.

orders were rejected for risk. Check. This sometimes happens when you have I guess it's not showing, but this sometimes happens when you have a stock that pops up really quickly from 70 cents all the way up to a dollar 68. So you know a big move.

I Was eventually able to get in with 10,000 shares at a dollar 53 and 55. I sold it 66 and sold the rest. basically breakeven Sixty One Sixty Five. So $796 on that nice green trade.

Nothing too exciting, but you know Green is good. So that was FC re and then at KBS FA hits the scanners. it was actually on our watch pre market and I wanted to get in it at four at sorry 580 as it started to pop up here. but I was a little slow on my orders I put the order out I got filled at 611 and then ad at 621 it taps a high of 646 and look at this I mean this is this is ugly stuff.

In one minute it goes from a high of 645 to a low of 562 and a minute later it's hitting 522. So this is what we call a false breakout. This is a rejection you can see on the daily chart. It's a bit.

It's going to show us a big doji candle. A squeeze up in a rejection. It's actually nearly a bullish engulfing golfing candle where the red candle is bigger than the green candle was big. So this is one of those trades where you know for whatever reason, short sellers hammered this back down.
It drops lower than this. Been the prices started at because of the imbalance on the sell side. You know you've got the this many you know sellers here, so just not good. It all ended up taking a nearly ten thousand dollar loss on it.

So this is the one that really is disappointing. It's one of the worst trades of the year. It's tough. Like I said, you know it's really hard when the stock drops nearly $1 in one candle.

It's hard for short sellers when a stock pops up $1.00 in one candle. It's hard either way, when you have that much volatility because you're just not expecting that a stock could move that much. I mean you're thinking that yeah, you know it'll it'll pop up 15 20 cents, maybe 30 cents. Yeah, maybe you could drop 15 20, maybe 30 cents.

You're not thinking that in one candle it could do something like that. so you know I I Just you know, it's not a lot to say on it other than it dropped very quickly. It did pop back up for a second 260 and I was like, well, I'll give it a second next thing you know it's back down at 20 and I'm stopping out it, you know 5:20 I mean I got I got nailed on it pretty bad so that's you. know that's the way it goes.

Sometimes sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. If you're winning more than you're losing, you know then you're doing something right and I am. But this is one that got me pretty good. So what could I have done differently here? Well I jumped in a little on the high side.

the right entry was at $6 was it it was at the whole dollar and I got into six fifteen. average. Getting in high has worked well in the last three weeks because you got you get in high in stocks. continued higher right now that hasn't been working so I probably should have said you know what you missed a good entry at six just leave it alone.

If I had had a hard stop on this like a live stop order, I would have probably gotten stopped out at maybe five sixty or or five fifty. I certainly would have still taken a big-sized loss. maybe not quite as big because I would have gotten slippage and that's what would have happened. would have gotten some slippage and and I might have gotten filled right at the same at 5:22 I mean I might have gotten filled right at the bottom I know John took this trade, he got stopped out also.

but he's sold on this pop back up so you know selling. Obviously we like to sell on Popp's versus sell in two flushes when possible and so you know that that's what we go for. but it just couldn't happen on this one because it was just two weeks. So I think probably the big thing would have been waiting for a better entry on HEA our it's sort of the same thing I jumped in this for the break of the half dollar.
it's happed a high of 59 and then it came back down again. I Really should have waited for at least a better quality one-minute setup I was buying at 5:50 because that was a daily chart breakout price and I should have just said I'll wait for a better entry. So so I think the issue here on both of these trades is waiting for better entries. And the problem is that when you're in a really, really hot market, if you wait for a really good entry a lot of times they're gonna run without you.

and that's what's frustrating. So in a hot market, waiting for good entries means you miss trades in a slow market, waiting for good entries. Well, it might mean you don't trade at all because you don't have good entries, but you know you'll have. You'll have less read trades so it's kind of managing that.

So how do you know when the markets hot and you can afford to chase and be more aggressive? And when the market is slow and you need to, you need to taper back I'm still after years and years of doing this. Not good at that transition. You know because I'll have a red day like I had last Wednesday and I'll think okay, well you know it's it's a red day but the stocks were strong I just kind of mismanaged risk I was too aggressive so you know it's just it's just part of the deal I'm not gonna, you know I'm not gonna worry about it next day I have a second red day in a row and I'm like okay, well you know again, is that the market or was it just the way I traded You know and that's where it starts to have you know a little bit of a an issue and then the third red day in a row is like okay, clearly things are slow but then on Monday I made $5,000 so he bounced right back on Monday great Green Day Tuesday slightly in the red Wednesday 2500 bucks yesterday not a good day again. I was being a little aggressive so you know it's just it's just it's that mental part and that's what.

when we talk about trading, you know it's it's it's 50% skill or whatever we want to say. 60% skill and 4050 percent a mental. It's the emotions. it's how are you gonna trade when you're in a rut? How do you respond to losses? And it takes practice.

It really does. and even doing this for a long time, they're our weeks where I get myself frustrated and I'm not responding the way I should. and it's like I know it. but I'm not really in the moment when I'm making train decisions.

able to fully, you know, adjust. So to fully adjust I'd say I'd probably have to reduce my size even further because 10,000 shares was too aggressive and so that's number one. But number two. it's not just share size, its entry point.

If I'm not taking good entries, then you know it's then that's what I need to focus on. so better quality entries. Like I said though, the challenge is when you start seeing stocks, just run and run and run and they never gave you a good entry. So you're like oh man, I should I should have been more aggressive I should have jumped in at the half dollar.
the whole dollar. you see a stock hit the high today Momo scanner and it runs up seventy percent and you're like man I should just you know been more aggressive and jumped on it instead of wait. look at this one em TSL Yesterday this stock literally goes from $1 a dia all the way up to 280. That's a full dollar per share.

That's a huge move and it really in this area didn't have a pullback. The first pullback was right here at a dollar 48 and we took that trade. We got into this area and and this was fine but this is an example where if you had jumped in at $2 or 215 you got in a little high. It what? It worked right? so you know and then and then it faded and that was it.

That was the only opportunity on that stock. it was. you know, one opportunity and then it was. It was done earlier in the week you AVS this was one that started to pop up.

Go back here. you know we had a couple daily chart setups on this or red to green move. If you waited for a good pullback, you probably wouldn't gotten any trades at all. So I don't have the metrics right now to say like how much I make on risky entries.

You know where I'm buying something high or I'm buying right at the half dollar or a whole dollar to try to ride the momentum. So I couldn't say with confidence that I make more being aggressive than I lose. But I would say that again, you don't make a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars in one month without being aggressive. This month I had a chance of having a one hundred thousand dollar month, but it forced me to be aggressive.

and so just as it turns out, in the last week, the markets been slow and I haven't been seeing good follow-through and being aggressive hasn't worked and so I gave back some of those gains. So you know I came to the table thinking I've got seventy-five thousand dollars profit on the month I'm gonna risk a little to try to get a hundred thousand dollar month and this is a month where that didn't work and so I'm gonna be at 50,000 55,000 was the risk worth the reward and I think that it was because I know I'm capable of 100k month. It just didn't happen this month. But maybe it will happen next month and so next month I might continue to be aggressive.

Once we start to see momentum turnaround, we're seeing some really good you know, squeezes and and stuff like that. I'll probably amp up the risk again and that's when I'll probably start having 10,000 15,000 you know, $20,000 days and that's the time where I'm again gonna say well, am I gonna try to push it Am I gonna try to be aggressive because you know that's when you get the hundred thousand dollar month or am I just gonna be conservative So I'm the type of person that is going to be more aggressive I'm gonna push it and this is true with anything you guys know. I mean this is you know when I'm skiing I push it I'm aggressive and sometimes I fall down. it's inevitable.
sometimes I get hurt. That's why I was out for a week in February because I you know got hurt skiing. You know it's the same with driving cars. You know when I go to Las Vegas and I'm driving fast around the track.

Sometimes you go off the track and you get into the sand and that's the way it is. So that's personality type and you might be a personality type that says I want to be more conservative and that's fine. You can be a more conservative day trader. you can.

There's a large spectrum. Mike is even a little bit more conservative than I Am you know he doesn't push it quite as hard. He prefers a little bit more dialed down a little slower. He prefers the higher price stocks because they're a little easier to manage.

John He likes to push it a little bit harder the way I do you know? and so it's Jeff I'd say in some ways, pushes it even harder because he's taking these options trades where the loss is a hundred percent if you lose often. I mean maybe fifty percent. but the profit is like two three hundred percent. That to me is almost too extreme for me because I you know.

But that's a day where there might be days where Jeff is risking 10,000 to make thirty thousand. So because he's taking pretty large positions with the option contract, so you know there's the spectrum and you'll find your place within it. It's just you know. it really comes down to your strategy is a reflection of your personality.

So my personality is: get aggressive. Get in, get the profit, get out. When it works, it works. when it doesn't, you know it doesn't.

So anyways, today's a day where it didn't work. but I'm not gonna beat myself up about it. I'm not gonna. you know, sit around and you know, be depressed all weekend.

It's I'm already putting it behind me. I'll be back at it Monday morning. You know this is a day where I just had the bills come in and paying the bills and it is what it is. It's part of training.

so overall, it's been a great week. Well, it's been a great month. Fifty-five thousand dollars on the month is awesome I'm happy about that. so you know that's that's where you got to keep the big picture.

Two hundred thousand dollars on the year and it's only April that's awesome. I'm still tracking for a $600,000 year and that's my goal. Six hundred and sixty-five thousand is the goal by the end of this year. Oh hey and see you there while I was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade.

Hopefully it comes soon. Until then, Make sure you subscribe to get email alerts any time I Go live or upload new videos. Until then. Happy surfing!.

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28 thoughts on “A $12k red day :”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Ooh no Ross – $ 12,000… funny video loved it..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Clay says:

    $45,000 a month is still $540,000 a year. Damn!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Cesar says:

    The best days to learn from are the Red days.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Immillnr says:

    sometimes you need to use margin and leverage and just see what happens 😀

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thompson Appliance says:

    i love how he has a positive perspective.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Ramos says:

    Surprised you didn't take half on that

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharif Ali says:

    I feel bad for you man. But as you said it's cost of doing business. On Thursday you said something "you know you are doing well when 2k is an average day". It got me worried about you for a second. This is similar to what happen when I finish a strong day, week or a month. I don't know why or how, it's just human nature… April is in the books. May to come..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars martin bonham says:

    Hahahahahahahahahaha…… absolutely love your intros…….love your humour…….weather a green or red day………. congratulations on making 'light' humour on a 12k lost…………..it can't be easy. Thanks for sharing the ups and the downs it with us……..👍💪

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustafa Dayan says:

    Regardless of these losses, you are always an awesome Trader Ross! Hope to see you Green over 100K in May

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMB Stock Tips says:

    Never give up, carry on!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yuriy_Rybak says:

    Hello! Hope you will answer my question. What is the best international broker? I wanna trade very badly, however, I can not find the right broker that would accept the international traders. Thanks in advance!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Family Cable llc says:

    Ross. No worries. Good luck monday.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noel Monzon says:

    Real deal trader Ross. It's professional traders like you that reminds us that if you guys have days like these, why not us from time to time. Keep it coming coach! Thanks!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas biladeau says:

    Your not a sniper! You need to hit and run! Your holding way to long!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john k says:

    Great video – very creative..Okay, I'll trade you days, if you trade me months? It's not about the dollars, its about the decisions. If you made the right decisions you will win long game. And volvo's suck, you want an aventador and that takes a long game.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Burrows says:

    As much as I was laughing at this intro, I think we all want to say thanks for keeping all of us in check with the reality of trading. When all said and done, you are in profit and trading the Warrior Trading way is profitable, but sometimes, there are days like this. Thanks for sharing them.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bobby eggenberg says:

    Hi great share. could you let me know if your recording has a lot of lag in it. Mine shows you in still frame but the speech is good. Wondering if its my internet or just the transmission. trying to get this fixed. Than you for your answer.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Dagerman says:

    great intro!!! hahaah!! next time turn the lights off!! You got a good sense of humor!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars minnox says:

    so breakout trading is working better at a healthy market?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike lorenzo says:

    what a joke…. track record ?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Price says:

    i was down as well ! we both missed aqms !!! its friday ross!!
    loss day !

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ac says:

    Ross green or red days you're always have the right feedback to make me feel to continuous trading, thanks…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars torreshondaguy says:

    hey ross have been watching you for couple years now and i have started to trade with in the last year starting off little rocky but working on it just wanted to mention the last uploads you have done wont play on my pc just shows black screen the audio plays no picture but will show your older vids just fine. not sure if it my pc or what

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laura Jones says:

    Hope you found AQMS

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anon ymous says:

    What's all these graphs? I'm new to the channel and new to trading. help me understand it please

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 223554545 says:

    Man ! First I was happy that u loss like us , but now I feel sorry for u ! Start swinging now it's bad for day trading

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Gantt says:

    After watching this episode a few times, I think your share size is fine. A better Entry point is my take away. You said it—you got in at the high point. It doesn’t seem like right now is the time to get in high. IMHO.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xxx s says:

    55k is a number that most traders would not dream of

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