The best tool for automatically adding subtitles to a video?... YouTube. Today let's walk you through how to automatically add subtitles without a srt file or any of that jazz!
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video Sean's, a name YouTube's a game and in this video, I'm gon na, be telling you guys how you can actually add subtitles to a youtube. Video and I get this question a lot and reason being is because 85 % of videos watched on Facebook alone or without audio and there's similar statistics for LinkedIn and Instagram and all the other platforms, because ultimately people are scrolling on their phones and they might be In a public place - and they might not just want to have someone yelling or talking to them in a video so they're just watching it visually and they're, not actually listening to it so to grab this market and to actually entertain this group of people, which is A huge group of people you need to have subtitles in your video if you are actually speaking in it, there's a lot of really great tools out there to actually do this or you can do this manually by hand in your video editing software. But what I like to do is if you have a script written out or it's a short video and you can write the script out. It's very simple to actually just use YouTube to generate your subtitles.

So that's what we're doing today, I'm gon na, be showing you step-by-step on how to actually do this. So why don't we just go ahead and get started. Okay, so check it out right here now, I'm actually going to be using an example of a newer channel and a newer business of mine just because it's gon na be a lot easier to show you guys it but pretty much. This is what we're working with here.

So this is a video with subtitles on YouTube, and you know a video has subtitles on YouTube. If you actually come down here and you click on the subtitle, slash closed captions and some videos actually have different languages. This one's only got English, so I'll go ahead and play it really quick and you can actually see once there's. Actually you know speaking audio, you can actually see it pop up right now.

If I turn this off it'll go away, and so it's pretty phenomenal. It's pretty awesome. I love this feature. It's all built into YouTube, very easy to use and a lot of people really like it, especially if they're having a hard time, understanding you or maybe if they've, got a hard time, they're part of different language.

So this subtitles feature is a really good feature to utilize on YouTube and also want to say really quick, a lot of people like to utilize these actual subtitles and put this video on a different platform. So it's really great. You can actually take this video. Take the srt file or whatever follow that you need to upload on a different platform to have subtitles and it's all simple and easy and automatic.

So how do we do this? Alright, so we're gon na go ahead and exit out of this right now, you're gon na go ahead and go into your YouTube studio, you're going to head on over to a video there's only two videos on this channel so go ahead and we'll click. This video, and once you have this video pulled up. You actually come down here now, I'm assuming in the future. It's gon na be in this transcriptions tab, but for right now I don't necessarily think you can add it in here.
You might be able to add it into language right here. This is always changing. My favorite way to do is just go down here and the other features go into translations and transcription, and then that will bring you to this page right here. Okay, which is essentially our video and then you can already see this - has subtitles right.

It's published it's in English. You can see it right here when go, we can click on it. We can discard them so we're gon na go ahead and actually discard them right now and then I will go ahead and actually add them back in and show you all the features like that. So it's all first answering reading we're gon na discard those.

Let it load up a little bit, so this is what you're gon na see when you come to a video that does not have subtitles okay, so once you're here, you can either upload a file transcribe and auto-sync, or you can create new subtitles or closed captions And if you don't know what each of these three mean very simple, you can just click on these question marks right here and it'll. Tell you exactly what it means. Essentially, you can upload a full, fully loaded, SRT file VTT file, whatever we're brt, I think, is actually called whatever the transcript file is or subtitle file. You can actually upload it here.

This one I use the most transcribe and auto-sync, which is great. You can pretty much take a Word document of the script or really any document that has the script. Maybe they have timings, maybe they don't upload it to YouTube and let YouTube automatically auto sync it to when you actually see it in the video. So, for example, if I submit a paragraph that is my script for the video YouTube, will actually take that paragraph and break it up depending on when you actually say that in the video.

So it's really cool really awesome. I use that feature the most or you can actually manually create them yourself. You can actually watch the video and type it in as you're listening to yourself or whoever's talking in the video so for example, purposes most people will be using the transcribe and auto-sync or actually manually typing them in. So I'm going I'm going to click on this one just to show you all how it works and pretty much.

You can literally copy and paste your entire script in here now. I only copy and paste it in two sentences at the beginning, but I'll go ahead and just show that we'll go ahead and hit set timings and, depending on how long the video is, it will actually automatically set the timings for you. Now again. It does take a little while the longer the video is, but it's not too bad.

So right now, it's literally setting the timings for me. You can actually see that by clicking this right here saying setting timings, click on it says: look subtitle timings are being set check back soon, so that's really cool, but I'm gon na go ahead and actually delete this draft right now, because I have an SRT file And I want to show you how to do it that way as well, so we're gon na go ahead and do add. Subtitles were going to add English click on that real, quick, let it load up and then we are going to go with upload a file. Then it's gon na bring into this page right here and it says uploading a file will overwrite this version of English and you're like okay, that's fine, we'll go ahead and browse for it.
I've got it pulled up on a separate monitor here, and I will look for this file right here, go ahead and open that and then we'll hit upload and boom - it's literally all in here. So if you have enough start T file, I'm forget the names all in the VRT there's one other one VTT. I think something like that. If you've got one of those very simple, you literally just upload it like this, and it's all done.

You get published and you're done, but, like I said, most people will not have that file and we need to either do it manually or they have a script written out and they can copy and paste it and put it in like. I was showing you so, for example, we can kind of add in another language here we'll just click Spanish for a second well, it's Spanish in on here and click it let it load up and then again you can upload a file, transcriber, auto sync or create New files or closed captions, so it's a pretty phenomenal system on youtube. If you ask me, because you can literally take what most people have is a script or maybe an outline of their script and they can kind of tighten it up paste it all in and let YouTube do the work for you most other sites and most other Programs that people pay for don't really get it down to the T, perfect and you're kind of reading subtitles and not necessarily you know, hearing what's being read so YouTube's great because it does it automatically. I said, and it's also really really really accurate.

You might have to make some adjustments here and there, but for the most part, its spot-on and while you're waiting for it to be published, you know it'll, give you a little notification once it's done, but, as you can see, we've got this green little dot here. Saying language is published, so if I hit on closed captions here it should play and give us and closed captions and boom there. It is, and again it's pretty spot-on in perfect, which is very rare, and this can save you so much time and another thing really quick. I want to tell you before we end this video is you can enable community contributions here? So I believe it's on by default, but you can actually go into your channel settings and turn it on if it's not and pretty much.

That means that people who were watching your videos, they can actually do this work for you. They can literally add their subtitles. They can add languages that can translate, maybe the title and description of your videos, which is drakes and you can hit a larger market on youtube. So these are just another tool.
Another thing to add that can kind of grow your channel and get you moving on YouTube. Super quick, anyways, guys, that's pretty much, how you add, subtitles to a YouTube video. Now I highly highly highly recommend you do this because again so much video content is that we watch without audio. Now YouTube is kind of an anomaly to this Facebook Instagram LinkedIn.

All those platforms are usually watched without audio people come to YouTube, to listen and actually watch the video. So it's not as big as the demographic on YouTube, but I highly recommend you do it because you can go ahead and take that video and put it out on other platforms and you've already got subtitles for it. But ultimately I hope you learn something new. That was the goal of this video and, if you did, I would definitely appreciate it if you can hit that like button also subscribe, if you're new around here guys, I'm always releasing some great content on this channel to help you grow on YouTube.

So it's definitely worth your while. Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and until next time. I wish you all the best of luck on here and I'll. See you in the next video.

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26 thoughts on “How to add subtitles automatically with youtube!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Dobbie says:

    Sorry, it didn't bear any relation to my system and certainly looked complicated.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pravinchandra Kakade says:

    you video is very nice but our you tube studio cant show translate below in Sub Titile s What shoud be doon

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Taylor Johnson says:

    I don't see the transcriptions button. I only have a subtitles one and that wants me to add the text.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT BestPlayz67 says:

    I like how you do the intro

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mz molly says:

    Can't watch this fast talking, extremely loud, used car salesman! Sorry Dude but honestly, you lost me at "Shawn's the name, Youtube's the game." vomit

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kittykorndrishya says:

    I'm 9 years old

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morten Kalland says:

    Jeg trodde Youtube kunne høre ordene selv og lage undertekst automatisk uten at jeg behøver å skrive noe?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Cronk says:

    Buying likes, views and comments… Lmao fuck yourself.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars INTJA Tarot says:

    Ummm you didnt show us how to set it auto, we KNOW that youtube does it, but not always?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hacky Cat says:

    THIS IS NOT Automatic, Automatic is putiing in Automatic subtitle not putting your own subtitile LIE!!!!!!! >:(

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophia X says:

    I stopped at upload a file because I don't know what file that I needed to upload

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuadBeauty says:

    Hey, great video 😁👍🏼

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars INFORMATIVE ABDULLAH says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fanatic Play says:

    Awesome. Thank you

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seek the light says:

    Let's see if anyone understands my point.
    Is there any way that when i click add new subtitles(3rd option) then utube automatically puts autogenerated subtitles into the time line and I just edit them a little bit for correction? It happened to me once. I wanted to contribute a translation. Youtube automatically put transcription into timelines and i just edited them here and there. but not anymore. It was so easy rather than writing a whole transcript again.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RONALD LU says:

    Id would be nice if you can go to direct to the tutorial….to much talking..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kamal Abdullah says:

    I have two vid which have subtitles but i didn't do anything?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beverly Argue says:

    Hey Shawn great video . can I put subtitles on someone else’s video on youtube

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shoaib Diwan says:

    hey there how do I go abt auto translation ………..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Extraordinary Gamers! says:

    You’re a god send. We love you. You went over ALL THREE methods of YouTube subtitles when other how to videos were “just a bunch of wimps!” And only chose to talk about the subtitles feature they themselves use and doing a crappie job of it.

    We love you. Bless you. Stay healthy. Stay sane. Stay connected.

    I am the Auticon!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gorgette Adelaide says:

    When I go to YouTube Studio, I don’t see « transcriptions » after « comments » only « subtitles »
    Anyone have the same issue?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy AP says:

    Shawn – it would be helpful for Deaf trying to understand your instructions, if you had uploaded THIS video and actually had Closed Captioning or Subtitles on it so they could understand your instructions too, not just Hearing people. Thank you!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YtE N0iSE says:

    why you talk like that tho…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James M. Walker, real estate agent says:

    great video thanks. You the man.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Green Eyes Fly says:

    Hi Shawn 🙋‍♀️ I met you at my brokerage at a class you were teaching us agents. Do you have a video on creating a intro for your YouTube channel? If not can you make one for dummies? I'm brand new at this and want to create a channel but the videos I've seen talk a lot about things I dont even know what they are talking about. 😁

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cpjamiee says:

    Shawn, i watched you two years ago, doing lumber tycoon and then theme park tycoon. I’m so happy your still doing a bit of them still, most you tubers wouldn’t, you are the best!

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