Podcasts are becoming hotter and hotter these days so why not start your own? Figured I'd make a quick little video showing you how to create your own FREE podcast in just 5 simple steps. Let me know what you think!
AZ Real Talk Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/5x5Nxiy7O02xJX86zbcc0d
Whooshkaa - https://www.whooshkaa.com/
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Hey, what's up guys sean here and welcome back to new video now before we start this video, though I just want to give you guys a little bit of a warning. If you know anything about me and anything else about this channel, my goal is to get one video a week up on this channel, no matter what I'm gon na get 52 videos on this channel this year, I'm a little bit behind this week, we're in my Truck right now, I'm actually heading over to a new house of mine that I just bought. I'm gon na make a video on that soon, but I've just got so much going on everything's, getting crazy, trying to move in try and do a bunch of work on the house, and I was like you know what I cannot forget to do. A video - and so I'm not I'm gon na - be giving you guys five steps on how to actually create a podcast today, because podcasts are getting super super super popular.

A lot of people are trying to start their own podcast. It's not necessarily the easiest thing in the world, so today I'm gon na be showing you guys five steps on how to create your own podcast. Now, before we get started with the five steps on how to create your own podcast, I just want to say I did just create a new podcast of mine, I'm doing it with two awesome people. It's all focused around the state of Arizona, really cool podcast.

You guys should check it out. I will link it down below. It's called easy: real talk, really cool podcasting. If you want some good ideas or kind of see how things work check that out down below alright so step one.

This is the most fun step of the entire process and it's to actually come up with what you want your podcasts to be about. You want to come up with a name, for you want to come up with a description for maybe some content ideas. What are you going to talked about on this? You know you want to come up with that name. Maybe some art, your arts gon na, want to be three thousand pixels by three thousand pixels by the way, but again just come up with something.

What do you want to talk about you wan na talk about art, music, finance, real estate cars? I don't know whatever you guys want to talk about. You want to come up with your topic and kind of envision where you want the podcast to go, and this is something that a lot of people might think. Oh that's, definitely common knowledge. I want to talk about cars, so I'm just gon na start, my podcasts.

How do I start it? Well, yes, it is relatively simple, but you want to make sure that you have a good plan in place. Reason being is because your plan is what you really can't change as you move forward sure you can tweak it and fine-tune it. But if you want to talk about cars and then all of a sudden you're like I've, only got five episodes that I can talk about cars on then you're kind of screwed. So you need to make sure that you have a ton of content planned out and you've got a great name in mind and you're really just excited to get it going and before we go on to step two.

It's really important in this step to actually look at some other podcasts, get some ideas and see how they're doing it so check out some podcasts like gangster capitalism or the Joe Rogan experience or any of the barstool podcasts, get some really great ideas from them. Pick your niche and then own it you don't want to just say, hey we're going to talk about the Sean mal coupon cast, and it's just anything I want to talk about like sure I could do that, but it would be really hard to grow a brand That way, so you want to pick a topic that is very specific and that a lot of people actually enjoy so step. One is very important and a lot of people overlook it and just saying I've got this idea, we'll roll with it take some time to actually plan it out, but okay number two step number two is actually recording your podcast, creating the content that you want to Put out there - and this is something that a lot of people get hung up on, because I just don't know how to go about it. And not only do people not know how to go about it, but they get hung up on trying to create the coolest and awesomest podcast recording setup known to man.
It's not needed. I will tell you straight up. You do not need the most amazing. Oh, please don't fall over camera.

You don't need the most amazing podcast setup. Okay, all you need is one decent sounding microphone. If you wan na do a podcast, multiple people, maybe you can have two microphones if you really want to spend a little extra money, but it does not have to be a costly setup. You know when I actually started youtube.

I had the cheapest microphone known to man and I was able to get started with a super cheap setup and that's exactly how you can do it in the podcast world. You don't need something really really really really really expensive, because if you don't end up liking podcasting, you just spent a lot of money and you waste a lot of money. So I don't recommend you go, spend a ton of money on it. You can get by with some really cheap stuff and let's actually talk about what that cheap stuff is.

So I highly recommend you get a blue microphone. They are the cheapest condenser mics, the super simplest microphones, use and they've got some amazing quality. So you've got the blue Yeti if you want to go a little bit on the higher end, you got the blue ice for the low end and the blue snowball is, I think, the good middle range I started out with the blue snowball. I think it was like 40 bucks, maybe 50 bucks, a great audio and will get you going for your podcast and that's someone I want to touch on real, quick.

You can't just take your phone and talk in your phone. I mean, I guess you could, but it's not recommended, because ultimately people are going to be listening to your audio and if your audio is kind of crappy and not really gon na want to listen for a long time so spend 40 bucks. 50 bucks get yourself a decent microphone, you'll be totally fine. Now, in terms of the actual, do I need sound proofing? Do I need all this amazing incredible stuff? You know audio mixer and master all these things in and a compressor.
No, you don't need all that when you get yourself a blue microphone, it's a USB right, you'll plug into your laptop, go into your laptop settings pop like audacity or GarageBand, both free programs and you can record some really awesome audio with that. Most people have a loud top. Most people can spend about 40 to 50 bucks on a microphone and you're gon na be totally fine with setting up an amazing sounding podcast. More of the story.

Just don't spend a ton of money on your audio equipment as you grow as your podcast grows as you enjoy it more, you can spend more and more money on it when you're starting out, there's no reason to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on a podcast. If you don't even enjoy it all right step three step, three okay step, three is going to be something that a lot of people are actually enough to learn a little bit and it's actually really fun once you get into it. So once you've got your name right and you've got your plan for your podcast and you've got some equipment to actually record some audio it's time to actually do that in step three step: three, you want to actually record your audio okay, you want to record it And so the best way to do it, I just mentioned it use GarageBand or audacity GarageBand for Mac users, audacity for PC, both free programs, okay, free programs that will get you going and get you going really really really well, and what I mean by that is That it's incredibly easy to use you plug in your microphone. You load up garage band or audacity, and you hit record and you've got your audio for your podcast right.

There simple, as that and I'm not really gon na, get in on how to actually use the programs because the programs, you know it could go off into such a long. Video just YouTube other videos on how to actually use audacity or GarageBand again. They're super simple to use: you're gon na find a lot of success with them and all you got to do when you're in there you just got ta snip the intro and the outro of your recorded audio and your podcast is good to go hello. I think you tell them super moved into this house.

No, not alright. Once you've got your plan. Okay, you've got your audio equipment to actually start creating the audio. Then you've got the actual audio file that you're ready to get all right.

You've exported it. Everything is good. You've got that audio file on your computer. Then that brings us to step number four, which is you know how to get your audio file on to the major platforms right.

So you've got your you know: Spotify Google Apple iTunes, like if your podcast is on those big platforms. No one's really gon na listen to it. Unless you have a really big following on a different platform like Twitter, Facebook YouTube whatever Instagram and then you post it all out to them and they go to the direct page. Listen to it a little bit different.
So to get them onto those big platforms which again is super important - you need to actually use a service for that most the time. So most people will utilize some services. I either charge five to ten dollars per month or they'll charge per listener. Bunch of different payout structures, I typically use a software or a platform.

How do I think Australia called mooshka? I'm gon na leave a link down below, for you called whoosh Co, it's completely free. It puts them on the big three, the Apple. You know the Spotify and the Google the big three to me if they you need to get on those three other ones good to be on, but really just need. Those three who should get would get you on that again: it's completely free the utilize kind of an ad rep split platform and that's kind of how they make their money.

So I think it's a great service, especially when you're starting out it's completely free, definitely utilize that link down below again, I'm all about the free stuff. I love free stuff, especially when starting out or the cheap stuff, when starting out, because again, when you're starting out, you don't have tons of money or if you do have tons of money. It's not your best use of your dollar to just go out and spend a ton of money. Hope something works and kind of be a little stressed out because you spent a lot of money on it.

So the cheapest route is always the best route when starting out and whoosh go is amazing, like I would even use it. Even if I had millions and millions of listeners on the podcast that I do, which goes just amazing, yep load your file on there super simple to use. You picked a big three. You got to do a few steps here and there to get them on those and you're good to go again.

Those big three Spotify iTunes and Google is really how people are going to find your podcast and listen to your podcast, and you see a lot of analytics in which guy, so that's super important. That brings us to number five, which is market that mofo. You cannot expect just to create a podcast, get it online and just be like. Let's go, I'm the next Joe Rogan everyone's gon na.

Listen to me well go does not happen like that. Okay, so you need a marketing. You need to tell tons of people about your podcast, whether it be on social media or emails or text and links to friends. Whatever you want to do.

You've got to tell a lot of people about your podcast, which reminds me go check the description again to head on over that new podcast. I was just mentioning AZ real talk. This is how you do you got to tell people about it. Have them go? Listen to it have some fun creating it, and ultimately, those are gon na.

Be your five steps in creating your podcast again, so many people get caught up in the weeds they go. Oh, I need to create this super awesome studio setup and I need to have this amazing. You know art for it and I need you up now. Oh, don't get caught up literally just create a very simple 3,000 by 3,000 pixel image create a name, a description and just start recording just get in front of a microphone and start talking about something.
That's how podcasts work start talking about it, get it into audacity or GarageBand edit, it all together, very simple, editing, just kind of trim the beginning in the end, render it out export it, throw it up on woosh, go and tell people about it. I mean it's really not that hard to start a podcast, a lot of people get caught up in it and it's a little bit frustrating because podcasts are still you know relatively new to most people videos a lot more common people will create a video way sooner. Don't then they'll create a podcast, but podcasts are so simple, don't require that much time and are really fun to do yeah if you try to go for the super expensive stuff, I'm gon na I'm gon na hit you with this thing all right. I know I have this in here.

It's ridiculous, but again those are the five steps in creating your podcast. Super simple guys share this video with someone that you want to create a podcast. Let's show them that it is so simple to do and just requires a little bit of time upfront and once you're rolling you're just going, and it's easy alright so share this video with some. You want to start a podcast with.

I appreciate you guys watching this. Sorry for the probably super echoey audio in here, let's go super annoying, but again sorry for this kind of nonchalant, later style, video. I want to stick to my goal of 52 videos this year. This is me doing it and literally got nothing.

This is just a room in my house. I got nothing in your besides this super awkward thing beanbag, I don't even know bunch of awkward stuff, but again I appreciate you guys watching the video, hopefully we'll be back on track next week with doing some really awesome stuff. I'm gon na make a video about this house too, so subscribe. If you haven't already, I drop a lot of really cool videos on this channel, but it is on the call video for today.

So hopefully you enjoyed it. If you did smash that like button - and I will see you in the next one -.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “How to setup & start a podcast for free!! (5 steps)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars b2nji says:

    I love watching your old vlogs. Can you make more???

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zyro says:

    Hey Shaun I love your vids plz ca I have a shout out I just started and would love a shoutout thx

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twisty Flipside says:

    Nice video man! Love the energy! I'm hoping to start a podcast soon, thanks for the help.

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