Who doesn't love passive income? Everyone wants that mail money because it's truly the best way to build wealth. So enjoy these 10 methods for generating a little extra cash each month! Have some ideas for passive income yourself? Let me know in the comments!
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Some Things I Mentioned in the Video-
๐ŸŽฆ How to Make $1000 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpI1Vr87N2Y
๐Ÿค“ My Online Courses - http://www.dream2succeed.com/home/
๐Ÿก How to Invest in Real Estate for $100 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_8DtOnStSc
๐ŸŽ™๏ธ How to Start a Podcast For FREE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGLKnXBWhNM
๐Ÿ’ณ Credit Stuff - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7sFtzfYJiU&list=PLHDS__PKH1kL1I3j9597F1Nr2ISSu9vGh
๐Ÿš— Get Paid for Driving Your Car - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHG7atSAVi0
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video, my name's Sean and today I want to tell you ten ways on how you can make passive income and for those of you who are new around here, I am huge on cash flowing your money and essentially just Spending your money, the smartest way possible. So if you don't know this already passive income streams are the best way to be financially stable because you can be making money again without spending time on it, which is of course, the goal. Everyone wants you making a million dollars a day without spending any time working and while that might be a little far-fetched, you can actually make some good money every single day without actually actively spending time on it. I'm huge on return on time invested.

So if you can spend a lot of time one day and reap the benefits from it for years to come, I think that's so much better than specifically trading your time for money every single day. So again, today, I'm gon na be giving you ten ways on how to actually start to start generating you some passive income. Let's do it all right so before we actually get into the top ten ways to actually generate some passive income. I would really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button and stick around for some other great content that I'm always dropping on this channel, but number one which again, if you are subscribed to this channel and you do keep up to date with a lot of Videos that I upload you will know that I am a huge YouTube guy.

I have been on YouTube forever and it has been one of my biggest sources of income for the last seven to eight years on a bunch of different channels that I have and YouTube is probably my favorite way of generating passive income. So we're gon na start out with is YouTube. Now, I'm not gon na fully break down how you actually generate money on YouTube. I made loads of videos on that I'll, actually leave one link down in the description on the on the 3 ways.

You can generate a thousand dollars a month on YouTube. I highly recommend you watch that video, but essentially the biggest form of income that comes from YouTube is going to be from your ad revenue. So if you can build some sort of brand or some sort of personality on YouTube or really anything, you can do it with businesses and really whatever you have an idea for you - can generate some money on YouTube. Put up your videos on YouTube you're spending that little bit of time to make the video and to edit it and upload it and to get it out there, and then you could literally make money on that video until you die.

That's why it's number one on my list. Sure things will go out of style with it, but I will tell you that I've had videos that I uploaded in 2009. 2010. 2011.

2012. I have some big ones there that still generate me, some good money every single month to put things in a perspective. I think videos that I made in 2009 to about 2013 I'd, say those four years of videos that I have on YouTube. I want to say that you still generate me about $ 500 a month.
I made those videos 6 plus years ago and they're still generating me $ 500 a month. That's how powerful YouTube is it's huge snowball effect. I've got obviously way more videos that were built and made after 2013, 2014 2015. All those videos that are obviously still making me money as well.

So that's my number one way to generate passive income is to start a video blog or video channel or some sort of YouTube contents, where you can actually start making some and again there's way more ways to make money on YouTube. So I highly recommend you check out that video that I made on the three ways to generate a thousand dollars on YouTube link down below, but the next one that I want to get into is relatively similar to YouTube. It's blogging. So, instead of actually video logging or vlogging, it's actually write a blog, so blogs were super popular back in the day and that's really how a lot of people started actually get going on YouTube.

Is they turn these blogs and video blogs? But blogs are a great way to make some great money, you're, probably sending so much text every single day, whether you're texting on your phone typing emails, writing little stories or whatever I'm sure you are thinking and writing of. So many words a day, so you might as well start a blog, whether it be on a specific topic, just like YouTube right, so you could do it on cooking fashion or whatever you want to do. Maybe just about you. You just want to keep a personal blog, throw it up on a website.

There's a good chance. You can make some pretty good money on that now. If you're sitting there going well Shawn, how does that actually make me money? Well, when you've actually got a blog and you're sending traffic to it, and people are reading your blog, there's, obviously gon na be ads next to it. Maybe I'll get some sponsored blog posts, all sorts of ways to make some money on a blog and it's actually a lot simpler than you think you can get going on like a blogger or WordPress or really any of those great features and websites.

And you can do it for a couple bucks a month. You can start writing some stories. Tell your friends about it! Tell your family about it and if you start getting some decent traffic set, that could lead to some big money. I've got friends who are blogging right now and they're, making like 8 to 12 grand a month from writing a weekly blog post.

What that's a lot of money just to be typing things, but people love reading their stories, love reading their blog and that's just a great way for that creator to make a little bit of extra passive income anyway. I know blogging isn't for everyone, so I want to move on to numbers 3, which is actually Amazon, Clickbank or really just any type of affiliate marketing. If you don't know what affiliate marketing is you should by now, because I see, I think, every single day on Instagram now one of my friends are like. Oh, I just got a sponsorship with Jim shark or this clothing company or this protein thing or this and you all should use my discount link and you know, go shop there and they make a little bit of money on that and that's great, I don't want To dog any of those peep, I think it's really cool that you're getting out there and trying to actually get some revenue going and you're actually providing your friends with discount code.
So it actually. You know it makes a little bit of sense, but if you really want to kill it in the affiliate marketing world, you want to actually always be marketing to your friends without actually you know showing that you're marketing to them - and I want to back up for A second because, if you're like, I don't even know what any of that means essentially affiliate marketing is taking a product that someone else has or another company it's their product, not your product and you're, basically sending traffic to them through a specific link or with a Specific discount code and that company is giving you a percentage of that money earned on that sale to you. So if you go to like any of my youtube videos on this channel or one of my other channels, you'll see that every time I talk about something a product, a service or really anything in the description, I'll say: yeah they're linked down there. If you want to go check it out, those links are always either shortened or affiliate links.

So when I send traffic to another company or to a service or whatever, I'm gon na be making a little bit of my Knock ton a little bit of money off of those people who actually go make a purchase or signup and again we're not talking big Bucks here, like I've, ran some affiliate marketing campaigns to where, for every person I sent over and signed up on a specific platform, they didn't buy anything they just signed up. I'd, get like 10 cents, not a ton. I know it's not a ton, but I think if you were sending 10,000 people over there and there's they're all signing up and getting ten cents for each person it starts to add up, and the biggest thing guys that you need to understand is the thing with Passive income is you're not going to be making a thousand dollars a day, doing something you want to be making a couple bucks a day, maybe 10 to 20 bucks a day and you're gon na be getting that 10 to 20 bucks a day every single day. That's the key to passive income.

You do not need to be making a ton of money on it. You just need a lot of sources of income that are very small and that are happening every single day. You can pretty much get set up as an affiliate on almost any product or website or company page. They love affiliates, because even though they're giving you a percentage of the profits, they're still profiting money, so affiliate marketing is huge.

I probably make like. I don't know two to three hundred dollars a month, just off affiliate marketing from loads of other videos that I've had and maybe just some campaigns. I've ran them in the past as well, so affiliate marketing can be pretty good, especially for that passive income. Now the next one I want to talk about is actually doing online courses, there's a good chance that you're pretty good at something in life, whether that be a sport and activity.
Maybe some arts and crafts, type stuff or a specific business related thing. There's a good chance that you're really good at something and that other people could learn from you on so take that knowledge put it into an online course and then tell everyone, hey look! If you want to learn how I was able to do this or how I figured out how to do this or why I'm so good at this, you can enroll in my course and hey. Maybe it's only ten to twenty to thirty bucks, for you to sign up and to learn all this knowledge, but that's another source of passive income for you. So, for example, if you go to dream to succeed com, that's my website where I host all of my courses on and I've got a lot of courses, and I think I've got six courses that I've made a lot of them are YouTube related or time management Related and and I've done really well at just because of my background, you know I built up a channel of over 300 and like twenty thousand subscribers, I've gotten probably over a hundred million views on YouTube.

So I know how to do YouTube. I'm good at YouTube. A lot of people don't know how to do YouTube, so I send them and say: hey look every time you come to me and ask me a YouTube question. I could say: hey, look, here's how you can how I can kind of help you, but if you really want to learn youtube, if you really want to take it to the next level, then just go check out.

My online course all right look. You can do a free, webinar it'll, give you tons of great information just off that, but also, if you really want to take it to the next level, you can enroll in the course. I'm just going to say right now that online courses are probably the most successful and the best way that most entrepreneurs are really just anyone successful at anything that they do in life. They'll turn it into an online course, and that's probably the most popular way.

For someone to make that passive income and I'm gon na give you a little bit of a warning when you create this online course, it is gon na. Take you a ton of time. I think I've spent probably 300 hours on one of my online courses. 300 hours, but it's jam-packed with tons of content, it's really the best bang for your buck.

I think on the internet when it comes to YouTube and that's why it's done so well and it makes me a good amount of money stretch at a good amount of passive money. So again, if you want to see how I do that you can go to dream to succeed, com I'll leave a link down below for you. Online courses are great hands down, there's, probably something that you're really good at, and you can make an online course on. So I highly recommend you explore that route, but moving on to the next one is actually gon na be selling online books will call it books or ebooks, because ebooks are getting a little bit more popular now.
But you know if you're good at one thing or you know something or you're really good at writing odds are you can probably make an e-book? That's something that's actually on my list to do. You know I've spent so much time making these courses pumping out all this great content. But the one thing I haven't done is actually write a book. I've started it.

I've got probably 40 to 50 pages written, but that's again, something that you can spend a lot of time on upfront writing a book about it doesn't have to even be something: that's, educational or something that will help people do something it could really just be. I mean I've seen people write kids books where they're just writing a very simple story: getting someone to do the drawings for them. This is just something that you can do up front spend a little bit of time on put it up on Amazon or really any type of publisher to get your book or ebook out there and again, when every time someone makes a purchase and buys that book. You're getting money that is truly a passive income source of spending the time upfront and then literally putting up there to make money on for years and years and years and years and years, for example, you can see books like Dale Carnegie's, like influence people, how to Influence people whatever, that is that books like the bestseller like every single year and that was written so long door.

If you look at like Rich Dad Poor Dad, I mean these are books that the writers and authors have basically written, sat down and written put it up there and they're still making tons of money on so books are great because you literally cannot update the book Or spend time on the book once you actually publish it. So it's a true passive income source, whereas you know an online course or YouTube channel or some of these other things or blogging. You still have to kind of finesse and kind of put money in in time towards to actually make you some more money. So books are incredible.

I highly recommend you utilize that if you've got a little bit of upfront time to put into that again, I'm trying to get books going, but the next one I want to talk about is gon na, be something that is also very, very, very popular, and it's Actually, like I think, 9 out of 10 millionaires do this and it's a real estate investing so real estate. Investing is great right, we're talking about buying a home, renting it out getting that passive income from those renters. I do know that a lot of people are sitting you're going Sean. I don't have you know 300 grand to drop on a house to get an investment property to where people can live there, and I can make some money on.
I totally get it. It's a little bit tough, especially in the market conditions. We're currently in even getting a loan side. You mortgages in Arizona, even getting an investment loan is still tough to cash flow with, even if you can qualify for that.

So I get that one! That's why I recommend actually looking into a REIT a real estate investment trust. I made a video on this if you want to check it out I'll leave it link down below, but essentially investing in real estate is always going to be a tried-and-true method to making passive income. If you can offset your costs of the home with a renter you're gon na be making some great monthly income and then again once you're done with that house, and you don't want to be making that monthly income you want to cash in on it. You're cashing in on a lot of money, because your house probably appraised for that so real estate.

Investing is an amazing way to make passive income. If you're a big baller, that's usually what people do they just want to keep adding more homes to their portfolio and just keep raking in that mail money that passive income that comes to their door every single month? But again, if you don't have the money fat, I totally get that look into REITs. If you don't know what a REIT is again watch the video that I leave linked down below, but the number 7 way to actually make some passive income is gon na, be through a podcast. Now I usually wouldn't include something like this on this list, but podcasts are becoming so popular.

They kind of have their initial run a few years ago and some people like podcasts, but they really weren't popular now, I feel, like everyone - listens to at least one podcast they're big they're, getting mainstream, there's a great way to make some money off that, because, if You do a weekly podcast or even if you did like a monthly podcast, I mean probably weekly, but if you did a weekly podcast, you could throw in sponsors in there there's ads in your podcast there's ways to make money while you're doing that podcasting again you'll Make a podcast and call it January, and people will actually search and listen to that podcast in December right, so you're still making money on that specific podcast great way to make some money on that. If you don't know how to get started with a podcast or or you're a little bit kind of confused on how a podcast work, I've made a video on this on how to actually get started very simple, like five steps to getting started with a podcast. Anyone can do it, it's not a spensive. It's very easy I'll! Lay that video link down below as well for you to check out Wow, I'm leaving a ton of videos for you guys and resources for you guys to check out down below.

But this is good because, if you're seriously interested in generating passive income, it's a process. You cannot expect to just spend like a minute today or two minutes and basically start making money to rest. Your life. You really got to spend some time on it upfront.
So definitely I highly recommend you check out all the stuff I'm linking down below for you to get a full idea of how to make money with these ways. But right so, I think we're on number eight now and the number eight way is a unique one and it's actually selling stock photography. This was something that was, I want to say, was a little more popular back in the day when getting high quality images were very hard right. Our cell phones, these days, can take some amazing images, so it might not be as popular in terms of getting a really crispy high quality image, but there's more and more people that are actually paying for stock photography now, because we're living in a digital age store.

It's very important to have a super beautiful image on a website or a super beautiful image on your Instagram, so getting high quality images are starting to actually become more popular and more popular. So it's a great way for you to earn passive income, because if you took a great image of a lake or you went out on a hike and you took a great image of nature or a great image of a mountain or really a sunset or anything. If you take a great image, you can throw it up on our website and people can pay. You know three to four I've seen people actually pay upwards of, like 50 bucks for a single image and again you throw it up on there and you're making that passive income every time.

Someone wants to buy that image and use that image. There's tons of great websites, you can actually throw images up on. I would give a good Google search, because I actually don't personally do this - I'm not the best photographer. So I don't know a ton about this.

I just know that a lot of people are doing this. I think you can use like shutterstock there's a few other ones that are really good. So if you've got some great images already on your computer, that you've taken might as well throw them up on those websites and see if someone will actually pay to use that image. Make you a little extra money again.

I don't currently do that one. So I can't really direct you to a great resource bank for that do some googling for that one. If you're interested in photography feel like that's a very small percentage of people, but you can make some anyway number nine now number nine. The number nine way to do it and it's something that I'll probably get a little bit of hate for, but it's actually credit card, rewards or credit card points.

This is something that so many people overlook sure you're, not gon na become a millionaire and you're, not gon na be making a ton of money on credit card or points or credit card rewards, because you know you have to spend money to get money, but guys It's a great way to actually lower your expenses. If you're already going to be spending money on a specific thing, you might as well get a little money in return for that. So, for example, we probably all shop on Amazon, I haven't met a single person that doesn't shop on Amazon. I've got the Amazon, rewards five percent credit card, five percent cash back credit card.
So every time I spend a dollar on Amazon, I get five cents. In my pocket again, I know you have to spend money to get that money, so you're not actually building your wealth this way, but you are kind of building your wealth in a sense that you're spending less money for the things they're gon na be buying every Single day, so, if I spent 10 grand a year on Amazon, I'm gon na be saving a lot of money that takes my 10 grand that I spent that year and really lowers it to $ 9,500. Because of that five hundred dollars that I got in cash back so like a lot of people, don't utilize this when they're thinking about generating passive income. But it's a great resource if you've got credit cards as long as you're, not masking them out and going crazy on them.

I highly recommend that you actually use them. I've got some great credit videos I can link down below, but actually on my to do list. I want to create some great videos for you guys to actually see which credit cards are the best, for, I guess, saving the most money because you're not necessarily making money, so you got ta spend money for it, but credit cards are a great way that most People just do not utilize and then the number 10 way the number 10 way to actually generating some passive income. It's actually a video.

I just recently made it's just for driving your car, so there's services again, you got to watch the video I'll leave a link down below, but their services out there to where you will just be driving your car and you can be making some great passive income And I'm not talking about uber or lyft, because again you're trading, your time for money. If you drive for uber or lyft, I'm talking about literally driving to and from the same places, you're gon na be driving to anyway. But you might as well make an additional four to five to six hundred bucks a month just for doing what you're already doing that's the beauty of passive income. Again, I will leave that video link down below.

I really dive into the three best ways to actually take advantage of driving your car and making your money doing the exact same things. You'll do every day, but again, that's the advantages you get from passive income is you're, not necessarily always sacrificing hay for every hour. I work on this. I'm gon na be getting paid this much money because if you're always trading your time for your money, you're never really gon na, I guess break that gap and become incredibly wealthy.
Because again, you only have 24 hours in a day and another beauty of passive income is the fact that the sky is the limit. You can literally make so much money. These ways I've seen you know youtubers in general, are just making you know: 12 to 13 million a year, just off YouTube and that's more about a full-time job. So I don't necessarily treat that as passive income, but passive income is a great way to really.

You know up your income and a lot of people don't take advantage of it. So hopefully, these ten ways have helped you and have given you some ideas on maybe some things that will relate to your life, to where you can make a little bit of extra money, maybe offset some costs and kind of just you know improve your financial situations. That's what I'm always about so hopefully you learn something new. If you did, I would really appreciate it if you get that like button again subscribe if you're new around here, I'm always dropping some great content like this and again definitely check the description out to look at all those other videos and resources to get started, because It's one thing to know how to make some passive income, but it's another thing entirely to actually be doing it.

So hopefully you take advantage of it. Its passive income has really changed my life and, and it's pretty incredible so again just try and help out as many people as I can but yeah. Hopefully you learn something new and until next time I will see you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “Top 10 ways to make passive income – easy and profitable!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salman Ahmed says:

    Hello I'm wondering if I van get a shout out I'm a hard working youtuber

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cora_ DC says:

    Wow ur really trying hard to get them views ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twitch Waxy says:

    Personally vending machines are the way to go you only have to restock them once a week and collect the cash and they only cost $1000 or less and you can have as many as you want same with claw machines

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Multifamily Cash Flow Addicts Podcast says:

    It's all about the cashflow ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hicks Family says:

    This is a great video I'm on my way to passive income myself. Take the time and check my channel out

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Argueta says:

    Great information. The key is executing and taking action. Too many people watch and do little to nothing with the information.

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