A NEW stimulus bill has been proposed! How do you feel about this proposal?!
Go to https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/05/12/coronavirus-updates-house-democrats-unveil-3-trillion-relief-bill.html
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#stimulus #stimuluscheck #stimulusupdate #stimuluscheckupdate #ssistimuluscheck

What's up, everybody welcome back to the channel three trillion dollars. This is a new proposal that Democrats are proposing to get passed and talk about on Friday. I want to be one of the first to give you insights, I'm sure you saw it on the news and if you haven't you're hearing it here on YouTube - and I want to read your auto - can go over it. So let's get right into this video.

This should be a second round of stimulus package and it includes money for us, the people, let's go right into the video before we get into the video. My name is Walter. This is the credit card Marshall channel I'll talk about travel finance, how to maintain, build and rebuild your credit and also the stimulus package updates. So if you find these videos helpful, if you're gon na, like this video, just make sure you like the video share it so and get out to more people, the more we reach the more we can teach and once we hit 20k another cache that giveaway.

Let's go right into this video all right, so I will put the link down in the description of what I'm gon na read on my phone there's a lot to read. So I'm going to read it to you, put a screenshot right here and also put a link in the description. First and foremost, we all know that the twelve hundred out of stimulus check was just not enough. It was okay if it was gon na be for one month or two months, and everybody can go back to work.

This seems like it's going to be long term. It doesn't seem like this is just a seasonal thing as far as like this year and that's it, it looks like it's going to be for a few years. Actually, as far as this virus - or maybe this is this might be something that we have to get used to this - this new, like flu type thing, and I'm not you know a scientist or nothing like that, but based off of what I've been reading. This seems like it's going to be a long time, not just this summer.

It's going to be forever, so we got to get used to this yeah. So let's go ahead and read what this is talking about. So the Democrats are in veiling a new three trillion dollar covert relief package and they plan to vote this week. They planned about Friday, so they did or not.

They did announce this bill today, Tuesday, an amount that would stand as a largest relief package in history. This would give more funding for the state, local government, local governments, coronavirus testing and a new round of direct deposits to I'm sorry direct payments to Americans with immediate. Yes, awesome: it's going to be, let me get into the breakdown of what it's going to be in all that stuff. Sorry guys, the camera had died on me, but let's get into what it includes, so nearly 1 trillion and relief for state and local governments.

A second round of directive payments, which is the most important thing to the people, 1200 per person and up to 6000 for a household about 2 billion for hazard, pay for essential workers who face heightened health risk donor crisis shot out so that whoever watches this video. That is an essential worker, my nurses, my doctors, police officers, firefighters, retail workers, people who work in you know Walmart's targets. Thank you guys round of applause, for you guys that they are trying to. They are including you guys and it's 200 billion, 75 billion for coronavirus testing and contact tration perfect an extension of the 600 per week, federal unemployment insurance benefit through January, one hundred and seventy-five billion in rent mortgage and utility assistance.
Yes, we want the best of Oh frauds. We want a little bit more money and we also want to you know: yeah get some assistance were written money for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, Program subsidies and special, Affordable Care Act, enrollment period to those who lost their employer. Health coverage is not always about the money. Health is like everything.

If you don't have your health, you will have nothing else at all relief for the US Postal Service. I mean they're an important part of our. You know everything I have a. I got a letter today I received something today in the mail, so they are important to what we do, especially trying to keep everybody connected in the US area.

Important so again, guys I'll give you the article down to look at it. This is an amazing bill, and honestly this to me is the best one. It covers hazard pay. There needs to be hazard, pay for it for people who are going out there risking our lives and they have no choices either.

You call right you come out here. You do what you got to do or you get fired shout-out to you guys. It also helps. So is it's helping our nurses, our doctors or people who work in hospitals, police officers all that stuff? It's also helping the people.

It's give a relief to government and local authorities and things of that nature. This is a this is with that it. I love it 100 %, and that's what it's called. I mean that's, that's pretty much what it is and I'll put a link down in the description for you guys to actually read more into it.

If you guys are any more questions, but I wanted to bring this to you guys. What are you guys think about this guy's? To me, this is the best proposal I have seen: I'm not in no way shape or form. You know political. I just kind of look at what is being offered and I'm making a logical decision off of that.

Does that help me, or does it not help me this right here is helpful, and this is perfect. So, let's see what this does, we all know coronavirus is going to be around for a long time, so take care of this get it done. If you guys, like this video, make sure you give me a thumbs up, I will still be doing my daily stimulus package updates for the guys who comes to the channel to look for the updates. So if you didn't subscribe, make sure you do if you want some stimulus package updates, but when I have a stimulus bill as proposed, I definitely want to bring it to you guys so I'll see you guys.
Another video take care. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Stimulus update: new stimulus bill! $6000 per household!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yolanda Gonzalez says:

    What about us home providers we are going out there to work with the people who are sick I do there' shopping and we work all year round inven on Holiday we are risking are Health to but no one ever thinks about us

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jamilah nance says:

    This is nice to hear but I'm tired of ems workers not being mention when ppl tlk about essential workers we are first on scene first in contact then we take ppl to the hospital. Not being recognized is insulting

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherry Lee McGrady says:

    Nonthing in this for the infrastructure worker's. My husband works construction, I have copd and heart issues we are separate living in the same house. Fortunately we have a small appartment upstairs that I've been living in because he out there everyday! In several different counties. No hes not a doctor or nurse, truck driver ect. He a hard working construction worker. Building additions on school's so students have a better learning environment. Why dont he count?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debra Brown says:

    What about our truck drivers are they included in the hazard pay are they considered essential workers I haven't heard anyone say anything about the truck drivers if it wasn't for them we wouldn't get some of the stuff that we have

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Harden says:

    Yesssssss get ppl with payee,s there first check first that would be great.we have bills to pay just like the next person …give us our money

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nichole Watson says:

    I know it’s crazy! I still haven’t received my stimulus payment as of yet…lol the irs portal said 4/29 direct deposit then yesterday I received a letter from trump saying I’m getting the payment of 1200$ direct deposit but it’s also dated 4/29

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derrick says:

    Did you also read how illegals receive a stimulus check as well? Democrats know this bill won’t pass so they’re trying to make it look good for themselves when it comes to politics. We can’t print three trillion dollars, who will pay it all back? The tax payers

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fatima Lo says:

    If the first $1200 was not enough then how is one more payment of $1200 going to help? This bill is not that amazing. I'm an essential worker. I do home healthcare. I have no choice but to work yet I'm high risk myself. I feel we should be well compensated for putting our lives on the line being in direct contact with our clients daily not knowing who they were around when not on our shift and coming in to a home where you are in direct contact with an individual who is coughing all the time and they can't get doctor's appointments to be checked to rule out coronavirus. Don't push these damn pennies our way that our employers have to apply for in order for us to receive it. We deserve a real compensation for what we do. We don't want a couple extra dollars an hour added to our pay we want to be well compensated for having to be exposed on a daily basis. They need to vote on one of those $2000 stimulus package proposals not that fuck America here's $1200 now get tf out of my face bs that they are trying to throw at us that y'all think is so great. Do y'all honestly know how much we worry every time we open our doors to walk out of them for the day because we have to take care of thos who can't take care of themselves. Most of the patients in those hospitals are our clients so how do y'all think we feel. If they have it we are being exposed and we still have to go home and pray to God we are still safe and in the clear and not exposing our loved ones. So no. We don't want that pennies on the dollar hand me down ass proposal that y'all think is so great to pass. We deserve a heck of a lot more for what we have to endure. Thank you!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamil Johnson says:

    Will they extend student loan deferment for another 6 months?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Shortt says:

    I have been working this whole time. I take patients to cancer appointment and dialysis patients to their appointments every day. Do I get hazard pay?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caroline Felinger says:

    They need a better pkg people are hurting 1200 isn't going to help a lot of people

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! The Barnett Family says:

    My daughter works at Wal-Mart so glad to hear they are recognizing all essential employees.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denise Marie Fournier says:

    I just wanted everyone to know that today which is the 13th of May I received my stimulus. I have SSI so I hope everyone waiting did too . If not I will be praying it comes soon . For whatever reason it seems like checks are deposited in our account s on Wednesday’s because my daughter received hers last Wednesday. She works she is not on any type of government assistance. So Wednesday seems to be a pattern.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Artis says:

    What's up Walter you doing a great job brother informing us about what's happening was taking place but Mitch McConnell man come on I don't want to throw Dirty Dozen only but the man ain't right I'm telling you $174,000 per year what do we have concerned about he don't have enough of this he don't have this he don't have that it's nothing continue to the poor people that Mitch McConnell wants to Aid I'm giving ye to him is an a Kentucky Post State get a lot of federal funding funding from the federal government and you talkin about people don't need this day don't need that Walter continue brother putting a mess it out we need to hear we need to hear from all angles long as positive and it's for the people's the one directly guys to be in the position that they said we need to hear positive input we need to get positive feedback Walter God bless you brother

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Aronson says:

    Still no 1st stimulus check-direct deposit,no children,on SSI 😢 I get

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaeora says:

    Ssdi and ssi direct deposit and still no stimulus money. Its so frustrating

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Graves says:

    SSI recipient.. It's been a long time coming, but I finally have a pending deposit of $1200 as of 5/13/20

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gwen VC says:

    Walter I finally received my stimulus check today…disabled veteran..so they are finally sending out the checks to us veterans. your information is wonderful, thank you!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AL Kelly says:

    Sorry brother you want to give too much I served 26 years in the Army 2 wars disable.
    I help the food banks after I retired and still do when my body will allow me.

    This will make a lot of people lazy and not appreciated the value of working for a living. Bad proposal. Some good ideas for the frontline workers .

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AL Kelly says:

    Why talk about a second stimulus when millions have not received the first.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lodi Wish says:

    Update- I still did not get a stimulus check deposited. This isn't right. I get hopeful each time a new date shows up, and nothing. I don't believe there is anyone with lower income and I have nothing. So, I don't want hear anymore about this subject as the crushed hope is too much. If it ever shows up, I'll let you know in comment, but I'm done.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Davis says:

    Hey how are you doing I haven't received my stimulus check yet and I'm on SSI what should I do they said it will be on the 13th here's the 13th and it's not yet what should I do

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffery Dancey says:

    I'm on ssi an have a payee so when will i received my stimulus check

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rey Libre says:

    Wow I didn't get my money and I got ssi direct deposit I'm soooooooo pissed

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dianna Hasson says:

    Its 4:30 am Wednesday the 13th and still no stimulus deposit. I'm hoping today was the day. We shall see.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars t0dd1971 says:

    Well that was a joke still no check and I have direct Express the way it goes for me go figure

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lila & My Dog Scruffy says:

    Hey Walter. Wow, more money for the people?! Yes, hazard pay. It still has to be voted on so will see! Thanks for the update! Sending Cali love 🙂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heather mode says:

    SSDI here & still no first $1200 yet? Struggling here 🤦🏻‍♀️

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henrietta Mccullough says:

    That will be a blessing Lord know them doctors and nursing. they really need a big. Jump. stay bless Thank you for the update cause we need help

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just a Conservative Dominican says:

    This is what makes America great. Check and balances.. The perfect balance between liberal and conservative policies.. Dems and Republicans need to work together my h efficiently

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Da Bearded One says:

    Well I believe that many people were hoping for and expecting more in this new stimulus payment but I guess something is better than nothing LOL. I’m fine with that. This is the first time I come on your videos. Thank you for informing us all about these important updates

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert kinton says:

    It's nice that there giving another check but I haven't got my first one yet

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir Count says:

    Brah they aren't going to give 6k to everyone. That's like asking for arm and leg to them. Shit as it stands they're struggling to give that 12hunnid check to people.

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