Moving the Needle on YouTube: Getting Views and Getting Leads
Like it or not, we live in a video-first world. So how do you get past your fears and start creating dynamic content? The fact is this: you’re gonna screw up but the time to start is right now. Your videos don’t need to be highly-produced to gain momentum or attract leads.
This week on the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I’ve invited coaches David Caldwell and Patrick Ferry on the show to talk about their hacks for creating success with YouTube – fast.
Find out why it’s worth it to put money behind video content and get their top SEO strategies to generate more business.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 - Intro
00:49- David Caldwell on YouTube success
02:19- Patrick Ferry on YouTube SEO
03:47- David: Putting money behind content
06:36- A look at David’s channel
08:37- David’s strategy with YouTube views
13:06- Testing the effectiveness of YouTube advertising
15:20- The cost of YouTube advertising
17:24- Why you should have an intro
19:25- How much money would you spend to get an appointment?
21:20- YouTube ad conversion
24:49- Mistakes to avoid
25:12- Content ideas for attracting your ideal customer
28:26- Video takes time
29:09- Patrick on YouTube SEO
35:22- Randy Ora’s success
38:05- Randi White’s success
40:30- Cameron & Shayna Flemming’s success
43:45- Why you need to deliver on your video name
46:09- You’re an expert – own it
47:10- Tom’s video hacks: TubeBuddy & Jarvis
49:47- Getting past the discomfort
51:59- Google My Business hack
52:58- Build an office studio
53:53- Thumbnails are key
55:45- What to do if your video underperforms
57:05- Time-saving videos
59:43- Get over yourself and get on video
1:02:48- Closing thoughts
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Hey so welcome back to the podcast today, i've got two great coaches, helping their clients, move the needle and their own business by the way, moving the needle on youtube, creating views and sales volume. We're going to talk about video advertising, we're going to talk about video search in the next sort of iteration of how we can build our brands and ultimately grow our business, so i've got two great coaches, david caldwell, patrick ferry, so fellas welcome to podcast. Thank you. Thank you well hold back your enthusiasm yeah.

I mean you made fun of me last week about how i talk. So i'm just gon na keep it going. I'm just gon na keep it going exactly. Okay, so uh, so uh dc.

Give me a little background. How long you've been in the business and how long you've been doing youtube specifically uh before we get into it and same question? So i i uh started selling real estate in 2007 and then i started dabbling yep great timing started dabbling in youtube. I think my channel is actually like 10 years old, but i didn't really start doing videos until 2020.. I sat in the back at summit at 2017 when you were saying you know do this.

Do this on amazon, i ordered a camera. I didn't open it for like a year, yeah, yes um and then it's like two more years before i started filming video, but i got serious about it really towards the end of last year and 2020.. So so people have context for why this matters to you today give us the results you produce for your own business before we talk about our clients and everything else yeah. So i looked for listings taken year to date in my target markets are up 160 percent wow.

So that's that's been the result of the views. 160 percent could mean you had like 1.6 listings, 16., more than more than a quarter of a million dollars in gci uh. Another six, oh well! It was 20 26 additional listings in our target market. But we didn't realize that this strategy was going to impact where, where past clients that live in those areas right and our sphere, that lives in that area and uh, just this abundance of referral opportunities, we're starting to get now right.

So we're gon na break down all this and you're actually gon na we're gon na look at their youtube channels. We're gon na discuss the hacks the things that they're doing uh so patrick same question like you know how long now in the business and then how long doing youtube, whether it's for yourself or your clients, give us a scoop yeah. So, let's, let's just talk about the clients, because that's really what i got fascinated by yes. So i think it's been about a year and a half and actually you and i were at the same conference and i was really looking deeply into seo because i was like how is it that? How are we going to get our clients to be in the number one position for their city? Name right and that's so that's we're at a conference together and i talked to one of the top seo guys in the industry, and i was like hey.

How are we going to get our clients to be the number one position yeah, and he said you should look into youtube seo right and i was like what the heck is that yeah, and that was, i think you know two years ago or whatever so that Launched me into the journey so ever since i i just kind of started my own youtube channel, just to kind of figure it out as a coach, not as a not as a realtor. So i was like. Let me just play with this thing and then i started going. Oh my gosh.
This is amazing, and then i started getting my coaching clients to do it, and that has been fascinating. So we're going to look at a couple examples, because we need to talk about the money that these guys have been making and we're going to look at some examples of what their channels look like, what the videos are and how they work so we'll get into It it's going to be awesome and the key to this show is: we've got organic and we've got paid advertising and, and probably the combination of the two is really the secret sauce yep. I'm super excited about the paid, oh yeah, so this is my next yeah. That's gon na be my next venture.

Yes, all right, so we're actually gon na look at uh. So if you're looking now uh looking at dave's channel, so um so again give us a little insight. Here. We got 178 subscribers we're actually looking at tubebuddy, which is giving us a little assessment of you know his channel traffic.

All that kind of good stuff got 142 videos. 335 000 all-time views uh last 30 days, so 26 000 views from two videos alone. So either he's putting out content that is just ridiculously rocking or he's putting money behind content, which one is it i'm putting money behind content all right, so so give us your original hypothesis before we start uh breaking down some of these videos and like the results And what you're doing and how you're doing it? What was your original thought behind this? So my original thought was: how can i create frequency in my market, which is going to create the relevancy right? We talked about all the time and looking at, like my lead pillars, how can i combine my farm and online marketing so basically create this digital layer of farming yeah, and i looked at a lot of clients that were creating really great content and they had views. But they didn't have an abundance of views and if, if disney creates a beautiful movie right, people are gon na go watch it without advertising.

More people go watch it with advertising right. You know. Every company builds their builds a part of their base based on marketing 100. So facebook had made all these changes, youtube didn't or google didn't get stuck with the same changes right, so i could go on.

Google geotarget, i could say, hey in my city like i live in port well, outside of portland, i will sell real estate in portland. I focus on a suburb there's not enough search inquiries for me to create relevancy to create frequency. Yes, but youtube's creator academy, because i went through it, it's free yep. It says one way to build your channel.
An audience is through ads. So i said: okay, i i can go in the city of tigard target. Homeowners specifically - and you know, my 2021 business plan was well if i go - spend 18 000 and create 500 000 views or sorry 250 000 views which on average, which would be about 500 minutes of watch time. Is there any downside, so eighteen thousand dollars for five hundred thousand views and like was that a formula you like you knew that in advance those people are listening, they're gon na be like yeah.

Is he making this up yeah in 2020? What i realized in testing, because 2020 was like the testing year yep. I think i bought about 60 000 views. What i found was, i was spending between 3 cents and 5 cents per view and then, as i had clients start testing it. It was the same thing wow.

Do you know what cheap three cents is amazing? So, for your face, your advertising, your company, name your brand. When people are spending millions of dollars on television and let's face it - everybody that's watching. This is the television now and on and on average, like my most i always joke, i have the most boring channel on youtube. Yeah.

It's boring. I say yes, like you're bored, that's my joke! No, it's boring. I would say you know, because it's just market, it's just market updates yeah, it's just telling a story about the market yeah here, i'm clicking on it next. Actually, i was watching this one uh yesterday and, let's see if i get some volume here, so really seen a um really like a decrease in opportunity for our clients that are searching for homes with new listings declining because there are some carryover listings from the last Couple months that haven't gone pending so we're it feels like we're just kind of dealing with the same thing that we've been dealing with all year, which is uh.

You know there. There isn't this tremendous abundance of listings, but you know i haven't: had any clients go homeless, everyone's been able to find something on some time horizon. Thank goodness, none of your clients have gone homeless, yeah, okay, so so, but but there it's boring. Content like these ones are even more boring, but it's funny we're starting to retarget our clients.

This is this is one of your longer ones. This is the two by the way yeah. So i'm doing this one as like a zoom to showcase uh agents. On my team and that's just talking about the market, this is kind of our staple piece like the monthly monthly how's the market and i'm a principal real estate broker, with hillshire realty group at exp realty, and today we're going to review five points that you need To know about the tigard housing market, i love the skateboards over the past 12 months, the average sales price has increased by almost 14 percent to 522 604.
During the month of august, the average list prices sales price ratio was roughly 103 meaning the average seller received. Almost three percent above their listed price, but over the past 90 days, average lowest prices. Okay, so this has 15 views only three thumbs up, i'm just curious from so no comments yeah and it's almost two minutes long and the average person watches this video for a minute and 30 seconds say that one more time, because it's a very important distinction, especially We're talking about video and advertising, it's a two minute long video and the average person on this video, because i just checked spends a minute and 30 seconds watching the video and i've spent 500 on this video. So when you think about the watch time right, someone someone's going to click through by the way only pay for view if they watch 30 seconds right.

That's why important distinction! That's why, in the beginning of every video, i don't say, hey we're talking about the real estate market say hey. This is david caldwell with hillshire realtor, because when i call you on the phone, i want you to hear hey. This is david caldwell with hillshire realty, regardless of whether or not i paid for you to view it right now. This is really boring content unless you're in action and my delusion as a realtor and as a coach is that if i can become the authority on speaking about the market, you're not going to ask somebody else right and most my clients, they tell them every week, You're, just not having enough conversations about the market, because every sale starts with a conversation about the market right.

So that's what this video is and um. You know about 220 000 views that we've quote unquote purchased this year have been for that video, which is not searchable. It's not likable, right. Surprisingly, people do subscribe.

I mean we do get subscribers off this card, but i could never. I could never create that attention with postcards. I could never actually create that attention even interviewing people in my community. You know: there's 50 000 people in my community there's 3 000 transaction sides a year, yeah right.

So i'm i'm just trying to create the frequency that over and over you see me everywhere. You know i go to a restaurant and someone's like you're the real estate guy right. That's what i'm trying to create like where's, your skateboard yeah, exactly conor mcgregor in the back here. Do you ever get that stuff? Do people ask you, you know i've i advertise sometimes specifically against, like you have like the ufc.

I know you do yes, so yeah. I mean like it that stuff does come up. I become more comfortable like even showing my tattoos, which i haven't always been comfortable with that um, so yeah it does. It does come up in play and look.

We run another we've run another ad in conjunction all the time which is selling your home with hillshire realty group. Yes, and then we run another one which is when to buy when to wait, which is what we believe about buying real estate. Yes, so, instead of uh, like the average realtor doing proof of success over and over look at me, i just sold this house testimonial everyone has it. My belief is that the average real estate broker cannot tell you the average sales price in their market.
So that's become one of my scripts. When i talk to someone in an open house, it's just someone can't tell you the average sales price, so they can't get you that information quickly. You shouldn't buy a house from them now we're we're passionate. How does that land by the way? Well, they probably love it.

Oh yeah, they probably love. Everyone loves like someone who speaks with confidence right for sure and so in the authority, and you have the data and you have the numbers yeah. So it's like it. This stuff has helped me my team, my coaching clients really become the authority market, one of my clients, marley presswood.

She does these videos, she has agents that call her right and talk to her about her outlook on the market. What happens when she goes and negotiates with them in the future right right? She she wins yeah, so you know going back marley from uh the carolinas yeah yeah yeah. I just ran into her in dallas yeah. She was sexy, she was.

She was texting me super yeah. I said text me if tom buys you dinner and then she texts me tom bought me dinner, of course, so um. Well, it's because you text me and said: buy or dinner. No, i'm just kidding, i'm just kidding.

So you know going back like i couldn't create the frequency organically. It just wasn't gon na happen in my target market. There aren't enough search, queries. Um google rewards you paying for advertising, they just they just do and they make it easy for you, and i get to put my message in front of who i want, which is homeowners right and when you look at the demographics, so we could pull up demographics.

You would see we can't because i'm not signing in um if we looked at if we looked at demographics. You'd see that, like my audience, is the age of a homeowner in their late 30s early 40s, and you know a huge mistake. I've made because i'm sure that's coming, i didn't spend enough money. I should have spent more money on this earlier because you know i'll spend 50 cents on a postcard all day that someone looks out for four seconds.

How many postcards can i send out for three cents where someone watches it for a minute 30. right? Right and literally i mean everything works, but at the end of the day, video first marketing always and forever from television from radio when it was only audio. To now television, this is the game, so i want to just go back. You said digital layer of my farming yeah right using advertising, which is what everybody does um youtube creator academy which you you went and did the training there.
I know we actually sent people to it, which is awesome and then you're targeting homeowners, but you, you said 2020 was my testing period yeah. So take us back to that. What specifically, were you testing? I think that'll be interesting for the people that are listening and watching right now. So what were you testing and what did you learn? Well, you know marketers ruined great marketing.

Yes right so, like i remember talking to jason, maybe it was like 2018 about like facebook's changes or 2019. like well, i'm not going to spend money there anymore yeah, and then we did. Google display ads yeah and a lot of people started doing those i'm like. Well, i want more and by the way i'm running google display ads in conjunction with this, of course um.

So it was kind of just saying like hey. Is this going to work because people aren't doing it, but everyone if you go on youtube anywhere, you see big advertisers spending money there, of course. So you know every year i set money aside in my marketing budget to test you know and just see what happens and then go all in the single change that we made in 2021. Is this and listings are up for us, 160 percent um this time last year, we're at like 30 million closed and pending year-to-date we're at 60 million close and pending wow one i mean this is the single change.

I was going to ask like for context because people say well: did he double down on his past clients? More are more people moving in his marketing months of inventory is the same in our marketplace, or not months of inventory. Uh amount of homes coming for sales. The same market's moving faster yeah, same number or transaction same number of transfers, downtown right, so less transactions, yeah i've added sales people at the end of this year, but they're not net effective. Yet like they're not really producing.

We haven't added a lot of transactions from team members when you look at our core group of people are still there um from last year, and i think one thing too, you know my personal productions more than doubled. I sell real estate very part-time because i coach. Yes, you know yeah half my week is coaching. Yes, so so help us understand um.

If this is again, you know 30 million to 60 million. That's like doubling your volume and, and you spent time to film yeah right. You spent time to edit somebody uploaded the videos and then you spent money on advertising yeah. So so, if you've gotten double yeah, give us like a like.

Do you see so do you know how much money you spend on this entire campaign or on? Because it's ongoing, but so far so on a monthly basis. I usually spend between a thousand and fifteen hundred dollars a month depending on how much we're advertising, because we advertise our listings as well right. So i should have spent more um. But that's what i've been spending that right there? That's my buddy dan williams, let's dan williams, who's, a you know, chief revenue officer for three day blinds he's taken the company twice where they've sold it for hundreds of millions of dollars and he's like.
I don't like tom, i don't understand why these real estate professionals you work with. They find something that works, and then they cap it yeah instead of saying well, a thousand works. Go to two yeah go to five go to ten go to 50 until until diminishing returns hits yeah. So i've gone from five dollars a day to ten dollars a day to twenty dollars a day on the market, update videos and i'm just kind of scaling that up the video i shoot myself.

It's usually like one take it's really bad um. The graphics i make in canva - and i and i do it in adobe rush - the time it takes me to make this video i literally spent and upload it. It's like less than an hour yeah, so i've spent almost no time on it. I actually just filmed it professionally, sent it to my videographer to him to edit, so i'm gon na have my first like semi-professional one.

So, let's have it later today, so i'm going to try to have some results from it on on thursday um, but i spend almost no time on these. Like the other one, we watched the beginning, that's like a zoom yeah, it's clear. It was clearly yeah and we do do like a little bit of professional content, but not really because for me, like the battle's time yeah - and you know - i guess one thing - i'm going to figure out over the next couple months - is how much better return do. I get from it being professionally produced, or do i just keep doing it myself? You know it's, i'm not sure you know people stick around for a minute or for 70 80 percent of the video.

So let's talk before we before i, i got a lot of questions, but i want to know in the opening of your video. You know we talk so much about you got ta hook, em yeah right, your thumbnails got ta be right. Yeah does any of that apply in advertising, or is it does it? Does it probably amplify it even more? Why are you putting money behind it? I i think that if, if organic, if organic videos are good they're, better advertised yeah, so yes, it probably matters in my case where there's not a lot of search queries available, i don't think it matters and if you look at, if you go through and watch All my videos, including my home, tour videos, everything starts with and i want it all like really fast in the beginning, hey this is david caldwell with hillshy realtor group, and i have one goal you hear my name, you remember it. When you look at me.

I want you to think he's. Nice he's competent and i'm willing to ask him a question. So that's my goal of every single video and it's repeated over and over and over and sometimes i'll send scripts to friends and they'll like change it around because it always starts out with hey. This is david caldwell, hillshire realty here for my name's david called the field shy realtor group, i always say no, because the the gasoline on this is when i make my phone calls exactly.
I make my contacts right. You know hey. This is david caldwell. When i can hear some on the phone have that name recognition right, it's not a cold call anymore.

It's warm! So i'm using all this marketing to just warm up my database warm up people in my community. You know it makes it really easy to make phone calls. So i'm just doing that. I know i should be able to do this very quickly, but i'm going to take the time to do it right so uh, 30 million in volume and i'm just going to assume you just got two and a half percent commission - that's still 750 000 yeah in Additional gci and you're only spending a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars.

It's crazy, we'll personally pay five thousand dollars in additional advertising dollars. If you split the difference with me, yeah yeah, yeah i'll. Take that all the time you guys all heard that he said yes, okay done tom tom. What's that what was that the marketing trainer uh, who has the no bs books and he just passed away like a a year ago? Oh chet holmes, no, not yet homes! No anyways he's he has a quote.

He said whoever can pay the most for a client is the winner right, and this point right here is so it's like exactly what you said. You know agents we're not really looking at like. How much did i pay to get that client and how much profit did i make where they're saying well, if you're profitable, it's just gasoline and go more right, and that's that's that point, but that quote was so helpful for me to really think through dan's one That drove it home for me because, like we were like we're doing like 4 000 a month in facebook ads and he's like, he asked me this question: how much money would you spend to get an appointment, and i was like 500 bucks he's like okay he's, Like well, how many appointments could you handle? I was like well, i have 16 sales people. We, you know, got eight hours in a day.

They can do six presentations each, but they already have their existing presentations he's like. Could you hire more sales people? I was like oh wait, a minute yeah now now it's i i don't spend. I invest 350 000 a month in facebook because i can't seem to give them enough money right, plus, google, plus everything. I mean it's just it's after a while.

You have to start saying yourself: scale scale, scale scale, whatever you'll spend the most money on client acquisition is the winner 100, and you know i just i got stuck following my business plan yeah. This is sometimes right where you, where you need. You need a coach you're that you're that good yeah. I can help stuck for all of you, you need it.

You need a you, need a coach because, like what's right in front of your face, sometimes you can't see right where i know, if i'm, if i'm on the other end with my clients, it's really easy for me to tell them to spend more money right to Have more conversations to do these things right and yeah? I just i got. I got stuck and i got stuck a little bit in testing, but this it just works right right it just so it works. So let's talk about uh conversion. Before we start talking about seo and and organic, so do you track it like you? You have to track and measure this stuff yeah.
No, i went from x to y yeah but like how are they getting to you? Are there ctas? Are you saying call my office? Is there a special 800 number? How are they getting to you yeah? So so it's hard to quantify right this kind of marketing, but you know on the screen, there's a call to action button and we've done schedule schedule with us. So calendly right direct schedule, um we sometimes send them to our blog. Where there's the video again, like your whole, your your game, exactly what we do and then contact form and then all the homes available, and sometimes it's someone filling out that contact form. What we're really starting to do is we're starting to track our cost per click yes and be really thoughtful about where we're sending them - and i think the next step of this is using an ad sequence within youtube to do a customer journey yeah with different videos Within the call to action and where we're sending people um, you know our cost per click right now, we're not doing any forced registration is like four dollars like on that video.

You know: we've had 15 15 000 views. We've only had 85 people click to go to our website, only only only only 85 sellers only 85, who left youtube, which youtube does not want exactly right, very important distinction there, people yeah very important. So the call to action is on the screen right and then hey youtube lets us retarget. All of our other content with people who've engaged with our content.

We get come list me's. Sometimes it's the phone calls that are happening in the database because someone's on our website - and you know maybe they watch the video and and didn't register off that. So we didn't know it was a youtube lead, but then, when we talked to them well i see you on youtube all the time right, yeah right. So exactly there's it's hard to say like hey, it created this many come listenings, but you know it's created.

26 listings in our target market - and i didn't want to bring in opportunities that it's given us outside that market or the buy side sales should have been attached to it just like closed listings year to date in our target markets, because we're very you know, i Want to work within 10 minutes from my house in my office, i kind of want to drive 40 minutes to make a sale like i'm, i'm spoiled. I don't have a lot of time yeah, so you know. Can i throw a little coaching in here on this? For you just to help you out so one of my clients, danny gould, who will talk about selling silicon valley, shout out to danny good job, we were testing a call to action on the youtube and he just did a text me at this number. With this you know he was doing data yeah and he's all i'll get you a value of your home or i'll.
Tell you the value of the house that you want to buy right and when we added the text me bingo results. That's what everyone wants. I mean danny danny was generating, probably like. I think we had like 30 leads per month when he added the text me yeah.

It's awesome, it was unbelievable. Even freeze like you know, but wait there's more. If you call now - or now, it's like literally infomercials now like text this number and we'll get you an x text me and we'll get you, i mean it was killing it for danny yeah. It was.

It was amazing, love it, okay, so so mistakes to avoid. I mean the budget one for me. That's been like probably my singles, my single biggest mistake. What i've seen with um coaching clients is trying to make these videos perfect.

Oh yeah right. You just have to start and be consistent like pick a day of the month, where you're going to record it and go and always have it going. So let me go back to the first. So the play is: what are the most important videos? They need to shoot that they should be advertising.

Is it how to buy how to sell, or is it how's the market, or is it a combination of both the how to buy how to sell how to or when to buy when to sell all those type of things to me, that could be like a One piece of content that i could, i could add, yeah i could advertise it for 12 months, so i think it's a staple piece right, because you need multiple videos to create frequency um. I love the house to mark the house, the market with coaching clients, because it helps their confidence go up so much you become the knowledge broker, yeah, i'm the expert and and hey someone registers on my website for a home in that area, and i take my Youtube playlist on a drip campaign right as one of my pieces of content that goes out to them right and they go, and they say i have three years of market update videos or six months or whatever um. It's really really powerful to use in other places, and i yeah, i think proof of competency. We don't.

We always talk about proof of success. But to me proof of success and proof of competency are not the same thing. I agree and most realtors need to really focus on showing their competency about the market, so people will trust working with them, because this is an advisory business. Yes right, the big bad wolf's gon na put us out of business.

It's because we're glorified door openers right, but if we're advisors, we're gon na stick around just like there's great financial advisors and there's people that just buy stocks through fidelity right yeah. So you know i would, i would say, hey what content? What content do you want to create to attract the consumer? You want, might actually be the answer yeah. I do really good with analytical people right, i'm enough of a driver to tell them what to do. I do really well with an analytical person, so um you know, look like if if you advertise you're just listed or you do, we talked about it a couple months ago.
I think a digital yikes right, digital yikes works. For us. We love our digital yikes. It could be explained for people that don't know what a digital yikes is or a yikes help them understand.

Yikes is like uh: hey, we uh, we have a buyer for a home in your area and the buyer's looking for x with a call to action or we, you know we do a digital, just sold. Where we tell the story about selling the house. Maybe we tell the story: we've sold this house multiple times right and we advertised that. Okay love it pf questions before we uh before we switch gears just about on the advertising side.

No, i love it. Okay, i think it's brilliant right. Okay. So let's talk about the next, it's the next game.

It is next game, and i and i must say again the line about whoever spends the most money ultimately is going to win and and the key to this is it's not like you're spending, a dollar and you're losing money on it. Just to be clear like right like there, there is diminishing returns when it comes to advertising yep, but we're talking about it. It's like um people are doing. Google local services ads right now, like dude, i'm killing it.

I'm spending like 250 a week and my phone is just blowing up. I'm like spend 500. yeah they're like oh, yes, of course, i should right. Just it just makes sense.

Okay, i'd say one one thing just like adam with that: it's like farming. It takes time exactly. Okay, thank you speak more about that before we switch gears, you know if you were to send out a hundred thousand postcards a month right. You might not get you're not going to get as good of a return month, one as you are month, 12 right - and this is the same thing bingo, because it's the frequency, it's people seeing you over and over and over and over, is what's going to create.

The call and it's going to start nurturing people in the research phase and then bring them to a point where they're comfortable getting in contact with you. Yes, i almost feel like a knuckle up because i didn't say to people um by the way, if you're listening only you need to go to my youtube channel, because this is very. This is very video, first, okay, so patrick who should we look out for maybe maybe back up and tell us your hypothesis first like we did with david okay and then and then we can look at like randy white. We can look at um cameron, yep yep, we'll go there, so give us the hypothesis first.

So the hypothesis to me was it started with the seo it started with okay. I know that there's a search volume right for a city name. How do you know that? How do you know that this, because i you know, got into what is seo and i got into the whole game and trying to understand it's way too technical where no, but where do you go to find that information? Well, no! Let's, just let me let me finish this thought: okay, so big brother, no big brother and head coach by the way guys, so i'm just going to cut them off right now, because because we got to get to the good stuff, okay, okay and so skip the Seo stuff, because it's just there's too much minutiae and i don't want anyone to be get lost out. Yeah get lost there, but i, but i did realize.
Okay, if i type in you know my city solana beach, because i did what what you were doing. I first was like okay: how do i because, if our farm is solana beach, how am i going to digitally be there, and why is it that zillow and redfin and trulia - and these guys deserve to be there? How do i get my website to be there because right, i'm the local expert, we you know so then i really got into how does that work? So that's kind of was the game, but you don't need to know the details other than knowing the fact. As what you were just saying that people are searching for the city name now, that was the main hypothesis. So i was like okay.

How do we get there then youtube? Videos was the was the easy point, because almost no one is there on youtube for the seo key terms which are moving to living in buying in those are the three terms again moving to living in buying in so when i was doing some research early on. I was like what do the relocation buyers to san diego? What do they search right because we're all in the game of the homes for sale in san diego homes, for sale in solana, beach and i was like, but my perfect customer on the buy side? Is the relocation buyer they're going to spend a million bucks in san diego moving from somewhere else, and i was like moving and then i went moving to san diego and then one of my little search things said 1500 people a month search right. Moving to san diego and i'm like 1500 people are typing in that key search term. Exactly and if we're talking to buddy, you can discover.

Are there any videos that actually answer that question and the answer is probably no exactly so. That was kind of the entry point for me to get motivated by this thing. So then i did a ton of research. I and i really dug in deep on this thing.

So let me just share some results because i know agents agents want to know the money first and then you guys will pay attention to everything. You say after that so randy white, which we're gon na we're gon na break down right here. Next randy white year-to-date, a hundred thousand in commissions, closed with four clients in the pipeline. Okay, we're gon na look at that, but i'm not done yet cameron and shayna fleming in columbus, south carolina.
The these two 76 000 closed year-to-date a hundred and nine thousand under contract right now dude. I love this guy yeah. Okay, i've seen this camera. He kills.

Us can't wait to talk about them. Now my buddy ryan schramm in san clemente. We don't have him up we'll talk, but sram has a hundred and nine thousand closed right now here today, organic youtube leads right: four million he's written offers four million right now with buyers and then danny gould, which we'll talk about in a minute. I don't have them up, but danny is at 124 000 closed.

Organic year-to-date he's got 24 million in the pipeline, meaning buyers and sellers he's met with research phase, baby, okay, yeah, so agents. I have your attention. Yes, okay, let's talk! So here's the deal. So, let's those four those three phrases living in moving to buying in and here's what i've discovered as a real estate agent.

If we feature the city, the neighborhood or the community, and we feature that and talk about that in the video. So the pros and cons of living in city name neighborhood for some weird reason: google and youtube they give those that phrase huge amounts of search volume. It's weird so like we got, you know, i got random, it's perfect, because google wants to control. Yes, like the speck of dust sitting on your street, they want to be that hyper local on everything.

So, of course, yeah pros and cons of living in city, yes, cost of living. Okay, then there's any variation living in this neighborhood versus that neighborhood right. That's a huge one, yes, and what i found was to me as kind of like a consumer research behaviorist guy, like i just love studying this stuff. What i realize is you know what this is: the information that the buyers actually want to know anyways right.

They want to know what are the top to five in right blank community. They want to know what the pros and cons are. They want to know. What's it like living in city, name, neighborhood, community.

This is what they want to know, and so, for some reason, google and youtube are just literally organically dishing it up. So when i look at the analytics of some of these guys stuff, it's amazing i'm seeing anywhere between like 50 to 100 000 impressions. So we will talk about thumbnail and title and clickability 50 to 100 000 impressions on you, a real estate agent, talking about the city that you sell. Homes in that is amazing.

It like doesn't get any better than right and when i was and when i show people that it's like spectacular so another just a very simple example is you know, randy york, coach, randy or shout out randy yeah. He after he saw ryan schramm because we're all in the same mastermind group together randy's like all right. I think i'm gon na try this out. So he did six videos so pull up randy or real estate.
Yeah randy did six videos in five months and then, like two weeks ago on the mastermind group, call he's like all right guys i uh there. It is yeah that actually sounds like randy all right guys. I closed my first transaction, so click on videos and then go over here to sort by well actually here this perfect right here so scroll down yep. So here's a good here's, the six things you need to know before, moving to laguna, niguel and so pros and cons, okay, so today's living he did all these so to david's point here, david was like hey in my market: there's not enough search volume right right Now laguna niguel, i don't know if there's that much search volume, no laguna beach, maybe excuse me so five months ago, how many views did he get on the moving to laguna niguel in five months, uh, 2.6.

So 26 600 views five months ago. All organic of randy talking about the city that he lives in as a real estate agent right. That is amazing. It's beautiful now, one more thing: that's so incredible about youtube! Organic is once someone sees that video then youtube.

Does what tom the next time you come back on youtube? What happens you got ta you get served up. Another one, they're gon na show more of your videos. It is incredible so really on the organic side. This is the game.

Look it's moving to! No one looked at my listing, but 626 people in the last four months have looked at pros and cons of living in lagoon and nigel now can you on one look at this? Look at the cost of living was 1300 views on the cost of living. That's unbelievable: what's up with the jiffy he's, given a comparison? Well, you know randy orton with vercher hathaway, i'm a local realtor here in laguna niguel. Are you thinking of moving to laguna niguel and considering the cost of living in orange county, specifically laguna niguel stay tuned i'll. Tell you all right so pause that right there? Okay! So, let's, let's talk one one thing: where everybody's getting hung up too, which is because i've been talking about this for a while and david, i'm so glad we watched yours, i'm glad we watched randy's is guys.

It doesn't need to be that overly produced right really like just share your knowledge and wisdom, and i love what you're saying about the competence thing is, so it is so critical. So let's go over to randy white, because i want to just kind of look at the case study of this for a second so go to find randy white's channel shout out to randy in austin texas hold on. I got ta just pull it up again: a n r-a-n-r-a-n-d i w h. I t e austin realtor, okay, so as a as a brand new agent so go to her channel and then we're going to click on videos.

We go to most search and then scroll. No, don't do that just kind of scroll up just scroll up a little bit. I just want to show you guys. So when did she start doing videos if you scroll all the way up, because when you click videos, you can see when she started so she's done 20, something no, not even 20., but yeah 24 videos.
So what she did is she did 20 videos in her. First, six months, right as and she was a new agent in austin, not from texas, by the way yeah pretty normal, but what she did, which i like a lot is, she featured all the different neighborhoods and the different sections of austin heights and yeah. This is great so in her, this is actually answering one of my questions like can you go beyond your market if you wanted to and have courses and have all the same questions answered for each one of the markets on the same page? Yes - and i love what david said too is - is she's demonstrating competence and knowledge of her her marketplace now, yeah, probably as a newer, and i didn't ask her, but as a newer agent. This allowed her to also go learn about those different neighborhoods, exactly and learn about the nuances and then just present it in a video and put it up there.

So now you could see now go up to them. I like this like where to live in east austin, uh 2400 views right, uh living in south austin right 2300 views living in west austin, 3. 400 views. That's really interesting, so people are like help me understand, i'm moving to austin, but i don't know where to live in austin, which one should i live in exactly so in her first year after doing the six months of those 20 videos, i think she closed.

Eight transactions - all organic youtube leads. That was amazing, so yeah year to date i mean she's, i mean she'll do 150 000. This year you know year to day easy and, as you could see, she stopped doing videos for a while. So you could see one year and then five months right and so now i got it suddenly.

Four days ago now i got her doing a bunch, more cool stuff, blake travis yeah for her she's having fun with it, which is great. Let's go over to uh, uh cameron and shayna, and shout out i would just want to give a shout out to shayna, because cameron is the lead agent right, he's the guy yeah, and so i was trying to get him to do video. He wouldn't do it and shayna who came on to his team, as has as his beautiful wife. She was like all right i'll do some videos and so she started doing them and then the leads started coming in and then cameron was like.

I better start doing. Some videos too, that was great, hey sweetheart, keep doing the videos, keep up the good work exactly so scroll all the way down. Okay right! So if you scroll all the way down, you can see kind of when they started really doing the videos and then kind of one year ago you can see moving to columbia, south carolina, that was kind of the first one, and then she did a bunch of Buying in we did a bunch of new construction started featuring a bunch of communities. We did some some expert advice.

What is earnest money? I just you know we just started kind of sprinkling in a bunch of cool stuff and they are right. Now i mean they'll they'll, close 200 000 in commissions, year-to-date. Now, what's the average sales price in columbia, south carolina, it's like 300 000 yeah. So that is something that's a lottery.
It's a lot of transactions now to david's point i think, is actually really interesting. Is we do have to kind of pay attention to that if you live in a a community where there's a lot of search volume? Well, what does that mean? That means there's a lot of people moving to so, if you're in a moving to market in the united states or in you, know, canada or anywhere anywhere anywhere in the world, please do the moving too yes, okay now but randy orr with the laguna laguna nigel. He killed it with that, and that was what was so fascinating to me. So these case studies are now starting to really shine.

For me, it's like wow, there's a lot of money on the line, so, let's get after it living in moving to buying in okay. What questions do we have, because i have a few things that we can discuss on this topic, but it's pretty straightforward at this point. What we need to do guys. So, let's just i want to go to one of these, so give me kind of point out for me one.

So we can just listen to again. We saw a little bit of randy's. I want to see another example: go down to shayna's early early video on the moving to columbia, south carolina four minutes right and, let's hey guys. It's shayna fleming with the fleming team of united real estate, like in her living room, we're talking about five cities that are great places to live in surrounding columbia, south carolina and this video starts right now, she's like reached across town.

Are you thinking about so good? But you don't necessarily want to live in the city. Well, we're talking about cities in the surrounding area of columbia, south carolina all right first up is northeast columbia. This is going to be on the northeast side of columbia, south carolina home to fort jackson, military base, which is about 15 to 20 minutes of drive away, also home to richland two schools really great schools in richland, too. The average home price is about 172 000..

This area, okay, so yeah - and let me let's, let's address uh, two, a big questions - that every agent is asking: okay, so here's the question: they got: how long should these videos be? Okay, this is a huge question and we have to be careful that youtube is not social media youtube is not uh, facebook or instagram. It's about three seconds. No, so what's interesting, it's good people will listen for four hours. Yes, so what's interesting that - and this is the point - youtube will actually prioritize organically a one hour video over a five minute.

Video. Now that's super interesting, so i wanted to say be careful with too short. What we really want to focus on is satisfaction, okay, so what does that mean? So if you do a video on the pros and cons of living in your city, community, your farm and you under satisfy the customer that is going to negatively in affect the organic exposure that that property gives. You say that again, if you don't satisfy the customer with the promise of that video youtube clickbait, yes right, yeah or actually deliver on the headline.
Yes, you've got to deliver. So i want to say something about that for a second too, because it's kind of people are they're like well patrick. What should i cover please come on. Tell me tell me the secret sauce like what's the script, i'm like.

I can't here's. What i need you to do if and uh ryan schramm's been doing this he's like patrick, he was telling the group's like i'm having so much fun doing a driving tour of san clemente with these clients that i'm getting from youtube, who are coming to check out San clemente and what he's doing in that driving tour agents? You do this all the time is. What do you explain to the customers in the car you're like hey? This is the cool part of town, hey! Here's where the traffic gets stuck, hey! Here's the you know the great school district line you need to be over here, hey in this community. It's that it's all these kind of that's! What christoph chu did yes like 10 years ago and now has all the videos out every ounce of every every subdivision inside of beverly hills exactly.

I think, a good way to think of these videos as community wikipedia pages videos right, like you need a script. You need an outline go to your community's wikipedia page and record that yeah, oh yeah, it's beautiful! That's what this! Okay! Now! But here's what i here's! What i want to say. I 100 agree with that. But what i'm pushing my clients on is.

I want them to actually own the awesome stuff that they do say already like own, that, like you say, great stuff, you just you're not recognizing that the feedback that the customer is giving you when you say hey. Let me tell you about this thing and i you explain something and they're like wow. That was really helpful. Thank you.

That's the thing, that's the content, that's the thing i want this to be so like i'll brainstorm with a client of like all right david. Tell me you know what what do you love about your city? You know what do you like about that? What do you not like and they're like well, should i share the thing the cons should i share the cons? Well, you and i talked about that on our podcast yeah the deal breaker stuff, the cons when you actually say the thing that it's not and you tell the truth. Trust goes up right, so the pros and cons is an amazing thing. So anyways i just this content of like what do you know that no one else knows so, and so i'm gon na i'm gon na go a little deeper with you and say the thing that i so so i'm on i'm on this kick right now, so Guys give me some feedback on this.
I i did my summer reboot tour and i'm like okay, it's 20 21. I have been talking about youtube since 2007, right. How many of you have seen me speak before all these hands go up? Who see my content on youtube? Okay, you've all seen me. So this is not new information that i'm saying you should be doing videos and they're like no i'm like, and yet how many of you still have not done videos and like like ninety percent of the hands, will go up like you know, it's all the same.

Excuse i'm, like i, don't know what to say. I don't know how to set it up and what, if i look bad right, so here's why it's home. So since you don't know what to say, there is tubebuddy will tell you things that people are searching for where there is no content like, but that doesn't solve your problem. That just gives you a little glimmer of hope of like this is something you could probably talk about.

But then i say what if you took that keyword or that phrase or that question and you put it into jarvis under video script and then jarvis writes the freaking script for you and then i say: can you read and then people go yes and i'm like? Okay, so the script is now written for you and then - and i say, but i still get it you're still like. But do i look good? I don't want to come across stupid and i go. Let me let me just be very clear with you. If you have a nine-year-old granddaughter, if you have a you know, 11 year old grandson and if you don't have those, if you have a dog or a cat, your dog or your cat could film these videos for you and then i go.

Do you guys know how cnn do you guys know the story of how cnn was started prior to the launch of cnn ted turner's, very first news network, he hated the news so much that he wanted to mock it. This is the guy that started cnn right. So what he did is he took a dog put peanut butter in the mouth and a guy sat in the corner and read the news. The dogs went funny right.

I now have clients doing grant like sitting with their granddaughter and saying: hey, baby how's the market and well grandma. In the last 14 days, we've had four homes going and the views are just skyrocketing yeah, because they're making this nine-year-old the star or, if they're like. I don't know that they i have now this one of my clients sent me a dog, it's it's two dogs talking about the market yeah and they use the little uh the. What's this, my talking pet, app right and like the mouths are moving.

The eyes are moving and i'm like this is adorable, it's adorable, so i'm trying to remove every possible excuse. But what are you guys, thoughts around tubebuddy and then jarvis just to just to get people in action? Man and i'd like to hear your because i mean i know what i'm trying to get my clients to do to get past this uncomfortable stage, but it's very difficult. I mean the bottom line is guys we get how difficult it is, but i just want you to know that you know what to say, because you're telling the buyers right you're at an open house - and they say tell me about this - neighborhood all that stuff - that You say: that's the stuff, we need on the video and that's the stuff. That's going to cause the perfect customer to be attracted to you, and i it's like.
I don't know how else to help them get past that so i'd like to hear from you like. Are you getting people to ask that from a from a coach perspective?.

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19 thoughts on “Moving the needle on youtube: getting views and getting leads”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Parker says:

    Had a buyer lead from YouTube take me out to coffee this morning and he insisted on paying! LOL

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  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Mehta says:

    Thanks Pat….this is great stuff…..awesome content.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alison Swift says:

    I just upped my budget for what's working. Thank you!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Durham -Ferrari-Lund Real Estate says:

    Thanks for the great video. Is there a Digital agency you can recommend to handle this stuff or are your clients doing it all themselves?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Marie Schilleci says:

    P.S. Watch this at least twice. Best ever.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophia Ashraf says:

    This is so good! Thankyou

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Caldwell says:

    Thanks for having me on and letting me share TF!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Flemming Team Columbia SC Realtors says:

    Great Content! We love being apart of this community! Thanks for the love on our channel! We are actually on space for $700k GCI thanks to our awesome coach Patrick! $75k closed this year has come from YouTube with $109k pending from YouTube! Do the work Tom Family. YouTube is the move!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Ferry Coach & Trainer says:

    Thanks David! Can't wait to work on the Youtube Ads to homeowners!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Filler - San Diego Real Estate says:

    Dan S. Kennedy! That’s who Pat was thinking of. A very important direct marketing figure. Believe he is actually still alive.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TEDDS PRO says:

    Very informational. I struggle with my video production business

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smith says:

    I think the pandemic have really thought people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn't mean security

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 📱 Demetri Panici - Productivity Apps / Minimalism says:

    "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." – Arthur Ashe

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