Why Elon Musk Has Already Won The $2.6 Billion SolarCity Trial? The stock of TSLA are responding well to what happened during the SolarCity Elon Musk testimony but it seems that this lawsuit is now done. This was a massive W for Elon and in this video I will explain why.
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Hey this is tom and yesterday was unique as hell. I've never seen that happen. I've seen people going to court and win. I seen people going to court and lose, but i never seen somebody goes into a court being on the defensive comes out completely being on the offensive.

Now, elon musk went into court yesterday to pretty much defend his decision or his company's decision to buy solarcity in 2016.. Now during that court, he completely went on the offensive and how good was it? Well, basically, the share price jumped by five percent five percent. That's a 700 billion dollar company jumping 5 because of his testimony it was that good i mean i saw fireworks. I think i actually enjoyed myself more than i should have, but basically, what happened in the courtroom was quite simple.

You have a corporate lawyer, essentially making a case that this acquisition was a bad idea. It was just essentially there to actually benefit elon and his relatives, and it had nothing to do with what tesla was trying to do now. All of these single claims could have been refuted by five minutes of anybody who knows anything about tesla talking to any of these lawyers. But i think it's clear that they're looking for a payday and elon exposed them basically pretty easily, so essentially saying that tesla had no business with soil, roofs or sustainable energy or basically solar panels.

I mean it's kind of funny to say that in 2021, with everything, that's going on to say that any shareholders actually suffered any damages, because of it would also be preposterous. I mean the stock price in 2016 was like in the 30s it's at 700 right now and to say that elon musk, pretty much, did it on his own, without asking or consulting with. Anybody is also ridiculous because this deal went through the proper channels with about 85 percent of shareholders actually approving it, and you can watch a really good video by stephen mark ryan from solving the money problem. He did a phenomenal video about the process and how it completely is preposterous to make that claim.

I'm more interested in what happened in the courtroom, because the courtroom proceedings were nothing short of hysterical. Elon absolutely made this human being cry by just using words and not raising his voice even once. I think that's amazing - and i do want to show you a few of these nuggets, because this is nothing short of phenomenal. Now check this out.

Wilmington, delaware, tesla chief executive elon musk, took the stand in a delaware court monday to defend his company's decision to buy solar panel company solarcity, arguing it was necessary not only for both companies but also for the future of the world's climate, and, to be honest, elon Has always been nothing but consistent about this now check this out. He aggressively pushed back against questions from a lawyer presenting a group of shareholders who allege musk was acting on his own interest, not those of tesla investors. I find it amusing with 85 percent of shareholders. Actually approving the deal and the stock pretty much 20 x since then, but whatever so check this out, i think you're, a bad human being musk told plaintiff's attorney randall barron and i think it's amusing, that elon decided to call a corporate lawyer a bad human being.
I mean it's kind of obvious he's a corporate lawyer. What did you think it's kind of a given? He has to be the testimony which started monday morning and continued through the day was a contentious start to a trial expected to last two weeks after being delayed for more than a year because of the pandemic. If the judge decide musk uses influenced tesla to push through the deal he's going to pay 2 billion dollars to shareholders, i mean we know this but check this out, and i mean this. Paragraph is kind of prime example of how mainstream media completely misses the boat.

About tesla musk has long maintained that tesla is building a top to bottom clean energy company. I mean he's not been claiming it. That's pretty much the whole idea of tesla. I mean it's not his claim.

It's just the way the operation works. I mean it's kind of a fact: it's it's pretty much a given he's, not claiming that i mean that's a little bit misleading. To put it this way early on baron sought to establish that musk grand tesla with a free hand in practice, despite being a minority shareholder and subject to oversight by the company's board. He cited musk's 2021 move to change his official title at the company from ceo to techno king.

I mean honestly, and i mean it goes on and on basically elon completely trolling. The lawyer. You have mainstream media, basically saying well, elon, that's not professional! That's not a good look for you, blah blah blah blah. So in my opinion, if you have a corporate lawyer trying to establish that elon musk does whatever he wants with tesla, with no oversight by using the techno king joke as the indicator.

It's a very weak case, especially with the stock price exploding out of the stratosphere during these five years, especially with tesla's business and solar, actually exploding over 85 percent growth quarter over quarter less time i check, especially with how elon has gone through the proper channels. I think this is an extremely weak case and i think it's a crime that this actually is going on instead of elon doing his job. He has to deal with these morons in court. I mean, i couldn't have said it better than stephen mark ryan on solving the money problem.

I completely agree with this video. In fact, i'm going to link it below in the description section, go check it out. This doofus is basically trying to embarrass elon, but he ended up being embarrassed himself and there's nothing better than to see the tesla stock goes up. Five percent after this idiot is trying to make ellen look bad.

At another point, baron pressed musk to acknowledge that he broke no criticism at tesla, responding to those who cross him with rage firings, which musk denied baron then played a video clip from previous dispositions, in which musk, belittled and insulted. Baron himself is an example of how musk acts according to his own personal whims, rather than his firm's best interest, and at this point he pretty much set ilan up for a layup i'll show. You musk took the opportunity to reiterate his claim that barron deserves only contempt with the judge permission musk went on a sketch of sordid history of baron's law, firm, robbins, geller redmond, endowed llp and his previous law firm, citing examples of criminal wrongdoing by former partners at Those firms predecessors you were mentored by criminals and then continued to be mentored by criminals must concluded he pretty much destroyed this man's career. They did not see this coming.
Are you getting into a verbal fight with elon here's, the part where they try to trash elaine? Again, mainstream media just can't help themselves. This isn't tv. It's before a corporate law judge whose life has been spent evaluating corporate conduct in a very clinical legal environment, you're, not playing to a jury, said charles elson, a corporate governance expert and a professor at the university of delaware. Theatrics won't work with the judge.

Elson said well, mother lover: he just put up the share price by five percent. I think the theatrics are working, especially since he's right and honestly. I think these guys have as much chance of winning this trial that my grandpa not drinking ever again, literally zero percent. In fact, i think they're gon na pay a lot of damages to elon for forcing him to go to court for forcing him to actually hire lawyers to deal with this.

It's pretty much a waste, and the really crazy thing here is that they, as shareholders, are pretty much screwing themselves here, because they're costing him a lot of time to deal with this instead of making money for them as the shareholders, which is something i don't even Understand, maybe elon can sue them for wasting his time. Who knows i've been tom? Thank you. So much i'll see you guys in the next video.

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35 thoughts on “How elon musk destroyed the $2.6 billion solarcity lawsuit against him”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Mor says:

    the fact that he is standing in front of houses that he claimed were equipped with the solar tiles
    was a complete lie, they were not.
    and lying to your shareholders is not a good idea.
    Besides that he could never explain how he would make changes to its company without the approval of the board.
    he always avoided answering those questions by attacking the lawyer himself,
    huge red flag in my opinion.

    i do not trust him, not even for one second

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blomefield says:

    I think that since those people hate tesla, Elon should buy their shares at the price when the "crooked deal" took place.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Aurelius says:

    Just another sad Elon fanboy pumping up his shares in Tesla. Cancel your channel

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Hill says:

    If you actually look into the substance of the trial, Musk got his butt handed to him and resorted personal attacks on the lawyer for the plaintiffs out of frustration. We'll see what happens but it doesn't look good for Musk who definitely didn't do himself any favors with the personal insults. Baron wasn't crying…He will probably be laughing all the way to the bank soon. Also, Tesla's stock price is meaningless. The fact the stock has had a P/E ratio of about 850 for the past 5 years tells you that. In other words, if you bought the company for the stock price it would take you 850 years to pay back your investment. Musk is an Elizabeth Holmes style conman and I think this trial is just one of many which will expose Musk's criminal business tactics.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars consciousnick - says:

    Like it or not he's a genius. To not deliver on so many promises, to reinvent to wheel again and again and have so many people thinking he's so amazing. If he can sleep at night then he's doing pretty damn well.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Footsteps AR says:

    The only doofus is you. Check out the common sense skeptic videos on this trail!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Finn says:

    Every other board member settled this case prior to trial because they knew the merits of the cad. It's only the stupidity and arrogance of musk that necessitated the trial at all.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Finn says:

    Elon fan boys still delusional. Attacking Baron when he had a clean and stellar record is weakness not strength. He made himself look like an idiot. As a corporate lawyer myself, I can tell you it was a dumb move. We will see the result, but you clearly have zero idea about the substance of the trial. Tesla's share price is irrelevant to the state of mind he held at the time he bailed out solar City. I'd be quiet and stop embarassing yourself Dom.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PEN15 says:

    Solar City is a great business for losing money almost as good at losing money as Starlink

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiwi TV says:

    Jeeesus some of the comments on here by the muskrats are extraordinary…. And delusional. Fun to read

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars baby barca says:

    tom mark my words this won't age well. I've just watched common sense sceptic on their forensic analysis of the first half of the testimony your talking about.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glurak says:

    Tesla could have acquired any other solar installing company or acquire it cheaper, or start their own. Shareholders agreed to acquire SolarCity thanks its price got hyped by SolarRoof presentation, one that was overpromised and overhyped to borderline illegal levels. Not NKLA levels, but still very bad. And the lawsuit failed to focus on this fact alone and diluted their case with irrelevant or even wrong arguments. And even then it would be a weak case as this lost cost is just a tiny fraction of actual TSLA market cap, even its solar alone.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hans says:

    Professional jealousy 😁
    They just hate Elon's guts for being ahead of them, and they're sore losers on top of it. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out they wanted to short Tesla, and failed.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernesto SigΓΌenza says:

    This con-artist never stops surprising me. Will see in a couple years if the company actually does what it promised, and by the look of it is very unlikely.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drew4021 says:

    What really surprised me was that this "lawsuit" made it this far. Proves how corrupt the court system is.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Koch says:

    He will get paid for lost time and all expenses and maybe defamation of character.?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars guringai says:

    I'm so fxcking sick of bogus lawsuits against innocent people.!!
    I loved Elons trashing the lawyers reputation!!!

    A stupid selfish woman recently tried to sue us for $230,000 falling over on our completely safe stairs.
    She was looking at her phone instead of where she was going.
    2 expert witnesses – both Drs of Architecture proved the stairs very safe

    Cost us nothing but worry for 2 yrs
    Woman lost & wasted money, with her lawyer the only winner. A-holes

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan connelly says:

    Bullshit video title, your Tesla hate girl short seller cancer on cmsociety.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Danger says:

    I'm not sure whether you are aware of how courts make decisions, how witness testimony is judged and how, in the court's eyes, a good witness behaves. Being rude or aggressive in court is a very bad look. Attacking the messenger is also a diversionary tactic used to take attention away from the main issue. Also, stock price changing is completely irrelevant to the court process. As someone with experience in court proceedings, your description of Musk's testimony would fill me with dread if I was his lawyer, or have me very happy if I was representing the opposing party.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris heath says:

    How does an attorney sleep? Well, first he lies on one side, then he lies on the other.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SmartPappnase says:

    If Musk looses, the stock of Tesla should go up because Musk and his cousins have to pay a lot of money to tesla. So you might as well argue he did pretty poorly if the tesla stock ist up.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturo Garza says:

    It’s clear as day Musk was bailing out his cousins. Solar City was burning πŸ”₯ cash.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Urry says:

    They are "Shareholders" but they are "short share holders"

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam says:

    Elon manipulated his share holders with promises that were not true. I think has every chance to lose this case, and he probably should.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Soom says:

    You are a naive Elon fanboy! Sure he screwed anybody to help himself and his cousins.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Whittaker says:

    My business has always been private and has never gone public. Someone did a fake ipo in order to try to hijack my business so they could sell shares and pretend to have power over me

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars motte dreissig says:

    As i understand, the law suit is not about Musk having aquired a solar panel business, but specifically Solar City.
    I am not a lawyer, so i cannot assess, if a company can be sued for this kind of behaviour. But i think its not completely groundless to assume, that Musk did not have the best interest of the investors in mind, when he bought this failed and yet grossly overpriced business from his brother. The (Tesla) stock price itself is irrelevant- The question will be, if and how the companies performance was affected by this aquisition and if the dilution of the shares has to do with it. The plaintiffs are shareholders, they are Teslafanboys. I think, their concerns should be taken seriously.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel De Blasio says:

    Nothing could be further from the truth Elon Musk is not against the establishment. He is backed by Wall Street. In fact, Elon Musk and his family are globalists. His grandfather founded Technocracy inc in Canada. He was also a fabian socialist.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GWAForUTBE says:

    Elons annual wage Γ· 365 should be owed to Elon for his day lost in court.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fire Firer says:

    Good Video, but if you compare the tesla stock price to a point before August 2020 you habe to take the Stock price of totay by 5 cause of the stock split, so its 30 vs 3500

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JP Colin Design says:

    Given that the SEC has documented inappropriate behavior on Musk's part, the courtroom theatrics won't guarantee a win for Musk. I suspect that, according to most of the legal analysts that have reviewed the case, there is a slightly greater likelihood that the decision will go against Musk. It won't hurt Tesla, or Musk himself, but it will isolate him some in the business world. It will also be something he has to contend with in his dealings with China, which are NOT currently going all that well.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Myers says:

    A lawyer once told me this joke:
    Q: What to you have if you find a hundred lawyers chained together at the bottom of a lake?
    A: A pretty good start.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Soom says:

    So says another Millennial Soy Fanboy Youtube site! What's that worth? A ride on the Las Vegas Loop in a Tesla driven by a Vegas cab driver doing 30mph in a 12' diameter .8 mile tunnel? Oh, I forgot the best part……..wait……wait for it………with disco lights. As Elon says, "It's more profound than you think." So don't think.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Blomefield says:

    How many times has this quote been quoted…" don't fight Elon Musk"

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umar Umar gwadangaji says:

    Yes it is over as you destroyed it. I know elon can do that , he is more than spirituals in terms of talents. I stand with you

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