PLTR: Remaining Very Bullish After Stellar Q2 Earnings
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I have a long position in PLTR.
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Hey boys and girls hope you're doing well. My name is tom, happy valentine's day, q2 financials are coming up in just about an hour and in this video i'll teach you where to focus on the financials, which is not necessarily being said on mainstream media, because i want you to really understand. What's going on with this company now this isn't the most simple company to analyze. We can all agree to that.

What they're doing is kind of complicated, not always fully understood so i'll teach you how to separate the nonsense from the important stuff. So the first thing mainstream media will tell you to focus on is adjusted ebitda or profits, which is completely irrelevant for this type of company. In this stage, in their life, we're talking about a company, that's rolling out a new commercial business which is completely separate from the government business. Now this commercial business is basically in development, or at least in the early stages of rolling out it's about four or five years old max now, here's the thing what they're doing right now is every cent they have coming in is going back into engineering and into Building a sales force so you're not going to see high ebitda you're, not going to see high profits, but what you can see is a lot of stuff that mainstream media is completely missing now.

I won't be sitting here and pretending. The talent here doesn't have any weakness, points, potential, failures and risks, because they do and in this video i want to show you what i'm going to be looking at in the financials to get a better understanding whether these potential achilles heel issues are getting better. Now the first thing is valentine's dependency on governmental projects and business. We all know that a lot of hype, artists on youtube, tend to forget about it.

It is an issue that needs to be resolved right now. Talented is deriving 61. Don't really care about the number as much but 61 of their revenue is comprised of the government business. I want to see that number go below 50 in the next year.

Any progress from 61 towards 50 and 45 in this quarter would be an improvement if that number stays at 61 or even goes up. I don't see this problem is getting better. In fact, i see it getting worse, so i want to see that number go below 61. That's the first thing i'm going to be looking at now.

The second thing is the actual revenues now not really obsessed about the revenues, but i want to see a steady increase now last quarter they had 345 something like that. This quarter, i want to see a 10 increase, so i want to see 370 375 a steady, slow growth. You know, like you lose weight, you don't want to lose weight in a day or in a week. You want to have a steady process, so i want to see a slow 10 curvature over q2 then q3, because 10 per quarter over four quarters.

It's insane. So i want to see that happening slowly. Nothing excessive 370 would be a really good result for revenues, but again not really obsessed about revenues and these financials. Let me show you something else now.
The next thing is kind of obscure in the financials and you won't hear the mainstream media because they either don't understand what it means for volunteer or they understand it, but they don't give you the credit as if you're not smart enough to get this. I give you credit, that's why i am gon na. Do this so check this out. This data point sounds like it's good news, but it hides a potential flaw in volunteers, business model, which i want to see get better because as a fan of the company as a long-term investor, i want to see the real problems get fixed and not swept under The drug, so the share price goes up in the short term, so us revenue sources were up by 81 in the first quarter.

Now, government business was up by 76. This quarter amazing but hold on a second. What about the rest of the world? What about the commercial side, so the commercial business only grew by 19 in q1, so as the government business is growing by 80, the commercial business is only growing by 20. That's q1 number, so the government business is essentially growing four times faster than the commercial side, and we all know that the real money, the path the one three-layer evaluation, is going through the commercial side, as a government contractor you're, never going to be a one trillion Dollar company, so i want to see this ratio getting better.

I'm really happy to see government growing at 80 85. I don't care what happens with the government side, but i want to see the commercial growth go up: they're, not mutually exclusive. The number for the government growth can go up, but i want to see it go for the commercial side higher than 19. In fact, i want to see 25 26 growth, maybe even 30 growth in this quarter.

The other thing is that i do want them to give me more data about what's going on with the rest of the world, i'm really excited. You grew us revenues by 81 percent, but let me see what's going on in the rest of the world if you want to be a scalable global business that can be implemented anywhere. Global growth has to match u.s growth if you're only growing inside the u.s, and you literally don't have enough growth outside the u.s. That's the major issue that i am as a shareholder want to be aware of.

So i want to see more data about this in the financials and again not something that mainstream media even focuses about, but row rest of the world revenues and their growth is really important to me now. The next point i'm looking at is again not really trivial, not going to be highly discussed in mainstream media, because it's hard to understand but i'll explain. The one issue that still plagues volunteer to this day is their extreme client concentration, they're, really dependent on a small amount of clients. How small, well 61 percent of their revenues is coming from their top 20 customers.
That's not a healthy situation, because you, as a business owner, bear a lot of the risks when you're dependent on 20 clients for two-thirds of your income. If one client goes away, it's a big hit to your business, so you want to spread it around as much as possible, so you want to have less clan concentration. The other thing is: if you want to prove that you're a scalable software sas business and not a consultancy which i think they are, they have to show that they're able to reduce client concentration. You don't have client concentration if it's a sas software business.

So i expect this number of 61 of the top 20 clients to go below 50, the sooner the better, the more progress they do in this quarter, the better. In fact, i expect by the end of this year, this number is going to be well below 40. I want to see a total scalability they're trying to get it done with volunteer for builders. The whole unlock thing they're trying to get there, but this number has to go below 61, which was the number for 2020, the entire 2020..

Let me see these numbers in these financials. This is really critical, much more than ebitda or profits. This is the real stuff i want to see now. The other two numbers i want to see is expenditures per client.

I want to see that number kind of go up a little bit they're already getting about 8 million per client. Now i want to see them squeeze the limit a little bit more going all the way up by 10 to 9 million per client again. That would be a really good proof to me that their clients are not only staying they're increasing their budget, essentially they're really happy with the product. The other thing is the remaining deal value.

Last night we talked, we had 5.4 billion in remaining deal value. I want to see that number grow to 5.6, 5.7. 5.8. Maybe in a very optimistic scenario, i want to see that number grow because that's the cushion for valentine to lean on for the next two to three years as far as potential revenues.

Now again i told you this isn't going to be some kakamemi with all the stuff that everybody is regurgitating ebitda blah blah blah, i'm going to be looking at the stuff that i care about, because i honestly understand what this company is lacking in and i want To see it get better, not the share price go up, so i can swing trade them. It is what it is, just my opinion might be. Inaccurate might be wrong, might be the ramblings of a madman. You got ta, do your own research, allegedly blah blah mother, effing blah, as always a huge shout out to the channel members and the patrons.

If you want to see the file with all my prize predictions, including palantir, go ahead sign up for patreon or for the channel memberships, five bucks per month and you'll be supporting the channel. Why not i'll see you tomorrow or even before?.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “Pltr: remaining very bullish after stellar q2 earnings”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElCaro says:

    Tom, can you talk about the 300% share dilution in the last year so people are not confused as to why this stock is not moving. I am a PLTR bull but they are diluting big time.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hardy Singh says:

    Plantir have stated that their technology is sold/implemented along national security lines. For example Alex has said he won't work with the likes of China. Thus Plantir is no doubt hesitant about selling to any tom, dick or harry.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Harris says:

    Walked in my barber shop…โ€lemme get that Tom Nashโ€

    Barber: โ€œBro, you canโ€™t handle the Tom Nashโ€.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars De- Centralized says:

    Looks like yesterday Cathie added BIG to her PLTR holdings, across 6 of her funds!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asher ariel says:

    Hi Tom, this thing about 60% of the revenue concentrated on 20% of customers being a concern is pure BS. Actually, it is perfectly normal, unless you haven't heard of the Pareto Principle. It's like Alphabet deriving > 80% of its revenue from Google Ads, and Apple deriving 80% of its revenue from the iPhone. I could if you like list many more examples.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars excalibur0582 says:

    OMG, ARK Invest bought almost 5.6 million Palantir shares today

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TENET says:

    Yeah but the stock is still trading sideways. I will be pleased once the stock climbs over $30.00 P/S without backsliding into the 20's

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moto Dave says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Fitz says:

    Thanks Tom! I have been buying Palantir since it was $10. It is a high conviction stock for me too. Studio looks good now. I am not quite as sure about the haircut.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ijaz Awan's J2B says:

    Good breakdown. I was very impressed with the earnings. Agreed on customer penetration and geographical penetration.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wey Cool says:

    Tom. I bought MU because you were talking about how under valued it is. MU is losing a lot of steam. What's your thoughts? Over sold?? Future not good?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wey Cool says:

    I like the new camera angle!!! Sexy Tom. I am holding PLTR!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Valdez says:

    "Buy the rumor, sell the news". Should drop when news comes out no matter what it is. I got some PUTS for tomorrow

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Spengler says:

    Tom, thx a lot. You are doing a great job.

    The total deal value in Q1 2021 was 2.8 billion (page 30). It is a bit confusing because they mention the 5.4 billion a few slides before. I don't understand the difference tbh.

    PLTR now announced a nice increase to 3.4 billion in Q2 2021.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Araby Alyemani says:

    Great content and always get to the point .like you said we want to see Govt contracts % decline and the commercial sector increases.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nolas says:

    I like PLTR alot, but I'm not really willing to pay more than 20 till they show exactly what you talked about in this video. If I can pick it up again between 15 and 18 I'd feel much better than anywhere near 30. If I must over pay, it's not going to be more than 22 a share. I got caught in PLTR at 36 and was able to average down, stupidly, to 26 a share. I had a ton of capital tied up in it, and won't buy it again till it hits my price targets, or it gets more private sector clients. Until it gets over that hump it's too risky imo. PLTR at 15-18 is still high priced, but I like the risk vs reward better the closer it gets to 10 bucks. lol At those prices I feel better about just buying it and not worrying about it till next year. I can see this stock getting out of control like a lot of the other growth plays that shot over 100 with almost no change to profitability. I have a plan so… gonna live and die by it.

    BTW… I was able to sell it when it hit 26 a couple months ago. I'm waiting on at least 18 before I think about jumping back in. It could easily dip with any bad economic news.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miriam Strauss says:

    What are your thoughts on VERU? Can we get a video on that?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZAID MUHSEN says:

    Hey Tom! I am a huge fan channle, I watch your videos mostly for educational purpose. Could you post an update for $CHEK. I would like to hear your opinion on the firm, and do you think they will take their X-ray sensor capsule into production later this year. Much appreciated! – Zaid

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sprocket says:

    I think im getting out as soon as I get back to even….these guys may take over the world, but it's gonna take too long to make it worth investing

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John John says:

    Karp is dumping millions of shares today. PLTR will tank HARD tomorrow. PLTR will never break 30.Ever.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rod Salvador says:

    You losin' weight man? Lookin good! Long 2023 calls, so enjoying the run so far!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt Scharf says:

    Good point about the client concentration. I think it might not be as important because where are these customers going to go for similar services PLTR provides? I do agree that client concentration is an issue, but not as big of an issue as a retailer with lots of competition?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben O'Gorman says:

    You need to upload your livestreams after their over! I can't always watch them when they happen but I still want the content.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ciso ML says:

    If they grow their client base, would it not mean the client expenditure would probably go down? Considering they would be acquiring smaller clients with less expenditure potencial?

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