Cathie Wood and ARK went back and did a 180 on the whole China issue. Just a few days ago she sold out of her entire Chinese stocks saying its basically not worth the risk, but now she is buying up Chinese stocks and talking about how optimistic she is with respect to China. Confused? same here...
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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Hey this is tom, and the day like today really makes me wonder what the hell is going on. So we have somebody talking about a new meme stock etf. Whatever that means is this for real. It sounds like it's legit.

We also have kathy wood buying up chinese stock just 30 days after completely selling out. Why kathy? What happened in the month now also a lot of other news. The sec just uncovered a new 110 million dollars ponzi scheme. The story is nothing short of insane.

Sandy monroe melts down on the internet completely goes ballistic rants against the tesla investigation, rightfully so, by the way, however, gets misunderstood by mainstream media who claim that his senile that he doesn't know what he's talking about that he's confused? That he's some crazy, cooked up conspiracy theorist. I think they completely intentionally or not misunderstood. What was his point and i'll explain this video? Why they do this right, even though that he kind of you know blew a gasket there, but i think it was fun to watch another piece of news coming out of kathy wood talking about talenteer and how volunteer is way ahead of everybody. And if you change the word palantir with tesla, it literally sounds like the same text that she was saying about tesla just a couple of years ago.

Also, the fbi, glitch with palantir doesn't seem to be even a glitch at all seems to be a fud attack on talenteer, essentially based on the story actually developing a little bit further. Now we find out that there was no glitch, that the palantir software did nothing wrong, but rather the users actually around with the system basically causing access to be granted to people who should not have. This was the equivalent of me giving out my password and then blaming microsoft, of having bad software. This is exactly what happened, and i feel sorry for everybody who ran with this glitch story.

I immediately said it was fun. In fact, i bought a ton of parity stock at 24, but again this is the way of the world. When you get big, when you get innovative, when you get disruptive people try to bring you down, we've seen this with tesla we've seen it with volunteer again more in this story in a second, but before we start a few important requests, please don't click, nothing! Don't smash, nothing, don't buy nothing. There's no courses, no sponsorships, don't click smash, buy.

Just give me your attention. Just listen up. That's the only thing i'm asking for: let's do this sec gets restraining order against financial advisor in alleged 110 million ponzi scheme. According to the complaint, the defendants allegedly told investors, including many elderly retirees, that their investments were safe, could be used for different investment activities, would pay a fixed rate of income and that they could take it out anytime without penalty after a short waiting period.

Now check this out, it also alleges that horizon did not earn any significant profits from legitimate investments and very large percentage of purported returns. So-Called returns, the early investors were simply paid out of new investors, money classic ponzi scheme, we've seen it before we're made of with every single ponzi scheme in existence and i'm sure the sec will come down hard on the people who are responsible, they're, definitely going to Prison no issues there, but will the people get their money, these elderly retirees, the 110 million - that's gone. If you go back to the bernie madof case, most of the victims didn't get their money back. So the question is: if you can't get them their money back, what is it worth to put this dude in jail? I mean it's nice to have, it doesn't solve the problem.
So if you can't bring the money back and i by the way, i don't think that that should be always the default option, that the people just get screwed and when we say well, there's nothing. We can do about it. I think there has to be some compensation mechanism from the government or whatever to basically help people. If the regulator is up they let this happen under their watch.

They should be responsible to compensate the people who got hurt, but, moreover, how come in our entire existence we have not evolved beyond this. This is as old as putin. This has been happening for decades and centuries. Could we not report this before it happens? Could we not invent some software that will predict this, warn us before that and actually prevent these ponzi schemes from ever happening? I mean palantir can definitely do it.

Why don't we hook up irs with piloteer, make it happen, and we can identify this before it happens. But then again the real solution should be to prevent these things from ever happening again: 110 million under the nose of every regulator - and you only hear about it. Post fact them, when it's just going to be about punishment, not preventative measures which i think where the resources should be invested. But let's move on to the next story, so kathy wood checked this out, he's buying up chinese stock.

Again, cathy wood makes about face, move on china, buying and tents, and shares so check this out woods arc fintech innovation, atf just bought 235 000 shares of 10 cent and 60 000 shares of and check this out. I'm not pessimistic about china longer run because i think they're very entrepreneurial society. So the question is kathy and i, like you, a lot, but what changed in the last 30 days that all of a sudden this went from, i don't want to touch this. Do i think, they're a very entrepreneurial society and i don't have any issues with them long term? What change in those 30 days? Because this is not a good look? This is a winter schnitzel flip i mean in 180 in 30 days.

This is crazy. I mean what were you thinking? You either don't sell you say, or you sell and you stay out. I've never seen anybody flip like that. That was not a politician or a participant in some sort of an adult film.
This is insane to me now, as you can see right here on the screen. This is an article i showed you yesterday. Palantir glitch gave unauthorized fbi employees access to data. So essentially, when i read this, it's clear to me that the software by volunteer had a glitch that gave access to fbi.

Employees sounds like a malfunction now in my yesterday, video. I said it's not a huge deal, it's a minor malfunction, but it seems now that it was even that. Basically, what seemed to have happened is that the fbi, the way they were using the software, were basically giving out passwords so to speak and now they're blaming palantir for their software, creating a glitch giving access to people who shouldn't have it's basically, the equivalent of me Putting my password online blaming google for having a bridge or a glitch allowing people to access my email, what the hell fbi i mean you got to be better than this now, while i do expect more from the fbi, i don't expect more from the mainstream media, Especially when it comes to highly innovative, highly disruptive companies, we see it on a daily basis when it comes to tesla. We now see it in palantir, which is a great sign.

The fact that mainstream media is starting to distort the headlines to take shots at palantir, like they're doing with tesla, is a really good sign. That palantir has made it to the big leagues. So if anything, it's a really good sign, but the story in itself is complete trash misinformation, fun and for the next story we have to talk about what happened with sami monroe. Now, i'm not gon na play the whole clip, but on sandy monroe's channel there's a video that was posted with him actually ranting completely going berserk about how the government is slowing down progress by investigating tesla.

I like the guy. I was really afraid of how emotional he got in that video, but he was right problem with the mainstream media they're trying to make him look like a senile old man who just lost and has no idea what he's talking about. So let me explain what's going on here, let me show this article from cnn, which is not a friend of tesla, so check it out. Federal safety regulators are investigating at least 11 accidents involving tesla cars using autopilot, so we're talking about 11 accidents, 17 injuries, one death over the course of three and a half years from january 22 to july 10, 2021 from 2018 to 2021, three and a half years 17 injuries, one death, 11 accidents.

This is what gets investigated. This is the investigation i feel like allen. Iverson with practice. Are we really talking about practice? I mean sandy monroe was actually pointing out to that exact thing without even saying it.

What he was saying in his video is. Essentially, we have the regulators not intentionally, but the regulators being bureaucrats trying to investigate and slow them in company over insignificant numbers and, of course, after sandy's video everybody mentioned media came out. Saying well, oh see now old man he's crazy against pc theories. People are attacking tesla, yes, the coordinate assault on tesla blah blah blah he's in his mom's basement.
Well, that's not what sandy monroe said. He never said this was a targeted assault on tesla just to bring down tesla. He was saying about how bureaucrats behave with innovation. He was basically saying every time we have more innovation, more disruptions.

Bureaucrats and regulators tend to stand away and halt slow down and sometimes even ruin the process he was using tesla as one example of that. It's not about tesla, it's not about the regulators. In this case, it's about the grand scheme of things how you have to allow progress to move forward, especially with this small number like this, compared to the amount of accidents, injuries and deaths over the last three and a half years. Is this really what we're investigating and for those of you who've been following tesla for a while, you kind of gotten used to it: misinformation complete fud distortion.

They took what cindy said used the strawman argument of something he didn't claim and then basically proved him wrong. Again, mainstream media winning a debate against tesla without actually debating the facts, not surprising now for the next story. I want to show you this, because this blew my mind. Meme etf appears to be on its way.

Thanks to round hill investments check this out, the meme exchange traded fund will be made up of a grouping of companies that exhibit a combination of elevated social media activity and high level of short interest. I mean this is crazy. This is literally the apocalypse for me. Is this really what we've come down to meme stock etfs? Is this real? This has to be a joke.

This is literally kind of um. Tell me we're in a bubble without telling me we're in the bubble. Tick. Tock thing i mean is this for real? Can anybody, let me know if this thing is real or not, because i there's no way there's no way, there's going to be a meme stock etf.

This is even worse than some of these ets we're hearing on the cryptos i mean this is insane who thought of this now for the final story of the day. I want you to take a look at this article. It's a really deep dive into the violence and checks the jackson hall, the fed jerome powell, but this paragraph really jumped at me. I finally realized what's going on why jerome powell is dragging his feet, he already lasted through one president.

He only has to last for another six months to go for another run so check this out. On top of that, powell is up for re-nomination in february, as are several other fed officials. Basically, he already outlasted donald trump. He just wants to pull through biden now, if he actually shits in biden's bed and basically crashes the market, while biden's in office he's never going to get re-nominated.
Obviously he has to drag it out. He has to keep people drugged. The market is drugged until he pushes them to the finish line in february once he gets nominated, it's going to be way easier for him, so that kind of explains why they're procrastinating so much with tapering. But jokes aside, i think the february is unrealistic.

I think, even though jp would love to keep it going until february, the only chance of him having that happen would be the delta variant actually wreaking havoc slowing down the growth slowing down the economy, bringing less inflation. Unless that happens, i don't think he has the gas in the tank to make it to february. I think we probably see it in november at the latest december, which means it was close, this close, but no cigar. Now, as always a huge shout out to the channel members and the patrons you guys are amazing if you want to join and support our channel five dollars per month, you get to join a community and support the channel.

I would really appreciate it, but no pressure. These videos are free, as always a huge thank you to everybody. Let me know below which segment you like the most. I'm really curious to see that i'll see you tomorrow,.

By Stock Chat

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25 thoughts on “Why investors losing patience with cathie wood and ark”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Griffin says:

    Hey Tom what do you think of recent talk of palantir being heavily diluted being the reason why the stock price hasn’t gone beyond recent highs of 27$ staying between 21 and 26$ .Any thoughts ??

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Zapf says:

    Why does Powell not have enough gas in the tank to make it to February? For reals what will “make” him “have to” raise rates and stop buying the MBS? There is no top check to inflating the market except when it gets hard for people to it food and basic things for living. True hyperinflation, Argentina style. That can happen, but I don’t think it can happen before February. But seriously is there another check that would make him “have” to taper early? Do a video on it if there is! Bc we already have top economists arguing he should have tapered yesterday. Your channel is now one of my top faves btw!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vadermike777 says:

    "What Changed with Cathie wood"? Simple, the price changed. Chinese stocks are at a massive discount, and Cathie is doing what she does best, take advantage of excellent buying opportunities now, for future gains. I am in Baba and Nio. Sure they are low now, but in 3 to 5 years from now, i wouldnt be surprised if the are at least 3x – 5x, what they are now.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pammorrisdesigns1 says:

    love your work…I am a subscriber…just a little pinch…Cathy Woods was rational not crazy with her about face with Chinese stocks…she bailed on the ones that threateded the power structure and are being cut down….but got strong in groceries and things that a huge ecomonmy and the government want…..she said this …all your reporting goes beyond the surface..this didn't and should have. love you mean it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goce says:

    Everything is on sale and on special for Kathie with other people's money. Reminds me of my Ex.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen Walker says:

    I think the Chinese stocks have gotten so cheap it's hard to ignore. Where can you find growth tech stocks that are profitable with a brand and a moat that are at prices with this kind of deep value? Chinese stocks dropped allot in a month. Warren Buffett says if good companies become cheap enough the real risk is not buying them. Good video though.👍

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordo says:

    A meme stock EFT sounds perfect for someone that wants to short a basket of bubble stocks without the risk of picking individual stocks or having too much in any one company.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Moore says:

    FUD plays are all the same: run with a lie and then do not report the truth when it’s discovered. A day or two of negative media headlines is enough for them.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Biggam says:

    I believe she sold, Harvested tax losses and bought back in after 30 days to avoid wash sale rules. Appreciate the videos btw

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barak D says:

    I am an investor in ARK , I hold 3 of their ETF's. I can say with confidence that we have not lost out patience.
    its only the traders who are selling.. investos buy on big dips and hold for years.
    I haven't sold a single share of ARK's ETF's, and I am even waiting for a big discount on ARKF so I could start my position on that one as well.

    great content Tom

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yogiyoda says:

    1.). Sandy did more than complain about burecrecy slowing inovation. He accused the powers that be in the US of slowing Tesla's progress so that GM and Ford could "get a gold star" too.

    2.) Cathie wood reevaluated which stocks would be less effected by the policy changes and invested in those. Steering clear of many tech companies

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonas says:

    its hard to handle the world these days, , I'm happy there are still some intelligent people to keep me going…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ke Ce says:

    It might be a new tactic, big hedge fund buy all the stock she own sell put contracts and when she succeed the normal people lose buying the contracts

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imran Arshad says:

    Cathie did a deeper dive on China and found companies that are in good standing with the CCP and help the Chinese economy. She bought Pinduoduo which is actively used in tier 3 and 4 cities and she invested in JD which invests heavily in logistics infrastructure.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I am that guy says:

    Why not have a Meme ETF Tom? We already have had fake news media the last 20 years and now the related social media outrage and virtue signaling culture. It's already the Apocalypse! Idiot thought and thoughtless behavior that empowers more idiots is now mainstream so mine as well invest in this meme trend,… it's your friend

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rangaraj Srikant says:

    Hey Tom, Love your content. You have to see what cathie was saying about Chinese stocks. she is looking at stocks which aligns with the Chinese government.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ticker Symbol: YOU says:

    Thumbnail and title are all about ARK and there's maybe 45 seconds of coverage on it. Very cool 👍

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TigerS says:

    I did expect more from you than just reading the clickbait title Tom! 😏 “glitch” – it was evident from almost every article, if you read all of it, that they just click aired you and it had nothing to do with palantir.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D R-K says:

    WTH Cathie? I am invested in her ETF and did a survey from her firm recently where I expressed my concerns about her investments in China before she sold out of her positions. Now I here this and I am left scratching my head. I may have to rethink if I even want to leave what I have there and buy something else instead. I can't imagine what her thinking is but her quote leaves me cold. It's been fun but I may be leaving her fund sooner than I expected.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jon schmid says:

    Nothing changed with Kathy and her conviction. She didn't wanna hold China stocks while they were falling. Now she is buying the dip! Smart managing if you ask me!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Dimitriu says:

    I really like you Tom, but "don't click nothing" literally means "click something", same goes for all the double negatives you use in your videos. I realize you might do this on purpose (to sound more down to earth?) but as soon as I hear that, my OCD is triggered.. sorry, couldn't take it anymore..gotta go, can't even listen to this anymore.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Lamont Davis says:

    I'm sticking with Cathie and her team. If everybody could see that she was right the whole time, what good would she be?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Ackley says:

    The government doesn’t CARE. The lawyers get their fees, the victims get almost nothing.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EGDK says:

    “Senile” means old – Uncle Sandy is senile – But not “senile demented” like Joe Biden is

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rorsonthemove says:

    "I've never seen someone flip like that who's not a politician or in some kind of adult film"

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