Why Cathie Wood JUST Sold Her Tesla Stock. Cathie Wood, the founder of Ark Invest sold more than $100 million of Tesla stock on Wednesday, its filings show. While she only sold 0.5% of her holdings, the mainstream media will tell you its a big deal, citing her $3,000 price target and fabricating struggles with global supply chain, trying to tell you TSLA is about to end. We have all seen this movie before...
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I have a long position in TSLA.
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DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Hey this is tom and if you've been following the tesla story of the last few days, few weeks or even few months or maybe even a few years, you know two things as a fact number one danny devito is a great actor number. Two tesla is not getting a fair shake from the mainstream media, in fact saying that is kind of an understatement, and it's kind of like saying that danny devito is a little bit short or a little bit bold. It's a very serious understatement. Now, on a serious note in this video i'll show you why the anti-test stuff, i have actually taken a notch up and now we're talking about a full-on all-out assault against tesla by mainstream media and the politicians this time this has never been done before this is The first time we've seen this all out assault, i'm gon na go instance by instance, i'm gon na call, i'm gon na show you why it's complete trash and, as you know in my videos, the bottom line will come first.

So you get all the information in advance if you wan na stick around for my analysis and why i think none of this will matter at the end and what tesla has already won. This is just you know. The final noise coming out of this old fart called the ice legacy automakers. This isn't really serious.

I mean i'm not really concerned about this. If anything, i'm amused that they've now started to basically go all out against tesla when in fact, none of this matters because tesla has already won. But again, if you want to stick around for the analysis, go right ahead. If you just won the bottom line, you're gon na have it in 30 seconds and don't worry about it.

If you have stuff to do, i respect your time and as always, don't click, nothing, don't smash. Nothing don't buy. Nothing! Just listen! That's all! I ask of you so check this out. My name is tom nash and i quit my corporate job as a senior financial analyst to break down companies for you.

But there's one thing you need to know about me: i don't take from anybody. So, as you know, i used to be a senior financial analyst and my job was to look at industries, look at companies and see whether trends is headed now in the case of tesla and the eva industry, it's quite clear, there's a reason why this company is Being traded at multiples that are completely insane and valuations that pretty much include every single ice legacy. Automaker! That's not because it's over hyped, that's not because retail investors are idiots. In fact, it's quite the opposite because most of us understand where this company is headed, but mainstream media and the politicians can't have that happen, and they think that by running a few articles and by passing a few legislations, they can basically beat great execution.

Perfect safety. Pretty much amazing stuff that they give to their employees and the conditions of tesla employees, and you know where the industry is headed as far as infrastructure, all the stuff that tesla executes on. I mean it's ridiculous, it's like saying: well, we can beat you if just the referees help us a little bit dude if you're getting pulverized by lebron james no amount of referee helping is going to help you win that game, i mean you're getting dunked on. So this was the bottom line and if you got ta go you got ta, go no problem.
You just needed that. I'm gucci with that. If you wan na, hear my analysis and see the full articles go right ahead, stay with me, because this is about to get bumpy, and i don't know if you noticed, but i took a little bit of a break from youtube for a couple of days. Two days or three days, because i'm just blown away by all this i was like.

I need a breather because what the hell is going on, so we had three articles come out which pretty much showed us and it's kind of just mind-blowing. First of all, we have this article basically coming out and saying well: kathy woo just sold 100 million dollars worth of tesla stock. Despite saying it's a three thousand dollar stock. Okay.

So if you look at this article, which is one of many, i'm not singling out this specific publisher, kathy wood sells more than 100 million dollars worth of tesla stock. Despite saying it will rise over 300. So from this headline you understand kathy wood is losing conviction in tesla she's selling out. Oh, my god, everybody go crazy run for the hills.

Only if you just scroll to the ark website you'll find out that what she sold was the equivalent of point. Four. Nine percent, less than half a percent of her holdings are being sold. Half a percent eddie i mean she sold half a percent of her holdings.

She kept 99.5. She rebalanced her etf. You do know what an etf is: mainstream media right. So a little rebalancing in ntf half a percent is such a huge headline because it sounds great, you know: 100 million.

You know how much tesla stock this lady is sitting on. Give me a break. I'm gon na show in a second. Why now the other article was just really just crazy.

You know the tesla fsb fsd, whatever you call it. If you in russia, it's fsb, if you're anywhere else, it's fsd, the fsd 10 beta just came out. There's a really great video on rob's channel called tesla daily. If you haven't subscribed yet definitely subscribe, i think it's the best source of actual content about tesla that makes sense and in a very non-sensationalist pragmatic way.

I love rob stuff shout out to him. So rob did a whole test, unedited 10 minutes of this fsd 10 beta, and it was phenomenal. It had a little bit of a rough start in the first like 20 meters, but then it just was just mind blowing and even then it was kind of funny. Nothing really dangerous, but it works great, even though it's a beta, it did everything way beyond my own expectations.

So if it's a huge day for tesla, obviously but here's a fun little experiment, i did i punched in fsd 10 tesla and i want to see what kind of views i'm getting. So i'm getting all these non-mainstream media talking crazy about it. You know teslarati engagement, electric doll praising tesla for going berserk with this blah blah blah blah blah every single one of these are not mainstream media, so cnet might be, but i mean for tech not really for automotive or mainstream media as far as mainstream media. If you go to page 2, which is the graveyard of all articles, you actually find the first real mainstream media article, elon musk, says tesla latest beta self-driving software is not great.
So then again he was talking about how amazing the 10 is versus the previous version, but you know they managed to put out an article basically saying that elon musk thinks that the fsd is trash. I mean i mean it is what it is. You can think about it. Whatever you want, i have my opinions uh.

The other thing we have is the politicians are now coming out and saying well we're gon na give tax credits for evs. U.S democrats propose dramatic expansion of ev tax credit that favors big. Three. Now this headline has nothing to do with tesla right and even if you read the article, it sounds like this is designed to favor the u.s manufacturers over the toyotas of the world right only that toyota doesn't really give a that much about u.s tax credits.

They're fighting it; actually, they don't want to make eevee vehicles which is kind of amusing because they actually invented them. I mean, if you think about it, the prius they had it. They're like the xerox of eevee automakers, and yet now they're evangelizing. You know ice vehicles, so toyota doesn't really care about these tax credits.

It's designed to hurt tesla, which doesn't have unionized employees, as you know, but then again, if you look at tesla, you'll find out a few things that actually should make a lot of sense. For you, if you were the us legislator, you know how many millionaires are working on the assembly line of tesla, how many millionaires are working on the ford assembly line or gm, give me a break, so this has nothing to do with the benefit of the employees. Obviously tesla has the best conditions, but i mean it's just another way to incentivize. You know the big three out of detroit.

According to this new plan, if it passes the legacy, automakers will be getting 12 and a half thousand dollars per vehicle for every ev vehicle. They make, while tesla will have to do with 7 500 per vehicle. A significant disadvantage, yes, but completely irrelevant i'll show in a second. Why and just look at the financials, i mean that's not going to help them.

I mean they're fuck-ups while tesla is the perfect executor. Look at this automotive revenues, so tesla relied on eight percent in q2 2020 that went down to three percent in q2, 2021. Now beyond that the revenues actually doubled. So at this point, tesla is making 10 billion in revenues from automotive.
Only about three percent is coming from these credits. They don't give a about this three percent 97 of their money, isn't coming from these credits. Fortunately, for gordon johnson, these credits are not a huge deal for tesla anymore. In fact, i would make an argument that they're pretty much irrelevant look automotive gross margin went from 25.4 percent to 28.4 in q2 2021 in just a year.

I mean who cares about these credits at this point? Tesla really doesn't so if they want to use these credits to try to buy themselves more time, go right ahead. Won't make a single point of difference. Dude, you know what they have to go through to go to tesla's level. I mean as far as infrastructure batteries i mean they're, pretty much hooking up batteries to what seems to be very generic existing ice vehicles as if this is how you make an electric vehicle.

Not to mention about infrastructure, i mean this is just pure. I don't think they have any chance, but it's funny to see this all out assault, so, as you just saw, tesla is being actually assaulted by every single direction. You can think of mainstream media politicians and, since tesla doesn't really face an existential crisis anymore. None of this matters during the trajectory to basically take over this is just meaningless noise.

It's white noise. It's basically people shouting unfair, oh, come on, doesn't matter the grand scheme of things. Tesla is so far ahead that none of this prevents the end result. Fortunately, for us, unfortunately, for corn johnson, it is what it is.

I hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know below what you think about tesla or gordon or whatever. Let me know i like to read every single comment: i'll try to reply as much as i can. If you want to support the channel five bucks a month, you can join our patreon community.

We have some exclusive stuff over there. Nothing too fancy i mean most of my content is free and it's right here, but if you want to support me and support the channel go right ahead. Five bucks per month, i'd really appreciate it. But then again, if you just want to watch the videos for free, i'm fine with that too i'll see you tomorrow,.

By Stock Chat

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25 thoughts on “Why cathie wood just sold her tesla stock”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J S says:

    Tom, still waiting on your reply on how am actively MANAGED ETF is eligible for the options market. ARK positions change hourly as they buy and sell different holdings.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Millie Wells says:

    Click bait! You have to be nuts if you think Cathie Wood is selling all of her Tesla stock.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Ruchman says:

    It seems fairly common in a funds bylaws that a given position should not be more than 10% of the entire fund. If TSLA continues to go up, the selling will continue, if it goes down, she might start buying again.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Divov says:

    Why doesn't Biden and his administration, the American main stream media, Wall street and so many Americans realize that Tesla is a true blue American company? Teslas are built in America – not Canada or Mexico and with the highest % of USA sourced components than any other manufacturer. For goodness sakes lets get behind them with our fullest support!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bethezzda Baenre says:

    Ford โ€ฆbuilt in Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ nothing against Mexico . But how many union jobs were shipped south of the boarder . Unions are a good idea but today itโ€™s just guys getting part of your check and buying politicians . The American workers mean nothing to them โ€ฆ

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MGMarkov says:

    How many Tesla shares do you hold man? can you please disclose that? your analysis is on high school level of accounting, If you were senior financial analyst (which is pretty much nothing special) at least you would provide your forecasts and explain how will Tesla reach 3000 USD (or whatever you think their fair PV price is). Or you will do like Kattie wood ๐Ÿ™‚ "We start from a blank page and we add whatever we thing will happen there". What a F joke

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Lam says:

    Cathie wood selling TSLA , Ark has too much on the line with PLTR and they want the same returns like they got from TSLA

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimmy made says:

    I knew thatโ€™s going to happen the Tesla is going to take over I didnโ€™t have nobody teach me how to be in the stock market I started this year I would have probably 1 million shares of Tesla

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paula Pinto De Barros says:

    Finally someone I can understand this is useful infothankyou, from a new retail investor as they call us, hah 57 and still learning

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R Gerald Alexander says:

    The oil/gas industry and legacy auto are being eaten alive by Tesla, no surprise they will attempt to attack their destroyer.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ToTheMoon Party2030 says:

    just love watching this guy's mouth. just like baby's mouth chewing something yummy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfred Himmelweiss says:

    The more the Tesla stock will rise the more Cathie Wood has to sell, because she do not want to have to much % of one stock.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geronimo's Ghost says:

    Tesla is a bubble waiting to burst, Tom. Elon has built a house of cards with all his lies. The batteries are made by panasonic (they build his factories too), his employees live in fear of him, he owes everyone money, that "stock" doesn't pay dividends. I noticed that my last comment about this disappeared. Will this one go too?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mental Capital says:

    I have no uckingfay clue how your channel has SO many subscribers. Prob cause so many people are ignorant. You don't post PnL, trades, statements, etc. You don't post setups, entries, Alpha… What value do you provide?!?!? Asking for the world! Even if you posted PnL, it would be paper trades or if real, it would only be green days and/or small red days that were BIG red earlier in the day! This is all fake news media from a former analyst. We ALL know how unreliable and wrong analysts are. I know I sound salty af, but it's for a great reason!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryu Rwar says:

    Self driving not coming I know that due to edge cases, however they have made some huge inroads to the huge inferencing equations

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Yves says:

    CW is a pump and dump, She has been touting Tesla for months and pulls the rug from under. Nonsense! Tesla is like Apple : it will always have a lead in the competition and will provide decades of innovation and growth.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt s says:

    Tom, I'd be thrilled to hear your take on DNA Sequencing, which seems to be a big part of Cathie Wood's investment strategy these days. What you like and what you don't like about this niche, who the winners will be, the caveats that investors or traders need to be mindful of, etc. I believe that this niche is getting surprisingly little media coverage, and I wonder what your expert opinion on it is.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Mccraine says:

    Today we talk about Tesla and their stock market because the founders did not give up on their dreams and they never stopped investing. The key factor to success is investment. Believe it or leave it, but there are still genuine and professional account managers who can grow your money from 0 to 100, and i'm happy to introduce you to my account manager who have changed my life over the years after a struggling first part of the year 2020.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John S says:

    Thank you Tom. These people are crooks. Did you catch the hit piece โ€œanalysisโ€ from Jonas at MS about Lucid? Gave them a $12 PT even though the PIPE is $15. This is the same doofus that gave Tesla a $10 PT 2 years ago. These people should be locked up.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parag Rane says:

    She has been losing money from her fund due to outflows. She has to sell some stuff to buy other stuff. She said she sold some TSLA to buy UIPATH.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frederick Martin says:

    Excellent show. You did make one error, using google. They're lying b******s! All of them. Keep up the good work.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hooterman 03 says:

    Incredible that people see cathie selling Tesla and think itโ€™s a bad thing. Maybe learn how the market works first, etfs cannot have more than 10% in a single position. = tesla goes up cathie has to sell legally.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boom Boom says:

    I really don't get this everybody hates tesla bulls**t. Just looking at youtube you can see several hundred tesla channels that actually have tesla in their name.any of these channels always have a common message like "game over tesla won" Ford, gm to go bankrupt " and all these sensational headlines. If the world was normal, most people might think these ice companies might at least try to fight back but here we are with people hoping they just stay down and die. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so twisted. Smh

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars haplon says:

    Even before the Prius, GM had the EV1 in the 90s. Frickin' dinosaurs got a meteor coming their way and they seem quite salty!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Helander says:

    ICE=IGNORANT CLUELESS ELFS? ? ? ICE is sooner than people think gone and maybe we can have the REAL ice/glaciers not disappearing. ICE is soon dead – Long live the real ICE.

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