I think Gordon Johnson, the biggest Tesla bear out there, deserves credit.

You know i never thought i'd make this video basically giving credit to gordon johnson. This is kind of unthinkable. This is a bombshell i'm just kidding, but i mean the man deserve credit and i'm not being cynical, i'm not being funny. I honestly think so.

It takes a lot of skill to become this polarizing, because at this point this dude is worshipped by some people, saying that he's woke that he knows things that the rest of us can't see that he's the best analyst ever mainly the tesla q people and on The other hand, you have people that say that he's a complete buffoon, a clown, an idiot, the village fool and, on the third hand, if you have one, i mean people, think that he's taking money from big auto basically to promote this agenda, which, i don't think Is true by the way and i'll explain to you in a second, why, i also don't think he's an idiot and i also don't think he's the best analyst ever, but i think he's a pretty decent analyst i'll, explain everything in this video. So it takes a lot of skill to get to this point where you relevant and you're being hated by one group, you're being adored by another group. It's pretty much like the ufc or the wwe or whatever promotion i mean you want to get your brand out there, and this dude has done a phenomenal job. I mean he's very relevant cnbc.

You know fox everywhere, people talk about him, people know his name. So for that he deserves credit. However, in this video i want to explain why he's doing what he's doing and i don't think necessarily he's getting paid. I do think there's another thing here that you need to understand about gordon, which some of you don't know.

For example, a lot of you don't know that this tip-ranked screenshot we keep sending out as a joke, where he's ranked like in the top five percent of 10 percent, like 7 000 out of 7 000., that used to be completely flipped, i mean, when i say, Flipped, i mean, i think he was number one or number two on tip ranks as an analyst. He was the best analyst on the pranks just seven or eight years ago, i think 2013 or 2012. He was literally the best analyst, like 80 success rate great returns. This dude was the best and now he's suddenly the worst.

I don't think so. I don't think he just became an idiot overnight. You don't go from you know. Working at jp, morgan, lehman brothers bear stearns.

Oh hold on a second okay lehman brothers bear stearns a little bit iffy, but i mean the dude went to a good school has great education. So how does a guy like that? Who used to be number one on the pranks becomes one of the worst rated analysts on dip ranks and how does a guy like that, gives a 60 or 70 target for tesla? I don't think he's an idiot. I think that proves it, but why is he doing it because we've seen him go like jerry? You remember that episode where rick had jerry fold himself into 12., get out of the booth. Take all your clothes off and fold yourself 12 times you got it.

I mean this is literally what he's doing he's a financial gymnast he's the nadia coming at of financial analyst. He'll take tesla data and he'll convolute. It then we'll go crazy with it, just to prove some point about some minuscule information. That suddenly proves his point.
I mean we've all seen him do it. I mean the man he's a gymnast. Why does he do it? Is he an idiot? No i'll give an example, like i posted a few weeks ago about norway right, so we had tesla overtake with vw. I think in norway and all of a sudden he started posting other countries.

How about spain? How about you know the rain in spain. So here's the thing it might have been spain, but it could have been any country i mean if in botswana, um fufu motors sells more than tesla he'll use that i mean he's gon na use. Whatever information he can find to prove his point, but i don't think he's an idiot. I think he knows that this is all mumbo-jumbo, garbage and i'll explain why.

I think there's two things in play here that you need to understand now gordon used fundamentals to become the best on tip ranks. He made smart decisions: conservative decisions, fundamentals, value, investing blah, blah blah blah blah blah that worked for him. That also worked for all the other good analysts, but tesla flipped the script. The insane growth of tesla in the last few years basically caused a lot of good analysts to look like because it didn't make any sense from a fundamental perspective for a lot of time.

It's still kind of shaky if you look at it from a pure fundamentals analysis, but most other analysts basically swallow the pill basically saying well, we were wrong about tesla. Let's move on adam jonas is one but there's a lot of other examples. So what about gordon? Why he was the only analyst that stayed in his position, even though every other analyst, mostly kind of flipped and basically said well, we were wrong. Why is gordon still in this ship? That's sinking like crazy? Well, i think, there's two reasons.

Number one ego, i think, for some reason he can't let ego get the best of him. He can't admit that he was wrong. He was right for so many times. This is his moby dick there's.

No other explanation now not familiar with his ego or his personality structure, but it sounds like this is actually the case, but again might be wrong. Just my opinion, you know might be inaccurate, might be the ramblings of a madman. You got ta do research, i don't know gordon, i don't know his personality, i'm just guessing now. The other part which i think is even more important, is being relevant.

Being relevant is the key. I think gordon found a way to monetize the tesla q crowd. He knows that they need somebody to raise the flag. I mean michael berry, isn't really interviewing.

He isn't really out there speaking about how much he hates tesla. All we hear from him is you know the 13 f's once in every quarter. That's it a few twits here and there, but he isn't in the public eye. Somebody needs to come in front of this.
Just like you crowd and basically be you know the flag, be the person be the face of this brand anti-tesla and he's doing it and he's monetizing it look. How much face time he's getting on cnbc on bloomberg on every single outlet whenever they needed tesla bear he's there, because they know that people would tune in. They want to see this guy, because it's outrageous so crazy. His story, price is so low.

People love to hate him he's the classic villain in those wwe fights. They set him up to fail and he knows it, but he's getting paid he's getting the bag. I mean he's getting tv appearances, relevance that is worth money that is monetized. So the ego, combined with all this money of being relevant by being the main tesla bear, is worth a lot of money.

That's why he could never change, even though i think deep down, he knows tesla is a great company, but at this point his business depends on him being the bear and his ego depends on it. So i don't think he can never change. You know. I can't imagine what it's like to be at the top of your craft being number one, all of a sudden to being the worst in your category.

I don't think ever this has been experienced in professional sports or even an analyst. Nobody has ever gone from number one to almost dead last, especially that fast i mean that will wreak havoc through your personality. I think you have to find a way to deal with it. There is a cognitive dissonance here that you need to solve and then gordon found a way to solve it.

It's like deonte wilder against tyson fury saying that the gloves were rigged or whatever you need to find the justification. Why that happened to you. Otherwise, it's a cluster freak for your brain and i think this is what's happening here, but if you add in the bag from all these tv appearances and him being the main face of that, that tells you everything you got to know now. Let me know below what you think.

Let me know if you agree or disagree with me. Let me know your thoughts, i'd love to hear it good or bad and i'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

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29 thoughts on “My 2 cents about tesla’s biggest bear, gordon johnson”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rmrfboy says:

    that's really a good theory. any publicity is good just like what all the politicians do. all movies need a good villain. well done gordon. lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg H says:

    I have to admit I enjoy seeing him on CNBC. He is so wrong over and over again. It is entertaining.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Stinar says:

    I suspect he knows a tulip bulb when he sees one and he's unwilling to get in on the grift.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aron Kรกri รgรบstsson says:

    Tesla Inc & TSLA have totally diverged. Tesla is a great company but the stock is a terrible investment at these prices. It's trading at 20x TTM Sales and about 400x Net Income. It's probably going to be Microsoft 2.0 where a great company got so overvalued (1999-2000) that it traded flat for 13 years.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Smith says:

    At the time Johnson was getting high rankings on Tipranks, the economic environment was very different. The world was still emerging from the financial catastrophe of 2008-2010, and conservative projections were usually a safe and reliable bet. Johnson's "Sell" ratings on many stocks turned out to be good calls. So he perpetuated this model – which hasn't worked for him in recent years – especially in new and disruptive industries.
    Also, he's the sort of "analyst" that buries himself in spreadsheet graphs, and uses historical "theory" to formulate a future perspective. This does not work for new and innovative industries. Historical models are often inapplicable – the future vision is what is needed.
    He is now so wedded to his methodology (which worked 10 years ago) that he just can't see that it no longer has validity – but he sticks to it – usually grasping at irrelevant straws to justify his postion (mostly to himself).

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oakarts says:

    Gordon Johnson is a CLOWN but let us keep ind mind that we do like to go to Circus!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H kok says:

    Right on… he does not admit to the fact that he was wrong about Tesla. His stubbornness conquers his mind.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Strachan says:

    He doesn't understand fundamentals. Fundamentals requires perfect understanding of statistics.
    This is where he fails. He need to do a course in fundamentals oi f statistics then he'll see the error of his ways constantly.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Hassler Electric Cars and Motorcycles says:

    He gets so much air time because nobody else is willing to go on TV as a TSLA bear, and networks need to "show both sides" to try be good journalists.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denise Wildfortune says:

    So if Gorden Johnson is Capt Ahab to Tesla's Moby Dick, 1 company, why is his Tip Ranking so low? Can being wrong on a single stock sink your ranking that much? Does he still make calls on other stocks that will allow us to track his corrected performance sans Tesla? Or is Gorden a 1 trick pony now analyzing only Tesla? If it's the latter, people should know!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bukowski says:

    You could be a genius. You may have nailed this! Seems like the most plausible explanation.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian W. says:

    Howard Stern Private Parts ….. Average listener listens for 1-1/2 hrs to see what he'll say next….. Average hater listens for 2-1/2 hrs. Why? To see what he'll say next. He's probably not an idiot just playing for offense and defense. I bet you he's got Tesla stock and has had it for years.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Stone says:

    I think he made the same mistake as me with Tesla was an early investor started trimming and taking profits over the years but he sold all out all and missed the big profits from not being patient enough and now he kicking his self for not holding lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KM686 says:

    There is no more journalistic integrity in any mainstream media anymore, it's all for clicks and there are so many hidden agendas and conflicts of interest. Haven't watched any TV programs for years now.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dae T says:

    a broken clock is right twice a day. Gordon is a perma bear like the idiots who writes and warns us about financial implosion every year for the past 20 years every year til they're right.

    when they finally are they get on the news for people stating how good they were. Gordon isn't a genius he's a broken clock

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yves informel says:

    he was good for a while and that got to is head. His ego is in the way. He knows he is wrong but to proud to admit it. CNBS invite him because he puts a good show

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linda Sante says:

    Youโ€™re so astute in what you sayโ€ฆI listen to you carefully and youโ€™ve never been wrong.

    I never thought Gordon was dumb and he throws ppl off by using correct numbers at the start but then takes it to the extreme, spewing crazy numbers so ppl canโ€™t follow and lose track. And consequently, believe him.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vas thefox says:

    I always felt there was deception from Gordon Johnson. I did not know his back story but he seemed to understand the Donald 's method. Be loud about a fringe opnion and you will get a small but passionate group of followers that will pay your bills.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrLu2nice says:

    Tom :"nobody has ever gone from first to last, not even in sports"

    Leeds United : hold my beer!!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris K says:

    Gordon watching this episode: Hmm yes yes that sounds like something I would do, yes I'll play the villain!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gus Levy says:

    1. No need to be naive. Gordon gets airtime because he is Black – his poor track record speaks for itself not only in the performance numbers but also the fact that a bucket shop fired him for incompetence.

    2. How is he not a โ€œbadโ€ analyst? What would be a bad analyst if not him? He has been wrong for a decade on his one major company and yet refuses to acknowledge his error despite Tesla exceeding his forecasts for a decade.

    Itโ€™s a caricature, but Gordon is literally the Black Knight in Monty Python.

    3. His father is/was a GM lifelong executive. Itโ€™s laughable to not be able to connect the dots.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cynthia Liu says:

    Gordon Johnson enjoys playing the role of Tesla bear. He is so into it. A great character.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars todd joseph says:

    Gordon JOhnson had a 1 dollar price target on CLF aka Cliff 2 years ago….Gordon is top 5 worst humans on earth…….his hidden agendas are criminal

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z Humble Pie says:

    Musk has big issues going forward 1. Rare earth materials 2. China holds it 3. China will sell it cheaper 4. Heโ€™s not cutting edge! 5. in less than 5 years new tech will change everything 6. One other key fact but not needed to be said here and now…..

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sy weiner says:

    Bingo! The perfect Tesla villain.
    Like Khan against Captain Kirk.. "To the ends of the universe, Kirk!" And the audience cannot seem to stop watching.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Lucas says:

    Tesla shorts lost about $40 billion USD last year. He will be remembered for being wrong

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Chen says:

    Great perspective, whether you like GJ or not. You will always want to tune it and hear his BS. GJ is not dumb, he is capitalizing his air time!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Bradford says:

    Your commentary makes sense. He's not an "idiot", he's just on the "wrong side" of the fence regarding Tesla. He also has access to all the performance charts and data tables that everyone else has regarding Tesla's growth and performance, so it can't be that he's "incompetent". So, it's definitely a "personality quirk". I like your analogy to Capt. Ahab and Moby Dick ๐Ÿ˜„

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tribalypredisposed says:

    I guess you missed it when it came out that Gordon's father was in upper management at GM and a lifetime employee there?

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