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I mean hey: everyone welcome back to another market, closed, live stream. Are we heading for a wall, or is this stock rally set to continue? That's the big question a lot of optimism around various different stocks. I was just listening to a particular analysts. Talk about uh macy's and how they believe that seven dollars of every macy's stock is actually just real estate value, which uh some say could be one of the reasons uh they've done so phenomenally well, uh kind of incredible to think about seven dollars of of every Share of macy potentially being a real estate, i think it's pretty cool uh and uh 40 e-commerce sales.

They were saying i was surprised by that, because walmart's only gotten to uh like 12, now with somewhere between eight to 12 percent. They don't tell us so if macy's gotten uh done that well on e-commerce - i i don't know i'm surprised, but i suppose that makes sense uh anyway. So uh, let's take a look at what's going on in the market here i'm excited and the big question is uh going to be. How is this market going to close today to prepare for jobs tomorrow? Big jobs report coming out tomorrow, expectations uh all over the place, but mostly expecting about 500 000 jobs.

Uh we'll see take a look at this when we go check out the uh indices. Right now, we've got uh the myx uh, which is uh. It was merged with a beachbody uh exercise bike here and this uh beautiful juicy uh. It's not that juicy actually uh price cut tag of minus forty four percent yeah.

I i don't know how compelling that little thing is in the corner there, but uh. Okay, all right! So let's look at the indices. We've got the dow uh pretty much stable up 1.1 percent. This is about how we open about one percent on the s p about one and a quarter here on the nasdaq russell 2000 doing exceptionally well today, pulling ahead with 1.74.

Let's take a look, how individual stocks are doing chamber energy coming in almost for a double here today after the short seller report, uh led this. This stock to uh have and then almost have again still down substantially from uh, where we were but look at the leftover enthusiasm here to buy the dip really incredible, especially since this is sort of the pattern that you've got on the company. Here we go to a 30 min. You could clearly see how much damage a 50 40 drop have done to the stock uh, and so even today's rally is is modest compared to uh, what's left uh or or what used to be, i should say matterport almost back up to 20, a lot of Consistency in the market today look at those sparklines, the sparklines, pretty dang flat, a sign that you've got really a nice bounce sort of in the markets and uh that bounce really taking hold as uh as basically the markets say: hey look.

We oversold, you know: neo down at 33, was too cheap uh, you know peloton down at almost eighty dollars was too cheap, even though i'm not the biggest fan right now of uh of peloton uh, certainly any day rather pay eighty dollars for it than uh, where It was around 120. looking at the uh the losers right now we do have sheba and the sheep army, unfortunately down uh 24.5 ish uh or to about 20 some people call. This uh 2471 is sort of an easier way to read this out the down about 18. Some folks believe that uh robin hood, i believe robin hood announced that they're going to start taking sheep and some folks say that was one of the catalysts to stay in the uh company now we're in sheep, rather not the company and uh.
As a result, maybe you have a little bit of a buy. The rumor sell the news. I still don't actually see. Shibe though uh under crypto.

Let's see nope, it's not there yet. So i'm not sure if those are just rumors or if that's a confirmation yet but uh, let's see here, uh we've got uh, let's see 23 and me down three percent smile direct down, two eight two, not a lot of real pain. Here today i mean volatility's down sheaves down, but beyond that pretty relaxed day i mean even dave and buster's trying to pick up and rally into the clothes here. United airlines spirit, dave, buster's carnival.

Some of these covet exposed stocks somewhat rotating down, but even hippo uh. You know solidifying around this four four three level here. Only down about uh point: five percent point: five: six percent: there's macy's down a quarter, tattooed sitting at 18., lucid, basically flat a firm kind of shocking how a firm has given up its steam. Today, the company ran to 140 dollars per share and uh, and now we're now we're seeing a sort of a flattening in the stock and we're basically, where we closed yesterday, which, whatever just fine i mean the more you could solidify some of those gains from prior Days to better, but it really makes you look back at when we were at like 109 and 108 when it did some dip buying that um.

That was actually the time to do it. So i'm happy about that. I like going through times of uncertainty and fear, and even when that uncertainty and fear passes, i like going back just to uh, explore uh how how much did our stocks get beaten up when there was substantial fear like when there was substantial china, fear, neo and And all these other fear elements neo went down to 33.. Well, is that not now a uh support level that uh you'd probably need some form of either equivalent broader market fear to uh to get back to a 33.? To me, that's i love that uh! It's uh, if anything, it's a vote of confidence for the intrinsic value of of the stocks, not what we're actually calculating as intrinsic value, but looking at it from sort of a trader's point of view of intrinsic value like this.

This appears to be what the market consistently says. Okay, here, when we hit this number, we buy the dip and uh. I like that. You know i like seeing that in stocks and uh, it's predictable patterns that i like taking advantage of when uh, when i can, for example, one that i'm trying to take advantage of right now is wayfair.
It is up 1.14 today, but folks take a look at uh at the bottom blue line here, where we sit and uh. In my opinion, this this bottom blue line is, is a decent support level. It's it. It could be more uh consistent.

You know: we've passed, uh we've broken through it a couple times, but uh we've got a couple bounces over here or a near bounce over here. This has been a pretty good support level for over 14 months. Personally, i think that's wonderful! I don't know if we're going to continue this sort of downtrend down that's entirely possible, but i do still expect some form of a balance to the 270s 275 range. Usually it's back over three, but we haven't seen back over 300 since august, but anyway it's it's things like this that i'm looking for these these sort of bounce levels for uh for entry points, see look at apple uh, nearly getting to that 135 level yesterday and Bouncing we've got wind resorts does not seem to go far below 80 anymore, which, if you actually yeah, if we we could probably just lift our support line a little bit here.

It's been very consistent around here, but even if we lifted that a tiny little bit to right there, that'd be about 6904 yeah still still didn't make it to that level, still had a nice gap, so potentially uh moving up there on some strength and again, you've Got a lot of china fear right now, especially with the macau gaming license for wayfair yeah somebody's asking. Do i think stocks will trade sideways this month? I actually don't. I believe that we are in the kind of market that is very likely to rally once we start getting indicators of uh, the evaporation of fear, the actual evaporation of fear and then indicators of steady growth with, hopefully somewhat reduced inflation. Now i know that sounds crazy.

Uh, somewhat reduced inflation, i'll i'll, explain that in just a moment but uh look, debt ceiling, infrastructure, budget, china, tapering all this fud is is uh, is going away and is evaporating. Tomorrow we have jobs data on the 13th, which is next wednesday. We have cpi data, we are expecting for cpi, and this is where i'm going to clarify what i'm saying with cpi we're expecting a year-over-year inflation rate of 5.3 that is in line with last month. I feel like the survey was just moved up a little bit, but anyway, because i thought it was 5.2 uh and it looks like the inflation read has.

The survey has now been pushed up to 5.3 again, which would be stable with last month. I just want to see some form of an inflection down. I know i'm not going to get something like three percent year over year. It's just me crazy stocks would freak out.

I would, but if i could even see like a four nine or a five point, one anything's better than seeing that number coming higher. That would be an issue is if that inflation number comes in at like five seven or something ridiculous, or like six percent i mean that would just lead to uh instant pain in the market uh, and so that's uh, that's next wednesday, which i i don't mind Paying in the market because i'll i'll buy the dip, you all know that i'm i'm mister by the dip but uh look. I i'm gon na be transparent, like this of the options i bought in in uh april 70 have been very profitable but uh. There are some options that i'm just dying to get out of, and i would love a little bit of a rally just to be able to to get out of them and then then go go back to dipping.
If you want it, don't matter me uh, because i love buying the dip but uh you know. Coin base options, tesla options, even though tesla's well up in price tesla options have been getting hammered uh because of uh volatility crushes. So it's the way options work, not as simple as just thinking about the price people forget that people think uh. I hear it all the time.

People like, oh well, i'm gon na buy these leaps because there's no way it's gon na trade less than this price. In the future or whatever it's like yeah, you know there's more that goes into options. Pricing than just the actual price of the underlying security yeah, so uh anyway, uh all right. So let's see what we got here, uh right, so i don't know, i don't know.

Matterport matterport still holding on it's very nice, look at this good the day here, yeah. What up? What a nice gain here on matterport, very, very nice good push looks like some institution or somebody went big there and it ran up to 2050. uh. We did go back down to 17.

Briefly boy, oh boy, we never went back down to 15 or 16. yeah. Look at that yesterday we closed at 1804 and had a low at 1763.. See yesterday was the time to buy matterport, oh well, uh how's, chargepoint, doing sent out some alerts for some option contracts and uh always looking for for deals, whether they're short term or long time, uh short term or long term.

Wow can't even finish talking it's it's a thursday. You know uh, nothing really matters to me. It's a good one, see what you did there uh neo bouncing around that 36 level, alibaba 8.08 to the upside, pretty good nice bounce off of that 138. Serious ever grand fears here, good, good, good bounce and looks like how's oil, doing kind of curious about that.

Let's see here, cnbc volatility index down - let's get oil here - brent 82.4. Nice yeah definitely definitely move up here on these and let's go to bonds to get our 10-year ooh 10 years ticked up over here. Look at that 10-year push is 1.57 with jobs, reporting focus yeah all right. Let's go to bloomberg, it's going on mind: medicine uh! I never pumped mind medicine uh, so i never bought mind medicine.

I never pumped mind medicine, so if you bought it uh and you're upset that it's down. You have to ask yourself well, first of all, it's your problem. Let me make that really clear uh, but, second of all you have to ask yourself: why are you in it? You know mind. Medicine is a play that you have to be in because you believe that psychedelics are going to get fda approval and that they're going to be processes for fda, regulated therapy for mental health issues or or other issues so um.
You know. If, if your conviction is the same in that great, if uh, if you've lost conviction in it and and now you feel like paper handing just because the your risk level has gone down right, remember when price goes down risk goes down. Well then that's your problem! Uh, all right so u.s loosens china grip on 46 billion dollar lithium battery industry. Well, this is interesting.

Aya. The ceo did leave at mind medicine. I know i thought that was very interesting. I also don't know why um all right, so uh wait.

U.S loosens! Oh okay, i thought it was china anyway, us loosens, china, grip. Okay, that's it's a very confusing title because you know this implies that somehow we have control over china uh. This title is very confusing. So let's try to understand this a little bit.

The u.s is narrowing the gap on china's dominance of the 46 billion lithium battery industry, thanks to investments from tesla, and the biden administration's push okay, so you're talking about competitiveness. The us rose to the second spot in bloomberg, nefs, which is their energy division. Global lithium ion battery supply chain ranking for both this year and the 2026 projection. Oh, that reminds me i uh have to send them a quick little thing.

A quick little note. Let me just at least write it down before i do. Okay, um! Here we go! Hey sean, i would say perfect, yeah see if i don't do it right away when i think about it, it's like i'm, never gon na end up sending that email like the worst thing, is having like this never-ending to-do list or checklist. Just like just do it right when you can otherwise you're just never gon na.

Do it all right, so uh the energy data and analysis firm, said in a thursday report. The nation was six for 2020 and now we're number two. That's great tesla and asian cell makers are making significant investments in the country as government policies help establish domestic battery supply chain. The us has many ingredients kid.

You know. I really want to make a uh like a battery or lithium pipe. Can i uh? Can i please ask you to spam me with uh lithium plays like ticker symbols for lithium plates, please uh or or even just battery like uh mp. Material keep in mind is not a battery play.

It is a uh. It is a motor play, an electric vehicle, a motor play sli. Okay, i'm going to write that down. Isn't that what you do to graphic cards, i i don't know why not include uranium.

I have no idea what uranium has to do with batteries honestly lac, but but uh that might be lysi that might be uh. My stupidity tmc pll li and, what's with all the l's i mean i guess, lithium uh lysi got it kevin's gon na regret asking that panasonic. I don't think so. Uh n n v n x f quantum scape.
Oh, i don't know if i could touch that. Yet, honestly, that's a tough one, but okay, i'm going to write it down. Uh dc dcr dc rc txt, oh lyd is the etf, oh, that would that make. I have heard of lit before uh with the uh okay.

What's my favorite ablm interesting val veil? It's all like the ski resort, lucid uh. I don't. I don't know that. I know they started out working on battery technology, but that's a good i'm gon na put lucid question.

Mark i don't know, i don't think they're outsourcing. Now i don't know l three three t i: why do i feel, like that's a joke, t, r q s, r e wow? That's a lot ford, petamont, mtrn! Okay, all right! Amc, battery division! Okay! Now now i'm gon na stop the shiba inu battery division. That's funny all right, so what do we got here? China continues to dominate the ranking. Thank you, i'm good with them right now.

Uh asian nation hosts 80 of all battery cell manufacturing capacity today, uh. Yet, as governments worldwide recognize the strategic importance, blah blah blah. Okay, what is this bloomberg? Hyperdrive uh? Oh, i will be making by the way a video on um rivian. I was i wanted to make it yesterday, but um i made a shiba inu video and then i went to dave and buster's.

So yeah wait. Wait! Wait! Wait tractors finally get the tesla treatment, uh tesla. This is interesting. Tesla tractors finally get the tesla treatment.

A crop of electric startups are hitting the 292 billion dollar heavy machine market. Oh vs tech. Now it's interesting. Electric vehicle technology has finally arrived in the heavy corn, harvesters cnh industrial global global conglomerate.

I don't love. Buying conglomerates takes a lot to move them honestly, but sometimes they can be very safe. Sometimes you can get nice dividends in them. Oh, look.

They put a little screen in it. That's it sold oh wow, okay! Well, now, i'm just looking at pictures all right who's, this guy redwood materials, yeah. I've heard about this one, i'm going to write that down red wood materials, redwood materials, the battery recycling company created by tesla inc, co-founder jb strabal, has been keeping a big secret. It isn't really a recycling company sure redwood has risen quickly to become the biggest lithium-ion battery recycler in the us, but he didn't leave tesla just to clean out america's junk drawers.

His broader goal, described to bloomberg for the first time, is to move huge chunks of battery component into of the industry from asia to the us. Nice build one of the largest battery materials factories in the world redwood, which currently operates three facilities in nevada, searching for a location, further east to build a new million square foot facility at a cost of well over a billion dollars. My goodness battery manufacturing is something else huh by 2023. Where was that, oh by 2030, the same facility will ramp to 500 gigawatt hours a year, that's 25 billion of cathodes a year.
This is fascinating. Is this company public redwood materials? Is it uh? Is an american company headquartered about okay? I know i got the bell coming up here. No, i guess not uh! No! It's not! Okay! All right! Uh, yeah how's, the spy. Doing really quick! Then we'll come back to some of this research.

Oh a little bit of a rotation down. Look at that yeah, oh uh, matterport's, staying flat, tesla went down. No sorry, that's att! Oops, no tesla, oh, but tesla did uh did sell off there into the close goog uh. Also, a little bit of a sell-off into the clothes amc actually went up into the clothes uh etsy wow etsy's back at 216..

That's crazy! All right down jones up 0.97 s, p up 0.80 nasdaq up 1.03 russell 2000 uh 2000 is up 1.60. That is the closing bell and you can still get up to 70 dollars in free stocks by going to medcanva.com public get up to 70 in free stocks by signing up at metkevin.com public and take advantage of the amazing coupon code linked down below for the programs. I'm building your wealth and if you specifically sign up for stocks and psychology of money, you will get all my buy and sell alerts. Whether i am trading crypto, long, crypto, short crypto, uh stocks options, everything uh the the idea is to give you ideas of potential opportunities to look for so uh.

What else do we have well uh? That's that's about to close a pretty pretty solid day. I mean across the board it was pretty green uh sheep coming back up a little bit almost at that 26 level. Here you've got hunid mining that was down about three percent right: blockchain dave and busters, so sofa netflix cheesecake these guys moving down. So a lot of the recovery uh as you know, basically go back out stocks go back out stocks yeah, that's a nice way to put it uh, huh and then, of course, a lot a lot of positivity here, especially in the chinese sector uh, but even arkamoto Up almost four percent amc, almost up four percent good, i mean overall, very good day - should be a good day for most most portfolios.

So um yeah says the u.s factory will produce 100 gigawatt hours of batteries by the year. End 2025. That's up by 2030 they're. Going to ramp to 500 - oh wow, 5x by that, that's incredible so new industry for u.s battery materials cell production, automakers refining in china, nickel over here in russia and eastern europe, nickel, cobalt, lithium, fascinating! How? Where the nickel cobalt is how it's all kind of like in one area, uh that is interesting, cathode production, yeah evs, are going to be huge.

I mean we're just we're just at the beginning of the uh, the eevee movement here, but anyway, big uh, big piece over here regarding um, this uh redwood material, so i'm gon na keep that open, actually uh, okay. So let's do another one. What else we have? Let's see what financial times oh, do we have earnings today, earnings any chance? A firm will be an acquisition target. That's going to be an expensive one.
That's for sure. I don't see it but yeah sure. That's all, there's always a chance of that. That's always! Oh! You talked about redwood material in the stock chat, but they aren't public.

However i'll say it. Thank you appreciate that. Should you buy that number sheep jeez yeah, i don't know schumer, you know it is at a dip. So if you want to buy the dip, shuber sets up vote around 7 30 to 8 pm tonight on cloture and then raising the debt limit good.

Let's do a trend analysis on cheap quickly, shiba, shiba, inu, so still an rsi of 54 still relative uh relatively has some room to go compared to the burning trend. Uh we've pushed this down to a 43. I still think there's room to go on that, but i don't know that we're really seeing it right now see this. This chart is not looking good uh trend wise this chart gives me some cause for concern yeah, especially since it has been an over 24 hour period.

Here, see 1 pm. Yesterday we were we're pretty much at the same place on a search volume trend as where we were yesterday at 1 pm and 1 p.m. The day before that we were lower 1 pm the day before that we were actually higher. So i i generally look for for the trajectories here, uh and and the trend, so i think an easier way to look at this honestly is to just do that.

Give me one sec. That would be there. We go it's just personally. The way i like looking at it is you grab um, grab yourself an arrow or something like that right here.

It's it's pretty obvious that we've got a very nice uptrend right, that's pretty nice and it was an accelerating uptrend, see the uh the boost above the line here, really an accelerating uptrend but uh right now, if uh, if we were to, let's see triple touch here, See i can't even triple touch i have to. I have to get off this anyway, so this is about the trend that we've been on, but now we're starting to get a little bit of a see. If i make this one, i don't know not blue, because everything's blue over here see now we're starting to see a little bit of that divergence to the lower side where we did have this this nice uptrend, and so i do think watching. Social trends is extremely important for uh, something like shebe right now, but uh look at these higher highs.

Here these higher highs were gorgeous. I mean this was delicious right. This was a very, very nice run, but right now that that has stopped uh, and so unfortunately i mean it's obvious here, but we've we've seen a little bit more of uh, either a flattening of the trend. And if we draw like this, but uh you know, potentially worse, is uh looking at it kind of like uh like like from this point of view, so uh that you know the highs being lower the lower highs and then having a lower low here on uh Search trend is, is something i'm definitely watching uh and with a momentum play, you have to remember that uh that it's very very search and trend based, like the cei group, yeah they're they're, fighting back yeah no kidding, let's just see if i type in ci stock.
Let's see 30 days yeah, that's interesting! You really got the alignment with the sell-off uh beginning here with the death of the trend, because the sell-off began on the second third, the short report i think came out on the fifth. It was either the fifth or was the night of the fourth, but anyway uh camber. Let's look at it here, so you had your first red day on the first and then the fourth and then the short report must have been on the fifth or it came out again on the night of the fourth, but either way uh the first and through The fourth and you did have a weekend in there in fairness, uh oops, there we go. This was the weekend.

The second and third was the weekend, but you did have an inflection to the downside, in searches on the first. As the stock started rotating down, you had a revival on the fifth because of that short report. Uh and uh yeah yesterday morning write it open a lot of searches, as people were probably like what happened right and uh surprisingly, actually seeing potentially a revival in that trend. So but you you've got to watch uh the trends on uh on these sorts of stocks or or even crypto.

It's the same thing so and remember: okay, it's very important to remember when you are in a momentum play. It is not paper handing to sell like the reason you are getting into it is to make a short-term profit. How are you possibly going to make a short-term profit if you don't sell right, i'm not telling you to sell stuff. I'm just just saying like.

If you're going to enter a momentum position, you should have an exit strategy uh, no matter what, like the last thing you want to be. Is the bag holder that that tells everybody about how sad they are that you know a certain stock just bled out. You know i hate to say it, but like skills was one of those and there are a lot of skills bag holders uh, you know it's, it's no shade on them. I i just.

I would just encourage let it be like a learning lesson that, like what? What was the trend like? Did you get into it thinking? It was fundamentally just this perfect long-term play and uh when it was really blown up by momentum. Look i've been a victim of that. Okay, i'm i'm not immune to this stuff. I i loved my fundamental thesis for buying lucid at 17.

I bought lucid at 17. The damn thing ran to 64 and i didn't sell it. You know uh that was stupid. This was the momentum pump here that 30 to 65.

That was the momentum pump. What are you gon na do, though, you know that that kind of stuff happens so anyway, so uh yeah, let's listen to this commentary here and will the jobs report keep the tape around track? Tell a little bit more of that tapering that has to get priced in, but i'm also watching the front end, because it's really now hikes, i think the market will get past april. Now it's going to be. When does the fed begin? The hiking cycle chapel can keep telling us that the the two policies are far apart, but they are somewhat linked.
You know both are economic outlook, uh based policies, so if the fed is tapering faster, if inflation is high, do they start to hike sooner and i think the market's pricing in the first rate hike at the end of next year. We think that's a very optimistic outlook on the economy. If that's all right, this is boring. Yeah uh, yeah zombag holders.

What whatever right, there's there's no there's no end to them. I mean new egg uh. This is very true, too traders be like i'll day trade and if i can't make a profit i'll, just huddle big mistake: dude, don't huddle trader stocks like whatever you do do not huddle trader stocks. Let let somebody else huddle that stuff like and it's okay like even if right now, you're, hauling a trader stock and you feel like you got you got burned by by a momentum play and - and you didn't sell it early enough and you're like oh well.

If it could just get back to this level, look if you're a trader put your money to use on something else. Um, but yeah have a written strategy. That's that's. I've just found that to be very, very good um.

That way, you know you set yourself up a criteria like hey if uh, if i move it, if i get into something and it starts stagnating, the momentum goes away or or it starts dropping. Is that my sign is that my q, my my moment to bail and in many cases it can be, and then you have to be okay, walking away from that and not complaining in the event that it runs again, which is also possible all right. What do we got over here? Bitcoin bitcoin sitting at just below 54 000., so a little bit of a relaxation here in bitcoin, with ethereum at 3610 cardano sitting at 229, shebe uh back to 24., not much movement. Here and oh, i forgot to change the screen.

Uh is the market closed monday um? Why would it be um nyc closure calendar? I don't think so, but let me see it is no. The next stock market closure is not until thursday, the 25th and then uh friday december 24th. For christmas eve, although i think that could be a half day, uh markets will close earlier, oh thanksgiving, oh black friday, the stock market will close early. Okay got it yeah.

Is that true, yeah 2021 yeah? That is what it says: okay, hmm all right. Uh columbus day is that is that, what's coming up? No, i i, the nysc is not going to be closed on columbus day um. Will you sell your crypto on momentum before it goes down during the cycle? Well, i don't necessarily believe it's going to go down during the cycle through like a crypto winter or whatever, but yeah i mean look if we get an insane run up like if bitcoin hit a hundred thousand this year uh personally, i think that would be a Little excessive and ahead of curve um and that that that could potentially tempt me, especially if um uh we we get to where we start seeing more of an inflection in inflation, which uh everybody's still waiting for. You have a small amount left invested in a poor stock, maybe better sell it and buy a stock with more potential.
Okay, somebody somebody's writing this uh yeah. So all right, let's get some more news. Let's go to like financial times and stuff. Let's see wall street journal see what they got.

They got any cool pieces for us. You know what we should also do. We should put this in sort of our rotation a seeking alpha hashtag, not sponsored uh. Let me just log in really quick, because i some of their analysis is pretty good and just random authors, i'm sure they're, not random, but they're authors, trending news, hyundai's evolve: okay, nordictrack parent ifit, halt's ipo yeah, probably because of a lack of demand.

Honestly, the uh, the fitness stocks have not been very exciting. Costco starts to separate from the retail plan. Okay! Well, that's something else: okay, alibaba is a bubble inside out: okay, yeah, nothing very fun! Here i might read this: the trade desk evaluation one. This could be interesting um i mean i'll just leave that open.

I don't really want to read that right now, for with with all of us, let's get something a little bit more applicable, so stock sent higher after the debt ceiling. Talk rate natural gas shortage sets up scramble ahead of winter. Well, yeah no kidding, that's a good point. Uh oh hold on a sec, great keeping you busy elon.

Thank you. Thank you. All right vote expected tonight at 8 pm. I want to cover that.

Can i cover that tonight? I don't see why not. I could probably cover that it'll be cool all right. I personally expect more green days yeah, i think there'll be uh. Individual bouts of volatility in between cia u.s troops, secretly trained taiwan forces.

It made worries over china proposed california measure, could spark court challenges to teacher protections, but there was something as well about um. What was it oh yeah here? It is california and like a bank okay, but that's not so fun right now, either worried about central banks making a mistake. They already have ooh. That's interesting! Hmm! Here's some fascinating headlines! Okay, let's take a look at this of all the i mean.

I i just think this is a very enticing title worried about central banks, making a mistake. This is like suggesting that jerome powell could potentially make a mistake. I i don't know, i don't know how i feel about that. I mean j-pal is basically god all right.
Let's see what we actually have here of all the dangers facing investors at the moment, few are scarier than the federal reserve, making a mistake. The bad news. This mistake has already happened. The only question is how impactful it will be.

It has been a choppy week for stocks. Okay, let's get to the point, a market's been too comfortable for some time yeah. I don't know about that market. Just had a sell-off and they're saying it's, because the central banks have made a blunder when consumer price indices picked up speed earlier in the year rate, setters argued that this wasn't the kind of demand pull inflation that can be cooled with higher borrowing costs, but rather A temporary bout of cost push inflation caused by pandemic.

Reopening these temporary issues have persisted. So here comes another one of those persistent inflation complaints. Okay, as a result, the fed has started to change its tune. Also true, though, uh all right lifting rates in 2022 also true, they have moved that up that used to be no rate increases until 23..

The shift is even more striking elsewhere, based on what officials have said, investors now price in three rate increases by the bank of england next year, but a month ago only one even one was uncertain. Also true, no matter which side of the transitory inflation debate. Investors fall on the inevitable conclusion. Is that officials were either wrong before and should have started tightening earlier or are wrong? Now, by speaking, i mean i'd yeah.

I think they, i think, a lot of our uh fat officials were wrong about how quickly inflation would subside, but i still think it will uh, and so i don't. I don't know uh, and one of the things that we always want to consider too, is with with monetary policy. You have this lagging impact. It's not like a stimulus package where you can send out checks in two weeks and people start spending the money right away.

Uh with the federal reserve you're in much more of a lag situation where, if you raise rates now, you're affecting the market 18 months from now right, okay portfolio managers need to consider all possibilities. Those who believe officials are behind the curve have already begun piling into inflation bonds. They should avoid uh, regular bonds and shares that benefit from rising yields, but more likely scenario which the market is pricing in is that inflationary is temporary. This isn't the 1970s.

Despite rising input costs most companies, profit margins aren't being severely squeezed. Also true, nor are labor union strikes, threatening a trigger or to trigger a price war. Wage war spiral price wage spiral. Officials may soon realize that interest rates are powerless to fix supply bottlenecks and a poor way to curb housing excess.

Well, i don't know you get mortgage rates out, but you're gon na you're gon na settle real estate down pretty fast, even if hawkish rate setters get their way. There is a big chance. They will eventually have to reverse course, and given the labor markets around the world are still affected, yeah, that's the thing, that's the thing: if they raise rates too soon, they might have to u-turn like they did in 2018.. Now this would imply not giving up on technology stocks buying treasuries if yields go higher and, of course, preparing for a bumpy road options that ensure against volatility, are expensive, but investors may want to consider them as a hedge.
Anyway, a market in which monetary policy has the potential to see-saw should above all be a more turbulent one. Well yeah, okay, i mean that was kind of boring. They basically said: hey there, inflation's either going to be temporary or not, but we're going to have volatility. Yeah come on man, oh well, i thought it had potential who's wrong, all right, chinese property bonds, tumble again, okay kind of used to that at this point.

That's what happens with news too! It's like you, see the same thing over and over and like evergreen evergreen evergreen. At some point, it's just like okay, i got it. Oh yeah, that's! This is what we need who wants who wants to buy an estate? It's italy inspired california, home with retractable. No way wow holy moly.

Look at this thing. Who wants to look at the zillow? Oh look at the chess pieces, they're stone. How do you have stone chest? Pieces 14. 000 feet.

Oh, my gosh 1100 square foot wine room - i mean that's bigger than my first house and it's a wine room. I want to see it now. Cal um. I don't know how to account calabasas something like that.

Whatever here we go sort by see if it's on zillow price um remove boundary, no okay, we can keep calabasas as the boundary and, let's just do - oh, i don't know just a just a nominal 20 million plus i i actually don't even see it on zillow, But you've got a bunch of 20 million properties here. Look at this. I don't know how we've devolved into just looking at real estate now, but my gosh look at that. Gee whiz! Oh, that's so cool! I don't know how i feel about the the swans over here but wow.

Oh, my gosh, a blue room, a green room. It's like the white house. I mean that's, that's cool wow! I wonder what your mortgage payment would be mortgage calculator uh. Okay, so i don't know, say you put 25 down, that's uh, or so you put 20 down.

That's six that'd be 24 million dollars. Assuming you paid full price. Your monthly payment would be a hundred and eight thousand dollars, not including property taxes, property taxes. On thirty million uh would be somewhere around thirty thousand dollars a month in property taxes, so you're, probably with the maintenance of this thing, you're, probably paying about a hundred fifty thousand dollars a month for one of these 30 million dollar estates.
So if you have a 150 grand a month to to spend on housing here, you go folks, calabasas has uh, has answers for you, my gosh. I don't even know how i would feel about uh. What is that a balancer ray bullon lingerie, a blue lingerie, a bakery, a bakery? Okay anyway, we'll get back to stocks. Where were we let's go to financial times somebody's saying thanks for showing me a house, i can't afford.

Don't you know, i'm a real estate broker. I'm just kidding uh as if, as if that's what real estate requested come on you, you could do it. It's only a little bit above senate reaches deal okay. We talked about this wow nominal news day.

Modern plans, africa facing factory as vaccine maker battles - criticism, okay, ecb minutes - reveal concern over eurozone. The eurozone is freaking out about inflation. Their eurozone hasn't had inflation in like forever. Let's check it out european central bank complaining about inflation, all right.

Some european central bank policy makers have argued it is underestimating future inflation warned about the risk of a regime shift in prices and pushed for a bigger cut in asset purchases. Then it ultimately decided. Oh, i love this talk about a potential regime shift just that, like the the the structural components of our economy, essentially could um could collapse, oh and and we could see a much higher inflation for the longer term. These concerns about upside risk to inflation were revealed in the minutes of the september meeting.

The debate highlights how a recent rise in eurozone inflation to highest levels or to the highest levels in more than a decade, is creating tension between ecb rate setters over how long the price surge is likely to last and whether the central bank should adjust monetary policy. As a result, ecb last month, forecast, inflation would fall from an annualized rate of 2.2 percent to this year's 1.7. Okay, the minutes uh had agreed hump-shaped pattern of inflation. I could see that you know it takes it's slower to go back down because it's more like a hump, okay, degree of persistence and inflation will exceed forecasts, pay closer attention to the granual data uh collected from businesses, unions, households to identify structural shifts yeah, and that's That's an issue that really is i mean if you just get this underlying uh structural would be like hey it's just the nature of uh dealing with uh chips.

Now is that chips are 20 more expensive and everybody's adjusted to that. That's just the new structure. That's the new framework by which we work yeah that would help uh solidify uh uh, some inflation all right all right folks, uh thanks to sheba, i was able to complete a trade yesterday that raised me enough money to put uh down payment house. Congratulations! Good! For you all right folks, it's time to go, get your stock with public, go to mckevin.com public and check out the programs down below in building your wealth, we'll see in discord as well to chat.
So thanks! So much and we'll see in the next one goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “The stock rally | heading for a wall”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Jerry says:

    I'm no longer waiting for the stimulus check because I earn $22,000 every 14-16 day's recently🚀🚀🚀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Cable says:

    One of the keys of investing successfully is focusing on the companies and not the stock.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Calderon says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kadie1414 says:

    Thoughts on $LEV? Electric school buses already being produced and sold

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin bron says:

    I'm holding my stock and no "breaking news" FUD will get me to sell. We are an army and all have diamond hands. I'm sick of the market manipulation by the hedge funds and whales. It's past due time to teach those greedy b's a lesson.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial Freedom Made Simple says:

    Should i start investing in stock or continue to buy properties ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrSlyxx says:

    You always make your video title to be some impending catastrophe, then when the video starts you say "I don't know maybe it could happen perhaps?"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elyanor Zoey says:

    I’m so happy ☺️. I have been earning $18,000 returns from my $6,000 investment every 13 days.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Liu says:

    Cant believe no one brought up Microvast for an America battery play. Once their Tennessee factory running this is going to be insane.

    Factories in 3 continents and actually have batteries in production and revenue.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Bill says:

    <The market is very unstable and you can not tell If it's going bearish or bullish. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.When these reports are bullish take some off to the side lines, when news gets bearish start buying. "Keep it simple simple" that bear/ correction was the best thing that happened me.but all thanks to Declan Lim for his amazing skills for help me to earn 18 BTC through trading chart. I believe we are in the spring phase…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRAPP TV says:

    I thought Kevin had more subscribers,

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buller Anse says:

    Does Kevin still own Shiba Inu?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ari S says:

    Can anyone answer this ? Is this hair dye real ?? Or just some video tricks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Golchehreh says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars djChillFlow says:

    I want green hair now too 😅

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Ioffe says:

    McDonalds is the same as Macy in that way. They basically buy land and lease it to a franchise which is effectively their tenant.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dryloch says:

    Making great money on Enphase this week. Thanks Kevin!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Admin..... says:

    Thanks~~~~<for watching<>_ and don’t forget••• to hit the like ><~button and if you want~<~advise and insight…..on investment….~<~~watsap ~<~~~
    Plus ①^⑨^②^⑧^②^⑤^⓪^ ⑥^⓪^⑦^⑧.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kold Water says:

    What’s with the Green Hair?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RealEstateInsider247 says:

    I can't take you seriously looking at that hair. I hope it's VERY temporary. Signing off

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Creighton says:

    Meet Kevin be like… my views are down, let me dye my hair a nice lime green for the viewsssss! love ya Kevin P! Keep trying to get those views up, I haven't stopped watching!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ester ezra says:

    My kids ask how did you do your hair??

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chief_ Trukalot says:

    We are definitely at a Wall😥

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Luigi says:

    Kevin likes to pump SHI* coins at the top of the market.
    Great stuff.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atlas Commercial says:

    My God where does he get all the fucking words totally annoyed by Kevin these days

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars npcwill says:

    Meanwhile noble peace prizes were given out and once again breakthroughs are less important than the daily news cycle ! Humanity was just gifted its greatest breakthrough in organic chemistry its ever discovered ! We do not stop climate change through speeches we stop it through breakthroughs and hard work !

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Ross says:

    What's yalls thoughts on amp in the short term?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor Adams says:

    Bitcoin is the future investing in it now is the wisest thing to do now especially with the current rise

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A day with Mil says:

    Real question? Are you keeping that hair color? 👍👌

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micky says:

    I bought MindMed at 60cent ..Didn't sell at the highs and will hold for a few years …Either it will go to the moon or everything is lost..don't care …it's kind of a gamble..

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard chapman says:

    Another dead cat bounce. Just delayed debt ceiling. Would have rather got the misery over now not dragging it till Dec.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Taylor says:

    Pleas get into photonics… lwlg… the future of high speed data transmission while being more energy efficient!!!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackStarKami says:

    I was away for 2 weeks… who’s the new guy? 😂

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nastang 5.0 says:

    It will shock me if we added 380,000 jobs

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Hernandez says:

    Kevin misses all the dips lmao

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