for BlockFi credit

Hey everyone meet kevin here. Wow the biden administration is now considering an executive order on a crypto currencies. I'm gon na break down what this means in this video. Let's honestly just get right into it, uh, but first, if this makes you nervous just go to life.

Sign up for life insurance in as little as five minutes and you'll feel a whole lot better, especially since you can apple pay or android pay for it. Okay, let's get into this. So here's the thing by the administration is considering an executive order as part of what they say: a government-wide approach to the white hot asset class. The proposed directive would charge federal agencies to study and offer recommendations on the relevant areas of crypto.

So so far, that basically means nothing well. First of all, a an executive order in general can often literally mean nothing. That's because an executive order is just really a recommendation of the president to encourage agencies to do something a certain way. The problem is the agencies, a lot of them, the agencies that we have don't know a thing about crypto in fact, get this bloomberg sites scroll all the way to the bottom.

Here the most knowledgeable person that they were able to list here who uh has a lot or deep experience in crypto, is quote recused from working on crypto, because his personal holdings include one to five million dollars in bitcoin and as much as 250 000. In file coin yeah, i don't know what the heck that is, but come on. We're gon na expect all of a sudden, an executive order from biden to get uh uh to actually get regulation going from uh or about crypto from our agencies. I doubt it i'm not super worried about this at all, but let's keep going in some of the details and, most importantly, what they're really trying to accomplish here.

What the government is trying to accomplish is finding a way, as they say here, to streamline and coordinate how the agencies are going to deal with crypto. In my opinion, this is actually a good thing, because on one sense you want to coordinate the irs in how it's going to tax crypto. On another sense, you want to coordinate agencies and their ability to take crypto as payment look, i would love for our state governments, our dmv or all these places we hate paying money to to finally accept bitcoin or ethereum or ada or dogecoin whatever, as a form Of payment like these are things that could come. Regulation does not necessarily have to be all bad and, as many have said before, especially sec secretary gary gensler, he believes regulating crypto is actually somewhat bullish, because if you think about cars, when they were first created, we had no regulation for cars.

Almost nobody used cars because they were dangerous. Now i know a lot of people, especially people who watch this channel are interested in cryptocurrency, so we have a little bit of a skewed audience. But when we look at america broadly, most people are still somewhat or relatively fearful of cryptocurrencies. It's a fear of the unknown.
It's something that intuitively is hard to value or to understand valuation by and generally when it's in the media, it's associated with scams. So this is where sec, chairperson, gary gensler, says: hey, look! If we regulate just like we regulated cars by mandating seat belts and stop signs and traffic signs and rules of the road, then you can actually create broader adoption of crypto. This is why i personally believe that 2022 might be the year of crypto, where we finally get regulation, it's not as scary or fearful as people think it will be, because i personally think that our congress mostly tries to do what the most people want and a Lot of people are pro new monetary innovations. They're pro defy they're pro uh, really things that can create faster and less expensive forms of transacting uh in business uh.

So not everybody who knows about crypto knows that we can accomplish those things, but with a bit of education and clear-cut regulation, i think cryptocurrencies are things that folks shouldn't be against now. Maybe i'm too much of an optimist so i'll give myself that as a potential risk factor, but then again my goal is to keep cryptocurrencies to no more than eight percent of my portfolio. Maybe 10 we'll see what kind of mood i'm in, but you see it's not like i'm all in, but i want to be clear and transparent with with my holdings now at the moment there has been no decision as to whether or not this executive order will Actually be issued, there is a draft directive that is part of the white house, and it's really to just create a broad-based strategy for digital tokens. Now they didn't mention it in this particular bloomberg release here, but we already know that there's a lot of fear, uncertainty and doubt around regulating stable coins.

That's because bloomberg they just did a whole expose on trying to find out where tethers holdings are and uh. I mean they wrote, probably an article that would take 15 to 20 minutes to read, which is pretty long, article talking about how they interviewed people and how they hunted people associated with tether, and they could not find where tether holds its underlying dollars. Because tabling is tether in case you don't know, is technically a stable coin, which is supposed to have one dollar of assets for every stable coin that exists. But if those assets are like funky junk bonds that are earning high dividends somewhere and they have a risk of bankruptcy, then there's a risk that tether could break the buck and tether is a huge part of our cryptocurrency ecosystem.

It's kind of like back in january of this year when i did a video on the stable coins that gemini has. I looked, and i saw wait a minute here. They are saying you can earn interest of five to eight percent on your gemini dollar and then they put notes like oh, it's fdic insured, and it makes it seem, like the gemini token, is an fdic insured savings account, but it really isn't because when you turn On interest, you're actually lending out your money to someone else, you'll never be able to redeem that dollar at the bank. If there's a panic, because you've agreed to lend it out, that's why you're getting a return, but it's not obvious that you've lent it out because it still shows up as in your account right, and so, even though the underlying deposit of gemini dollars, like the real Us dollars that back it are fdic insured, your money isn't, and so these are sort of the, in my opinion, confusing things that honestly deserve regulation, because i think people are somewhat being misled in what happens when they take the risk of taking a yield on stable Coins - and so i think, there's going to be a big movement on this crypt stable coins, weren't specifically mentioned here, but the only thing we've really heard: the federal reserve and janet yellen, the treasury secretary, talk about when it comes to cryptocurrencies, like one of the first Things out of their mouths is regulating stable coins.
So you know this is what's going on. Uh no and remember: janet yellen is basically an extension of joe biden at this point. She is a the political arm of money for joe biden now. It does say here that no decision has been made on whether or not to release the order.

Even if president biden doesn't move forward with it, the administration will still make public its overall strategy for cryptocurrencies. So we're still going to be getting some kind of announcement from biden right now. We're kind of just getting a preview that something's coming robinhood put out a statement that regulation on cryptocurrencies could hurt and payment for order flow could hurt their business, so they really quickly 8k. This, i'm honestly not so worried about either of those getting regulated out of out of existence as much as we hate payment for order flow.

I'm not super concerned that uh it's going to wet, going away and and it'll bankrupt, robinhood or whatever. It is a possibility, though, and i know a lot of people here - don't like robinhood, that's fine, okay, i'm not showing for robin hood. I'm just saying i don't think it's going away. That's my opinion.

All right. Moving on financial regulators, appointed by biden are taking an increasingly hawkish tone about the purges burgeoning crypto market as they seek to step up oversight expressed concerns about the lack of investor protections. This is true, there's no sipc insurance, for example. If your money gets hacked, it's like who pays right who's responsible? How do you know where your wallet's safe, where it's not national security agencies across the admin, are also grappling with high profile cases of digital currencies, playing a role in ransomware attacks like the colonial pipeline? Earlier this year and remember what happened, we just had the uh uh.
What was it? The board ape uh creator, bailed after selling his uh crypto uh, uh uh. You know crypto nfts and uh not delivering on his promise to follow up with the fringe benefits of the nfts bailed, with a few million bucks. I think it was just under three million dollars, but anyway uh a lot of uh scrutiny uh. It also says here this push is being led by lobbying by powerful players in the industry, arguing that increased regulation risks killing jobs in the in the crypto space.

So i imagine like coinbase and block fi and some of the big ones are, are trying to step into like hey, don't go crazy with regulation here which, by the way, if you want a credit card that pays, you in cryptocurrency rewards go to bf. That's my bf, like block five bf check that out now uh. This draft has been circulating with clarify responsibilities of various agencies, tasked them with examining relevant topics and reporting back their findings. None of this is gon na, actually take any meaningful effect until 2022.

In my guess, i mean come on how much working time do we have left here we're almost at we're like six weeks away from thanksgiving, then everybody's gon na get off for the holidays nothing's happening in 2021. My guess, uh washington policy makers have struggled for years to come up with a comprehensive approach to digital assets. Uh they talk about are digital currencies. Actually, investments are they commodities? Are they currencies right? It makes sense that this should be regulated.

My opinion somewhat unpopular in the currency space, but you know me i just just tell you like what my thought is. I personally think a lot of cryptocurrencies are just crypto assets, they're investments they're like stocks right, that's the way i look at them at least is kind of like a stock. But that's just my opinion. The administration's effort is being coordinated by the white house led by the national economic council.

Okay, look you remember who the last chairperson of the national economic council was. Let me give you a hint we're gon na have a v-shaped recovery. Remember that guy. Why can't? I remember his name um.

I just had his name at the tip of my tongue, too larry larry, mr v-shaped recovery, larry. What's his last name, you remember his last. I can't remember his last name larry, something uh anyway he's the director of the national economic council under donald trump, and he would always every week come on. I think we're gon na have a v-shaped recovery everything's, getting better.

It's great uh, larry larry. Maybe it's because i just ran a campaign against larry elder. I kind of like replaced this person's last name, but anyway larry. They never forget the guy anyway, like if people like that are running the national economic council.
I don't think larry's like the most expert at uh cryptocurrencies and i know, there's a different director of the national economic council. Now but again, the most expert person, who is a deputy assistant to the national economic council, is this tim wu person but again is not allowed to work on crypto because he invests in crypto like ah come on so you're saying the most experienced person can't uh Can't actually help contribute uh anyway, even as the broad crypto strategy remains under development. The biden admin is facing. Uh work on digital assets, uh, which started slow, has been ramping up.

Justice department on wednesday launched a new national currency, cryptocurrency enforcement team to investigate and prosecute the misuse of cryptocurrency. So, okay, new teams coming new regulations coming new ideas coming big deal, not worried about any of it personally bring it on i'll. Put all my cash into ethereum right now on a bet that this this biden stuff, is nothing more than fear uncertainty, and i actually think it's gon na be positive, because it's going to open up the door to crypto etfs, more uh standardized products for crypto more Securities for investors so that way. Finally, my father-in-law, who walks around with a blockfly shirt, can finally actually invest in cryptocurrency as well, rather than just don the merch, but anyway, thank you so much for watching.

If you found this helpful, consider, subscribing and we'll see in the next one thanks bye.

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31 thoughts on “Crypto”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Howaniec says:

    Watching Kevin for a few years now, I feel like I’ve been watching the making of a psycho. Story not done, hair is just part of the story.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antoine Reekmans says:

    i hate Robinhood for their illicit business selling customer information and holdings to Hedge Funds companies. So let them go Bankrupt . This would be good for the market that it goes bankrupt

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schermeen Washington says:

    Larry Kudlow is the guy's name from Trump's Economics Council.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brady Mirabal says:

    <Good job Mate. Lately, when asked for predictions about bitcoin a nd cryptos generally, most experts on youtube and other media, predictions are mostly generic with no specifics on the direction. Everyone seems to be guessing and getting even more confused about the future. The only constant thing I can say for sure is that the traders are actually earning good returns while HODlers are always concerned about what the future holds for bitcoin or if there is even a future at all. With the insight, skills, and experience of a trader like Elisa the sky is the limit. I came to this realization when I made a return on investment of 87% in my first month using her signals for my trades. Not to sound biased, there are lots of GOOD traders out there but Elisa has been of immense assistance to me, especially with her signals and strategies……

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wanda wynn says:

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Bordelon says:

    Let's Go BRANDON!!!! he's doing such a good job, I won't even use his name!!! or obscenities, but you get it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Hart says:

    Once they start buying shorts, price will start to spike above the mark. As soon as they run out of liquidity and dip into the margin balance they get a warning to cure it in two days. they miss that and a margin call comes. then you are in the SQUEEZE, until then just buy if you have money and hold if you don’t . this isn’t rocket science at this point.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demetrius Pearson says:

    As soon as the government gets involved, crypto isn’t “crypto” anymore. It’ll be government Regulated digital funds.😪

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lim Ken says:

    I believe Tether may have already admitted as of now its no longer 1 to 1 but at 55% back which likely means its probably even lower

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winters says:

    This dude is mad he didn't buy more crypto than his stocks that are getting stomped. rofl. His hair is fitting

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tradingmatt says:

    please fact check yourself before putting such terrible statements out. Bored Apes are on the forefront of the NFT space, leading the way. EVOLVED Apes were a scam project.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu-E P says:

    We do not need Biden making recommendations !!! He is trying to fund the multi trillion dollar bill that “cost 0”

    How can we trust someone with that logic !?


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Recommend👉Zoomsfund on Instagram says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend Zoomsfund on Instagram says:

    (The name recommended above) is legit and his method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with his new strategy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu-E P says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend Zoomsfund On Instagram says:

    My first deal with the name recommended above gave me profit of over $24,000 and ever since then he has never failed to deliver and I can even say he’s the most sincere broker I have known

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu-E P says:

    Please have everyone write in to senators to not allow Biden ruin crypto or damage it long term

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhatsApp ◉ ±➀➈ ➆⓿➂➀➅⓿➃➃➄ says:

    Thank you the (name above), I love his service all the way from California you help my life and my family members is also appreciating all he have been doing for us..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend Zoomsfund on Instagram says:

    I'll advise Everyone to invest in stuffs like stocks and Cryptos with (the name above), they can generate short term profits for you. This aint stopping anytime soon just the beginning of the Great Recession.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend 👉Zoomsfund on Instagram says:

    For real no pending issue when dealing with the name recommended above.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend👉Zoomsfund On Instagram says:

    The name recommended above deserve to be a celebrity on any social media because he is real and trustworthy thanks for helping me with cash flips

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dickey Thom says:

    It’s time to introduce a video podcast. I love these but am intrigued with hearing your daily thoughts. But still do this obviously. P.s this is my response to the plug on trading thanks Ronny k. Mark for putting me through. Time to expand!!!!!! <<>>>>

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars littleredpony says:

    Ohio did briefly accept bitcoin as payment for state taxes. Too bad it went to the wayside for now.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zee Son says:

    Thank you for your videos mate. I’m so happy ?? I have been earning $19,000 returns from my $6,000

    Investment every 13 days.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alejandro Lopez says:

    The " Lary " partŚ made this a REAL LIVE OPINION! L❤VE

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alejandro Lopez says:

    I hate the green oomph loompa hair 😒. But! Love the INFO

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RCinSATx says:

    Tax crypto? All Democrats want to do is Tax us! Looks like we’re better off with Republicans! Yes we’re pro but don’t want to be Taxed!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UnderratedBlastoise says:

    From real estate to Youtube scammer to corrupt politician and now a clown. lol Kevin does it all

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LisaLisa815 says:

    Why the clown hair? There has to be a reason behind this.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Edward says:

    In few months or no time people will definitely start kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reddypraveen says:

    Kevin u Dingo…….SEC just came out and said that they are not going to ban cripto………stop scaring everyone………

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