At Tesla's Battery Day, Elon Musk finally unveiled Tesla's upcoming affordable vehicle. In this video, I cover the hints we have about Tesla's $25,000 sedan and why this vehicle is the end of ICE.
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Over the past 10 years, we've seen tesla bring the price of their vehicles down substantially from the sporty roadster to the tesla model. 3 tesla has revolutionized the way people see electric vehicles, however, tesla's vehicles are still too expensive for the majority of the population. On tesla's battery day, elon publicly acknowledged that tesla's, 25 000 electric sedan is coming now there are a few small but subtle leaks that you may have missed that point towards the specs of the new vehicle in this video i'm going to go over everything we know About tesla's 25 000 vehicle and why this vehicle is about to change everything, as we know it welcome to cass games academy if you're new to the channel, please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it. Elon musk has been hinting at a chinese compact vehicle for quite some time now, which makes tesla's announcement of its 25 thousand dollar sedan shocking.

Now, before we get into the specs and timelines, we need to go over the evidence we have during tesla's battery day. Elon specifically stated that tesla's first goal is to get an annual battery production capacity in the unit terawatt hours, which the put into reference is equal to thousands of gigawatt hours. Yet while some people may have been listening to elon's explanation of the first goal, all lies were on the new quote: unquote small card that was concealed in a white blanket-like covering so goal number one is a terawatt hour scale, battery production, so terra is the new Giga uh and a terawatt is a thousand times more than a gigawatt, so we used to talk in terms of gigawatts uh in the future, we'll be talking in terms of terawatt hours, so this is uh what's needed in order to transition the world to sustainability. 30 minutes later, another picture of the covered vehicle was shown this time referring to battery chemistry, pay close attention because this hints at the specs we can expect from this vehicle.

So, in order to scale uh, we really need to make sure that we're not constrained by total nickel availability um. I actually spoke with the ceos of the biggest mining companies in the world and said: please make more nickel, it's very important um, and so i think they are going to make more nickel but there's also uh. I think we need to have a kind of a three-tiered approach to to batteries um, so starting with iron, that's kind of like a medium range and then nickel manganese as sort of a medium plus uh intermediate um and then high nickel for long range applications like Cyber truck and uh the semi, the iron that elon mentions here, is referring to the lithium iron phosphate chemistry, also known as lfp. This technology is using the chinese made model 3 and has a cost per kilowatt hour of 80 dollars, we'll soon cover and calculate what we can expect from the electric sedan later in this video now just 20 minutes after this reference to the electric sedan elon.

Finally, publicly acknowledged the vehicle. What does it mean for what does this? What does this mean for our future products? Uh, so uh? We yeah we're confident that long term we can design and manufacture a a compelling 25 000 electric vehicle um. So you know this this. This has always been our dream from the beginning of the company.
I even like wrote a blog piece about it: um because um you know our first car was was an expensive sports car and and then then there's like slightly less expensive sedan and then finally sort of a. I don't know mass market premium. But you know like the model 3 and model y um, but it really it was always our goal to try to make an affordable electric car and um. I think probably uh, like i said about about three years from now, we're confident we can make a very calm, a very compelling 25 thousand dollar electric vehicle uh.

That's also fully autonomous. The statement that elon makes here is extremely important. The release of a 25 000 vehicle is not just a fascinating product for the consumer. Rather, it marks the fact that electric vehicles are much cheaper than internal combustion.

Engines drew baglino the senior vice president of powertrain and energy engineering at tesla explained the significance in the following clip and when you think about the 25 000 price point, you have to consider how much how much less expensive it is to own an electric vehicle yeah. So, actually it it becomes even more affordable at that 25. 000 price point. At this point.

We know that tesla's, electric sedan is using lfp chemistry. We also know that the vehicle will be manufactured three years from now, with the addition of a few key points, we can easily get an accurate guess as to what this vehicle will look like just to be clear. The lfp battery chemistry will not be tesla's. Roadrunner cell, but rather it is contemporary amperage technology ltds, also known as catl's lithium-ion phosphate cell tesla's roadrunner cell announced on his battery day, has a high amount of nickel that allows for a much higher energy density.

This is especially important for vehicles that tow heavy metals such as the cyber truck and semi. On the other hand, tesla's electric sedan is built primarily for family use. Elon even hinted at the facts that the sedan will be a robo taxi if full self driving is ready by then. So, given that we already have the specs of catl's battery, we can estimate the specs of tesla's electric sedan.

One major advantage of catl's battery is the fact that it not only has a lifetime of a million miles, but also a decent energy density. When you combine this with tesla's advanced thermal regulation, this gives tesla's vehicles a very high driving range. According to tesla's filing of its chinese model, 3, the specs actually didn't change after using catl's batteries. This all comes at a cost of 80 dollars per kilowatt hour.

According to a reuters report, now keep in mind that this isn't tesla's battery, so we can use other vehicles as a benchmark. More specifically, the xping p7 is an ev that has a similar curvature to tesla's upcoming electric sedan. In addition, the p7 also uses catl's lithium-ion phosphate battery at the lowest price point. The x-ping p7 costs about 33 thousand dollars and has an nedc range of 349 miles.
The nedc is china's range estimate that typically estimates a range much higher than the epa's. To put the nedc range into perspective, the model 3 standard plus has an nedc range of 286 miles and has an epa range of 250 miles. If we assume that the nedc is off by the same percentage, then the x-ping p7, based version has around 284 miles on the epa test. Given this, we can estimate a range of about 250 miles on the base version of tesla's electric sedan.

Elon musk has previously stated that at least 250 miles is required for tesla to release a vehicle leading me to expect at least 250 miles on tesla's electric sedan. In addition, elon musk's robo taxi announcement hints at the fact that tesla's electric sedan will first start its production in the u.s tesla's robo-taxi software testing and coding has been primarily built in the u.s, so it wouldn't make sense for tesla's 25 000 vehicle to be released In a different country, first also keep in mind that elon has been preparing a compact vehicle for china, so would it make sense for both the compacts and sedan to come out in china? The last clue we know of is that the vehicle will indeed last for 1 million miles with catl's lfp chemistry at tesla's battery day elon never mentioned the lifetime of the roadrunner cell, which many assume to have a million mile lifetime. If the cell doesn't. However, then, it makes a lot of sense to use catl's lfp battery tesla's 25 000 vehicle is built to be a robo taxi, as elon mentioned, and because of that it requires a high lifetime in order to incentivize owners to add their vehicle to the robo taxi Fleet without being worried about battery degradation, let me know in the comment section below if you would purchase tesla's 25 000.

Electric sedan, also during one portion of the live stream, tesla placed a strange-looking object under the quote-unquote future plans. Is this the compact vehicle that is going to be manufactured in china, or is this just a construction hat? Let me know i'm on twitter at cas games. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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36 thoughts on “Tesla’s $25,000 sedan is finally coming – the end of gas”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Clark says:

    Until it takes 5 mins to fully charge from flat (which it never will) it will never beat a petrol engine for anything other than the school run/commute

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert E says:

    I would buy one. Would there be a AWD version I would be willing to pay more.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Edge says:

    Not happy it’s coming from china

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arne Lidmark says:

    Buy! I will order one immediately when possible.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wandering Knight says:

    Lol..yea this is what the small print will say:
    2017 Hyundai Ioniq — $22,000 after federal tax credit…EMPHASIS ON AFTER FEDERAL TAXES!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bozo butte says:

    Would I buy one in a New York minute,$25,000.When can I get on the list?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Jenkins says:

    More like a $25K golf-cart with a 100 mile range.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Crawford says:

    Most people don’t realise that this race to eliminate the ICE vehicles will affect the plants of this earth. We are currently at very low historical levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and plants require carbon dioxide to grow. We would be better served if our carbon dioxide levels were around 1200ppm even as high as 5000ppm. The result would be a greening of our planet and more food to feed everyone

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Theresa Joy says:

    Id buy one if it was 25k or lower. Till then i stick with my corolla 😁

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Triforce 🐣 says:

    Totally would buy it if it was really that cheap. Thats about the price that Im looking to spend on my first ev and would potential get me to go Tesla over someone like Nissan.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laughing Wizzy says:

    Take my money Elon, oh wait I don’t have any…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dbl. yo. says:

    They should all be iron based that way no kids would be forced to mine in holes. If they are made in china are we supposed to turn are heads at chinas human right violations and massive polluting.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thepriceisright says:

    Cheap paint, cheap car, bad customer service, dont buy Telsa you will regret it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yellow Snowman says:

    Tesla 25k car = 33k car with subsidies that Elon will promise delivery of for 5 years and it doesn't come.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu Zubek says:

    ask Texas how do you go about charging them when the wind mills stop spinning.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RRG says:

    For sure I will buy it, I already have the money apart

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cole Mayhugh says:

    fully…. autonomous? dang, the revolutionizing of the transportation industry is happening before our eyes.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars t3knoman00 says:

    If they unveil a 25k model, the issue will be a production demand will be insane….

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hero Jiro says:

    It is not the end of gas. Gasoline is energy Rich. Our power systems run on petrol. Plus it takes lots of energy to manufacture a Tesla, mining cost, etc. Elon is a salesman and people believe because of Greed; they believe what they want to. ( the incredibly high stock price.)

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali MovayedKazemi says:

    Internal combustion engine are here to stay

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost_user says:

    "The end of gas" 😂. Typical lefties, so naive in their stupidity that they think everyone is as stupid as they are. You guys are thinking, "everyone can't wait to get rid get of gas cars and save the planet! Most people just can't afford it!" 🤣🤣🤣… keep dreaming

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Martinez says:

    Tesla it's been around for ever, I don't under stand why they want to sell their cars so pricy, they so greedy, it sounds like it. So if Toyota out sells better than Tesla, I would be so happy, about it, !!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars warren moore says:

    Its obviously a construction helmet. no one would buy it if it looked like that.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Norris says:

    I’d buy at least ten sedans for my Turo business.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars azncoltz says:

    I'll buy 4 of them if this is true lol

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Tate says:

    I greatly admire Elon, but China??? Are we okay with a $25,000 vehicle being constructed with slave labor?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev MG says:

    The future of mobility is coming 👌

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex L. says:

    I mean 25k is still too much for a lot of people…

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Christopher says:

    I would definitely buy a tesla for $25,000

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yeudy Decastro says:


  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phước Vũ Hoàng says:

    when will it be released? author?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K T says:

    Why not just remove all the technical software and other clunk to bring the price further down? 25k is great but for me the sweet spot if you want the masses to buy this car is around 18,000 dollars

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Branden VandenBerg says:

    $25k for 250miles no they can do better than that. Alot of gas cars at $25k gets around 385miles. Example cruze or the dart.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Allen says:

    What are we gonna do with all the dam batteries when they die?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prexydez says:

    If it Looks like on the thumbnail for sure !!

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katherine Seepersad says:

    he kinda sounds like marcus and lucas/ clickbait kings

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