Over the past few years, Bitcoin has gained a lot of traction for being an alternative to fiat currency. In this video, I cover why Cathie Wood believes bitcoin will reach $500,000.
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Kathy wood, the ceo and cio of arc invest has been known for making outrageous price targets and then having those price targets actually turn out to be true, most famously she predicted that tesla would reach four thousand dollars a share before the split in five years. When tesla was in the low two hundreds, we made a lot of waves by attaching a four thousand dollar price target to the shares at one point kathy's. Next, bold prediction is, as you likely saw by the title, bitcoin to 500 thousand dollars similar to tesla. This seems like a totally outrageous price target, yet kathy's moon shots always have lots of substance behind it and that's why she's right so often in this video, i'm gon na go over.

Why kathy would believe that bitcoin will hit 500 thousand dollars before we begin? Please take a moment and subscribe to my second channel cassandra's capital, if you haven't already i'll, be posting a lot more investing related content over there. If you enjoy my videos here, you'll also enjoy my content over. There welcome to cast games academy if you're new to the channel. Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it.

The unprecedented rates that the federal reserve is creating dollars at have led to many investors purchasing commodities like gold and silver in an attempt to hedge against inflation. However, in this day and age, investors are looking for alternatives to gold. This is where bitcoin comes into play, which is essentially the digital standard to money and, more specifically, fiat currency. Fiat money, which consists of government-backed currencies that are not based on commodities like gold and silver are highly susceptible to inflation.

The us dollar is often seen as a standard for fiat money. All fiat money diminishes in value ever since the federal reserve was created in 1913. The us dollar has done nothing but go down. On the other hand, commodity money like golden bitcoin, is not susceptible to these diminishing returns.

Gold is a limited resource, as once all gold is mined. There won't be any more gold to look for. That is unless, if people start mining asteroids bitcoin serves as a digital version of gold, as there are only 21 million bitcoin units and 18.5 million are already in existence. Yet bitcoin is much more than gold in terms of efficiency.

Bitcoin's transportation and storage are unrivaled by traditional commodities with bitcoin. You don't have to store it in a safe because you're afraid of it being stolen with bitcoin. You don't have to carry the heavy weight of gold around just to purchase materials. This is why kathy believes in the long-term vision of bitcoin bitcoin is the reserve currency of the crypto asset ecosystem uh, it's the equivalent to the dollar in the fiat currency system.

That's a pretty exalted role. Bitcoin gets a horrible reputation from the media. Most of the time we hear bitcoin mentioned in scams on twitter, youtube and facebook, this isn't to say that bitcoins are not used in scams. If you scroll down to the comment section, i'm sure you'll see a computer bot spamming their whatsapp in the comments in an attempt to steal some bitcoin from you.
The reputation of bitcoin as a tool used by scammers is a misconception. In fact, bitcoin does the exact opposite of hiding money by looking at someone's bitcoin address you can literally see where they sent bitcoin to and where they received bitcoin from most scammers do not get away with stealing bitcoin. In fact, the hacker who hacked into famous twitter accounts, like elon musk bill gates and joe biden, was caught stealing 120 000 and was promptly arrested. The media does not portray digital currency correctly, but kathy would seize major potential in a separate education related to cbdc's.

Knowing that bitcoin is out of their control, countries have been exploring the creation of their own cryptocurrency cbdcs, also known as central bank distributed. Currencies are cryptocurrencies that are regulated by a country. The recent and eventually long-term rise in cbdc's will allow citizens to become more educated on what cryptocurrencies are like kathy. Wood believes that the rise of cbdc's will enable people to learn more about cryptocurrencies and, more specifically, bitcoin uh.

I also think that the the cbdc's, which are the central bank, distributed currencies that are digital currencies, that we're beginning uh to hear a lot about around the world, including china have um, have uh, have led to a sort of an education about what bitcoin is bitcoin. Will not be controlled by any government and uh and in fact, with cbdc's you're going to you're going to have a lot more surveillance over your purchasing behavior. What you do when uh! So i have a feeling it may have a a awakened uh, a a bit of a giant here, because uh, central banks and and policymakers will not be able to uh do any surveillance, uh uh on people per se. It's a pseudo anonymous, it's transparent sure, but uh only by address not by a person, whereas uh some of the cbdc's uh, especially in china, will they'll they'll enable um, the tracking of purchases and the tracking of activity uh at all times.

Over the past few months. Large institutions are beginning to rethink their skepticism on bitcoin, most notably, paypal was decided to launch a new service that allows users to buy, hold and sell cryptocurrency. Additionally, the ceo of jpmorgan chase has recently come out and said that chase will always support blockchain technology following the official release of jp morgan's own cryptocurrency named jpm coin, even ray dalio, one of the largest hedge fund managers has admitted that he may be wrong about Bitcoin by stating i might be missing something about bitcoin, so i'd love to be corrected. Kathy wood believes that bitcoin may be ready for institutions, and this could potentially push bitcoin to 400 or even 500 000.
After all, there is a limited supply of bitcoin, and if institutions rush to buy bitcoin, then the price would have no choice but to skyrocket, uh and then the last thing that i think is going on is institutions are beginning to get interested in um in bitcoin And crypto assets, uh generally uh and our analyst yasin mandra just wrote two bitcoin white papers on um on the the notion is: is bitcoin? Are institutions ready for bitcoin? Really, the opposite is true. Is bitcoin ready for institutions uh bitcoin? The trading activity is the equivalent of one or two mega cap stocks, uh uh in the uh in the stock market, so it's still quite small relative to the stock market and certainly relative to the bond market. But we do see institutions starting to nibble, and i liken this to the early days of institutions moving into real estate and emerging markets. They started out with a half a percent allocation, then one and then five percent uh or thereabouts seemed to be the right number.

Uh, if the same thing were to happen to bitcoin given uh, this supply is going to top out at 21 million units uh. If we were to see that mid single digit uh allocation to bitcoin on the part of institutions - and this would be all institutions. So this is not going to happen, but just to dimension what could happen? Uh well, bitcoin is closing in on 20 000 right now, but if institutions were to go to that mid single digit, uh uh territory in terms of allocation to bitcoin alone, uh that would take it to somewhere in the 400 to 500 thousand dollar range. So 20, 000 to 400 to 5000..

The final question we must ask is whether bitcoin is still by today. Bitcoin has rallied substantially since the paypal crypto announcement and is at the time of recording this video approaching 20 000 kathy wood believes that the answer to this question is yes. If we're thinking long term, bitcoin still has a lot of potential for institutions and governments to buy in as a hedge against fiat currency. We're currently at that inflection point where these large institutions will want to buy into bitcoin, but there is a limited supply of bitcoin.

Let's talk about bitcoin for a moment, i think, while everyone was focused on the big tech stocks, bitcoin suddenly rallied from about 5 400 to nearly 18 000.. That was quite a shock to discover: do you think it's a buy now and what would you say is the bull case for bitcoin? Well, we believe it has a very long way to run and, yes, we're approaching uh the last peak, which was 20. Nearly twenty thousand dollars in 2017 uh and since then our confidence has grown. Let me know what you think about kathy.

What's price target for bitcoin, do you think bitcoin will hit 500 000, or do you think that bitcoin will be shut down by governments? If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe. If you haven't already and i'll see you in the next one.

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36 thoughts on “Cathie wood: bitcoin to $500,000”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Camila George says:

    I will really like more details on this, I'm new to trading and I don't understand how it really works. Can someone guide me on the right approach to investing and making good profit from trading?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teguh Lestari says:

    Success is about focusing Your energy on what creates results and using what you already know

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barbara Wooldridge says:

    I make huge profits on my investment since i started trading with Mrs Juana Dirix ,her trading strategies are top notch

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NitKum says:

    Money Doesn't Grow On Trees. First Crypto Currencies Are Not Stable Thus Using Them As Currencies Will Not Be Possible. Once They Are Stable, They Can Be Used As A Currency But In That Case All The Hype Will End. Currency Has An Unique Feature That Is Stability. Currency Rate Doesn't Change Rapidly And That Allows Us To Buy Things. Tommorow You Buy A Product By Paying X Amount Of Bitcoin And Once You Try To Return It Due To Some Reasons, You Will not Find The Price Of That Product Same. It Has Only One Advantage Over Normal Currencies And That Is That We Can Avoid Exchanging Our Dollors While Visiting Other Countries. We Can Have A Common Currency To Buy Things. Just For This One Advantage, You Can't Consider It As An Investment. Have You Ever Heard Anyone Saying " Bro I Have Bought Dollars And Stored Them As Investment". When You Buy A Stock Of A Company – That Company Expand It Services – Sells Its Services Or Products And Give You Return On Your Investment. They Earned Selling Their Products Or Services And Then Gave You Your Share Of Profit. Tell What Services, A Crypto Currency Sells That It Should Be Considered An Investment. Its Price Is Increasing Just Because of Sentiments Of People Those Who Don't Understand Difference Between A Currency And An Investment. It Can Become A Currency But Will Never Become An Investment. Even To Become A Currency, It Has To Become Stable First.
    (Price Of Asset = Earning x Sentiments)
    Example – Tesla – It Has Earning Capability As Well As People's Sentiment That These Cars Are Good For Environment. Thus Tesla Stock Price Increases On Two Factors i.e Earning Capability And Sentiments.
    On The Other Hand, Price of Crypto Currencies Are Increasing Only Because Of People's Sentiment. Those Who Invest On The Basis Of Sentiments Are Speculators And Those Who Invest On The Basis Of Earning Capabilities Are Investors.
    Some Investors Will Earn Great Profits From Crypto Currencies By Taking Advantage Of Normal People's Sentiments. First They Are Not Investments And Second There Are More Than 10 Crypto Currencies In The Market. Finding Best One Is Not Easy. Avoid Instant Rich Schemes

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 765 lb squat says:

    $500k? more like $5 million!! i will be a $Billionaire in a few years with my crypto!! You can all stay on my 300 foot yacht

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JR Gb says:

    Add what you can add. Seems to me like everyone would want 5k-10k in BTC. Or more if you can swing it. Not saying bet the farm. But at least a few cows and maybe a tractor ๐Ÿšœ or so worth.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharon Peter says:

    i make huge profit on my investment since i started trading with mrs silver alex,her trading

    strategies are top notch.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Marshall says:

    If JP Morgan and other corporations of similar influence are in, the U.S. government in particular will not shut it down. 21 million Bitcoins max x $500,000 is only a $10.5 trillion equivalent, which isn't that much for the market cap of the fiat of cryptocurrency. So if that max number of coins holds, and Bitcoin remains a "gold standard" of sorts, the value could go much higher.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janet Gibson says:

    Forex investment controls a huge part of my passive income, I invest big and my profit are even bigger,courtesy of broker sophia hicks.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Wealth Gems says:

    Bitcoin has unlimited potential we just posted some content about bitcoin why it has so much more room to grow to 100k+. We are already halfway there๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Trickey says:

    Bitcoin crashed when Covid hit and gold didnโ€™t. Itโ€™s NOT a safe haven

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evidence It whizz brown says:

    For legit investment DM me on what's app +17324447912

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HASSAN DIALLO says:

    Compare bitcoin with other cryptocurrencies instead of comparing it with Gold. Gold is the real deal.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robinson Jacob says:

    Hello everyone, I'm actually looking for a good trader that can help me trade and make good profits, but is very hard to see a trusted one… Any idea..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Name Last Name says:

    bitcoin is hopeless.. get out while you are ahead. it can only handle 7 tranactions per second — globally ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
    the blockchain driving the BitCoin uses more energy than Chile. it is a piece of shit technology.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Network Tv says:

    Beginners phase is where you come accross blown accounts. A wise forex beginner will firstly get mentored by a professional, that's the key to success in Forex trade.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Ahn says:

    Payment of tax is settlement of two debts in the directions opposite to each other. Tax is what you owe to the government and your money is what the government owes to you. Money is a debt instrument under 12 USC 411. No government will take bitcoin as means of such a settlement, because bitcoin is not a debt instrument. What is neither a debt instrument nor a commodity cannot be a money. It is often said that "bitcoin is a commodity because it is money." The word "money" in the preceding sentence must be either a debt instrument money or a commodity money. As it is not a debt instrument, bitcoin can be sad to be only commodity money. Saying "bitcoin is a commodity because it is a commodity money" is a circular argument.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Successful_Manager says:

    Great job! Love Cathy wood and her revolutionary insight, a true leader and legend. IMO Bitcoin will continue to be very volatile but much like gold it will only increase in demand.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Desmond Brown says:

    Hey.. I'm new to bitcoin trade and i have been making few loses, but recently i see a lot of people earning from it , can someone please give me a new strategy or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars armand acosta says:

    Is she saying that the stock is going to go up to 500,000 or the bitcoin itself

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lara Aniston says:

    Nice video! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs Jessica Morgan.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Levi says:

    I think when their world fiat currency financial system has completed it's cycle ie: creation, adoption, rise, then finally collapse, as it has done throughout world history, the creators will choose at some point the fastest horse even if they haven't seen such a "creature", a black hole that eventually out performs "All", they the Governments will have to play and when people "wakeup" they will opt-out of "their governments" financial world, it's game over- decentralization achieved.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SevenDeMagnus says:

    Not a fan of Bitcoin, I wouldn't buy it directly (no choice if it's ETF) but I would mine it then sell that right away with stocks that produce something (service or product).

    God bless, Rev. 21:4

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  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris F says:

    If the Cathie Wood crowd is buying, that probably signals the top of the market.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Harrison cox says:

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  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Johnson says:

    I hope it will hit 500k.
    I bought a portion at 20k
    I have a sell date in mind and will sell at that date no matter what it is.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stephen cooke says:

    some govs may try but bitcoin is free to be global & will certainly hit $500000 within 5-8 years. This year certainly 100000 & possibly 200000.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A.D. B says:

    How does one invest in Bitcoin? Is it cashed in for dollars or goods?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carraway The Loan Dog Cuenca says:

    Shame on you for using clickbait in the thumbnail!!! Reporting this channel!

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