Rich Greenfield's price target of $0.01 sounds an awful lot like the Cellar Boxing technique of holding a stock at $0.001, a form of securities fraud or illegal naked short selling.
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Also, it makes sense for citadel to have a vested interest in Amazon, and seeing all of Amazon's competitors fail, as Amazon is one of Citadel's largest investments (top 5).
Citadels largest investment is S&P500 Put Options, which is also, very... concerning?
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#AMC #ShortSqueeze #AMCStock

Welcome back to the channel everyone today, i want to talk about the old rich greenfield price target for amc, which could actually be indicative of illegal market manipulation, so stay tuned and let's make some money now. You also may have noticed that i finally changed the hoodie that i was wearing before i was wearing my to the moon hoodie, whereas now i'm wearing my space heat pudding, just a quick reminder, if you do want to pick up a space, a putty or a To the moon, hoodie or any of the other pieces of clothing that i've got in, my store is linked down in the description below, and i want to dive straight in with the key information. So rich greenfield explains his 1 cent amc entertainment price target. Now i'm going to quickly go through this article and then explain how it could be indicative of illegal market manipulation.

Now you might remember this article from back in may, where rich greenfield said that the recent move in ames entertainment had nothing to do with a short squeeze. Coincidentally, this article came out just before the giant run to 72 dollars, rich greenfield said if hedge funds wanted to get out of their entire position, if they were short, they could do it within minutes. He said adding that the amc, entertainment price action does not point to big institutions or hedge funds being squeezed, although funny enough, this has been going on for months now, and hedges have still not covered. The amc.

Entertainment stock has actually gone up by about 80 over the last month and therefore, even though he reckons hedgies could get out within minutes, it's taken them months and they still can't get out, as i've explained many times on this channel before. If hedgie's covered now they'd be bankrupt, most hedges have been shorting amc since around four dollars, or maybe even two dollars, or maybe some around eight dollars, and therefore most of them are massively massively underwater. Yes, we did see some hedges that were shorting down from say 50 or 60 all the way down to the early 30s. But a lot of these hedges also didn't cover their positions and are still shorting.

Even though amc is up 80 on the month, rich greenfield said that fair value is based on future cash flow. He said that amc, entertainment can't generate cash flow and therefore he set a one cent price target on the amc stock and believed that the company was heading for bankruptcy. Now you may also remember this article that i talked about yesterday about seller boxing seller. Boxing is a form of securities fraud and a form of naked short selling.

It's where hedge funds try and get stocks all the way down to a 0.0001 dollar price, and therefore a stock will have a zero dollar bid price and a 0.0001 dollar ask price. This effectively makes it impossible for a stock to break out of that seller. Now it's usually stocks that trade for under a singular dollar, because these stocks are listed on the otc markets and not on the open exchanges. Now i find it very very interesting that rich greenfield had set a one cent price target.
That sounds very much like rich greenfield was saying that amc is going to be seller boxed clearly back in late 2020 or maybe even early 2021. The hedges were trying to get amc under a dollar, so they could continue naked shorting. It all the way down to that cellar box, but that's when we, the apes, stepped in to protect it. It sounds very much like rich greenfield has just admitted to trying to sell a box amc which is probably not a good thing to admit.

To don't forget the rich greenfield is an analyst at light, shed partners and a general partner at lightshed ventures as well. Maybe his firm and lightshed partners is massively massively short on amc and is trying to illegally manipulate the stock. Now i do want to clarify that seller boxing isn't necessarily something that's going on with amc right now in september 2021, because obviously amc has a price. That is much much higher than one dollar, but i do think that at some point in time the hedges were trying to get amc under a dollar under a cent and to 0.0001 cents in order to sell a box it now.

I also wanted to quickly go back over the citadel and amazon relationship. There's a comment here on a post on reddit that says: imagine that citadel heavily invested in amazon, amazon started amazon, prime movies and the hedge funds. Shorted amc amazon also announced an entrance into the gaming market and hedge funds. Shorted gamestop amazon also wanted a toy business and the hedge funds shorted toys, r us amazon also wanted an electronics business and therefore hedge funds, shorted radio, shack amazon is actually citadel's.

Third or fifth largest investment, and therefore i personally think it's very clear that citadel have a vested interest in amazon, succeeding and that's why citadel and many other hedge funds and market makers will short and aggressively naked short, any company and any stock. That amazon is competing with because they have that vested interest in amazon succeeding, because amazon is typically one of the largest, if not the largest investment. For many. Many of these hedge funds and all mauler 1983 is wondering is: where is the government oversight on fair market and a free enterprise? How do these politicians have jobs and therefore we should all learn to vote? Clearly, the hedges are saying there is no illegal activity happening here and that you should all just move along and there's nothing to see here, but fortunately we now know the truth now.

Something that is also very very interesting is citadel's number one largest investment. At the moment, citadel's biggest reported holdings is spy puts, which is put options on the s. P 500. citadel do normally hedge against the crash, but they've actually recently been increasing their puts throughout the year and therefore a crash must be imminent at the moment.
Citadel stand to profit massively from the s p 500 crashing as long as amc doesn't squeeze and bankrupt them. First, maybe citadel are trying to generate enough profit from their s. P 500 puts that they have enough actual cash to cover their amc shortage shares without going bankrupt. Obviously, it will still cause the squeeze because they will still have to cover all of their short positions now, something i did find absolutely hilarious was a hedge fund idiot that was spreading fud in a car forum.

Now, as you can see, there's a car forum here called amc universe, which relates to the amc universe, car game. Now somebody commented in this car forum saying i just got insider information that monday at noon. Amc will be shorted to three dollars and they will be forcing people to close their accounts for nothing. He said i highly suggest as a fellow ape and human being, that you sell your positions immediately on monday morning.

Thank you for hearing my alert, my friends now. I've just checked my phone here and it looks like amc, is up three percent in the pre-market and there is absolutely zero chance that amc is going to be shorted down to three dollars today. Clearly, this is a hedge fund manager or just somebody - that's not very intelligent, that's currently very very short on amc and is trying to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt to try and convince anyone to sell their shares, but guys us apes are certainly not going to be Selling now i've seen a lot of comments on my videos asking me which stock i prefer between amc and gamestop, or why i prefer amc or why i don't like gamestop or the other way around and whether i like gamestop and don't like amc. I personally think that both amc and gamestop are just as good as each other.

I think that we should be working together and not against each other. I agree with this post saying that we don't want a war with gamestop amc and gamestop are brothers. This is not an apes against apes play. This is an apes against the corruption, show your support for all apes.

This is the way and therefore amc and gamestop act together and should be traded together, not traded against each other. I personally don't think anyone should be trying to convince other people to sell their shares in amc or gamestop just hold, which other company you prefer, or whichever stock you prefer or maybe even hold both. If you can afford it, if you can't it doesn't matter because even one share is better than zero shares at the end of the day now. Finally, i just wanted to remind you all or maybe explain how the amc price will shoot up so fast when these hedge funds get liquidated when a hedge fund gets margin called and liquidated.

Not if, but when the computer starts, buying back shares at the cheapest available price, and it goes up until all of the shares are bought back now when a hedge fund gets liquidated, the clearinghouse or market maker will start buying shares to cover their short positions at Any available price, if it's a market maker that gets liquidated in the process, then the dtcc will also step in and perform the exact same task of buying shares at any available price to cover these over leveraged shorts. The hedge funds of the market makers can't use the cash received to continue shorting amc because they're liquidated and they don't have a choice in the matter. They literally don't have any control over their own account anymore. Now i just wanted to show you a quick example of how exactly that works.
This is the level two order book for just a random stock, as you can see, there's a lot of sell orders around fifty nine dollars and maybe some at sixty dollars further down and there's a lot of buy orders, obviously at 59, 58, 57 and so on. As well so, therefore, when a hedge fund gets liquidated, it's going to effectively buy these hundred shares here at 59.65. These 150 shares here at 59.66, 150 shares here at 59.67 and so on and so forth. Buying up all of these shares until they run out of shares to buy or until the entire short position has been covered.

As you can see, these increments are only in 100 shares or 150 share increments, and therefore, if a hedge fund would say millions and millions of shares, shorted gets liquidated. All of these shares are going to be bought and the price will go up significantly higher than it is at the moment, and that is how very quickly when one large hedge fund gets liquidated. The amc price is going to storm through 50, 60, 70, 100. 200.

300 500 and continue going much much higher as well, and this is also how you're going to get very significant gaps as well. Maybe there's going to be a lot of sell orders at 50, 60 and 70 dollars, but there's probably going to be quite a gap until 100 and then quite a gap until 420 and then another gap until say a thousand dollars and large gaps so on. Until you go higher and that's why, when a large hedge fund gets liquidated, pretty much, the entire amc order book is going to be bought up all at once, and therefore the amc price will gap up until it reaches the next area of resistance, which may not Be until a thousand dollars or four thousand two hundred dollars or ten thousand dollars and so on and so forth, and when we start getting up into those crazy digits as well, pretty much every single hedge fund or every single institution or every single person. That is shorting amc with leverage is going to get liquidated all at the same time, and that's going to mean that millions and millions and millions of shares are all going to be covered at exactly the same time.

Therefore, clearing out the entire amc order book until you get to the next point of resistance, that may not be until four hundred thousand dollars or eight hundred thousand dollars and so on as well. Now, hopefully, that may have answered some of the questions that you had about. The amc short squeeze also be sure to leave a comment down below. Let me know what you think about rich greenfield's possible admittance to illegal market manipulation.
Now also, if you want to pick yourself up a space ape hoodie or a space, a t-shirt or even one of my to the moon t-shirts be sure to check out the link down in the description below to my clothing store and as always guys. If you enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my others, alternatively, subscribe to channel and ding that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted. When i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Illegal amc analyst price target exposed πŸ”₯ – amc stock short squeeze”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebecca Woodcock says:

    I have 3 shares which I got free through freetrade, I don't have a lot but I've been holding since Β£9 I hope to make more as every bit will go towards buying a house!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ddd bbb says:

    Hey, gary gensler speak today(tuesday) at committee. I don't have anything against gary, but the Lawmakers seem to be more interested in crypto regulation and not alot about stock market manipulation (dark pool) abuse. Thought, protecting investors sounds good however, crypto has a platform with its dark pool(kraken).
    If lawmakers give gary the power over for crypto, and gives lead way for any HF like citadel, could the same abuse and misuse happen in crypto market? Thanks.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith travis says:

    AMC is a Great stocks, and I just bought in on them, but I'm interested in making short term profit, let say turning $10K to $80k-$100k in weeks, I'd appreciate tips on what stocks to buy to make this much profit.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro rosa says:

    Hi Great recap. I'm glad to have been able to achieve success in forex trading when i read through your post about a bitcoin and how to get started with the help of Expert Mrs Lucy

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HarveyDentTheCat says:

    Thomas, over the course of a few months, I've come to find you are the most informative and least annoying youtuber. I really enjoy your videos. Keep em coming!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LETHALNJEKTiON says:

    Honestly I’d never know about β€œanalyst fud” if youtubers didn’t talk about it, kinda ironic isn’t it?

    Also I noticed AMCX being talked about with GME again I guess they’re doing what they did in early July trying to get people to buy AMCX instead of AMC….

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nader Sohrabi says:

    Thats why Citadel is massively shorting GNUS. Because they're long Disney. They get their partners te motley fool to write a hit piece every time there's GNUS news. Hundreds. FTD's are off the chain. Telling you, GNUS IS NEXT

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Piggy Pig says:

    I’m bought in at 55.90 and got my average cost down to 53.20 hoping to see profit tomorrow πŸ‘

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars highkari says:

    Before anybody gets mad at you for trying to make money, I think it's perfectly reasonable for you to try to monetize this awesome bit of media that you create.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Tsai says:

    The more analysts and financial news promote selling AMC or GME is indication to HODL or add to the position on pullback.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shelly white says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Smith says:

    If everyone sets a sell order of $1000 then the price will absolutely fly

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Brogan says:

    I have always refused to order anything from Amazon.People have been spoiled,sitting at home and ordering.I prefer to shop in real stores and support local business.I want to see what I am spending my money on before I buy.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Fernandez says:

    The bible warned them it says and I quote " everything done in the dark pools will eventually come to the light " and my how the light has exposed it all their shady shenanigans.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richie Sacolic says:

    Why would they even try to hide their illegal Bullshit they get away with it every day no conceqences

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richie Sacolic says:

    Shitadell can have my AMC shares when they pry them out my cold dead finger's OR when they give me 6 digits each

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hary mas says:

    One cents? πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ let dem bring it to 30 again matter facts bring it 1 I will buy a 1000 more shares

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravous Wintersong says:

    New to all of this, but what if AMC would go bankrupt? Do we lose all our stocks or will it squeeze first and then.. I don't know? Please advise, trying to understand as a learning ape πŸ™‚

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars barry4347 says:

    But who do they buy the Puts from,surely they will sell as many outs as a market maker and traded as they can buy

    The cost of Puts will flow from institution to institution so effectively they are all betting against each other

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Lee says:

    I promise I will buy one of each of your shirts after this shit squeezes.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jagga Ruby says:

    AMC/GME IS THE ONLY PLAY RIGHT NOW….no questions asked!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H smith says:

    What have we learned in the last nine months? anyone? we've learned not to listen to analyst and financial shows, they're all full of shit, once this is done I personally won't invest in the stock market again, my eyes have been opened, and unless I'm running my own hedge fund, I'm out.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BoSS365 says:

    My 9 year old entrepreneur son spent all hard earned ice tea stand money to buy 13 shares. He watches you every day over and over. He actually talks about this movement at school and to his buddies. He is 100% a mini 🦍. He would love your to the moon hoodie and I’ll order to Canada for him. Any idea how big the smallest size you have is?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher West says:

    trx and amc will double in price within next few weeks then moon 10-20x t o new floor

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