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In this video, I break down extensively the Top Stocks to buy now for this week. PSYCHOLOGY and ANALYSIS are also included (as always).
💎 Daily Stock Analysis Videos are released 6PM-10PM CT.
Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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Stocks in this video: RCL REGN NVDA TTCF AMC DKNG
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Everybody welcome back to the channel. My name is pauline guma, founder of neurology lab in today's video i'm going to be sharing with y'all a stock that will explode tomorrow and why keep it on your watches and i'm also going to be answering some of you guys. Questions for those of you all who drop your stocks, adventures in the comments section of tuesday night's video right after the intro alright. So before we begin again, do not forget to annihilate the like button on your way in all right.

So, let's get started um right off. The bat today was a pretty good day for all of the bulls out there. So if you are holding calls on certain stocks, congratulations um. I told you all.

I have been telling y'all that i've been very, very bullish on the market and that the price target that i had for the spy was anywhere over here at like 40 to um 30, all right, which is a very easy target, we're right next to it, and I honestly think that we can go a little bit higher tomorrow. I think i think that we can break through these previous highs over here and climb up towards, like 42 45, maybe even 42.50, going into the holiday weekend. All right so definitely keep the overall market on your watches, for some more money to be flooded into this thing, all right, so yeah now the stock that all of you should be keeping in your watches for tomorrow. That stock is rcl all right and the reason why i want to share rcl with all of you is because number one: it is a cruise lines.

It's uh, the cruise lines is very bullish. They had a phenomenal week number two. If you check out the daily time frame, you can see that there is a very clean flag right on the chart that broke out yesterday and it's continuing with a lot of strength today, and i don't think it's done yet. It's very far from over um.

I think that we can see this thing push higher um. I think he's going to do it tomorrow, all right. I really think so. I think it's going to push harder towards the 100 mark, maybe even a little bit over that maybe like 102 103 tomorrow.

So definitely keep that one in your watches, for all of you, yolo traders out there there could be an opportunity for you on those yolo calls. So definitely keep that one. In your watches, we have been very, very bullish, um in the discord with the travel stocks. Again, i shared ba with all of you.

I think it was like over the weekend we've been watching that one since, like the 20th of may, all right, we've been stocking that one and it's been doing phenomenal for us as well, so definitely keep rcl on your watch list. Now, let's talk about you guys stocks of interest against. You always ask some wonderful questions. Um, the first one that we're going to tackle that stock is drafting and drafting currently is currently recovering.

Quite well. All right, i, like the stock elected way it is pushing over here now. Is this thing done yet? I don't think that we're gon na see this move right here. I do not think so.
I don't think we're gon na go down. I think that we're going to go a little bit higher towards the 42.50 mark, maybe even like 53 - i mean 52.50 and maybe even 53 dollars before we consolidate some more and then eventually run higher or go more sideways for like an entire month and then go Towards the new highs, all right, i'm not bearish on the stock at all. I think it's just going to go here. I think this is this is where long-term investors shine, they buy these dips, they buy more dips and now they're doing it again right over here.

So keep that one on your watches for a potential recovery to the upside. Now the next one that somebody asked about. Somebody have been asking about um r e g d and r e g n um, i'm not trading the stock at all and the reason why i'm not trading it is because the money is not flowing that way. We all know where the point is flowing.

It's not flowing in this thought this like it is really it's not moving much. The only people who are winning here are bears, and then their contracts are probably not that great um, and there is really like not not enough opportunity on here. So i'm not touching it if you are trading it, hopefully you are doing it cautiously, because i do see a bear flag on here right and if that bear flag actually plays out well, we could see this thing tumbled all the way back down. Let me just do that right, uh! Let me just do this.

If that bear flag plays out just right, we can see that in tumble to 450, maybe even like 440 within the next few days. So hopefully, hopefully we should see this thing going bounce over here and then climb back here and then just stay in here all right and then eventually just doing something else, but as of right now this is a very dangerous spot to be going along. So just manage your risk accordingly manage your risk. Accordingly and honestly, i will just tell you to focus on something else, because again, there's so much opportunities out there.

Other stocks that like pay more so uh, just just be aware of that um, the next one that we're going to be talking about in this video, this stock is ttcf all right and gtcf has been doing phenomenal. I thought i shared this one with all of you in a previous video. I think it was like somewhere between 17 or 18, to watch this thing for a long. I drew the floor for you guys and i've been telling y'all that long-term investors love these dips.

They love it. This is where they shine. This is where they step in and they become the support right. They push it over here they push it higher and so far it's been doing quite good.

So at this point, if you've been going long on this one like as a swing trade, you may want to pay yourself very very soon, because i don't think it's going to do that much damage. I think it's probably going to consolidate some more and then eventually he's going to run, especially for those of y'all who are holding options. You don't want to be crushed by the theta, so just keep that in mind moving forward right, but it is like almost in the middle of that circle, which is 25, so i think it has some potential but as always pay yourself as things go up all Right now, um another stock. Another stock that somebody had been asking about that stock is the video nvda.
The video the video have been like. It's been a phenomenal stuff for us, especially like we've been trading it since here since, like the 580s and the 600s, and i got out of it for this little reason. It's very simple reason. Honestly, it's right here all right as soon as this thing fell.

I was out of there. I was gone and i learned that everybody took it out because the stock wasn't gon na do much so um and eventually, as you can see, the stock didn't do anything gambling through earnings. You don't want to be doing that, whether you were long or short um. If you don't know what i mean like going through earnings is the easiest way to lose all of your money.

Nobody want here, not the longs, not the shorts. If you go over to the tray tab, you can clearly see that on both sides of the chain. Everybody got annihilated negative eighty percent on the contracts that are at the money negative forty five negative, fifty percent negative sixty six percent for all of these contracts. Nobody won again.

This is another important lesson, especially for all of you who may be beginners, who think about going through these like to hold positions through earnings, not a good idea. This is how you get crushed, so um try to stay away from from earnings report, even though it's very very tempted on certain stocks. Now, where is the video gon na go? I don't know i don't have any positions in this at all and until it gives me a reason to actually trade it i'm not touching it and it actually looks kind of bearish. So we will see, could it collapse a little bit? Maybe all right again.

I have no idea - and i'm not going to guess and tell you that it's going up, that it's going to go in a specific direction, because i really do not know - and i'm just watching it on the sidelines now. The last stock that we're going to be talking about today is none other than amc. We got ta talk about amc. Of course we have to talk about amc now in the previous videos, the previous videos that were titled this stock is about to go parabolic.

The first one was ford and ford hit 15, so hopefully some of y'all paid yourself all right um. Could it go higher, probably all right, but it's very important to pay yourself so congrats to anybody who are able to take some to be able to take that trade on forward to 15. Today, amc went right through that circle that i drew in that video and it went a little higher towards the 29 and 76 dollar region. So congratulations to all of you on that one.
Some of our members did pretty well in the discord which i will show you guys as well um. Where could this thing go? Let me just let me just do this first. All right, so here is how how some of our members did in the discord. So this started today: um the these people were sold and so right out the gates.

First and foremost, this person right here was up 200. again um. He had some calls on airlines and again we, as i told you, we were very, very bullish on ba and i was expecting magical unicorn nukes to hit ba and as soon as it did i started selling in the morning. As you can see, people will start selling as well.

This person made 343 dollars on a ba yolo call. Another person made more money on va on the very first trade and, as you can see over here, this is another vehicle ba was paying today. Va did phenomenal so uh again more people made more money over here. This is from mara, oh yeah, i told y'all to have had yolo calls amara that i was waiting like an extra day to um sell mara.

It didn't take that extra day and btc got to 41 000 and something before i got paid, so everybody also got me to let everybody know to exit as soon as it opened and as soon as it failed to reach. Let me see, let me show you guys, mara mara, all right as soon as this thing fails to reach like that thing, 27 and it crumbled. I was out of there and then everybody started taking their money off the table. So congratulations to you, um.

Another person made more money on va, so that's ba was essentially the first stock that we were like taking our money out of it. Exploded everybody's account and increased it by like 50 plus even another person made 3 900 on va calls again, as it tells you magical unicorn news. We were waiting for it. We were very prepared for it and we made bank on air.

Another person was up another grand um, let's go on here. Let's move on to the amc trades now this is some of the results from some of our members with amc um, this person made 1526 dollars. Again we can go on. The list is long and long like so many people have been crushing it.

Another person was up ninety six hundred dollars just today um another person since they have joined again. This is their monthly p. L they're up by there by a lot all right, they're up by a lot on here and if we scroll down some more somebody today had an amazing day crushed it um. He was up by like 35 grand, i think.

Where is he at? Whereas yeah? It's a long list of games, people, it's just a long list of games, so somebody was up seven grand. Let me show you a list of all of the place that we were in over here again. These are all of the place that we were in and this person just crushed it up 13 grand shout out to you for making so much money on that play. Um the next one again, another amc trade.

This person was up 3 800 dollars. What uh? Oh one more person, he was up by thirty five hundred dollars on the amc calls again. I've been sharing all of that with y'all as well, since it was like, like thirteen dollars, sunglasses the you, the viewers as well, who made money on amc, i'm just giving a few shout outs to some of our members who did phenomenally well one person. Oh, my god, this person did um again more more more gains on this one, so overall, just a phenomenal trade.
I could go on this forever, but we, this video, is getting a little too long. Now. Let me just answer this one question for y'all: where could amc go? Where could amc go? I think. I think that it's going to go a little bit higher towards like towards 32, maybe 35 like somewhere over here tomorrow.

Before we experience some turbulence all right and by turbulence i mean there may be a scare like a a pretty wild scare, so um just be on the lookout for that it is overextended and to all of you who are still holding calls on this. One remember to pay yourself some all right. You don't have to sell everything if you don't want to, and i i'm very aware of the calls and i do support it - squeeze the short sellers squish the headphones. Yes, i am all for that all right, but again for all of you who may be beginners out there who are seeing this and your pupils are so wide and all you see is money and you want to go in recklessly with all the yolo calls be Very, very careful, okay and make sure that when you're winning you take off some money and you pay yourself ass is climbing up all right.

So that's my very honest opinion on amc, and that is the end of the video again. Do not forget to annihilate the like button for the youtube algorithm, as always, it helps channel out and allows more people to get this knowledge as well. Also, if you are new to the channel, definitely click on subscribe and click on the notification bell. Along with all notifications, that way, you don't miss out on future uploads if you're interested in being part of our private discord and know exactly when i get in the details of the contracts and when i get out along with all of the players and be a Part of or a pretty talented, talented group of traders definitely check out the very first link in the description of the video below also, if you're not following us on social media, you can find me at paulinguma in our pedanology lab on instagram and on twitter and, Lastly, if all of this is brand new to you, if you're interested in getting started in the stock market, i'll have some step-by-step directions in the description of the video below step, one to step three, it only takes about 15 minutes or less for you to get Set up with all the tools you need to start trading immediately.

You can also get two free stocks right after you sign up with weibo, using my third link in the description of the video below once again. Ladies gentlemen, my name is pauline guma, with analogy lab, where we trade patterns patterns only - and i will see all of you in the next video right - enjoy the outro. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “This stock will explode tomorrow!🔥🔥🔥”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fake Nameq says:

    Im so glad there is 2x playback speed

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Litchfield says:

    Wejo merging with the SPAC $VOSO and compare those warrants to $SAII (a similar company but with LOWER revenue) you can clearly see $VOSO/W is deeply undervalued. I’m going to make a video about it. Wejo is backed by PALANTIR and GM (General Motors owns about 40%) I hope you check it out it will reap big gains. Cheers !

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jemoi soldiew says:

    Hey teacher how's RCL looking still?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars walther ppk says:

    C3 AI earnings is today 6/1/2021, opinions: buy or wait. solid company. New 5 yr contract w/ shell also.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4000cash says:

    $trtx what do u guys think of this stock looks like its getting out of a flag?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kustomer Kare says:

    Saitamainu just launched and they doing crazy, watch them explode, they just formed a partnership with teslainu!!!
    can you review them, cheers

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Lodge says:

    Investing in Gold and crypto currency now should be in every wise individuals list, in 2 to 3 years time, you will be estactic with the decision you made today

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lo-fi Ari says:

    Can you check out MRNA, it’s got a very bullish pattern, triple top

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Marsden says:

    I've been trading stocks for some time now and I keep seeing this AMC stock pop up whenever I open my youtube app. I have never really payed close attention to it, but then this video makes me want to get in. Is it a good buy at this point?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quarantine Exercises says:

    Hi paul how can i get access to the discord? I payalready in the launchpad .thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jebril26 says:

    Thanks for the congratulations on Mara 😊 You are the 🐐

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hans T says:

    So what now? Should I buy GOED?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sotas Sotas says:

    Made 50K profit on Friday on 40 AMC CALLS YESSSSSSSS

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rawgorem says:

    Bro how can I master technical analysis like you?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Brown says:

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Le says:

    Hey bro I’m from Australia, Sydney. New to ur channel but I do have some stock in the us. What ur take on Pitney Bowes inc and CTRM (minus -140%)? Can u do an analysis on this? Thank bro

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Mills says:

    It is sad to say that there are still people at a loss in the stock market because of lack of knowledge and simple mistakes or incorrect handling, no jokes. that hasnt been my case beause i was been assisted by Mrs. Maria Perez Options , she is a woman that I would never stop working wih. I invested my capital wisely, I just wanted to try it with a moderate start-up , I obtained my profit in the first few weeks after trading with relief, she is the most qualified trader and you can contact her .she is a genius and a very good woman

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mattew Harnandez says:

    People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in bitcoin

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jkeyz233 says:

    I’m finna join the discord tonight. It’s time to make some shake🔥🔥

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    Flip a coin you will make more money than following any trading guru

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Cavanaugh says:

    I've listened to the beginning of this 3 times. What stock are you talking about???

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AdrienMcGill says:

    Can you please do NOK🔥🔥love the videos

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Augustus Caesar says:

    African Pride. Take a look at United States well services USWS on the NASDAQ. They Announced all electric oil drill fleet. This is not financial advice.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert Santiago says:

    Made some 💰 on Ford bro thanks always

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TOMAS CIKATRICIS says:

    Brooooo I’m just loosing $700 on AMC today so far 😩 26% down and -70% 🤨 Hopefully gonna go up again

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Ali says:

    Hi bro how about ( BLRX )asked you before days ago brother

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Eyes says:

    The market is inarguably becoming one of the most successful trading platforms and professional traders have a big say to this, majority of us don't even know what platform to buy shares from and even lack knowledge on how to trade successfully

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Berube says:

    Have you seen HMBL? another 12% growth today and going up. $1.53 price at the moment. Get in while you still can. Its a rocket

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. Nick says:

    Thank you! Put a sell in for 34!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goutham Govada says:

    If we sign up today for discord group, does it charge me today and again on June 1st?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Cole says:

    Buy HPQ now! It actually had a great earnings report yesterday! Can be a swing for at least 1.00 pop up!.💥💫 Im Long.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee DMD says:

    Hey Paul 🙋‍♂️ Pls let us know about MVIS option calls? 🙏🙏🙏

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahul Gupta says:

    I want to invest a chunk of my AMC earnings in dividend stocks and expand my holdings to make a career out of this. Getting into the stock market has changed a lot for me already and I wouldn't have learned as Much as I have without People like you.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Positive Vibe says:


    Can you look at NOK🐃

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessy Young says:

    After this Dip its gonna be a Massive explosions in the Bitcoin market, now is the right time to invest more and not sale your coin

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