Here are my thoughts on the six BEST ways to invest $100 ASAP, and exactly how I would make the most of your first investment - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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The first thing I’d do is buy the book: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
The SECOND book I would get is “How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.
The THIRD book I'd buy is “The 4 Hour Work Week” by Timothy Ferris.
And fourth…get the book “Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki Robin.
All 4 of those books should cost you less than $50 TOTAL…and I PROMISE YOU, if you actually go through and read everything I just mentioned…it will be IMPOSSIBLE that these books don’t pay for themselves, at least 100x over, throughout the next 10 years.
I would treat $100 as your ticket to real-world experiences that will help you learn how to evaluate companies, research fundamentals on your own, understand how swing trading works, learn what all these terms mean, get the full range investing emotions, and otherwise fund your education with $100 in the market.
This was a strategy that Warren Buffet also employed when he was a teenager….believe it or not, his first business was a $25 pinball machine that he set up in a barbershop in 1946, when he was 17 years old. Their business was fairly simple: Warren Buffet bought the machine and negotiated with the barbershop, his friend would fix the machine, and they would split the profits evenly. After a week, they had enough money to buy a SECOND pinball machine - and from there, their business grew.
The goal with this should be to turn your $100 into a larger amount, that THEN begins to make a difference in terms of where you invest it. For example, maybe you turn $100 into $2000…which then goes back into the stock market, and grows to $2500 over the next year….or, maybe that $2000 is enough to start up a new business, or pay for a professional certification that winds up earning you way more as a career. The choice is yours, but $100 here should be more than enough to get started.
FIFTH: Cryptocurrency
If you believe in a particular project, or one type of cryptocurrency, that you want to invest $100 into…it has the chance to do well, if you’re okay with the risk of losing all of it.
Businesses will often give YOU FREE THINGS, OR FREE MONEY simply for signing up and trying them out - it’s their way of paying for marketing, except instead of paying an advertiser to run an ad on your screen - they just give that money to you directly, and then - it’s a win win scenario for everyone.
And really, at the end of the day, those 6 ways of investing $100 should really be used to either further your education, which will stay with you for the rest of your life…OR, be used in such a way so it grows to a larger amount, where it can have more of an impact.
The goal with this shouldn’t necessarily be to pick the riskiest thing you can and then hope for the best…but, instead, spending it on strategies that have a high chance of making you MORE money in the future, while providing you with a really great experience along the way.
My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment:
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice. Public Offer valid for U.S. residents 18+ and subject to account approval. There may be other fees associated with trading. See

What's up, graham, it's guys here so the other week, i posted a video about how to make a hundred dollars a day in passive income, but i'll be honest. Most of that video assumes a long-term investment, consistent work and slowly building up to an amount that would actually one day lead you to making a hundred dollars a day. But now i think we should take the opposite approach, because i'm feeling impatient and instead of focusing on something that might take you potentially decades to work towards, we should flip the script and talk about the best ways that you could begin investing a hundred dollars. Right now, with the expectation of eventually making as much money as possible, my thinking is this most likely a hundred dollars is an amount that almost everyone watching this video has access to.

So it's worth going into the best ways that you can invest that money immediately in such a way that nearly anyone could do as soon as this video is over and even though a hundred dollars might not seem like a lot of money. Initially, it is possible to replicate some of these strategies, whether you have a thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars or even a hundred thousand dollars, because at the end of the day, these strategies don't change. So if you can get a good grasp on how to invest a hundred dollars right now, that will be money very well spent. But first i got a huge favor to ask of you.

There is a lot of work that goes into consistently posting three videos like this every single week on the channel. So if you appreciate them or find them even remotely helpful, just do me a huge favor and destroy the like button for the youtube algorithm. That's it! It's totally free to do. It helps up my channel tremendously and it gives me a good indication of the types of videos you want to see.

More of so thank you guys so much for doing that and with that said, let's get into the video alright. So, let's just get this out of the way. This is going to be one of the few videos where i don't tell you to invest a hundred dollars in a broad index fund. While you sit back and collect that sweet sweet, eight percent return, because here's the thing, even though i'm a huge proponent of the index fund strategy, the reality is earning.

Eight percent on a hundred dollars is not going to turn itself into a life-changing amount of money. There are better strategies out there that will give you a much higher roi and a much faster return, which is why i'd recommend that you buy a lottery ticket just kidding. If 100 is all that you have to invest - and you know you one day want to be rolling around in money. The first thing that i would buy is education.

Now i've actually grown to really dislike videos like this, which tell you to invest in yourself, because it's usually the most generic garbage advice out there coming from someone who wants to sell you a 997 program. But the truth is good. Education can actually make you a significant amount of money and you could really buy yourself pretty much everything you need to know for well under a 100, and these are my recommendations. The first thing i do is go and buy the book think and grow rich by napoleon hill.
This is probably the first book that i read myself cover to cover that wasn't for a school project or goosebumps, and i got ta say i absolutely credit this book for helping me become, who i am today. This book literally gives you the blueprint of being the type of person who attracts wealth with solid actionable tips. The entire time plus the 1937 version of this book is now considered public domain, meaning it's available for free. If you want to read it online, so i'll link to it down below in the description for anyone who wants to give it a shot now.

The second book that i would recommend is how to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie. The reality is no matter who you are or what you want to do on some level, you're always going to be working with or collaborating with other people, and this book really helps. You understand other people's perspectives while being a better communicator at the exact same time, plus there's also some free audiobook options on youtube. So there's really no reason not to try this then.

The third book i would go and read is the four hour work week by timothy ferris. This book really gets you thinking in terms of how to accurately value your time, how to work as efficiently as possible and how to maximize how much money you make so go ahead. Buy it read it and at the very least, it's going to make you think outside the box and finally, fourth go and get the book, your life or your money by vicki robin. For me, this is really one of the first introductions i ever got to the idea of financial independence, because this really helps put it in perspective in terms of how much our time is valued and how we should evaluate our expenses in terms of hours worked and Not dollars spent, it really helps paint a different picture that we should align our spending in ways that we find the most valuable to us like, of course, smashing the like button for the youtube algorithm.

Okay, but seriously, all four of those books should easily cost you less than 50 and i promise, if you actually go through and read all of them, it will be impossible that these books don't pay for themselves a hundred times over over the next 10 years. Then, after that, the second investment that you can make with 100 is within the stock market. Again, i know it's gon na sound, like i've been taken over by an alien for saying this, but if a hundred dollars is all you have to invest, then most likely you're best off buying individual stocks. Now before everyone goes off on me by saying, but graham you can't go, get any meaningful returns in the stock market with only a hundred dollars.

It's too risky plus you should be teaching good habits of, buy and hold index fund. Investing. Okay, fine just hear me out, no matter how you slice it unless you look into buying the next gamestop or dogecoin at the perfect point in riding it to the moon, investing a hundred dollars is most likely not going to make you a substantial amount of money And even though i would recommend an index fund for a consistent long-term investment, if your only goal is to invest a hundred dollars as fast as possible with the highest possible roi buying individual stocks has a lot of advantages that initially aren't so obvious. What you're going to quickly realize is that it's one thing to read about the theories of what you should and shouldn't do when it comes to investing, but i promise you all of that goes out the window as soon as you have your own money at stake.
You're going to find yourself panicking at the slightest glimpse of your stock, going down in price or getting a little bit too greedy as soon as the stock goes up faster than you anticipated or getting impatient. If your stock does nothing but stay flat, so i would treat that 100 as your ticket to getting real world experience in terms of managing your emotions, evaluating companies, understanding the fundamentals on your own learning, how swing trading works, learning? What all of these terms mean and just getting a good education of what it means to be an investor? I promise this is going to be a lesson you'll be so glad to have had that experience early on and investing 100 now, where you can make all of your mistakes ahead of time, is going to be a lot more expensive than losing more money later on. When you're not sure of what you're doing now in terms of how you could get started, i would recommend you use a free stock trading brokerage that allows you to buy fractional shares and then, from there research the companies that you use on a daily basis. You could then utilize all the free resources on youtube, reddit, cnbc, cnn and so on and absorb as much information as you possibly can.

If you want a recommendation of which brokerage to sign up with public gives you a bit of a mixture of everything between no commissions on stock trades, fractional shares that you could buy with as little as a dollar and a social media aspect of investors that talk About nothing other than investing plus, i have a link in the description where, if you sign up, you can get a totally free stock worth all the way up to 50 and even better if you sign up using the link down below and deposit 100 on the Platform by may 7th one person is going to be getting a completely free stock of tesla. That right now is worth over 700, but either way, no matter what platform you want to invest in with a hundred dollars. In a weekend of your free time, you can learn so much information out there. That's really going to give you a great understanding of how to invest in the stock market.
Then. Third, if your only goal with 100 is to try to make as much money as possible as fast as possible, if you're willing to put in the work, you could use that hundred dollars towards starting a small business like buying lawn care equipment and then, of course, Soliciting your neighbors for a job now again part of me cringes, at the advice of telling people to go and buy a lawn mower and go and mow lawns, because it's such cliche advice. But the reality is it's a really viable way to make money and there's a reason why so many people say to do this. For example, here's a used lawnmower that you could buy for eighty dollars where brand new it's four hundred dollars with tax.

Then you could go and charge thirty dollars an hour for your time and within an afternoon that lawn mower is completely paid for and everything else after that is gravy. This is the same strategy that warren buffett employed when he was a teenager, believe it or not. His first business was a 25 pinball machine that he set up in a barber shop in 1946 when he was 17 years old. This business was fairly simple.

Warren buffett bought the machine and negotiated with the store owner, his friend fixed the machine, and they split the profit evenly within a week. They had enough money to go and buy a second pinball machine and from there the business grew a year later. Warren buffett ended up selling that business for a thousand dollars all from a 25 initial investment. So strategies like this can absolutely work, even though it's kind of cheesy to go and think about investing 100 into buying lawn care equipment just think outside the box and get creative with what you have to offer.

Maybe it's car washes shoveling snow mowing, lawns, cleaning windows, just think of things that you could do with a hundred dollars and then go for it, and i got ta say if you put in the time there's no other investment out there like this. That will pay for itself so many times over after that. Fourth, we have another one, that's been glamorized by so many youtube and tick tock videos, and that would be flipping items. This is the idea that you could take something small like a paper clip and slowly flip, that into something of value like a house, and if you think, that's impossible, then just consider this.

There was a story a few months ago about a woman who started out with a bobby pin, eventually traded up to a vacuum cleaner to a snowboard, to headphones to camera, equipment, to a car and eventually to a small trailer cabin getting started with. This is incredibly easy too here in the us craigslist offers, what's called a free section, where everything is the low cost of zero dollars, just go and pick it up for free and from there you're ready to sell it to someone else for a profit. Like here's. A totally free, granite counter and sync just pick it up, take some better pictures and re-list it somewhere else for a hundred dollars.
Your initial investment is gon na go a long way in terms of paying for the cost of labor and gas to go and pick it up, and everything after that is profit. This strategy was also a favorite of gary vee. Who would talk non-stop about this? A few years ago, as a way to make money for absolutely free, and the entire point of this, was that almost anyone has access to make it work as long as you're willing to put in the time, plus it's going to give you a really valuable experience. In terms of learning how to value an item, how to market a product how to work with other people and how to negotiate, so you get a fair price for what you have to offer.

Then, if you want to take this up a notch, you could also buy items on ebay that you know are worth more money that you could then re-list and sell later for a profit. Now, even though you're going to have to be mindful of ebay fees and shipping costs, if you know what to look for, you could absolutely make money doing this with as little as a hundred dollars. After that number five, we have the riskiest of all of them. The one that would scare a lot of people and that would be using a hundred dollars and invest in cryptocurrency.

So here's the thing anytime, you invest your money, there's, certainly a risk versus reward ratio that you have to consider like. Basically, the amount of money that you could make is directly correlated with the likelihood that you might lose everything, for example, throw a hundred dollars in an index fund and the chances of you losing any money over 20 years after inflation is pretty much non-existent. But put that same investment into cryptocurrency and you could either have thousands tens of thousands or even millions of dollars or absolutely nothing. That's why the greater the chance that you have of losing money, the more upside there is to gain, and that's where cryptocurrency comes in.

Even though i'm rather optimistic about bitcoin and ethereum, and a hundred dollars invested in bitcoin in 2009 would now be worth over 50 million dollars today. Finding the next bitcoin or any other currency that would see a similar sort of return is really just like a shot in the dark. But if you believe in a particular project - or you have one type of currency, that you want to invest a hundred dollars into, it, has the chance to do well, even though you have a risk of losing all of it and for every great bitcoin and ethereum Out there there's a big connect that went completely bust when it was discovered. It was a giant ponzi scheme.

However, if you do your research and you're familiar with, what's being offered, i'm sure over the next 10 years, this is really just the beginning. Even 100. Investment in dogecoin two years ago would now be worth ten thousand dollars today and even though those ones are certainly anomalies. Who knows what the future holds.
So if you want a high risk, high reward way of investing a hundred dollars while getting the experience of researching different projects along the way, this is certainly a viable option and, lastly, number six: you could use your 100 and hustle promotional offers for free stuff. Here's the thing businesses will often give you free money or free stuff, just for signing up and trying them out it's their way of paying for marketing, except instead of paying an advertiser to run an ad in front of you. They just choose to give you that money instead and then it's a win-win scenario for everybody. This is something i still do all the time.

If a bank account offers me a sign up, bonus or a new credit card gives me a whole bunch of points or if a company offers money back using a referral link. I go ahead and do it because, in my opinion, it makes sense to get something for free that i was planning on doing anyway. Here's a few examples, like i mentioned earlier, the free stock trading app public is going to be giving you a free stock worth all the way up to 50 dollars. When you sign up using the link in the description, the way i see it is that if you qualify, you may as well.

Do it because it'll take you a few minutes of your time and doesn't cost you anything from the company's perspective. They hope that the free stock is going to be enough for you to try their platform with the hope that long term you're gon na like and use them. If not well, then that's the cost of doing business. But you may as well use that to your advantage plus, like i said, if you deposit 100, on the platform by may 7th, one person is going to be getting a completely free stock of tesla.

That now is trading for over 700. There's. Also plenty of examples of other brokerages doing this. You can literally just go down the list getting a whole bunch of free stocks in the process for really just a few minutes of your time.

Coinbase also does something similar to this, where, if you use a referral link and buy a hundred dollars worth of cryptocurrency on the platform, you will get another ten dollars worth of bitcoin and the person who referred you will also get ten dollars for the bitcoin. This is what i did when i first signed up and i used someone else's referral link on coinbase. So if you want to use mine the link to that is down below in the description. But honestly, it doesn't matter who you use just use something so that that way you get a free ten dollars, whereas otherwise you'd be getting nothing, and even though now we get into the more than a hundred dollars category.

There are so many other promotional offers out there that could pay you a significant amount of money, for example, signing up for a credit card spending 500 in the first three months, and they will give you back 200 on a credit card that costs you absolutely nothing To open and keep active, i would do this all the time and open up multiple credit cards every single year, just because i wanted the signup bonus. So if you have the spare time and don't mind using a hundred dollars to take advantage of some of these promotional offers, this could be a great way to eventually build up to a thousand dollars at which point you're, gon na have more money to reinvest elsewhere And really, at the end of the day, those six ways of investing a hundred dollars should really be used towards education, which will stay with you for the rest of your life or be used in such a way that will grow to a larger amount where it Will eventually have more of an impact? The goal with this one shouldn't necessarily be to pick the riskiest thing you possibly can with the highest upside and then hope for the best like going and buying a lotto ticket, but instead spending it on something that you could learn from. That gives you a great experience with a high likelihood of making you more money long term. All of these options, in my opinion, will give you a really great starting point and really no matter what happens long term to that hundred dollars.
I promise you it's gon na, be such a great experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the like button. Subscribe button and notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i post pretty much daily.

So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As my second channel, the gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you want that free stock use, link down below in the description public is going to be giving you a free stock worth all the way up to 50.

Plus you have a chance to get a completely free stock of tesla, so you may as well go and do that plus i'm posting all my own stock trades on there. So if you want to be a part of it link down below, thank you guys. So much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “How to turn $100 into $1000 (6 best ways)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Kelley says:

    Thanks for the video, We all have problems; the way we solve them is what makes us different, i pray anybody reading this God will solve all your problems.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars APP GAMING ZERO says:

    Ok I'll try this if it doesn't work I'm unsubscribing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rico Jones says:

    Make a video specifically about what index funds are It would help you out and us

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmet Hakan Ç says:

    When referencing corporate America, he said “They don’t really care about you as they make it seem” realest thing he said…I’ve seen experienced it first hand in the DMV. Black ppl aren’t really respected in corporate America. Glad that he was able to get out of there and become his own boss Topbrandwave🎡COM

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creditrepairport on Telegram says:

    I invest 1.56btc 🔝🔝🔝🔝to withdraw 5btc 💯 assured 🔝👍👍👍..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creditrepairport on Telegram says:

    I invest 1.56btc 🔝🔝🔝🔝to withdraw 5btc 💯 assured 🔝👍👍👍..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creditrepairport on Telegram says:

    I invest 1.56btc 🔝🔝🔝🔝to withdraw 5btc 💯 assured 🔝👍👍👍..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Moore says:

    I count myself to be successful in trading with the help of my broker, her strategies are top notch

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Legaspi says:

    Lol you said what's up Graham it's guys here at the beginning

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luis J. says:

    I got 20k to start off, I want to start mining with it… any tips?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Stephenson says:

    But if I destroy the like button, no one else will be able to like🥺

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Morris says:

    Never stop dreaming. Be hungry and never stop believing in your dreams. If someone can do it, you can do it. Be strong

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AP Cuh says:

    I found a sectional couch for free and sold it for $750

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bella Nova says:

    I make massive profit on my investment since i started investing with Mrs Mihaela Linda, her trading strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges when trading with her

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jordan hudson says:

    I could of done without the fire in the background man lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars something says:

    "Whats up (Graham), Its Guys Here👋" got me Worried But Laughing👍

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Aldrighetti says:

    its been a long time since the last time I watched one of your videos… This one just reminded me of the reason why I followed you. YOU'RE SIMPLY AWESOME! Literally destroying the like button (:

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ziffel22 says:

    This video was full of great advice. It is the second one of your videos that I've watched but I see why you have so many subscribers and views. Great stuff, Graham.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey U says:

    Lawn care hustle is real. Dropped 10k on equipment and I make a good 500-700 every Saturday for lawns alone excluding other work

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Hill says:

    I just realized that he fliped the screen at the very beginning to make a more dramatic shot… subtle…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bıraktı says:

    This what I never expect I received 50 Btc just now from help of Real-Source-Investment your legit sir 💯

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Moments says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Biondass says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAÇ ZİRVESİ says:

    I would love to see an estimate of how much is the hour spent into setting up a yt channel valued. That is, if you were to stop creating content how much money would you get per month and what would the resale value of your channel be, considering that return ~RealSourceInvestment~ was my REDEMPTION

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Sauber says:

    Why do you always say what’s up Graham it’s Guys here? Backwards on purpose?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martins mark says:

    Hello, I'm new to Bitcoin trade and I've been making losses but recently I see a lot of people earning from it. Please can someone tell me what I'm doing worng

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Fletcher says:

    The 1937 version of Think and Grow Rich is filled with so much metaphysical claptrap as to stimulate the average person’s gag reflex. Don’t be cheap: the later version is a LOT more useful.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muffin_Ben says:

    I personnaly cant spend $100 from my account because my parents check my account for suspicious acivity… I am trying to get just $100 for my secet paypal and then do this!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John andrew says:

    Hello, I'm new to forex and bitcoin trade and I have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong

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