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Well, hey everyone Me: Kevin Here in this video, we've got to talk about what Jeff is concerned about for a dead Le recession, jobs L recession and an explosion in debt in the United States causing even the US government to potentially be well, having to print money in order to pay its debts off. Uh, this post here is inspired by Jeffes, which we broke down some of the aspects of what we're going to talk about here on as I always like to and uh, what? I want to start with is right here on eack I Want to start with this chart. So what this chart here is uh, is it shows us the lack of private sector hiring that we're starting to get in various different jobs reports including June September October and this chart doesn't even yet show December But December's private sector hiring the exception of leisure and Hospitality was also exceptionally low Leisure Hospitality did did have a rebound though in December once we show that number. Uh, However, the point is, a lot of the foundation of these job gains.

Uh, In fact, just the health care, social assistance, and government sector sectors are a lot larger than what we've previously seen. This is very common of a late cycle economy that could potentially be trending towards a recession, so people fear that once this segment is done acquiring jobs, there's really little left to prop up the economy. Uh, in terms of hiring and as we've talked about before, jobs are would keep the economy going I Think the most practical way to think about this is always look if you're in an expensive area like LA or San Diego or Manhattan Why is housing so expensive? Why is rent so expensive was because there's job availability. People are there who have the incomes to be able to afford those payments so that creates more demand.

Which when you have more demand in like an island, what is it a peninsula Manhattan that's got to be an island I Don't know. Whatever it is, Um, you have a limited supply of housing. Same is true in areas like California uh in other parts of the United States. But the point is once you start getting a self-fulfilling Vortex of unemployment going where companies start laying off and you have a lack of hiring.

That's all of a sudden when you very quickly get Negative year-over-year comps at not only revenues for companies but also Us output combination of services and goods produced and sold. Remember, the consumer makes up about 70 to 72% of the economy depending on the year we actually take that measurement. But look at another concern. So something that at the end of this post on Jeff that I didn't like seeing at all was look at this: US Federal Government annualized net interest payments as a percentage of government receipts.

Okay, so we have to understand this a little bit. This is government receipts are basically the tax revenues that the government takes in. Now there isn't a perfect proxy for this But what we can do is we could take uh, the St Louis Fed chart on federal government net interest payments as a percentage of GDP and we'll see a somewhat similar increase here in a moment. But there's something special about what this chart isn't showing us.
But first, let's consider the risks of this. The risks of this chart are that at some point the US government may just because we're spending so much money on not only things we've committed to like Social, Security and Medicare, but we have lower tax revenues. As people make less money, companies make less money, and eventually with higher interest rates, we keep refinancing lower interest rate treasury bills and notes into higher interest rate ones. The amount of money we're spending on interest goes up to the point where we have to print money just to be able to pay our interest.

Jeffrey says we are not far away from that point now. I Want to know what's the implication of that? What does that mean when our debt payments go so high? Well, there are a few initial things that we think of. Of course we think about the potential collapse of the US dollar and the collapse of uh, uh, trust in the American currency which then eventually turns into uh, this potential inflationary disaster where you turn into like a Venezuela right Where when people don't trust your currency anymore, what happens? People dump your currency and people don't want to accept your currency anymore, they start using maybe a currency like gold or maybe something that could be more functional than gold. Quite frankly, a cryptocurrency.

And so, maybe a lot of people speculate. That's why you have Folks at the Uh SEC potentially like Gary Gendler saying what do we need a digital cryptocurrency for We already have a digital dollar And perhaps that's also why you see people like Jamie Diamond over at JP Morgan suggesting hey, if I were the government, I would kill cryptocurrencies Interesting, There is quite literally an interest in preserving the US dollar and the existing system because it presently does enable us to print money to pay the interest on the debt that we printed to pay for the things that we can't afford to pay for. And the sort of system kind of keeps cycling. So the question is, until it becomes a problem.

Is it a problem? Well, what I wanted to do as a proxy for this is look at the Uh St Louis Fred Uh Federal Reserve This is their like Educational Department But anyway, I Like this chart, this I thought was very interesting. So this is the Federal government's current expenditures: Interest payments divided by GDP Now note this is the interest payments divided by GDP rather than government. Uh, uh um, how should I say revenues? Uh, However, they they tend to correlate because obviously as GDP goes up there, there, is more generally more tax revenue for the government unless they're substantially lowering taxes, right? So assuming taxes are equal, this should be a roughly equal proxy. But what I wanted to do is look at this chart compared to the Jeffre chart and you'll see something really interesting in the Jeffre chart.
They cut their chart off here in 1994. Uh, and so I thought Hm interesting, that was a previous. High Why did they cut off in 1994 to kind of show that we were about to Barrel past 1994? Well, I think the reason is when you actually extend the chart further back all the way back to 1947, their argument becomes less desirable because 1994 sits about here. We actually had two prior Peaks We had a peak over here in 8485 and 9091 during the uh, early 90s recession.

So we had these two peaks here. Now keep in mind their chart goes up a little higher to around here, and that's because they're annualizing uh, the latest data on the right here. They're basically taking the last six months and multiplying it by two for example. And that's going to exacerbate how high this line looks fine.

Those are two little adjustments that I actually think are kind of a big deal for understanding. mostly because now what I want to do is I want to see? Well, what did the stock market do during this environment over here between the 80s and '90s what happened? Well take a look at this. Here's 82 the end of sort of the Paul Vulker hikes and over here is the '90s recession and and if you draw a line between 92 and or sorry 82, let's say, and 92, you can basically see it's you know, volatile but kind of straight up almost dare I say like a Nike SW Oh, not that again, by the way. Side note: I'm really excited that I was able to actually like Spike my hair again.

that's kind of cool. A B Remember, you can see my research over at totally for free including my tank on coinbase I got to make a video on that one I haven't done that yet. but yeah, yeah, I did some numbers over there on coinbase so check that out. So okay.

so but bottom line on this: this debt crisis I Want to be exceptionally clear: The amount of spending our government does is unsustainable and there are ways you can solve it. The best case scenario way to solve it is the economy explodes with growth and we keep maintaining jobs. That's why, in my opinion, it is exceptionally critical that the Federal Reserve wake up to the fact that we're starting to weaken the jobs Market a lot and we've talked about this quite a bit as well. We talked about this yesterday on the channel.

It's very important that we heed the warnings, the early warnings of breaking the jobs Market because if we don't, we overtip now. I think the FED is aware of this and I think trome Powell's flip in December which is basically the opposite flip from December of two years before. That is indicative of him being aware of this because again, if we can keep jobs and potentially lower low rates to where we get real jobs growth again like private sector jobs growth again, then the economy can actually strengthen. When the economy strengthens, then all of a sudden, what happens? Well, our interest payments as a percentage of GDP go down.
we start refinancing at lower rates anyway, So that line goes down anyway, and the outstanding debt burden that we have becomes smaller anyway. So the best case scenario across all angles is that the Federal Reserve does everything in its power to encourage a prosperous economy. And they will do exactly that. Unless of course, inflation rears its ugly head, which we think is unlikely, But that's obviously the biggest bear argument.

That's the Achilles heal to everything because they would rather put us through a recession than have inflation. and they would rather not put us through a recession to save jobs if inflation is low. Hopefully that makes sense. So what does this mean? Bottom Line: Out of everything.

Well, bottom line out of everything. I Maintain that as long as inflation is gone, the Federal Reserve is going straight back to money printing, because ironically, going back to money Printing and actually increasing the amount of debts will help lower interest rates, strengthen the economy, lead to more jobs growth, and yes, the debt number will increase in size over time. but the basically unsustainability of government debts will just continue to be okay until it's not. And when it's not, you have to solve it through kind of what.

Like the European countries during the Eurozone debt crisis had experience in 2013. Remember: uh, austerity, fiscal austerity? Uh, they basically stopped collecting trash and Athens just as an extreme example: Uh, they cut service substantially Cut: J It's a it's a miserable time. That's a deflationary recessionary, miserable period of time. Austerity sucks.

The road sucks. Nobody fixes graffiti and ambulance police response times, plummet road conditions. Uh, tatter up. It actually becomes harder to operate businesses and a strong economy.

Uh, in in those times. So uh, again, your choices are spend less. It's not likely. okay, not likely because Democrats will spend more and Republicans won't undo that because undoing that amounts to a tax increase.

So ironically, the best thing that we have is the founding fathers making it hard to pass legislation in the first place. That's the best thing yet. So cutting spending? Unlikely, it needs to be done, but it's unlikely. Uh.

two economy grows. Uh or three. Uh, and then you have more revenues to kind of pay it down, right? So spend less, make more uh, or you just inflate it away. Okay, so this is the hardest one for folks to understand.

but it's the reason why we have a 2% inflation. Target If you make I don't know $50,000 a year and you have $11,000 of debt, you have debt To the tune of you know, 150th or 2% of your income, right? Let's say your income 10x to $500,000 a year. Well, that same $1,000 in debt that you have is now just a 20 bip. You know, 1if of 1% of your actual income.
So that's why if you have debt, one of the most glorious things to do is make more money. Of course that's easier said than done. but if you have a money printer, it's not that hard. It's crazy.

and I know what people hear this is like Kevin This is this is all crazy Ponzi Yes, but just know the rules of the game and play the game in the meantime. Now it's raining instead of snowing. All right I Actually kind of prefer the snow anyway. Thanks so much for watching.

We'll see you in the next one. Goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “A wall street firm is warning of an imminent collapse”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @christianpittman5716 says:

    Why you erase my comment?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @Sewingtrue100 says:

    Jobs went out the country, and technology is replacing the job market. That’s why there is no jobs growth. It’s going to get worse with the billionaires and multinationals that aim to control.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Happycat8385 says:

    Massachusetts raised 1.5 billion last year adding 4% increase on taxes to ppl making over 1MIL every year and it was just on the income over a million i believe and guess what those ppl are still A Ok and now theres money fir things like roads bridges etc that are falling apart across the country

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Happycat8385 says:

    Maybe we shouldnt give out tax credits on yacht and private jet purchases that was implemented into the tax code in 2017 amonst many other generous tax code charges benefiting some of the richest well off ppl in the country

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lidam says:

    Remember all of these YouTuber knows how people like us not much educated or don’t have much time research because we are busy taking care of our needs. On the other side these YouTuber makes money anyway no matter if they invest or not. What did you learn don’t waste time making someone else rich focus on yourself

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DZ-vp1uu says:

    Kevin mom now: god damn why I did not finish that interruption, I am ashamed of this abomination

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AstroSquid says:

    Interest rates need to stay up to reduce the cost of housing. That's where the tug o war between rich and poor is happening. Rich people want their cake and they want to eat it to, by having interest rates low, and watching their rental properies go up in value, as they pay people less, and use AI to replace jobs. Housing prices need to come down.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @davidwalz2283 says:

    It means the interest rate is going back to zero so the debt can be rolled again

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @positiveeconomicreformidea235 says:

    The government had better keep spending as there will be no growth without government investment for sure.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-el4yi9xk1k says:

    The FOMO is real with Staxum – get in before it takes off!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LucyBoyeditz-vq6fx says:

    Bullish on Staxum – this project has all the ingredients for success!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Muhammadafaq-qy5hv says:

    ICOs and presales are my go-to for those massive gains. Just stumbled upon Staxum – the potential moonshot here is getting me all excited!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mr.SmallsCO2016 says:

    Word on the crypto street is that Staxum might be the next gem to land on Coinbase. 🚀 Who else is keeping a close watch on this potential listing?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-hx3lt5nw5o says:

    My top picks for bull run are DOT, FIL, and SOL. And best ICO to invest is Staxum, huge potential.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JaySuryawanshi-sk5yx says:

    Every new partnership announcement gets me more excited about Staxum!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abhimotamari-ev9wf says:

    Great insight! Personally, I lean towards ICOs and presales for that sweet profit. Staxum's potential for a 50x after launch? I'm intrigued!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DommatiRaju-qv1nk says:

    Could Binance be the next home for Staxum? The buzz around a potential listing is getting louder.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-jq4js4sq5z says:

    Grab your popcorn, folks! There's a buzz that Staxum could be heading to ByBit soon.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Noumanali-vs4cu says:

    The FOMO is real with Staxum – get in before it takes off!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SadikhaliThekkebalathing-yr4dh says:

    Bullish on Staxum – this project has all the ingredients for success!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Shmok-de3vh says:

    ICOs and presales are my go-to for those massive gains. Just stumbled upon Staxum – the potential moonshot here is getting me all excited!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JoeyLim-sp9pp says:

    Word on the crypto street is that Staxum might be the next gem to land on Coinbase. 🚀 Who else is keeping a close watch on this potential listing?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @superxxxfrank says:

    Feds should not cut rates. Rate cuts should be made only when the economy is in serious trouble.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joycekoch5746 says:

    Bidenomics writ large.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Rambat says:

    Kevin for president 🇺🇸

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mukey says:

    Got a USDC ad from CIRCLE while watching the video.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @zerohecks4864 says:

    Fiscal responsibility and border protection would be a great start. Too bad the gov doesn’t care about either

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DAnielIvey1 says:

    So, increasing the minimum wage would fix the problem. You print money, get more jobs, and support the American dollar. 🎉

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @diablovortex says:

    Shur da fk up with your fear mongering u piece of shit!!!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @russtyruss_i-Invest says:

    December jobs creation report is throwing people off, it was hiring for Christmas! The stock market over-reacted, yet again, retail investors self-managing their accounts with their portfolios at their finger-tips reacting with emotions yet again…keep reading.
    Jerome and his team will have to wake up and put on their roller-blades to skate this one out very soon (and like every other governing entity I'm beginning to wonder why we accept to have such older people managing everything and not more younger, brighter, swifter like you Kevin…people managing and running teams like the FED….anyhow, rate cuts will likely come sooner than expected once we get through the first Q. May jobs creations are for summer jobs. I expect rate cuts to be delayed and not come in March as most people expected, and I said that multiple times in multiple comments here and/or elsewhere that my projected plotted path for the S&P will be slow up until May-June, a dip, and then possibly by or before end of August-mid-Sept a recuperation and back to the same slow but up trend for the year bringing us to where a few professionals have evaluated, but I could not be right on that…cuts could come sooner as mentioned above. June I believe will be when cuts will start, but it could be only in July, which is why I expect the market to rise very conservatively between now and May at which point we'll possibly be around 5000-5100 and then wariness will start and selling will ensue, we could get as low as 4700 and when cuts start we will resume the cautious rise and end the year at near 5400ish as per TomLee/EdYadeni/ProfJeremySeigel. There are so many aspects and details and data to observe and analyze and I like you for that Kevin, you look at a lot of things, not just a few things, you look at and analyze almost everything! You are a very smart young man (I'm 56 btw, retired poor now lol on great investment returns at 53).
    Nike swoosh…dude, I believe it will triple effect, meaning that you had your first one, but there are two more to come. I hope you are right about J.Pow, and I believe you are because I see the same, I believe although they were sleeping, and they means JP does not have 100% control on every move, they still managed to do a good job so far, but they need to become absolute eagles right now and watch everything daily and make moves as soon as possible and not sleep at the wheel this time, velocity of the economy and the stock market are far faster than they used to be even 5 years ago.

    Cheers and keep up the great work Kevin, you're an amazing young man, I appreciate you and love most of your videos.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shdmd2118 says:

    Bottom line

    Need Trump back 2024. Enough of this Ukraine loving , persecuting opponent bull shit Democrat communist government

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @3EBstudio says:

    Doubt that , the credit limit delinquency will shock, watch 120 day from Nov black friday to April within good friday. buy now pay later delinquencies perhaps be the trigger

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NarveyTheDuckToller says:

    Are u in canada kevin?

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